tv Government Access Programming SFGTV November 26, 2017 7:00pm-8:01pm PST
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that had merit found in wrong doing that was stopped. that's another way to measure it. and that's never reflected in the analysis of the material i have ever seen. i think it was, we don't want to put in -- first of all, they're confidential. we don't want to put in anything that would restrict participation in or reporting of information but i have never understood -- so closed does not speak to the merits of the number of complaints received. i'm wondering if there's a reason and i think there is, but if you could tell me again, i would appreciate it. >> you are correct. because the complaint is closed
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doesn't mean it was substantiated. we evaluate the complaint, the investigation determines if there's a factual basis for the allegations and then if the allegations are true, if the alleged conduct would violate city criteria, policy and procedure or city code -- does that answer the first part? >> substantiated or unsubstantiated are both inside the closed category. >> and in the quarterly and annual reports it breaks down -- it breaks out by department. there's a table in quarterly reports or chart showing which
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percentage of complaints closed led to department taking corrective or preventive action. >> or even it shows whether or not the department moves on the recommendation of the whistleblower controller office, somewhat outside your control. but at least you can measure accurately the number of recommendations measured against the overall complaints, you said to the department we have investigation pursuant to the authority, we recommend disciplinary action to whatever department and they can be measured. are they? >> i think the stae tick statis
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you're asking for, it's by publishing in the reports which part investigated and closed resulted in a corrective and preventive action by the departments. those are published in the annual reports. >> in the annual report. >> and quarterly. >> fantastic. thank you. >> i think going forward something we can do that will help the committee and help the dialogue that we'll have across the podium is pull some of the stats in our presentation just so that we can focus attention on those in a more public form. but definitely all of that work is published on our web site annually or quarterly. >> any other comments? any public comment?
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>> thank you. >> seeing none -- yes. >> good morning committee members, i'm a whistleblower. i would like to thank committee member carlson for his inquiry about complaints that linger for a year or more. i have a complaint filed with the program and it's well over 11 months, close to a year. i'd like to echo mr. flaherty's concern that when complaints linger for a long time, people tend to think they're not being taken seriously. that's true. but there's another concern. the vast majority of the complaints are sent right back to the department that the
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complaint was filed against. and given human nature, there's going to be resistance and reluctance to investigate one's own colleagues. particularly when it's a high level official, which is what my complaint was about. i don't know how to resolve this, except that the program outlines certain reasons why complaints take a long time but they never mention the awkwardness and resistance that departments face when they have to investigate their own people. one thing that would be helpful, if a complaint drags on for a year or more, that the complainant would be contacted and informed. we check on the computer and all
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it tells you is under investigation. under investigation. but why for a year? so anyway, i just wanted to put that out there. thank you. >> thank you dr. kerr. any other public comment? if not, call the next item. >> item seven, opportunity for committee members to comment or take action on any matters within the jurisdiction. pad am co-chair these are items fiscal year 2017/18 work initiatives, items a-g. >> i can give background on those. so brenda and i met with peg to go over some of the great ideas that have come up over the past few meetings for ways to get information out to our voters. so we finally decided to write
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them down in one place and peg has agreed to give us updates on all of them at every meeting so we can understand the progress of these good ideas. probably better to do it from here. so peg stevenson from the controller's office. i'll make brief comments on each items and answer any questions you might have. the benchmarking work is well underway. we have chosen jurisdictions, a couple of them here in the city of san francisco, a couple other cities have similar functionality. we have basic information and doing interviews, we expect to issue a report before the end of the calendar year and have this available for presentation to you in your january peting. so that's where we are with the
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benchmarking. the standardized template, comparing it to the material that was in our annual geo bond report presented on in september and the table that i included in your packet has differences between them. i guess my suggestion here are that the same information is largely in both. there isn't a substantial schedule or report that you're not getting in your quarterlies that was in our annual. i do think there are some visual and layout improvements that the quarterly would benefit from just looking at it and looking at some of the ways the information is presented.
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the changes in format and that sort of thing. there are consistency improvements across the program that could be made. could be added to the quarterly and improve it, visual graphs for context like the little fuel gauge graph on completions for some of the bond program confines that i think are mostly presented in text right now. they're doing bullet points of text completion and that sort of thing. what i'm proposing to do, i'll meet with julia dawson, the finance and administration at public works and the person who is the owner of the quarterly
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template, i'll see if we can go ahead with some of the improvements we're observing and fold them into the next couple of programs that come before you. there's detail in the quarterlies that is not in our wrap up program report. change orders for example you wouldn't want to not have. it's not entirely a 1 way street. let me have that meeting with julia and see where they are having updated financials and then we can report to you on improvements. >> one quick question it's two separate reports. >> the report they do for the
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presentation, there's more details in the quarterlies that are present. there wasn't anything to compare it to in the geo bond. >> there's still work to be done. web site improvements, our technical people have met to talk about this, similar improvements to controllers own web site. i think what will happen next, we're probably going to get a short contract through the text door, a web designer to do a
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better job for us. if there are tests formats we think you should look at before we publish them, we can do that with them. probably mostly make the improvements and report them to you. >> great. >> the satisfaction survey, we have a pool of providers that do public satisfaction. all different surveying. we'll bring you a couple of options to the january meeting. the conversation was feedback on what you want public satisfaction survey to contain. do you want to try and test the opinion of users of a facility, voters, the general public, probably a couple of different possible constituencies you
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might be interested in. there are different ways to test. there are surveys you're in the facility people are using, handing them a survey and asking them, phone polls, web polls. different sampling approaches. we have some opinions about this and our providers will have opinions, too. what i'm proposing to do is bring you a couple of options in january and see if we can get some feedback from you. ben's suggestion, he has in mind, streetscape improvement project and then a facility project such as a rec center. i think i can speak to him that those would be a good scale test of opinion and we know how to survey the users of those. a voter test could be harder. the public finance forward
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calendar, you got the memo which jamie prepared, that's a regular feature of the packet, already proved its usefulness i think. expenditure audits are underway and before tanya leaves the room, i don't know off the top of my head, when they are expected to be completed, certainly not january but one of the following meetings in the fiscal year. >> it will be third and fourth quarter. >> thank you. and finally geo bond report is on the list. we didn't talk about that specifically but just keep it on our calendar. >> any comments, questions?
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thank you. >> other matters not in the list? >> all right. can you -- barb, i think we all got this in the mail. did you guys -- >> yes. >> go over quickly what it is we're signing here. thank you for sending it out. >> the item that co-chair, she was referring to is the harassment policy education from the city that is dube at the en of the year, for those commissioners who supervisor city staff. and so, this committee does not supervisor any city staff and so you were given instructions via e-mail and guidelines as to how
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>> the office of controllers whistle blower program is how city employees and recipient sound the alarm an fraud address wait in city government charitable complaints results in investigation that improves the efficiency of city government that. >> you can below the what if anything, by assess though the club program website arrest call 4147 or 311 and stating you wishing to file and complaint point controller's office the charitable program also accepts complaints by e-mail or 0 folk you can file a complaint or provide contact information seen by whistle blower investigates
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some examples of issues to be recorded to the whistle blower program face of misuse of city government money equipment supplies or materials exposure activities by city clez deficiencies the quality and delivery of city government services waste and inefficient government practices when you submit a complaint to the charitable online complaint form you'll receive a unique tracking number that inturgz to detector or determine in investigators need additional information by law the city employee that provide information to the whistle blower program are protected and an employer may not retaliate against an employee that is a whistle blower any employee that retaliates against another that employee is subjected up to including
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submittal employees that retaliate will personal be liable please visit the sf and information on reporting retaliation that when fraud is loudly to continue it jeopardizes the level of service that city government can provide in you hear or see any dishelicopter behavior boy an employee please report it to say whistle blower program more information and the whistle blower protections please seek www..
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>> my name is naomi kelly the single-story for the 775 i started with the city and county in 1996 working for the newly elected mayor willie brown, jr. not only the chief of staff a woman but many policy advisors that were advising him everyday their supportive and nourished and sponsored united states and excited about the future. >> my name is is jack listen and the executive director of a phil randolph institution our goal to have two pathways to
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sustaining a family here in san francisco and your union jobs are stroen to do that i have this huge way to work with the community members and i think i found my calling i started in 1996 working for willie brown, jr. i worked in he's mayor's office of housing in the western edition and left 3 years went to law school of san francisco state university and mayor brown asked me to be the director of the taxicab commission and through the process i very much card by the contracting process and asked me townhouse the city purchaser and worked with me and i became the deputy administrator and .
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>> having trouble struggling to make ends meet folks will not understand what importance of voting is so we decided to develop our workforce development services after a couple of years offering pathways to sustainable jobs. >> (clapping.) >> we've gotten to a place to have the folks come back and have the discussion even if participation and makes sense we do public services but we also really build strong communities when i started this job my sons were 2 and 5 now 9 and 6 i think so the need to be able to take a call from the principal of school i think that brings a whole new appreciation to being understanding of the work life balance. >> (clapping.) >> i have a very good team around me we're leader in the country when it comes to paid and retail and
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furiously the affordable-care act passed by 3079 we were did leaders for the healthcare and we're in support of of the women and support. >> in my industry i feel that is male dominated a huge struggle to get my foot in the door and i feel as though that definitely needs to change this year needs to be more opportunities for i don't know women to do what tell me dream i feel that is important for us to create a in fact, network of support to young people young women can further their dreams and most interested in making sure they have the full and whatever they need to make that achieveable. >> education is important i releases it at my time of san
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mateo high ii come back to the university of san francisco law school and the fact i passed the bar will open up many more doors because i feel a curve ball or an where you can in the way can't get down why is this in my way we have to figure out a solution how to move forward we can't let adversity throw in the
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>> good afternoon and welcome to the san francisco historic preservation commission. like to take roll at this time. commission president wolfram. >>president wolfram: here. >> commission vice president hyland? >>commissioner hyland: here. >> at this time. members of the public may address the commission on items of the interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. each member of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes. i have no speaker cards. >> yes, i do.
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please come to the microphone. >> my name is arnold cohen, and i spoke to you two weeks ago about 3620 buchanan, 2016-010079 coa. last week, i spoke to you about the 1973 city resolution declaring the entire area of block 459, lot three, as historical landmark 58. this area includes 3620, 3646, and 3640 buchanan, and 5890 north point. this time, i want to quote to you several passages from resolution 88. quote, the resolution and boundaries of the landmarked site, being lot three in
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assessor's block 459, which known as 4640 buchanan, end quote, and again, all the addresses i said, those 30, 36 and 40 buchanan are all the same thing. the second quote, the hand some landscaped and spacious areas were used by the refugees in the 1906 earthquake, end quote. this is refer to the guard area, and that area is part of the area proposed for the new construction, and third quote is quote, in 1958, the owners added an equally impressive garden shop, unquote. this area is also site for the proposed construction. the above quotes from resolution 88 covered the guard and garden shop areas, and again, these are the areas where they want to do this new
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construction. but resolution 88 in its official recording, both the resolution and its official recording state the entire block 459, lot 3, if a historical landmark area. this means that the guard and guaand -- garden and garden shop area is a historical landmark area, so when you get this item on injure agenda, i don't see how you can approve it, and i just -- >> you have 30 seconds. >> oh, i have sent you all and i will send you again copies of these documents that i quoted from so that you'll know that i'm not making this up out of thin area. the original documents are in your file at 1640 mission street, which you helped me get. >> thank you very much. thank you. does any other members of the
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public speak to wish a nonagendaized item? seeing none, we'll close public comment. >> looks like the director is not here, so i think -- >> clerk: very good, review of items at the planning commission staff report in announcements. >> sorry. i'm not -- i'm not used to that cue. pilar lovali for tim frye. the only announcement that i have is the land use and transportation committee for the landmark designation for 2731 to 2735 folsom street, to the full board of supervisors with a positive recommendation, and that supervisor peskin signed onto cosponsor that designation that was originally sponsored by ronen. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> if there's nothing further commissioners, we can move onto
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items 3, commissioner's report and announcements. >> no items today. >> item 4, commission comments and questions. >> any questions? i have one disclosure on item number 6, under the consent calendar, that that -- the owner of that project is a client of my firm's, but we're not involved in that project, so the attorney advised that i disclose that. commissioner hyland? >>commissioner hyland: yeah, i just wanted to bring the advance calendar for the cultural heritage committee's assessment to the commission's attention. the end of march, we have topics, so if there's any questions or additional topics that we think would be appropriate for us to add to the agenda, let us know or... >> all right. thank you. >> clerk: if there's nothing
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further commissioners, we can move onto item 5, the proposed 2018 hearing schedule. commissioners in your packets, you should have received a draft 2018 hearing schedule. this commission meets on the first and third wednesdays of every month. only july 4th fell on an actual holiday, and so we are proposing that it be cancelled. however, traditionally, given the length of time between january 1st and your first hearing, you have also cancelled the first week in january , which this falls fairly close, on the 3rd. >> yeah, and also, typically, that's tricky for us to get packaged by staff because they would have to get sent out between christmas and new year's. >>secretary ionin: not impossible, but. >> do we have anything scheduled for that hearing. >> clerk: no. >> so should we go ahead and
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cancel the meeting on the 3rd. >> clerk: we should adopt the -- 2018 schedule formally. >> anything else from the commissioners? i guess -- it goes into 2019, but that's next year's calendar. >>secretary ionin: well, that's for january 2nd, you could also choose to cancel the hearing of january 2nd, 2019 now. >> we'll do that now. >> clerk: we should accept public comment. >> does any member of the public wish to comment on the advance hearing schedule for 2018 or 2019? seeing none, we'll close public comment. do i have a motion to adopt the hearing schedule with the modifications made? >> i so move with the modifications we just discussed, cancellation of
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those january hearings. >> second. >>secretary ionin: thank you commissioners, so there's a motion and second that's been made to adopt your 2018 hearing schedule, cancelling january 3rd, july 4th, and january 2nd, 2019. [ roll call. ] >>secretary ionin: so moved commissioners. that motion passes unanimously 6- 6-0. this matter listed under here is a consent calendar. it's considered as a routine item. there will be no separate discussion of th discussion of this. i see you've stood -- you would like this removed from the consent calendar. very good. then we'll hear it as the first or the last item on the regular calendar. >> we can hear it as the first.
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>>secretary ionin: very good commissioners. commissioners, this'll place it on your regular calendar, and it's been pulled off of consend calendar. at 920 north point street. this is a certificate of appropriateness. >> good afternoon, commissioners, pilar lovali. -- north point street and polk street. the proposed work is located at the chocolate building and the coagulating room at ghirardelli square. through a new penetration on the north public facing wall of the chocolate building, modifications to a vestibule at the polk street facade of the chocolate building to provide a new entrance, illumination of a modified blade sign, and
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installation of lights along the polk street side of the chocolate building. the proposed work would cause minimal changes to the form of the buildings without removing any character defining features or materials. although the proposed project involves the insertion of a visible duct along coagulating room polk street facade, this cannot be placed any any other location on the site due to a variety of existing conditions. the duct will be painted to match the surrounding brick and will be located at a recessed portion of the coagulating room. the proposed entrance modifications are simple yet contemporary in their design to differentiate from the historic
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building fabric and conform to the design guidelines. they will not alter any feature or spaces that characterize the chocolate building. staff's preliminary recommendation of this project is for approval with conditions. staff recommends one condition of approval to require that any historic removed from the north facade of the chocolate building to accommodate the new duct and vent shall be salvaged and retained on-site for any future necessary repairs to the buildings exterior facade. on november 13th, we received letters of opposition, and they're primarily directed toward the proposed illuminated blade signs, particularly its size and illumination, but just to note the sign is eligible for staff level approval, and has been determined by staff to
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be compliant with article 6 of the planning code as well as the ghirardelli square design guidelines as well as the secretary standards that i noted before. no other public comments have been received since packets were submitted. this concludes my presentation unless there are any additional questions, and the project supervisor is here to answer any questions. thank you. >> thank you. does anybody have any comments for staff? at this time, we'll take public comments. anybody from the public wishing to speak, please come forward. >> hi. my name is claire downing. i have some additional letters or e-mails that i'd like to submit. the corporation's objection is to the -- the lights itself on the sign. we have residential units on that side of the building, and we're concerned about the impact that those lights will
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have shining into those units, including impact to the value of the properties. we don't have an objection to the vents, the mechanical duct, or the vestibule itself or to even the size of the sign. it's predominantly the lights, so thank you very much. >> thank you. if there are any other members of the public wishing to speak to this item, if so, please come forward. seeing none, we'll close public comment. >> i just have a question about that. are there hours that limit the amount of time that the sign can be illuminated? does it have to go off at a certain time, 10:00 or 11:00 -- i'm asking staff, sorry. you know, could that be a condition, or i don't know if the sponsor here could speak to it. the project sponsor is also
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here. >> okay. if the project sponsor knows more about that. i don't actually know that there is a requirement under the -- under the planning code for lighting of signs to go off at a certain time. the limitation on lighting for signs under the planning code is just that they be fixed and not, you know, flashing or changing color or any other movement. >> yeah. it looks like the project sponsor is here, so... >> hi, everybody. i'm dave hardy. i don't believe there are any conditions on the hours of operation for the sign, however as the owner of the square, we would be open to satisfy our neighbors to put a limit on it and, you know, certainly, we'd -- the square was open till 2:00 a.m.
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we would like to have the sign on until 2:00 a.m. and then turn it off after, but we can discuss that later. i'd also like to discuss the brightness of the sign. a street lamp ordinarily puts out about 1,000 candle power. this sign will have approximately 100 candle power. there are three street lamps at the corner of north point and polk street alone, so the relative light throw given off of this sign is going to be minimal compared to the ambient light in the area. >> thank you. >> thank you. that's -- >> thank you for that information. that's very helpful. thank you. >> commissioner hyland. >>commissioner hyland: so the question that i have are the units are immediately across the street or -- >> no, fontana highlands are
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immediately down the street. >> i make a motion to accept the proposal as designed. >> second. >>secretary ionin: so moved, that motion passed unanimously, 6-0. commissioners, that'll -- we are already under the regular calendar, for item 7-a and b, case numbers 2016-00625 coa and vor, 951 through 961 -- >> the project before you is a request for a certificate of appropriateness for the property at 959 through 961
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valencia street. the properties occupied by a two story over basement two story residential building designed on a slanted bay constructed in 1976 by the real estate associates. the proposed project entails the rear condition of the existing building and expansion into the existing side yard. -- the project also includes the restoration of the front facade based on physical evidence and similar buildings from the same period of construction. this restoration will include replacement of nonhistoric windows with wood double hung windows, replacement of the front steps and railing and restoration of the architectural trim and decorative elements. in addition, the project also includes the enlargement of the existing garage opening, addition of a 4 foot tall fence at the front of the building, and replacement of the existing sidewall. the proposed -- wood cotting
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and wood windows to be compatible with the building and surrounding district. the addition will occupy a similar footprint to the existing while decreasing the nonconformity with current bvr requirements of the planning code. each of these alterations and additions will be minimally visible or not visible from the public right of way and will not detract from the character of the district. to date, the department has received one public inquiry into the proposed project requesting a copy of the plan. department staff recommends approval with conditions and finds the project to be compatible and consistent with the character of the building, the surrounding landmark district and the requirements of article 10 of the planning code. to ensure that the proposed work is undertaken in conformance with the certificate of appropriateness, staff recommends the following conditions: as part of the
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building permit, the project sponsor shall provide a markup fore the new exterior facade ornament, and it shall be based on similar nearby properties. as part of the building permit, the project sponsor shall provide fair details showing the rail has turned elements. the project sponsor is available and has prepared a short presentation. i am available for any questions, and this concludes my presentation. >> thank you. >> will five minutes be adequate? thank you.
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>> okay. hello my name is leoragrone, and i'm the architect of this project. the project, the new owners are trying to restore this once beautiful victorian to its former glory. this first slide is just to show what it looks like today, and to the left, there's a house that was built at the same time or within a year of that -- of that house. and this is a view down the street showing that there are a number of these houses that were all built in a similar
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style around the same time. this is the existing side entrance. you can see some of the disrepair. this leads to the back yard and will also lead to the back yard in the revised version, although we're moving that entrance back, and we're proposing new planting areas in the front so that this will look a lot more attractive. there's the existing garage doors, showing exposed meters, which we will be putting inside, and the garage door was added since the 60's. i have a picture from the 1960's that show the different one, and that we will replace that with something that is more in keeping with the style of the building. here is a picture of the lower bay windows that have these -- some damage, as you can see, and single-pane, double hung
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windows, and this is the entrance. we're proposing to replace the stair which was put in probably in the 1950's, and replace the doors to have glass in them so that there's more light in the rooms behind. this is actually a photo from 1906 of two of the buildings down the street, so you can see what they were originally designed to look like. that was very soon after they were built. this is -- those two on the left in this picture are the two in that original photograph, and you can see some of the details that they have, like, columns in between the windows. some of them have dentals above the bay windows that have been removed from the current house. this is the current house. it is a 1959 to 1961 valencia in 1967. as you can see, somebody thought it was a good idea to remove all the details and put
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up asbestos shingles, and then, later, it was restored to some of its former characters. and this is a picture showing what we're going to add. here's a view of the south side of the property where we're going to move some of those pipes inside the walls and replace all the windows with wood double hung windows. and then, as far as the variance, this is the picture of the overhang at the second floor that we're proposing to remove. it currently reduces the already nonconforming rear yard setback, so we are going to propose to remove that, and you can see it here, as well. that's the addition and the overhang that we're going to remove. and this is the current rear yard, and as you can see, it's
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very much reduced by that overhang. and this is the proposed rendering of what we're going to do. both the units have their independent outside space, and then, that's bigger because we've removed that rear view, and i'm available for questions if anyone has any. thank you. >> thank you very much. are there any questions for the sponsor? at this time we'll take public comment. are there any members of the public wishing to comment on this? seeing no one, we'll close public comment. >> does this need a variance even though they're still removing nonconforming space, it's still in the rear yard set back? >> that's correct. even though they are extending the requirement encroachment into the back yard, it triggers the need for the variance.
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>> all right. thank you. >> thank you. >> well, i think it looks great what they're doing, what you're doing, and if appropriate, i would move approval of our -- of staff recommendation. >> second. >> or certificate of appropriateness. >> sorry. >> that's okay. >> second. >> make a motion and a second o'onvery good. then commissioners on that certificate to approve appropriateness, with that. [ roll call. ] >>secretary ionin: so moved commissioners. that motion passes unanimously 6-0. >> close the public hearing and proposed variance. there is a substantial front step set back to the building, which is historic as noted here and they're maintaining the two rent controlled units on the property. it's also a shorter lot about 90 feet to the city standard of 100. >>secretary ionin:
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commissioner, that'll place us on items 8-a and b, at 3 # 0 lexington street. you are consider a certificate of appropriateness and the zoning -- >> before you is a request for a certificate of appropriateness for exterior alterations to 370 lexington street located on the west side of lexington street between 20th and 21st street. the property is located within the liberty hill district and was constructed in 1876. -- and the construction of a larger one story wood framed addition extending to the rear lot line in the place of the demolished addition. the project also includes the installation of a terrace wood deck in the remainor of the rear yard area.
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staff finds that the proposed work will be in compliance with article 10, and although the existing addition proposed to be removed is more than 100 years old and is within the commission's range of historical significance, the proposed new addition and rear yard deck would be located at the rear of the property and would not be visible from the public right of way. the proposed project retains the italian front of the current property. it will incorporate windows, doors, and other exterior materials that are compatible withst historic condition of the building. by using woodsiding and trim
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that is slightly differentiated from the historic woodsiding. since the proposed addition would extend to the rear lot line of the property, the project sponsor is requesting a variance from the zoning administrator from the rear yard requirements of the planning code. staff's preliminary recommendation for this project is approval. on november 11th, staff received one comment from a member of the public. the comment was not in opposition to the proposed work, but asked that the planning department review work that was allegedly done without a building permit at the front facade of the subject property. staff will investigate this comment and a copy of the comment is also available for your review. no other public comments have been received since packets were submitted. this concludes my presentation unless there are any questions, and the project sponsor is also available to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you. commissioners, do you have any questions? no at this time. we'll take public comment on this item. if there's any memoriers of the public that wishes to speak,
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please come forward. >> good afternoon. ernie seaver. i'm the architect on the project. i had no allegation that amy was saying. i would also note that we had a cna and variance for the project next door to this that was actually a significantly larger project than this one, so i'm hoping that president will cross the property line a little bit for us today. if you have any questions, just let us know. >> thank you. does any other member of the public wish to speak? seeing none, we'll close public comment. >> i have a similar question here. you know, here's a condition that's already in the rear yard set back, and they're expanding it, and i thought that was about allowed when you had a nonconforming condition that
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you couldn't expand a nonconforming condition, so i'm wondering why this would have been considered. >> they can through the variance process, so what is required, and which they are seeking here is a variance from the rear yard requirement to expand the existing structure. there are certain elements of noncompliant buildings that can't be expanded. something that is above the height limit, you can't add stories to it because there is no variance on height, but in this case, they can request a variance, which they have done so here. >> so when we get to your part of this project -- i don't know if you're going to approve this or not, but if you are going to approve that, could you explain why that variance would be agreeable. >> sure. certainly. you know, i appreciate the -- the project sponsor stated that there was a larger project next door. variance are be precedent setting. the fact that there is a variance granted here
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