tv Government Access Programming SFGTV December 10, 2017 8:00am-9:01am PST
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are probably the single challenge in addition to access or cost for parents and the reimbursement rates initiated on july 1st with the infant toddler early learning scholarship fund in san francisco are somewhere five and 26% higher than prior years based on the age of the child being served and the setting family childcare center o our approach is to sort of flip this script and not have reimbursement rates under and grow that overtime. >> there's two things i hear when i talk about the cost of early education and care, the comments like this in maybe you could address this and so why
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due just have more kids when you have the teacher, like some afternoon programs in the past depending on the structure you could have 30, 50 kids it doesn't matter and so that could lower the cost and just charge the parents more. >> right, follow-up on the question, first it has to do with the ratio of the number of educators to children and talk about quality, that's a really important component of quality to have the right level of supervision and support at a health and safety measure and also the level support to facilitate learning to be
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>> we support the handful very small number of facilities that have infant toddler care and i believe it to be two and we support that work and they're primarily a preschool provider given the way they organize the history but they do support infant and toddler care toddlers and some of their classrooms and they're part of our system and they receive city funding and they are also great contribute ors and that question about quality in addition to compensation is professional development and san francisco unified early education program brings best practice and to community-based programs and collaboration with us and that's a huge value as well. >> is it through the family research centers we're getting professional development and i mean, where the family resource centers and also our early
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infant-toddler early learning centers, is this professional development is is it provided basically, i guess my question is that is there an entry that provides over all training and updates and all that stuff? >> the first five san francisco are partner in the early childhood system is a resource and lead san francisco's professional development system for early educators and works in close collaboration with the office and san francisco unified they have a unified set of strategies, there's city wide training, neighborhood based cohorts, communities beads on needs and interests. and the they do the work for us and for family childcare homes, which are a big part of our supply system and directs especially like district 11 we resource a family childcare quality network which brings coaching and practice to the family childcare homes and meets
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the business owner and his or her staff if they have them and where they're at and helps them identify quality improvement goals and helps them set there own goals and meet them so that piece of the system is also there and that is actually held out of our office and stewarted by our resource and referal that work closely with the family sector. >> thank you. >> i don't have any specific questions all my questions were asked and commented on. i want to say thank you supervisor yee for your leadership. sounds like 40 years at a minimum and this issue is near and dear to my heart as you know , and we've had a lot of conversations about this and we work collectively in the last budget process to ensure there was additional money set aside working with you director jarrett and we appreciate that so anything and everything, the one question i had so anything
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and everything i can do to support you, you know i'm here for that and what is the over all amount of this scholarship fund? maybe i missed that? >> yeah, there's two pieces, so there's about $18 million of various local sources that go to infant-toddler access to local resources this particular fund created the category 4 fund there's a technical clean up but it's capitalizeded at $5.75 million as of this budget. >> i was clear with all the sources go to but i worked with a lot of folks in the audience and i appreciate you coming out today as well as yours and i know you've been involved in this issue as well. so thank you for calling this hearing today. >> thank you. thank you to your team for creating this program. i think it's going to take us a long ways and i'm really looking forward to expanding this program and hopefully i have the
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support of my colleagues in this attempt. i think where we are with infant and toddlers, i can say almost 100% we're probably leading the nation already did and we'd like to lead the nation but to take them by the hand and make sure they get up to the level where we are but demonstrating that yes, if the federal doesn't chip in and the state doesn't chip in let's do it locally and hopefully, the state will follow suit with a new governor and that will be more supportive of this age bracket and maybe in a few more years when the federal might get turned around and support children that are where they are in investments. ok. thank you very much for this and
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what i'd like to do is make a motion to table the item. >> motion to file. >> i mean file the item. >> great. >> great. >> without objection we will file this item and in the future we need to call it back up we'll file this hearing. thank you. madam clerk call item number 4. >> item number 4 is a hearing to consider a pointing four members to the housing technical advisory committee for terms expireing three months after the date the paroleer produces and the economic fee ability analysis and we currently have four seats and four applicants and john, whitney, fernando and shannon way who will require residency waiver. >> great. so unless there's any initial comments from committee members there's hear from our first speaker, mr. john eberling, please come forward.
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>> good after, i'm john, and i appreciate your support foray pointment to the second round of this committee to finish the job of updating our inclusionary ordinance to the city and i know the chair is familiar with the work and we want to get it done, thank you. >> thank you for your bev tee and your concise application. [laughter] forty years non-profit affordable housing professional. any questions for mr. eberling? no. i'm make mental against at the end so next speaker we'll call forward is mr. fernando marte. >> thank you, i am with the council of community housing organizations and thank you very much for your consideration for the technical advisory committee i did not serve on the first round but i attended most of the meetings so i feel almost as
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though i was already a part of it. i think it was a very good process the way it was coordinated by the controller and also the follow-up negotiations that you were involved in and i look forward to being able to work with the set of folks. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> any questions? seeing none. call of our next applicant. mr. whitney jones. good afternoon supervisors, whitney jones the director of housing development. i've been in chinatown cbc for 25 years and involved in the development of 2500 units of affordable housing. served on the first version of the t.a.c. and look forward to serving on this one. thank you for your support. >> great. thank you for your concise presentation and application. and the next speaker ms. shannon
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way? >> my name is shannon way and i'm with a coalition of the hud approved counseling agencies which provides rental and pre purchase as well as foreclosure prevention and counseling and education and our member agencies provide the required home buyer certification for an ownership to purchase an ownership b.m.r. unit and prior to that's been successful program and fryer that i was a realtor for ten years.
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i appreciate the consideration to be a part of this process and support and moving forward and wrapping up these pieces. >> great, thank you. any questions for ms. way? >> ok. seeing none. any members of the public wish to comment on item number 4 please come forward? seeing none public comments closed. and i'll just say before we make a motion, i did have the pleasure to work with all four of these members as part of the technical advisory committee and negotiations on inclusionary housing and i know ms. way was not a member of the technical advisory committee but being deeply involved in the negotiations foreign conclusion ary housing, i'm in full support of her application and she did a tremendous job in that process and we're reconveneing this body to begin the conversation about the inlieu fee primarily and to have a conversation a little bit further about the possibilitys
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of restarting or resubmiting ab 915 at the state level and having that conversation about the possibility of capturing the true value of the affordable inclusionary on bonus projects asper -- as pertained to the state level. this body has been involved in this almost as long as i've been alive but i appreciate your commitment to this because this is an issue that is so important for san francisco and this is the, i believe the issue that defining issue and the crisis that this city faces so we appreciate your involvement and this and helping to commit to coming up with real sound solutions that fall within the realm of feasibility and also pushing the boundaries of people's comfort level to ensure we get the most value for every day san francisco. unless any any member wishes to
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comment on this entertain. >> just a quick comment. >> i can't believe we have so much experience from the put together they have 100 years worth of experience and i'm more than happy to make a motion to a point first to as for a waiver, residents see a waiver for shannon way and -- and in to make a motion with the waiver for john for whitney jones for seat two and fernando martin for seat 3 and shannon way for seat 4. >> with a positive recommendation of the full board that item is ordered,
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congratulation and thank you for your commitment. madam clerk call item number 5. >> item number 5 is the hearing that consider a pointing one member term ending october 21st, 2019, to the local homeless coordinateing board there's one seat and two applicants with the applicants being kelly cutler and john roman. >> please come forward. hi supervisors, my name is kelly cutler i'm a human rights organizeer with. i have a little more to say than the last crew to give you a little bit of background so i'm a san francisco resident, i've been working in the field of social work since the mid-90s and specifically here in san
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francisco on homelessness for 15 years and with a large focus of that on street out reach and as a case manager i was with the larkins street youth services for six years which is a long time for social service agency and so i've also experienced homelessness myself and soy think it's something that i bring to the board as well as i organized with people who are currently and formally experiencing homelessness and i think it's a really important aspect to bring to the board and to be hearing that voice because they're really the experts because they're living it and i'm involved in aspects of homelessness policy in the city and i'm with the coalition of on homelessness and the board of directors of hospitality house. and as i shifted from direct service and the policy side, i had gone back to school and i
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interned for bev and did you have bee and most people like worked in city hall that gave a really great perspective as such a good learning experience and seeing from all different aspect s and hearing from different groups and was part of the process and it was good when i saw that it was a consensused- based process and it brought everyone together because homelessness is a huge challenge and we need to be coming together to be addressing this and through that process, of bringing everyone from people experiencing homelessness to service providers to community members together it's been very successful for the shelter access. so that was something that was seen and continues to be a really positive thing. i attend the local homeless coordinateing board already on a regular basis and often bringing attention to the issues with
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street homelessness that are going on and different human rights issues and i connect with diverse groups from faith communities, that's my big focus of mine is with the faith communities because we have no faith-based groups organizing on a social justice side of homeless homelessness and then as well as we do a lot of work with the police. one of the things that i spoke to supervisor jane kim about coming out and she came to the encampments and i had hear talk with folks experiencing homelessness and from that experience is really eye-opening for her and that is from that she was surprised to see so many women and so we started an un sheltered women's working group and a lot positive things are coming out of that and i'll wrap it up here, i'm going a little long but i reel value
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research and solution-based approachs and yes, i think that's good. >> thank you. >> any questions from any committee members before we take public comments? >> we have any questions we'll tall you back up. >> thank you. >> is mr. roman here? mr. john roman? no. ok. so we will see i mean, we will go to public comment any members of the public wish to comment on this item please come forward you have two minutes. state your name and if you have anything please for the official file hand it to the clerk. proceed. >> good afternoon supervisors my name is ivy lee and i represent the office of jane kim and i'm here to speak in favor of kelly cutler for the appointment.
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the one thing i want to say is that homelessness can be a very divisive issue and folks will make you feel terrible for the frustration that you might feel whatever side of the debate that you are on about what the city should do or what they can do or what we should be doing better, and kelly is actually one of the people that can talk to anyone from, i've seen her talk to police captains to clergy to wealthy condo cone owners to people trying to survive on the streets and to supervisors and she's able to articulate a vision for what she sees the city can do better and what we're already doing well. but for kelly, i think there are a lot of folks in this town that would feel a sense of hopelessness because they don't know if the city is doing everything that it can or where they fit in and she's able to give folks that sense of hope
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and action and just one quick example is she was the one able to convince supervisor kim to begin working on a women's-only navigation center and to make that actually come to fruition. which is in progress now. so we strongly support her for the appointment. thank you. >> thank you ms. lee. next speaker. >> hello supervisors, my name is barbara elliott and i'm a 50- year resident of san francisco. and i've come to submit a letter of support for kelly. it reads attention rules committee, this letter is to support the application of kelly cutler for seat number 5 on the local homelessness and coordinateing board. i first met kelly in the out reach commission at saint dominique catholic church five years ago. it's a ministry to reach out to
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support marginalized and homeless persons. she was a great asset with her background of organizing and social service and most recently she's been a dedicated advocate with the coalition on homelessness and educating and organizing with city wide services and such as sfpd, dpd and the navigation centers to name just a few and she visits people regularly assessing their needs and offering resources and coordinateing events to give them support and raising needed funds to foster additional sheltering. kelly's dedicate, organized, goal driven, a team player and she's passion at about finding solutions and kelly cutler will be a great asset to the local homelessness board and work with with the city. i highly recommend her as an
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asset. >> thank you so much. next speaker. >> hi, my name is sharon noel i work with the homeless youth alliance and volunteer with the homeless coalition but i have had the honor and the privilege of knowing and working with kelly cutler for the past four years. we've been on countless out reachs together and her compassion not only for youth experiencing homelessness, the veterans, who she worked with at larkins street, the veterans, seniors, you every single individual, every story, every voice, every experience is what is important and what matters to kelly and it's never wavered for a second throughout the years. she works tirelessly and self lesley every day to help empower some of the most mistreated and overlooked members of our community and never looking for a thank you or for recognition. whether it's to help with the library creating policy that is
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compassionate and that has proven effective in creating a better public library experience and supporting the community as a whole. whether it's the years and years worth of city planning meetings and board of supervisors meetings, park and rec meeting, police and community meetings, we all know how those are she's calls present and we're working with the homeless coalition to help everybody in our community. educating within the faith community and throughout the city as a whole or in perhaps the most importantly is the countless out reachs. she is a fierce warrior, she's for the people, the work she does is not just her doing her job it is what she would be doing anyway because it's her passion for people the city and the health and happiness of this community and to say she would be an asset to this board is truly understated, thank you.
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>> next speaker. >> good afternoon, my name is laura and i'm the executive director of the gubio project and if you do know it's a place where 300 homeless folks sleep on the pews of a church, two churches, one in the tender loin and one in mission. i've known kelly for eight years and when i heard laura's spot was the seat she was going for, i thought there couldn't be a more perfect person to take that spot to step up and fill out the rest of her time. kelly is an embassador if you will in all the best ways. for homeless people. and she said herself, she has all the experience from direct service working in city government, working as an advocate and within the faith communities and she brings all
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those together as ivy said she can talk to nancy pel owe sees the same way the person on the streets and she has a vision to do that and it's really fantastic and she'll be a great seat member and i highly recommend her, thank you. >> thank you so much. next speaker. >> good afternoon, jordan davis speaking for myself there are two candidates for the local homeless board seat given my full and endorsement to cutler and to take the place of laura guzman and kelly service as the human rights organizeer for the coalition and homelessness and as a formally homeless woman i have known her a long time and she's doing the work in trenches making sure neighbors are being treated fairly and fights for housing justice in the most meaningful and sometimes even creative ways possible and she
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is the cultural com pen see in dealing with populations including women and lgbt and a lot of others which means she has the experience to serve on this board and i also want to mention as the city a pointy who serves low income housing issues , we need more women on our boards commissions committee s and task forces homeless women are often left out of our certainly ver is and housing services networks and cultural com pen see is is lack ing and homeless women often face impossible choices whether they're unforced or not and we need to make sure women's perspective is considered in these issues and confirm kelly cutler to the lhcb. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> my name is melody and i'm here to tell you that kelly cutler is awesome and i'm going to tell you why and how.
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i've been with her in many different situations from meeting with cities officials to check north with homeless individuals that she knows as we walk down the street together and she's likable not over level and she cares about every single person they interacts with and because this, people i have seen of all ages and all walks of life want to work with her on difficult issues if not enjoy working with her and kelly has dedicated most of her time to homeless issues and she has kept herself educated and i amersed on the issues from every conceivable facet. kelly has the skills the ability and most of all the heart to serve in this position. a pointing kelly cutler to the local homeless coordination board is a win-win for the city of san francisco.
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thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> >> hi supervisors, my name is fred i've been a volunteer at the coalition of homelessness and give attendinged many meetings of the human rights work group and i've always been impressed by kelly's intelligence and her passion and by her ability to relate to all people whether it's in a meeting situation or out on the streets with homeless people and her passion for the lives of people out on the street and trying to get them off the streets and she's creative and she has the ability to listen and the ability to hold your tongue when necessary and she would be an excellent fit for this position. thank you very much. thank you next speaker. >> my name is griffin joins and
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i've been working with various homeless organizations since i was a kid and i have never met anyone as natural in all situations as kelly so i am encouraging you guys to vote for her to fill this space on the homeless coordinateing board and i don't know her that well but i felt compelled because i work with the d.s.a. a. and we work closely with kelly on a lot of organizing around homelessness and she's just fun to work with and easy to talk to and yeah, just great person so cool, thank you. >> any other members of the public which to come forward please. >> i guess i'm looking for a candidate who has read the sunshine ordinance the standards
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of care and the contracts between any of these locations the navigation center legislation. right now you have a local homeless coordinateing board which is violating its sunshine ordinance and you have several standards of care violations and violations of the contracts regarding the navigation centers and other schilters and it seems like the local homeless coordinateing board that you have now is aloof and crass to the suffrage of the homeless and i am looking for someone to come to ask questions to investigator even know about the problems regarding the shelters and right now it seems like the way this system is set up the only remedy that the homeless have is through legislation, through
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litigation and not many homeless know how to do that and i just feel like we're at the homeless are at a point of when they go to the shelter, they're just very vulnerable to pour higher ing standards lack of city and county of san francisco oversight and i don't there's anybody that monsters the standards of care regarding the contracts so you have some major impending problems which is triggering lawsuits and i mean, is any of these candidates going to do anything about this? we're being abused in these shelters and it seems like they're getting a free pass. this company doesn't have the authority to monitor. >> thank you, sir. any other members of the public wish to comment on this item
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seeing none public comments closed. any additional comments from members of this body? >> supervisor yee. >> you know, i just met ms. kelly in the hall ways yesterday or last week. this week sometime. and since the time we ran across each other, i've gotten quite a few supportive correspondents through e-mail and actually phone calls and seen from the testimony of the public today she has plenty of support and i actually think that she's one of the more qualified persons for this particular board and she's shown a dedication on these issues for it seems like for a long time and and i also believe
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that it would be nice to balance the board with another female so i would strongly support any motion to support her. >> great. >> yeah i feel the same way, i mean we had the opportunity in the last budget cycle to interact with ms. cutler and the work she does and hear nothing but positive things and it's appropriate we have commissioner to be michael pappas in the inner faith council sounds like ms. cutler could have gone and been a woman of the clothe based on everything i've heard today in her personality and the way people respond to her but we're not talking about that today we're talking about the homeless coordinateing board and i just wanted to say that so full support and i would say just for my committee members moving forward, we do and i think and this is a step in the rate direction with ms. cutler today, female, lgbt community, but we
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also need to be thinking about representation on this body from the latino community and i know ms. guzmon going out gave support to ms. cutler but we need additional diversity on that board and both supervisor y ee and fuer and i are very conscious of that so we want to make a note moving forward but any comments? >> i had would just like to say, thank you chair. i would like to thank ms. cutler for reaching out to my office and through community conversations have heard only positive reviews of ms. cutler and seems to echo what we heard here today so i am happy to make a move kelly cutler to the local homeless coordinateing board. >> great. it sounds like there's unanimous
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support so does someone want to make a motion? >> did you already make that. >> i thought i did. >> ok, great. >> so without that and you said seat number 5? >> oh, i'm sorry, for seat number 5? >> ok. >> positive recommendation for seat number 5 local homeless coordinateing board without objection it's so moved, congratulations ms. cutler. [applause] please call item number 6. >> item number 6 is a motion approving or rejecting the mayor 's reappointment of michael pappas to the term ending july 1st, 2020. >> great, thank you madam clerk, mr. pappas please come forward and address this body? >> thank you supervisors and before i offer my remarks i just want to say offer my appreciation to each and every one of you because what i've come to appreciate in the course of preparation for this is i
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realize this is the rules committee but each and every one of you has a deep commitment and a passion at commitment and devotion of resources to protecting our aging and adults and people with disabilitys and i just want to reassure you that i share in those values and i intend if confirmed to continue in that instead and today i'm hopeing with this time together to offer background on myself and my work and public service and issues related to aging agents and people with disabilitys and for the past decade it's been a privilege to serve as executive director of the san francisco inner faith council and our organization was formed actually in response to a call from mayor art agnos but to help respond to our city's homeless crisis but what began has a one-year emergency
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interface shelter has just entered its 29 year of providing shelter and meals between 60 and 100 homeless men each night beginning the sunday before thanksgiving through the end of february and 18% of those served self identify as aging adults. and due in large part to the success of the interfaith winter shelter it works in response to homelessness in the late 2014 they were the recipients of a $3 million donation which enabled expedition funding for the navigation center and 1950 mission and the success of that pilot led to the replication in other neighborhoods in our city and the mission of our organization is to celebrate our rich diverse spiritual traditions and religious traditions to build understanding among people's of different faiths and to serve our cities. we count as our constituents to
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the 800 congregation this is the city and county of san francisco and although they are head quartered in san francisco have a regional scope and the religious base healthcare institutions and beginning in the heart of the great recession the c.e.o.s of the major faith-based social service agency that's provide the social safety net for our citys most vulnerable residents. each of these grouping have a deep-seeded interest to aging adults and people with disabilitys. in particular if you will allow me to shine a light on a highly successful collaborative convening between the san francisco interfaith council and the san francisco department of adult and aging services that took place on october 16th, 2017 , at saint mary's cathedral. it was attended by over 180 congregation leaders and we entitled it faith community and
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city and coming together to support older adults and persons with disabilitys. this half-day work shop which was actually nine months in the planning, created the occasion for congregations leaders to share with staff their challenges and needs for ministering to older adults and experience with disabilitys and as well as to be briefed on how to access city services available to these vulnerable sectors in their con grow sessions and it links to the services that are being forward to participants and i sent you today i think this morning, that correspondents. the program was so well received a follow-up session is now planning and additionally, representatives of senior and councils monthly breakfast that attract between 70 and 100 congregation leaders.
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the aim of these breakfast is to invite speakers whose programs either create volunteer opportunities or provide direct benefits. among presenters with programs related to aging adults have been the san francisco human services agency, rebuilding together san francisco, and the institute on aging. we're also extending insatations for presentations from the dignity fund a program which has invited our council to be a focus group and that focus group will take place at grace cathedral on december 19th, at 3 :30 p.m. and as well as the community living campaign. working with the heads of the san francisco departments of public-health, the environment, and emergency management, our council was instrumental in identifying and engaging faith- based congregations and institutions to be included in the city's roster of cooling stations during the recent
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heatwave. these cooling stations provided key respite centers for aging adults and people with disabilitys vulnerable to dangerous climate shifts and these highlights as they relate to issues remain to aging adults and people with dis thes it was my hope to offer up examples that give a sense of their priority and commitment in my vocational understand takeings. in addition to my career work with the council, for the past six years and three months i've had the privilege of serving as a member of the san francisco human rights commission and five of those years both chairing and co chairing the lgbt advisory committee for the commission, throughout my tenure on the commission, i will work to protect from discrimination all san francisco residents in particular aging adults and people with disabilitys. in the early days of my chairman ship of the lgbt advisory committee, i hoped to navigate the implementation of
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the lgbt seniors task force. which was incubateed in our advisory committee and given visibility, standing, funding thanks in large part to supervisors. the report of that task force and the recommendation i believe are and will continue to positively impact both public policy and programs that will benefit our city seniors and the years to come. additionly, work groups of the advisory committee have focused on a variety of issues faced by the lgbt aging adults and those with disabilitys in our city and we have worked diligently and intentionly to recruit membership from those important and vulnerable sectors. and on a practical level, my service as a commissioner has afforded me unique skills and experiences as to the workings of a commission and budgetary and other funding considerations
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and the role of commissioner, staff, agency and department and this rich education understanding of process and the workings of city government promise to be assets of great benefit in transitioning to this new commission. and a more personal level and i say this from the depth of my heart, at the age of 56, i find myself at a stage in life where my brother and i are called to make serious decisions on behalf of our aging mother. we see issues related to our mother's day-to-day care, safety at home, financial planning, medical care, fostering a sense of community that in her senior years, would keep her from suffering isolation, as well as protecting her from financial predators that make their livelihood preying upon the vulnerable elderly.
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this intimate family journey, the reality of the need for responsibility from my own retirement years, complimented by the rich experiences of my career and public service have bnn inspired me in this new chapter of life to seek to serve and make a positive difference in the lives of aging adults and people with disabilitys in our city. my father often quoted the great states man who said the sign of a good citizen is one who leaves the city greater than he found it. these words have served as a guiding principle in my life and given the privilege primesed to be the barometer of my services moving forward. i thank you for your consideration and my commission ship and i i did not bring a lot of people to speak on my behalf but there's one special person who is here who probably knows
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better and anyone on the face of this planet and the person i have spend the most time with the founder of the organization the past chair she serves on our board and she is a commissioner and liaison to in home health so following any questions you might have of me or ask any questions of her i find myself at your service. >> thank you, if we'll do questions we'll do them after public comment. any members of the public wish to come forward? please comment on this item? >> talk about department of aging. i shouldn't have sat so long. thank you very much supervisors
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for the opportunity to support the nomination of michael pappas , the department of aging and adult services. as michael said, i am the commission err on the human services commission and it was appointed by them to serve on the in-home public-health services and public authority. and that service on that board has been a truly an eye opener to me to serve with people who are living on medical but who are determined to be independent and lead productive lives and stay in their own homes. as you very well known, we serve 20,000 medical people and several of them sit on the board and it has been a real education to me to hear how they managed their lives and i just hope i can do the same. but to come back to michael, i've worked with michael for the
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last 13 years, the last ten since he has become executive director of the interfaith council and i can tell you that you are getting a commission commission who will give it his all. whatever he does he does with all his strength, all his knowledge and with all his experience. and i hope you will see fit to a point him to this important position. thank you very much. >> any other members of the public wish to come forward. public comment is closed, seeing none. i'll just say very briefly, that i've had the pleasure of working he has gill gently and dedicated and i think he is qualified for this position so i have my full
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support and the commitment and having the personal experience dealing with the family member i think is also very important and also the experiences that you enumerated in in your presentation with that experience coming to this body is very important and there is a and the cuts at the state and federal level so i know you will be engage and creative in that manner work with this body coming forward and the other members of the committee. >> thank you very much. i'd like to thank mr. pappas for taking time to meet with me and i called for him to come before this body because actually i didn't know mr. pappas very well and and i am so pleased i have to feel as though i know him and he will be an advocate for our
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aging population and that's the largest growing population in my district so i was look forgeron a commissioner that of those aging and based expensive city and living with disabilitys and living in active and an fran and so i wanted to i thank you mr. pappas and i am pleased to have met you and you will be in excellent commission err on this body. >> great, thank you. >> i entertain a motion. >> sure. >> supervisor. >> i also want to say that you were very thorough in your presentation and i want to catch up and it's fies to see you schools and issues effecting
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seniors is something that's been important to all three of us and in fact if you are happen to have time tomorrow and i'm having a hearing on residential care facilitys and impact up and down whether it's acute care and so fourth and someone already has more focus hearing last week and this week and but what i'm looking is to see what is the city can do to reinforce that trend of loosing on these bids in the city fur interested and you are more than welcome and i'd like to make a motion forward with for a positive recommendation to the board. >> i second that. you need to amend the motion to approve the mayor's nomination. appointment first. >> ok moved.
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>> so second amended with the board with positive recommendation appointment of mr. michael pappas to the adult and aging services commission. with that objection. thank you for your service commissioner pappas. >> thank you very much. any other items. >> that concludes our business for today. >> motion to adjourn. >> excuse me. >> that is not on today, sir. >>
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>> good morning, everyone and thank you for coming my name is rosy form treasurer of the united states and the form of empowerment 2020. >> yeah. >> empowerment 2020 is an initiative to durnl encourage a million women we 2020 to go in leaders positions it is request quality day and the one hundred year of the 19 amendment that give woman the right to vote joining me on stage a margo the
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ceo of ma tell. >> (clapping.) >> 74 percent have been girls in middle school express interest in office only girls are expressing an interest in computer science 50 percent less graduating are for girls than thirty years ago i've spent 8 years of the treasurer of the united states to have a portrait on the photo in our public engagement process there were one hundred of women overlooked in the history of our country many tops will be discussed and empowerment 2020 conference everything there empowering young women and girls to be the future leader to encourage women to get into stem education and getting into nasa and google and making sure that they are part of tech economy.
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>> the second part of empowerment 2020 is women money and power to put women in so and so positions for the corporate fleet and elected office the third part of empowerment 2020 are the conferences their action oriented women have flatlined at 20 percent on that percentage one and 20 percent women a in congress that is stagnated if we get up to thirty percent fabulous 80 percent would be amazing that conversation is equality will be something we're used to as pair the culture i'd like to that that will be done
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>> good morning, and welcome to the -- i can't even talk -- to the wednesday december 6th meeting of the audits and oversight committee and i'm joined by supervisor aaron peskin and the president of our board, london breed and i acknowledge our clerk, john carole, and thank the staff at sfgov tv, who ensure t
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