tv Government Access Programming SFGTV November 29, 2017 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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making an investment of this significance is a team effort and we are so fortunate to have a wonderful set of team players from the federal level, the state level, mary lee, the board of supervisors, the m.t.a. and so on. i want to add to that team, though, a very important group. which is san francisco residents and voters. [applause] yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, rights? thanks to their foresight back in 1989, we authorized the first half cent transportation sales tax for san francisco, which was reauthorized in 2003. under the direction of the transportation authority board, we allocated $131 million to this base procurement contract with siemens for the l.r.v.s. that was the largest single grant we have ever made from the sales tax program. and it is very fitting that that was the grant. because there is no single investment we can make that immediately touches so many people, makes transit ridership
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safer, more reliable and heck of a lot more fun. so, we're very proud and we have more sales tax dollars in line for the next options to expand our fleet even further. i just want to say that we need this team to stay together because we're looking forward to securing additional regional measures three. that's senate bill 1 funds, cap and trade funds and local new revenue measures to expand the fleet and upgrade the facilities so we can keep these running perfectly through the end of their useful life. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, pa -- maria for reminding us of the voters and their foresight and making the difficult decisions that we ask of them that will impact their pocketbooks and wallets. there will be possibly and likely many such occasions coming up in 2018.
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we need to do our job to continue to educate our own voters so that the next generation of us standing here can look back on 2018 and 2020 for insightful good voting. the first vote that had to take place in order to advance this project, again, maybe i'm repeating myself. but the largest ever light rail vehicle procurement in the united states history, the first vote to move that forward was put before the sfmta board of directors and i was a big ask that we were making of them. and they came through. and i want to acknowledge the leadership of our chair k cheryl brinkman, our vice chair malcolm heineke who is a regular rider of the system. i know the daily feedback that i get when things aren't quite as they should be and those incidents will become less and less as more and more of the new trains come into service.
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we're joined today by one of our directors and would like to welcome another one of our directors to come forward on behalf of the board. [applause] >> good morning, everyone. if there was ever a day to wear a bow tie, today is that day as a director. i couldn't be more proud and pleased to welcome these trains on to our streets. you know, the most exciting thing about it as a daily and judo rider, i'm awakened every day at about 5:30 in the morning by the sound of these trains going by my apartment so to hear that they will be lighter is going to be welcomed. most importantly, though, i think we're all just trying to get to work. we're all just trying to get to school. reliably and in a time we can predict and move at the speed of commerce. and to really grow the economic vitality of this city. and these trains, the reliability of them in addition to the new great train smell
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that i'm so excited to experience, they are going to provide the reliability that so many of us depend on. if you are not a regular transit rider, you depend on these trains to keep our streets clear and moving. if we can just get those double parkers out of the way of the new trains, they'll move a lot faster as well. and we're working on that, too. i'm also really excited about the potential for the new capacity. these trains. i get on in the sunset and by the time we get to tend, there's not enough to let people on. we will be able to squeeze a lot more folks on there and there will be a whole lot less people on there told oh, there's a train right behind you. right? and so looking forward to that. and seeing, again, us being able to deliver a reliable service that san franciscans can depend on. this wouldn't have happened without the leadership t great leadership of everyone that's been mentioned so far. i'm not going to repeat all the
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names because there is a lot of other people to mention. we've got our former chair of the m.t.a., mr. tom nolan, back here joining us. couldn't keep him away from this event. 12 years of leadership on the board of directors. it is too bad senator scott weiner couldn't be here because he was such a wind in the sail of getting transportation victories and we need that kind of leadership for these hard fights. i really want to re-emphasize the vision of this city and the residents of this city. we truly are a world-class city. if that is not a testament to it, i don't know what is. so, thank you all for the vision of implementing this service and let's get this train on the road. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, ed . i didn't see the former chair here. now he is the former chair. i don't have to acknowledge him because he is not my boss anymore. [laughter] but i do want to give a special shout-out to tom nolan. under his leadership of the
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board that we brought forward the central subway and brought forward this procurement and we would not be here but for not his leadership. thank you for that. [applause] and so with all of the fire power that you've heard from represented here that put together the money, that put together the leadership, that authorized and approved all of this to happen, someone actually had to do the work. and that is where some might say the part really begins. somebody had to execute on this promise that we made to our funders, to our policymakers, most importantly to our rider and to the public. the person who is at the tip of the spear for our agency, but even coordinating beyond our agency, with the fire department, police department, the mayor's office on disabilities, the rest of the city family is our transit director who's made this project a passion of his for the last few years. and in terms of timing, as i
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mentioned in terms of being ahead of schedule, the process to get to where we are today typically would be on the order of four or five years. because of john halle's leadership. we're here closer to three years. please join me in welcoming our director of transit, john halle. [applause] >> uh -- excuse me. thank you, ed. good morning, everyone. let me start by making an official announcement. this is, in fact, the title to this car so the city of san francisco now has an extra asset to add to its inventory. the good news is president breed, it has that new car smell. [laughter] so let me again thank everyone. but most importantly, as ed mentioned, this is a complex
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endeavor in a very complex system. i think we were able to assemble a group of people who -- where others may have found problems together with our partners from siemens and all the help from the transit team and people throughout the agency, this group really solved problems and that got us to where we are today in the time that we are. i do want to first make a special shout-out because this process was closely watched and monitored throughout the -- you may remember the first car arrived friday, january 13th. so in the last nine months, we've been closely monitored by the cpuc who's been our oversight agency, who's been available and taken rides with us, who's really helped to make a very cumbersome process easier understand and help us
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work through problems. also want to note our own system safety folks. i can see them, who worked with us to get not only the documentation done, but to make sure that everything that you are going to see is the safest and most reliable car we can provide. let me start, again, by saying when we started this process a few years back, it seems like we can break it into segments. it has been the three years has been on the one hand very fast moving and, on the other hand, recognizing the need to provide safer and more reliable transportation. let me first acknowledge two people, trents wynne. [applause] who put -- who put together this complex anxietier, built the team and got us off to the right start. mike ellis who cap add glorious mechanical career.
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excuse me can. here at the sfmta and is principally responsible for applying all the bad thing, all the lessons learned from the boeing cars to our new cars. and when the cars arrived, we needed an implementation team. [train noise] i wanted to acknowledge janet gallegos who got us home as the project manager. [applause] she worked tirely wes her team. mike moda, who has been our chief engineer. [applause] and has worked with siemens to solve countless technical problems. it is not easy to design a complex vehicle and drop it in our system. but we were able to identify and address any concerns and issues. doug lee, are you somewhere? and this was a group, and
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finally on the kind of full-time dedicated team, i want to acknowledge manny enriques. [applause] manny is somewhere here. for the last nine mo*fnzes he has been out overnight, virtually every night five, six, sometimes seven nights a week to help us hit this deadline. and he's probably inside because i realize at this point he is no longer used to sunlight. so -- [laughter] i'm sure he is glad that we will be getting these trains in service. but congratulations to all of them. and finally i do want to recognize some of the other people who contributed a lot of their time while they continued to do their daily responsibilities. scott broder. i see lisa wallton from i.t. who's worked with us in resolving system problems. terry fahey with the track crew. part of what was done was
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constant adjustment to fit a highly technical vehicle on to our system which has to accommodate b.c.c.s and brada cars. not an easy test. maintenance. kept the system going while we drained a lot of key staff to work on the l.r.v.4. so, it is for me an honest and straight forward sincere thank you. job well done. one down and 267 to go. [applause] >> thank you, john. again, a lot of folks to acknowledge. but our finance folks, our legal team, our procurement folks, our materials folks, other agencies, a lot of folks coming together to make something like this happen. we did go through a rigorous, competitive process to select the company that would build
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these cars and we were happy that what came out of that with siemens in part because of they're based right here in california. once we were through the competitive process, we really joined with them in partnership, worked as an integrative team to get these cars here. we're proud that they're designed and built right here in california. and, you know, back to the schedule point, we're at a state now where they want to continue to advance the schedule and essentially they are ready to send cars here as fast as we can take them and pay for them. so, that is a good challenge for us to have. and that is thanks to the leadership of the president of siemens, please join me in welcominging michael cajo. [applause] >> thank you, ed. thank you, everybody, for helping us celebrate what's a great day. for puting this first car into a world-class city and we hope it willable a world-class car to go with it. we build light rail cars for
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cities across the nation but there is something very, very special putting a car in the city of san francisco. not only because it is such a great city, but also because we learn a lot in -- working with a team like john halle's team, including all the people he mentioned, even though we've been doing this for 30 years we learned an awful lot about how to do things right. we're contributing to the supervisor's sleeping time by making them quieter, which we hope will work and also the new car smell. the result of the car that you see here is the result of a lot of peoples' work including the teams, and i have to give a shout-out to our team that -- the project team here and his staff that worked tirelessly on this. as john said, it wasn't just a -- it wasn't just a single day. it is a seven day a week effort. but what most impressed me about this project was working with the m.t.a., with the sfmta.
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it truly is a partnership and thanks to the leadership of john halle and ed riskif and thank you to all the people who worked on this. we have 1200 people who contributed to building these cars in sacramento and it is really a great day for us. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you, michael. i don't know if you iting ka it, but president breed said these trains are meant to last us into the next century. i think about 85 years of useful life out of these. the stakes are high here. so, unlike this procurement, this event is running a little behind schedule but we do want to ask your indulgence for one more minute and i want to ask the mayor and the daughter of larry martin, iris lopez, to come forward for a special commemoration that we're doing in honor of larry martin.
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iris's father, who was a great leader, community leader in the city. a great labor leader in the city. the mayor mentioned the importance of labor. they are the ones that do all the work. they are the ones who informed the design of this vehicle, who operate, maintain the existing vehicles, who provide all the background work in order to make muni run every day. muni was very lucky to have larry martin join as an employee back in 1966. rose quickly through the ranks of union leadership to become president of the local here and then international vice president for the transport workers' union, served in a number of capacity on different boards and commissions in the city and really play an outsized role in the leadership of the city. always representing labor, always representing working people of the city and so it is with that in mind that we dedicate this first rail car, and this was the mayor's idea, so i want to make sure he gets
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the credit for this, dedicate this first rail car to his memory so we want to ask the mayor and larry's daughter to unveil a replica of the plaque that will honor larry martin as we put this first new car into service. >> ready? >> ready. >> all right! [applause] >> do you want to say anything? >> so, we have new rail cars! new seats! new diagnostic systems! >> all right! >> new smells! but we not ever forget the people that run this whole system. and i'm honored to be with iris because her father was someone who i first worked for at my very first job. he was the president of the human rights commission when i his first director.
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he then served over five mayors before he ultimately retired and i had the privilege of appointing him to his last commission so he could have fun. that was the recreation and park commission and you should have seen larry at those 49er games at candlestick, having great fun and bringing his family with him. i want to also say i honor the people who work the system every day. because when i first met larry, i used to kind of complain as a new employee of the city. why i was faced with so many people who had pretty sharp opinions and would sometimes curse sometimes threaten. sometimes do all the things that sometimes the public in their most emotional states will do. and so he as the president of the transport worker union said, mr. lee, let me tell you what my day was like. and we would talk about people who were spat on and cursed on and they were just trying to smile and get people to work and to school. so i had nothing to complain
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about after those sessions. we shared our stories about civic employees, about our standard of being the greatest and the best publicker is vans in the worst type of situations sometimes. that is my way of saying thank you to t.w.u., the teamsters who work on the mechanics every day and repair all the labor unions but mostly to take this opportunity to thank iris and her family for supporting and giving us a great leader in larry martin. iris? [applause] >> i just want to say thank you to everyone who was behind the dedication. my dad was a very strong force to be reckoned with, especially with his labor leadership and he loved the county and city of san francisco and he would just be very proud to be here today and i'm so pleased and thrilled. thank you, everyone. [applause]
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>> if you frequently travel before i van ness i might be surprised van ness will goodwill go the first transit corridor to have brt as more frequently known the goal to get conveniently van ness and geary boulevard one of the most reliable transit systems in the country van ness avenue is a major connecter between potrero hill and mission on the south side of san francisco correcting connecting us to the marina and
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state highway in the financial with the western edition neighborhood it is mostly residential a lot of the geography of van ness the rain that is wide it was uses is a firebreak in the 1906 san francisco earthquake a lot of building occasion that helped of hoped to stop the fire from jumping van ness had a light rail or sprash separating and along geary 0 when we came to the question of how to address the needs on haven because of its cost effectiveness we have found in the brt system with the new vehicles. >> the new mr. secretary is a change we will actually have transit in the middle ♪ the far legal unit and a broadly prom >> one of the reasons it is in the center a was it is an clouf
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right-of-way a set of pedestrians will cross from the sidewalk to the middle of the street a. >> to move the reliable along the corridor with this travel time had been signifying reduced we think the ripped will go from 16 thousand a day in that portion the corridor up to 22 thousand and we'll have those beautiful new one like this one. >> with the dedication of the signal and lighter saying that between stops we were able to estimate a .32 improvement in travel time and a 50 percent reliability improvement as a result. >> we're pitting u putting in a up to date modern system of new thirty foot high light fixtures and pedestrian lights on the same pole again inviting a comfortable environment for
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pedestrians. >> it has become a 3 dimensional street project. >> the water that is my understanding under the ground and the emergency firefighting water system month will be replaced and new street lights and traffic lights and the paving and stripping the trees both in the medium and on the side. >> the main core of the project goes from market it lombard that's where we'll be replying the sidewalks. >> there are a number of trees that need to be replaced and they will be additional new planting. >> we're planting a lemon gum that gets to be 50 or 60 feet tall that comes over the offer head wires that wee when we get done van ness it will look like
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a new street it will visit fresh new looks like the grand boulevard again. >> we're going eliminating left turns off of van ness into the side streets and places the left turning traffic backs up the traffic and upgrading the signals to the mini traffic will flow more smoothly and traffic impacts as we execute the construction signed we're working to minimize these but impacts that will likely shift the traffic up franklin and we'll pick up the traffic. >> right now that looks like we're skeleton to start in march ever 2016 are of our construction. >> in the past people prospective of bus traffic that go unreliable and noisy and very fluting we're here to remake the
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vehicles are on the streets and with the combination of the brt improvements much more rail like services with the technology. >> the public is in for >> neighborhoods and san francisco as exists and fascist as the people that i think inhabitable habit them the bay area continues to change for the better as new start up businesses with local restaurants and nonprofit as the collaborative spaces the community appeal is growing too. >> what anchors me to the
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community i serve is a terminal connection this is the main artery of the southeast neighborhood that goes around visitacion valley and straight down past the ball park and into the south of market this corridor the hub of all activity happening in san francisco. >> i'm barbara garcia of the wines in the bayview before opening the speculation we were part of bayview and doing the opera house every thursday i met local people putting their wares out into the community barbara is an work of a symbol how the neighborhood it changing in a a positive way literally homemade wine that is sold in the community and organized
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businesses both old and new businesses coming together to revitalizes this is a yoga studio i actually think be able a part of community going on in the bayview i wanted to have a business on third street and to be actually doing that with the support of community. >> how everybody reasons together to move each other forward a wonderful run for everybody out here. >> they're hiring locally and selling locally. >> it feels like a community effort. >> i was i think the weather is beautiful that is what we can capture the real vibe of san francisco i love it i can go ongoing and
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>> i pledge allegiance to the ff the united states of america. and to the republic for which i, one nation, under god, indivisih liberty and justice for all. >> secretary: commissioner turmd like to call the roll. >> you may. >> secretary: president turman. >> here. >> vice president mazzucco is e. commissioner marshall.
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>> present. >> commissioner dejesus. >> here. >> commissioner melara. >> here. >> commissioner hirsch. >> here. >> up a quorum. also with us tonight is the chif police scott and paul henderson. >> president turman: all right,d evening ladies and gentlemen ans of the public. welcome to the san francisco poe commission's regular meeting of wednesday november 8th 2017. secretary kilshaw, could you beh theç next line item. >> adoption of minutes action fe meeting of october 11th, 2017. >> president turman: and -- >> i moveç to adopt. >> president turman: do i have ? >> second. >> all those in favor.
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any opposed? thank you, the minutes of octob. 2017 are adopted as they appearr packet. okay. madam secretary sct scts consent calendar receive and file actio. sfpd quarterly reports second ad quarter 2017. request of the chief of police r approval to accept donation of 0 from sfpoa for the sfpd wilderns program. >> president turman: commissionn your packet is the document prol quarterly reports for the second third quarter of this year. do i have a motion based upon tt representation? >> second. >> president turman: all those . >> secretary: commissioner, we o ask for public comment on that .
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>> president turman: public com. public comment is now closed. >> secretary: item three. 3-a chiefs report. report on recent police departmt activities including weekly crie trends and announcements for upn one, staffing, current staffings and overtime. two, recent critical incidents d three, mutual aid assistants toa county. presentation of second and third quarters 2017 and recommendatio. and ois investigative summary. >> president turman: thank you y much. good evening, chief, how are yo? >> i'm doing well. thank you. i'll start off with our report n activities and discuss our recet staffing changes -- promotions,, beginning in late september 201e have been several promotions wie
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department. we have a bulletin, it comprisee captains, 30 lieutenants and 76 sergeants that have been promot. i'd like to say congratulationsl the members for their outstand o achievement. they are a now all in place in e assignments and we -- in their w assignments we believe it's goio push us p forward in reducing cd having a better supervised and r department. a lot of people spent a lot of d hard work to study for the exami congratulate home to. i'll go into recent incidents. wwe have an officer-involved sh. noif first at 12:03 a.m. offices
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assigned to the castro area haln nighting were alerted of a susps vehicle. they approached the vehicle to investigate further. there was an exchanges of gunfi. one officer, a nine-year veteran assigned to the crime scene investigation unit was transporo the hospital after suffering gut wounds. he underwent surgery and is lisn critical but stable condition. an adult male was also transporo the hospital for gunsho gunshot. he had life-threatening conditid is still in the hospital. our officer is it recovering wed i'd like to thank the public and commission for all the support l wishes to the officer and his f. that was and is appreciated bece
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support is on going. thank you for that. we have a press release. release 17. >> 175-c that was issue to the c anpub anddepicts some of the et. we had a town hall meeting in to neighborhood to give those facte public and explain to them whate knew at the time in the officerd shooting. i'm going it talk a little bit e meuch aid in sonoma county. as you know, that was i daunting challenge for the entire region. the north bay fires. officerses were asked to providl
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aid. i want to give a synopsis of wht entailed. we had 561 members of the police department that responded to mud and we had several reserve offid motorcycle officers included ine number. it went on for 14 days. our department ran four overlapg shifts for the first two days ae after, 12 shifts -- 12-hour shis back-to-back shifts of 35 offic. our responsibilities included tc control, looter prevention. evacuations of people in harm'sf the fires. evacuation of pets and livestocd food and supply deliveries. an additional 60 members of the department acted as support stae d.o.c. with documenting and filg
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the mutual aid requests. the numbers do not reflect thoss that responded on more than one occasion. there were 1200 and --ç sorr5 overtime hours used on mutual ad that cost is $1.2 million. our staff or emergency vehicle operations staff facilitated thf five training vehicles to remaie incident, operations command ant alleviated us having to shuttles back and forth. that helped. we were happy to be a part of te relief. we had a lot of thank yous and l wishes. we'll continue to give relief te in need in the north bay. next significant event or -- sit
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event we had our sfpd and walgrn kickoff for the 2017 holiday toe on november second. in collaboration with walgreensy launched the annual holiday toyo benefit children in need in oury from november second to decembe, sfpd will accept donations of nw unwrapped toys at 67 walgreen l. last year we netted 6,000 items. we hope to exceed 6,000 this yer because that is a needed and wee thing for our children of our c. next, i want to highlight a sigt arrest, a narcotics arrest thatd november first. we served a search warrant resun the arrest of alejandro alvarezr
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officerses seized two pounds of, 70 pounds of methamphetamines. alvarez is booked for narcotic-d charges including possession of narcotics with intent to sell ad maintaining a place for purposef selling narcotics. we hope it will put a dent in sf our narcotic activity on the stf san francisco. i'd like to finish by pointing w addition. this is based on the commissions in terms of how we contact the n our cold cases. based on some of the discussionr commission hears and meetings, e now initiated a cold case featur social media site. mainly facebook and twitter.
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and we have copies over there fe public, but these crime bulletiw are posted on our social media e starting off with a crime buller mrs. brown's son. that's a fitting way to start tl media site. this will be on going in terms f getting this information to thec and keeping it in front of publ. hopefully we can get clues somee cold cases. i want to thank our staff for pt together and be being responsive community. that's finishes my chief's repo. >> president turman: commissione there any questions for chief s? >> yes. >> president turman: commissionr melara. >> is there a way to be reimburr that money the city spends in hg
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other areas? or is that just something that s between cities and counties that help each other? >> if we are requesting reimburt because it was declared a statef emergency, reimbursement does a. that usually takes time but we'e requesting and that is partç or protocols and structures. we have to have the documentatin order to get reimbursed but we t going in so we went time makinge were staffed for the proper documentation. that is a fitting question and e seeking reimbursement. >> president turman: reimbursemm pt state? or oç sonoma? >> this is deteared a state staf emergency. so we're -- i think there are fl funds available for that.
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but it does take time. >> president turman: i believe e another presentation? >> we'll introduce the sergeante second part of our presentation. >> chief scott, director hender. chief of staff, i received the k management office which i will e today's second and third quarte7 fdrb finding, recommendations ak sergeant kruder to gift present. i want to introduce two new mem. sergeant torres and christina fn the audience. they are two new editions to ths team and rmo. >> welcome aboard. thank you for joining us tonigh.
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good evening sergeant krudo. >> good evening president turma. all right. president turman, commissioners, director henderson, chief scottm sergeant john krudoç on the investigations team. i'm going to present a combinatf the second and third quarter 20m discharge review board report os well as i'll give you a snapshoe current status of officer-invold as i begin, you should all haved these documents which you'll noe dated september 13th, 2017. these are also on the table. and they cover a lot of informat
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we'll talk about. i would note that this was prepr the original scheduled data of s presentation september 13th. the status of this has evolved l see since september 13th. what you see on the slides is to the fourth quarter. i'm going to begin with a summae disarmç review boards. since the last presentation to s commission on the fdrb's and ofr involved shoalings, the firearm discharge board reviewed the fog completed investigations. i'll give you a quick summary.
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oid 006-17 and oo 217. ois 14-006. 15-002. and 15-003. walking through those, these dit cases, officer-involved dischar6 occurred october 21. 2017. in this incident, at 2:25 in the morning, a uniformed officer atg to render a firearm recovered in incident he had the intention of transporting it back to the sta. under the direction of the sergt the scene, he attempted to decoe weapon creating an unintended d. no one was injured. the recommendations on this wern policy for the officer or in por the sergeant. the officer was retrained in thr
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handling of firearms. oid 00-117 occurred march 11th,, the day of the st. patrick's da. an officer was charged by an ofh pit bull that charged the officn command by his owner. the officer retreated and fired. he struck the dog in the right t leg. no one else was injured. the recommendation was in polic. this did give an opportunity foe department to review the practit issuing body-worn cameras to ofn training prior to their probatia violent. now that they've been fully depe have the cameras and the policyn reviewed. officer-involved discharge 002-7
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occurring on april 25th, 2017. the uniformed officer unintentiy fired a weapon, no one was inju. the recommendation was not in p. the fdrb did recommend that note noted to remind officers of safg and clear cleaning of firearms. ois 14-006 occurred on october 4 on 400 block of brian street. on that day uniformed officers d cover and concealment to observe suspects burglarizing a vehicle. as they moved in, the driver ofs seblght vehicle pointed a fireae officers. fearful he was about to be injur killed, the officer opened fired struck two of the suspects.
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his accomplice was injured and n into custody. this was found in policy. there was an additional recommen because the involved officers ft violated equipment-related poli. the fdrb recommended and additil finding not in policy pertainint policy. officer-involved shooting on 40k of mason. atç approximately 8:54 they for open. they started to investigate ande suspect broke from cover, an ofr fired one time and the subject g an attack. no one was injured as a result e suspect was taken into custody. the recommendation on this was n policy.
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ochesser-involved shooting 15-02 occurred on valencia street. three uniformed sergeants assigo mission station there was a many asked him to remove. the suspect drew a weapon from t band and two suspects fired at e suspect mortally injuring him. this was a recommendation in po. officer-involved shooting 15-003 occurred on folsom street. mission station officers respona man armed with a knife chasing r man. one of the subjects slashed oner
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with a large butcher knife befoe similarly assaulting the second. as the suspect beganç turning d the other suspect, the officersd back. the subs expect was mortally wo- the suspect was mortally wounde. one of the involved officer fout violated a equipment-related po. the fdrb in this case reviewed t adoption of the ever-bridge autd system for critical incidents. there was some issue about thatç timely notification. the ever-bridge notification sys been adopted since then and word effectively for critical incide. one of the cases that were revin no cases for presentation.
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so i'd like to cover the statuse open officer-involved shooting investigation at this time. so, on april 19th, 2017 when yoe first quarter -- excuse me. when you had the first quartç presentation, things have changs follows, as of today. the four ois investigations that reviewed were presented to the ç completed. four new ois investigations havn open since that last presentati. these are 17-o 03. 17-004. 17-005. 17-006. may third and november first. you'll a hear about two of thosn closed session later tote. criminal investigations were stn
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all the cases by the sfpd homice detail and district attorney's investigations bureau. administrative investigations we started by sfpb and department e accountability. cases 17-003 and 17-005 includea medical examiners investigation. we have received nine summary rs since that time from the sfpb he detail and they've been presentr will be presented to the fdrb it time. as of now there are 15 open investigations. two are active criminal investi. 17-005 and 17-006. the d.a. has seven cases that te investigating as well.
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15-007. 15-009, 15-10, 17-5, and 17-6. if you look at the documents the prepared in anticipation of thie were 14 on september -- the date document september 13th. 14, so we received seven basican the month of october. we've received seven charges des from the d.a. so, we've received a total of ed they're prepared for presentatie firearms reviewç board for clo. a snapshot of where we are. these are the cases from 2014 a5 still open. we received charging decisions e two open cases at the top. actually all three open cases h. 14-006.
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15-004. on the dates noted. the open investigations from 15, 2015 and 2016, we did receive cg decisions on 15-008 on the 23rdt month and 16-002 on the 18th oft year and 16-003 on the 21st of t month. these are being prepped again f. the homicide detail has completd investigations on the other casd are preparing summaries. -- summaries of their investiga. cases from this year, the 17-0 s being completed -- 167-001 is bg completed as a criminal investi. 17-005 and 006 are new cases.
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i don't think 17-006 even appean the original paper work. that was done in september. so that's the snapshot. >> president turman: questions e sergeant?ç >> i have some questions. i'm just wondering on 14- 006, , two and three, those are about e years old. why does it take that long for o be closed after an ois investig? >> there are dependencies whichs on closure and decision on a crl investigation for a use of force evaluations. it has to have been legal withiw tempt. -- within the law at the time. there are pieces that we're wai.
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we have a tolling provision base active and open criminal investn and pending d.a. review. it's been a function of gettinge kind of decision on the conducte officer, whether or not the offs going to be charged with a crimd whether or not they acted lawfu. and then to formalize any finaln on the admin side. >> we were waiting for criminal investigation to be completed? >> yes. >> waiting for the district atts office. >> yes. >> and i believe the commissione number, you cited were -- i'm gk in here -- 14-006, 15-001, 2ñr .
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>> 14-006, 15--which ones? >> 14-006, 15-001 and 002 and 3. >> those were presen presented . i don't have the charging deciss there, but what happens is we ge charging decision finalized, thn piece and presented to the fdrb. it's a process, but it's a coupf vehicles. so the order of magnitude decren we get to the final part but wee notification that there is not l misconduct. >> if i may, commissioner, we he some adjustments to that and i d it several months ago that -- i
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announced to the commission sevl months ago that we basically --e policy decision and legal decise two separate decision. we need to know whether or not s of force are legal. but a policy decision is separaa legal decision. we have put together a schedulee forward with the administrativen of the investigations. definitely we're in contact wite d.a. and tracking in terms of we anticipate these filing decisioe made. but it's a separate decision. so our strategy that we announcd several months ago that we starh the oldest. our criminal team, when they wr, they forward it to the district attorney's office and the distrt attorney's office do what they n
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part of filing a decision. our fdrb is a policy decision. we're moving forward and starteh the oldest and those cases willm oldç to new to make sure that p to get these cases done. because there are a lot of thine balance in terms of issues thato be raised, training issues and . we don't want to wait two or ths before we address the issues. >> are you saying we're going te forward without waiting for theo finalize their review? >> yes. >> commissioner marshall. >> i want to check on one thing. the oiss that you reported on ts evening, if i'm look at the dats correctly, they seem to have all occurred before the new supporty was if place, is that correct? >> i'm not sure what you're ask. >> was
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