tv Government Access Programming SFGTV December 9, 2017 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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had information. i was getting ready to leave the commission. a lot of that investigation was put together without my input. i was the point man for at least a year and-a-half up to that point. i don't know where the information come from to say they were out of compliance. they haven't been out of compliance as far as the sound. i feel like it is a red herring to hit the sound issue. you can do improvements. when you are not out of compliance. in the interest of time i will give you an example. washington square is quiet. i dealt with a venue. what i found in the residence sound level 30-decibels. that was quiet. venue was raising that seven or eight. interior noise code sets the maximum exposure a venue can
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cause on the resdidn'ts to be 45. it net got up to 47. this is an issue in that area. i was saying i think there are some things he could do to satisfy the commission. he should be given the opportunity. in the least, you know, maybe you guys should consider laxing the conditions pending whatever work that you want. then go from there. thanks. >> thank you. any other public comment? public comment is closed. this item. commissioners so we have a request to lift the midnight limitation, there are a number offing requests the they are in
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complining with the -- compliance with the sound study. the neighbor notification hasn't reached all of the neighbors at least. we can lift this now, we can table this until the january meeting and ask for additional information in writing. what is your pleasure, commissioners? where would you like to go with this? >> i would like to table it until january. i agree with the comments of the commissioner that there is not enough documentation. it is disturbing to hear the neighbors have not been notified properly. i don't think there is a decision i would be comfortable making. there is a lot of he said and they said in the room tonight.
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>> i would like to have the other commissioners to hear and see the documents. in general, again, i would like to have the documentation, i would like to hear from the independent third-party on the issues or maybe not. having them in complains until midnight, when they are in full operation it could be a different story. i am afraid the building is not solid enough. i really need to see the data and i would like them to show the data to the neighbors to let them know they are doing everything they can to mitigate the sound noise. that protects them. that protects bennett as well because obviously the conversation in the last five or six years has been, yes, i will do this and yes, i have and we are waiting for items to be
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approved. in the hearing in july he was still waiting for things to be approved. with more data i can change my mind. i would like to table it as well >> could you be more specific. are you looking for the sound mitigation or notification to the neighbors in writing? what would you like? >> number one, a letter of recommendations from an independent sound person. that addresses maybe the room in the back, where the thumping noise or whatever is bothering or maybe there is no problem. maybe they are in complains. at least for the record i would like to see that. if they are making any recommendations to fix it, to mitigate it, i would like to see
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a contractor like we did, a contractor addressing what it takes to do this. this is similar to hal c.e.o. n's case. i don't want hue to be different. they are having issues after they fixed the sound. there is only so much we can do. i am looking for data from an independent sound engineer. if there are recommendations for fixing, i would like to see a contractor or whoever they went to hire to do the sheetrocking and when it is going to be finished. the plan to do the work and whatever needs to be approved, get it approve. go to the land lord and say i need these things approved and show me the response or don't show me.
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it is up to you to provide us with the data to support your change. >> another issue is the plan for increased security. the plan for increased security. >> i didn't hear that. >> the plan for increased security. >> all of those other conditions were met before. >> i don't think there is a problem with that part. once we get over this part then we will redo the conditions. >> he is coming back in january with documentation around the plans. i thinked needs to be clear that we want you accountable to when we are asking you to communicate to the neighbors and to the police department and have that in writing. thank you. did you have a comment
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>> beyond the sound level the other issue is the management or mismanagement of the venue. i am very concerned about the photo from the newspaper that he showed of people drinking out of the bottle when they are to manage that. the management of the bar i think is the other issue that needs addressed >> just to be clear that is not part of the conditions that we had placed. >> i think that could be part of the -- well the security. something with the security and the bar service. wasn't that part of the condition? >> all right. so there is a proposal to table this item until the next meeting in january, the january commission meeting. i am trying to make sure we have clarity for the permit holder on what the expectations are at that point. it sounds like the expectations are to have in writing for us
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the sound assessment, the specific plans in place including any contract or plans for modifications and copies of the notification to neighbors, documentation to neighbors. is that accurate, commissioners? to be clear they have been found to be in compliance in the sound at this point by the inspector. they are not out of compliance on the sound issue >> if they can address the bottle service issue >> is that accurate, commissioners? >> i have no problems changing it. when they are in full operation, it is a different story. >> all right. so that was a motion to table
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this. >> i want to kind every it rate so it is clear. you are continuing this item to january 16th hearing and asking that the permittee provide a letter of recommendation from an independent sound expert other company including data and sound mitigation plan and providing copies of the sound mitigation plan to neighbors and providing that documentation to us. one documentation in writing of how they have met the condition regarding security. >> may i ask a question? >> not at this point. sorry. >> i mean i am fine with it. >> i think he does on the security part. >> i second the motion. >> we have a motion to continue this made and seconded.
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(roll call) >> i want to say thank you to the venue where i mean we are hearing you are in compliance on the sound and it wasn't encouraging to hear from the police department and we look forward to resolving this at the january meeting. thank you. thank you to members of the community that came out on this item. thank you. there is a request for >> we would like to reconteen the entertainment commission meeting. thank you for the recess. next item up is item number 9 which i will read. item number 10. consideration and possible
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adoption of proposed findings and determination in conjunction with the previously announced decision in the matter of a complaint against jose escolaro dba lao if i seenna's place of entertainment permit ec1216 that included imposition of a 30-day suspension. we voted on that at the last commission meeting and at this meeting we need to adopt the findings and set the date for the begin of the suspension. assuming that we adopt the findings. how we are going to have this each both the commission director and the oficina
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representative each have three minutes to present their position regarding the findings. we have the draft findings from the city attorney's office, and then we will hear public comment. then we will hopefully adopt or not adopt one of the findings. one of the draft findings. with that director wyland. >> thehello, commissioners, i dt have anything formal. i am looking at my proposed findings. if you have any questions please let me know. basically, it is kind every it rating what we heard at our suspension hearing.
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let's go through. the entertainment commission found the permittee or an agent or employee failed to comply with the revised security plan as required by section 1060.32 of the police code specifically pursuant to inspector burke's inspection on october 6 o sixth. the four conditions listed more thoroughly in the proposed findings i gave to you. secondly the commission found that permittee or employer agent of permittee engaged in conduct or in connection with the operation that would constitute a violation of police code section 1060.20.1a3a. specifically, jose sanchez who was the security guard for
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laoficina engaged in conduct on the premise and in the operation that would constitute a violation of the following laws, assault and battery and discharging firearm and unlawful weapons. they found the permittee or agent or employee failed to comply with the condition placed on the permit. specifically pursuant to inspector burke's friday september 1st inspection. they failed to come play with the following -- comply with the conditions. there are six you will see in the findings. based on those findings the commission determines that the appropriate penalty for the violations would be a 30-day suspension. let me know if there is anything else you need from me. >> no, that is good.
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>> good evening, commissioners, i went through the initial proposed findings and decision and made objections to them. i have received a new one. it appears to be fine. i can't change what the commission decided. i certainly there is no time to argue about that. however, i want to include that we actually continued the hearing on this document just so that we can be within the next hearing or the history of what happened here. other than that, i don't have any more objections. however, i do want to let the commission know that lao if i lt an e-mail stating regarding the
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calendar they were not going to do any calendaring of anything until this issue was resolved. in essence, they have not done anything since the initial letter of the complaint was sent. i am requesting on behalf of laoficina that the 30-day suspension be retroactive and therefore it could give them time now to start with their entertainment license again and kind of starting new at this point and take it from there. that is my suggestion and that is what i am requesting on their behalf. >> thank you. any public comment on this item?
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everyone is welcome to make comment and two minutes per person, please. >> i am eva. i live in san francisco. i live in district 11 and i am concerned about the said safety of this neighborhood. i have been here for the last courts and her how irresponsible the owner of a bar can be that has led to someone being shot on the premises. i believe that i just want to say that i stand with the 30-day suspension and we really look at this matter. it wasn't only somebody's life but it could be somebody else's life. i hear stand for my community to say that i just disagree with
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the irresponsibility of, you know, of owning a license and not taking care of that. there is a lot of bars that abide by the laws. i believe that just for that matter that a 30-day suspension will be perfect because he hasn't abided by the laws or rules of owning and having a license for this bar. >> thank you. next. >> good evening. i am sandra. i am from district 11. i would say the same thing eva said. the only difference is that we did what miss -- you know a couple people going to the bar.
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they were beyond drunk and like she said, they were super-irresponsible. they would still let the people inside the bar. you guys showed a newspaper earlier about somebody drowning i don't know what it was. the day somebody got killed that same day somebody tried to go into there but he was i want to say intoxicated. i think that is just something horrible that should not be. it is irresponsibility from the owner. i am here to say i would want it to be closed or i am here to support the 30-day suspension. >> thank you. any further comment? >> hello. good evening commissioners.
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legislative aid to supervisor in the district 11. i am here he is in a board meeting to express his gratitude to each and every one of you for taking this on and state his support for the maximum allowed penalty which is a 30-day suspension. if it were up to us we would have revoked the permit. i hope it makes it clear that business as usual will no longer be tolerated. we are serious about cracking down on business operators who are not good neighbors and don't follow the law. prospects of suspension of 30-days. thank you for your support. we appreciate it. >> thanks to the supervisor. any other public comment? with that public comment is
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closed. so we have in front of us the red line version with the edit from the city attorney. we have heard that both parties accept the set of findings and determinations here. but i need a motion to adopt the findings as drafted by the city attorney. and a decision on when the 30-day suspension will start. is there a motion to adopt the findings. >> i make the motion. i would like to make the motion to adopt the findings of the
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city attorney as drafted as well as imposing the 30-day suspension starting tonight. is there any reason to delay it? >> retroactive? >> no starting tonight. my motion is to adopt the finding as drafted by the city attorney and to start the suspension starting today. >> i have a question from staff. did you speak with city attorney on protocol for sending out the suspension notice. whether that had to be starting tonight or if it needed to start tomorrow? curious. let's see. the motion should state the date the suspension will start and should also state the date the findings are being issued which can be the day today.
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the date of the issuance is important in terms of the business and any appeals and so on. i think we should -- we state the date the findings are issued today and we can also state the date when the suspension starts. >> today, right? >> so my motion says we accept the findings starting today and that the 30-day suspension will begin today. >> i second. >> staff do we think that is consistent with what is required? >> i need to do homework to send the paperwork that is why i was curious. >> you are here and la foficina
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is here >> may i address that. in the regular court of law notices need to be mailed. once nes are mailed that is when they become effective. that is just i am throwing that out. >> right. >> i am sure that is probably it. >> we are not a court of law but we want to make sure we are doing everything above board and in accordance within. should we have the findings start today and the -- my point being that it sounds like this needs to come from the commission secretary, not me since i am a party to the case. she is likely going to reach out to the city attorney for guidance on sending the decision you guys make tonight to the permittee.
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it sounds like the suspension could start tonight based on your decision but the proposed findings regarding the suspension need to be sent tomorrow, for example. >> do we need to amend the motion? >> is that acceptable as an amendment? >> yes, that is acceptable. >> we have a motion and second. commissioner perez. (roll call) all right. thank you. that is decided and thank you to the oficina and thank you for sitting through this long meeting.
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we appreciate your participation and process. we have another agenda item. i have a feeling that there may be a desire to continue it. item 11 is the good neighbor policy. i know there is some interest in turning it until the next until the january meeting. am i correct in that? >> yes, would you like a motion? >> yes. >> i would make a motion. what i have handed to you this evening is meant to be a conversation starter. i have included notes that are hard to desigh feras to suggested additions how the existing conditions could be modified and i am happy to answer questions as to where i might be headed with some of this stuff over e-mail.
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i am not sure if that is something i can do. to start the conversation with you guys. i think it is high time we take a good look at this and see where we will be able to take it. >> i think there was some interest on the part of a couple of commissioners in forming an ad hoc work group to look at this and develop with inspector burke some language. inspector lee -- sorry. i am so sorry. i have that inspector language stuck in my head. i apologize. i have done it to, i think, all of you. you are the only commissioner. i apologize. commissioner lee, i know you
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have strong opinions and feelings about these issues. would you be willing to work with inspector burke on the developing some draft language? is there another inspector? >> now, i have done it. i apologize. i will get it through my head one of these days. commissioner, to the two of you to work with inspector not commissioner burke to develop draft language that we can look at at the next meeting building on what inspector bucker that done -- burke has done which is helpful and we can update and modify the language on the good neighbor policy. thank you to both of you for volunteering or being volunteered, commissioners, to
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work on this. that is item 11. the time item then is commissioner comments and questions. any comments and questions? >> come to the party. >> please come to the party those of you still watching and listening. if you haven't switched over to the board of supervisors per visors meeting come to our holiday party. would you like to announce when and where it is. >> for everyone of the public can come. december 19th, it is a tuesday. 5:45 p.m. at the chapel. we are going to have live music by local bands. we might have a raffle. what are we winning? >> you will see. i don't know.
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vip experience >> yes commissioner. >> since this is our last meeting in public, i believe. i want to take this opportunity to thank the staff. you have reduced size and working very hard. we appreciate all of the hard work you have been doing. thank you to director wyland for holding the fort down. thank you to inspector bucker -- inspector burke. dill lopyou are a great addition to our family. i am glad we have someone for outdoor events. the project you are working on is a big monster. i know that it is going to make outdoor event producers thankful and happy that this is one document that will explain this
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>> we are back on the record in open session. you still have a quorum. >> please call the next item. >> item 10 discussion on item 9 held in closed section. >> i move not to disclose. >> president turman: second. >> on the question aren't we prohibited from disclosing this no matter if we want to or not. >> we have to make this motion. >> president turman: moved and seconded all in favor. any opposed? all right. next item.
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>> item 11 adjournment. >> president turman: members of this commission tonight we close the book on the commission in 2017. we are concluding our calendar for the year and we will be back on january 10th. it has been a challenging year, it has been a hard year. but we accomplished much and there is still a lot to do. let's work as productively together as we have been able to do in the past. i look forward to working with all of you in 2018. 2018 in one capacity or another. and i thank you for all of your time and attention to the commission and to the goal also of serving the people of the
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city and county of san francisco. >> i want to thank you and the commissioner for your leadership. it is a difficult year. we do what we have to do. i want to thank you for your hard work. and we hope you get well. >> thank the chief, too. all in favor of adjournment. aye. i will make a motion to adjourn. >> second. >> i vote no. i will go with the majority. >> president turman: all in favor. any opposed. thank you. we will see you on january 10th.
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>> president turman: okay. [ roll call. ] clrk clerk presidenture man, you have a quorum. also with us is the police chief and the interim director of accountablity, paul henderson. >> thank you very much, secretary kilshaw. >> president turman: members of the public, welcome to the december 6, 2017 session of the police commission meeting. we'll jump rite? >> clerk: item 1, request and file action. request from the chief of police to accept $6,000 in gifd cards from target to help 40 under privileged and disadvantaged children. >> president turman: commissioners, are there any
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questions or comments on this particular consent item? if not, i'll move in favor. >> move. >> all in favor? >> president turman: any opposed. thank you. next item, please. >> clerk: [ inaudible ] presentation of safe place initiative. >> good evening, chief scott. >> good evening, commissioners. commissioners, presidenture man, vice president mazzucco. i'll start this week with crime and then talk about some significant events that have happened over the past week. start off with our homicide rate. i know that's really been a huge issue for us this year. we are at 56 homicides year to date. last year, we were at 50. we ended up 2016 with 58
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homicides, so we have seen a downward trend in homicides in the last couple of months, and we are hoping that we can hold the ground to keep from having an uptick by the year's end. in our sheetings, we are actually down 8.4% from year-to-date. this time last year, we had 152 shootings year to date, last year, we had 166, so it's about 15 less than this time last year. so again, that's a good sign, and i think we've deployed some good strategies to try to keep the homicide rate at bay for the remainder of the year, so we have three weeks left to do that. there are some significant -- at least one significant. we had an arrest on a homicide that occurred on september 6th of this year. it was a stabbing, homicide
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with a knife. we had a suspect that was arrested on the 28th of november . his name it gregory speech. he's an african american male, 35 years of age. he was charged -- he was booked for 187 (c) murder and charged with that offense, as well. so that is good news to report, and hopefully, that case will be prosecuted successfully. there is actually -- there was one significant event and that was a shooting at the 1600 block of sunnydale. one male was shot with life threatening youries. he is expected to survive. this thing happened at about 7:22 in the evening on december the 1st, and we do believe there may be some gang
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involvement in this particular crime, and so our gang task force is investigating, and that happened in the i thingle district, and that's it for significant crime for the week. the most significant event we've had this week is an officer-involved shooting that occurred this past friday, and i'll read the details. on december 1st, 2017 at about 1:30 in the morning, san francisco officers responded to the 1800 block of 3rd street regarding a carjacking. a female lottery employee was assaulted and sustained nonlife threatening injuries during the lottery. a second vehicle observed as a gold suv was at the scene and is believed to be involved in the lottery. state police officers saw the lottery vehicle and the suv traveling closely together in
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the bayview area district. the vehicle sped up and the vehicle was stopped in the area of ingelside and were detained. officer pursued the suv and eventually an officer was involved in a shooting. body cameras from the officers involved in this incident have been retrieved, and the area was canvassed for other video and evidence. the san francisco police department robbery detail investigating the carjacking and the robbery, and the san francisco police department homicide detail, along with the san francisco district attorney's office, the san francisco police internal affairs division and the office of police accountablity, and
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the office of the chief medical examiner were also called to investigate this incident. anyone with any information about this incident is asked to call the sfpd tip line or text a tip to tip411, and begin the message with sfpd. you may remain anonymous. tomorrow, we will have our town hall meeting at 1800 oakdale. it'll be at 1:00 in the afternoon involving our practice at town hall, which we try to have it at the same time the shooting occurred, unless it happened in the morning, so we will have that at 1800
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oakdale, and it's open to the public. >> police, i'm going to ask you to schedule that town hall to sometime in the evening. 1:00 p.m. will not give the public enough time to attend that meeting, especially in the middle of the day. so please work with your staff to come up with a 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. start time, please. >> we will fulfill that request but it might put it off to another day. >> president turman: i would rather put it off to another day than not have the public have access, so that's fine. >> and the other events this week is traffic safety operation plan for -- >> president turman: could you hold one second before you go further, chief. commissioner d commissioner dejesus, is this along the same line of what you
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just said yes. i think it's important that the community and the public be able to go, and so i'd ask that it be moved from 1:00 in the afternoon. >> president turman: thank you. chief of police, please proceed. >> thank you. the police will conduct a traffic safety operation on december 12th, 15th, 18th, and 28th that will focus on bicycle and pedestrian safety. over the past three years, the department has identified areas where significant numbers of pedestrian and bicycle related collisions have occurred and responded by deployed additional officers to those areas in an effort to prevent deaths and injuries. special attention will be given focus on the following allegations: speeding, failing to signal for right-hand turns, as well as any other dangerous violations, and that is the -- my report for this week.
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>> president turman: thank you, chief. did you want to call the next item on your list, chief? >> yes. so we have commander david lozar who will make the next presentation. >> president turman: good evening, commander. >> good evening. members of the commission, chief scott, i'm david lozar from the police chief commission. i'm here to speak to you and present to you a new program and initiative that we're initiating in the san francisco police department called the safe place program, and officer navarro's going to get that up on the screen here. so briefly, i'll just give you the background what our objective is, the implementation and our key points, our goals, and plans moving forward with the safe place program. so a little bit of -- on the background is that there's an officer by the name of james ritter in the seattle police
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department, and in 2015, he created the safe place program in seattle, and it was essentially created to address the lgbt community issues -- >> president turman: we've had this part of the presentation. can you get to what we're doing? >> yes. okay. here's our plan, and i just will say this: in 2013, the san francisco police department under chief sur started a similar initiative, but it was just relegated to police stations and the will lgbt community. we're starting this in january . we'll have an officer who was be engaged in the liaison division. we're going to message this program through bill boards and press conferences and social media and any way possible to get the word out. we've created our own symbol to recognize san francisco safe place initiative.
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that's new branding decals, but a 6 by 6 sticker on the window. anyone who's willing to participate, they'll get a little bit of training and we'll be grateful for their assistance with the public. as you know, the goal is to help the public, anybody is in need of police services, if they're fearful, if they need help, they will see this sticker, they will see this symbol, and they know they can go into a business and be helped. our phases will be in four phases. one will be schooled, followed by community facilities, followed by businesses, followed by faith-based organizations, and of course we're rebranding our own brand. is essentially, the plan, we're going to exceed the seattle police department's model. we're redesigning the logo. our pilot program will begin on february 1st, 2018, in the mission and the bayview districts, and then, based on surveys, and our interaction
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with the public, we'll make adjustments to the program and essentially roll it out citywide by the fall of 2018. in terms of the community engagement division and the tasks, we're going to look for grant funding and other federal grants and donations to roll this out. we're going to do internal training with the department by putting out a bulletin, letting every police officer know that we have this program. we're going to work with our community officers at mission and bayview. we need their support and officers and buy-in to roll this out in two districts, and we're going to have the officers on foot beats and have every officer we can to promote the program. each station will be marketed, and we're going to get success stories on how it works. we'll put it on our department website, and we'll promote it any possible way that we can. i know tonight i thanked you for approving the $6,000 grant from target.
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that's for another program, but target now has agreed to provide $2,500 to help us kick this program right away. that'll be a consent item that comes to you down the road for approval. on the last page, i'd like to reference the decal, if you have it in your handout. thanks to officer yolanda williams and tory grady. each part of the star has a symbol: compassion, justice, honesty, integrity, respect, and this purple star will be placed, four by six decal, in the windows of these businesses. we're very excited to roll this program out. last note, i'd just like to note that we made changes to this presentation and powerpoint from the original one. it's been amended for the public that may have received it on the internet when the commission posted it last friday, and with that, i'll take any questions that you may
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have. >> president turman: commander lozar, i want to say, i meant no disrespect. it's just i'm sick and i've got a long agenda. i just want to get this. >> it's okay. >> president turman: commander lozar, thank you for your dedicationtu dedication. >> president turman: chief, do you have anything you want to say? >> i just wanted to say i thank officer lozar for putting this together. >> i just want to say i am so grateful that i am to have a program of this type in the city and keecounty of san francisco, and i assure you we're looking forward to making this a model that other cities will also want to tailor. >> president turman: thank you very much. it should also be known that we
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took seattle's program and modelled it outwards. thank you for taking the first step. thank you so much for your hard work. commissioners, do you have any comments? >> commissioner melara: officer lozar, i've been waiting for this for a long time. i was involved in the initial conversations with the seattle program, and so i want to extend my help because when i -- we started talking about this here, bank of america, who's very involved in seattle, and has expressed interest in contributing here, so i'd ask you to follow up. >> thank you. >> president turman: commissioner dejesus. >> so thank you for expanding it. this just for lgbt or anyone? >> it's for anyone.
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anyone who needs possible assistance, they need help. they'll see this and know they can go into a business or school or faith-based organization, and they'll know they can get that, so we're promoting that. >> i think it's a great idea, and i'm looking forward to seeing it put out there. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> president turman: all right. chief? >> commissioner, that is all of the chief's report. >> president turman: don't you have one more on the -- or is that on a separate line item? >> i think that's on a separate line item. >> president turman: thank you so much. all right. inspector sergeant kilshaw. >> report on present dpa announcements, report on the 2017 statistical reports, presentation of cases received, mediations and complaints, adjudication of sustained complaints for october 2017,
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and companion reports. >> president turman: director henderson, we have your reports, and we have had a chance to read them. what else can you offer in your reports. >> i presume you don't want me to read them line by line. they are scintillating. understood. but you also have the monthly stats, and you also have the third quarter october 2017 reports. i will point out just the highlights of these things, the three cases where discipline was imposed on cases investigated by the dpa this month were also consis tetent,d we agreed with the discipline administered by chief scott. there was a lot of discussion about the cases last month that we did not agree, so i just
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wanted to point that out. >> president turman: good. >> i will say in the last year, we received 380 cases and closed 545 cases. at the end of the third quarter, moving to the third quarter report, the highlight is the 270 cases remain pending, compared with 418 cases that were pending in the last third quarter of 2016. the other highlight combining the information from these two reports is that 55 of the cases were sustained in the third quarter of 2017, compared to 43 in 2016. theum other informati the only other information i want to share is we've reopened the final negotiations with the district attorney's office for
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ongoing negotiations. i'll keep you updated as we moving along. t we've introduced software to our office for better customer satisfaction from the community, and we've also started with our public records training so that all staff will now be trained in terms of how to accommodate and respond to inquiries that come from the public. our new computers are out. that training is take is place. also present with me today is senior investigator sarah monder, and my chief of staff, sarah hawkins, and they are available if questions come up during the meeting that they can respond to. that's it. >> president turman: commissioners, any questions for director henderson? commissioner dejesus i just wanted to say, we talked about
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the training fund, it's a little bit low for your investigators, and so i'm wondering if you can just speak to that. >> sure. it's one of my top priorities. the training budget allocated for the department is $4,000. that's about three books these days. and the work that the investigators need to do, the work that the lawyers need to do, the work that our policy people need to do really means that they have to be exposed to a broad number of current topics in order for us to follow and define best practices, so one at the very top of my list of priorities, when i meet with the budget team, and i start meeting with them next week, is to address the training budget. up to now, we've been addressing that by having and making calls, and having friends coming to do the training, but that's going to run out, and i'm going to need
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funding to get the training going. i'll keep you upgadated, but ie already spent my $4,000. in the first three days, i spent it. >> thank you. >> president turman: all right. any other questions for the director? >> president turman: commissioners, do you have any reports? commissioner merle? >> commissioner melara: yes. not sure if that falls under that or their future scheduling for the commission. >> president turman: are you asking for something to be scheduled? >> commissioner melara: yes. >> president turman: then it falls under future scheduling. >> commissioner melara: okay. >> president turman: commissioner's report.
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>> clerk: item 2-d, scheduling of announcements, and announcements of items introduced at future meeting. >> president turman: commissioner merle? >> commissioner melara: just to ask that the cid policy, the new draft be sent to the commission and be scheduled for the january meeting. >> president turman: any other -- any other scheduling requests? secretary kilshaw. >> clerk: commissioner, we have public comment on items 2a through d. >> president turman: members of the public, is there any comment on item 2-a through d?
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>> good evening, commissioners. i'm not sure, in your report, did you talk about the fatal officer-involved shooting? okay. so i'd like to -- last week, when i was here at the last meeting, i brought up the report of the civil grand jury on fatal officer involved shooting and all the recommendations that the grand jury made, and i would like to submit this to you and ask that you agendaize this for future meeting, that you talk about what is the implementation status of the grand jury recommendations, and we ensure that the investigation of this officer involved shooting is in compliance with the grand jury recommendation. >> president turman: any other public comment on items 2-a
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through d? >> good evening, officers. i would like to also address the killing that happened. you know, there's a line from a bob dylan song. steal a little, and they put you in jail. steal a lot, and they make you king. in this case, steal a little, and they kill you. you know, we're dealing with a lot of poverty and a lot of tragedy, and i don't think someone carjacking, suspected carjacker deserves to be killed. they say that they don't know if he had a weapon yet, or they're not reporting yet, but they kind of know that it's always reported if they do, so this seems like another tragedy that wasn't necessary, and i think we need to think about why people are stealing, and why we're living in such desperate time
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