tv Government Access Programming SFGTV December 25, 2017 8:00am-9:01am PST
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something to do with restoring following the '89 quake. he was in city government at each of the steps and each of the way. and by the time this building opened, he was running the department of public works, completed the job with harlan and all of the other people that worked on it. ed lee was an unusual human being. it was the saturday before his death, on that early tuesday morning, that he was at the makras's, raising money for a supervisor who wishes to be the person to handle the board of equalization of san francisco. and in his usual generous fashion, he was incredibly
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respectful. he was introduced. i was standing in the audience, watching, as i usually do, all other previous mayors. ed lee was supposed to introduce the honoree. he saw me, and as usual, he proceeded to say the introduction of the honoree will be done by the person that i want to identify and introduce, and he proceeded to introduce me. well now, i've not always been an easy person to tolerate over an extended period of time, because i'm always a little off kilter here and there as nancy and diane and others will tell you. but ed lee had so much respect.
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i would guess, diane, i would guess, gavin, if either of you had been present, he would have extended the same opportunity, and i'm sure, jerry, he would have extended it to you. that's how ed lee functioned. he really wanted people to understand the pecking order and how important that kind of diplomacy really was. he had me introduce the honoree, and he introduced me, and he did it in the fashion he would do it. you know, you talked about -- charlotte, you talked about his joke ability, and his daughters. he told terrible jokes. he laughed because he was trying to build enthusiasm for his jokes.
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i don't remember one line that was any good, but there is one i intend to close the column with next sunday that ed lee said to me at victor's house. he says, you know, i've been thinking. if president trump is prosecuted, and he has to serve time in a federal jail, maybe we should see if we can get alcatraz back operational. ed lee's last joke.
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>> mayor brown, thank you so much for drawing back the curtain and letting us see the workings of that happy conspiracy. we're all surprised that you'd be involved in such a thing. i'm mark andrus, the bishop of the episcopal diocese of california. i represent the panel, including the great amos brown, a true hero in civil rights for
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so many decades, the last -- one of the last actual students of martin luther king, one of the last he ever taught. i also come at the end of this great celebration, and i knew it would be what it has been: that is, tremendous leaders, not only of california but of the united states, drawing from their own broken hearted place, to provide comfort to mayor lee's family, his immediate family, his extended family, and also as gavin newsom said to his staff and the mayors who worked with him, all of whom are broken heards, as are we
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all, this was all meant to be a celebration that provided what is called a balm. this is a balm in gilliad. grief does not go away on schedule. it does not go away at the end of a schedule. these words, i pray, will lodge in your hearts, and feed you and nourish you and comfort you in days and weeks and years to come. presiding over us are not only the stars and stripes of our great country, but the flag of our great city, the greatest city in our country. and on our flag to my left above us, is the phoenix, our symbol. it is the symbol of rebirth and new life. it was given to us as a sign of what a community can do in faith together, pulling
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together in love, the only virtue that never ends. it is also about individual rebirth. the phoenix is a symbol not only for communities, but for individual people, and the power that brings new life is not the power of pulling together or of self-will and determination, but the power that guides the universe. that power, which is love, will ensure that ed lee lives forever. not only in memory, but in truth. i'm going to read a psalm, a psalm of david. the lord is my shepherd.
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i shall not want. i maketh me lie down in green pastures. he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake, "ay," though i walk-through the valley of the shadow of death, i fear no evil. thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. thou prepareest a table in the company of my enemies. thou prepareest a cup, my cup floweth over. surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.
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oh, merciful god, receive him into the arms of your mercy, into the blessed wrest of everlasting peace, and into the glorious company of the saints and light. amen. grant unto those who are all bereaved that they may have the strength to greet the day with steadfastness and patience. in this we ask, in the name of god. amen. now, go forth into the world in peace, be of good courage. hold fast to that which is good. render unto no one evil for evil. strengthen the faint hearted,
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the small business commission held december 11th, 2017. this meeting is being called to order at 5:32 p.m. the small business commission thanks media services and sfgovtv staff. members of the public please take this opportunity to silence your phones and other electronic devicesment public comment during the meeting is limit today three minutes per speaker, unless otherwise established by the precider of the meeting. speakers are encouraged but not required to state their name. please place your speaker cards in the basket to the right of the lectern and they will be called in the order received. will you please show the slide. >> it's our custom to begin and end with a reminder, the office of small business is the only place to start your new
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business and best place to get answers to your questions about doing business in san francisco. the office of small business should be your first step when you have a question what to do next. you could find us online or in person at city hall, best of all, all of our services are free of charge. the commission is a place to voice your concerns about policies that affect economic vitality of if you have questions start here. thank you. and welcome. >> item 1, call to order and roll call. commissioner stephen adams. >> here. >> commissioner kathleen dooley. >> here. >> commissioner mark dwight. >> here. >> commissioner ortiz cartagena is absent. commissioner irene yee riley. >> here. commissioner zouzounis. >> here. >> public comment allows the
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public to comment on matters in the jurisdiction but not on the agenda. >> do we have any members of the public that would like to comment on anything not on tonight's agenda? seeing none, public comment is closed. next item, please. >> item 3, approval of legacy business program resolution, discussion and action item. we have beck's motor lodge, eddy's cafe, little joe's pizzeria and one twenty for hair. richard kurylo. >> richard kurylo, legacy business program program manager. sfgovtv, i have a slide. the applications were reviewed by me for completion and submitted to planning
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department staff on november 8th for their review. they were heard december 6th and made positive recommendations to the small business commission. for each applicant your commission packet contains a staff report. a draft resolution. the application. a case report from planning department staff and a resolution from historic preservation commission. there are copies on the table for the public. item 3a is beck's motor lodge. business is a family owned motel located in the castro neighborhood constructed in 1958. beck's motor lodge has 58 guest rooms and free parking and an affordable friendly welcoming place for out of towners to stay and experience the castro. in 2011, brittany beck, granddaughter of original owner will beck purchased the hotel from her parents. since then it's undergone renovations and improvements and now has a mid century
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modern design leaning toward modern, including redesign of the logo displayed on the building's giant sign. item 3b is eddie's cafe. opened in 1974 by owner eddie barry as soul food restaurant in a predominantly african american neighborhood n. 1998 the business was sold to helen and min wang who wanted to start their own business. though the business no longer offered a strictly soul food based menu, eddie's cafe still maintains welcoming environment and comforting food to others including certain traditional dishes such as grits and sausages. item 3c is little joe's pizzeria. the business is a family owned
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restaurant, in excelsior outer mission boulevard opened 1958 by little joe russo. features pizza, chicken parmegan and pasta dishes. in 1963 alfredo purchased the business and added a mexican element to the menu. offering a unique menu to a diverse community. item 3d is one twenty for hair. the business is a local haircuting and hair styling salon serving the south of market financial district. the business was open in 1985 by marko and edith paz who relocated to san francisco from washington d.c. to establish themselves as leaders in the industry on the west coast after having run a successful and presee prestigious salon in
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washington. affordable prices in a warm welcoming and familiar environment. all four businesses received a positive recommendation from the historic preservation commission. after reviewing these applications and the recommendations from the historic preservation commission, staff finds the businesses have met the three criteria to qualify for listing on the legacy business registry. there are four draft resolutions for consideration by the small business commission. one for each of the legacy business registry applicants. notion a motion in support of the businesses should be a motion in favor of the resolutions. in the resolutions, please pay close attention to the core physical features or traditions that define the business. once approved the businesses must maintain these physical features or traditions in order
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to remain on the legacy business registry. for beck's motor lodge it's hotel. for eddie's cafe, restaurant featuring diner fare. little joe's pizzeria it's restaurant featuring italian fare. and for one twenty for hair, it's a hair salon. there are business representatives in attendance who would like to speak on behalf of the applications. >> great, if you don't have any questions for richard, i will open it up for public comment. >> thanks, richard. >> any members of the public who would like to comment on this item? and i see a few people here, please. three minutes. come on up and say your peace. we are delighted to see you here. showtime. it's your opportunity to get on sfgovtv, visible worldwide on the web. come on, break the ice.
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>> hello. i'm brittany beck of beck's motor lodge. the first to talk to me about this opportunity, and i thought it was a really great opportunity for my business. as was mentioned my grandfather originally built the hotel in 1958. it's been a long but short history, went from my grandfather to my dad and in 2011 to me. unfortunately my grandfather passed away before i was born. but the castro is an amazing place and i don't think he realized what the castro would become when he built a hotel then, so being a part of the city and seeing it through the changes and wonderful things and guessing and predicting where the castro and city will go is an exciting aspect. i'm excited my business is located in san francisco and we will hopefully be there forever. i am thankful for this opportunity and i hope you approve us to move forward. >> awesome. thank you foregoing -- for
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going through the process. come on, now it's been done. you aren't the first, you can be next in line. >> [off mic] >> you can come up together, it's a party. >> my name is marko paz, i'm owner of one twenty for hair. we have been in business since 1985 with my wife edith, she is now taking care of the business while i'm here with my daughter rosie. we have two locations. 120 howard street, that is where the name come from, one twenty for hair. and we move around the corner to 155 main street, which is just around the corner so we don't lose the clientele when we move from one place to another one. >> awesome. >> yeah, so originally we were on howard and then move today main street. we have successfully burr --
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burgoned in successful san francisco, which is nice, we got to see it grow from being little mama's building to all these buildings. we are excited to be growing in the san francisco district. >> are you in the business? >> i don't do hair styling. >> thank you. next up. yea. >> my name is alfredo rodriguez, i'm from little joe's pizza, my parents were there in 1973. they have since both passed on. and i'm there with one of my sisters. and my two other sisters have also worked there. my nieces, one still works with me, a brother-in-law, two cousins. so it's pretty family. it's always been that way. and it's been many years. we have been there since i was like 7 years old. and grew up there.
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people go where is home? this is home. seeing people in the window is like when you water your lawn or come outside, seeing your neighbors and people. i love my neighborhood. when they say home is home, that is home. thank you for your help and i hope this can help preserve us to stay, because i know the city goes through so many changes and times are different and i'm realizing i'm older now and you can kind of get moved on but you have to try. we have a community center next to us. and she brought this to my attention and i never knew anything about it. so stephanie cahina brought it to me and said we are trying. i said that's an idea. she is younger. i said let me listen to someone young and see what i can do. okay, we started working through the application and with rick's help. i'm happy. i'm happy to be a part of this
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city. it's what we know, it's where we were born. to grow with it, hopefully grow with it and thank you for your help, and if it can help us to preserve us staying at home. so thank you for your help. >> fantastic. thank you very much. do we have anybody else? >> [off mic] >> that's okay. come on up and say something. >> thank you very much for being eddie's cafe part of legacy business. i purchased 1988 now, it's become 29 years. all my neighborhood has changed so much. fancy restaurants come. they would rather sell alcohol,
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it's easy to get the money. you know, it's more expensive. like one champagne cost like $11. our breakfast costs $8.95. [laughter] and we are really working hard, it's not easy. we make everything, you know, from scratchy, all the hash browns and pancakes. i'm so happy working in eddie's cafe. and thank you for this city of san francisco. i'm very, very happy and we work so hard and you guys pay attention to eddie's cafe, i'm so happy. thank you very much. >> awesome, thank you. see, you did great. perfect.
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all right. do we have any other members of the public that would like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. first i would like to thank you all foregoing for going through the arduous process of filling out the application but as you have discovered it's a rewarding process because it causes you to reflect on your business. we are so busy running our business we hardly take time to see where we come from. now you have nice little document that has pictures and stories in it so you could share that with your other relatives, so that's awesome. thank you very much. commissioner adams? >> yes, i want to give a shout out to brittany beck with beck's motor lodge, what she has done in the community. a member of the castro merchants. a member of the san francisco travel agency. or whatever you call it now.
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sf travel. here is a couple tidbits, she has beehives on her roof. which i think is awesome because it helps the neighborhood with flowers and growing and all sorts of cool things. and brittany is a big huge part of our neighborhood. whether it's pride, folsom, dory, but even outside lands, the hospitals, beck's really plays a pivotal role in bringing people in no matter what event it is. and this commission should hear this. this poor woman has been through every process getting city permits and stuff. and i get these phone calls, i have to get this permit and they are changing this and this, and i have to sit in the police department for this. but i listen to her, and i will
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call regina and we will get it done. but you have really endured through a lot of these processes, and i'm proud of you. i remember when you took over the motel and you didn't know and you just started doing it. i think it's awesome what you have done, the renovations, the place looks beautiful. i will end it with this, if you drive up market street during the holidays and see market street lit up with the white lights it was brittany beck that started it at the motor lodge and got the other merchants to put white lights on their trees, between church and castro you could thank brittany for that christmas miracle. we call her miss christmas in the neighborhood. you should see her house. i want to thank you for everything you have done. thank you for enduring a lot. if your grandfather was alive he would be so proud of you, he is looking down proud at you for what you have done there. thank you for being a great part of our community. you have done a great job.
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thank you. >> that's awesome. commissioner dooley? >> congratulations to you all, you have put in your time. as a small business owner myself, i know what it's like, it never ends, you are working all the time. not only do we want to congratulate you on the legacy of business award but to remind you that the small business commission and office of small businesses is here for you. and if you need help, if you have questions, no charge, we are here to help you out. so once again, great work, thank you. >> yes. commissioners, any other comments? yes, commissioner zouzounis? >> congrats everybody. this is really exciting. again, i love seeing the second-third generation businesses. kids following their parents and grandparents legacy. my family has a deli and a
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store. when i hear stories people coming in talking about my grandparents and what they remember, that means a lot to me. congrats. >> thank you all for taking time out from your businesses to come here tonight. those of us small business owners up here know the commitment to come to city hall. so much appreciated. and congratulations. so do we have a motion? >> i motion that we approve beck's motor lodge, eddie's cafe, little joe's pizzeria and one twenty for hair legacy businesses. >> second. >> commissioner adams. >> yes. >> dooley. >> yes. >> cartagena is absent. >> torrance tour-sarkissian. >> yes. >> riley. >> yes. >> zouzounis. >> yes. >> that motion passes 6-0. [applause] >> now back to work. thanks a lot you guys. you can take off the rest of
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the meeting, not nearly as exciting as the legacy business stuff and it's our favorite part of the evening. thank you. appreciate you coming out tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you. happy holidays. all right, next item, please. iet >> item 4, approval of meeting minutes. >> motion? or discussion? oh, first of all, any discussion, commissioners? no. do we have any members of the public that would like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. do we have a motion? >> i move. >> i second. >> okay. all in favor? aye. any opposed? that motion passes, 6-0. >> all right. next item. >> director's
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