tv Government Access Programming SFGTV December 8, 2017 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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know i'm going to go quickly, one more again and one more again and go back again the home ownership opportunities are listed here. the home opioid are on the website they're not currently on dalia they're set to come early next year in the first quarter so right now they're listed in a separate place and i'm thrilled we've been able to bring dalia online and people are gaining from it and we will be happy to
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say that we've had our one million visit to the dalia website this week in the 16-17 fiscal year there were over 85,000 applicants to 1,015 units that came through our affordable housing system and our lottery. >> that's a lot of people we still will beat new york we have to beat by hundreds and hundreds of thousands. and how do i do this. i'm going non technology and i go back to power point. and so i'm going to switch gears
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a little bit and speak more quickly and the i just wanted give you a little reminder of the certificate of preference program and households that we're serving and there were over 5,000 households that were displaced originally with that we have identified and we are in contact monthly every time a unit goes and comes to market with about 181 of the households and we think that there are we know there are 1,618 that are deceased and we don't know how many more are deceased but we know there are more deceased certificate of preference holders than we are aware of and
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rental housing and there are 384 people that have never used their certificate but they're not actively looking for housing and there are 215 certificate holders that applied for housing in 16-17. those 215 actually submitted 258 applications and to multiple properties and we issued 55 new certificates in 2016-2017 and we were able to house 43 certificate of preference holders. we have seen after over all increase in the number of
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applications to all affordable housing since dalia so it seems to go along that certificate of preference holder are finding it easier to find as well. the larger numbers in the fiscal year 15-16 are due primarily to out reach done for dr. davis for that development and we even increase those numbers and i think it truly is because it's easier to apply now for our certificate of preference holders. and there were 43 households house inside 21 of the 43 were house inside ocii projects and 22 were housed in-houseing community development projects and there were 19 folks that lived outside of san francisco
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that when they were displaced they went outside of san francisco that came back, hallelujah. sam pablo, richmond, elk grove, san jose, hayward, san rafael, berkley and all those people to our city ex council tee of san francisco. so what happened to the folks that submitted an application but didn't get housed. 172 of them. there were 24 that were under income, we, as you will remember we were having a great partnership with the cue foundation that has a rental subsidy program that has been really helpful to house certificate of preference
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holders. the program ran oust their subsidiaries in mid of this year so we were unable to access those subsidiaries, they did get reunder and they currently have certificates and it's not too dismal for 17 and 19 that subsidy to get housed and 28 of them were over income, it's a fine line but those folks keep applying they will find something and request higher rental, higher a.m.i. served in many affordable housing and there are 17 folks who were underage and they applied for seniors and they were seniors so and they didn't get housed this
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time but it gets older so they keep applying they'll eventually get one and then there were only and i'm saying only, because out of 215 households there were only five denied due to credit or other eligibility of criteria and perhaps they were evicted and rental history and there were only five households and senior community or other access to housing agencies that are helping people fix credit or address it's the folks that withdrew or didn't ponte so we really looked at this and how
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come so many people, 98 folks changed their minds or stopped answering the phone when they submitted a a application and what we really looked at and we've met with agencies working with bay bay view and we really think that folks are, once they're changing their minds because once they see the units, maybe they don't meet every, meet the criteria that they have where they want to live and they are housed so they're not in urgent need so if they find out there's no parking, and they have applied, they might change their minds and wait for another unit to come available that has parking and if they find at the
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rent is they find out that the rent is not a unit that is paying where you pay a third of your income and it's a unit which is a priced higher and you have to have a minimum income to be able to afford that rent. they find that out and they weren't looking for that type of a situation and they'll drop out or they will refuse the unit. and then there's the location now that it's easier apply to affordable housing folks are applying and they're looking at the location and they decide you know what i don't want to live in that neighborhood i would rather live and as the survey we reported to you guys earlier this year the survey that we did certificate reverence holder many said they really want to live in western edition or bay
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view and we had many people drop oust even dr. davis, that opportunity to live at willie b. kennedy in the western edition and so folks have options and they are wanting to use their certificate when they want to use it they know the value of it and are making choices that are right for them. we reported to you earlier about fiscal year 16-17 how many preference holders were housed and there were 26c.o.p. holders housed at dr. davis and 12 at pacific point all together and those happened in over a long
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period of time and so 21 folks were housed in 15-16 and five in 15-16 when the units, when the building finished lease up and at pacific point they were 8-15- 16 and 4 in 16-17. recently, you received a report about a couple of developments that closed in early fiscal year 17-18 that leased up in 16-17 and one, was hunters view phase 2 and there were 106, one, two, three and four bed almost units at hunters view and it's family housing and 80 of those were 106 were set aside for hunters point redevelopment replacements and there were 26 tax credit units that came through the lottery system the john stewart company was the developer and there were
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1,946 applications for those 26 units and eight c. c.o.p. holders applied and three were housed. the other development that we were pointing and they were priced for families at 80% a.m. i. and linar had 85 applicants for 16 units there were one certificate of preference that applied and my slide says that they applied, they were over income and they were initially determined to be over income and they appealed and when they appealed the mayor
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's office housing of community development stand re looked at their income and determined they were not over income. here is the requirement for a developer, developer when a household appeals the developer has to hold a unit a com rable unit during the appeal. and that is what linar did, the household, there were two and three bedroom units going on at this time. the household they picked unand linnar held one unit and it wasn't the household wanted and so when we reviewed their appeal and said ok, you are income qualified the household went back to linnar and when linnar said i'm sorry this is the only three bedroom unit we had, the household said never mind so they're going to wait until
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another phase down the line when they can see the three bedroom unit that they want. another completed project was alice griffith phases 1 and 2 this was 128 or 184, 1, 2, 3 bedroom rental units and 68 tax credit union its the rest of them were public housing replace ments and this is mccormick baron salazar and we had 278,000 applicants for the 68 units and 25 preference holders that applied and five of them were housed. i'll give you -- you will get more in depth reports on these two projects in coming months. as they finish.
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the next project i want to talk about is that recently completed which i'll report more in detail later, is mission bay boulevard north which is called 588 and the name of the development that is 198 one and two bedroom rental units the rents ranged from 1,090 to 1576 per month and this is a related management company project and we had 4,000 and 65 applicants for the 17 certificate of preference, i'm sorry, for the 198 units and 17 c.o.p. holders that applied and sixth that were housed and they're currently lease are or they finished leasing it just very recently.
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in progress we're working on natalie trance bay block seven that lottery just happened and they're currently leasing there were 6,571 applications for 95 ain't and this was the first development that people could apply through dalia and trance bay black seven there were 10c. o.p. holders that applied and we're also working on alice griffith the application deadline. >> just passed. >> it's coming december 22nd. the shipyard clock 56 and 57 are all of the units are currently
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in escrow and by windsor and those units, those were 26 units and we had 888 applications and there were eight c.o.p. holders that applied and we'll find out the outcome of that in a future report. my last slide is just to talk a little bit about race and ethnicity in o.c. i.i. projects in general and not certificate of holder but in general but for the project that were completed in 2016-2017 so looking at dr. davis and pacific point and
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there were 126 african american folks housed in those three developments and 100 alone at dr. davis and there were 16 latino households folks that identified as latino in pacific point and dr. davis and 72 town send all three and 23 asian folks in all three of those and those are the highest numbers of race eth and nice tee in coi projects that completed in the 2016-2017. what are we doing now? well besides juggling all those lease ups and lotteries we're continuing to work on dalia and home opioid were hoping to get the home opioid listings as i
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said in the beginning of 2018 we're working on getting home opioid applications in dalia and those will come soon in 2018 and beer doing follow-up with the certificate of preference survey and pam is taking the lead on that and we have a lot of great activities planned for follow-up to this survey and among them, out reach through kay pew you all suggested last time and continuing out reach to faith- based groups and we are wanting to ex back to you with adoption of amendments to the ellis act housing preference and other preference programs that we've discussed and we will be coming to you with that in 2018. that is all i got for now.
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i think pam wants to wrap it up and then we'll take your questions. >> thank you. >> so we will be back in the spring of 2018 to give you an update on the c.o.p. survey items that we initially discussed in september of this year. and also i hope you all have been receiving the out reach post cards that the c.o.p. holders are reaching and also, because we wanted to let you know that we did hear you about wanting us to do out reach to c. o.p. holders, o.c. i.i. and most of these staff will host a c.o.p. information stable at the multi purpose senior services holiday party at the dr. davis center and that will be on december 15th in the evening so if you are available please come
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by. and i think that concludes our presentation and we would be happy to any answer questions you have, thank you. >> thank you very much. before we take questions from the fellow commissioners, do we have any speaker cards madam? secretary. >> madam chair we have two speakers cards. oscar dreams. >> oscar james those steps coming from the rear kind of look like i'm racing a race trying to get up here. anyway, the certificate purpose cards i brought mine they do send them out and i have four that comes to my house four of my illegal tenants i call them received the certificate also so they are doing a good job.
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i seen this thing on tv about people living in these units and i know you see it on the news and i want to make sure the director of certificate of preference makes sure she keeps her job because she's doing a good job. when something comes up and they say the records of a project are the first one to go they are doing a good job, they're reach ing out to the community but i have a problem and i want to bring it to the senior sitting up there, commissioner singh, when they had the re development commission we were trying to get grandkids of certificate holders put on these gift certificates and i would like for you guys to work on that to try and get the grandkids because like the lady
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before me and i'm bad on female names because i didn't have no sisters, but we want to try and get a -- she made a statement that a lot of the persons who were certificate holders has passed and they still have grandkids and what have you that were relocated and some of them may not even have been born like i have a son that wasn't born as a certificate holder but you know, he is looking for a house also. they need to have a preference on certificate of preference because of their parents and grandparents have been relocated out of western edition and hunters point so i would like you to look in to that to make it possible and i know a lot of games was played when i was taking place but the commissions at that time was trying to get that passed and we want to try and make sure that that happens and another thing is a lot of
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people don't know that you have housing corporations and dr. davis seniors who help peoples in getting their credit and things together to get these houses and that needs to be publicisted when they brick bring up presentations that they can go there and get their credit, i'm not looking for a house, i have a home and i might be two or three payments away from maybe loosing my house and i would probably be using my certificate, but that is just a joke. [laughter] you know, but there are people in that situation that may have a home or something like that and lose it and they have a certificate, you know, where they may have to get their credit up to standard and they can go to these places because they're there and they do a good job because i know some people who went there and thank you very much. thank you. ace washington.
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>> i'm bringing it way back the western edition projects area committee. and before they went under and i brought it back we created the way back facts and i'm going to have to bring it back was trump talking about fake news and alternative news, we get a lot of that in the community, a lot of that. getting back to the certificate of preference that originated from the way back. i used to come to these meetings when mary rogers and the rest of them, sam was here back then and morales they know who i'm ready to say and we sued for the master lease but we couldn't get it and they say we couldn't get it back then and didn't say yes
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but now 20 or 30 years pass and organizations like san francisco housing development corporation they used to get up here and raise hell. i remember she told ya'll to kiss her and pull her pants down in front of you and after that she became director started the first black restaurant down there. and she started this organization that one of ya'll own from redevelopment now who is the director she moving ya'll don't know the history but there's no mystery. i've been working on a lot of cases that involve with a lot of conspiracy and anyway and you are going to clearly see when i get an opportunity to come up here and give you a wonderful presentation and things you probably don't even know. my name is ace and i'm having a
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new tv show it's going to call this week. >> madam chair there are no more speaker cards. >> i will close public comments. questions, comments from my fellow commissioners. commissioners singh. >> thank you madam president. and you did a good job this year >> thank you. >> we appreciate that. and happy holidays. i didn't know that we are the only one meeting but you know, that is good though. yeah. that's enough. >> do have any comments on maria benjamin's. >> it's ok. >> it's ok. >> ok. >> could be better. [laughter] >> commissioner rosales. >> i want to thank staff and
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maria and her staff for the report and i always love getting these statistics annan anecdotes and it feels like i said before like it's worth it being a commissioner, spending, you are not leaving are you? [laughter] >> i'm not leaving. >> we're almost done. >> you are late. >> i just want to say thank you i know that we have one more meeting in december by the way i think. >> we have a meeting? >> we do not? >> i thought i heard december 19th. >> no, no. >> it's not an action item that we don't have a meeting so i want to say, i just have a few questions, the cue foundation i've asked this question before, i would love to know more about them because i'm so impressed
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with the work that they do and i feel foolish and being done and i tell folks this organization and program and i know you mentioned that and describe them to us in the past and i think that they and the other bay view and i want tem this trying so that i didn't use the actual rhythm and bay view and. here we go, here we g the multi purpose senior center inc and i mean these organizations come up repeatedly as doing some pretty good work so some pretty
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spectacular and i would also want the cue foundation and extending support and once upon a time the original core mission >> that is correct. they still have the mission of providing rental subsidiaries for permanently disabled folks and very low income people seniors and and our c.o.p. holders fall in to their mission and helping those communities but they are targeting our certificate of preference holders prioritizeing certificate of holders when they have and they set aside rents subsidiaries for our folks so it's been a really beautiful
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partnership and brian is there and he has time and time again fought really hard to continue getting more subsidiaries from the city, the city gives the grants from the subsidiaries and it's never enough, it's never enough. but we're working very hard together and the question i have is i guess i don't quite get if in each one of these lotteries now with dalia which is fantastic, there are some certificate of prep rans holders that a apply which is fantastic right because it's a huge, huge first step and then are not successful why are they not
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matched up with opportunities that are in the pipeline coming up i mean do they really need to then reapply. >> they are matched up and they are, the system doesn't match them up, things change and their income and my change even if it's slightly than we need to know that or their household size might change maybe before they were going on their own but now they're going with another family member and also the a.m. i. the area meeting income changes so that maybe they didn't qualify and maybe they were over income by you know, $100 last year but now with the increase in a.m.i. they are able to comply or having said all that they have to insert their
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income information but if they create it will ought' population their information and they don't have to go through it again and but income they have to put in each time there isn't a matching yet, i know this concept of opportunity and candidate. >> we absolutely that have that twinkle and before you were a twinkle in my eye and that is absolutely one of the twinkles in our eye we want to make sure that we can do that eventually and our prioritize getting home ownership applications on dalia first before we begin that work but it is yeah, it makes sense like if you put your information in there and there's an
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opportunity that spits you you get an e-mail here press submit is we are really going there eventually. >> the good news for mission bay , is that there were households that did apply, c.o. p. households that did apply in a previous lottery we noted they were over income because that project was coming on and it targeted higher incomes we made a special effort to target those five over income c.o.p. households. before brooke barber transferred off this project. >> that's good news. >> zoneia mack daniel is our new certificate of preference and i didn't give her a shout out before where i should and she's really been able to infusion new energy and some new connections with communities groups and
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certificate of preference holders that i think is really -- i praise her for that because chef spends a lot of time on the phone and folks and building relationships and house people and when they have and problems and a response quickly reach out for those opportunities and we get notifications of these opportunities and i've been at parties, events and people talking about all my kids and my college age kid and can't find a place and here they're from here and it's effective to have it and thank you. >> thank you. >> well i cannot thank you enough for this report. and i'm also very happy that finally dalia is working and
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thank you for the demonstrations now i can forward the links, the link to those who are interested and i echo what commissioner ros ales says hopefully there's a match because it seems to me that you really should, as an applicant, stay on top of your open indications and keep on reapplying until you qualify and i thank you for the efforts that you and your staff have been and of course, you know, our staff at ocii for working together and working with the c.o.p. holders because this is a way of making sure when we displace them and we're helping them get house again and i'm happy to note that there were quite a few who came back back back to san francisco back home and they're applying
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and we're doing our best to house them so thank you for that report and if you pam and jeff for the report and this is a wonder of meeting and what is next on our agenda? >> thank you. >> madam secretary, please call the next item. >> the next order of business is item 6, public comments on non agenda items. madam chair. >> public comments. >> do we have any public speaker cards. >> we have two speaker cards. we have oscar james. you are waving your -- he is not only physically he is waving. he is waving his -- oh. [laughter] >> he is waving his speaker opportunities. >> oh, ok. >> ace washington.
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he is not waving. >> i promise to be just three minutes but i want to express to you, i'm hearing in the air that you guys are canceling your meeting on the 19th. and i brought documents for ya'll. first time i put something in writing and i'm going sign it right here but i already delivered it to the mayor, board of supervisor and ocii mayor office of human commission and all of these departments that are now dealing with the addition. and now ya'll now it was a complete circle and two-year's time it's back in your hands. the addition, oh yes from my understanding, see that's what i'm saying, you are responsible and have the obligation to come to our community and ya'll to say you are so dis respectful to me and i come here for for a number of years before you even changed your names.
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i came up here before your director was your doctor or and she had to go to another place and had ya'll this close to coming to the community and having your commissioners meeting and a letter came up from london breed and says she's going to take over and that process is over and they failed us. they failed us miss ra blee and every department, on this piece of paper and i'm assigned to give to ya'll and respectfully asking ya'll to come to our community next on the 19th. to just explain or talk about what the tell is going on at the addition. the last component closed two weeks ago and 1300 and the last they say the recipients of the money they ain't been paying no money but two days ago, there was someone in the building there having a private party so why in the hell do they get to have private parties and we
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can't go in 1300. there's two double stands address. the other request is i'm asking for all hands on deck to the mayor, all these departments, must come and tell us what is going on. now, if ya'll don't feel you are obligated to that i'm going to sacramento, to stop before this procedure started this year because obviously governor brown don't know what is going down. the black population is going down in san francisco. all right, you heard. when is the last time you've been in the community? so i want to make it crystal clear, this letter is going to ya'll and it's going to every department and my next letter will stay at the bottom but severely because i'm going to court and if due come in to the community it's not a threat,
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there's no obligation you don't give a dog gone about it and you have an obligation to tell us and your director says you are not in charge, yes you are, that building and i've been told by o cii i mean, oewd is back in charge of ya'll and if you don't know you better ask the mayor and if the mayor don't know, i'm going to go ask jerry brown. because this is too much. ya'll could come out there and have a meeting right there at 1300. i have facilitated and i ran a security guard and ya'll need to come out there and it doesn't reflect on whether the commission said let's go. he said ya'll ain't. my name is ace and i'm on the case.
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>> thank you mr. washington. no more speaker cards madam chair. >> i will close public comments. will you call the next item madam secretary. >> the next order of business is item 7, report of the chair, madam chair. >> i have no report. >> the next order of business is item 8 report of the executive district or, madam director. >> thank you madam secretary. i think during the presentations earlier staff had talked about three items that are coming before you of which we'll send the community dedication next friday so if you have not already received an invitation we'll send that out and also, they acknowledge that alice griffith phase 3 got t.c.o. so there's more lottery will start in january and then we actually got responses for the r.s.p. the commission approved it with 52- 54 last week and actually it was this week and we got two
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submissions and so they both seem incomplete so when the process of reviewing them and we'll get back to you and i should note that we have a forward calender in the packet and typical we typically see what programs are ready for commission approval and we try to be efficient so we just don't want to put one item on the agenda so based on what we're looking at wile try to connect with the chair and vice-chair of the agenda setting committee and discuss what the december and projecting our january meeting instead of a december meeting and. >> please call the next item. >> the next order of business is item 9, commissioner's questions and matters. madam chair. >> any questions from my fellow
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commissioners? >> let's give a hand to jimmy and lucinda. [applause] i agree. >> you've done a great job for how many months now? you've been on staff. >> four months. >> ok. >> four. >> has it only been four? [laughter] >> congratulations on your fourth month. great job and lucinda for supporting jamie. and madam executive director our new executive director, well, newly appointed executive district or. >> let's give a hand to her. [applause] any other -- >> i just want to say happy holidays it's shocking we're in december but since we are happy holidays. everyone. and i do want to say that you know, mr. james offered suggestions about the certificate of preference if we
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can look in to that and also mrs a possibility for ulsrud to schedule a in western edition area. madam secretary call the next item. >> the next order of business is item 10 closed session, there are no closed session items. and the next order of business is item 11, adjournment. >> madam chair. >> i need a motion to adjourn. >> motion to adjourn. >> ok. >> meeting adjourned. -
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enjoyed look up the bay the waterfront is boosting for activities boosting over 25 visitors every year the port of san francisco manages 7 may have million dollars of waterfront from hyde street and fisherman's wharf to the cargo terminals and name shoreline the architecture like pier 70 and the ferry building is here for the embarcadero and a national treasure the port also supports 10 different maritime industries alongside with the recreational attractions making san francisco one of the most viable working waterfronts in the world but did you think that our waterfront faces serious challenges if earthquake to
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damage the seawall and the embarcadero roadway rising seawalls will cause flooding at high tides and major repairs to a safe many of the piers the port is at a critically turnl point time to plan for the future of san francisco's waterfront this year the port is updating it's marts plan the plan working group to invite a wide variety of poichdz from the city and bayview and other advisory teams to share their expertise if intense and maritime operations the waterfront land use plan has guided the use and development of the lanes for the last 20 years major physical changes take place along the waterfront and now is the time to update
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the waterfront plan to continue improvements that will keep our waterfront vibrate, public and resilient the biggest challenges facing the waterfront are out the site an aging seawall along the embarcadero roadway and seawalls that will rise by 21 hundred to provide and productivity of tides seawall is built over weak soils and mud the next earthquake will cause it to settle several feet without the urgent repairs that will damage the promenade and other things we've been fortunate over the last hundred years less than one foot of seawall over the next hundred years scientists say we'll have 6 feet of seawall rise imagine the pier 30/32 will
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be floated, the embarcadero will be flooded our transportation system is fog to be heavy impacts unfortunately, the port didn't have the financial resources to repair all the deteriorating piers let alone the adaptations for sea level rise. >> it is clear that the port can't pay for the seawall reinforcement or deal with the sea level rise on its own needs to raise money to take care of the properties at take care of the maintenance on the properties no way absent anti funding the issues of sea level rise or the schematic conditions of seawall can be development. >> as studies talk about the seawall challenges the working group is look at the issues please come share our ideas about recreation, pier
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activities, shoreline habitat, historic preservation and transportation issues and viral protection. >> we know this planning process will not have one question and one answer we need the diversity of the opinions how people feel about san francisco waterfront and want to hear all the opinions. >> the challenges call for big decisions now is the time to explore now and creative ideas to protect and preserve san francisco waterfront. >> now is the time to get involved to help to shape the future of our waterfront. >> we need the debate please come forward and engage in the process. >> this is your waterfront and this is your opportunity to get involved be part of solution help san francisco create the waterfront we want for the future. >> this is really to dream big
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and i think about what our waterfront looked like for all san franciscans today and generations to come. >> get involved with the planning process that will set the fraction for what is coming at the port. >> find for in upgrading dates on the ports website. >> (ship blowing horn in distances) . >> neighborhood in san francisco are also diverse and fascist as the people that inhabitable them we're in north beach about supervisor peskin will give us a
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tour and introduce is to what think of i i his favorite district 5 e 3 is in the northwest surrounded by the san francisco bay the district is the boosting chinatown oar embarcadero financial district fisherman's wharf exhibit no. north beach telegraph hill and part of union square. >> all of san francisco districts are remarkable i'm honored and delighted to represent really whereas with an the most intact district got chinatown, north beach fisherman's wharf russian hill and knob hill and the northwest waterfront some of the most wealthier and inning e
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impoverished people in san francisco obgyn siding it is ethically exists a bunch of tight-knit neighborhoods people know he each other by name a wonderful placed physically and socially to be all of the neighborhoods north beach and chinatown the i try to be out in the community as much as and i think, being a the cafe eating at the neighborhood lunch place people come up and talk to you, you never have time alone but really it is fun hi, i'm one the owners and is ceo of cafe trespassing in north beach many people refer to cafe trees as a the living room of north beach most of the clients are local and living up the hill come and meet with each other just the way the united states been since 1956 opposed by the
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grandfather a big people person people had people coming since the day we opened. >> it is of is first place on the west that that exposito 6 years ago but anyone was doing that starbuck's exists and it created a really welcoming pot. it is truly a legacy business but more importantly it really at the take care of their community my father from it was formally italy a fisherman and that town very rich in culture and music was a big part of it guitars and sank and combart in the evening that tradition they brought this to the cafe so many characters around here everything has incredible stories by famous folks last week the cafe that
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paul carr tennessee take care from the jefferson starship hung out the cafe are the famous poet lawrence william getty and jack herb man go hung out. >> they work worked at a play with the god fathers and photos he had his typewriter i wish i were here back there it there's a lot of moving parts the meeting spot rich in culture and artists and musicians epic people would talk with you and you'd gettion of the meetin.
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>> thank you. since we have a new commissioner michael papas, i would like a few comments about his background and tell us about himself. >> thank you, mr. chair. i am michael pappas and i have served as the executive director of the san francisco interfaith council. our interfaith council's constituency comprises of the 800 congregations in the city and county of san francisco. a lot of theed ed ed ed ed eee base within this region and we convene the c.e.o.s of the major faith-based social service agencies. each of these constituencies in some way touches our aging adults and people with disabilities, as well for the last six years and three months, i have se
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