tv Government Access Programming SFGTV December 18, 2017 4:00am-5:01am PST
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being very strong, and it will continue to be very strong in san francisco. so the people are coming to the mission with the means to rent and to buy units, and they will either use this -- their wherewithal to bid on existing housing or some of them will be satisfied by new housing. and to the charge that the new housing is not occupied, mr. taboni has already said that his recently completed project at 600 south vanness is already completely filled, and most of the housing in the mission is already being quickly filled. and so i think by building this housing, we do a great service to those coming in and also those in the mission already. thank you very much for your time. great to see you all again. >> great. thank you, commissioner. next speaker, please. >> yeah. my name's kevin shepherd. i'm a small painting contractor here in the city.
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lived here my whole life. i've be about 18 years ago, i met mr. taboni, and i did my first project with him, and i've been working with him ever since. my company has grown to 15 employees since that time. one thing about mr. taboni, everything he says is completely gospel. he's an honest businessman. he eats and enjoys lunch with the employees on the projects, and having an abandoned vacant lot is not doing any good for the city. and having 75 new housing units will be spfar superior to anything that's going on now, and like he said, 20% is going to affordable housing. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello. my name is ben nahidi.
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i'm the owner of the business and the apartment building directly across from this project. the corner of the 19 and south vanness. the old gas station site has been vacant for more than ten years, almost 15 years, and we are very happy to see that finally there is a building that is going to this lot. a vacant lot like this creates a very unsafe environment for the neighborhood due to all the criminal activities. for the last 15 years, i have witnessed people going in and out, breaking into this lot, doing drugs, prostitutions. we are just sick of it. i hope this project gets approved, and we will see the
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end of this eyesore for the neighborhood. 75 units with a retail space on this empty corner will create a vibrant environment that we desperately need. and also, we are very happy to see that 11 affordable units will be given to the community that is desperate for housing. so my request is please approve this project without any delays, as it's really necessary for the community. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> hello. my name's heather marod. i'm the executive director of holy family day home. we serve 150 children daily in
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the mission. 70% of our community is homeless, formerly homeless or low income families. we currently hold the largest homeless contract for infant and preschool children age in san francisco. joe taboni has been involved with holy family day home as a board member for over a decade. he's given countless hours to directly improving the lives and conditions for many of our homeless families. last year he helped create and fund a family pantry which provides shelf stable food daily to our community. this year, he's funned our holiday car program, and our arts and humanities program by arranging for the homeless children to see the musical alad aladdin next week. these are just a few ways joe has helped break the cycle of poverty and empower families which are our core mission at
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holy family day home. the vacant lot like this creates unsafe neighborhood for the mission and families due to the criminal activity. we are in whole support of the proposed 75 units with retail space with the affordable 11 units. please approve this project with no conditions as soon as possible as it's desperately needed in the neighborhood. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, commissioners. cory smith on behalf of the san francisco housing action coalition, speaking in support of the project here today. you know, we've seen projects like here recently. we talk about a vacant lot, a former gas station, that we get the opportunity to really increase the land use and the value of that land use and be able to provide homes for people. as the commissioner mentioned earlier, the entire project sits at 14.5% affordable
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housing bonus. we hope we can continue to see opportunities in the future, and some more homeless sf proms in the future, so we can be totally driving for more housing levels at all income levels across the board, and this is 3.5 blocks from our b.a.r.t. station. total public transit is something we continuously strive for. if there is going to be commissioner johnson said, if it's adaptive parking, let's figure outweighs for the future as we continue to move forward. everybody in the city is probably a little bit somber at the moment, and talking about these ideas of trying to understand one another. i did a training action for collecting signatures for the ballot measure. that's going to increase the rate at which we approve
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100%subsidized affordable housing, and all the people that do that, it's all volunteers. i know you all know that, but it's really important that both sides see this as a struggle. personally, my net worth is in the red. i have student debt. i live in a rent controlled basement, and you can ask my boss. i don't make very much money. i think i can make a lot more money doing something else, frankly, but it doesn't help people, and it doesn't make the world a better place, and all the people that go out there and try to help people, it all comes from here, and that's really, really important. so as we all kind of reflect on where the city is going and we know there's going to be a lot of chaos over the next seven months or so, and that even more into '18, '19, and '20, i just encourage everyone to remember we're all in this together. but for now, approve this project, because the city needs housing.
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thank you. >> thank you very much, mr. smith. next speaker, please. >> good evening, everyone. i'm dave mcmonagle, here to speak in support of the project. i live in richmond, but i'm invested in the mission with family, and price president of youth at the seven teepees youth project. the challenges facing established families provides a glimpse of what joe and his business and family do to address these issues, including the project on 17th and south vanness that received our support as a neighboring property. as to this project, and i don't prov profess to be an expert in city planning, i support it because it not only brings to market 11 below market rate units and two section 8 units, but also additional units that will
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provide much needed relief to the existing housing stock, all of which will be built by hard working locals on a project sponsored by hard working localworking -- what is most important for me to note is that this is a project sponsored by a family owned business that started by remodelling family homes and built itself up into projects like this. joe and his family have deep roots in the mission and have for money years served the san francisco community through significant volunteer work. they focus this efforts in the mission, particularly under served youth, including those at seven teepees youth program. a few minutes ago we heard about their plans to develop a
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nonprofit development business that will bring us even more affordable housing that we greatly need. there has been comment that the promises are vague or somehow unsta unsub shall not stated. it's my understanding that these are people that follow through on ms pros, that they care about this neighborhood, and want to help solve the affordable housing crisis, so i encourage everyone to take hold of joe's olive branch, rally behind joe and projects like this one. thank you all for your time. thank you. >>
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if you don't have a career path out, it won't work. i urge you to vote no on this. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. as of last monday, i just moved into the neighborhood on the 2200 block of mission between 18th and 19th streets. and while walking through my new neighborhood i saw the sign noticing about the property and how it will be on this -- on
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today's agenda. so i wanted to speak my opinions on the project. the last time i was here i was living in the tenderloin and i was in support of a project, but it was community benefit-oriented project that will be built at 950 market. it will have 250-unit hotel and condo units. it took 1 1/2 years to negotiate with developers to get benefits for our community, including offsite housing for homeless people that hopefully it will be a better environment than they are in now. and job hiring for the neighborhood. i don't know if there's a benefit package with this project or not.
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i hope that this project does help the neighborhood out. i mean, some -- when they say affordable housing, i'm hoping that the percentage of the a.m.i. is for the middle class and working class people that deserve to stay in san francisco who are the backbone of everything we do for this city and also for lower income people that are being priced out of the city and having to move all the way to vallejo and all of that stuff. all these new projects need to be made sure that they house everybody, not just the techies or the people who are like moving in to the city from way out, who knows where, for the local community itself. i'm not -- i don't know if i'm for or against this project. but i hope that this project does help the community as it is now and make it better as we
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good into the future. thank you. >> thank you. mr. hall? >> i appreciate this developer. he's been working with the community his heart seems to be in the right place and his attitude is a big contrast with that of a recent density bonus laundromat project. so i do appreciate. i understand he's offered a couple of section 8 units in addition to the bmrs and has a very intriguing idea about which we heard a little more detail, starting a nonprofit and dedicating some of this to that. and offering to dedicate one of
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the ground floor units at a reduced price, either to his new nonprofit or another nonprofit if that doesn't happen. i think it is important in this corridor to dedicate all ground floor space to communities serving nonprofit and wherever possible pdr, especially in a place where we're losing a gas station. i would love to see this project move forward, but be continued so that the offers can be clarified and formalized into a more specific agreement with the mission. i do appreciate the way he's working with the community. that's all i have to say about the project, but i have a little more time. but the project brings up a few more things, a, loss of another gas station location.
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citywide, we really need to start protecting locations for certain, specific uses, including gas stations, laundromats. so this project brings that to mind. secondly, we really need to urgently find a fix for the state density bonus that it lowers the percentage of affordable housing we have in san francisco, even though you may have counted it in a different i, counting units or whatever. but this project -- and then also, we have grandfathered projects, tons of them, grandfathered at much lower, affordable rates, affordable housing rates, than what we currently have. our prop c from the mission is like 25%. i don't even think that's near
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enough high, high enough, to protect for the damage, but we really need to look at these grandfathered projects and either get them to build or take away their entitlement. thank you. >> thank you, mr. hall. >> good evening, commissioners. peter papadopolous, mission economic agency. i want to pick up on a couple of comments of mr. hall, including that i think we appreciate the developer having a very different attitude working with the community and folks and looking to take initiatives to build more affordable housing. i think that's important. we're gravely concerned about the density law and subverts the willing of the san francisco
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voters, currently allowing it to drive down by 1/3 affordable housing percentages on our new projects. and we feel that that's a solution badly needed. with regard to this project and what commissioner december discretion we believe does exist, particularly in looking at the mission area plan priorities and the map 2020 priorities, which were mentioned, in fact by staff on this presentation, a few moments ago. we think this ground floor use is important. we are in a pdr area. and we appreciate that the city has entered into discussions with us providing our pdr uses in different ways. we think this ground floor is critical. it sets a cultural tone. it's where our immigrant opportunities are. yes, this gas station was closed for a while. nothing in the mission is closed
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except by choice at this point, right? everything is a high-opportunity site. so there's no such thing as a blighted site. it's just sites waiting for the next opportunity. here one of those things that we think could be clarified for us is what are the uses on the ground floor? can they be used for pdr uses? can they be used for nonprofit uses? that could set a different tone. and can we have this use of a space? obviously, we'd like to see going forward across the ground floor a little -- i think the offer from the project sponsor is a little vague right now on how it would be used and it's a short-term use, so we would like to see that clarified, strengthened and expanded as a ground floor use there. similarly as far as an intention to go forward with a nonprofit
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idea and build affordable housing, we would look forward to that and think it's a great outcome, but we would like to see something more definite in writing, something that says, here's our plan to make this happen. so far, haven't seen that happen. so these are the changes that we'd look for in changes like this. thank you. >> thank you. >> good evening, commissioners. thank you for having me. i want to express my deepest condolences to the familiar i of -- family on ed lee. i know it's been a tough week. i worked on lee's campaign. so i got to know him pretty well. a couple of things to 793 south van ness. on 25th and mission, it's been a
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very night and day attitude. he's been very transparent. i met with him personally three times and he's been open with the process and what he will be doing with his affordable nonprofit. we with like more clarification with what is in writing. he's offering two bmr units and two section eight units, so 17%. and then half the market rate for the nonprofit on the ground floor space. we would like more clarification. right now, it's only for 15 years. if that was to be permanent, that would be more beneficial. thank you for your time and have a great day. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening. i'm speaking on behalf of the residential builders
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association. before i start, i would like to offer our condolences to mayor lee's family, to the supervisors, to everybody in san francisco, to the tragedy that happened this week. it's something that we all feel and we will have to bear with it. first of all, we fully support the development of the 75 units. it helps with the housing crisis. it meets objections and policies. i came here in 1984. in 1984, i moved into a house a few blocks away from 19th and south van ness. i didn't move into a house. i moved into a room in a house with my three friends. in 1984 with the housing crisis in san francisco, no different than what we have today. but as luck would have it, i ended up moving to holiday street and i live there now and the city has been very good to
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us and that we really appreciate. talking about that, i think that joe appreciates this the same and that's why he's trying to do something with the city with his plan for a nonprofit and we hope to support him in what he wants to do with that. i think -- the neighborhood has problems, but this building is not the problem. i own a 4-unit building on 20th street. my tenants start at 5:00 p.m. calling the mission police station when the prostitutes turn up about 5:15 and that goes until 2:00 to 3:00 to 4:00. theres with a shooting outside that building about six months ago where somebody was injured. that brings -- and i don't want to harp on the social issues, because it's citywide, but we hope this development with help with the issues, bring more people to the neighborhood and put more people in there. that's why we support the
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project and i hope you approve it tonight. thank you. >> thank you. >> good evening. todd david on behalf of san francisco housing coalition. i just want it say a couple of things. first about the state density. let's be clear. i've said this before, a lot of projects currently are not pencilling out at 18% inclusion. if it were not for the state density bonus, these low-income bmr units would not be built at all. perhaps it's some advocates' will to build nothing. i would like to see more low- to moderate-income built. if it's more affordable or 11, i will choose 11. it's the state density bonus allowing these low-incommukom ce
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low-incolow-income units to be built at a time when construction costs are through the roof and it will just get worse with the fires we saw in los angeles and marin. so this is the way that we'll bring as much affordable housing units on-line because projects will be able to pencil out. so let's not demonize a policy that's creating low-income housing in san francisco or at least lets be honest and say, we want to use it as a reason that says, lets build nothing. lets have an honest conversation about what is going on with the affordable housing, sorry, state density bonus. i feel like i must have been in a different hearing a couple of weeks ago when the same activists were talking about the
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other state density bonus project at the laundromat. they were saying, what a great person the developer was. how transparent he was. he put all of his stuff on-line. he interacted honestly with the community. he was totally transparent. now he's vilified because the outcome that they received was not the out come they wanted? once again, i must have been in a different hearing. i remember them say, he put everything on-line. he met with us. we were not always happy with the decisions. but he was constantly -- so, anyway, i feel like that -- i will agree with joe or, i think joe's son, we really need to have a better, more honest way to communicate about this. we all want the same things. we want more affordable housing. we want to keep our teachers, firefighters, emts in this town. anyway, thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. or if there is -- any additional public comment on this item?
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seeing none, we'll close public comment and open it up to commissioners' comments and questions. commissioner johnson? or commissioner koppel? >> commissioner koppel: let me acknowledge my predecessor, in your years of service up here, good to see you back in the room. now on to the project, just going down the list of bullet points, this is something that a lot of us can not really argue with. replacement of an existing goes station. not only on site bmr, but the additional extra bmr. transit-oriented development in the mission, which has its two-part stations. a local, family owns, multigenerational teller. and these are more likely to build their projects, instead of
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what we're encountered with and not knowing where the project will go after here. >> commissioner johnson? >> commissioner johnson: thank you. sorry about the mixup there. thank you. i appreciated a lot of things about this project. commissioner koppel mentioned a few of them. but i do have a couple of questions and i will start with those and i will see other commissioners and see where we end up. it's a state density bonus project and we're subject to state law housing accountability act. so we have to make sure that we are carefully considering the things we want to see out of this project. the first one is, i understand the agreement to provide more bmr units over what is required way state law, which is to calculate the required, inclusionary rate. that's in our packet. we read in public comment that it's not written down, but
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that's what i see today? okay. i did not see anything mentioned about section 8 units. is that something that would be in a c.u. or -- >> that would be something that's subject to the commission's purview. that would be an agreement that the developer does privately basically. >> commissioner johnson: because they apply for that with h.u.d. and -- okay. that's different. that being said, i think that's something that we with not be in our conditions of approval is what i'm trying to get at. that said, i want to talk about the retail space and potential for it to be pdr or other use. i've expressed concern for years about the ground floor retail spaces in the new developments. most times i've heard that these spaces are loss-leaders.
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they were put there because they were part of the planning code, with you not part of the proforma of getting return on the project. as a result, we have a number of neighborhoo neighborhoods that have seen newer projects. we have blocks of empty retail spaces that are brand-new that have for lease signs in them and nothing there. this block, i'm familiar with this corner and exactly where that is and this is going to be one of those spaces that would be exactly that. because there's not a lot else there. so they're not going to be able to lease it up quickly. people will say, yes, you have 75 new units in this building, but where will the pedestrian traffic come from in my business? so this will be something that you will see a for-lease sign for years and add to that stock, which i think is already at a problem attic -- problematic level. i would like a discussion about
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pdr and other uses. some uses considered pdr are covered under retail, especially if they're trade. i would like to discuss that and clarify that for the public. we've talked about it a lot. i would like to see if we can do that more. again, with nonprofit, it gets a little challenging because nonprofits are majority administrative unless they're providing services and then not allowed for in the zoning code. that's something i'm concerned about, because i see that as problematic and something we can do something about that has nothing to do with accountability, density bonus. so i will leave it there. did i miss something? >> commissioner moore? >> commissioner moore: i'm in strong support of the project, given the limitations that we have. i think that the project does
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many things we often find projects not doing. that said, i think i'm appreciative of trying to nudge the project a little more on creative use of the ground floor. i share commissioner johnson's concerns, not only on this but on many, many projects because while these housing projects successfully rise and are built, in the majority of cases, we still see paper-taped ground floor, which does not help the overall impression of the building. overall, i think it will be in his interest to further work and think about it with the community of what can be done. i have one question for mr mr. burchall. >> good afternoon, commissioner. >> commissioner moore: i think your unit design is excellent and the courtyard size is fine.
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i would like to ask you, when it comes to the southeast-facing corner, most prominent corner at van ness and 19th, i'm wondering if you would entertain moving the bedroom off the corner and development at clay and van ness where the developer suggested that the bedroom is moved off the corner because we like buildings to not have drawn curtains, but indeed, have light and activity come to the street corner and make it a residential building. there's a tendency with bedrooms to require the privacy and curtains drawn and on that kind of a prominent corner, there is a preference of doing that differently. would you entertain that?
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i know there are issues of the bedroom exposure, but there's a little tweaking on the unit plan and i personally would greatly appreciate it because it, for example, the corner of van ness and clay looks a hell of a lot better with the living room at the corner. >> yes, thank you for the suggestion, commissioner. i sketched it out and i think it will be he feasible to make tha change. >> commissioner moore: you can look at sheet a30, and you will see that right away. thank you. >> thank you. >> commissioner melgar? >> commissioner melger: commissioner johnson expressed the thoughts i was having.
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at the same time, i want to thank mr. tivoni. it's really refreshing to have someone be as respectful to the neighborhood as you and engaging. and i want to rye -- reward that by making it easy for you or easier. i think in terms of the ground floor, there could be more specificity. so i would support continuing this to a time certain, you know, soon, to try to work that out. i will see what other commissioners feel. >> i might note that keep in mind, pdr uses are limited. i know that as part of map 2020, we're looking at doing a legislative fix to allow more types of pdr uses, like other
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arts activities and light manufacturing uses. currently the best type of pdr that fits is the trade shop use, which does encompass quite a bit of uses, including arts activities and plumbing stores. >> it does require a small retail presence, correct? >> correct. >> commissioner fong? >> commissioner fong: i would like to see the project get approved tonight. obviously you are listening and working with the community and that's apparent when speakers come out like this. so congratulations. i agree with commissioner moore's comments about, it's a good move to activate that living room, making sure it's not shut with blinds 24/7. i think bottom line, we want activation, so whatever shape or form that is, and it would be
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difficult to name that retail or use right now, but to incentivize that space through pricing of rent is probably the best way to do that. i would like to move to approve the project. >> second. >> commissioner moore: on condition of -- >> there's been discussion about the retail space and i know you've had discussions with the neighborhood about that. and i agree with the sentiments being expressed. as we look at the changing mission, most people see these neighborhoods at the ground level. and i don't know -- it would be good to hear on 600 south van ness, is there retail in that space? >> yes. >> what are you doing with that? >> there's a cooking school going into the corner unit.
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the other units are very small, if you remember. i think the total is 3,400 square feet and 1,800 to 1,900 is the corner. so there's a cooking school. and they're very neighborhood-oriented. >> what is your plan with this retail? and if you can expound on -- >> a couple of points. the zoning here is nc3, which does not allow pdr use on the ground floor. so i would encourage you it look at that zoning and change the zoning. by the time the project is built, we would be allowed to have a diverse range of uses on the ground floor. i would point out that the building is dis a-- designed to have four or so small shops.
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it doesn't need to be one, large space. there is also the nc3 zoning limits, the office space that you can put. there's a lot of nonprofit offices that wouldn't qualify. so i think there's a danger in putting further restrictions on the current nc3 zoning. you will have nothing on that space. trade shop is a very narrow category. >> there was discussion about a commitment made to the neighborhood, win is not part of our approval package. we're interested in what will happen with the retail. >> the offer was to use the small retail space on 19th street. or if that does not move forward, as part of an agreement, we've considered
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another organization. but that offer was not been accepted by the group. >> okay. commissioner richards? >> commissioner richards: i wasn't here for the industry and commerce update. and i sit up here and i hear about increasing supply, supply, supply, supply. and sometimes i say to my friends, we have to reduce demand, demand, demand, demand at the same time. when you look at the numbers in the industry and commerce update, it's shocking the number of jobs created. i think it was 740,000. what is the exact number? >> 700,000. >> we don't have a mechanism to not create jobs. the economy is going well. we're at 2.7% unemployment in this city and there are counties around us that were even less than us. so demand is not going down. no matter what we say about it,
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want to do about it, there's an influx of people here. what we're seeing, the people that are coming have more money. they're spending more money on their housing. and what it's doing is creating a lot of pressure on people that are existing. and that's where the displacement exists. if we don't increase the supply, the city economist showed us the projections for the next five years, demand is going up. we need to increase supply. we need to increase supply with a model developer, that offered more than was required. i'm sure there will be a follow-through there. and the honesty and openness was mirrored as well, but the other
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person who the community was referring to, but that person wasn't giving anything more, mr. tivoni is. there's an olive branch. i think there's time we all work together on this because we're all in this together. and corey smith had a really good piece of public comment and it moved me. we sit up here with these projects week in, week out, month in, month out, and it's time to pull together and try to figure this out together. i'm very much in support of this project. >> commissioner johnson: i fully -- there are so many times that we look at these projects and issues come up that are not really for the planning commission, per se, like with displacement, it's not always us. >> it's in map 2020. >> commissioner johnson: and
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it's city-wide. one thing we can do, looking at the code around ground floor uses, rolooking at transit-oriented corners, it's a bind we find ourselves in we may have 2.7% unemployment, but i don't know if that's in the retail sector. there's a lot of retail vacancies. i would call on the commission to take a look at that and not just every individual project hash it out, but citywide. >> i'm supportive also of this project and i appreciate you doing the required affordable density units. i disagree that if when set the rate at 18% and it's not feasible, we should bring it down to a feasible number or make it feasible.
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there was a long process that we pegged that number. if you go higher, it should be at the same rate. so i appreciate you seeing that and doing that, because i think that's only fair. if you get the additional units, it's fair to do the percentage. on retail, i would encourage you to keep working -- i don't want to hold this project up, but we need to take a strong look at retail and how it's used and -- because it does have a big impact. it would look new -- we're not in the business of picking your retail, but hoping you will put something appropriate in that space. >> we have been talking to the community about changing the
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co code. there were some concerns about changing to allow pdr because of the types of pdr and not all pdr is creep -- created equal. we're looking at that with part of the changes of map 2020. on the state density bonus issue, a reminder to the inclusionary. the new requirements are that bonus units pay in and so that's been discussed and part of the requirement coming in the door today. >> have we had projects -- >> we're seeing more come in the door in the last couple of months, so that's a change from before. >> good to hear.
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commissioner moore? >> commissioner moore: i think we should put into our motion the animation on the corner. >> agreed. seconder? >> yes. >> i know we have had some big lifts already that came as result of our action-item list. 5 think we need to look and refresh it. whoever is the president in b.p. work with the other commissioners to prioritize that. >> there's a motion seconded to approve with conditions as amended to reflect a floorplan modification at the corner. >> commissioner fong: aye. >> commissioner johnson: aye. >> commissioner moore: aye.
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>> commissioner koppel: aye. >> commissioner melger: aye. >> commissioner richards: aye. >> that passes unanimously. and now to number 18, 318 30th avenue. for those people leaving the chamber, please do so quietly. october 5, 2017, after hearing and closing public comment, the commission -- excuse me, folks. if you want to speak, you can leave the chambers. october 5, 2017, after hearing and closing public comment, the matter was continued to december 14, 2017, vote of 4-3. johnson, koppel and hill, you were against. >> chris may, planning department staff. october 5, 2017, the commission heard a request for conditional use to demolish a one story over garage single-family dwelling and construct a four-story,
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two-unit building. after hearing and closing public comment, the commission continued the item to allow the sponsor to revise the project and address concerns raised by neighborhood residents. issues raised to the north of the subject property related to the potential impacts on their access to light and air. it related to the proposed building blocking views from their property line windows. concerns raised by residents related to the proposed building's compatibleity.
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the fourth floor has been eliminated and the unit has been reduced from 2,300 to 1,900. revised project involves conditioning 300 square feet of basement-level space designated as storage areas for the two units to the become living space for the lower unit. the revised project provides horizontal expansions totalling 70 square feet. the lower unit would decrease from -- increase from 2,200 to 2,500. there will be shared access for both units to the rear yard. this corridor has been eliminated and rear yard is accessible only to the lower unit. to satisfy the open space
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requirements, the upper most unit proposes a rooftop deck measuring 185 square feet in size. it would be accessed abutting the north side wall of the 4th story building to the south and would not block windows. the railings would be set back to eliminate shadowing and privacy concerns. since the publication of the staff report, there have been letters from five neighbors in opposition to the revised project as well as a petition signed by 33 area residents and it's here for the record. opposition opposes to the height and massing of the project in relation to the smaller, single-family dwellings nearby, demolition of an older, more affordable home, and compatibility of the building's design with the char arrest --
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character of the neighborhood. i'm available for questions. >> so we've heard this before, so project sponsor, you have 5 minutes. and public testimony, 2 minutes. >> good evening. i'm the architect for the project. the -- at the last commission, it was voted to remove the top floor and that's been done. it did remove a bedroom and bath. the attempt to get a family-sized unit of three bedrooms -- sorry, that's the view from the front. it has not changed substantially. in the prior version, you could not see the top floor. i will start at the top. the roof deck that's been added to meet the open space is narrow
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and set away from the light well. that's a revision from after meeting with neighbors. we have the roof deck up closer to the front. this is an outline so you can see how it's divided with, again, the missing third bedroom and bath. we took out a portion here to accommodate a more reasonable unit for the top floor here and that part of the floor. it works nicely because the entry is part of that, before you walked past a different unit to get in. 318, which is behind, is now on three levels. it does take over what was previously storage. there is no storage now. and that's become a bedroom,
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bath and family room with access to the yard. it did make it not possible to also have the upper unit come down to the garage and go through to the yard. so that's what generated the need for a deck on top. also, with interaction with the neighbors, the neighbors have been opposed to every deck prop oepdz before the 4th floor or roof. that's pretty much the layout. they were closer in size to the two units, but now there's 1,900 and a 2,500 square foot one. i think that's all there is. you have the plans. if you have questions, i'm available to answer. >> thank you. we'll open it up to public comment. jamie dow, connie best, laurie wayburn, jeff kelly, lori li.
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welcome. >> thank you. president hillis and members of the commission, my wife and i live behind the property. we were encouraged to limit the building to a three-story unit, but the plan presented still presents itself as four stories from the rear. the bank of windows in the rear resembles a cruiseship coming in to point the developer has excavated to maintain the four stories, in my opinion, in direct conflict with the october 5 ruling. we are opposed to four stories. we ask the planning commission to limit the building to three stories not just from the front, but from the back as well.
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thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> president hillis, members of the commission. i'm connie best. i live in the house next door. the developer responded to your direction with still a huge, blocky, ungangly design that fails to address the neighborhood concerns. it has the same 5,400 square feet of units. the units are not comparable as required under rh2 zoning. one is 40% larger than the other. the building remains too long because of im permissible average the roof deck intrudes on the
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apartment building's top floor apartment and there are dozens of windows including very intrusive ones on the north side that look directly into our kitchen and deck. we call on you to require two comparable, 1,900 square foot units, two 3-bedroom flats that are big are than my whole house, and are affordable to the middle class. no roof deck. use the yard as shared open space, luke it -- like it was before. it's a big lot. the yard can accommodate that. and eliminate the intrusive windows. he's crazy with the windows. so 38 neighbors are still on the record against this project. don't approve this appropriaprp. stop luxury super sizing. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please.
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>> hello. i'm gloria yi. i'm the owner of 322 30th avenue, north of 318. after our meeting, since they moved the roof deck, rather than looking into my tenant's closet, when they walk down, you know, like using that stair to walk down to the roof deck, actually, it's looking into my tenant's closet and there was no privacy for my tenant. and they were having a roof deck right next to my tenant's living room. actually, his closet. when they have a party, there won't be any privacy for those people.
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it's really a disturbance to them. the rooftop entry is blocking the light of the apartment, too. so it's making it dark. and the light well, i complained battle -- about the light well. he blocked it off last time and now it's equal to mine. so it's the bathroom window for my apartment. so what he does is like making, you know, like they're looking into our apartment bathroom windows. what kind of apartment do we have? you can think about it if you are in my shoes. what you object in a building to be built? think about it.
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thank you for your time. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> commissioners, i live a few doors down from this house. i oppose the demolition of this ape -- affordable house, similar to what i live in. the commission said three stories and equal-size units. this proposal plan is neither. at four stories in the back and 6,000 square feet with elevators, two separate outdoor spaces and only two parking spaces, it is being built by a speculator who has no intention of living there. it's not affordable. i'm also opposed to the side windows. i would like to see a normal, two-unit building that preserves the look of our street as it has
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been for over 100 years. please don't destroy affordable housing. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening. thank you, commissioners, for hearing this. as you've heard, there are 38 neighbors who oppose this project, as it's been put forward again. it was four occupied floors before. it's four occupied floors again, plus the rooftop deck, terrace area. the units are not equal in size. they're 4 1/2 times the size the home that's there. there's nothing in the neighborhood in character to maintain. and i ask that you have them revise it down. we're totally supportive of having two units there. it could be an adu, as one of
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