tv Government Access Programming SFGTV December 25, 2017 9:00pm-10:01pm PST
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notice it's earmarked for over time regular expenses. why is it earmarked for overtime? >> that's a great question. this is supplemental services, and this is intended to supplement our regular police services to any area, and we'll be using overtime in the first year because as you know, it takes 11 months to hire an officer, and so if we added positions to our budget, we wouldn't have those resources available right away. >> president turman: commissioner dejesus. >> well, she did answer amy question, so i think i'm okay. i did see in the newspaper that mta says it's opening in 2018, and transbay people are saying 2020, and it may be delayed to 2021. >> i'm not sure. i'm not familiar with the details, i'm sorry.
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>> i think there'll be initial opening, commissioner, and then, it'll scale up. i mean, the plans really include a whole lot of other things that will go beyond what we'll see in 2018. >> that's it. thank you. >> president turman: next line item please, sergeant kilshaw -- i'm sorry, public comment on-line item 4. any public comment on-line item 4? good evening, mr. sellhorse. >> just a couple of points of clarification. i believe the building opens in 2018. the transbay portion of that terminal is 2020. i think the thing you're talking about is the extension that's being built up to chinatown. when i was walking up to the apple cart today, there's a police officer assigned to a
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private store, apple, that's right there by union square. and it's like they're private security, only they have sfpd badges. and i'm wondering, what's the name of that business that's going to be there? why another private company is getting public funding security services provided for them? that seems unethical, perhaps even corrupt. >> president turman: what is the 10-b program, secretary kilshaw? >> the 10-b program is a program through the city where private companies can contract out through the department, but they mpay for the services. i'm sure the chief or our cfo can answer much better than i,
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but that's the gist of it. >> president turman: okay. do you have any comment on that? >> i believe that the apple store does work with our department to pay for additional police services. >> president turman: thank you. all right. any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is now closed. next line item, secreta. >> secretary ionin: -- >> commissioner, i think he's looking for a line item motion. >> president turman: is there a motion? >> okay. [ inaudible ] to fund anticipated overtime in
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excess of the adopted bow jet at the airport bureau, discussion and possible action. >> good evening, director. >> good evening, commissioners. thank you again. so this item is due to a midbudget cycle request from the airport for additional police services or for increased police services at the airport. the airport bureau is requesting a surplus transfer from salaries to overtime, so just a reminder, this is nongeneral fund moneys managed by our airport bureau, and we're requesting your permission to advance this to the board of supervisors. the total is $926,000 from savings and permanent salaries to overtime. and deputy chief schmidt is here to answer questions that are operational in nature. >> president turman: any comment, deputy chief schmidt?
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good evening, chief. >> good evening, mr. president, commissioners. >> interim. >> interim. i know. i did want to say that. sergeant -- no, this is just a -- this is allow -- stretching this money from the salary savings to the overtime fund will allow us to continue providing some high visiblity patrol and other security measures we've adopted to ensure the security of the airport. thank you very much. >> president turman: so we're not asking for additional money, this is a reallocation. >> correct. it's a reallocation of salary savetions. >> president turman: okay. any questions for the chief or director. >> i would just move to accept and thank the chief for the wonderful job she's doing at the airport. >> second. >> president turman: public comment on item 5? sorry. okay. hearing none, public comment is
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now closed. okay. commissioners, move by mazzucco, seconded by melara. all in favor? any opposed. okay. thank you. you have your budget reallocation. thank you. secretary kilshaw. >> item 6, presentation by the department on the coalition of homelessness on the status of responding to calls for service on individuals with mental health service. >> good evening, commander lozar, i believe you're back with us, correct? 1 v
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. >> i just want to clarify a few terms that we're going to be talking about today. i want to be clear, we're only discussing the infractions given to homeless related crimes, so we're not talking about property crimes or violent crimes that homeless people might be involved in, and we distinguish between homeless laws, a term used by the u.s. department of justice as defined here that those laws that prohibit life sustaining activities which homeless people have little or no choice to engage in public, so this includes like sitting or resting in public, things that you'd only receive a call or ticket for involving those who are living on the streets. we'll also talk briefly about the impact of quality of life ordinances, so these are i think thises like drinking in public that might involve other types of people, but disproportionately affect
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homeless types of people, as we found. and here, the first thing we want to highlight are the citations that have been given for quality of life or tdinanc, which in the year 2017 are projected to be at 10,800. of those that were categorized as homeless laws, this is almost 6,600 citations peryear. i think something to highlight is that since 2014, where it was about 15,000, that they have been reducing 30% year on year, which is something very positive in reflection to the findings we're about to present, and we encourage the officers and commission to continue strategies to reduce those numbers in line with the u.s. department of justice and
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hud's suggestions. after the coalition put together the report, supervisor melara analysised a budget report to understand the cost of enforcing quality of life ordinances specifically against those experiencing homelessness and found that this resulted in $20.6 million a year out of the san francisco budget, of which 90% of these costs were incurred by the police department, so this is very costly. and want with tha and with that, i'm going to turn it over to my colleague, delara yarborough. >> hi. i worked with the coalition on this report. i'm delara yarborough. so just briefly, we'll review
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some of the key findings about the ways in which these laws and enforcement affect homeless people. so these findings are from a survey of 351 homeless san francisco residents. our survey was conducted in downtown neighborhoods where the majority of homeless san francisco residents reside, and it's the most representative sample possible. so this chart that you see shows the percentage of our respondents in different living situations who experience each time of interaction with police in the last year, from being approached on the streets to being forced to move to being cited. as you can see, many were cited more than five times. why do we care? so sometimes, we hear that these laws don't impact homeless people in general, but that they're just used to
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address the behaviors of problematic individuals. this is false. our survey show that these laws affect the clear majority of homeless people. people living on the street and camping experience the most severe forms of enforcement, with almost all of them forced to move, and about half of people camping or in parks receiving five or more citations in the last year. >> president turman: what type of citations? >> antihomeless citations, so as chris went over briefly, this includes sit-lie, this includes sleeping, resting, etcetera. yeah, all -- all of those, yeah. so here, you see that 70% of
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our respondents were forced to move by police or by city officials. because there was nowhere else to go, the majority remained in public space. most of them simply moved down the block. 22% moved to a different neighborhood. we found that even -- >> president turman: just to clarify. >> yes. >> president turman: is this the police department making the move or is dph making them move and having them enforce this? that might be a better question for you -- >> yeah. the majority here are -- >> president turman: hold on one second. [ inaudible ] >> president turman: yeah, i'm talking to him. hold on one second. >> okay. >> i think what we're just explaining is dph is we're enforcing -- >> president turman: the dph order. >> yes. >> president turman: okay. i'm sorry. so you're saying, sir, in the
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back. [ inaudible ] >> president turman: so the police officers are carrying out the order, but you don't know who initiated it, but it's dph. okay. that's what i was talking about. >> right. the experience of the survey respondents, when we asked who asked you to move, the person they most often see in front of them, asking them to move, is a police officer. >> president turman: have you guys had this discussion at all with dph? >> yes. >> president turman: okay. >> yes, and we're going to get to that, you know, policing. part of why we're presenting this tonight is that we don't think that police should be called and dispatched as much to respond to these sorts of issues. >> president turman: i would agree with that. >> yeah. and so -- so what's happening, then, is that there's this constant churn, right.
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so as individuals are driven from one neighborhood to another, the overall numbers of homeless people in each districts and in the city overall, obviously, remain consistent, so instead of a reduction, there's a constant movement. this is something we know intuitively. we see people getting pushed from block to block, shuffled between neighborhoods. it's important to be honest with the public and to let them know that calling the police is not the solution to homelessness. so if moving people around isn't making them leave public space, what does it do? this placement, even in the absence of a citation, can have serious affects on health and safety. so, for example, while we didn't ask participants in our study about rape or sexual assaults, some women just disclosed over the course of the study that they were rained after being forced to move to
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30-days. when we look at the people going to the navigation center, the numbers are not significant. we look at the numbers coming out. the persistence of homelessness is a problem of political will until the public understands the city needs to invest in housing, this problem is going to continue. i think we need the police department to educate constituents about this instead of saying police can get people into services or perpetuating the idea the members of the public have that polices is the solution, it is crucial to be honest with the public. >> president turman: is the police department perpetuating
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that idea? are we telling the people that policing the homeless is what we are here for, we can get you into these services? that is not us. that is another department. as much as i agree with what you are saying, i am glad to do our part. what you are talking about is beyond our control. all we can do -- effect the orders given to us. you can change the order system. we are glad to do that. >> that needs to be said. >> president turman: you need to go to the mayor's office or dpa. we are at the bottom of the chain. we can't change that. >> i think that, you know, to address that point briefly before getting back to my last light and turning it over to the director of the coalition. many of us have seen a lot of
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neighbor meetings where people are trying to placate the neighbors who want to call 911. the reason we want to show what is happening with this type of polices is that it is pervasi pervasive. whether or not people, officers want to do it, it is happening and it is having a harmful effect on homeless people. regardless of what people are calling 911 want people to think. so i think there are things we can discuss further. briefly, what happened to our survey respondent'ses when they got the citations? the majority couldn't pay them. 62% ignored the citation. at the time of the survey it
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went to warrants. city data show in 2014, 132 homeless people we're jailed for quality of life. the citations added up. they were incarcerated for being in public space. no one in this room obviously wants this. that is why the da has as of 2015 stopped issuing the warrants on the quality of life citations. i will turn it over to jenny to continue with what the coalition is asking of the commission. thank you. >> hi. we are going to get to the recommendations and the stuff that you were mentioning, but i wanted to talk about quickly the impacts of the citation in terms
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of the big change that happened to make sure you all were clear on it. in 2015, previous to 2015, the courts were issuing warrants and civil assessments for unpaid fines. about 120 then, of course, when people don't show up for court those warrants as well. they were doing both. we did put pressure on the courts and this other stuff was happening. they changeid it, which was the right thing to do. it is illegal to punish people. they moved to the civil assessments. so now whereas before you would get $300 assessment the fine goes to collections agency, the arrest warrants are issued. you could potentially be arrested in you have a number of warrants.
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that ended in 2015. now it is the $300 civil assessment. that still does have a significant impact. the professor covered the impacts. i want to point out one piece of the impact the vulnerability and force displacement creates a barrier to services in terms of working without reach workers. when people are moved around and are on the cass of getting housing and they lose contact with the outreach worker. property confiscation is huge. you think it is dpw. that is not true. we have a truck in the tenderloin and witnessed the sfpd involved in property confiscation.
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you lose medicine, from the mental health perspective other kinds of things people are losing survival gear sets folks back. that is something that sfpd can certainly address and follow the property policy that is implemented by the aclu and lawyers' committee not followed by sfpd. the context professor covered really well, but i want to move on. >> president turman: what are you asking of us? >> sorry. the recommendations we have a number of them for you all and commander is going to be talking more about what is going on with this. we want to look at dispatch protocol, exam that. if it is not a police issue,
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meaning a safety issue or something outside of the context of sleeping or resting or being homeless and present we would like to shift that up. if i am the public and calling to say there is a homeless person. now the city is going to send a police officer, and we want to look at that. that is not appropriate use of resources. >> president turman: your recommendation is we don't respond or shift it? >> it should go to the appropriate responder, psychiatric crisis without violence, go the homeless outreach team. >> the commission there is the infrastructure is not there 24 hours a day seven days a week for that to be done. >> president turman: currently
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we don't have the infrastructure. at some point during the day that is possible. it is about building around that, is that correct? >> it is building. some of that is being done with the three one one. those are routed to the proettesiate city again -- appropriate city agency. what she is asking not 24 hour, seven day an week availability for that dispatch. >> president turman: we could work with the homeless and city agencies to talk about building this protocol so it is an ongoing concern, we can do that, right? >> correct. >> we want community education on costs and limits on policing homelessness. we hear positive a lot from the community meetings that we can't ticket our way out of
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homelessness, but we hear the opposite message as well which, you know, which isn't helpful. >> president turman: the opposite message? >> encouraging residents to call the police when homeless people are present and they will remove them. >> president turman: who is doing that? >> i mean there is. >> president turman: not from the department? >> yes, from the department. >> president turman: our community engagement people within form the community when they do the community meetings about the appropriate channel to address these issues, is that correct? >> yes and also to dispatch. >> president turman: go ahead, chief. >> i think part of that is education on 311 and 911 calls period.
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>> president turman: let's educate. that is up community's alley. >> encouragement of discretion. admonishments rather than citations whenever possible. >> president turman: that is in our control. is that something we can work was the coalition on? >> yes, we can work on that. i think the coalition is aware of this. a lot of these issues in the infrastructure go beyond what the police department can control. i am not saying these are good or bad ideas. we will work with you on those issues. >> president turman: there needs to be another partner in there? >> yes, we are working on that. >> president turman: find a partner and work on it. >> supporting alternatives like
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increased services and decriminalization and denouncing the antihomelessness issues. if the commission weighed in on you are one voice. >> president turman: what do you want us to weigh in on it with? >> you can pass resolutions and make proclamations. the commission is a very respected element of the community having them fighting for more services for homeless people would be helpful. i am turning it over. >> president turman: commissionr marshall, let me go back to the one about who you call. this has happened several times. i run around the property. i have kids around, women on my staff, i have a preschool right
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next -- daycare next to my building, and for me when i go back to them and they are concerned, who can i tell them to call? the first person they called in the past is the police. it works. who shall i tell them to call? >> first to be clear from our position. the very presence of someone who is destitute is not illegal. it is just another member of our community. if someone is in need of help, we should call the appropriate person for help. if there is an actual criminal activity it should enter the police department realm. that is our position. i have kids, i have them with me all the time around homeless people all the time. i raised my children in my office surrounded by homeless people. you know, just the very presence of homeless people. >> homeless is not a crime.
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next. >> what is missing and i know you did a great job and thank you. when people call the police, they call the police and this is every neighborhood throughout the city. the chief and i had a meeting that shocked me with their concerns about homelessness in their neighborhood. it is those under the influence, those that are in psychiatric crisis that pose a threat and danger to people with children, to the elderly and the businesses that is the other half of the equation. the truth of the matter is. it is such a drain on the san francisco police department resources to deal with this. it would be unanimous our officers don't respond. however, what do we do with the situation where -- i walk the entire city. walking out of my parking garage. tomorrow morning there will be at least 10 to 12 people under
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the influence because of opioid or methamphetamine, breaking into cars, hanging around the garage. the officers are talking to them. get up, get moving. they are there. it is not fair to them they are in that situation. there are needles all over the place, children going to school walking through the neighborhood. there are two sides to this equation. at some point the police have to become involved because social services are not doing their job. we are not getting these people off the street. the police have to get involved. we are society. that requires rules and laws to protect everybody. you are missing that part of the equation. being homeless is not a crime and should never be. everywhere we go, merchants are complaining. it is not just san francisco, it is everywhere. it is affecting the city,
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tourism, most of the homeless i have seen. most of the people on the street that i see in the morning are addicted to drugs or in psychiatric crisis. we have to help them. sometimes it is the police. you are not addressing that side of the equation. the citations is dismissed by the judge in sauc saucilito. he did not care. we want to be compassionate. it is not working. >> i appreciate that. i don't see the two sides. i see it as moving towards solutions that work. that is really our framework. often times what happened with the police with the time they get there the person is not there. what a waste of time and energy the entire endeavor is. what works. you mentioned a number of different things. a lot of the things that work
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are outside of the police department realm. i don't want to go too deeply into them. there was a newspaper article about a woman half naked screamed at a kid. those are the situation also. when that happens you have someone in crisis. there should be a number of steps taking place. we have lost a lot of mental health system and seeing the results on the streets. it takes a lot of work. from our perspective it is not two-sided. it is what are the solutions. that is how to move forward. we know and the department of justice knows and it is recognized the citation route is not working. we need to try something different. that is, you know, this is part of the puzzle. >> president turman: i agree. thank you for your hard work. we have a question.
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>> so i want to thank you and your team and the commander and the police defendant. we are asking to reform the dispatch protocol when they call to say someone is on my stairs, i want that person gone they can refer it to homeless outreach other than sending a police officer. that is a great idea. community education. when our policera there they can educate how much it costs to do this. maybe not in the same breath say call the police. we can do that. use discretion is most important. trying to reduce citations and utilizing admonishments, not criminal acts, community possessing. if they have discretion and can do that, that would be great. these are things to work with. you are educating me and the people watching us and the
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commission. i think it is great. it is clear. we are not talking about criminal activity, we are talking about the things we can do to reduce the police response to homelessness. >> commander is going to talk about the advisory board on homelessness. we are working on all of these things. >> i am going to forego my 11 page 2 hour presentation on homelessness and get to the. it is available for the public if they would like to see. president turman you hit the nail on the head. the support of housing and public health. they are on the front lines interacting with those that need help and getting them to the services they need. we as a police department are compassionates. you see the statistics less enforcement and more referring.
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as police officers we are gaining rapport with people referring folks to outreach. vice president you covered the other half of the presentation to say the san francisco police department gets 5,000 calls for service every month that are homeless related. 1,000 additional calls we initiate when we interacts with the homeless. our plan is to get the individuals the help they need. we see arresting and citations. we are police officers and enforce the law. when we see them in case management and stabilization and support of housing, that is the win. that is what the police officers are doing right now. to the last point we have been working closely with the coalition on homelessness and partnered on one of the advisory
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boards to look at this issue. our primary goal is to work to train our dispatchers so when the police dispatchers receive what the public things is police related call they can educate about who should be involved and what our strategy is. we are excited about the work we are doing on that. i will take your questions. >> that would be good work. let's start getting people directed to services, directed to the people who can help. you know, to say the appropriate person is probably a long list in there. we need to sort of make this list concrete so our dispatchers understand so we can start educating out. when this type of issue, when you see this issue with a person who is homeless this is who you call, no the the police department. we also need to on the enforcement.
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we need to talk to the dpa and find out what they can do to solve the issues without involving the police enforcements. commissioner marshall had something. >> i know you are in a hurry, sir. since i have a chance to be educated. i want to know what should i do? i really do. that is why i am bringing it up. it is not a crime. i know it is not a crime. there is an issue, little kids coming in and out. it is a point where they have to say you go do something. what should i do with my staff, how should we handle that? that comes up with a whole bunch of folks. that is what i was looking for guidance here. >> 7500 homeless in san francisco. people are concerned about it. we broad brush homelessness. we have criminal activity,
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mental illness, substance abuse. in an emergency dial 911. to vice president's point they are taking the clothes off in the street, in some sort of mental crisis or committed violence that is a police response, get the ambulance and get that person to the hospital. in those emergency situations we see it. for the other situation where this person needs help, they are homeless, there is an encampments that is three one one the one stop shop phone number in san francisco. download the app and take a photograph and send it to 311. i want everyone to know that if it goes to 311 and it is an encampment it goes right to public works and they address it. if a person needs a well-being check it comes to the nonemergency to be dispatched
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for the police. that is something in the future we can address that is currently the system is 311. the answer is 311. >> to be present and homeless exhibiting none of these two extremes, you do nothing. the person can be there. that is not anyone's issue. the person can be there. if that person is not causing a disturbance, not taking off their clothes, not threatening themselves or other people, they are just there. you do nothing. you educate the staff, a person has a right to be there. if they are not doing anything, work around them. >> i would add the reason for the 311 call is to say the person is doing nothing, please send the homeless outreach team to see if they can help them. that is the calls they get as
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well. >> they will make that decision i guess. okay. any other questions for the commander? >> i would like to get an update in the future to see how it is going. >> we will call you back with an update. thank you very much. >> president turman: i appreciate your comments, you were very helpful. everything you talked about, pay no attention to me because i am old and sick. everything you talked about is both achievable, laudable and we can get there. we just need to keep working together. thank you so much. what is next? >> public comment on item number 6.
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>> president turman: the public comment by the department and the coalition on homelessness. >> i have something for you. and i have been holding these for a couple years hiding them to make sure you all got a copy of the fancy once. i will get those. i am a human rights organizer on the coalition on homelessness and was part of working on that report. one of the things that has been coming up a lot and does come up. i feel like i have spoken about it before is where, you know, i talk to officers on a regular basis. this morning i was talking to
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officers down in the encampments, and they get calls from 311 and they go down there and they are telling people to move along. the problem is there is nowhere to go. i was asking that question. they ge get tired of hearing it. where can the people go? they have no answer. i know there is no answer to that. we currently have right now as of yesterday it was 1155 people on a single adult shelter wait list. that is just adults, that is not families and children. the average wait for a child to get into a shelter since january was 111 days. we need tobr to look at the larr pictures. people want this magic card.
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everyone wants the magic card to hand someone to help. i am asked constantly. there isn't one. there aren't the services to back that up. certain things that an example of different ways where the police could have come out. this last year the prop q with the tent ban would have been a good opportunity. the police are like they are to be offering housing. there is no housing. right now people are asking officers, well, prop q went through, you are to give me a notice and an offer of services. that is not happening. there aren't any services to offer. yes, we need to look at the bigger picture and look for solutions. i have 30 seconds. we were looking with the library a while back, a couple years back, and we were advocating for
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social workers. within the first year incidents decreased 50 percent. that speaks a lot. when you are going with the right solutions. the citations bottom line they don't work, it doesn't work. thank you. >> president turman: thank you. any other public comment? public comments is now closed. >> item 7 public comment on all matters pertaining item 9 below including whether to hold item 9 in closed session. >> we are about to go into closed session and consider personnel and other litigation related items. is there any comment about us going into closed session? okay. seeing none. public comment is closed.
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secretary kilshaw. >> administrative code action. >> president turman: we are to go into closed session to consider several items. i will entertain the appropriate motion. >> moved and seconded. all in favor. any opposed? members of the public we thank you for joining us for the first part of the open session of the san francisco police commission meeting. we >> we are back on the record in open session. you still have a quorum. >> please call the next item. >> item 10 discussion on item 9
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held in closed section. >> i move not to disclose. >> president turman: second. >> on the question aren't we prohibited from disclosing this no matter if we want to or not. >> we have to make this motion. >> president turman: moved and seconded all in favor. any opposed? all right. next item. >> item 11 adjournment. >> president turman: members of this commission tonight we close the book on the commission in 2017. we are concluding our calendar for the year and we will be back on january 10th. it has been a challenging year,
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it has been a hard year. but we accomplished much and there is still a lot to do. let's work as productively together as we have been able to do in the past. i look forward to working with all of you in 2018. 2018 in one capacity or another. and i thank you for all of your time and attention to the commission and to the goal also of serving the people of the city and county of san francisco. >> i want to thank you and the commissioner for your leadership. it is a difficult year. we do what we have to do. i want to thank you for your hard work. and we hope you get well. >> thank the chief, too.
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>> good morning, everyone and thank you for coming my name is rosy form treasurer of the united states and the form of empowerment 2020. >> yeah. >> empowerment 2020 is an initiative to durnl encourage a million women we 2020 to go in leaders positions it is request quality day and the one hundred year of the 19 amendment that give woman the right to vote joining me on stage a margo the ceo of ma tell. >> (clapping.) >> 74 percent have been girls in middle school express
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interest in office only girls are expressing an interest in computer science 50 percent less graduating are for girls than thirty years ago i've spent 8 years of the treasurer of the united states to have a portrait on the photo in our public engagement process there were one hundred of women overlooked in the history of our country many tops will be discussed and empowerment 2020 conference everything there empowering young women and girls to be the future leader to encourage women to get into stem education and getting into nasa and google and making sure that they are part of tech economy. >> the second part of empowerment 2020 is women money and power to put women in so and so positions for the corporate
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fleet and elected office the third part of empowerment 2020 are the conferences their action oriented women have flatlined at 20 percent on that percentage one and 20 percent women a in congress that is stagnated if we get up to thirty percent fabulous 80 percent would be amazing that conversation is equality will be something we're used to as pair the culture i'd like to that that will be done in 2020 but if
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a call to order of the meeting of the san francisco public utilities commission for today, tuesday, december 12. madame secretary, roll, please? [roll call] and we have a quorum. >> so, before we get started, today is actually a very sad day for the city and county of san francisco and in honor of our late mayor, ed lee, i'd like to ask everyone to stand if we can observe a moment of silence in his honor.
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thank you. >> before we enter public comment, i wanted to send my condolences to many of you, especially harlan, i know you were close with mayor lee. if there is any day to wish for fake news, this was it. i think we're all very stunned. so, i want to announce closed session items 25 to 31 will not be heard today. as we're going to approve the minutes of november 14. can i have a motion to approve those minutes? >> so vote. >> second. >> any discussion? any public comment related to the minutes of november 14? all in favor, do approve? >> aye. >> opposed? ok. apov
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