tv BOS Budget Committee 41317 SFGTV April 18, 2017 1:20pm-2:01pm PDT
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lastly, when you do a better job of telling our story a little bit, our history, our culture, and there some new awesome technology out and about. our technology is okay. it's not as good as i think it should be given that we are san francisco and this is going to enable us to deliver an app with a lot of interpretive services and also make people more aware of our programs. which we want to invest in. stewardship. we have a number of investments in the strategy. we want to expand our green acres program which is currently at [inaudible] for those of you that don't know, these are high school teenagers . it's a nine-month program of environment all education and youth development these kids get a stipend.. they get funding for attendance and for doing certain things and they become environmental education
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it's volunteers and it's a great program we want to grow. supervisor sheehy, you in particular often though with our efforts and our leave no trace effort at dolores but we want to expand that effort a little bit, and a lot of what we want to do is do more outreach in equity zones and vulnerable communities to get him into our programs, to get them communities to volunteer, to form additional friends groups, supervisor cohen you been involved with that. we want to do more of that. then lastly workforce development. we are adding i think you--three partnership gardeners. this is been an amazing program. i was at a-we had a ceremony last week called captains ceremony. where people gardeners became captains which is sort of like an assistant supervisor level. three of those captain started out as public service trainees. so our path when park made inside started as a public service
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[inaudible] which might be somebody who comes through downtown streets were hunters point family or any of our violence prevention programs that we are doing. some of those folks then going to be apprentices the premises become gardeners. the gardeners become captains. the captains become supervisors and we had three become captains who are pretty proud of our workforce to bauman efforts. i was just with director kelly and the mayor and the folks from local 261 with the city of phoenix is copycatting our garner pressure program they are now the second city in the country to do it. they're also doing one in the park side with a waste sanitation services which they do more in house goes a proud moment for workforce development for san francisco. we do a lot of outreach. internal and external outreach and that's all i've got for you. >> supervisor kim >> thank you. i have a number
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of questions that manager ginsburg, thank you so much for the presentation and i also appreciate hearing hearing about the work you are doing in our district. it just demonstrates our communities commitment to the equity in outside metrics john avalos at the time and supporting proposition b which i know had questions about it sorry difficult to do a set-aside even when we believe in the value for the department like open space and park. because we know that ties our hands around making budgetary decisions annually equity metrics i've a couple questions on that. before i get to that could you talk about the pse program? i'm curious how long did it take those individuals to get to the captain level and how many individuals are generally in the pse program? congratulations, by the way. that's great to hear. >> thank you. we work with human services pfts come to us through a variety of different ways. but i think what we are talking about is
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pre-apprentice. most of those employees come to us through the human services agency. frankly, given--we could use your help in thinking on this-wwe would like more.. there are real recruitment issues right now. trying to get people into these roles. but we have somewhere between 100-200 and a variety of different ways. currently >> currently? bs. not all in the park maintenance space. their deployed in recreation. we have some and custodial. there in a variety of different park operations units. we actually have some-i've somebody in our partnership [inaudible] that start out as a psp. there's a variety of opportunities there. it took these folks who are now captains, i would say, probably
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-i don't know this for certain-i think probably three years. 3-4 years. so that would be let's call it a year as a pst the apprenticeship program is between a year and two years depending upon our hiring cycles. then there probably a rank-and-file gardener for a year or two and identified as potential leader. >> what is the-i don't know how you measure success of the program them up but i guess the percentage of the pst workers that end up getting permanent jobs with the city. >> i think that's more of a question for director from the human services agency or the mayor's office of economic and workforce development. it's a good question. i mean, i think we've been very very open to receiving psp, pre-apprentice means there's a lot of life skill work that needs to go into these are folks that may or may not be ready for full-time work for a variety of
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reasons. it's been a good program for us. at the very least, even if they don't go on to city jobs, they've had a full year's worth of experience in our department and that builds a resume and helps maybe whether the city build in the private sector, or a variety of different pathways and we only have a narrow slice of this equation, but we've been very happy with it. >> okay. thank you so much. also, very happy with the work we are doing at civic center. it's even nice to see the temporary playground get utilized in. today when i walked by a very excited about the helen diller i guess part three playground for the city. the court resurfacing and thanks for bringing it up the tennis clubs the debate club's commitment to running resurfacing it be great if we could get a list of the courts that are being planned on being resurfaced just to see how it's been distributed throughout the city. >> sure. >> my next question or
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request was more about activation of our fields. i know i'm going to speak for very district oriented perspective as i'm sure the other supervisors in may. i'm glad to see more activation of the [inaudible] park and i want to thank you for your hardship in our office of propping is activating this new park. does never club site on house but obviously, kitty corner has a rec center. it would be great to work with your office to figure out how we can utilize that baseball field even more so it can be more utilize on the weekends and evenings i'm not sure how to do that but just more planned activities that we have in the park. [inaudible / off mic] siri found it. it would be great to be able to work with your office on that and i did not realize there was such a decrease in gross participation in baseball really appreciate rpd's connecting to that point. >> to that end, we are
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overwhelmed with youth sports in our field capacity doesn't-can't keep up with demand. i think i would probably need to go back into a deeper dive to understand how dmd in particular is being used. i know for example, there is a sf youth baseball team out of you pay, i believe. you and i have spoken about that >> and jean friend >> that is right that we do kind of when we can to minimize transportation barriers assign fields closest to where the neighborhood is coming from. this is a blend that'll be really welcome the chance to work with you. we don't have staff to program every neighborhood where streak when it's not going to happen to what we try to do is use community partners and use organized sports to keep our particularly athletic spaces, programs. you been a great supporter. of organized sports
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that sense around the batting cages can be what it should be which is a ballfield. does not mean offers dog park means a ballfield. those things don't mix so well. we welcome other opportunities. i think there's also conversation to be had as you and i have also discussed about maintaining open time and access for our community and neighborhood to access space versus having permitted or program. there is a balance. both are right approaches. >> no. i want to be sensitive because we all read about what happened in the mission and soccer fields. so it's hard for me to say, well this isn't a program. it be great to see more on that field. it's a good-i'm glad you brought up that point because it is true. we want to make sure there's that balance between community's that don't often access a rental system and that do.
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>> rental permit. it's just a -what it is, a reservation but it's for a particularly structured activity versus unstructured activities. those are different things. there spaces we do event spaces that we do rent,, but a baseball game my need to reserve the space because those teams that show up need to be able to count on the field. so-- >> that's a permitting process?'s bs. that's the balance. i'm excited to hear, we were together and figure out strategies to activate [inaudible] more. the amazing part. i think it's more important in the neighborhood. that combined with some of the plan improvements to add capacity jean friend create an amazing recreation and open space help right in the heart of some >> i just want to commend your partnership with public works on the pitstops. it's been hugely successful. very sad to see marcus i think this was his
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last week. the neighbors already in love with him and our park is getting more utilized. by families and children because he is there on site. i know this is a tough discussion point but i do think it's important to have disposal boxes at parks but not to encourage people to use, just so there's a safe disposal site, and i hate getting reports that kids are seeing it in the playground. of course, what the activity and behavior to end but i just think having a safe disposal box will help at least that hurt some of those needles into an appropriate location. >> it's a vexing issue in a vexing policy discussion. you should know we're not just sort of deftly ignoring the idea. we've had conversations with public health about it. for us, it's a simple metric. does it result in examples ivan i hate
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focusing on this because this is a small piece of the reality in our park system-but does it result in having this employee safety issue as well. so does it result in fewer needles in our parks on the grounds whether playground or grass or whatever. that is one bit of analysis. that i think needs to be a little more thoroughly tested and vetted maybe with a pilot or two or something, but --the other side of that coin is does it result in more unhealthy activity happening in the park. those are the >> right. does it attract the behavior because the disposal boxes there?'s bs >> we have piloted safe needle disposal box in any of our parks? >> no. not in an authorized way. there's been unauthorized pilots. >> okay. so we don't have a way of understanding whether-he
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was weeping in some conversation with public health about figuring out an appropriate way to test that. >> that would be great. i'm sure public health and public works has data because all our pitstops with the exception of this one to have the needle disposal box. >> [inaudible]'s bs they're different. i want to distinguish that and i'm curious whether in their data they demonstrates that there's increased activity because of the boxes being on the corners,, or if it does actually help >> if it creates a cleaner safer and more in joyous park then that is good. if it does not then that's bad and not conducive with the mission >> by the wway i'm agree with you i'm of the opinion that it may reduce the number of needles we see in the park but you are right, i don't have the data to prove that and so it would be like a department of public health or works to actually understand what the facts are. so it would be great
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to get to some type of conclusion and if the data shows that it attracts the behavior increases the number of needles outside of the box i'll support your position but if we were to get that information.. thank you. >> thank you. supervisor sheehy, i believe you are next. >> thank you. thanks for that great presentation. i have a few questions. one is, we are seen where a lot of trash gets generated. dolores park around [inaudible] and really, the summer weekend events, which i'm sure you are aware we both probably get blown up over that. the recent weekend the first weekend of the summer. so i've a couple of questions around that. how will your budget include sufficient funds to handle this? then the other question is about coordination with ecology, may be dpw
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because for composting and recycling and getting the trash out but also from the surrounding neighborhoods because there's a lot of those kinds of spills out and the neighbors feel very confident this is can be an ongoing issue for the rest of the summer into the fall. >> so we've often said that the worst part gets love to death and we invest $2539 and created an amazing design that people love it even more. this probably consumes a higher amount of staff than energy and frankly, resources by myself than any other almost any other single challenge, which is how do we inspire better behavior at the laurus. from a resource perspective, i don't have precise specifics. i do know our parks are not budgeted apart by park. there budgeted in park service areas. which overlap-they're not precisely based on supervisors old
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district lines. our parks are where they are so there's a little bit of a blend but dolores is getting very disproportionate share of the park services area, resources, we have added dollars for extra porter parties and things during the summer. are ecology built there is higher there than almost anyplace else and frankly, we bring more staff both on the part main inside to dolores and that we have a community campaign called love dolores, were we have interns, some are paid some are unpaid, out there as you know you been out there every weekend with an umbrella spreading the love dolores.. we are trying everything we can. at the end of the day, we need people to behave better out there. packing in and packing out. to the grade, we are diverting are you a remarkable amount of compostable and recyclable
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waste because we have-we work with ecology on the eco-pop-up which is there during the weekends not just the summer but the spring spring through the fall the shoulder [inaudible] every time you can bring your compostable's and there's a place to put them right there on dolores street there's a place to put your recycling, and so we are seeing less trash into landfill, which is good, but a lot of people just are not doing it and they're leaving it. a lot of people ask but when i trash cans in the middle of the party becomes getting that amount of waste in and out is actually very-is pretty challenging and there is data to show that trash cans invite more trash and more dumping and more litter. we are asking people to actually have the trash cans in the eco-pop-up all around the perimeter regardless on a busy weekend day it's another six-$7000 worth of overtime in additional staff costs in cleaning up. we do talk to re-ecology quite a bit and
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re-ecology has increased its garbage barrel with us pretty significantly during the summer you will see their bear three having four times a day enter emptying trash bins and doing a variety things to manage the problem we will not solve the central people stop treating the park like one gigantic garbage basket. they have to pick up their own trash. this is not a complicated problem in there something that is unique about that park and maybe some of the parting happens but i can't quite figure it out it's not everybody, but too many people come to the park and just leave it. my staff worked so hard out there the weekends are brutal for them the truth of the matter is, the next morning it's always clean. but it's a hard one. >> have we thought about finding people?
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>> it's an interesting issue. public works has bar mental resource officers. are park rangers do have citations. i need to go back and look, whether we've issued citations for littering. we do a lot of education and a lot of warning i'm not sure how often we are actually finding people and maybe that is something after a warning that we might want to consider doing. >> yes. i mean those are my voters. but >> actually, they're not. the dolores park they may not be. dolores park is a destination your people coming from all over the bay area to hang out in dolores park. big chunkof dolores park are your neighbors and voters, but people can come from all over to be in dolores park. >> but i do wonder if there is no consequences, sometimes we need something. >> at the last couple of years we've been trying to put on pressure and a little bit of community shaming.. we will see how that continues to go.
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>> might want to consider fines. >> thank you >> plus, i would give you some cost recovery. about equipment purchasing, i learn your department is some purchasing is delayed because of the thresholds have not been raised . like gardeners have shared devices like aerators [inaudible] have increased in price. so in the past, you would buy these immediately and now the process is a more lot more complex. so i know were working with legislation on this topic so thank you for sharing your thoughts. >> thank you for having an interest in this rather wonky one. it's really important to our gardeners perform a little miracle every day. the things that really kind of try them nuts are the inability to
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actually procure the tools and supplies they need to do the job. some of these tools and slice got more expensive and i am not a purchasing expert, but i believe there is a $5000 thresholdthat has become really cumbersome for maintenance staff to operate on a i don't know the expense of other city departments, but it makes our procurement after 5000, there's a different process for procurement and it causes delays and a lot of aggravation for gardeners. >> thank you. lastly, we have the eir bill on natural areas and there's two things have an interest in. one, i did want to inquire about additional staffing for natural areas. because now we have all the space i think maintenance is going to be more complex. then the other was to look at
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environmental management use of pesticides. i just was hoping we could prepare to discuss these items during the june 1 budget meeting. >> absolutely. >> thank you a much supervisor sheehy. dir. ginsburg, i appreciate the update. i particularly like the strategic plan and also the community report. my complements to your team that put this together. very helpful. i look forward to putting it in our resource table in the office to collect him if there's no other questions, i think we will go to public comments. thank you very much. any members of the public that would like to comment on item number one, please, come up seeing none, public comment is closed >> [gavel] >> thank you. i would love to entertain a motion on this item. >> would you like a motion to call the chair or file
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>> motion to file >> is there a second? >> second. >> moved and seconded. without objection, please, note the house has changed.. without objection. thank you. >> [gavel] >> thank you director ginsburg item 2 >> item number two a resolution adopting the 10 year capital expenditure plan fiscal year 2018-2027 pursuant to administrator kate of code section 3.23 >> as our speaker comes to the microphone, i want to be that we received an in-depth overview on the capital plan two weeks ago at this committee. we have not requested another formal presentation from the city administrator however, brian strachan is available for any questions. if there are none, seeing none, i think were okay mr. shawn. appreciate you. unless you have any burning
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remarks you have to get off your chest? >> no. thank you for the opportunity but i'm here for-- if there's any to follow-up. >> appreciate that. making yourself available for questions. any member of the public that would like to speak on this item, please, come up seeing none, public comment is closed >> [gavel] >> colleagues, motion on this item? >> i will make a motion to file this >> we need to adopt this intent of the full board with a positive recommendation. >> i see. i will make a motion to with this out-of-court committee with a positive recommendation >> all right. we will take that without objection. supervisor tang made the second >> [gavel] >> thank you. please, call item 3 >> item three resolution adopting cities five-year information and community action technology plan for fiscal year 2018-22022.
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>> thank you. similar to the capital plan, we would received an in-depth overview on the plan this committee. so we have not requested a formal presentation from the city administrator's office we do have mr. jamie here of able to answer any questions. all right. seeing none, go to mother public comments. seeing none, public comment is closed >> [gavel] >> thank you very much. motion for this item? >> i'll make a motion to send forth a resolution to the full board with positive recommendation in >> thank you. second? >> second. >> we can take that without objection. i'm sorry i want to note the house has changed. supervisor kim is not with us. without objection, thank you. >> [gavel] >> mr. clark, next item >> item number three adopting the cities five-year financial
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plan for fiscal year 2017-2022. speak great we've got the mayors budget director to join us and to make the herself available if there's questions on this particular item. i don't see any questions. so let's go ahead and go to public comments for anybody in the public like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed >> [gavel] >> thank you. motion and second on this item? >> so moved. >> second. >> we can take that without objection. thank you. >> [gavel] >> any other business before this body?>> no further business before the committee. >> thank you judgment. this meeting is adjourned. >> [gavel] >> [adjournment]
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>> neighborhoods in san francisco are as diverse and fascinating as the people who inhabit them and today we're in the western addition in district 5, where we'll hang with supervisor london breed and experience firsthand the renaissance underway at the buchanan mall. buchanan mall was connecting city blocks from grove to turk street and once besieged by violence, today it's revitaling community spirit with an urban garden. this is where anyone who grew up in the neighborhood and spend out any time outside we spent time at buchanan mall and we hang with one another and made it work.
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we had fun together. the good news is that it seems like the activation is bringing the community back to the area. this garden, i think, can do a lot for bringing the community together. my hope is that with these cooking demos, that will bring folks out and they will start talking to one another when they probably normally wouldn't do that. crystal jem started cook as soon as she could start and the coordinator for community grows an organization that teaches cooking and nutrition, sanctifying growing spaces and nourishing communities. >> it was to have a sea of calm for pause and congregating. i see more people out. if they are out here playing, it's still safer. it's a beautiful spaces and
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people are less inclined to mess them up. it allows them to want to instill some sort of ownership over this good thing. before we did this buchanan mall project i had walked through here -- hadn't walked through in ten years because of the dynamics of the neighborhood. >> for residents who kov founded green street a local business that offers re-cycling for the properties, activation took opportunity for the environment and community at-large. >> it's the but thy of the whole mission north and from the prison yards together and now we stand here today pushing good energy for those people around us. i learn businesses through this and now i can share business with my community.
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