tv Government Access Programming SFGTV December 8, 2017 12:00pm-1:01pm PST
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policies and projects and sustained leadership. that concludes my presentation. i am happy to take questions. >> thank you very much. that is important work that we are doing and it is so heartening to see that san francisco has come such away. we still have a ways to go. i am particularly pleased to see that the adaptation is starting to be a bigger piece of it because as other cities have learned if we are not ready for what can happen it is a complete mess. any questions or comments. >> i want to say this is great work and i am glad to see we contribute less than 2% to the emissions. it is amazing. >> we do very well. this is what we should show at everyone of our hearings to get more people to take transit.
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>> it is amazing when people talk about the growth and development. people perceive that there are greater levels of pollution. they understand the new buildings are so much better than previous for climate purposes >> it is a good reminder when we talk about consolidation and the overall impact this needs to be part of the language when we look at a change to help people ride buses and ride bikes and walk. we need to include that as one of the big reasons to do things quickly and safely and efficiently >> on that note i think what this strategy should you choose to adopt it today suggests is
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that the mode shift goal when tim mentioned the goal of 50% is the goal that you established when we put into place our current strategic plan in 2012, we are going to discuss the next plan at the retreat in january it will beg the question if 50 is good enough. in the strategy it is reaffirming the longer term goal that 80% sustainable mode share. 50 is great and we met the goal more quickly than we thought. holding at 50 doesn't get us to where we need to go. one of the big questions we need to contemplate for the next plan is what is the next interim step that we need to take? >> i don't think we have public comment. >> before i ask for a motion for
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approval i will remind us if we approve this we need to hold ourselveses to it in future actions as we continually remind ourselves we need to hold to vision zero goals we need to hold ourselves to climate action strategy as well. motion to approve. that concludes the meeting for today. that was a long meeting i appreciate you sticking with us. we are adjourned. meeting of the
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commission and infrastructure vent. the success or agency commission of the san francisco re development agency for tuesday , december 5th, 2017 and welcome to members of the public madam secretary, will you please call the first item? >> thank you, madam chair the first order of business is item 1, roll call. commission members respond when i call your name. commissioner row sal he is. >> here. >> sang. >> commission commissioner buset os is absent the next order of business is item 2 announcements, the next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on december 19th, 2017
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at 1:00 p.m. at city hall room 416. the announcement prohibition of sound devices during the meeting the ringing of and use of cells phones, pagers and sound- production devices are prohibited at this meeting and please be advised the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any persons responsible for the ringing of or use of a cellphone, pager or other similar sound-producing electronic device, announcement of time allotment. be advised a number of public have up to three minutes to make comments unless the commission has a shorter period on any idea item. members of the public fill out a speaker card and submit the completed card to the commission secretary. and the next order of business is item 3 actions takeed at a closed session meeting if any
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and there are no reporting action of the next is item 4, matters of unfinished business and there are no business and next is item 5, matters of new business consisting of consent and regular agenda and first, the consent agenda, 5 a approval of minutes october 17, 2017 and november 7, 2017. >> madam secretary do you have any speaker cards for these items? >> no, madam chair, no speaker cards. >> having no further request to speak on the item i will close public comments i will turn to my commission members for any comments or questions. yes, commissioner. >> i just wanted to note that on the minutes of october 17th, it indicates for the quorum that i'm absent but then later i did a arrive and i parted starting
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on page 9. so i can't remember when i showed up by showed up so the minutes can reflect that otherwise i'm happy to move those items. >> i second that. >> motion by commissioner rosala s and please call the roll >> announce your vote when i call your name. commissioner rosales. >> yes. >> sing. >> yes. >> vice-chair bustos is absent. monday. >> it's three ayes and one absent. >> motion carried. call the next item. >> the next order of business is item agenda item 5b the design for an affordable housing and retail mixed use building at candle stick point north block 10a consisting of 156 affordable family rental units including 35
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units set aside for formerly homeless families and adopting environmental review findings. bay view hunters point re development area, discussion and action resolution number 48- 2017. madam director. >> good afternoon commissioners, thank you and madam secretary, i'm back in 2016 the commission approved the selection of co developers, neighborhood development center and young community developers for for the candlestick point 10a and again in 2016, the commission also approved a pre developmental for $3.5 million as well as authorized staff to enter in to an exclusive agreement and since then we have in front of you the approval of schematic design and gretchen heckman will present
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and we have co in the audience as well so with that i'll turn it over to you. >> interview: thank you. good afternoon madam chair, commissioners, directors and deputy director morales, i am gretchen heckman a development specialist with the housing team at ocii and i am here on behalf of the candlestick team to request authorization to approve the schematic design for candle stick point block 10a, one of the first two affordable parcels to be developed in the candle stick point neighborhood at the bay view hunters point re development project area. as you know candle stick point is located in the southeastern tip of the city south of the shipyard. this slide shows the development planned for the hunters point shipyard phase 2 and the candle
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stick point project and the end result will be master planned neighborhoods complete with residential commercial, retail, community and park space with new transit lines and infrastructure. this slide details the neighborhood. when complete, the neighborhood will be anchored by the candle stick retail center 635,000 square feet of retail outlet space. the retail center will be surrounded by market rate condominiums featureing ground floor retail space complimenting the stores in the retail center and in addition to retail amenities the neighborhood will feature a grocery store, four family childcare units serving 60 children and international african market place and a to-be -planned neighborhood community space. existing amenities in the residential areas in the neighborhood include brett hart
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elementary school, gill man playground and true hope church. which are half a mile away to the northwest of the site. third street is located one mile to the west and candlestick recreation area is a quarter mile south of the site. the site falls under the candle stick point phase 2 disposition and development agreement. the below market rate housing plan requires that 32% of the total housing units are below market rate and they will be built as part of the 100% affordable ocii funded projects and workforce and inclues ary units be provided by the master developer. the 184 units marked as completed in the chart and one and two and ocii while blocks 10 -a and 11a are the first
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affordable agency lots to be developed and i know provide and approvals and as you remember staff released a single rfp in 2016 and responded of that r.f.p. were encouraged to partner with organizers out of the southeast and the team composeed of tender loin neighborhood development and young community developers are y.c.d. was recommended for selection and the o.c. i. commission approved this in august of 2016. a year ago, commission approved pre development funding and authorized staff to enter in to an exclusive negotiations agreement with y.c.d. since then they have worked on selecting the professional services team on refineing the design of the building and unbudgeting for the construction and operation of the building.
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is the program will be 156 units of affordable rental housing for low income and homeless households including one manager 's unit. as referred by the department department department of homelessness and supportive housing and they will be restricted. earning 30% or less which translates in to just under 28,000 for a two-person household. five of the 35 units will be re served for young parents age 18-34 who were also formerly homeless and 121 units will accommodate households 60% of the area income which is just above 69,000 for a family of four. to ensure there are housing opportunities for lower income c.o.p. holders. and 121 non formally homeless
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units will be leased through oci i standard marketing and lottery procedures. per the fees to d. d.a. specification on agency affordable unit the candlestick point stated the average unit size should be two and a half bedrooms for each parcel. as a result, 75% of the units at 10a will be two, three, four and five bedroom units. as mentioned in prior presentations to the commission, under community redevelopment law, the four and five bedroom units on this site fulfill the exact unit replacement requirements. 10a will feature two on site family childcare units, ground floor retail space and on site parking for residents as well as the standard components of affordable housing development for families including common area and a place for young
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children a community room and property offices and the use of green building techniques. an 84 space plus one car share space as well as bike storage for 52 bikes is planned for residents which will serve more than half of the resident households. now provide information on the cost providing parking the cost of the parking places the burden on of $30,000 on each of the project units if parking were to increase to serve 100% of households at least 12 affordable house units would be lost and over all cost increase to a level which tax credit and tax he element 'em would consider too high to be eligible for funding without these tax credit and tax ex exemptions the project would be unfeasible. and in addition to the many transit options available at full build out, there will be
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274 spaces of on street parking in the immediate neighborhood. the retail center and surrounding market rate developments will also provide parking for their visitors and residents which should reduce the demand for public on-street parking. for some contacts other affordable projects have parking ratios from zero spaces to spaces that serve 50% of the project households. it is staff strong recommendation to preserve the housing count at 156 units and maintain a .54 to one parking ratio. i'll introduce principle at architecture who is the lead firm on the project. he will present the building's design and will call up principle of y.a. studios the associate architect on the project. i'll return to describe the conditions of approval staff is recommending and we'll close out the presentation for questions.
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>> before we put pencil to paper on the project we read carefully the vision and design for the -- sure. yes, i was saying that before we put pencil to paper on the project, we spent a great deal of time studying the d for d for this neighborhood which is development by the master developer and what grew out of our reading of that were these four guiding principles. and the design of our building and those are approaching urban design from a human scale, a pedestrian scale, promoting
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social and environmental sustainability and we did that by ensuring that services would be located in the building such as they felt approximate and success able and incorporated programs and elements in to the building and that nurture the residents and engage them in environmental practice. we were encouraged to provide multiple spaces for gathering within the building and we've done a variety of spaces surrounding the court yard but also at all levels and then also in a ray of outdoor spaces. not just in the central court yard and in fronts and backs on the grunt floor but scattered throughout the building so people have access to fresh air and light and are encouraged to get outside and engage in their surroundings.
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this is a view of the building as seen from angerson avenue near the corner of m street. and here again, taking cues from the d for d, which emphasizes this vision for the neighborhood as sort of elevated in to having an elevated industrial character but this is notion of creating buildings and places that are memorable which is certainly a unique aspect of san francisco. and then approaching the urban design of this building in a forward-looking way as well so in this image you will see how the massing of the building, the articulation of the ground floor at the retail space creates an inviting and welcoming and active street front and the colors that we've chosen that sort of expresso range green panel of colors responds to its neighbors on either side and then the gardens i mentioned
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earlier which were scattered throughout the building are visible on the second floor post retail and on the fifth floor at the corner and of course also on the fuller array at the top of the building, which doesn't only generate power for the building, from the sun, but raises awareness of sustainable ability and provides a teaching tool, especially to the children in the building and in the neighborhood. this is the view from the opposite end looking at the corner near earl street. here you can begin to see how that corner is articulateed and the solar ray punctuates the corner as well and beyond that the suggestion of the townhouses that run along the streets towards.bay in that direction.
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and here winding around to earl street, you can see clearly those townhouses each with their own front stoop and recessed entries so they can personalize their front porches, that was an important part of activating the street providing places for people to gather and sit along the sidewalk as people pass by on the way to the park a couple blocks down the way. and then here winding around to the mid block break this is a pedestrian-only street and it will have e. v.a. access but it's not open to cars and here again, the building steps down in scale only three-storeys at this street and deep set backs, stoops, seat always, buffered landscapeing to create a really wonderful and human scale pedestrian environment.
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and the view here of the ground floor you will see at the parameter of the building along the back and the sides, along earl street the townhouses that wrap the parking so the parking is con celled and up the front retail wrappings around the corners and then the residential entry and adjacent communities space on the ground floor looked on m street just beyond the retail corner. there's a view of the retail as it wraps the corner on m street and the portal to the residential entry and the community space on the ground floor. and then here up at the podium level you can see a large open space in the center and yellow the central community space, laundry nearby, king room
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adjacent to the community space, services offices, access to garden that faces the street and get an opportunity here for people to look out across the street and people to look up and in to the building in to the garden of spaces creating a real wonderful engagement and inner connection between the people who live in this building and the community that surrounds it. here is a view of that court yard as seen from within the community room and glassy and open creating an indoor and outdoor environment. and then pocket gardens on the second floor one that is adjacent to the community garden on the fifth floor corner, there's a planed orchard of apple trees and then on the sixth floor there's a large urban farm that is planned to
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accommodate this wonderful program that is very vibrant that they offer their residents a real significant source of fresh fruits and vegetables. and with that, i think i will turn it over to speak about the entry at the ground floor on the community space. >> thank you, good afternoon commissioners. so i'm going to talk about the ground floor and so what we wanted do on the ground floor was activate it and bring pedestrians' scale to the building so you can see the two entries here, one for residential entry which has a nice warm inviting materials and there's a larger scale to it which is attracting you from a further distance and as you get closer, the can pee comes down and scales down appropriately for people and then to the right is the entry to the community space which right now is being invisioned as perhaps a ymca organization in there along with an office for y.c.d. so this is
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focused on after school program and educational and kids and bringing in some warm materials and it peels back from the side and invites people in to the space. this is a plan view here so the residential entry on the bottom of the slide there so again a nice little recessed which is vision you'll leah parent from a good distant and scales down as you get closer and on the top of the page the community space which will be a great environment for the kids after school but kids from the building as well as from the neighboring residents around the property and there will be a computer lab and some other great activities in there. and i'm going to pass it back to gretchen. >> thank you, steve and yuku. ok, so now i'll talk about the conditions of approval which
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staff are recommending. the staff recommended conditions of approval were included in the memorandum for this item and as an attachment to the resolution, the conditions for the parcel are very standard and including additional information on the materials to be specified for construction and parts of the parcel design that will be detailed out in the next stage of design documents and such as the interior court yard, landscapeing, lighting, the retail store fronts and how stormwater will be managed on the site. in addition there are a few cost related items included in the conditions and the most impactful being studying minor changes to the solar structure to reduce costs and reexamineing the efficiency of a partial seven-storey that accomodates a small number of units that could be incorporated elsewhere in to the site. lastly the conditions of approval remind the development team that ocii requires physical mock ups of key parts of the building and as well as detailed
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mock up drawings to review and approve before construction is authorized to begin. the 10a development team has presented the building's design and programming at two cac meetings, a housing subcommittee meeting in september and a full cac meeting in november. the design plan for the 10a parcel was well received by the cac in an action was taken during the november meeting to recommend that the ocii commission consider the conditional approval of the current sematic design and staff will continue to keep the cac up-to-date on on the project's progress. and the 10a team has done well in meeting observe tives through the project services team selection and a previousing rate of 81% and four of the five largest professional services contracts for the project are
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with san francisco based small business enterprises and three out of the four are also minority owned. they will the first alice growth i am project and they're looking forward to completing another parcel in the candlestick neighborhood. finally the schedule they will have the bond allocation this month and spend a year securing the rest of its financing sources and halfway through 2019 , and the ground lease after these two milestones the project will be ready to close on its construction financing and begin construction at the end of 2019 and it should be fully occupied
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by 2022. as i conclude my presentation, the development team has created a 3d model of the building divine to review which we can pass around and before we take questions i'll introduce members of the team who are here today. we have chris cummings the lead project manager and another project manager working on the project and if you guys to raise your hand. from y.c.d. mark akino employment and education specialist and program coordinator roy hannah and we have steve ryanenger and melissa garcia project manager and anita
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saay. and from y.a. studios we have the principle whom you also heard from and then finally from ocii staff jeff white the housing program manager and pamela sims for housing to answer any questions that are appropriate. >> madam secretary are there any speaker cards in this item? >> yes, madam chair, we have two speaker cards. oscar james and ace washington. >> good afternoon commissioners, oscar james, residents and glad to see all of you here after thanksgiving. >> happy thanksgiving. >> you were able to shake off your turkey. this is a happy day for me. for a couple of reasons, one, having young community
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developers partake in this particular project that was one of the programs we started in the model cities project the young community developers and number two, i would like first of all, i'm in support of this project, i guess you guys already know that but one of the things i'm really looking forward to is making sure certificate holders both residents of baby hunters point and what's in addition and any other project that rel development agency went in to and tore down and rebuilt for the certificate holders to have pref in moving in to these houses it's a lot of our young brothers and sisters in these areas who have been incarcerated and who are homeless, some who have been to vietnam and what have you who are homeless in our community and we want them to have first preference in these houses for the homeless housing and for the other housing. the other thing i have a concern
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then, when i said on the joint housing which built the hunters point project, and when we did that we had childcare centers in different things that was put in to our community but the childcare centers we did five childcare centers and when we did those five childcare centers people sent the community to school to get their certificates for childcare and child development and they came out and started working in each one of those five childcare centers in our area. i hope this commission looks and makes sure that the same type of thing happened with this particular project and any other project they have a childcare center where they train people in the community to go in and work with the kids in the area. no one is better than a person who is living in that community to watch out for the young people in our community. we have enough problems, people coming to our community don't
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have any feelings or anything else about our community or knowledge of our community to teach our kids. we need the people who are there to teach those kids. we need the commission at that time we had funds for city college and what have you to do these training programs and we're looking for the city to do the same thing for this particular project and like i said i'm tickled pink about having these particular projects coming in to our community and the people having first priority in doing the development and kid els to young developers and the contractor is one of the best contractors that you guys could have selected. thank you very much. >> aish washington -- ace washington. >> hanging from both sides in the southeast and the west where i say is the best. the west in the dish. i support ycdc without a doubt.
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i'm questioning tndc. and their capability of living up to their obligations because the what they're doing over my community you can tell the whole nation they are in conflict of interest, they're in total violations and dog-gone it it's my mentioning had any weight i would say check them. check their history. particularly in my community, plaza east. what is that, now it's called, what is the name, i'm off track because i come here to talk about that and when i see something that needs mentioning for the record, these bridge and all these people that are involved particularly with the
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rad right now got to be checked. my name is ace and i'm on the case. now let's get back to i'm here supporting it. but i want to go look a little history because my brother james talked what happened in the southeast. let me talk about what happened on the west with the best which started at where the first pack started in history in 1948 that led up to this guy name justin herman we just had to erase his name because of the blackness that he brought to the history in the field no more. i'm saying a lot when i'm cue. the thing is right now i'm here to make a message, not to impresses you but impresses on you how important to have this commission jump to the west in addition. that have rhymes. lord have mercy. excuse me, you got to, you must, you supposed to and damn it, you
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got to come, two weeks on the 19th, mr. morales, you know about the law, i got a letter here that's going to insist that that happen. not because ya'll want it to but the mayor is going to have to insist. and every department that was involved with that little piece of property they call what, yosh is and it was the addition to the other bull and it's 1330 fill more, my name is ace and when my back i'm going to tell you some here. >> madam chair, there are no more speaker cards. >> thank you. >> no further requests for public comments. i will now turn to my -- i will close the public comment section i will turn to my commission fellow members for their comments and questions. commissioner singh. >> i think it looks very nice
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color coordination but i am concerned about the parking. one parking for two units. >> thank you for that, question commissioner singh, so as i described in this slides, we usually park our sites anywhere from zero parking spaces to a maximum of .5 and that's in line with the city's transit first policy for this particular parcel because of the larger bedroom unit sizes we have allowed a higher ratio and believe that will be adequate for the site. >> it's my concern all the time the units and no parking and i don't see the paper a couple days ago for parking department,
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they're pulling very strict parking all over the city and i prefer at least everybody should have all the units have at least one parking. >> interview: so the difficult decision we make on each parcel is juxtaposing the number of affordable housing units with the number of parking spaces so it is our preference to prioritize the construction of affordable units and as the number of parking spaces increase is the number of affordable units decreases and one of the great things about this neighborhood will be the transit lines that will serve the housing projects there and so a year after it's built, there will be a candlestick point express run by m.t.a. and then a b.r.t. line that will
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connect to the balboa park bart station both lines should really assist residents in getting to where they need to go every day. >> i don't know what to say but i don't like this, you know. >> they get affordable housing, you know, they should have some kind of way to keep the cars. >> thank you for your comment. >> commissioner rosales. >> i'd like to follow-up on that issue. we talk about transit, we talk about cars, i guess i don't have a sense because i don't think in this area like what the mobility patterns are, do we know the mobility patterns like today how people get in and out of this area? do they drive?
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do they uber, what do they do? >> interview: so i think that question is hard to answer because the candlestick point neighborhood will be completely new and i would say the t line runs on third street which for the households closer to that line it's used and there are a couple of buses in the area that i believe get used and as most neighborhoods in the city the folks that have cars and most likely use those as well. >> the concern when we're building new communities it's we want to make sure that all the amenities come online more or less at the same time and it sounds like a short period of time to say that some really fabulous transit will come up within a year but a year is say long time for families.
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individuals maybe not so much but i can imagine a single mom with three kids and just a bunch of stuff that's tough so it goes to the issue of what about priority for the parking i mean we brought this up b the housing with necessary amenities i agree with commissioner singh, parking is a big deal. >> we are tracking the build out schedule and we'll align our parcels with 10 and 11a's construction with that schedule and m.t.a. commits to starting their transit lines when a certain number of units are built and so all of those entities look at the picture as a whole and decide when to start their construction and the implementation of transit lines
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so we definitely will match the amenities to be conducted in the neighborhood. >> i guess it gets to my other favorite subject is grocery stores, i see there's a grocery store here, is that being coordinated? i mean do we have any control over when that comes online? >> interview: so the grocery store is an obligation -- ok. >> good afternoon commissioners sally deputy director so the master developer is currently evaluating where to site a grocery store in the candlestick area and they've been thinking about it in one of two blocks and we're mid conversation with them right now as to where the right location would be but it would be on the same street serving this neighborhood so it's a very active conversation but we don't have quite pined down yet but something we're very interested in determining.
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>> i have a few other questions the design is beautiful and i really like it and i like the awning kind of look to it it gives me a sense of flight which is nice and the expresso and i don't want to call it tangerine, it's a beautiful color, those are the colors that are warm in and inviting. so what i was interested in is two topics, one that commission er bustos would bring up which is art, we used to have conversations about art in place , you know, as these developments but i don't know that we've had this conversation with regards to our affordable housing development. is there art in the lobby, public art kind of thing or community art? >> interview: thank you for that question commissioner rosales. we haven't delveed in to art but it's something we can look
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forward to and start conversations on that. >> it gives it the vibrancy right. >> and then retail, i'm a little concerned about the housing and shore front on the retail side are not filled and we brought this up some time ago like how much retail can san francisco really support? but we have i think they example in mission bay where one of our buildings has been ak ta visited on the retail side more quick low than others so i'd like to understand what that thinking might be and here comes sally again. >> thank you again for the record sally, deputy director. so the retail programming for this site in particular is obviously something that we, along with the master developer are looking at given its proximity to the regional center programmed across the street from this project and you know
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that has some pluses and minuses to it and the plus is that you know this is very much going to be a retail destination and the idea is this is a regional retail center bringing people not just from the city but the larger region and that can bring a lot of market share to this neighborhood. it's a minus that there's a lot of development to bring online and we know the developer and its retail center partner is looking at that and coming up with a plan now we haven't seen it yet but they're look agent the different catagories of retailers and who to come in and how to get the first wave going and so it's a conversation we're having with them right now and there's no guarantees in the market place when every store will open up we know they're trying to have a very small
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vacancy rate for this project because they're trying to establish this again as a real destination for this project so, i think the fact that this, there say large amount of ground floor retail in the residential projects along heroiney, is helped by the fact it is adjacent to this big destination center because they're thinking about it as a district, not as individual piece meal ones each one having to kind of make or break it on its own they're trying to curate and program it so they're compatible uses. >> thank you commissioner rosale s. so, i was wondering, i mean, is there a way when we get this presentations that these work shops, that you can sort of give us a sense of the amenities for
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example? we talk about parking, we talk about transportation, what m.t. a. is planning can you include that in the presentation that for example m.t.a. is planning two or throw more lines and potential schedule so that we get a sense of what living in this area is about. for example, street parking, street parking is not free, it's going to be paid parking although there's some special permits on this and do you know what that is like? the permit parking? i think i saw somewhere how many spaces or how many are allowed. it's on page 11, 274 street parking spots, what does that
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mean? with a parking permit? a percentage of that are parking permits? >> interview: i believe the majority will be finance the entire 274 will be metered and that is i guess part of the decision that d.p.w. would make in conjunction with the master developer. >> is that something we can get involved because there's not a lot of parking, and we have four or five bedroom units, and there's going to be families so that means they would need some parking and if it's a parking permit, i just want to get a sense of what living in this injury going to be like. how many grocery stores or what is the plan? what is the transportation lines , the plans on that? is there a way we can coordinate all these things so we can get a sense of living in this
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neighborhood. >> absolutely we can get you information on the transportation plan for this neighborhood. i think one thing i'd like to point out is there's a balance to everything, right, and so one thing we look at is what kind of parking we provide and does that compete with transit? because again we need all modes to be successful not just one. and so that is something that the m.t.a. looks at very carefully to make sure there's enough parking to support the residential and commercial uses but we also need to ensure the transit lines can operate successfully as well pas there's an enormous public investment the city is making in and bringing a bus rapid transit line here and a lot of addition al transit here so we have to balance that so we can get you more information but i just want to caution the conversation around its not only parking, it's parking in the
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context of the transit that's coming to the neighborhood and that driving some of the decisions about whether it should be free, priced because that goes in to again creating hopefully a viable transportation network for this neighborhood. >> i understand that but i'd like to get an overview of what living in this area is like now that we're going to pin it down that so many transit lines but what are the plans of the other department who we're working with so that we can sort of get a sense of what to expect and look for. that's the point i'm trying to get at. >> yes and again, i apologize we have so much influx but it's a very dynamic project right now and so we're also in mid conversation with m.t.a. about refineing the transit plan for here as well in terms of where cars can turn, where the transit
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lines will be prioritized and that can impact exactly where some parking lots might go so it's not a totally final yet but we can certainly get you preliminary information of what we know right now. >> and we'll get the updates. >> yes. >> because there's 2021 and we have a long way to go. so just i don't know if you can answer this maybe gretchen, family childcare units, do you know how much again? how many kids, how many is there space for? i think it's like two family childcare units is not enough. >> on the 10a site two units as you mentioned and they will be three bedroom units and most likely they will accommodate 15 children per unit and there will be two family childcare units on the sister par stole 10a, 11a
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and they will accommodate the same number of children so in total 60 children will have daycare. >> just you've questions i notice it says here concerts and movies on inker son street what's is that about? is there a movie place? is it the film and arts center? >> yes and i can guide you back to the slide that shows you the neighborhood parcel. >> so there's a movie theater. >> i believe it's a film and arts center i don't know exactly what the program asking for it but it should be a great amenity >> concerts. >> ok. well thank you. do any of you still have questions. there's more questions. >> i just want to know the
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contractor. >> baines group. they are an o c.a.a. recognized small business enterprise and they've partnered with a longstanding general contractor on all of the alice griffith parcels and they've had the successful partnership and we're looking forward to working with them on 10a. >> did any work for us before or in the city? >> as i mentioned, they've worked on the alice griffith parcel. >> which project? >> alice griffith, it's two blocks away from the 10a parcel and it's the first of the developments to kickoff construction and finish some construction in candlestick point. >> just one last question, did i hear you could have apple trees? and there's going to be vegetables and fruit harvested
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bit residents? i see nodding. >> oh that's cost. >> farm to table backyard to table. >> yes, farm to table from, you know, you are right. backyard to table. ok, thank you. couple more questions. >> i talked to mr. lee, you know , how this thing is going on this project. >> we're in contract compliance supervisor. >> about everything is under order? >> it is. >> according to s.p. and w.b.? >> correct. the developers and code developers have been co-operative in working with contract com lieance in assemble ing the design team as well as looking at the general contractor in a partnership with michael baines group. >> thank you. >> commissioner rosales.
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>> yeah, i had a question on marketing for the larger units. where, especially five bedroom, four bedroom, how is it that we do that? >> this is classified for the same way as all of the other units sizes so they'll go through the same ocii standard marketing process and as you've heard in other presentations we do special out reach four c.o.p. holders and then the developer will market the property and the unit mix through various different channels and there will be a lottery held when all applications are collected and the units will be assigned based on the lottery link order. >> so we don't have a large family interested party list or something like that?
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>> to add on slide 8 there is reference that some of the large units will be used as replace ment requirements for alice griffith. >> so we might know some of those candidates? >> so those units act as sort of physical replacements and not household replacements. >> it would seem you know there's i don't know and this would be a head of household or is it inter generational again. >> sure. >> a family with you know,. >> three kids the grandma. >> hi pam sims. ocii. and yes, actually is deal affirmative marketing to alice griffith households and see if there's any large households
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inner generational to see if they would want to live at this site. >> oh, great. >> any further questions? do i have a motion. >> i move. >> second. >> moved by commissioner rosales and seconded by commissioner singh madam secretary can you take the roll. >> commission members announce your vote when i call your name commissioner rosales. >> yes. >> singh. >> yes. >> vice-chair bustos is absent. >> yes. >> madam chair, we have throw ayes and one absent. >> thank you, motion carried. >> thank you very much for the presentation. >> congratulations. >> so madam secretary let's call the next item. >> the next order of business agenda item 5c work shop on fiscal year 2016-2017 annual affordable housing production report discussion. madam director.
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>> thank you. this item is interesting one and it's exciting and this is the third year where the agency has issued an annual affordable housing production report. jeff white will present on this item and i think the take away from the presentation is that this was a good year for us and most of the data said fourth had improved and he will talk us through what that is and the take aways we touched over 2,800 homes which is impressive so it's a strong year for us so with that jeff. >> great, thank you. good afternoon. jeff white houseing program manager. and welcome to the annual housing report. i've got a lot of material to cover so i may go briskly and we can take questions afterwards 678h.
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we go over just a quick summary of what our housing obligations are and we talked about the occupancy prefances out reach and our marketing practices and we highlight the marketing outcomes for three projects that reach 100% occupancy in fiscal year 16-17. we have a lot of our projects that are mid stream marketing and we decided to pick up the point if they reached 100% occupancy in fiscal '16 and '17 and we included them and they were dr. davis and you've seed the reports on those two projects and 72 town send which an inclusion ary project and the record talks about ocii's could be buying to the mayor's goal of delivering 10,000 affordable units by the year 2020 and we go
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