tv Government Access Programming SFGTV November 14, 2017 7:00pm-8:01pm PST
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the fiction, so i just hope that all you decide something very important that sometimes divide a community, so you have to look at the fact. it's been spread by the newspaper company, but they were admitted it's been fake in 2014. so it's been three years since then, but still going on here in san francisco, japanese people very disappointed by the decision that you're making right now. >> sir, sir, don't speak on that. >> i just hope you make a decision based on the fact. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> thank you for the opportunity, and i have general concerns about the city that i would like to express, and the
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first thing is that the city of san francisco should not intervene with the matter dealing with foreign polictics and we should be foreign and free from the power of propaganda. i love this beautiful city of san francisco, and what we are seeing today may not be the future of san francisco, so i ask you, board of supervisors, please do not make decisions here -- >> please do not address the issue that is before the board and the decision that has already been made. >> i'm not making this -- >> so please continue. >> i'm not making an issue about the comfort women. i'm asking you that please make decisions that is not for your vote or your money or your fame or your powers. this is what i would like to say. thank you very much. >> thank you for your comments.
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next speaker, please. >> good evening, everybody. thank you for this opportunity. i'd like to talk about yoshida. in 1983, japanese prime minister minister yoshida -- [ inaudible ] -- before that, there had been no such story. later, it became clear that the yoshida story had been all lie. yoshida himself, he publicly did a story for money.
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in 2014 -- [ inaudible ] -- that the article was fabricated, and he apologized. the claim story is not factual and based in the history, and it is completely fabricated. it makes no sense for the city council to take up on this publicated story as made up in the title, mardi gras crime. i believe san francisco must not make a substantial mistake, just base it on the facts. thank you very much. >> madam president, supervisor peskin has his name on the roster. >> did you want to wait until after the public comment? >>supervisor peskin: yes. >> next speaker, please. >> good evening supervisors. i'm a formal dancer, and i've played already three musicals,
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and while i've been -- i won once in international dance competition held in china, in beijing, and i was also one of the finalists in high school musical, and the reason why i'm saying all that is because i'm here to talk about public art in san francisco. as you can see, i'm not from here, and i arrived in march here in san francisco, and i just love this city, feels like home already. i like the people here, i like, you know, going out and just feels awesome. and, well, my grandma, she passed away yesterday, and she's portuguese, and here in san francisco because it's such a multicultural city, you can see, like, museums and public places that they honor, like, all sort of immigrants, and all -- just, like my father has german, and my mother family is portuguese. i don't know why not -- just an
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idea -- to have some more institutions or even monuments or even cultural centers that talk about, like, europeans -- like, you know, german, portuguese people in here to promote, like, the future -- i've study that san francisco is called the city of love, so why not to promote something that talks about love and you know, brings future, and we can, like, you know, have a future instead of sometimes just think about the past, and you know, people talking about hatred and falling apart, society, and well i was here, seems like 2:00, and we've discussed a lot of things such as you know, cannabis and also the lgbt community, and i think everyone here has the same mind orientation, which is future, and you know, working together -- >> thank you for your comments. thank you. next speaker, please. are there any other members of
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the public who would like to address the board during general public comment, please come to the podium. >> tom gilberti. seems like the 30 second warning bell is not working. parking space, inspirational offices. remember the grade schoolteacher, remember a high school teacher, the inspirational ones. what are, what were, what are their values to a people? muni, 700,000-plus rides perday, 24-hour cycle, a highly efficient except for the wheelchair elevator, vanness is a disaster. the elevator, kricivic center, powell, disaster, let's hope they can work, but for the most
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part, pollution reducing, climate control, great organization. then tell me why we can't have teachers living at 1 oak? why we can't have police officers living at 1 oak? the sheriff's in this room living at 1 oak? the grade schoolteachers affecting our children, high school teachers affecting our children, weaving our society. we take it for granted, and we're losing it. reality of the real estate industry doesn't have to be defined by the financiers of the real estate industry who put their money in politicians pockets. mayor lee's got a million plus. a healthy community should be
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always our goal. 1 oaks, vanness, civic center, 12 lines of muni transit. anywhere in the city, we need to see reality and work with it. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. madam president. >> are there any other members of the public who'd like to provide public comment at this time? seeing none, public comment is now closed. supervisor peskin? >>supervisor peskin: thank you, madam president. this has been a really weird, unfortunate bunch of days in san francisco, whether it's the racial intolerance that we're seeing in and around the cannabis issue, but i rise to speak to the issue in and around the comfort woman issue. when i ran for office the first time in 2000. >> sir, if you want to speak to that particular issue, we're going to have to -- >>supervisor peskin: i'm
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speaking under item 41, not under item 14. i'm actually speaking under item 41, which is my roll call. >> oh, but i think since the item is on the agenda, and correct me if i am wrong, we just have to reverse the vote and -- >>supervisor peskin: madam president, i need not speak specifically to item 14. i can speak about item 41 in general. >> okay. >>supervisor peskin: and i can speak about it thusly, which is at a moment in time where there are women who are coming out in droves about roy moore, who's running for senate in alabama, when there are women coming out, talking about harvey weinstein, this is actually a moment where i can standup as a supervisor who never ran for congress, doesn't do geopolitics and say, hello, everybody, there were war crimes that we can actually
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reckon with, and i know yawn givner givner's -- yawn givner's getting a little uncomfortable because i'm confusing it with item 14. i just have to standup and say, in san francisco, where so many japanese were interned pursuant to order 9066, i cannot associate myself with the comments of individuals who do not want to recognize war crimes and crimes against humanity and crimes against women and that's exactly what happened, and i just wanted to say it for the record. it's not why i ran for the board of supervisors, but i thought somebody needed to say it. >> thank you, supervisor peskin. madam clerk please read the items to adoption without rerchs to committee. >> clerk: items 43 through 49
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are being considered for adoption without reference to committee. these items can be considered by a single roll call vote, otherwise severed and considered separatelily. >> supervisor fewer. >> sorry. i'd like to sever item number 49, please. >> before we move forward, i'd like to entertain a motion to excuse supervisor farrell, moved by supervisor ronen, seconded by supervisor tang. can we take that without objection? without objection, supervisor farrell is excused, and on the items 44 through 49 through adoption without reference to committee, madam clerk, please call the roll.
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>> clerk: [ roll call. ] >> clerk: there are nine ayes. >> there are nine ayes, the item passes unanimously. please read the next item. supervisor fewer. >> thank you very much. as a member of the reentry council, i am happy to have brought this resolution forward on their behalf in the council, chaired by the mayor's office, public defender's office, chief of the probation officer, district attorney's office and the sheriff's office voted unanimously to support this resolution. currently only a handful of reentry serves are provided in san francisco for private for profit companies, but i strongly believe as i'm sure all of you do that as a city and county, we want to minimize reentry services provided by for profit private
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companies. this resolution urges city departments to prioritize nonprofit organizations where the city does contract out -- does contract out reentry services, and i hope i have your support today. there are currently two private companies funded by the city and county of san francisco, and that's lca, leader in community alternatives, and that's funded through the sheriff's department, and america works that's funded through oed and adult protection, and i think you should know the reentry council has representatives from the sheriff's department and also protection department but from department of health youth and their families, the police department, department of child support services, department of public health, department of homelessness and support of housing, human services agency, juvenile protection, offices of economic and workforce development, the san francisco police department and other public officials include representatives from the california department of corrections and rehabilitation parole operations division and
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u.s. probation office, and they all voted unanimously on this resolution. i hope i have your support today. >> thank you, and supervisor fewer, can you specifically talk a little bit more about the -- the funded organizations and specifically maybe what they do, and what is the challenge with the competitive process and why are for-profit agencies able to obtain these contracts over nonprofits? >>supervisor fewer: so the -- many of the ones that are operating in san francisco and also throughout the state of california are state contracts, so we have no control over them. today, we heard some representatives from geo, and geois the geo group, which is a private prison business, and actually it's the second largest most profitable prison business in the united states, but they extent also internationally. we feel
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personally that it is at odds with what we are trying to accomplish with reentry services, which is that we hope people don't do -- do reenter into civilian life and not reenter the prison system. in order for geo group to be profitable, they need to have a steady stream of prisoners, therefore, we feel it's in opposition. this resolution just urges the city and county of san francisco to actually prioritize nonprofit organizations for reentry services. >>president breed: but more specifically, does the city -- does the city contract that currently exists for the purposes of reentry, do we contract with any for profit agencies at this time? >>supervisor fewer: yes we do. >>president breed: that do not include state funding, and specifically, i think that's what i'm trying to understand. what do they do?
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>>supervisor fewer: sure. so we fund leaders in community alternatives, and that is funded through the sheriff's department, and then we fund america works, and that is funded through oed and adult probation, and sheriff's department and adult probation also voted in support of this resolution. >>president breed: is there a reason why these programs receive funding over some of the others that might have competed for the same opportunities? >>supervisor fewer: you know, i can't answer that question. i believe there are people in the audience -- karen shane from adult probation that could answer that question for you. >>president breed: thank you. >>supervisor fewer: thank you, chair. >> i'm karen shane from san francisco adult probation, the reentry council. one of the things that the reentry council did determine that they want to do is take a good look at what the reentry services are, make sure we have the best reentry services, have an evaluative
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services going forward, so it's a lot bigger issue that we originally thought, but it's on the agenda for the reentry council. as to your question, president breed, sometimes there are not nonprofits that are able to do the contracting. for example, lca provides electronic monitoring through the sheriff's department. i don't know this, but i don't -- i don't believe that anyone had applied to do that through the -- that was a nonprofit, and so that's one of the reasons why we tried to make this resolution a resolution rather than a requirement, that you know, if that -- and that certainly if there -- if someone is going to make an argument that their services were stronger, better, less, you know, whatever, that would certainly have an impact on the provision of services. the idea of this is mostly -- it's really to place san francisco on the side of really
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working for reentry. >> on behalf of supervisor's yee and kim, for the late miss janet hee. on behalf of supervisor peskin for the late mr. nathan roth, mr. gino perrini, and on behalf of supervisor fewer and yee on behalf of the late dr. roland yo, on behalf of the entire board of supervisors at the suggestion of supervisor fewer, peskin, kim, and yee, for the late mr. herbert
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patrick lee. >>president breed: colleagues, this brings us to the end of our agenda. madam clerk, is there any further business before us today. >> clerk: that concludes our business for today. >>president breed: we are adjourned, >> the office of controllers whistle blower program is how city employees and recipient
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sound the alarm an fraud address wait in city government charitable complaints results in investigation that improves the efficiency of city government that. >> you can below the what if anything, by assess though the club program website arrest call 4147 or 311 and stating you wishing to file and complaint point controller's office the charitable program also accepts complaints by e-mail or 0 folk you can file a complaint or provide contact information seen by whistle blower investigates some examples of issues to be recorded to the whistle blower program face of misuse of city government money equipment supplies or materials
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exposure activities by city clez deficiencies the quality and delivery of city government services waste and inefficient government practices when you submit a complaint to the charitable online complaint form you'll receive a unique tracking number that inturgz to detector or determine in investigators need additional information by law the city employee that provide information to the whistle blower program are protected and an employer may not retaliate against an employee that is a whistle blower any employee that retaliates against another that employee is subjected up to including submittal employees that retaliate will personal be liable please visit the sf and information on reporting
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retaliation that when fraud is loudly to continue it jeopardizes the level of service that city government can provide in you hear or see any dishelicopter behavior boy an employee please report it to say whistle blower program more information and the whistle blower protections please seek www. >> self-planning works to preserve and enhance the city what kind hispanic the environment in a variety of ways overhead plans to fwied other departments to open space and land use an urban design and a variety of other matters related to the physical urban environment planning projects include implementing code change
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or designing plaza or parks projects can be broad as proipd on overhead neighborhood planning effort typically include public involvement depending on the subject a new lot or effect or be active in the final process lots of people are troubled by they're moving loss of they're of what we preserve to be they're moving mid block or rear yard open space. >> one way to be involved attend a meeting to go it gives us and the neighbors to learn and participate dribble in future improvements meetings often take the form of open houses or focus groups or other stinks that allows you or your neighbors to provide
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feedback and ask questions the best way to insure you'll be alerted the community meetings sign up for the notification on the website by signing up using you'll receive the notifications of existing request the specific neighborhood or project type if you're language is a disability accomodation please call us 72 hours before the event over the events staff will receive the input and publish the results on the website the notifications bans feedback from the public for example, the feedback you provide may change how a street corridors looks at or the web policy the get started in planning for our neighborhood or learner more mr. the upcoming visit the plans and programs package of our we are talking about with our
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feedback and participation that is important to us not everyone takes this so be proud of taking ann a >> ever wonder about programs the city it working think to make san francisco the best place to work and will we bring shine to the programs and the people making them happen join us inside that edition of what's next sf sprech of market street between 6th is having a cinderella movement with the office of economic workforce development is it's fairy godmother telegraph hill engaged in the program and providing the reason to pass through the corridor and
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better reason to stay office of economic workforce development work to support the economic vital of all of san francisco we have 3 distinctions workforce and neighborhood investment i work in the tenderloin that has been the focus resulting in tax chgsz and 9 arts group totally around 2 hundred thousand square feet of office space as fits great as it's moved forward it is some of the place businesses engaged for the people that have living there for a long time and people that are coming into to work in the the item you have before you companies and the affordable housing in general people want a safe and clean community they see did changed coming is excited for
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every. >> oewd proits provides permits progress resulting in the growth of mid businesses hocking beggar has doubled in size. >> when we were just getting started we were a new business people never saturday a small business owner and been in the bike industry a long needed help in finding at space and sxug the that is a oewd and others agencies were a huge helped walked us through the process we couldn't have done it without you this is sloped to be your grand boulevard if so typically a way to get one way to the other it is supposed to be a beautiful boulevard and fellowship it is started to look like that. >> we have one goal that was the night to the neighborhood
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while the bigger project of developments as underway and also to bring bring a sense of community back to the neighborhood. >> we wanted to use the says that a a gathering space for people to have experience whether watching movies or a yoga or coming to lecture. >> that sb caliber shift on the street is awarding walking down the street and seeing people sitting outside address this building has been vacate and seeing this change is inspiringing. >> we've created a space where people walk in and have fun and it is great that as changed the neighborhood. >> oewd is oak on aortas a driver for san francisco. >> we've got to 23ri7b9 market
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and sun setting piano and it was on the street we've seen companies we say used to have to accompanying come out and recruit now they're coming to us. >> today, we learned about the office of economic workforce development and it's effort to foster community and make the buyer market street corridor something that be proud of thanks to much for watching and tune in next time for
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phones and electronic devices. all documents should be submitted to the clerk. items will be appear on the november 28th supervisors board agenda unless otherwise stated. >> before we begin, i want to give focus to the conversation -- >> clerk: may i read the first item. item one, administrative business tax regulation, health and police code to regulate commercial activities related to cultivated testing sale and delivery of medical and adult use cannibis. i. >> for those here last week, we
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continued this item. this is not the beginning as -- this is not the end of the conversation moving this legislation forward but there's still going to be both in the land use and on the rules side, there's going to be continuing conversation over the next year. i think the goal that we're trying to achieve is to move the process forward to be prepared by january 1st to begin to have adult use along with medical use cannibis in san francisco. to focus the conversation, i know supervisor jeff sheehy has joined us with amendments. we haven't spent a lot of time talking about delivery in this committee and in general as the conversation has moved forward. i know we have 30 cannibis permits that are brick and
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mortar and about 16 that are delivery only. we haven't spent a lot of time talking about delivery and the delivery process. i know there are those in the audience who have experience with delivery. there's been the conversation about not predictable delivery but essentially internet based and working with brick and mortars. i want to have conversation about that. there's been concerns and ideas brought forward and then i want to talk about the idea of moving from the process of being mcd and having a temporary permit to operate as in adult use. let's start there. one of the things i want to make sure and supervisor sheehy has amendments but i want to start with this part of the conversation. we've had some conversations
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about this. essentially the idea is that existing operators have a good neighbor policy. they have an existing management and security plan and the way it has worked in the past, management security plan has been submitted to the department of public health and reviewed by the area police captain and those plans were approved. i want to ensure that in this process to transition to adult use, the management and security plan along with the good neighbor policy will have to be resubmitted and reviewed by your office and approved by your office and reviewed by the police captain and our offices, meaning the supervisors can weigh in and review in the
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process and consultation with you. does it say that? >> to your question, currently the legislation page 88 says it has to under article 17 of the police code, this is amendment into article 33. so this would be for the department of public health to enforce until that retailer holds an article 16 permit. so that's not currently reflected in the legislation supervisor. >> would that be an amendment.
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john gibbner. >> i think this is amendment you're suggesting to the -- to article 16 if i'm not mistaken. that would not be subsensitive, you could make the amendment tomorrow and pass it on first reading tomorrow. >> we'll do that. what we're trying to do deputy city attorney pearson essentially is there currently is a process they have to submit -- all existing mcd's have to submit a management and security
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plan and good neighbor policy. that's something they're familiar with. we want the plan to be resubmitted as part of the temporary permitting process so that the police captain would have the opportunity to review that, along with the department of public health as well? or just the police captain and your office. >> under the existing language on page 88 it would be the department of public health enforcement. i would defer to the city attorneys if you could include my office. >> i want the office of cannibis to have that review. we're trying to shift a lot of the responsibility to the office, right? we want them to be the ones to review the final management and
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security plan. >> my question is, are you recommending a process that is similar to the permitting of alcohol licences where it comes to a committee, it goes through, we have a formal report on it. >> not necessarily. there is review. not in terms of having it go to the public service and neighborhood safety. this is more of on the administrative side, we're having it be the process where the office of cannibis -- and essentially what i'm reiterating, the process currently happens, the police captain in the past has given recommendations or reviewed the management security plan, so that's not anything new. and the good neighbor policy is something that they're familiar with, that's not new. what would be new is that the office of cannibis, because we created this new office will have the authority to approve
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that plan in consultation with our offices along with input from the police captain. i think that's important because there have been really good actors out there currently and there's ones that have some room to grow. so we want this to be based on a merit system on terms of how they're operating and give them something to look forward to in terms of improving overall. >> so we have this plan in place and still there are some bad actors who have fallen through the cracks. it seems you would have to address enforcement. >> that's why the final approval would be with this office and so in consultation with the police department along with the members of the board. and i think that that -- i'm getting looks from you guys. >> excuse me so you're speaking about new permits that might be permitted. but renewal of permits then
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would also be evaluated whether or not they have adhered to the management plan and whether or not they have abided by the management plan and so for review process of these places, which i think in your district quite frankly, they fell through the loop hole. how does you close that loophole. >> that's a good question. the other thing, i know that even the temporary permits, there's the ability to appeal temporary permit from the neighbors and discretionary review. oh, that's the final permit. okay. some supervisors have put in the additional layer of review or proposed that. deputy city attorney pearson.
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>> maybe i can say a couple of words about the amendment last week with respect to medical dispensaries and ability to sell adult use on january 1st. the amendment last week would amend article 33 of the health code that currently regulates these businesses and it amends it to allow them to start selling medical use cannibis under the article. they would not apply for temporary permit. it would be immediate expansion of the existing permit. we can amend the amendment to include some of the additional language you have talked about today, to say that that expansion can happen on the condition that they also submit for review by the police department and office of cannibis a good neighbor policy and -- >> management and security plan. >> and a security plan. we could do that, it would be helpful to know if you want them
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to be able to operate while the plans are being reviewed or they need to submit them and have them reviewed while they operate. >> i think for the good operators it will be easy. i think for the ones with work to do, i think there will be a review period. no, i don't think it's the will of the body to handout permits without some level of review. >> okay. i think that would slow down the process quite frankly for dispensaries to switch to adult use. we are nearing december. >> right. let's hear what miss elliot has to say. we're talking about 30 dispensaries and i know
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supervisor sheehy had ideas for permit. do you think it would slow things down tremendously? or for good operators it would be pretty pro forma. these are plans they have in place, i'm not trying to create a log jam. i have heard from other supervisors they want a level of review and not temporary permits just handed out without something being submitted. >> i think then yes miss elliot you could give us a timeline since the supervisor is recommending it would go through your office for approval and what your timeline is and what it might look like, if there would be a log jam or delay the permitting. i think it's -- the ball is sort of in your court and also public health. we're asking them to review it,
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too. >> and the police department. outside of reviewing the security plans is the registration process of the non retail delivery side to get the operations inspected and getting ready for temporary permits as well. i can't say because i have never reviewed that security plan. i haven't reviewed a good neighborhood policy in coordination with operators and supervisors, however we have published quite a bit in the last two months, so -- let's just keep plowing forward. >> i know your name was on the -- do you want to add something supervisor yee? >> i'm trying to clarify in my head what we're talking about. i never had these discussions. so basically, are you offering amendments -- talking as if
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it's in here and we're arguing about it. but what are we really talking about. are you amending something? or you want to add language to something? >> so at the last -- no, i'm talking about adding it. at the last meeting we had a conversation regarding this process of transition from temporary to -- i mean from mcd to adult use, there were clarifying questions asked on the record last week. versus this being an administrative process or writing it into the legislation, that's where we are right now. there's a reference to the good neighborhood plan and the process has been in the past for this to happen, i want to see if we can make an amendment that wouldn't slow the legislation down but to clarify how we move from -- into the temporary adult use process. >> and then, it's -- you
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mentioned that city attorney gibbner that this is not substance and we could make the amendment either today or tomorrow. >> you should make it tomorrow if you plan to make it. we'll take direction from you today if it's the -- will of the committee or any individual member, we can draft it for tomorrow. >> that would be helpful for me. i don't know what i'm really voting on in this case. >> i can ask him to draft it and you can review it. >> that would make me more comfortable. >> okay. >> the question i have about it, once you go through the process to a law for existing mcd's to adult use, is that what we're doing?
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okay. this review process deems a particular retail business that they have not been doing what they're supposed to do. is there -- is there an appeal process to this or is it just final word -- >> so i was not clear on that myself and i just asked that question. what they said is the way it is currently written -- >> they is who? >> the deputy city attorneys. sorry. just a lot of moving pieces very quickly on this. what they said is currently the way it is written, there is no appeal of review, this would just be affectual. i think if we're ready, by december 1st, the office of
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cannibis could start issuing cannibis retail permits for the existing mcd's and delivery businesses. what i was trying to say is there should be some level of this type of review, for the good actors i think would be pretty easy but for the ones that have work to do it would slow them down a little bit. >> what i'm saying, i understand the review process that you're suggesting, but at some point it seems like miss elliot is going to make a decision on her own to say yes or no and then -- which is giving her a lot of power. you don't have a condition right now, just you? >> there is no commission. >> if there's disagreement between one person and one
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business, is that it? >> i don't know the answer to that. i mean, if there's -- i think that the way that a lot of the administrative process works for the office of cannibis, there would be formalized approval of terms of an application. so this is a piece of that. we're talking about pieces of an application. this is the application for temporary, so if they have met that in satisfaction of that office, then that would happen. but there are certain things -- i think this is some discretionary review for sure, that's why i said in consultation with supervisors and input from the police captain. that's the practice in the past. >> i will add that article 16 permits that create permanent use for adult use for that operator is appealable to the board of appeals. >> okay. that clarifies everything. thank you very much.
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>> supervisor sheehy did you want to talk about -- >> i want to know the piece of existing businesses, it's not like something is going to happen, people are still going in every day and purchasing cannibis. so it's not like we're introducing a new business, we're just adding a use. and then -- if you're looking for where this is, it's on page -- i think probably going in on page 88 there is a process and i'm assuming adding some things. >> yeah. particularly the management of security plan because i know there's varying degrees of ways
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in which businesses are securing themselves. some have armed guards, some don't, some have bars ton windows, some don't. there's all types of things like that. so i think it would be good to have a level of review in the transition. >> you want to have a second look before -- >> yes. >> yeah. the decision maker would be the office of cannibis, but -- when you say supervisor, i assume you're eluding to the supervisor of the district. >> district. >> and the captain, which will know if there are disputes. that seems reasonable. >> for instance for our district, we have in engelside we have three in district 11 and i don't know how many are on the border of district nine. that's the other part. i don't think there's anything on the southern part and the 1 on ocean avenue.
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i know in the past they are familiar with mcd's. >> i want to be crystal clear. when the city attorney shakes her head it makes me nervous. the decision of my office to review and approve a security plan and good neighbor policy is not appealable. however, once my office makes applications available, they have a duty to apply for the application within 30 days of becoming available and the article 16 permit is appealable to the board of appeals. i want to be crystal clear about that. >> supervisor. >> i'm assuming we have been having this discussion, many discussions, that we're preparing ourselves for the transition to adult use january 1st.
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i think when we -- so what we're asking is for current operators of mcd's to actually submit a good management plan, a safety plan, good neighbor plan, goes through the police department for review, public health and your office also. those are the steps. is that correct? is that what i'm hearing supervisor? >> yes. >> so my question is would this delay at all the opening or allowable adult used to existing dispensaries because you must review them all and we are now going into a short month of november and short month of december quite frankly and it has to go through the police department. and i also feel that these dispensaries that have work to
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do still, it is a little unfair to say to do this without assistance on how to write a very good safety management plan and -- because we have never formalized an office before, there's nowhere a place to get assistance for making them good actors in this business. are we willing to say those who are not good actors, we'll just get rid of them, or not be able to transition to adult use or will we say that we will actually extend an olive branch and say you've been operating for a while, your dispensary is having some issues and this is how you fix it. i don't know if they have had the assistance to be a successful mcd that is safe for the neighborhood and has a
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safety and good neighbor plan. i'm hearing there are fences or people are not acting properly, but where is the vehicle in which for people to get this assistance to help to get them up to speed or are we willing to say, i'm asking my colleagues this, you've had a business for a couple of years, sorry, the last couple of years you have not been good so we're saying you may not be able -- i think my questions are two pronged. one, again, will it delay the ability of existing mcd's to transition to adult use now that there's a new process and we're nearing the middle of november. secondly, that what is the assistance that we will be offering -- i would assume it would be the office of cannibis that would give this type of assistance to mcd's that either
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want to perfect their business or come in compliance with a good neighbor policy or safety management plan. i'm hoping that your office would be the -- i mean, i would just assume that it would be your office in which the mcd's would be able to assist with this type of assistance because who else has that knowledge. quite frankly. so not only -- i guess i'm saying not to just say sorry, not in business anymore, but to say this is where you need help and this is the areas where we would like you to strengthen instead of on their own resources to become a responsible small business owner. >> can i respond to that? >> sure. >> what i did in our instance, i
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brought in all three of the mcd's physically located in my district and asked them for their management and security plans and the couple that needed additional assistance, we started giving them direction and pointed them to the office of small business. they felt they were comfortable enough and the cannibis task force. there's a lot of resources there, a lot of individuals with experience there, they have started to make significant process in terms of where they are, i think they see the motivation because they want to be a good neighbor. they have expressed that. they want to do a better job of managing their businesses and they want to be prepared to do adult use. and so, i think it's both the carrot and the stick and at least in the last few months, i have seen significant progress. but i would say once the finalized plan is put in place, once i see it written and submitted and have an
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opportunity for review, then you see the changes on the ground. but i think there are a couple of different offices along with the office of cannibis, small business, cannibis task force. i think it's a good point, what you're bringing up. but miss elliot, for the businesses -- i mean these are things that the businesses have had to do. it's not new to them. and it's not unique to this particular industry either. last week we were at the entertainment commission and a local bar had been asked to resubmit their good neighbor policy and asked to put in management and security plan and had not followed through on a number of things they were asked to do so the entertainment commission was reviewing their entertainment permit. there were significant offences there. it's not -- we're not asking for anything unique for the industry and i think the reason i felt comfortable in terms of -- i heard supervisor yee and
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supervisor tang and some others on the land use discussion bring up mandatory dr reviews for permits on adult use, there were questions about transition. we had these conversations last week and we're trying to formalize them. i focused on this because this is something that has been done. i felt like for the ones that were -- they were all familiar with it, there's just a matter of there might be work that needs to be done in some cases. if it slows down the few that needs work to do a little bit, but the ones currently operating at a high level in terms of management, security and good neighbor, it will be a quick resubmittal of the plan and review. the police department -- the police captain does not have to weigh in. it's recommendations from the police department and so --
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it's not their final approval. it's the office of cannibis. >> so, i'm not saying that i'm not -- i would expect a very thorough review quite frankly. i would expect a very thorough review, we're asking them to submit a new safe management plan and a new good neighbor plan, i would expect your office to do a thorough exam of every application. we're entering a new arena. i just don't know. how would this affect your office and would you be able to process the dispensary applications for adult use in the -- before january 1st in order for them to open? >> all good questions
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