tv Government Access Programming SFGTV November 17, 2017 3:00am-4:01am PST
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>> thank you all for being here today, and thank you, particularly, to mercay for catering the event. let's give them a big hand. [applause] >> we look forward to the start of their cafe soon. let's have a call for the order. >> this is the november 15, 2017, treasure island authority board special meeting. item one call to order. director sun. >> here. >> director richardson. >> here. >> director samaha.
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director moss. director giusti. >> here. >> supervison kim. we do have a quorum. >> it's so great to be on the island. i'm so glad that we do this twice a year. it really brings us back to what we're all about, which is to develop treasure island into a real neighborhood, and it's just great to be here. and thank you all for coming tonight. i think we have the next item general public comment. >> item number two general public comment. this item is to allow members of the public to address the treasure island authority board on matter that are in the subject of the authority board is do not appear on the agenda. members of the public may address the board for up to three minutes. you'll hear a single chime when there are 30 seconds remaining. prior to making your comments, plead state your name and the
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organization you're representing, if any, for the record. >> so are there any people who would like to address the board on matters which are not on the agenda? you can step forward. state your name, please. >> hi. my name is jeff cline. i'm an 18-year resident of treasure island and i want to thank the commission for hearing my public comment. i'm here to inform you during the last five years, john stewart company has signed over 200 market rate households to a controversial post dda rental agreement, and this -- i'm going to abbreviate is for you guys. pdra. it's identical to the addendum rental dwraement which is the john stewart company failed to
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force on market-rate tenants at start of 2012. the board needs to understand this pdra is contrary to the john stewart sublease, contrary to the intent and practice of tide to follow the spirit of san francisco rent control law and contrary to federal and state relocation law. back in 2012, many residents strongly objected to addendum re. some petitioned the board on the february 20, meeting. most of them adverse to tenants without board approval. in response to a question from the commissioner, city attorney o'malley acknowledged that substantive changes to the rental agreement may require the board to amend the sublease. however, the board has not passed any resolution to amend the sublease so the pdras continue to contradict
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provisions of all market agreements for all market rate units. unfortunately, tida has allowed the john stewart company to create a class of tenants that are deprived of the eviction. the potential liability is significant especially because of the apparent motive from financial conflict of interest since tida is liable under the john stewart sublease for all relocation costs that may cost providing replacement housing and cash payments and moving expenses as required understate and federal law as tax-free benefits for displaced persons. now thaw -- that you know the facts, the board must act to repudiate this postagreement and instruct the john stewart company to replace the with 219
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lease and addenda and withdraw all complaints of no cause unlawful detainer based on this post dda agreement. if the board fails to change this. they remain open to potential damages than in the afifi case that involves a much smaller class of villages' tenants. thank you for your time and attention. >> thank you, jeff. next -- are there any others who would like to address the board? please step up. >> thank you, tidal board for letting me speak. i have several questions for the board. they have to do with the poster
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session. i want to know how tida is is preparing for earthquakes and ocean rise. tida is apparently preparing for earthquakes in three ways with deep dynamic compaction although somebody told me tonight they're not going to do that anymore. they're lubricating soil and they're going to use injections of grout or concrete to densify the soil. tida is apparently preparing for ocean rise by covering the interior with 2 feet of dirt and elevating the perimeter 3 feet to 7 feet above the interior. in a recent ocean rise conference in san francisco, debra director of the california ocean protection council said
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treasure island is among the coastal populations that will see significant impacts of sea level rise on homes, roads, public surfaces, and infrastructure. she noted treasure island is a super fund site where hazardous wastes are likely to put people at greater risk from sea level rise than the rest of california. she said greenhouse gas emissions and ice melt together are causing unexpected ocean rise. greenhouse gas emissions from industry and vehicles have increased substantially. coastal california's already experiencing rising sea level impacts. there's a 31% chance by 2050s 55% by 2060, 84% by 2070 that greenhouse gas emissions of will cause sea level rise to meet or
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surpass 1 foot n 32 years, market street will be covered. in addition, she noted that dissolving ice sheets, icebergs, and polar caps are causing oceans to rise faster and higher than expected, exponentially. 2.7 feet by 2050, 5.2 feet by 2070 and 10.2 feet by 2100. 10.2 feet is 3.2 feet higher than tida's worst scenario plan to raise the perimeter 3 to 7 feet. so the questions are will tida cap the island with 2 feet of dirt? are workers correct? will tida cap residual radiation and chemicals with 2 feet of soil under 6 feet of concrete? that's what i've been told. if not, will tida use a cap and made of what material? and i have two more questions. what level earthquake is tida
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preparing for? and what are tida's plans for 10 feet of ocean rise? >> thank you very much. carol. as you know, this session is not meant for a question and answer. but let me just point out that the plan for treasure island, with regards to sea level rise has been given actually awards by many entities including the clinton climate initiative and has been adopted by bccc by the rest of the bay area. it's something that's really been thought about, and a wonderful plan in place and we have to do something about sea level rise and the itteck sneaks we're using actually a model for other communities.
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is there anybody else who would like to address the board now? hearing 99, next item three. >> report by treasure island director. >> thank you, chair tsen, members of the board. in october, we had another successful flea market on the island. the upcoming flea market on thanksgiving weekend will be the last of the year. the flea market will return in january. we also had a great halloween party on october 30, much thanks to the ymca for hosting the event and the housing providers for helping to staff it, and also to dph who provided flu shots, something i took advantage of. i'd like to invite justin feliciano from the ymca to come
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up and provide some information on changes in the ymca's hours of operation. >> good evening. justin feliciano ymca. i'm here to give a couple of quick updated challenges for the future. this is mainly with the gym side of programming. we have just received approval for extension of hours of operation. currently we operate five days a week. we are now going to be extending to operate seven days a week with a strong emphasis on increasing the hours during the weekend where we are currently open at 12:00 p.m. and closing at 5:00 p.m. with the new extended hours, we'll then be opening at 10:00 a.m. on saturday, closing
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at 6:00 p.m., and also opening at 10:00 a.m. on sunday and closing at 5:00 p.m. on sunday. with a strong emphasis from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. allowing youth from the ages of 5-14 to be able to enter our facility to really go into like skills-related clinics, some form of structured program. we are going to ease into this transition with the first beginning stages, beginning in december where we would then open up the weekend hours specifically with saturday to really get the staff acclimated but more importantly so we could begin to ut reach toutreach the with the anticipated plan beginning in january where we would go into full effect with all the extended hours of operation. on monday through friday, we'll operate from 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and as i just stated saturday and sunday, beginning
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to open at 10:00 a.m. during those days. what we also would like to do is begin to create a community survey to reach out to the community including employers to see about possibly adjusting the hours from 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. from monday through friday to 12:00 p.m. start time to really maybe see if the employers can take advantage of the opportunity to come over to the ymca to kind of get some of their fitness goals accomplished and achieved during this time. this is soming of the quick updates that are coming. we're also just completed our rsp process. for some unfamiliar with this process, it's through the department of children youth and families where we just completed rfp for year-round and summer learn chicago issa our afterschool and summer sports activity in hopes to launch a brand-new sports program into the ymca that would align with
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some of the needs we identified with the community needs assessments done a couple of weeks ago. those are a quick couple of updates we're doing over thea the ymca. we launched our brand-new bike club that is beginning our afterschool program. we were donated about 20 bikes, san francisco giant and pg and e helped assemble some new bikes and they even highlighted us on one of the telecasts during the giants' game, speaking about where these bikes will benefit some of the kids in our program. some of the changes that we are looking forward to in the near future, fingers are crossed for the rfp to bring youth sports to the ymca. please send that out. quick updates with the ymca. >> wonderful, justin. the ymca is such an asset to the island and really great to get your updates on what's happening
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there. and the fact that you're going extending the hours for seven days, it just means more fitness facilities and access. really great. >> thank you. >> director tsen also mentioned tonight's refreshments were provided by mercai. i'd like them to see a few words on the progress of the container restaurant that will be opening shortly on the northern corner of what was the great lawn. >> thank you, bob. and my partner park orick, he and our new chef, we're happy to announce, who will be joining our team is seamusin go -- seamus gibney. they put together the great meal for you tonight. >> they deserve another round of
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applause. [applause] >> my partner and i wanted to thank the board, rich, lorraine lee, the villages, canada sto--n stone and the team and the many others who have helped us support us the past year building this restaurant. if you look to your right, this has been a labor of love. it started from a concept. the reason we decided to build the restaurant out of shipping containers is obviously we know the island is under construction, and we have currently 13 containers. four of them or two 40-foot containers. those are the ones you'll see facing the water with this amazing spectacular view and right in the middle of the two 40-foot containers is kind of the viewpoint and all this landscaping that's been done, it's been done with literally
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not only can the chef -- my partner park passion for landscaping and plants and all things natural. and literally, every weekend, he and another former chef who is now a landscaping designer joined us and helped -- did all the landscaping work. and thanks to cal transwho helped us move the borders for the external border. we wanted to create a natural border and eventually all the succulents and aloe vera plants. they were donated to us by jose who know from john stewart, his son matthew who grew the aloe vera for us, and he and some friends helped plant it. we'll have a planter as well. even the bochy court over the last several weekends, we shovelled every shovel of dirt
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to build the koche bochy court. we were able to build a 4-stall rest room. no more porta potties. they support us and making sure we had a nice clean bathroom facility for the public. we wanted to and when you look at all this incredible work, you know, i've been in technology for many many years. this was the first foray into building a restaurant and doing something with brick and mortar myself and incredible respect for the trades every morning from 5:30, 6:00 in the morning until about 4:00, the dpw planning shop and the pc power and bedders and carpenters and ruby cons for the landscaping and many more of the trades who have come every day and come through and guide us knowing at
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least when i come there, i didn't know anything about construction, they would share their expertise and build this into a solid beautiful container. a special thanks to sherry williams and alex francois with tie die. we thought we would be giving something positive back to the community. through your support and love and even part of -- this amazing gentleman who is part of the program and kitchening.
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i don't know where to tell you that the community has helped us. and even the two young gentleman on friday on veterans day, they came over and said can we help. they helped us rake and plant some plants and truly filled our hearts. and so i want to hand this over to my partner who is quite shy. i had to do a lot of beg. he's the heart and sole of mercai. this is his baby in terms of the name as well. and seamus gibney. hopefully he'll say something as well. >> thank you. >> first i'd like to thank everybody here. the board, the community as
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misun said, it's been quite an experience over the past year, year and a half. all things start with a little idea and little ideas become big ideas, and big ideas become a bit of a headache. [laughter] >> but we're a few weeks away. we're at the bottom of our advil container, and we can see the end the light at the end of the tunnel. we appreciate all the support from everybody. and that's really when the work starts for us. we want to become a little bit more part of the community. we want to be here and create some history. as misun said, we have xavier and ely, and we want to be around for when they can have a
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real job and be able to support them and be a positive influence on the kids and everybody on the island. so the real work, and is about to begin. we appreciate all. this thank you. [applause] >> hey, guys. my name is chef seamus gibney. i'm really excited to get started working on the island and to be part of treasure island and promoting the awesome culture you have out here. i have a 6-year-old daughter who is excited about having a restaurant near what she calls the good park. >> can we acknowledge xavier and
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ely. they're the future of this island. >> so on friday, we decided to go to -- we were just walking around, me, hector, and xavier, and we wanted to explore, and we found a construction site. so we wanted to go help, and then we decided to ask for help and if they wanted help. they said we should start helping, and she started our own business, which we called the backyard boys. and our montage is mantra -- or mantra is live in the realm of possibility, and never believe that anything is possible, and don't give up. >> that's a good mantra. [applause]
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>> and the rules are respect, honesty, no stealing, don't cheat, show up when you're gonna show up, and like respect your teammates. [applause] >> i'm super -- oh my gosh. i'm super excited to be a part of the team that i am a part of, because we get to help build, and then when it's done, we can say that we helped build it. yeah. >> thank you. that's great. they were upon hadful tonight. i wanted them to join because they're part of the community. they grew up on the island.
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i want them to know they have a voice on this island. they can come and speak and share what it is they're achieving their dreams and what thi want to do with the island. they love this island. they're the future. i wanted them to understand how this process works. thank you if indulging us and l letting us speak. >> i told misun earlier she's a dynamo. and welcome to mercai. we're all looking forward to you opening your doors and being your customers there. thank you. [applause] >> they mentioned the good part on the waterfront. that's the part where we recently installed the new playground equipment and the villa villages working with rich vetti why tida staff, continuing to make improvements there over the next few weeks. they'll be installing some additional picnic tables and
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barbecue facilities in the bark and refleshing -- refreshing the basketball court there. also tomorrow, the alex francois and tida will be having a graduating ceremony for the p preapprenticeship job training program they've been doing with local 261. graduates from the training program will then be working with echo bay to demolish a couple of our vacant structures east of avenue h between third street and fifth street. so wanted to recognize alex here this evening bringing that program together and seeing it through this fall. we look forward to working with tida to replicate that for sessions going forward.
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on the housing front, as we recently awarded our contract to associated right of way services, to assist in providing advisory services to existing residents here on the island, and they will be increasing their efforts next year to make sure that residents with relocation benefits understand what their options will be in the future, and assure those that are more recent residents of the island that existing housing won't be impacted for several years to come. we'll be having an open house on january 20, at the ship shape for people to come in and answer their questions, but i wanted to introduce karen edleman who is the project manager with arws
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and ask her to introduce some of her team members that are here this evening. >> good evening. thank you for letting us be here tonight. it's great to meet some of the amazing members of the community. we're looking forward to getting to know folks much more personally and figuring out where do we go from here and where do we go from there. i wanted to introduce two members of our team. we have rotsalyn ziegler and olivia stout. >> stand up so we can all see. >> thank you for letting us be part of this this evening and the amazing food and the great inspiration that we see the great things happening on the island. thank you very much. [please stand by]
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we continue to work with the authority regarding the proposal to leave the former pier for the bay bridge closest to the island into place and convert it into a public access pier that would invite people out on to the water. it's adjacent at the east end of the island. we anticipate bringing a cooperative agreement or maintenance agreement to the board in january or february of next year in furtherance of the work. cal trans is aiming to complete
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their work in that area by the fall of 2018. this is moving on a fast track. we continue to work with the fstca on the hillcrest interchange project, they hope to begin construction in 2018. the -- on the development side we have submitted all documents for the final map for the subdivision and and it to go to the board of supervisors in january. we're working with public works and other city agencies to prepare and submit the final map to board of supervisors for treasure island to the board of supervisors in april. we're part of the team with other city agencies working to implement the mayor's executive director to be sure that the
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process from the development subphase application through design review to permit issuance is shortened. the san francisco public utilities commission is expecting responses for the design of the new waste water plant in the next couple of weeks and we are working with puc and treasure island for the new plant in time for ticd to make the technical improvements to the site and that can start production in hopefully 2020. on the construction front, the boards this evening were meant to provide information on the upcoming geotechnical work that
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we'll be mobilizing in december and result in some roadway closures and traffic reroutes shortly after. treasure island development will hold the monthly on island community meeting. there was no meeting this month in reference to the event we had tonight, they will be returning to the ship shape in december. public works also issued the street improvement permit for the site work and utilities on the island. in terms of upcoming board meetings, we don't anticipate a december board meeting and we're not currently scheduled to have a november or december infrastructure and transportation committee, but when we do reconvene, the infrastructure and transportation committee we'll have a new date and time, the third tuesday of each month. this will allow the
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infrastructure committee meetings to be recorded and available via streaming through sfgtv. that concludes my report. >> thank you. do any of the commissioners have comment or questions? >> yes, thank you mr. beck for that excellent report. that's a lot of information there. and so we're getting to next year, i think at some point with your guidance we would like to see the rest of the permitting for some of the critical milestones to decide where we are and which are the ones we need maybe to engage with the city more and so that information will be helpful. when we go to next year, the
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clock is ticking, we're at implications of some of the pending permits with regards to the development, so it is something that i think we shall have on the agenda, i mean on the radar. thank you because you have been driving and keeping an eye on that, but i think next year it's going to be a high priority. something that i personally and i know the commissioners would love to see. thank you. >> i just wanted to note the boards, the geotechnical process at treasure island is well prepared. just wondering if there's a place we can keep them when we have the public meetings to bring them out. i think it's so instructive and treasure island i think is going to be the safest place in the earthquake in san francisco given all we're doing here.
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will the boards be displayed? >> we'll retain them in the office so we have them available for other meetings we have and i imagine joe will bring some to the meetings that ticd will have for the construction. treasure island community did the boards -- >> can you raise your hand so we can see? joe and -- >> maybe he stepped out. >> that's fine. thank you. next item please. >> item number four
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communications from and received. several residential advisories and media publications among others. is there any communication from the board? hearing none, next item. >> ongoing business by the board of directors. >> next item? >> consent agenda. all matters are considered to be routine by the authority board and acted upon during a single vote. item 6 a, special meeting. 6 b, election of officers and the appointment of officers to
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the infrastructure committee to serve a 12 month term of office commencing january 21st, 2018, and ending december 21st, 2018. 6 b regular meeting schedule for fiscal year 17/18. execution of lease number 1117 with the california corporation for the remaining portion, 699 avenue of palms, treasure island for special events. and revised memorandum of understanding between the san francisco public utilities for the provision of utility services on the island for public agreement -- 6 f,
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utility users on treasure island. >> so moved. >> we have a motion. a second please? >> second. >> all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> all opposed? the aye's have it. next item. >> 7 treasure island museum. >> i'm president of the treasure island museum. and tonight i'd like to talk to you about the history of the museum and then present our vision for bringing the full museum back to building one. the museum started in 1975 as an
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naval museum. the next year, the treasure island was incorporated as civilian trend and then moved to occupy most of building one and eventually changed the name to the treasure island museum. in 1994, the museum association took it over from the navy and operated it until naval station treasure island was closed and the collection was placed in storage. there were plans for the navy to keep the museum open but nothing came of it and the museum was closed. 11 years later the museum association returned to office and exhibit space in building one provided by you. and we resumed our activities,
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now is the treasure island museum. in 2011, most of the collection of the old museum was collected from the navy. today i won't go into the all activities we have been engaged in, i talked a bit about it in july. i will take a minute for if you haven't picked up the flyer for our lecture series, they're on the table there and this saturday at 10:30 in the morning in building one we'll have a lecture on the transportation plan for the island. the name is you can get here from there. (laughter) >> who is going to be the speaker? >> rachel hyatt is presenting. but in the middle of all the activities, what we're really concentrating on now is planning
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the new museum. i'll talk about the content for the museum, the vision for the visitor experience and a little bit about the capital campaign. the content is pretty easy, treasure island, past present and future. and i mean the whole thing. the construction, the island and the great bridges, golden gate, the pan am clippers, the planning process and civilian community that grew up between the station and san francisco's newest neighborhood. so the story, that's easy. the challenge is to hook it all up. when we did our focus groups some years back, people said
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sustain ability and the history is interesting, it sounds like two different museums. as you heard me say a number of times on treasure island, history continues. not only the building of the bridges in the 1930s but in the last decade of the longest self anchored suspension span in the world. not only naval station treasure island but 150 years of military history to the continuing presence of the u.s. coast guard. not only the exhibition where visitors could see artists creating and continuing, sculptures creating here on treasure island. so history continues. so how will the treasure island museum present the history and heritage on the future of the
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island. we've had help figuring this out, the consultants have included gallagher and associates, an internationally recognized planning and design firm and march partners is working with us as the capital campaign council. before we could answer how are we going to do this, we have to ask ourselves who are we doing it for and with what out comes. what results do we want to have. let's answer the first two questions. we see four groups of stakeholders. the residents and the community and the out come will be greater neighborhood pride. for visitors and day trippers to the island we want them to go home saying wow, i didn't realize and we all know all the ways they're going to fill in
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the blanks. and they're going to say that to friends, relatives and neighbors who we hope they will bring back to treasure island or back on their own. for students ranging from school groups to scholars, we want to show the relevance of the heritage to the bay area as the hub of innovation and problems that face us all and inspire them to look at the history of treasure island and see great things can be accomplished and problems can be solved. and last but not least, we plan to add dollar value to the developer and purchasers of real estate and homes. so, now that we're informed by who we're doing this for and the results we want to have, we can start to think about how we're going to provide visitor experience. so to do that, we visited a number of museums in san
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francisco, and we were particularly inspired by the tenderloin museum, that has the story of an interesting neighborhood in a small space. but when we got excited at the officer's club, they have multimedia, artifacts, some interactive displays with artifacts and when i cased this out and realized it was only 4,000 square feet, i realized we could do something inspiring in building one, in the limited space available. we looked at various designs, we realize a lot of people are looking for leisure and not an intellectual experience. the model we wound up with is
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the three green blobs there, three theaters and the red exhibit space. so basically a combination of theater and exhibition. this is a for instance floor plan. we don't have a specific design. that's something we'll work with and refine and take suggestions and input for over the next few years. we have a vision and a floor plan that convinces us we can do what we need to do in the space available. those three brown areas are three different theaters, two small and a large, different kinds. these are not images of the museum coming in the future, this just shows the vision and ideas we have. three different theaters to show in different ways the different parts of the island stories.
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artifacts will be displayed not separately but integrated into the theater display and other exhibits and in this way the artifacts lend authenticity to the displays and can be seen in context. you don't have to read a label to see what it means, you can see it looking at a display. you look at the window and sounds and perhaps vibration if we can afford it. or the bay bridge is under construction, you walk on part of the cable span. we want to send visitors and particularly kids home with a memorable experience.
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more traditional museum displays, traditional in 21st century museums. an interactive map where people can bring up information about the island at different times. a story mural to take the different parts of the island history and story and integrate them into the narrative where the island is a great place for things to happen. the large figure is reconfigureable. building work is a work in progress, we're flexible on the placement as long as we have access to the lobby. this again is a work in process. we're going over our figures but we can build this for ballpark
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4.2 million we think. capital campaign goal tentatively is 6.2 million. we're starting the capital campaign now and we hope to open the museum eventually, the beginning of 2023. that's our vision. we appreciate the support of your board and all the help staff have given us over the years and we hope you continue to support the museum by endorsing and promoting our capital campaign. thank you. (applause). >> thank you very much. we really appreciate being brought up to date with your plans for the museum. and it's really important to remember history as we go forward in the future during a new development, it's very
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important to have that link to the past. thank you very much. any directors would like to ask questions or make a point? okay. next item, please? >> item 8 environmental remediation program update. >> i last gave an overview of the navy's program to the itc in february of last year 2016. today we have david clarke from the navy's base closure realignment team here to present the significant progress that has been made since the last update. >> thank you bob. members of the board, public and residents, thank you for inviting me. again, my name is dave clarke, the lead environmental project manager for the navy working on
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treasure island. i worked with keith foreman who did a couple of these presentations a few years ago and jim sullivan before that. keith foreman has moved on after productive years at treasure island. we have similar roles in the environmental restoration program at treasure island, i tend to do more of the contracts and funding, but we all focus on really the primary goal of the environmental restoration program, which is to ensure protection of human health for those folks living here. also during the construction activities, which we understand the impacts it has on the residents and that's a focus as well and looking toward the future to ensure what we're doing now is in line with the
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future redevelopment of treasure island, the key is to ultimately provide the property and transfer it, in this case, to the city of san francisco. so over the years, as we progress, the environmental program, the oversight in addition to the public who provide the crucial role in watching over the navy as we go forward and environmental restoration program, for the chemical sites we have, the department of toxic substances control, the lead state agency. usepa has served a lesser role in treasure island because we're a non priority listed base. but we do chemical clean-ups. when petroleum clean-ups occur,
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the water board is the lead agency. radiological clean up, that's a unique aspect, emb, environmental management branch and the health branch rely on us for the raidlogical clean up. and then san francisco department of public health plays a critical role as needed, most significantly when we did the housing scan several years ago, we were working with them closely as we executed that project. and after remediation for whatever site, we'll talk about some of the parcels tonight, the navy produces a document kind the finding of suitability for
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transfer, it documents that everything environmentally has been performed to support the property transfer, in this case to the future transfers to the city of san francisco. ticd, since inception of the practice has played a role in providing input into the restoration program. all the documents are reviewed and we receive comments so they're part of the process and no surprises when it comes to ultimately property transfer. and the agencies do sign off on each phase of the property transfer, which we're going to go into, the remaining phases of property transfer, we anticipate about four more transfers as it is right now. they're all sort of driven about by the process and progress of the environmental restoration program. you can see on the map, the
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white areas that have been transferred and treasure island, the majority is with the city of san francisco, with the job core having the dagray portion in th area, the remaining are the navy properties transferred to the city of san francisco. starting with 30, 30 north, 30 south and 31, you can see the red circle there. 2019, parcel 24, mid on the eastern side of treasure island. parcel 2, 6 and 32, we'll explain these in a little more detail in 2020 and last but not least, most of our effort right now is site 12. we're anticipating scheduled transfer at the end of 2021. a lot of work will go on ultimately to get to the final goal of transferring the final
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portion of site 12. let's go back to parcels 30, 30 north, 30 south and 31. some are sites, some are parcels. not all parcels are sites. sites 30 and 31 were environmental sites from the beginning of the program. site 30 was the daycare center and the building acts as a cap, if the building were to be removed, the city would remove the debris underneath the building. 31, there was no building, debris removed from site 31 and that site is getting ready foreclosure as well. then you have parcels. 30 north and 30 south, those came out of an environmental document regarding radiological investigation. the whole swath of property from 30 north down to 30 south during
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world war ii it was a historical lay down area. what we found is when we have these activities particularly during world war ii you may have incidental discrete radioactive materials. for example, deck markers or a gauge from part of the ship. sometimes they were left behind before they were part of it. they're ready for a clean bill of health and expecting the last letter to support the property transfer this month. you can see the anticipated navy transfer date is the end of january of 2018. so we're well underway to make that happen by the end of
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january. the dry cleaning facility, as with most dry cleaning facilities anywhere, there are leaks with the solvents used in the dry cleaning facility. through the years we did treatability studies, probably 15 years of just doing tests and trying different things. we got about 80% of the contamination removed, we were able to naturally breakdown the solvents used in the dry cleaning process. eventually we worked through the circle process to reach a decision document or our record of decision and that allowed us to complete the final remedy for the site which we put in place in 2017. so we're into performance monitoring right now. we're measuring the national breakdown in the soil, grass and
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water breakdown in the remaining con tamnents. i think we can get full clean up of the site and when we transfer the property, there will be no land use controls to monitor. that's why the date of 2019 gives us time to collect more data to represent decrease in trends in soil and soil gas. 6 and 32. these were lumped together when the original transfer plan was put together some years ago. site 6 is the historical fire fighting training facility that we had for about 50 years before it was shut down and a new one was built. the good news here, we finalized the action in 2017 and we have ongoing monitoring to make sure we have those decreasing trends, so we can transferh
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