tv Government Access Programming SFGTV December 30, 2017 2:00am-3:01am PST
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do.5 or.75, there's excavation that they're going to do to provide that one story beneath which will be the garage parking spaces, and so going to.5 provides fewer spaces overall, but it's the same level of construction and the same physical footprint of the building, so it's not like we're eliminating an extra floor of excavation or anything. i keep pointing back to it, i'll say it every single time. these parking spaces, even when you go in when people are home, spaces are empty. people don't have cars. you go in these buildings, and it's just emptiness, so that's a reuse of parking, okay with.75 here because i don't see that going to.5 really gets us anything rather than -- except for space in the below ground excavation space. commissioner moore makes a
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fantastic point about the union street west facing facade. i don't think that building is -- i mean, i think maybe the facade of anything might be historic, but that would potentially be an opportunity for facadism for another project. i do believe that all of the neighbors wi neighbors of that building will be here with the pitchforks when something in the future is planned, because starting with the third story about, if anything goes in there, it will be blocking some views, and not just views, but light because there's not a huge space between those buildings. i do think that that's slightly problematic, but on the flip side, there's the example of a building right on polk street where they tried to account for that, and there's just a blank space of an apartment and in anticipation of something going in next to it, and that's been the case for like 15 years. so you know, sometimes it's
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dammed if you do, dammed if you don't, and if there is a building that goes in, it'll have to be something maybe some sort of l-shaped or something different. i want to acknowledge that that made a lot of sense to me and kind of caught my eye a little bit, but thinking more about it up here, i don't know that i'd want to see any changes to the building to account for that. and then, i definitely agree with having some sort of building entrance on vanness. i noticed that before. there are four retail spaces on vanness, two or three of which will definitely be empty for some period of time, and i think that you need to have that pedestrian traffic there. i do not buy the argument that vanness is too busy to have people coming out there just in general. that's not the plan for the vanness rebuild. it is being beautyfied. there's a brt going up there. it's a lot of reasons why
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people street it like a boulevard or street, not like a highway, and from personal experience, i live off king street. people coming off of 280. it's the potential setup, and the front enter rabs to my building and all the other ones are on king street, and it's a good thing because it puts people on the street. i want to see this then reorganized to have at least one entrance -- it doesn't have to be the main entrance things, but it has to be some entrance on vanness, and so i would say those are the things that i would like to see different about this project other than do the state density bonus. >> commissioner moore. >> director, my understanding is if you have an understand on vanness, your front door has to be on vanness. that is a requirement -- that is a requirement. the post office will not accept
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a building that has a vanness address and they have to deliver to some other obscure whatever -- there is a big fight on buildings nc 3, who for whatever reason didn't want to be off market street, but chose to have their address one off whatever. i very vividly remember the post office does not allow an entrance to be other than on the street to which a building is named. >> i'm not aware of that requirement, commissioner. there may well be. i'm not aware of it. you can -- >> i've mentioned that on other projects and people kind of thought about it, but i think it's maybe time to investigate that. my understanding is that you cannot have a -- a building entrance -- your minute entrance other than on the street to which the address is given, and this is a vanness property. >> you're speaking about a postal service requirement as
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opposed to a city requirement. >> i think it's a city requirement support the postal requirement. you cannot just reorient your building other than what it's basically saying on the property map is my understanding. >> i'm not familiar with that, but we can -- >> you can change this street to a union street address. >> you cannot just change it like that. >> yeah, you can. >> if your mail comes to 2465 vanness, the entrance to your building has to be on that property. >> i think you can change this to a -- you can change this to a union street address. >> you can definitely change the address to union street. there's no question about that, what i'm not familiar with is the entrance beyond the address street. >> that's something we might need to ask the city attorney. it's interesting because these things come with a pretty high
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price tag. >> just call back the unit size. i think i like them, too. we don't see a lot of larger two and three unit bedrooms like these. we often complain that we're jamming two bedrooms into a 750 square foot unit, so i'm -- so i'm glad to see kind of larger two and three bedrooms here. i don't know if that's signed the way you wanted or just kind of a design of the density rules. you know, that kind of question about a vanness entry or union street, there is the two retail entries on -- on vanness with, you know, retail glazing through -- throughout that side. commissioner koppel. >> yeah, echoing commissioner richards' comments, i'd feel better if the enter rabs was on vanness, and i'd at least like
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to see another option explored with a density bonus that would give you a couple of extra floors which would allow you to have the affordable on-site, and also some type of earl change on the external of the building to differentiate it from the building. >> can i say a few things? >> sure. >> okay. so i'll start with the material because i am also the architect for the other building so i know the buildings pretty well. the buildings are pretty. the other billion, we're using a masonry. this is a precast system that we're using on this building. the one element is similar is the coloration of the metal that we're using on this building is similar but not identical. i also want to say that as an a architect, we see a lot of buildings that look exactly the same. this building does not lookt exactly the same from the other building. it is different. if you'll go up and down
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vanness, you'll see some of the buildings that were built in the 30's that look all the same. can't tell one from the other. with respect to the entries on vanness, the problem with that is we, from an ada standpoint, union street is flat. it works extremely well. people come off the bus, they can go shopping, they can go right in. it's all level. one of the things we would like to recommend, we had two units on the far end of union street on vanness that we could actually add stoops to and create two entrances into those units, then, we'll have two units that enter off of vanness, we'll have retail that enters off of vanness, and the main entrance off of union street where we have the ability to have the appropriate sized lobby. it's all level. it's so much more accessible
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than the 5.5% that we have on vanness. it's a very difficult percentage to work with from a level standpoint. also, one of the requirements that we have is that we need 14 feet clear for that area for those lobbies. that's a requirement, so we've almost created like a 16 foot high lobby space on union street in order to work with the grade, so i do really feel that union street is the appropriate place to have the front door, the main front door. but we could add those stoops along vanness street. >> thanks. commissioner richards. >> mr. mcdonald, just -- i heard every commissioner up here mention density. if you could please just give us some comments, maybe answer the questions. >> so to do a state density bonus or home sf, what would it entail to do the existing all
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over? >> right. >> you have stuff -- you have a lot already here. you know, i'm a layperson, and commissioner moore's going to which h wince when i say this. just put a couple of floors on top. really simple. what would additional floors entail in terms of timeline cost? >> so it would be a tremendous expense. it would also be tremendous in terms of time expense, because we have -- unlike a lot of developers who will right lane a schematic plan, get approvals and just potentially sell the site. that's not our intention. our intention is to build these development. we have almost 100% construction drawings, and so we are intending on building the project, so we've spent literally millions of dollars on this design process, and so if we were to even just add a floor, that's going to mean redrawing, you know, a very significant portion of the
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building because we've taken it so far, and so there's a tremendous expense, even if it's just adding a floor. in terms of the community, again, when we talked with supervisor farrell's office, it seemed like adding height in this location was going to be very problematic, so community outreach kind of getting the support that we need, it was very difficult just getting support for a six story building at this location, so getting a higher building at this location, we were viezed was going to be very difficult. over the course of a year what we've seen is construction costs have gone up 25% over the last year, and so construction costs could escalate making the project that much more uneconomical and unviable, so we want to move forward with that project because we're almost finished with the drawings. we could, upon entitlement move right into building permits, and we wouldn't have to be concerned about construction
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cost escalation whereas if we, you know, have additional year, there would be a lot of uncertainty, so there's a lot of issues around doing that. >> and if i may, just so you know, we'd have to restart the ceqa classes. >> yes. >> there would be a whole new ceqa analysis. >> i think one of the questions that we should be asking in terms of getting buildings built, is do you have schematics. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you. sorry. i turned my mic off. thank you. commissioner richards sort of had you address -- i wanted some more details on density is the question we had, again. it's a choice for you to make as a developer. it's your choice and you're okay. it's okay. you can sit down, thank you. i think the only thing i would say is the suggestion to have stoops opening onto vanness is definitely acceptable to me. i think we may have made it
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sound unclear if there is an exit, it's more like a fire exit for the building onto vanness, so it's not like there are no doors into the building. it's just that you want to create some activity where it's -- you know, at least the appearance, even if not at 2:00 in the morning, it's not happening, that people are coming and going. the retail spaces are there. they're probably going to be empty for some time. it's going to take some time to get that up and going, and you want pedestrians traffic coming in from both streets. and i would also add the loading zone are on union street, so that's where people are going to be taking their packages or getting picked up. i think that main entrance should be there, but you also need to create the need for that pedestrian on vanness so you have people coming and going not just for the retail but also into and out of the building, and i think the stoops helps with that. >> commissioner moore?
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>> could you briefly talk about what ideas you have about retail? you heard us earlier that we're very concerned about too many good spaces in approximate well designed buildings staying empty, and this particular corner would be rather deplorable if it could not delivery tail, particularly going south. retail on that side of the street has always been problematic for the last 30 years. it's east facing side. it's mostly in shadow in the afternoon, and there's things that are going in and out, but it never really fully takes off. what are your thoughts here. >> yeah. thank you for the question. retail is very important for us. we see it as an amenity for us. our buildings aren't 100 floor high-rises with gyms and movie rooms and stuff like that.
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we treat the retail as our amenity. at our other buildings, it was a way for us to create community, and so we were very, very careful about selecting the right restaurants and the right retailers, and those retail spaces filled up long before our buildings were completed because people were clamorring to get into them because we were doing retail and marketing of the retail spaces. it really has served well. we have local, unique, and it's additive. i think, however, there are a variety of different retail sources, neighborhood serving bank, for example, might be very workable here, and in fact we have been approached by a neighbor of retailers like this
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already, so we could literally sign a lease today, so there's really no concern of mine that we're going to go kind of empty in that space. it's really a question of who will it be? will it be a restaurant, will it be a retailer, will it be a bampg, will it be neighborhood serving, and we're excited for this fit not only for the project but for the neighborhood. >> your success in hayes valley is undisputed, your buildings greatly contribute to the neighborhood and a variety of other eclectic things. however, this is a very, very different setting. >> you're right. >> and since this commission is in no position to dictate what you put in there, i would actually think as a first reaction that a bank, a real estate office or a smaller medical thing would be exactly the opposite of what we would want here. >> okay. >> because it would have just the same deadening and dead effect, the unsuccessful retail spaces which are on that side
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of the street weren't able to deliver, so i'm not quite sure if this wouldn't be the time for the planning commission, with the help of planning, to start really look at how insistence of our ground floor retail really is rather than extending a couple of walk uptown house units into these spaces. i would rather prefer to see residential in this part of vanness, because it's gravitating towards that section. but i would rather see additional ground floor units in some of the retail space and only something which would stand empty or let only banks or real estate office come in as next use. >> commissioner, i think one of the things to consider -- and i don't disagree that we have to look carefully at all our retail. there actually isn't a requirement here for retail.
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the one particular difference on this project was this was on the corner of union street, and this is kind of the beginning of the retail on union, so that does suggest there would be more pedestrian activity than there would be on another section of vanness that doesn't have a strong connection to a strong retail street. that's the difference from other sites on vanness. >> well, one thing, it's a corner space itself -- the vanness corner with union is definitely kind of the lantern where you want retails, animated retails, not a bench bank, but if you go further up on vanness, there is additional retail space which could perhaps become drawing units, additional ground floor units with a stoop, which may be,
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from our perspective, mor more animating and more residential than a retail space which would never succeed. >> are you making that a requirement? >> no. >> i mean, i agree with your requirement. i think a bank tends to deaden the space on vanness. we can't require a bank -- i mean, a nonbank use. i think retail on both sides of this building is important, because you've got vanness which has larger scale retail and needs more activation. in those two spots you do have housing, i think retails more active than a stoop, and it is -- although it gets spotty on union street, there's that black horse bar, you're starting to get an intro into the union street retail corridor, so i think it's a -- it's the right mix here, and i would take the addition of the
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stoops on vanness. commissioner richards? >> so seeing nobody else on the role and trying to get mr. mcdonald to increase density, but we understand where you're at on this project, and you want to get something built, i'll make a motion to approve this project with stoops on vanness with -- with the additional parking -- however, i'd like three spaces to be car share for their units that don't have any parking, and i'm open to other amendments. >> i'll second that. >> commissioner moore. >> i'd like to ask, do you see the possibility of adding additional ground floor united on the upper part of vanness? >> no, i don't. >> i think when you look at the plan, it's 2900 square feet of retail, so we're -- it's a great restaurant size, and if you look at the plan itself, it's 165 feet long, and i
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believe about one-third of that is the two apartments and the egress, so it's only two thirds of that entire length that we're talking about. plus, with that slope of 5%, it becomes very difficult. so we have to go down into the space, so it would be very difficult to get that additional units in there. and i think once you make the retail space too small, then, you're going to limit yourself to the capacity that these guys have done in the past where they've been able to bring on some great restaurants, so i think 2900 is exactly what we need for the kitchen, for some seating areas, and so on. >> there's been a motion and a second. >> just for the record, they are at their maximum density with the 41 units. >> they could do the density bonus. >> correct. >> commissioners -- >> but they'd need to start from scratch. >> commissioners, there is a motion that has been seconded to approve this motion with
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conditions as amended to include stoops on vanness and three car share spaces. [ roll call. ] >> clerk: so moved, commissioners. that motion passes 4-2 with commissioners koppel and moore voting against. >> close the public hearing on the vanness and i'm inclined to grant the variance. we'll take it under advisement. >> press hillis. >> yeah. >> i have a question. i made a very important comment. would the applicants stay in the room for a moment? i made a very important comment about the building facade being held back on the roof deck. i think it was a very unfortunate building expression, and nobody ever responded to that. >> you mean that the glass --
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>> i am generally supportive of those, but i think where it is, it adds some interest to the frant facade. i thi -- front facade. i just think it -- the height here is not a problem. we're actually taking it -- asking them to increase the height, so i don't think that gives you -- to me, i didn't think -- i was fine. >> i was just asking. >> okay. thank you. >> commissioners, it'll place us on items 28 a, b, and c, for ite 799 cost re, and 3 # 80 through 38781st street, a conditional use authorization variances, and a discretionary review, commissioners, this is an odd situation where we've actually accepted a discretionary review on a project that includes a conditional use authorization
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because their conditional use request is for the building or structure at the front of the property, and the discretionary review is for on a building at the back of the property. and so because this is a rare occurrence, i should have run this by you prior to the hearing, and i apologize, but how would you like that to occur because generally, it would be staffed, project sponsor, and then public comment for the conditional use authorization, but there's also a discretionary review associated with this project. >> and how many -- there's one discretionary review filer? >> yes. >> all right. so let's do -- let's do staff, project sponsor ten minutes, the discretionary review filer, five minutes, and then, we'll just take public comment for and against the project. >> very good. >> okay. good evening, commissioners. nancy tran. planning department staff. the items before you are a conditional use authorization
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and request for 7 # 9 castro street. in addition the project requests variances from the zoning administrator to construct additions from the required front and rear yards. the subject property is nonconforming with respect to density as it is located with the rh-2 district and prept be -- presently contains two units. there's no existing off street parking. the proposal is to demolish the mixed use structure presently used as an office. the project will maintain three units and introduce an accessory dwelling unit and existing two unit on the property under a separate building permit. the subject property is located on the northeast corner of castro and 21st street, in a neighborhood that consists of residential single-family,
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dwrelgs. [ inaudible ] -- the department received one letter in support and five letters opposing the project. copies are available for the commission. the department recommends not taking dr and approving the conditional use authorization for the following reasons: the project will provide a three bedroom family sized unit that is of compatible mass and scale with the neighborhood and consistent with the residential design guidelines. the project will result in a net gain of one unit through the proposed accessory dwelling unit in the building adjacent on-site. this edu would add to the housing demand throughout the city. no additional tenants will be displaced as a result of this project. given the scale of the project, there will be no significant impact on existing capacitor local street system or meaning. this concludes my presentation. i'm available for questions. >> all right.
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thank you. project sponsor. >> good evening, tom tenny, on behalf of junius and rose. i'd like to start by explaining a little bit of the history and how we got to the project that's before you this evening, in particular, the proposed edu. the project started as a proposed single-family home for hassaf's family. he has made many many changes to the project, all to address his neighborhood and staff concern did see. we'll describe those in our presentation. the project was ready to come to the commission two years ago. at the last minute, the dr requester somehow produced a
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3-r report for the 799 castro building, even though a 3-r report can only be obtained by a property owner, and the report concluded that a dwelling existed at the 799 castro building. prior to that no 3-r report had been issued for the building because it had no residential use. dbi investigated and concluded that while a dwelling unit existed at the property many decades prior, the unit had been removed in the 1980's pursuant to a building permit. we ended up in a dispute headed to the board of appeals rather than a planning commission hearing. in an attempt to reach a resolution with the dr requester, and knowing the city's pressing need for rent controls residential units, hudsef came up with the idea of replacing it with an adu in the existing unit at the rear of
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the property. it comes to you as a single-family home, replacing office use at 799 castro, and a rent controlled adu added to the building. as for the single-family home, we suggest that it is reasonably sized at 3150 square feet. there are at least 13 homes that side within two blocks of the property. concerns have been raised about the over yaul lot coverage, but this kind of lot komplg as proposed, with a 10 foot gap between the two buildings is the norm for corner lots in this neighborhood. we're increasing the distance between the buildings from 8.5 feet to 10 feet. finally, over 25 neighbors have
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supported the project in writing, signing a petition we submitted to you. hadsaf and his team made the effort to knock on over 90 doors in the neighborhood, an additional 40 or so neighbors said they were not opposed to the project. the question before this commission is whether this project is necessary and desirable for the neighborhood. this is an under utilized opportunity site with a noncomplying office use in a one story building in a neighborhood of multistory buildings. we submit that the replacement of the noncomplying office use with two residential units, one family sized, and one a rent controlled adu is indeed necessary and desirable for the neighborhood. i understand the dr requester may be concerned about property values as he should. his values might belower in the short-term with construction, but in the long-term, everyone's property values in the neighborhood will be enhanced by this significant
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property improvement. that's just common sense. with that, i will turn to our architect who will discuss project size in more detail. >> commissioners, my name is ahmad mohazed, and we've been the project architect in the last seven years. to put this in context, my daughter and amhatef's daughter were in middle school together, and my daughter is now in graduate school. when i received this project to work on, i got the previous architect's design. one with a peaked roof and one with a flat roof, and mimicking the peaked roof, one was mimicking the houses on the street. there were issues with the planning department accepting the design and the next-door neighbor who had a series of needs. i thought it would be an easy matter of enhancing the designs with the neighbor and meeting with the city and moving on.
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well, it's taken seven years to get to this point. -- to protection of the property line window, to construction noise and the desire not to have construction next door at all. apart from the last, we worked hard to give them something that would please. we removed the penthouse, we removed the elevator from the property line. we moved and configured the house that the window was cleared. we worked so hard that the planning department director sent us a letter thanking us indicating that we met all of their requirements. we came up with a plan that the planning team could approve. our final plan was achieved in the komps room in the planning department where we made the fine tweaks on the design. you'll see on the screen the
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existing building. it's no architectural gem. it ignores the prominence of the corner and subdues it with an unfenestrated cheaply clad building. why is the facade of our new building modern, you might ask? because the residential guidelines call for a following of today's material. the buildings articulated quite well because it should be because the rdg calls for well articulated facades to tie in with its neighbors. originally we had planned to subdivide the rather property, and that request has been removed, leading to the variance request for the rear yard. i have one more photo here that
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shows the line of the 40 foot height limit, and it shows that it goes down the hill and it ties back to the -- to the row the houses that go down the hill. i'd like to, with that, turn this over to my client, and i'm available to answer any questions. >> hi. my name is hadsef maogami, and i'm the owner of the project. we're finally getting to a point where we're coming to the solution of the proposal of building a house on this -- it was supposed to be for me eight years ago, but here we are. so we've worked hard during this eight years to meet with the neighbors, work with the
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planning department, work with dbi to get this project that has a chance of approval. so i thank you for your time, and aida, who was helping me with the neighborhood reach out, she's going to speak shortly here. >> hi. my name is aida jones, and i helped with neighborhood outreach. 200 fliers were distributed, and we spoke with 55 neighbors, 25 whom signed in support of the project. the outreach was cut short when one canvasser encountered a woman standing in the middle of the sidewalk, angrily saying, i am going to report you to the authorities for falsifying information. i will follow you everywhere and tell them about your lies. in his words, he felt intimidated and concerned for his safety, so he is very generous and stopped all the canvassing. then, just a few days ago, a
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neighbor who is supposed to be here in support of the project sent a note that said these people seem intense, and i have to live with them. we see each other all the time, and i'm really nervous to speak in the room with them. i think i want to let my signature on your form be enough as not to foster any more ill will than necessary. we feel this project has been -- has had significant support and has been the subject of a lot of miss information. thank you for your time. we appreciate it. >> since we have 35 more seconds, i wanted to say that the adu that we -- that we -- that we have planned was planned to echo what -- what i consider the imaginary unit that was in the grocery store. the grocery store was the original tenant in the small building that we're planning on altering. we measured the portion that --
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that appeared to be -- that appeared to fit the bill, and we have relocated it to the building adjacent, and given it the real start us tus of a residential unit. thank you. >> thank you. so we'll hear next from the dr requester. >> before we start the clock, can i just ask procedurally, since these are two separate matters, is it all right if we let the dr and variance and our time, and we'll speak as members of the public on the cu's, since we're not involved in that. >> yes. >> thank you. >> good evening, commissioners. my name is denise ledbetter, and i'm the immediate neighbor at 21 castro street. we have # 3 people would have signed petitions against this. i have to tell you the neighborhood is very upset about this for three particular reasons. the code does not allow the development, and they've had to twist the rules to get here.
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it's way out of character with the historical neighborhood, and the variance is so scale that it's going to affect the neighbors, and i'm going to turn it over to the architect. >> the developments bulky volume intensified by the variances create serious impacts on 789 castro street. the -- and they're significantly out of character with neighborhood development patterns regarding light and air. the master bedroom suite for 789 benefits from air flow and day long sunshine streaming through south facing windows which are located above the adjacent buildings. here's a picture of the views. the proposed project will severely block all but early morning light, especially dark in the winter months. the variance intensifies these
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effect. these same windows afford outlooks across 21st street, and this is up castro street. due to the boxiness and overall sides of the variances being considered, only a small portion of the desired view will remain. the views of castro street will be completely blocked. here's the views, currently, the view angles. the window we're talking about, by the way, is right here, and you can see that the development is pretty well blocking that window entirely. regarding privacy, you can also see how close the decks are to the -- to the bedroom window and the master suite. currently, they're isolated, and the bed in the master suite have a fair amount of privacy. the decks are going to be located less than 5 feet away from a bedroom window, so they're going to be really
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close, and i don't think a planter box is going to increase the privacy. we looked at the size of the development, analyzing 97 surrounding lots, including eight corner lots for f.a.r. the proposed project f.a.r. contains 2.6 times the average of the neighborhood, and it's very intense. the average building air is 2300 square freet, the total for this project is 5600 square feet. that's 2.4 times the average, so regarding the roof decks, we'd analyzed -- and look at how many gable structures are in this image. over 200 lots, and couldn't find one roof deck. in conclusion, the project is out of place, over developed, way too much building area for the lot, and directly impacts light, area, views, and privacy of the family living at 789
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castro and the surrounding homes. the variances only serve to intensify this intrusion. thank you. >> the dr was on the unit, right? i mean, so you want to talk about -- i thought you wanted to talk about the unit. >> we're doing our best with cut time. >> okay. >> you know, we'd love to have more time, but we're trying to do our best. >> right, right. >> we have some packets as welling for you, jonas is not here. >> good evening, commissioners. my name is larry mansbach chl i've been asked by the dr to determine real estate impact on the real estate value -- actually, decline in value on 789 castro street in the event that 799 castro street proposed residence is constructed along with the requested variances.
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by way of background i've spent decades in the real estate profession, real estate appraisal profession in san francisco. before then, i worked for the san francisco planning department, so i'm a former employee. i prepared a written document here. i conducted real estate market research in noe. i looked at the subject property, taking into account the loss of privacy, views, air, and light, and the conclusion of my analysis is that this proposed project will have a negative impact on the property value of the dr requester, $350,000. >> thank you, sir. your time is up. >> all right. so we'll open it up for public comment on this matter. so it would be helpful if folks just lineup on the screen side
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of the room, and you're welcome to speak in any order. >> you know, it's all together. >> both. [ inaudible ] >> yes, we're taking them together. >> good evening, commissioners. my name is peter overstreet. i am a coowner of the residence of 783 and 781 castro street. i've been living there for about 12 years. my wife has been living there since the 1980's, and it has been in her family since the 1930's, so we are long-standing residents. although my wife and i as owners are not wholly opposed to the development of 78 # castro street, i sympathize with the desire to achieve a return on their investment, but not at the expense or lack of
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concern for neighboring properties. as the currently planned project still shows the potential for, even after numerous revisions as has been previously stated by the owner. the main concerns include an impact in property value, a design that is in extreme contrast to surrounding structures and character. increase population by the addition of this units and also the square footage of this. including an addition possibly to necessary machinery to accommodate the proposed elevator within the structure. we feel that the proposed development, my wife and i feel that the proposed development currently poses a detriment to
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property value, and should be revised heavily before being approved. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening, commissioners. my name is ben fong torres. so this year marked the 50th anniversary of the summer of love here in san francisco. also, the 50th anniversary of rolling stone magazine, which started in this city, and i was an editor. now i d i love this city, and i diane and i, we both attended sf state in the 1960's. on our trips around town, we take note of the condos and apartment buildings sprouting all along market street, and the unending construction including down the block from where diane, a career civil
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servant in the department now marks on vanness. a change is a part of life, but we can't help from have mixed feelings when we see this. it's come to our neighborhood, noe valley, and it's kitty-corner from our home. we have attended meetings with neighbors, and i was asked to write a note to the planning commission. i did, and it goes something like this. along with many neighbors, we are upset about the developers disregard for our historic neighborhood, the proposed project at 7 # 9 is massive. out of character with our neighborhood in size and style, and it will have detrimental impacts on nearby properties. this intersection of castro and 21st is seen by everyone who travels along castro, and it
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will serve to show visitors, as well as residents, what is happening to our neighborhoods, and not in a good way. the developer has acknowledged that the project is not code compliant but still seeks variances to turn a two story building no a four story behemoth with a party deck on the top. it will tower over neighboring homes, blocking light and air. the developers also seek conditional use authorization to demolish an existing rent controlled unit in favor of the large single-family house and replace it with an adu in another building. we accept that a new property may be built, but we hope that it is with no variances, that its sies and design are reconsidered, and that we be included in the process. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please.
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>> hi, commissioners. my name is peter subert, and i live at 801 castro, so directly kroot from this proposal. -- across the street from this proposal. i attempted to sent copies of this on tuesday. my comments are in those. so there's just a few points i want to make. we do feel that this is grossly oversized. my numbers just niggling around was that it was ae just a 60% average of a noe valley family house, and it's being put into a space that has a lot of challenges on its own that make it move forward and then it's this rectangular behemoth structure. it's like sitting behind a
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refrigerator. it is block a lot of the views. from our house in particular, we can see out to roosevelt hill in our version of the painted ladies down castro street, and those would be completely blocked. and then, i don't know what the rationale for granting variances is. i was reading something that says there's a practical and unnecessary hardship, and it seems like all this is just to make a larger unit to the advantage of a single developer, and that's going to be to the detriment of the appearance of the neighborhood and everybody else who's going to have to live with this structure long after it's flipped, so i thank you for your attention. >> thank you. next speaker, please. zm good evening. my name is kimberly higgins. i live at 801 castro.
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the structure -- i want to say, first of all, when they proposed to building this plan nine years ago, we were for it, and i personally feel that everybody should be able to develop -- i'm not proposing that they don't. but when they came back to us with this new structure, it was very overwhelming to the neighborhood, and one of the issues that i have, the structure is inconsistent with the neighborhood, and in our opinion, oversized for the lot. well, the roof line was presented as being consistent with the pitch of the street, which is true for only the center point of the top level. the proposal is not consistent with the pitch roof downhill for several reasons. a, the building would be rectangular flat roofed structure, blocking more of our view than a pitch. b, the footprint encroaches
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further out towards the street than pushing in to the view. c, the proposed roof top deck would add further to the height of the neighborhood view, obstructing of the building. after living in the neighborhood for 20 years, we can assure you that the deck would be -- would need substantial wind screening to be practical, and it's unclear what sort of thing would be installed on top on the roof. but that height would easily add another 8 feet to the sight line construction closer to a five story rectangular building set far -- excuse me -- set more forward in the street, a building of 40 feet at a peak in line with the set back of the other structure on castro. my other concern is the
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recoshet of the noises privacy into our home. we would lose all privacy into our home. three, the sponsor developer told us at our last gathering that the city planners wouldn't let them make any changes to the proposed roof line, which i thought was kind of peculiar. and then lastly, this project is not about affordable housing, but it's the case of a hit and run which benefits a single developer to the detrimental of this neighborhood. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening, commissioners. my name is galenleyoung. i object to this proposal because for one thing, it is in
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violation of the rh-2 zoning district. it's already in violation, and to add insult to injury, to add more density, instead of just having two units or even the existing three units, to go up to four would harm our property values and create a denser corner and neighborhood. not only is 21st street a traffic hazard, it is a pedestrian hazard. there is no four way stop sign at castro street. it is already a -- a -- considered shortcut for uber and lyft and other network transportation company drivers, in addition to taxi cab drivers, so this will add to the density and take away from the nature of the neighborhood. so that is why i'm objecting to the proposal as it is currently laid out. thank you. >> thank you. >> if it may please the commission, my name is philip
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ledbetter. i am the father of denise ledbetter. i'm a widower. i first came to san francisco as a young soldier at the age of 17, having grownup in cape cod, massachusetts. i see what is coming up now is a rather box house out of place with the other houses in the community. that's the -- one of the charms of san francisco is tourists and there's not a day go by that i'm on my afternoon walk that i see tourists coming out to take pictures of the houses and making maps of them or graphic designs. and it would be a shame to see this lost in a town like our city like san francisco, and i think under the circumstances, san francisco does not need another box house and i thank you very much. >> thank you, sir. next speaker, please.
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>> hi. first of all, thank you for being here. i wouldn't want your job. i live at 768 castro street. my name is andrew should warch. i've lived there for 45 years. i've seen that building on that property as a commercial site for 45 years, which means they go home at night. they go home and there's no parking problem or anything like that at night. and now, you want to turn it into a residential building with three units in it, and you are only allowing for one parking space, so that bothers me. it also bothers me that it seems like from all those pictures that they're going to take the tree out that's on the corner. it also bothers me that there's 3,000 feet there, approximately, and therefore
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should be 750 feet of green space, if i'm not mistaken, by the planning department's laws, and i don't see that there. all i see is a big structure that's taking up space and creating congestion and parking problems on the street. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> can i have the overhead, please. hi. i come as a friend of a neighbor, and she couldn't be here today. good afternoon, commissioners -- or good evening at this point in time. thank you for being here. speaking on behalf of janet fowler. first of all, i want to thank you for the action i took when i was a dr presenter, also for your endeavors to make this plan work right. this project caught my attention because i'm a friend to the next-door neighbor, and also i enjoy the drive from market street to castro on the 24. i took a video of that ride and
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that's what i put on the overhead. you can't see it all, but i think you can see that the proposed project is out of sync with the neighborhood and out of character with the castro street residents. there's nothing like it on the entire side. it also juts out into the sidewalk pedestrian path rkts located on the uphill side of the dr requester, it will be on the side of a tall wall, and will cast a shadow on our house all day long. i want to remind you the effect of a similar wall on rusty mccalls house on wallfman
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avenue. almost every home on this street of castro street as as well as all the others on the three corners. developers should be required to remove one story and construct a peaked roof. please deny the conditional use authorization. please instruct the developer to redesign the structure with a peaked roof, more open space, backed off the sidewalk, and incorporating design elements from the surrounding homes. the proposed project at 7 # # castro is offensive in its location, and i was told that someone said the roof deck in support of the open space requirements would be a roof deck as opposed to having a bare yard, so that's it. thank you very much.
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>> good evening, commissioners. my name is paul micah. i live at 28326th street, and i'm speaking in support of the project. i think it's a great project. fitting with the urban design guidelines and san francisco, as i understand it. i think that the owner has bent over backwards to try and work with the planning department to -- and the neighbors to come up with a project that is responsive. i think that it is in scale with the -- with the neighborhood. there are a number of houses in my -- in our neighborhood that are undergoing reconstruction, redevelopment. some of them are more traditional, some of them are more modern. it gives a vibrancy to the city, and i really think this project should go forward.
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>> good evening. jennifer fever with the san francisco tenants unit. i also want to speak in support of the project and against the dr. this strikes me as classic nimbyism. as long as no tenants were displaced, it seem dos totally reasonable. we have a severe eviction crisis as the dr knows, so we're desperately in need of housing which is affordable. thanks. >> good evening, commissioners. -- thank you. my name is pat buskovitch. i'm a neighbor. i live at diamond and 23rd. i speak here on behalf of my family who lives at 22nd eureka ands
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