tv BOS Rules Committee 32217 SFGTV March 24, 2017 5:00am-7:01am PDT
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>> thank you. >> supervisors cony ford for the san francisco labor council we represent as you know 100,000 worker in the city half of them don't live here any more but we still represent them i'm here on their behalf to urge you to act decisively and quickly i don't have to tell you anything you don't know that these good people haven't told you in this economy in san francisco where we have the greatest economic disparity in the world, practically they remind us we're like ruwanda we have money here $9 million budget here we need to think out of the box, think big we don't need to tinker here and there we need this think out of the box and big. the school system owns 8th street and laton. that is huge why aren't we building on that? why aren't
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we demanding to build on that street. 135. van necessary why don't we build? these are not questions these are demands that all of you need to please it can't just fall on you the labor council and labor movement would work with you strongly and well and diligently to do this. it's time to really hear these people which you have done, now, act as if we have a crisis it's not time to go back and tinker around the edges we have to act firmly decisively and have to act now, thank you. >> thank you. >> hello my name is chris i'm 4th. and 5th. grade spanish teacher in tribun i live in a trailer park and one of the few transeducators in the school district i want to highlight one of the points people brought up
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this is equity issue whatever housing program is created must bring that equity lens to it when it allocates those services it's march my students have made a year-and-a-half of reading growth - i plan curriculum for social justice on creating lgbt o sanctuaries and 2pd's on the school site on top of that i'm paying off $10,060,000 po pay to get my credential. additionally, i'm still going to have to pay off all the loans i'm taking out in order to take the classes that i need in order to also get that credential. i brought up my gender sexuality in the
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beginning of this public comment as a way to also bring up that i'm gooing to do this work as long as i possibly can just as so many in this room are going to there is no way with can do it alone unless we tackle this housing issue there will be a huge gap between the students we're serving and educators we're serving them i talked to my director of support who has more than a decade of experience in the district to see if there are trans, folk educators she can think of she struggled to think of five names other than myself - homeless people have four times the rate of - trans, people have four times the rate of homelessness than any other population in the district when we fail the educatorers in the district we're failing the most vulnerable as well. thank you.
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>> thank you. >> hello my name is [inaudible] i'm a first generation native san franciscoian i'm daughter of two immigrants came here from mexico who came on a dream. you keep working hard you are going to have a life greater than we can dream of for you i took that and attended georgetown university with the purpose of serving students who look like me students of color born and raised in this city. i can say that today i'm over $200,000 in debt. i spent over half my salary on my studio apartment that has a discount because my landlord comes from a family of educators. i don't know that i can make a career from teaching when i spent the first six
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months of my teaching career homeless. i don't know that i can say i'm making my parents proud. i don't know their hard work is paid off if i can say i'm living paycheck to paycheck frankly i'm tired of going to my school on 16th. and church and following the google bus there. i'm tired of answering facebook messages alumni asking where can i live in san francisco with can i live there they got a job at google i can't afford to stay here n the place i love i'm tired of hearing from the city that i serve that i'm not important enough. thank you. >> so my name is desiree i'm a para at galileo high school. i wanted to speak on behalf of
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paras in particular. every year, i actually have three jobs like many do. my other two jobs happen to be exciting i work on clinical trial in the parent leadership team i make embarrassing four times as much an hour on that. every year, people ask me why don't you leave the para position and just do your tech position, the genetic ? and by the same token every year the principles ask me why don't you become a teacher? i want to say, there is nothing more beautiful than seeing a child learn because i have a science and math background i'm frequently in science and math classes. there is nothing more beautiful than seeing a child who thought they never learn
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math learn math or seeing a child new to this country is brilliant can't speak english get passed, that and that is work that paras in high school often do. a year ago, my landlady want today sell the house you know the story i have nowhere to live i have three jobs i'm fortunate i got temporary place i'm paying over half my income but the decision has been made for me right before i came here i got a phone call asking me again to please take full time work in genetic. they will pay six times more than i make as a para i will only work one job. i will always miss seeing children grow and learn please do something about the housing here. thank you. >> thank you. i want to make sure everyone knows, this is the last opportunity for public comment there only a few in line
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if anybody else wants to speak in public comment please join the line. thank you. >> hi board of supervisors. my name is jeffrey i'm a substitute teacher for the district living in oakland i worked as a substitute for the past two years i make 146 base a day subbing oakland starts 150 to 161. charter schools starts at 183. menlo park starts at 193 and 190 i cannot afford to keep crossing that bridge i spend 300 a month paying for the tolls and also bart coming over. and i'm affordability i like you to find apartment to find 1300 which is half people 's, mortgage for studio with the economics, economics said with the shortage
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of supply and high demand of teacher, there should be a competitive salary we are not getting that or come pettive or cost of living adjustment to live here in this city. it's ridiculous and your market and economics and policy and with the district is paying is in pennies san francisco needs to be a balanced city for low middle and high income earners not a safe haven for the rich beverly hills pay their teachers commiserate rate. san francisco should be able to do the same with their budget. police and firefighters have 1/3 what teachers have and credentials and make 30% more teachers have to get ba master's pass the cset
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the cbes and firefighter are starting 80 to 1,000 grand all they have to do with a six month academy this is ridiculous the deputy of innovation said this is a buyer's market at a teachers recruitment event. this is off, i don't know where he got his economics from. i'm getting my master's in public policy so i took -. >> your time is up we have to get moving i'm so sorry. >> [speaking off the mic]. >> if you would please wrap up your testimony. >> the board is holding the market - [speaking off the mic]. >> thank you so much. >> my name is eddy. i'm in 2009 i moved here from san diego i
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picked san francisco because i thought it was going to be one of the best cities i could possibly live in and i felt this place had a reputation of caring about everybody regardless of how powerful or not it was going to be worse giving the city a chance and shot. and in 2009 there wasn't a lot of opportunity to get into full time position because of the recession and all of the lay offs that had taken place. but knowing that when came here, i accepted a little room it was about 11 by 12 no kitchen and at the time i didn't know i was going to be a trendsetter, it's ridiculous it's kind of a joke.
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i don't know how anybody can still do this. at this time about a month ago i was sure i was done and i was going to move back i'm trying to give this place a second chance i work at alternative continuation school and i feel like what we're about and i want to make sure if i give this place a second chance that there is something here it's worth it and i'm hoping we can do anything. we need to know what is going to be done to have people be able to live here i know you know the stories you have heard these you understand we need to know what is going to happen thank you . >> thank you. >> hello. my name is gabry el will lopez i'm a spanish by
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lingual teacher - ai came with a master education along with the loan attached to that. the rest of the time goes to my work at site or at home. i'm not just a teacher as the rest of us are we are so much more. when my focus has been working with families both years i have taught home visit its listen to countless stories of families who have been here for years who don't feel comfortable, in the city they live in because of the change they have seen or families who recollects have been evicted or displaced although i have been teaching for a short time i'm well aware of the issues education faces and housing should not be one of
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them. >> thank you. >> thank you for listening. i will try not to repeat many of the things already said i will say have been in the district teaching 17 years i'm a special ed teacher i was a para i had to work three jobs to navigate through that i will fast forward and say i too work at a very underserved population i work in the bay view district where i have committed my years to service i live in san leandro and commute through a variety of different challenges i have been atacted on bart. i have to make sure i have to protect myself just to get to work and i get to work early and i leave late so i can actually accomplish the impossible job we're being asked to do. the thing i want to residence ig nate is when you
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take care of teacher, you do take care of students when you take care of the teachers you take care of society it trickles down and goes together what i also want to say is, if we really value education value our children if we want to interrupt the achievement gap if we want to interrupt all of these things we have been struggling since i was in school we must make sure we are positioning ourselves and creating ourselves in a position to do, that one of the prime ways is making sure teacher can live where they work. it is not necessarily a choice we don't get to choose i want to live here or there. it's a blessing if you actually have a roof over your head even if it's just a room. in a roommate situation. so i just want to - i hope this conversation translates into real action. i appreciate you all taking your time to listen
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and those sharing stories and being vulnerable about the situation i want to it rate me too as a teacher of color the skin i'm in we will not interrupt the gap coming year after year with most needy students i'm going to leave i'm not going to hold you but i want to make that point if we want to interrupt the crisis we're having we need to take care of teachers thank you. >> thank you. >> hello good evening my name is claire i'm a teacher at marshall high school. i come here because i have talked to several teachers that have cried in front of me because they have
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lived in little rooms above stores they have to go down the store to go to the bathroom they have to take showers in gym s. i know teachers slet in their cars if you saw these teachers you couldn't tell they live like that because they come to school with a smile to work with the kids, like nothing happened. they are just there, pure energy and pure hope they can make a better life for their kids because the students are our kids. so, you know, i'm a high schoolteacher i'm constant - i work only with minority children. only children of color. and one of my emphasis is go to college. become something professional do this, be a movie
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director be a writer. but you know, it's getting harder and harder for me to say, be a teacher. because when i meet my young colleagues and i know they cannot live with the salaries they receive and no place for them to live it is hard please do something about it. thank you. >> thank you. >> good evening it's now evening my name is ken tray the political director of united educators of san francisco i'm a high schoolteacher i started student teaching in galileo high school in 1985 got my first job at balboa high school in spring of 86 went onto mark twain continuation high school moved on onto lowell was part of community wise linking san
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francisco amazing work around the city. students and teachers turning the city into a social lab of education and i left the classroom in 2010 i'm going to retire this year. so, i have been in this school district for 31 years now, going on 32. going into teaching is the greatest thing i ever did. i had a great time in the classroom and i'm proud to help represent the folks i work alongside i will tell you what, when i started in 1985 even as a student teacher driving cab to support myself i'm a proud former cabdriver in san francisco. housing was not an issue. salaries have always been problematic you can find a studio one bedroom apartment if you had the audacity have a family you can actually raise them in san francisco. one of the first things i learned in
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balboa high school that senior faculty the group of hardworking folks who kept that school together who caught kids and parent and uncles that was a marvelous things that was a challenge in the 80s if people recall. so i have lots more to say you have heard tons. in a few minutes you are going to start hearing from the school district and the mayor's office of housing they will give you statistics and hopefully plans to get housing done. but there is an emergency and an urgency. the one thing i would ask after my - [speaking off the mic]. >> thank you, ken. >> [speaking off the mic] they have the same opportunity to take their [inaudible] in classrooms but it's up to the folks standing behind me to make
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that real. >> thank you. thank you. >> [applause]. >> (audience chanting). >> thank you school board commissioner sanchez being here. >> thank you for holding this hearing supervisors commissioner mark sanchez on the school board. joined by. hidra mcdessa and you will hear from superintendent lee in a minute. first of all it's beyond heart breaking what we're hearing i thought crisis it's beyond crisis when i was on the school board 2006 president of the school board i was raising this issue got no traction at all it was a crisis then if you go back to 98 the school district had a proposal to build on the park
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side of elementary school destroyed by the earthquake that was blocked by the neighbor they didn't want tiecher houghs in the neighborhood. i'm hoping that has changed over time we need to work with you as supervisors go hand in hand to make that a reality. because we cannot on our own do this we have to make it a reality. i'm for all of the other options in terms of mortgage rental assistance anything we can do to stabilize teacher and para professionals in our districts we have to build housing it can't be 100 or 200 unit it has to with 500 to a thousand units to start we have teacher and para professionals the vast majority are phasing fiscal
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instability. we have excess surplus under utilized property we need to identify and start working on it. i will add one more thing the reason i talk about soda a lot as the housing popgs for para professionals and others it's the largest properties in the center of the city. and we can build the housing there when soda goes downtown. thank you everybody. thank you. >> thank you commissioner sanchez. is there anyone else that wants to make public comment that has not already okay then public comment is closed. from the bottom of my heart want to thank you all so much. i'm a brand new servers i have been a legislative aid for a long time i have been in this building a long time i have seen a lot of hearings i don't know
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if i have been part of a hearing that is more moving and meaningful than this one. i want to thank you all for coming out tonight for telling your personal stories for fighting so hard day in and day out i'm the daughter and daughter of a teacher barely holdingen on wouldn't be able to make it raise their son i know you work three jobs and barely hanging on and you buy slys for your classroom and prints for your kids and give everything you have because you love your community and love your job i can not thank you enough we're going to fight day in and day out for you. we're with you we're here we're with you we're not going away we're not going
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to take light away with this issue we're going to fight you thank you for coming out tonight and telling your stories and for your work every single day. thank you. with that, we're going to call cambell from the budget analyst office to give the presentation. thank fur your presentation and thank you for staying the whole time. >> i have a power point i'm not sure i will be able to call it up on here. let's see. i'm cambell from the budget legislative analyst office. we were requested by supervisor. row ronene to look at staffing salaries vacancy in the school district i will give you a brief overview with the information we came up with. apologize for the
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technical - eric k you help? so basically the san francisco school district s the 7th largest in the state. 58,000 students and more than 3300 teacher one of the things we have discovered looking at this statewide is 75% are reporting teacher shortage even if they're lower income districts they're finding a problem with teacher shortage. if you are looking at teacher salaries talked about tonight are based on years of experience to level of education to 60 additional units from bachelor's degree. when we look at the bachelor's degree started
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with 50,000 a year. a teacher with more than 25 years of experience can go up to 86,000 a year. these are based on school year salary so there are teacher who do work extra income but this is still below the area median income one of the thing the school district did a survey of the teachers and found 58% found they had some difficult in meeting their rent or annual mortgage payment having trouble here. so with the paraprofessionals the classroom aid are on an hourly basis 20 to $25 an hour. most are part time. when we looked at this about 68%
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three quartersover the time pay scale rang 24 to 47,000 in terms of looking at vacancies the school district is a point in time. you will see here that if you are looking at the number of teacher vacancies at the school year you will see for many many years 2008 to 2015 it was stable. in 2016 i can barely read 38 vacancies at the beginning of the year. the school district according to their information nutrition rate has been stable at 10% the vacancies has to do with recruiting rather than retaining teachers this is a state-wide problem also. the learning policy institute said that
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enrollment in teacher programs teacher training program is all time low for the state not just san francisco. i think one other thing we wanted to point out if i can manage to get this to go is what chiar ronen is talking was talking about the gap in san francisco. teachers 70% reported their income is the majority income in the household. if you can see this, a studio apartment is 2700 a year or market rate 32,000 err year and affordability gap of six teen thousand a year and experienced 60,000 with 25 years of experience is going to have affordability gap of 6,000 a year that is a brief overview if
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you have any questions. >> colleen did you have questions for the budget and legislative analyst? no? okay. thank you so much. next i would like to call jeff buckley from the mayor's office. >> hi supervisors jeff buckley supervisor to mayor ed lee it's hard after hearing these testimonies to talk about all the things we're doing because no matter what we do, the need surpasses the effort. but i do want to at least talk with you with some of the efforts we have done briefly the mayor directed us a number of years ago to work with the school district to help the school district and bring our expertise to bear in the district to look at surplus properties as well as urnt utilized properties and being able to collaborate on those. so
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the result of that effort so far is young lee will also go forward with that that effort has served sf initiative oon [inaudible] hill. help address the urban ewe of affordability within the mission neighborhood. that effort has helped to deal with homeless housing issue. and through that effort, we realized we needed to confront educator housing crisis that was before us. the reality is there are a number of significant challenges to do that those are funding as well as welltory challenge that come with it. the mayor has asked us to bring our expertise to figure out. thorny issues and provide effort for them to be able to assist. what have we done besides that passed prop
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1a. for $80 million for moderate income using the other is repurposing the dap loans to be more usable within the current market and rereplenished teacher next door that had run out of funds we looked at the regulatory challenges the mayor was the sponsor of mark leno's teacher housing initiative to dress and bring to bear the issues of the housing challenges providing housing to educators has made it difficult for past efforts to get through these issues we brought resources. we brought our expertise to bear. as you have seen, the challenge is going to be to scale up these efforts but i wanted to let you know from the mayor's office perspective we're committed to
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work with the board to work with the board of education to work with the school district to address these issues . >> jeff in 2015, the mayor and board of supervisors announced a plan to preserve housing for 500 san francisco teacher by 2020 that is about 100 units a year. how have we faired in 2015 and 16 towards that goal. >> that 500 we were working to provide counseling it was a three pronged approach it looked at providing eviction counseling for ed ewe kaepgs and housing to keep people in place as best we can and make sure the legal resources are there. the effort of 500 went towards that effort and also went towards housing counseling for educators as well the third to that prong is
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buildlo buildlogy - building housing we modelled 500 we served 100 of the people served would be through the units created through that process. >> but actually, how many towards that 500 goal, how many teachers have we helped either purchase a home, with rental subsidiys avoid eviction? we haven't built units for teachers particularly i want a number towards that goal. >> part of the presentation we're going to put forward is to put those numbers before you. so you will see that i believe in the presentation to follow. >> okay. did you have any questions? no? okay. we might have more questions after hearing the presentation thank you. next i want to call up. yee
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and olson lee are you doing joint presentation from my understanding? thank you. >> thank you supervisors to your attention and interest in su parting paraprofessionals and give my thanks and i think all of us do that work for the school district as well as the city and county for all of the mostly i think with very few exceptions employees of the san francisco unified school district who provided testimony over the last couple of hours we have been working and are extremely motivated to make progress on providing housing assistance providing access to housing providing stability to housing for our employees we do face a crisis. it is one thing
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to know this and it's a different thing all together to hear the types of story of story in the kind of setting we just experienced together tonight thank you for being here we know you are extremely busy many of you are stressed and under great pressure in your day job and you have multiple jobs as you have attested to. so definitely thank you for being here and sharing your stories it makes adifference to all of us in terms of continuing to motivate us in this work. so my task for this presentation is really just to set a little bit of a framework and then ultra mali the director of the mayor a office and housing on community and development is going to present most of the ub
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assistantive information about the four prongs we have been working on together. i will come up at a certain point in the presentation (coughing) on a couple specific points. i do want to also say this is an issue we need the city and county's help on as well as potentially many other partners intellectuals if nothing else it is very heartening to see the broadening the extent of the interest. and the offering of support. and we look forward to continuing this conversation with the city and county as well including the supervisors. so - i don't know if there is a trick to getting the slides projected. >> power point please? >> thank you. >> i had a quick question in the
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process of hiring someone with expertise in housing development to be on staff with the school district? >> we are not in the process of hiring an employee, we do have resources to fund a project manager through profession contract really and that we can talk about that a little bit in the presentation (coughing) it's a broad team from the city and county jeff buckley from the mayor's office olson lee and those devoting time on this effort working closely with the vice president of the school board hidra mc donald as well.
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then we have four members of the district staff who are not experts in housing we are, as you mentioned, supervisor we have been learning a lot over the last few years i will say i personally have taken a pretty active interest and active role in this work in this project so it's not incidental amount of time that the district is devoting in terms of our staff but at the moment we don't have housing expert per se on the staff. >> maybe that will be part of the presentation what i'm trying to understand is the brick and mortar discussions on school district lands have been going on for upwards of 13 years i'm trying to find out and understand why we have been unable to realize the project and maybe that's a question for
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olson. i would love to have an answer to that question. >> i can comment on that real quick. this is sort of a general response to that. i think there are probably at least three different factors understood lying that history and commissioner sanchez alluded to some of this in myself comments so in that earlier part of the history where the school district had stated the school board itself stated an interest or an intention to really develop teacher housing i think that has been true and it's ebbed and flowed the intensity of that interest has ebbed and flows over the years but what is lacking is the understanding of how to do it. so there has been conceptual recognition that we have the opportunity with some
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of our real estate assets we have not had the knowledge or know how how to develop housing and another factor is we haven't had the financing it has not been clear how that would be funded. a brick and mortar development. olson is going to talk that in his part of the presentation. that i would say in the last couple of years has been a break through that the city and county through the property bond inclusionary housing funds they have committed to 10s of millions of dollars for such a development that's a new and important development that has not been part of the equation in host - most of that history you are referring to while it's true conceptual ly if we had the no how and the staff that previous school boards could considered
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dedicated more of our general fund resources to this. that really does then present a tradeoff how much of our very scarce resources california has been through that whole time under funded in terms of it's support for public education so in that context, should the district have been setting aside pretty significant amount of it's preliminary revenue to housing uses versus employee compensation or other priorities and frankly, there has ambivalence about that. the county and city to fund the bulk of the contribution that is necessary to make a project a reality that is fairly recent. >> okay. is there any other
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question? no? okay. we might have more questions after olson lee's presentation. >> thank you supervisor just to get through the substance of it i will go quickly through the slides this is the road map for the next several minutes of presentation. we have a little bit of ol s paraprofessional an teacher salary that mrs. cambell just presented we are twent between mr. lee and myself going to provide a summary of multipronged strategies these four prongs and close with next steps around the brick and mortar development concept. so,
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the working group we have been at this for a couple of years. happy to say, this is new in that longer history, this (coughing) first time we have had the working group composed from the united educators of san francisco the school district as well as the mayor's office. (sneezing) the union teachers union united educators of san francisco. and the district have had various phases of the partnership having the city and county at the table has been a break through for all of us want to thank the staff members of the mayor's office as well as vice president mendoza mcdonalds for uesf we have had five solid members come to almost every meeting president anita balconik
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vice president political director ken tray and communications director mathew hardy so it's a robust participation from colleagues at uesf i will not name all of the individual members from the district. we have also had expertise from the acio housing trust as well as teacher and they are experts they are helpful in our work as well. the goals of the working group. broadly stated are to surrounding this need for housing opportunities, we have been trying to identify ways to support paraprofessionals conceptually, new paraprofessionals and veteran paraprofessionals and for
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teachers also recruitment of new teachers as well as retention and housing support for veteran teachers in terms of the number of employees aka members, these are relatively current counts we have 3300 teachers. we have about less than 1600 paraprofessionals almost 5,000 total employees between teachers and paraprofessionals. a little bit of information about the sally beginning with the teachers we have been making progress i'm happy to say over the last few years we have made meaningful progress. we have incredibleably long way to go. especially in terms of providing housing affordability on the
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ba base, salaries we have increased the last three years of teachers 15% and most paraprofessionals 18% we have a long way to go, but these are some of the example salaries for teachers so a new teacher first year teacher with bachelor's degree make $53,672 currently if a teacher comes to the district with 30 units of continuing education they will make less that 57,000. during the course of a teacher's career they will attain additional units of continuing education or ba plus 60 you can see the range for first year teacher less than 59,000. for ten year teacher less than
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75,000 and the top of the salary scale for the base school year is about 93 right now. >> excuse me, could you give me the hourly wage for teacher we have the hourly wage for paraprofessionals not for teachers. >> i see. i'm going to ask a colleague to do that math. >> i see there is someone from human resources wouldn't he know the hourly wage of teachers? >> daniel you have been given an assignment. so basically, the teachers represented on this scale work again, this is the official work schedule it's not necessarily representation of a typical teacher how much time a typical teacher spends in a day it's a seven hour day and
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184-day calendar not able to do that math in my head that is basically the number of hours in a year then you just divide each of these numbers by that number of hours. >> you know me. okay. thanks. >> okay. so we can get that represented i'm sure during the course of this presentation. another way of looking at this is to consider household income. so, this next chart this next table and i apologize it's hard to read this from the audience here basically there was a survey done a year ago where we had pretty good response half of the teacher responded to the survey that asked a number of different questions one is about household income. this considers
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whether educator teacher is they're the only earner wage erp earner (coughing) or dual or additional wage earners in the household. this chart shows the largest group of responses for household income which is 1/3 of our teachers who responded to this survey their household income is 50 to 75,000 the next largest group is between 75 and 99,000 so that is 1/3 to a 5th. we won't go through this but we thought this was treing and valuable information. for paraprofessionals it's a different picture these are represented hourly rates so they
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typically range from $19.90 per hour to about $31 an hour. and also should say most of our paraprofessionals earn who work in special education earn between 20 and $25 an hour. it's important to know these are less than full time positions. so, for one thing, the number of days or the number of weeks that a paraprofessional works is bates - based on a school year calendar each instructional day a typical. paraprofessional varies a lot based on the individual a typical schedule would be between 4 and 6 hours a
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day there is a typo in the last bullet point where it says special education, paraprofessional working that should say, "6 hours a day" or 1200 hours annually will infrared between 24,030,000. the next panel slide shows results of a similar survey about household income for paraprofessionals. and you can see that a little less than 40% about 38% of the paraprofessionals who responded to this survey earn under 35,000 years for household income. and then about a quarter report through the survey household income of 35,049,000. again i
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won't go through all of those numbers. i wultd like to pass the presentation to lee. and talk about eviction protection and rental assistance. >> thank you . >> i'm lee director of the mayor's office of housing and graduate of lowell high school a long time ago. before i start, young talked ability the task force we developed put together. i have not been working on this the past 13 years and one of the things that is different in this
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effort than other efforts we're not asking the school district to do it by themselves the mayor asked his staff to provide additional expertise to the school district on this particular issue as some have mentioned and the mayor directed funds within some of the bond proceeds specifically for teacher housing and obviously approved budgeted targeted towards teachers overall this effort is different because it's broader. in addition to our expertise which is in affordable house the fact that housing investment trust is bringing expertise to the discussion is helping in terms of crafting solutions to this issue. the
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other part of it not only are we bringing, again, the question of expertise, it's also the question of the funds that the mayor's office has committed towards this and together between the funds we're providing plus the land, i think we will be able to achieve a bricks ard mortar development i think the policy question will be how many more bricks and mortar developments do we do? and where does that resource come from? and that will be a big issue for the future. so this chart does not do justice to the statements people have made today about the question of the affordability gap and the fact that many of your teachers and peers k not afford housing
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in the city or inadequately housed in the city as it relates to the quality of their housing this clearly shows that even at 100% of median income, which, for a family of o-four is $100,000 there is an affordability gap across the board. many of your parents don't come any where close to that amount. when it comes to ownership it's even worse. and in terms of the median home value this just, again restates the obvious based upon what you have heard today about how difficult it is for all folks of limited income of even modest or even working class income to buy the median price house in the city these are the affordability gaps at the various income
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levels obviously at the 100% median income again. it's the largest amount and goes to 150% of median income what does that's a? we will talk a little bit about the doubt program and tnd and used it together clearly at a million dollar million 1 there will be affordability gap. even with the generous we're providing for the down payment on loan assistance program. we always get this confusion about who are we talking about when we talk about particular median incomes. and again it's to try to put the salaries the classifications the size of households into our typical affordable housing lingo so we nor we that relative to the median income. i will try to
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move quicker. one of the goals in terms of the discussion with the task force is looking at the broad range of people we can san francisco from renters all the way to homeowner ship and this gives us a sense of the affordability levels from range that the projects of the mayor's officer of housing serves. prf coughing) at the top are typical affordable house individuals from 30 to 60% of median income. the inclusionary units and the hashth rate unis serves 55% of median income. our bmr inclusionary serves up to 90
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which may change anytime future our down payment assistance loan program serves up to 175 median income and the teacher next door goes to to 200 % median income. again, this shows the eligibility by new teacher and paraprofessionals and various combinations whether there is some coverage with our programs to try to assist various individuals. i will just move quickly. there is the coverage across the board. mi young is going to talk about the multiprong strategy and i will come back to talk a little bit about the bricks and mortar.
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>> as we mentioned, we got four different types of strategies we're working on in this working group. so, one falls under the heading of homeowner ship assistance that predom nanltly the dap program and the teacher assistance program tnd those two programs can work together. next, we have housing counseling and to leave to supervise chiar ronen's earlier question so far from the 2015 announcement that the mayor made about trying to reach 500 educators households
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over the next five years, that has been the largest numbers i should say the largest numbers of educator households that have been reached of these different prongs have been reached through the housing counseling. >> and reached meaning . >> also going to talk about this later. they have for the largest numbers but they have participated in cuss tumbized housing counseling in the clinic and follow up. >> sorry. sorry if i missed this. how many teachers have received assistance and obtained housing through the dalp and teacher next door combined? >> this is part of our presentation. >> might as well address it now.
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>> the number is approximately 16. maria is going to correct me. >> good evening maria benjamin i work with the dalp program. we have helped around 12 households since july with home owner ship. most of the households used a combination of either the down payment assistance loan program to purchase a market rate home or purchase of below market rate home with the teacher next door program that is just since july. >> but since 2015 when this announcement was made . >> the announcement might have been made in 2015 the money was not there until 2016. >> since the announcement is
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made we helped 12 teachers -. >> no. that's where the number 16 comes in since 2015, we have helped 16. since the announcement the bond was passed we reupped. the teacher next door program that was july that was 12. >> okay. thank you. with housing counseling i'm a number's persons i think we need to achieve goals, through numbers. in my district over a decade we are on tract i'm counting my two years as a legged so i have a personal goal of achieving 500 units a year in district nine. i'm constantly holding myself accountable to that goal. that
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is the only way that i see we're going to be constantly individual lently accountable to a goal that will move the needle even if it doesn't solve the problem i would love to get tonight an idea of you have this goal of five years of 500 units a year. where are we in terms of achieving that goal. what do we need to do to achieve it. so with the counseling what i'm interested in how many teachers and paraprofessionals were at risk of legal assistance because of counseling you saved their housing. >> we have in total both counting the housing counseling and eviction council selling have assisted 146 different educator the number of evictions
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are low. we are looking through that. we want to understand from the city side are the services are we getting to the population within the educator world in the time we need to get to it. the overwhelming bulk of the number i mentioned are for housing counseling assistance. >> what does that mean assistance. >> homeowner ship counseling that means also just general assistance we have maria if there is anything else you want to add. >> the home buyer housing con selling assistance can mean anything from i got eviction notice to what do do you to my rent got increased what resources are out there for me i got lsact notice is this legal? that type of assistance as well as access to learning about the
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below market rate program and the other programs the city offers. and how to apply where to go one of the public speakers talked about being the poster child for continuing education. that maneuvering those systems. >> i understand. so are we tracking the outcome. >> absolutely. >> of the 146 teachers and paraprofession nals we provided assistance too. how many have stabilize in san francisco. >> i will have to get you those numbers i will tell you that that education helps we consider all of them f they finish all of them a success story i know this is not what you are looking for. >> i'm a renter i have taken the ohm ownership class and i stint done own a home. that does not
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equate to buy a home i get out bid every time i buy a home. >> i can get those numbers for you. >> i would love those numbers . >> i also wanted to say we have a commitment in this city to house 500 teacher is that what the commitment was? >> yeah. the goal is to be able to stabilize 500 educator households. >> okay. so what are you doing with this 146 people actually i have a housing rights committee in my district is exactly what they do from we heard tonight is eviction after eviction. so just knowing about your rights and eviction actually i have to say i personally as a school board member have written so many letter because teachers have asked me to help with their evictions and i have written the
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letters. the mayor hasn't written the letters i have written the letters for them. not to raise the rent 200 %. not to evict them. i personally have written multiple letters and then i'm hearing testimony we heard the hours of how many people are evicted or facing eviction now i don't think it's a real thing. i'm sorry sorry. what i say did you want jeopardize in the neighborhood to stabilize 500 people doesn't mean when they're getting evicted the housing rights tells them. i hate to push so hard, just think reach 500 educator households the housing rights committee in my districts have
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helped hundreds of people i can say that i have the second most evictions in my neighborhoods and many teacher live in my neighborhood and they're being evicted through elisac and other means our hands are tied on a lot of these issues, to give them this advice is advice you can go to the housing rights committee and get this advice i don't think it's stabilizes them i don't think this is viable or real something that is real is like these stipends what you are doing with the school district together about this multiprong approach we heard it i think it can work i'm disappointed when i look at this and i see out of these obligation bonds the
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sources of funding that adult programs 4 million annually from the trust fund 4 million? 4 million is nothing. up 3 million last year you krnt buy a home in san francisco for $3 million with a family. this is not - 14 million in general bond obligation what about this housing trust fund. i always look to the housing trust fund can really help them. this is why we're not going to be able to stable 500 educators within three years we're not going to be able to. when i look at this. i know it. i think to set this goal of 500 is admirable i think when we set it was a real goal. jeff i want to say we're not going to make that goal. to not
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know how many you have stayed in their households when you can't give that number right now that is a number we should be tracking every day we meet with a client this is what we should be tracking and hold ourselves accountable to this goal. so when i'm looking at this maybe it's because it's late and i had to cancel three meetings that was supposed to be tonight and i'm listening to this i just don't we're going to get there. i think we need to be honest about it. i need to be honest. this is not going to get us to our goal of stabilizing 500 educators in housing, this is not the way we're going to do it. when we're at this meeting here let's think of solution here that gets us to the goal. and holding accountable to this goal too. >> so, if we can move on. with
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rental assistance. how many educators and paraprofessional have we helped stay in their homes. >> the rental assistance is - the rental assistance element is actually the least developed. so, we have the most policy discussions have to be held predominantly between the district sfus.d and us ucsf we have begun the structure of rental assistance would be. when
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i say rental assistance we're talking about non-place based rental subsidies for some number of employees it could be 100, 150 something on that scale we actually have to flesh out a lot of these ideas and reach some agreements between the district and the union issue like what is the a of the rental subsidies who is allocate what are the priorities be many many if not all of the district employees now be happy to have or have need for rental assistance. >> we have no helped teachers stabilize housing assistance. >> that is correct. >> i know it's late we're tired all of us but what i'm getting from this presentation is in two years we have helped 16 teacher
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and paraprofessionals is that right? that is the numbers i have been given. we are not addressing we are not even beginning to scratch the surface to address the scale of the problem we do not have the urgency not just on the school it's on us as much as the school district eare equally to blame. we have helped 16 teacher and paraprofessionals in two years when we made a pledge two years ago o to be on track to stabilizing 500 which is not a large enough goal to begin with but at least let's meet that goal. it's mind boggling. let's move on. i want to understand. it sounds like the rental assistance is very complicated and expensive. i get that it's great we're counseling that is important, but it's unclear how
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many people that help and with the price of housing, we all know how difficult it is to attain even with wonderful programs. a home to own especially because everyone gets out bid by all cash offers using these programs is complicated when they work they work we get that but don't work often enough to address the scale. where are we on the brick and mortar. >> i will ask olson to lead off on that. >> i want to say, i w was on the school board for eight years i worked on this too the school district has a mission to educate they are not developers, they are not landlords, they are build housing i think it's unfair to put it on the school district i was in mark sanchez's seat he knows how hard it is. we
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are not in the business of building housing it is not our job at the school district it is to educate children. and when we are in this housing crisis, the city created this. it's not the school district. if you go to any nonprofit they have the same problem. they are not in the business you also you go out to my neighbor in the richmond district neighborhood center after school programs it's not just teachers it's school secretaries it is the people who clean our office it is the people who cross our children across the street. these jobs we have lost our way as a city. this has never been a city for only rich people until now. i think this idea of build build build i will tell educators n this room do not believe the
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hype. 85 or 80% being built is not for you. you cannot afford it. the 20% or 15% or sometimes it's 25% that may be for you. but the 80% to build at market rate is not for you. i want to put it. i don't blame the school district they're trying to keep it together around a state that under funded education shamelessness they're not in the business building housing the city is in the business of building housing it is what we do as a city. we have lost our way when i look at this i just think - i have been in many meeting as hidra knows building
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and grounds we have tried on this. i think with market leno legislation it does open a door for us i also want to say educators, teacher housing is blocked because of neighbors in single family home when i want to build teacher housing in my neighborhood among single family homes that is not used to density i want you to come out too i want you to line up and testify too if you think it's that important you should be at the planning commission and you need to be in my neighborhood when i want to build teaching housing for teacher and educators and my neighborhood said no not in my backyard you have to come out too it's not enough to come out here and say this is my story and i'm suffering and there is no housing for me and where is my teacher housing we have to all be responsible for this. it is not just on me it is not just
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on the people here, not the city it is on everyone's back. when people sell us out you have to call them on it too. i am done with it. i feel like we let people who are in pockets of developers, if you want housing, then preserve the housing. push back on air bnb on tech companies that want to build offices but not housing the colleges that are here push back on all of them. this is not a single problem. mayor's office of housing can only build so much housing it's all about last use here i'm saying push back on those things that are really proven to effect our housing
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tax. air bnb the influx of text they're shipping their economy actually back these businesses are making money they're not building housing and having their businesses in the pen nen sue la no one is billing housing. so push back on it. i am frustrating i know you guys i'm new to the board just fyi sf u.s. d knows this about me i think we have lost our way - you must stand with all of them they're in the same boat as you their jobs are important too,
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just want to say we have lost our way here. let's just try to find a way back. >> i'm wondering if we can skip to slide 25 talk about mark leno's legislation and talk about brick and mortar . >> thak thank you supervisor. before director lee takes on this next section i do want to underscore the point that councilmember fewer have made this is a bigger issue than this working group can really seek to address. we're not in a position to provide stable housing to all the educators who need and seek it within the auspices within this working group. we're trying to make a meaningful. dent.
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>> i do take issue for what is the fucking group for and what is it wasting time. >> (multiable speakers). >> the gol is not to create 700 units of housing let's stick to what the goal is 500 units and try to achieve that then moving on if this working housing group is not the vehicle i will create the legislation we need. you need to till us that today if you are telling you this vehicle is not going to achieve the goal we set it out for itself let's know this here and now and go with something different. >> we're trying to make a difference to 500. households . >> that's what this is about let's achieve our goal. i'm just trying to achieve. that goal. >> so are we supervisor thank
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you. >> can you go to page 13 slide 25 and tell us where we are on the brick and mortar project. >> to talk about that, could i go back two slides. >> sure. >> some in the audience aren't familiar with the mayor's office of housing and the work we done we have 20,000 units of affordable housing. much of it is income eligible. to parents. the problem one of the problems we're trying to solve. with the leno. bill sitz not restricted to educator nor is there a program to serve on the rental basis the teachers at that higher income level. it's not that we don't know how to build affordable housing it's not that we haven't, we are taking on the
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challenge now to try to figure out ho to best leverage our funds to create this et ewe indicator housing. i want to look at two examples one is the la model. part of the workforce process is trying to figure out what other communities have done in the area of educator housing what can we learn from them in terms of trying to do it here in the city. this is the la unified school district leased to a nonprofit developer and financed with low income tax credits even though this is advertised as teacher housing no teachers were housed. part of the reason was
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there was a small geographic preference but not a requirement this be restricted to only educators not only grant give la credit for trying the teachers income were too high relative to the credits therefore, the teachers were over income. the teacher and the issue we were concerned about is how do you restrict it not just the first generation of renters that is the reference but subsequent renters that would be educators, that is the lesson learned there. santa clara unified school district did employer housing semioperate from the low income tax credit doesn't have public finance issue on there because they're using public
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funds they use all local funds to do the development the school district own that development the people living there are school district employees they live there only because they're employees this is a very different model. one of the issues related to that model is it's difficult to serve the parents between the gap and the cost and what the parents can afford in terms of rent is great. so paras as far as tax credit program with subsidy there is rules related to access because it's a public source that teches us to the leno bill. what we tried to do (coughing) what we tried to do with the
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leno bill is basically to provide a legal way of creating permanently educator housing legislature and a lot of people in this room voiced their support for this, created the opportunity on land owned by the school district to create educator housing. that provided the level of protection from future claims about whether this housing being built on school district land had to be available to the broad general public. because this is a big issue in terms of pair housing we're working our way through that fair housing process even though we spent a lot of time and effort getting leno bill through. many of the other two
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examples did not have the leno bill what we're looking for is trying to bend. we know we can do the employee housing model. we're trying to see if we can leverage additional funds through low income tax credit, so we can do more of the same amount of dollars which is the goal for everybody. that is the difficult we're working through now. do we know how to issue an rfp and to do a soft loan for development on school district property? sure we want to make sure we do it because of the cost subsidizing it to be available for subsequent educators in general. andish use to be resolved. (coughing) between uefc and the school
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district what is the target? you and i heard the range of housing needs among paras and teachers. it is a very, very broad range of needs. so one of the most difficult questions is who among all, how do we decide who gets these units? so those are hard issue we have not resolved we're working hard with the city attorney's office with the school district council and outside council to resolve the question whether we can access low income tax credits and do it consistent with fair housing and tax code f that opens up. that will give us a sense of structure financing for the future. one of the other slides
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that we have here is the milestone. again, accountability our goal is to issue joint rfp for a site to be named by the end of the year. we have to deal with these technical issues that are sort of nerdy but very important if we're going to attract a developer, if we're going to attract financing and very important if we're going to be able to preserve this house in perm tuty for educators . >> thank you. i appreciate it. >> and do some closing . >> i have some questions i know your throat is bothering you. but i was with you up until by the end of the year i was like,
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no. so, i want more exact information. you stepped over the next steps slide. so working group reached agreement on proposed tear structure for income restriction check which is a big issue. we're now researching detailed questions regarding hud and fair - [reading]: and the goal is to build initial development that can serve as a template for additional projects. these are the next steps you are actively engaged in now is the working group is the vehicle or the place where these questions will be resolved? >> there are a couple of venues obviously, the uesf and the school district talk about who they would like to serve and the question for us as the technical
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technicians is what does that mean in trms of affordabilities rentals and can be paid in terms of first debt assisted through tax income credits and what rents we need to make the development sustainable for the long term. that's what i would defer to the mi young where that discussion happens. that's a very, very important discussion about we have a broad understanding we're going to serve teachers up to 120% and par ras up to 60% of the two tis up to today. that may or may not chang. beyond that, we don't have a sense of some of the
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issues about are they early teachers mid career teachers all of those sorts of things . >> so typically when rfp from development is issues from the date the first individual or pamly moves in what is that typical time period? >> from the time rfp gets issued to the time they move four years. >> four years. so we're having record number. >> every marathon starts -. >> i understand. i want to appreciate the urgency here. we have record number of teachers vacancies we have record number of classrooms with no permanent teachers not only on the first day but half way or eight months into the school year. we have other parts of the strategies that are not serving numbers that make a dent then we have a time line in rfp isn't issued
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until december even though we have been having st discussion by 2004. being generous it's taken three years before we issue the rfp i understand. we need the leno. bill. this is not easy that is not lost on me i'm feel an urgency as a city and school district i would like to see mirrored. i don't know what else to say. >> supervisor it's always aurgency . >> i know that. >> from missions 2020. >> i can't build it fast enough. i can't build enough of it. we want to build affordable housing. in terms of this because we're doing something
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new and something different we we need the time to do it right so we can make sure we replicate it. once we figured this model out we can replicate it. then the big policy question is, where does the money come from? i need the time to make sure that i'm going to accomplish four the school district for the city and for the board what we intend it to did. >> sure. i understand that and you aring hard on this and i know it's incredibly complicated with you beneed interim strategy that is going to deal with the crisis between now and five years and then we need start building at a pace that matches the urgency. i'm committed to
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being involved not just bringing up questions and issues but participating on a solution we will continue to have this conversation i will ask if we can continue this hearing to the end of this to the call of the chair and have regular updates so we shine light on progress. and make sure this is progressing as it should. perhaps this will be a vehicle for other types of strategies as well. >> from the chair i haven't had an opportunity to say anything i think it's been a fruitful discussion the last point is really the meat of the conversation today. what has been the impediment to getting a lot of this accomplished although you have only been involved in the conversation the last two years can you speak a little bit more can you speak more and there were a lot of questions asked and there's a lot of meat in this can you
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drill down more what you mean about where is the financing going to come from and what that means because when i look at this slide one of the most telling slides in the presentation today is that 70% of the teacher make between 50 to $125,000 a year. that is 70% of the teachers surveyed yet the only ones that would be served by current rental program outside of the brick and mortar is a first year teacher by themselves. i want you to drill down on that we're having this discussion in other parts of the board tell us what you mean in terms of where the financing will come from. >> i'm going to make a conjecture about the prior efforts and the fact and people are looking at building housing
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the whole notion of financing housing is based upon what first mortgage you can support and how much this is going to cost to build and can you support the first mortgage to build that housing. i think in most cases, as as superintendent speak to it directly , there say gap and given that gap, the question for the school district was, what are the resources we have to actually fill that gap? do we take it from class maintenance? do we take it from playground equipment do we take it from salaries? that is the gap we have to fill. that is the difference between then and now. we do have a source from the affordable housing bond to try to fill that gap. >> in that affordable housing
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binned how much of that is available. to the income levels are you talking about. >> there's a couple of things i think you asked about how we finance affordable housing. most of our affordable housing is at 60% median and below. in part because that's where the subsidy is available. so the state if they're doing housings they will say 55 or 60 the feds will do 50 or 55 maybe 60 we as a stit always try to do lower than that that was the area of greatest need there was never any sort of funding to subsidize people at 61% as the case might be. that's why the whole affordable housing industry always focused on that developed expertise haven't done
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housing between 61% and 120. so this is a new era for us because we have never subsidized in that area it's taking a while to do it but we have never done it before at that affordable housing level. >> are there tools in your tool kit that can finance housing to date? >> the simplest tool is we do soft loans so in some respects for our tax credit developments, the sale of the whole income housing equity brings 200,000 or so from investors i don't have to subsidize. so say the unit
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costs 400,000 a year. i got 200,000 from my low income housing tax credit actually the developer gets it puts it into the transaction and i put in another 200,000 for a total of 400,000 and i have a fully financed project where the upper income where i don't have tax credit i have higher income they may be able to support bigger loan, first mortgage that cover 50,000 of the 400,000 i'm bringing to the table 350,000 to make that project financially feasible. that is the challenge. >> for the higher income it's a lot more expensive and you don't necessarily have the pool of money to draw from. >> that is correct. there are
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there no subsidy that is the challenge the fair housing questions to making sure we're maintaining long term restrictions to educators is going to bay challenge. those are thee challenge. those are the challenge. those are ta challenge. those are the two thing to build this educator housing. we know how to do it. there are steps and impediments to ensure we're getting what we intend to build from the get go. >> for the purposes of this con ver education on the bricks and mortar side we're talking about rental you wouldn't sell the unit of the school district or public property talking about in that context rental housing . >> we're talking primarily rental if we're successful to
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use it for the paras housing obviously is rental housing and we have a down payment assistance program i think that we will have to go back and get the exact facts how many dalp loans we did over that period and how many were educators there were a number that were successful in taking advantage of our existing housing programs without the designation of educator only. again, we have even as a city, we have a limited number of opportunities for middle income people primarily the bmr's inclusionary bmr's and the dalp that is it. the educators are taking advantage of it, but again, with the rise in the housing prices
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they are - it is difficult. over the life of the dalp program we have had 62 educators take advantage of down payment assistance program that is not in the last two years over the life of the program we have to build this program over the life of the program. we have served educators in the past. is it enough? obviously not. again, we are struggling to serve. not just indicators the entire city we're trying to do our best this is the first time we're trying to do strictly educator housing . >> this is the last question then i will hand it over to my colleagues reading from your chart i don't know what slide it is the bmr inclusionary program
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is helpful at the current income levels is helpful for the paras and first year teachers the thing that is really helpful for teacher in your tool kit is the homeowner ship program the dalp, and teacher next door the inclusionary is not serving teachers within the range i just said which is 70% of their income level between 50 to 120. >> one of the reason s we have increased the dalp income levels up to 175% the mayor in terms of looking at the program he said two teachers, two kids and what would that be? that is over 120. we increase that level higher because we were cutting out two teachers and two kids. most are inclusionary units were at the
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90 or 100%. those levels were too high for inclusionary homeowner ship were too high for those two teachers and two kids so the dalp would be the only thing that would serve the two teachers and two kids. >> and then , this is my last question. i looked at the example you gave us in santa clara where they use certificates of participation in conventional loans is that something you are looking at as a possibility? >> it is a possibility. the raises the question, again who recollects is going to pay for the gap? is it the school district through it's bond issue? the school district has issues cop's in the past. are we expecting the mayor's office in the housing of the city to pay for it from the housing trust
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fund and bond proceed are we doing affordable housing bond in the future they will create a different source for educators as we try to replicate build on the success of this first bricks and mortar project. that is the million million million dollar question where will the source for the gap funding come? should we decide this concept is successful and we can replicate it ongoing forward basis. >> thank you. >> so i wanted to say olson that i know you have to build housing that is just for teacher but there are seniors there are disabled people. many segments (coughing) we need that kind of housing because - (coughing) we have created a situation where they're out priced in san francisco. so i just want to say
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that, we have worked together on upcoming project that i hope will answer questions i did meet with these people the developers that developed the housing for san jose i met with them. olson working on 1950 mission together. we wanted that to be tiecher housing it was the same issue we spoke about how do we fund the moderate way we talked about the teachers retirement fund would they be investors could they bridge it now? i know they're a fiduciary they have to guarantee so much of a profit i'm wondering, what are some of the other outside maybe not physical districts we did have certificates of participation and garcia was reluctant to do
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it before. - we have (coughing) and we felt so relieved okay it's done we have paid that off. so i don't know really if the school district is the entity to do cops because we don't know what is coming down with public schools also in the future which could be hor end out we might be providing our own free lunches we just don't know there is something in the meantime fs u.s. d maybe this is to mi young i mean uesf, there is something we can do togethers maybe this is to mi young i mean uesf, there is something we can do togetherf maybe this is to mi young i mean uesf, there is something we can do togetheru maybe this is to mi young i mean uesf, there is something we can
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do togeths maybe this is to mi young i mean uesf, there is something we can do togetherd maybe this is to mi young i mean uesf, there is something we can do together - i have to stop saying we in the school district. i got e-mailed that said i i am a landlord and want to rent to a teacher i directed them to u.s. f there was no mechanism fshgs to connect them. i'm a landlord myself. i rent to someone who was a teacher who is not a teacher any more. was a teacher and i think teachers actually make great tenants they're employed responsible finger printed and they can vouch for after they ten you're
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- they're hard to ged rit of. give a hotline if you are a landlord help out with the public school this is what you can doo you can put a teacher in a classroom. we have uasf as partners getting people who need housing maybe it's people recently evicted and we set up sort this thing through hr or whoever this is something we can do immediately it's something we can connect landlords with teachers because they make first as a landlord i'm looking for a good tenant i want a ten ant that is going pay me and take care of the property that is responsible and i have a tennant for 17 years this is a campaign you can easily launch with a minimum amount of money people
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who have rentals even in particular rent controlled apartments because teachers wages don't go up as the rent. i wanted to make that suggestion. i think it could work immediately i want to say olson that i think - i know we're building for populations in san francisco. but i think this population needs a little special attention because it is the foundation. public education is the foundation of democracy we pride ourselves again i use ourselves san francisco unified we're in a world class city we want world class education system. they're doing their part. we lead the nation in education and innovation. but i don't think this is not a nut we
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can't crack. i also would pit it on every supervisor to look at available. building sites in their own neighborhood and think of ways we can free up some of the housing for teachers. any way i apologize if i yelled at anyone one quite frankly it won't be the last time i had to apologize to many people in san francisco unified and many are sitting in this room right now. if i offend anyone i apologize i feel like this is an issue we have been struggling sfusd has been struggling with for a long time it's frustrating when we see the direction and the housing in my own neighborhood people evicted out of their apartments now there are full time hotels it breaks my heart.
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it's beyond frustrating. >> thank you. mi young did you want to make a closing remark briefly are you good? >> thank you supervise. i think good. i don't have a lot of add i appreciate the robust conversation that took place tonight especially members of uasf that stuck around thank you. >> i wanted to end by thank everyone that stuck it out to the end this was amotionally and intellectually hard meeting mr. mendoza that was here a second ago listened to the whole hearing and mark sanchez. special that i thinks for the
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erica being a super star clerk figuring out logistical headache tonight this woman was behind the scenes taking care of everything. thank you. thank you to my colleagues. i want to close by saying i want to repeat i know we're all exhausted it's worth repeating the testimony that highlighted the urgency. we heard that young people who want to be teachers see no future in the profession. we see a speaker late for a second job but stayed here to testify and another teacher who has three jobs, to make ends meat we see a teacher that wants to stay after school that beg her to do so but can't because she has to sit in a two hour commute on the way home we have one teacher that commutes five hours a day another
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12-and-a-half hours a day. we heard about homeless teacher people moving further away that can't retire we heard teacher looking for another job that broke their heart even though they love their profession. we heard teachers that use entire paycheck or 75% to pay towards rent living with three people. without separate bedrooms we heard from young kid eviction is a regular part of her experience of rour life and friend and parent's friends we heard of a family of six living in a one bedroom and family of three live w a baby living in a studio know who knows what they're going to do when the kid starts to walk. we heard of a teacher just on
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here floor of the school only three out of ten teachers were returning this school year. we heard young teachers struggling to clear their credentials and student loans still make housing payments and still have 164 vacant positions we don't expect to fill this next school year if this is not a crisis i don't know what say crisis is. i deeply appreciate the work of mo and the school district and uasf and the participates of the school board of this group. i know you feel this crisis and urgency like i do. i know you are working hard there is no quick simple solution to this crisis we have to solve it because we have no choice. not solving it is not an answer. i'm looking forward to continuing
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this conversation and this work with you very closely to figure out how we're going to get this done as quickly as possible. thank you everyone staying for so long. with that, colleagues if we can continue this item to the call of the chair and thank you and good night and thank you cosponsor safai for cosponsoring this. >> thank you. >> madame clerk are there any further items on this agenda? >> no. >> thank you. this meeting is adjourned. (meeting adjourned at light for
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streets illuminating our ideas and values starting in 2016 the san francisco public utilities commission is xhoefl that light with new led with the did i audits for better light for streets and pedestrian and they're even better for this vitally lasting longer and consuming up to 50 percent less energy upgrading takes thirty minutes remove the old street light and repeat 18 thousand 5 hundred times while our street lights will be improving the clean energy will remain the same every san francisco street light is powder by 100 percent godfathers hetch hetchy power in one simple word serious
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