tv Government Access Programming SFGTV December 7, 2017 8:00am-9:01am PST
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sued for $2 million. my brother bought it two years ago, and my brother pays $6,000 a month rent, and he can't live there. he's living with my mom now, and we're hoping we have some sort of resolution. if we can't get approval, i don't know what we can do. >>vice president richards: so let me ask you a question. >> of course. >>vice president richards: it says three level building. >> yes, sir. >>vice president richards: and we have the family living in the basement, basically. >> correct. >>vice president richards: and the other three levels. >> two levels. >>vice president richards: the other two levels are in disrepair? >> that's correct. we want to repair everything at once. commissioner fong? >>commissioner fong: well, obviously, we don't want to create any displacement or encourage any displacement of, in my mind, illegal unit, and this is an illegal unit. i think it's a little bit
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difficult, in my mind, to protect those tenants who are knowingly living in -- when they moved in, knowingly living in an illegal substandard space. but to me, there's a big difference between the two, someone who's getting displaced, but i assume when you move into an illegal unit, you know what you're getting into. [ inaudible ] >>vice president richards: sir, please. i'll step in and make a comment. >> i think i already said i agree with that, as well. buyer beware. >>vice president richards: right. that's what i was going to say. commissioner melgar. >>commissioner melgar: i was just going to, you know, just agree. i think that, you know, people don't move into an illegal unit sort of oh, buyer beware. i think they're -- they're paying rent, you know, for a unit that is substandard and illegal, then, the burden of proof is not on the renter, it's on the property owner. so i -- you know, i think your
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brother bought this building knowing that there was, you know, a family with children and peeling paint in that building, so i -- you know, i think that there is a responsibility that the owner has to the tenants. there's a -- there's a habitablity responsibility and also a legal responsibility as tenants. and i -- from your comments, i can understand that when you -- what you would rather have is an empty unit. you offered a buyout, and from their comment, it sounds like they can't afford to leave, so i -- i -- i kind of siding with -- in your comments, i would like to see, i don't want our commission's actions to be causing a displacement in san
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francisco. it's a three level home that can accommodate, you know, a family plus, you know, the basement unit if it were legalized, zp and it sounds li the plan is not there yet. >> actually, i have no problem paying for their rental for a year, and then having them come back and we'll revolve our issues. >>vice president richards: i think that's what many of us are looking for. >> and at that point, they'll be moving into a unit that's legal, and we'll be picking up where we left off. >>vice president richards: i think we need that fully baked, so i'll call planner christiansen up. mike was kind of talking, they do have potential to construct an aeu in the garage, so the garage parking isn't required in this zoning district, and they have a pretty ample garage that could be -- and it was an
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idea that mike had kind of thrown out there as a way to adjust for some of the displacement or add additional value to the property, but -- >> it was an accessory funding -- there's an accessory structure at the rear of the property fronding the alleyway that was used for property but is not required and may be eligible to be an adu, so it w was -- i was discussing with rich the property could be phased, an adu, which could be a comparable unit. i don't know how the project sponsor would respond. >> i was just speaking to my client, and they need that the neighbors around the project were not happy about that, but i really like that idea 'cause it's a creative solution that solves lots of things, and it does allow for another unit. >>vice president richards: yeah, the neighbors are in
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the -- >> well -- [ inaudible ] >> i would need to make sure that my clients are happy with losing those two other parking spaces. >>vice president richards: do you want to take five minutes and talk with them? >> yeah, if we could have a moment. >>vice president richards: yeah. i think we could get a resolution here.
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>> why don't we -- [ inaudible ] >> so i just wanted to confirm square footages because the garage in the rear is slightly smaller than the existing unit. it's -- the current unit as we've measured it is 457 square feet, and the garage in the rear is 418? yes, but we could -- we can't actually make a nonconforming structure larger, so we could put it in there, and we're also allowed to obviously make a unit as long as it's no smaller than 75% of the square footage, so which would totally comply and would work and would allow the construction so they could then move into that, and we
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could deal with the larger. >>vice president richards: absolutely. >> so i think it would be a good win-win. >>vice president richards: so i get dr requestor's office, i want you to weigh in here before we make a decision, but it seems like you'd have a higher quality unit that is smaller square footage, but a smaller unit with ceiling heights and everything up to code. can you speak snoot mic please. >> i just want to clarify one quick point for the project attorney. >>vice president richards: sure. >> thank you. >> one comment also is the access would be along from the back alley versus through the front. i think that would be absolutely fine. there are actually other -- i believe there are several units that come off that alley. >>vice president richards: i think we're almost there. appreciate everybody's creativity and flexiblity.
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[ inaudible ] dshs den >>vice president richards: in the interest of time, jonas, should we call the next item? i think the idea to impress upon the tenants is they get to stay. >> right. we understand that, so i guess there's a couple of questions. one question is so you build this additional unit, but what is their rate of rent. so currently, they're rent
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controlled tenants. >>vice president richards: it would still be rent control. >> it would still be rent control, but what would their rate of rent be. they're in a new unit. >>vice president richards: but they're still in the same parcel. >> when tenants relocate from one unit into another, usually, that entails a rent increase because they're giving up one unit, so that's one question. the other issue is traditionally, they've had access to the garage for storage, there was a washer dryer there, which the current owners removed i would say unlawfully. they had parking which the owner has tried to removed so there's other housing services that were included in their rent that i feel like the owner would also have to address, so if there's like a temporary removal of the washer dryer but it's replaced, whether it's a
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temporary issue -- >>vice president richards: i understand. so would commissioners entertain a two week continuance to have all these issues worked out with the tenant and the pronl sponsor because it seems like we're 80% there, but we want to make sure we get there? [ inaudible ] >>vice president richards: you can't talk from the seats. thank you. commissioner melgar. >>commissioner melgar: okay. i'd like to make a motion that we continue this item for two weeks. >>commissioner johnson: second. >>vice president richards: with direction to the project sponsor to iron out all these issues. >>commissioner fong: hold on. hold on. hold on. >>vice president richards: commissioner fong. >>commissioner fong: what's the monthly rent, and if you did this edu, is there -- >>vice president richards: come up. please come up. >>commissioner fong: i just want to make this a little more clear if you end up continuing
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it. if you build the adu, that would be a nice place, would there be washer dryer access. >> i would put a washer and dryer inside the unit. when i purchased the building, call the court paperwork showed they do not have parking spot, they do not have storage. they do have rights to a washer and dryer which i will put in the unit. >>commissioner fong: okay. does anybody in this room have any idea about adu units. i know they're rent controlled, but in their situation does the rent stay the same. >>vice president richards: it would be a question for the rent board because as i understand it, the unit that they're seeking to be legalized in this location they would be relocated to the garage structure, and i cannot speak for the rent board as to how that would be handled under rent board rules. i would hope that they would simply be able to relocate to
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that new unit. maybe we continue it 33 days and let them take possession of the garage and establish tenancy. yob what the rules to be. >>commissioner fong: i support the -- the -- >> both michael and i are gone, so i'm sorry, we can't represent our clients. >>vice president richards: what date's good for you. >> the third week of december. >>vice president richards: the 21st. ? if we're in agreement, we can put it on consent. that will take you five minutes. >> okay. so so-so i'm in support of the continuance, but if we can find out for future knowledge about
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the adu and rent control, that would be great. >>vice president richards: great, so we're continuing this to december 14th or december 21st. so on this motion to continue that to december 21st -- [ roll call. ] >> clerk: so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously, 6-0. commissioners, that'll place us on item 23 for case number 2014-1060 drp at 1870 market street. this is a discretionary review. this is a very minor review that will be considered by the planning administrator at a separate and future hearing. >> the item before you is a public initiated request for discretionary review of building permit application for the project located at 1870 market street. the case was continued from september 28th, 2017, planning
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commission hearing due to insufficient noticing. the 312 notice was reissued on october 30th, and reclosed -- >>vice president richards: excuse us. could you take the conversation out in the hall. thank you. >> the 312 notice was reissued on october 30th and closed on november 28th. no additional dr's were submitted. the 85 x height in both districts as well as the market octavia plan area. it's occupied by a single story 500 square foot garage. surrounding units include a 19 unit residential building immediately north, a four story mixed use building to the west, and an eight story mixed use building east of the site. overall, the surrounding area contains diverse building types and us others with commercial and mixed use along market street and predominantly residential uses north of the
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site. the project would demolish the existing structure and construct at 85 foot tall eight story approximately 16,000 square foot building containing approximately ten dwelling units. a rear yard modification is required because the planning code requires a rear yard of 15 feet at all levels, and the drk-due to an error in the variance notice, the zoning administrator will not deliberate on the rear yard motion denied faa if i indication as today's hearing. the variance hearing has been scheduled for january 24th of next year. the project has been revised to incorporate recommendations from the department. those revisions include a relocation of the massing of
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the building towards the eastern property line, an additional dwelling unit for a total of ten, and a reduction in the amount of ground floor retail. since the publication of the september 28th packet, the son has also removed fire escapes at the rear of the building and reduced the size of the roof deck. to date, the department has received five in support of the project and four expressing concern over zoning and massing. as well as negative impacts the building will create for the that concludes my presentation, and i'm available for questions. >>vice president richards: thank you very much. dr requestor, you have five
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minutes. >> i have something here for each of you. my name is serena calhoun. i'm a local architect. i've been working for several years on things related to this property. the owners asked me to take a look at the proposed development. several of my clients do this regularly and generally, when i look at them, i just advised them it meet does the planning code, it doesn't, don't bother filing a dr if their concerns are invalid. in this case, when i looked at the proposed development, i was surprised to see planning support for a couple of reasons. one is there's a very significant height differential between the two properties and on either side of this, and in my experience planning is required additional building oz planning step downs. it seemed like the building was much taller than it needed to
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be. there also -- we in theed that the ceiling heights asome of m other projects, i've had a lot of planning comments about not having stairs continue to the roof deck. i've been required on many projects over the past several years to just do a roof patch, and here we have both stairs and the elevator going to the roof deck because the roof deck is the only public outdoor space for the building, and one of the stairs is directly abutting our light bulbs, so my client at the project has a building that is a historic resource built in the 1890's. it has very shallow angled sides -- side lite wells, and you know eight stories of construction, that will effectively cutoff light to 30% of their single occupancy units. i generally don't get this involved in a dr with this
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client. something we looked at on our side is shifting a courtyard scheme so the buildings could mirror, and so i've given you a copy of our rough draft showing our building how it's laid out. the only windows face right up against where they propose these very shallow light wells plus a second stair shaft that goes up to the roof deck. we would ask that you consider some of the more sensitive issues related to the proposed design and because our project, my client's project is the one that's the most significantly impacted by the proposal in the surrounding context, you know. this is a big concern. also, my client does have a full sell or panarrest pane so
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roof that will be impacted. it's difficult to gauge how the side panels as well as the solar panels would be impacted, and for those reasons, we would ask you to reject this. >>vice president richards: thank you. those in support of the dr requestor and in support of the project proposed -- your client cannot speak. >> well, your client actually has a minute and 27 seconds, so if you want to speak -- unless this is your opportunity, unless you want to wait for the two minute rebuttal. >> my name is doug morris. i'm one of the owners of the building, and i'd just like to point out that we're not against having a building next door to us. we expect that's trying to happen. we're not trying to delay it. we're just trying to minimize the impact on our building, and
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we think that our building supports the type of housing that we need in san francisco. it's a nice sro. there's a lot of sro's that are not very nice out there, and in order to keep it nice, we need to have decent rent and a decent living place for our tenants, and our architect has provided us an option that we think achieves that. the building that's proposed does not achieve that. that would ultimately result in our building going towards the -- you know what some other sro's look like, so thank you. >>vice president richards: thank you. members of the public in support of the project. public comment, mr. smith? i wondered why you were here. you can speak after mr. smith. >> well, are you asking for those in support of the dr. >>vice president richards: the
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project sponsor. >> that was the dr requestor. >>vice president richards: i am ae sorry. it's late. >> my name is roy harnish, and i'm a resident of the building next door that would be affected by the project, and having just looked at the plans that were sent to us with these kind of shallow light wells, versus the plan that the dr proposes, i feel as though we would have better light, air, just overall living condition if they would reconsider some of the design choices and yeah, so that's what i have to say about it. >>vice president richards: thank you very much. any other members of the public in support of the dr requestor, and against the project as proposed? seeing none, project sponsor, you have five minutes.
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>> thank you commissioners. ryan paterson on behalf of the project sponsor. this is exactly the type of project that i think the city needs and has been encouraging. this is an infield project in a dense market area in laguna. we've got a bmr unit that was added voluntarily, ground floor retail, and a number of concessions that were made to address exactly those concerns that the dr requestor has expressed. i think probably best fore the project architect, david sternberg to walk you through some of those changes that were made, and then, we also have, i think a number of letters of support that did not make it into the packet for some reason, and we'll try to get those to you, also. >> can i have the overhead, please. so this is the project
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proposed. i -- i assume that you've all looked at the drawings, and if you have any questions, you can ask me after. this project proposes a small ground floor commercial consistent with market street. it's got ten new residential units, five of which are one-bedroom units, five of which are three-bedroom units, family units on market street, and amongst those ten units, one of those units is going to be an affordable unit. we have worked with the neighbor throughout the whole process from the very beginning. original design, we honored their light wells. we've always known they've been there, and that they'd be an issue. we have incorporated larger light wells that are required. the only way to get family units is to do the building that we have designed. i think that our design might
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have a few problems, building code, whatnot, but they do not supply family housing. they're small units, and we feel that this project, as said, we realize there is an impact to them. no question. any new building in that slot will cause impacts, but on balance, we feel that providing an affordable unit and five family units in this situation is well worth that balance, and as i said, we have designed this project with their light wells very strongly in mind, and we have gone through huge amount of revisions all along the way, including some requested by planning and, you know, this is kind of 11th hour drawing that was submitted to us with the central court, and
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it, in our opinion, is just not feasible. there's somebody else from the building ownership that wants to read a few support letters that had not been in the package, and if you have further questions about all of the things that we did, there is a letter to the commissioners that we wrote that i'm not sure was in the package arc. >>vice president richards: thank you mr. sternberg. project sponsor, you have a minute and 40 seconds. >> hi. this is the letters that were supposed to be in the package, but they never made it, and a few of them were missing. this is from the building located at 1869 market street. this letter says express my support for the project as proposed. we have this in writing for another one on 1871 market. we have another one, kristina
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lang, from ryan, from 1869 market. we have another one from 1851 market street, florenti florentina futura. and 1849, and she has been a neighbor for several years. she said this space in market was always fun of unsavory characters and it has started to turnaround in the last few years. another one is for andrea whitton is also in 1849. she's also supporting the project, and she's supporting for building housing that's
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needed in san francisco. there were people that were to be here, but due to the fact that it's being late, we don't have it. >>vice president richards: thank you. those members of the public in support of the project, you have three minutes. mr. smith. >> good evening and commissioners. cory smith on behalf of sf hack. we commit submitted osubmitted this project a while ago. this is a funky site, and trying to figure out what works here has been difficult. thank you. >>vice president richards: thank you. any other members of the public wishing to comment in support of the project? seeing none, dr requestor, you have two minutes rebuttal. >> our initial e-mail did ask for the consideration of a courtyard scheme, which was never evaluated by the sponsor, which is another reason we sort of did it ourselves, but the
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changes they've made in response to ourselves have been very, very minor, and i've said the difference between an sro abutting another sro and another residential building, if it abutted a residential building there could be light coming from the front or the back, but now, 30% of the units will have no light coming into their units, and that's their entire units. the same mix can be gained with a six story configuration, and we feel like you know, it's a big ask for a redesign, at this stage, but we have been trying to sort of ask for this for the last two years, and you know, we think we've come up with a workable solution that would ache ha achieve the same number of units and would be fully supportive of the courtyard plan we proposed.
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thank you. >>vice president richards: thank you. project sponsor, you have two minute rebuttal. >> you want to restart the time? i'd just like to say that we have asked repeatedly for this internal court scheme from them, and literally, in the last week is when we actually got something. we did get some sketches that were really unreadable. secondly, serena says that we are -- our revisions were minor. in our opinion, they were not minor. we have gone to great lengths to try and accommodate them and they will get light, and light wells are a major way of living in urban environments in san francisco, and there's more people that are going to talk. >> thampgs.
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ry -- thanks. ryan paterson, if i could have the overhead quickly. just talking about what we could do beyond what we've already offered, we are willing to contribute to the cost of upgrading the neighbor's sole or array, up to $10,000 to either elevator upgrade the system so they can maintain the electricity that they are getting today. that would be our intention there. i also want to point out, on the overhead here, this is the dr requestor's building. they're complaining about lots of light to these lot line windows. this is a lot line window here, behind a bill board. the bill board, they're earning revenue from, is on our property without an agreement. this is illegalliy encreaching. if solar really is the issue, we will contribute money, up to
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10,000 bucks so elevate it so they're catching the sun light or elevate it as needed. >>vice president richards: thank you. this portion of the hearing is closed. mr commissioner koppel. >> commissioner koppel: was there two bill boards that i saw? >> yes. >> commissioner koppel: i'm glad to see the project was initially approved, and i'd like to see the move of the monetary support of the existing solar system, and i'm going to not be supporting the dr. >>vice president richards: commissioner fong. fopg fo >>commissioner fong: is this enough to elevate and change the direction on their roof. >> they can't tell for certain, but at least, the simplest fix
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would just be to rotate them all 90° to catch more of the light. >>commissioner fong: and just to clarify, project sponsor's willing to give $10,000 for the upgrade of that solar equipment or relocation. >>vice president richards: one question i have for mr. sternberg. you said there was light penetrating all the way down, and wednesday again, i'm having a hard time paying attention. can you illuminate, no pun intended, why you said that, because i look at an 11, 12 story building, and i'm way down at the bottom. what kind of light can i expect if that's my only window? >> you know, you'd be surprised when you paint light wells a very light color, and the western sun will reflect off of our building back into their building, that you'd be really
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surprised. i didn't bring the photo, but they have light wells on the other side that are true light wells matching the other people's light wells, and they're already living with that situation, and the light in those light wells is not bad. >>vice president richards: so my -- are we to expect that you're going to paint the light well a reflecting color so it maximizes the amount of light that they get? >> yes. we will commit to that, as well. >>vice president richards: thank you. commissioner moore mo. >>commissioner moore: there's some uncomfortable intrusion in the light wells. if one of us were living in the light well, if it was the arrangement to have this sharp angle coming in, i'm saying, we use the windows of light as an expression of our living space. could you address that, please. >> what was your question? >>commissioner moore: it's an
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observation of why these intrusions into the light wells of all these sharp angles, and why couldn't they have avoiding that. >> would you like me to respond to that? >>commissioner moore: yes, i'm asking you to please respond to that question. >> well, if you looked at her plan, she did the same thing. it's a japanese jigsaw puzle. when you put in two legal fair stairs and try and get a unit squeezed into this little space, and everything is ada accessible, you get into enormous amounts of spaces for stairs, elevators, and hallways, and we have, i feel, done the best we could. and yes, there is a slight imposition, about a feet, on one of the light wells, and we just did the best we could. >>commissioner moore: i had another question, talking about constraints on spatial
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dimensions and ada. in your initial set of drawings, the drawings specifically you were looking at what construction and moving the fire escape, i assume you're now indirectly admitting that it's a different kind of construction? and i would expect that there is some form of column grid somewhere assuming it's concrete, and i don't see that. and my question to you is when you put a regular jarrized column grade over your plan, where will those columns be, and how do they affect, for example, the corners of those light rails or where the building may need to be modified and create different plans? >> that's a good question. first of all, the fire escapes, we removed later in the game because i realized that if you saw the later revision, there's actually a stair and a second corridor that goes from the
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back yard back through the building, and when you provide that, then, you are not required to have a fair escape, aescape, -- fire escape, and i realized that later in the project, so that's about how that revision came along, so that's about the fire escapes. the type of construction, you're right; however, typically, concrete can span 25 feet as you probably know in parking garages and whatnot. so we're thinking that it would just be the exterior walls and the concrete would span that 25 feet. and secondly, in -- in the 2015 building code, believe it or not, the bottom three floors could be made out of consecret and the top five floors could be type three wood. we don't know whether we're going to do this or just do type one concrete all the way up, but those two options are
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available. >>commissioner moore: the other thing that i wanted to be sure of since you're apparently not quite certain yet which way to go that no columns and most likely will be concrete will interfere with your unit layout, including any of the particular corners which would affect light wells, etcetera, is what i'm concerned about. >> i sure hope not, and like i said, i think that we can make it work because of the 25-foot span, so i'm not worried about it. however, when we go through structural review and all that, it always circles back to planning, so -- >>commissioner moore: the only thing i can say -- tell you, and i don't really want to get into an argument. i just want to point out something in front of me, normally, when we have buildings in front of us, large, small, in between, these questions are answered in terms of may have spatial consequences, and since i
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brought it up a couple of weeks ago and asked you the question, i'm still concerned about not having a clear response. that's the only comment i wanted to make. >>vice president richards: okay. entertain a motion? commissioners? commissioner koppel? >> commissioner koppel: i make a motion to not take dr and approve the motion as moved previously. >>vice president richards: you want to not take dr? are we taking dr and approving the modifications? >> i'm unclear. >>vice president richards: staff recommends -- [ inaudible ] >> as proposed, so there's been a new revision submitted because it sounded like we were talking -- i just wanted to find out.
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>>commissioner moore: could you repeat that, please. >>vice president richards: we'll take dr and approve the project as proposed. >>commissioner moore: as modified. >>vice president richards: no, as proposed. >> commissioner koppel: as proposed, apparently, i misunderstood myself. >>commissioner melgar: let me just ba -- >> so let me back up a little. after dr, those plans were revicer revised. >>vice president richards: so commissioner koppel, and commissioner johnson seconded it. >> clerk: [ roll call. ] >> clerk: so moved, commissioners. that motion passes unanimously, 6-0. dennis, can you adjourn? >>vice president richards: oh, the meeting is adjourned.
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>> self-planning works to preserve and enhance the city what kind hispanic the environment in a variety of ways overhead plans to fwied other departments to open space and land use an urban design and a variety of other matters related to the physical urban environment planning projects include implementing code change or designing plaza or parks projects can be broad as proipd on overhead neighborhood planning effort typically include public involvement depending on the subject a new lot or effect or be active in
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the final process lots of people are troubled by they're moving loss of they're of what we preserve to be they're moving mid block or rear yard open space. >> one way to be involved attend a meeting to go it gives us and the neighbors to learn and participate dribble in future improvements meetings often take the form of open houses or focus groups or other stinks that allows you or your neighbors to provide feedback and ask questions the best way to insure you'll be alerted the community meetings sign up for the notification on the website by signing up using you'll receive the notifications of existing request the specific neighborhood or project type if you're language is a disability accomodation please call us 72
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hours before the event over the events staff will receive the input and publish the results on the website the notifications bans feedback from the public for example, the feedback you provide may change how a street corridors looks at or the web policy the get started in planning for our neighborhood or learner more mr. the upcoming visit the plans and programs package of our we are talking about with our feedback and participation that is important to us not everyone takes this so be proud of taking ann bayview. >> a lot discussion how residents in san francisco are displaced how businesses are displaced and there's not as much discussion how many nonprofits are displaced
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i think a general concern in the arts community is the testimony loss of performance spaces and venues no renderings for establishes when our lease is up you have to deal with what the market bears in terms of of rent. >> nonprofits can't afford to operate here. >> my name is bill henry the executive director of aids passage l lp provides services for people with hispanics and aids and 9 advertising that fight for the clients in housing insurance and migration in the last two years we negotiated a lease that saw 0 rent more than doubled. >> my name is ross the executive directors of current pulls for the last 10 years at 9 and mission we were known for the projection of sfwrath with
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taking art and moving both a experiment art our lease expired our rent went from 5 thousand dollars to $10,000 a most. >> and chad of the arts project pursue. >> the evolution of the orientation the focus on art education between children and patrol officer artist we offer a full range of rhythms and dance and theatre music theatre about in the last few years it is more and more difficult to find space for the program that we run. >> i'm the nonprofit manager for the mayor's office of economic workforce development one of the reasons why the mayor has invested in nonprofit displacement is because of the challenge and because nonprofits often commute technical assistance to understand the
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negotiate for a commercial lease. >> snooechlz is rob the executive director and co-founder of at the crossroads we want to reach the disconnected young people not streets of san francisco for young adults are kicked out of the services our building was sold no 2015 they let us know they'll not renew our lease the last year's the city with the nonprofit displacement litigation program held over 75 nonprofits financial sanction and technical assistance. >> fortunate the city hesitate set aside funds for businesses facing increased rent we believable to get some relief in the form of a grant that helped us to cover the increase in rent
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our rent had been around $40,000 a year now $87,000 taylor's dollars a year we got a grant that covered 22 thousands of that but and came to the minnesota street project in two people that development in the better streets plan project they saved us space for a nonprofit organization national anthem and turned out the northern california fund they accepted us into the real estate program to see if we could withstand the stress and after the program was in full swinging skinning they brought up the litigation fund and the grants were made we applied for that we received a one thousand dollars granted and that grant allowed us to move in to the space to finish the space as we needed it to furniture is
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for classes the building opened on schedule on march 18, 2016 and by july we were teaching classed here. >> which we found out we were going to have to leave it was overwhelm didn't know anything about commercial real estate we suggested to a bunch of people to look at the nonprofits displacement mitigation program you have access to commercial real estate either city owned or city leased and a city lease space become available there is a $946,000 grant that is provided through the mayor's office of economic workforce development and that's going to go towards boulder the space covers a little bit less than half the cost it is critical. >> the purpose of the organization trust to stabilize
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the arts in san francisco working with local agency i go like the northern california platoon fund that helped to establish documents of our long track record of stvent and working to find the right partner with the organization of our size and budget the opportunity with the purchase of property we're sitting in the former disposal house theatre that expired 5 to 10 years ago we get to operate under the old lease and not receive a rent increase for the next 5 to 7 years we'll renting $10,000 square feet for the next 5 to seven years we pay off the balance of the purpose of this and the cost of the renovation. >> the loophole will that is unfortunate fortunate we have buy out a reserve our organization not reduce the
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services found a way to send some of the reserves to be able to continue the serves we know our clients need them we were able to get relief when was needed the most as we were fortunate to arrive that he location at the time, we did in that regard the city has been - we've had tremendous support from the mayor's office of economic workforce development and apg and helped to roommate the facade of the building and complete the renovation inside of the building without the sport support. >> our lease is for 5 years with a 5 year onyx by the city has an 86 year lease that made that clear as long as we're doing the work we've been we should be able to stay there for decades and decades.
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>> the single most important thing we know that is that meaningful. >> it has been here 5 months and even better than that we could image. >> with the economic development have announced an initiative if ours is a nonprofit or know of a nonprofit looking for more resources they can go to the office of economic workforce development slashing nonprofit and found out about the mayors nonprofit mitigation program and the sustainability initiative and find their information through technical assistance as much as how to get started with more fundraising or the real estate assistance and they can find my contact and reach out to me through the circles of the city through the
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story taught me a lot. what i'm working on is a portfolio [inaudible] riding a donkey unicorn in the process. >> my name is dawn richardson and musician, drummer and drum teacher. i guess i would say i started my professional path quh i started playing in bands and teaching drum lesson when i was in college. they were definitely not that many women that would do what is doing. in 198 8 i graduated from cal state los ang and studied mostly classical percussion and music education but at the same time i was in hollywood so played at night in rock bands so was doing two different things. >> the reason i'm [inaudible] the people. there is a extremely
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vibrant art community especially arounds the red poppy art house [inaudible] as a artist in the past 2 or 3 years there is a event called the [inaudible] every 3 months a free art music festival that i usually play at and just met so many people. >> i was teaching a little bit and doing odd jobs like waitressing and going at night and playing in bands and meeting a lot of people. i chss in ban that had cool break jz get parts on tv shows or things like that. a friend of mine, we had mutual friends that got signed to a record deal in san francisco called 4 nonblaunds and i addition frd the bands and moved to the bay area. i think things are
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different now than 30 years ago, the world evolved a lot. it could be a challenge but have to know how to negotiate everything and sometimeatize is [inaudible] it was great to get to a point where i was just treated like another one of the people, a musician not a female musician and that is always what [inaudible] >> you don't hear stuff on the radio [inaudible] i need to write music [inaudible] be more conscious in their decisions and somehow make that poetic so they will be convinced. i think i will do that. [singing in backgrounds] drawing and writing music since i was a really little kid and fortunate enough to have a good education in art and parentss who supported me. i
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hope my life will continue to allow me to do both. >> for me now having all male, female girls, boys students it shows the world has changed a lot and people areope toon open to a lot more than they were in the past. you can get a deep satisfaction from responding a lot of year practicing in one thing and becoming really good at something. sometimes i think that it is better to get lost. you have to practice and become good at what you do, so if you have everything together then go out in the world and do what you do and then i
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