tv Government Access Programming SFGTV January 10, 2018 11:00pm-12:01am PST
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action item rather than consent. the dda is a central document to our program. i don't have slides prepared but i wanted to speak to the changes being proposed in this amendment. there are two main changes proposed and a few ancillary definitions included in the definition there. the first change has to do with what is referred to in the dda as transferrable infrastructure. it's responsible for the development of all what we call the horizontal infrastructure the roadways and utilities as well as amenities like street furniture and bike rack, street lights and so forth along with
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the fairy ferm -- terminal. transferrable infrastructure speaks to infrastructure obligations that ticd transfers to a vertical developer. for instance, depending on the time of a project they may transfer the responsibility for installing ramps to a developer. the first change has to do with the provision that sets an outside date a latest possible delivery date for obligations transferred to a vertical developer. there's a section 7.2.2 there's
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three dates the earliest of which is set as the outside date for the development of that transferred infrastructure. one of those three objections is 24 months after the date of transfer of that parcel to a vertical developer. what we are proposing is that rather than that option that when we adopt the final map for a particular subdivision we will be adopting a public improvement agreement between the city and ticd as master developer. and as routine part of a typical public improvement agreement is that any key delivery dates would be articulated in the
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public improvement agreement. so substituting that provision in the dda for the late outside date to be 24 months after the date of transfer to a date any date established in the pia gives us the flexibility of having the outside date be set contemporaneous with the approval of the map and infrastructure. that could potentially be where there's flex ability a date more than 24 months out or where there's a critical need for a piece of infrastructure to be developed it could set out at an early date. the date of the individual transfer is somewhat indeterminate date relative to the horizontal infrastructure.
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this first map was the tentative and now we're on the final mapping phase and adopted the tentative subdivision map approved by public works and tidc will develop tentative and final parcel maps for the individual parcels they're developing. so the changes the additional changes that are proposed are po move that date whereby the developer would be allowed to transfer from the tentative to the final subdivision map.
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board. i wanted to include it as an agenda item to make sure questions you had relative to this many were addressed and kay's also here if you have questions of the developer relative to these changes. >> commissioner: the item before us, bob, my major question with this has to do with what happens if there is not a movement forward on the parcels that have been transferred. we are -- in effect what we are doing is taking public grant which we own which has been transferred to the city by the navy. we are then transferring the
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land to the developer who has certain obligations for public improvements we've agreed to and they in turn will be transferring parcels. my question has to do with from our view point we have to be sure that the public improvements are done in concert with the private development and vertical developments ongoing. what happens when there's a public transfer it could be financing or the economy or that particular developer going into bankruptcy. the development doesn't occur in
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a timely way. what options then do we have? then the obligation is the ticd does it still have obligations though the land has been transferred to a separate owner? >> that's a great clarifying question. >> they all have their own specific development dates. typically in the case of the police and fire station or the ferry terminal to the permitting
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of the 500th, 1200th residential unit. as developers aggregately pull building permits it starts a clock and depending on the nature of the infrastructure it ranges from the pulling of that specific building permit to the time ticd has to improve the ferry terminal. the major piece of key infrastructure all have established schedules of performance outside of these provisions. so in terms of the transferrable infrastructure we're talking about specific improvements relative to an individual parcel.
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through specific performance requirements. >> you are suggest they be negotiated with each agreement with each parcel that comes up? >> puc may put up a specific performance requirement relative to street lighting they want all these or alternatively the street lighting comes from mta and we want to make sure it's installed independent of vertical development activities and other performance measures. so the pia was the primary instrument but through the vertical disposition vertical agreement would be another
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avenue to transfer the requirements to a vertical developer. the vdda is also the instrument by which they transfer the obligation. in agreeing to transfer the obligation to install the street lighting along the street segment they would be setting forth the time line by which they would require the vertical developer to insure it was irrespective of a downturn and they would say we want to make sure you get this path of travel
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improved in this specific time frame. >> commissioner: i think what i'd like to be assured of is that you may have parcels not developed and you may have holes, basically, in that public real -- realm until the vertical developer finishes. how do we make sure in terms of the public realm there's the continuity of work and we've seen it could be held up many
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years. >> tcid would be the party under the pia and they say you will make the streets complete. there's one step they obligate to complete the infrastructure or the public infrastructure the bike racks and lights and so on. when we transfer to vertical developer the dda is clear it retains obligations to step back in should the vertical developer fail to perform on the time
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be responsible and i think flexibility built into the system all along is really the way we can assure that all the projects will come online. so i'm pleased we've gotten this resolution and i will move to approve the resolution. i think it's a common sense way for us to not tie the hands for the developers and signal to the city we want them to also continue working with us and at the same time we understand the connection and flexibleability flexibility. >> commissioner: a question question, what's the anticipated timing to put that into effect? >> the pia is recorded with the
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final subdivision map. it's in the process of being finalized and we'll go to the board of supervisors in march. the pia will go early may for the subphase. that's the schedule. >> that document does not come back to the board. >> it would not come back to the tida board, no. we can provide information updates and i'd be happy to distribute copies to board members for information. >> yes, jean-paul. >> commissioner: what could be
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changed between the interim and final parcel map. >> we are creating an easement area for a sewage lift system they want on a public parcel. we previously transferred the parcel to ticd and in between the tentative and final subdivision map but -- >> commissioner: so how would the change impact if there's to be change between the tentative and final? >> that change would work with
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the office to make sure the numbers are assigned to each of the parcels. we're finalizing the pia and the conditions of approval. each of the public agencies are able to condition the map with certain requirements and so we're finalizing revising conditions of approval and finalizing the pia as well as some of the other ministerial activities between the tentative and final map. >> okay. >> commissioner: so the board the item is before you. can i have a resolution.
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a motion and second. >> i moved. >> i second. >> all in favor say aye. those opposed? the ayes have it. sorry, we have to have public comment. i'll open it to the public. hearing none, next item. >> item 10, look ahead 2018. >> thank you, members. i've prepared our look ahead for 2018, it was a bit of a sobering moment for me.
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the permitting mapping review and the construction activities, we did not make as much as progress last year as we had proposed to or hoped to. can you bring up the slides. and so i do enter 2018 on an optimistic foot. while we had a lot of progress on activities like the art master plan and other programs, we've made significant advance on planning for the affordable housing development. as i said, on some of the key activities we did not make as much as progress as we'd hoped. as we enter 2013, we are preparing for the next property transfer for the navy and issued
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for the areas in gray and comments have come back for the public agencies. the surveyors will make sure they have the right legal descriptions but we expect to conclude the transfer in 2018 or in february 2018. that is currently expected to be our only transfer this year. though the navy is monitoring the ground water. they complete the work and doing routine quarterly monitoring of soil and ground water results and if those results come back earlier than expected, we might have a late transfer late in the year of parcel 24. we just talked about the board
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of supervisors and we allowed the final approves for t.i. and we're moving under a street improvement on wbi but the final permit is conditioned upon the issuance of the pia in order to make progress. in the construction area, we are expecting a significant expansion in the month ahead of construction activity and we looked at re-routes on wbi and expect the temporary re-routes to be in place to kick off the
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significant amount of work on wbi. the geo technical work on treasure island, they've done a lot of side clearance within the foot prints there. they continue to find new and unanticipated things that could influence the geotechnical scope but expect to start roadway closures on treasure island in february with a bigger up tick in activity later in the spring. and there's portions of stage three there's the expectation of
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submitting it in july of this year and it will be up to the conditions of the mayor's executive director. they set out the challenge from sub phase to subphase application approval be a 90-day process. it's a master planning effort. this particular area will include a retail plan and other components. the agencies are tasked with approving that in 90 days. following approval of that they'll submit the permit applications and to go from permit applications at the final maps and final permits in nine months.
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putting into a 12-month process what on these initial subphases has been more than a 24-month process is going to require us not to just do things more quickly but to do things differently. that's what citywide each of the major departments involved in the process have indicated is a have helped the process work. and we have gone through the review of the final construction documents in a 12-month process. so it will be a big challenge but it's what is needed to keep these projects on schedule.
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-- ccdc and with chb to make sure that not only they are on board for those terms but they make sense across the next two to three projects that are upcoming as well. and also kind of not directly under tcid but ancillary to everything that we're trying to achieve, they are taking over responsibility for the hillcrest interchange and they're working to finalize the construction documents for that and so they can move into construction early next fall on that work. and they've also selected a cmgc for the following phase of work which they -- which is the viaducts on the westside of the
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island, but we'll need to complete mccullough road before we can start the work. and i concluded some of our recurring board actions and items, you know, every january we have new officers install as we do today and we'll be going through nominating and and then our budget process with a presentation in march and adoption of budget in may and so those are some of the highlights for the year ahead. like i said, looking back in 2016, it was not quite as successful as we hoped it would be but optimistic important in 2018. >> wonderful, that's a busy year ahead of us, board. we are ready to roll up our
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sleeves. and thank you for the staff and all that you do. so this is an information item, and is there any public comment? hearing none, next item, please. >> clerk: item 11, the future of future agenda items by directors. >> do the directors have any? hearing none. >> clerk: adjourned. >> before we adjourn can we adjourn this meeting on the memory of a great mayor ed lee. >> thank you, thank you all.
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successful and vibrant so where will you shop & dine in the 49 my name is jim woods i'm the founder of woods beer company and the proprietor of woods copy k open 2 henry adams what makes us unique is that we're reintegrated brooeg the beer and serving that cross the table people are sitting next to the xurpz drinking alongside we're having a lot of ingredient that get there's a lot to do the district of retail shop having that really close connection with the consumer allows us to do exciting things we decided to come to treasure island because we saw it as an amazing opportunity can't be beat the views and real estate that great county starting to develop on treasure island like minded business owners with last week products and want to get on
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the ground floor a no-brainer for us when you you, you buying local goods made locally our supporting small business those are not created an, an sprinkle scale with all the machines and one person procreating them people are making them by hand as a result more interesting and can't get that of minor or anywhere else and san francisco a hot bed for local manufacturing in support that is what keeps your city vibrant we'll make a compelling place to live and visit i think that local business is the lifeblood of san francisco and a vibrant community >> good morning. >> it's such an amazing,
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wonderful, wonderful morning. thank you for coming to this incredible event. i'm the director from the office of the mayor. i want to do a few house keeping notes beforehanding it over. i want to thank the office, our incredible leader here who made the event possible. and the partners at jon stewart company. i know i see kathryn back there, the amazing people. thank you for your leadership. (applause) and the community of infrastructure and investment, nadia, you are somewhere here. thank you so much for the investment in the amazing development and the mayor's office of housing and community development. thank you for coming here. so without further adue, we want
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to start the celebration this ribbon cutting, this amazing moment, we have our supervisor malia cohen and mayor london breed here. first, i want to bring up our director to kick us off. (applause) >> thank you very much for being here this morning. this is a really, really important time for me and for all of us. as a child growing up here in hunters point, i actually played on this very spot where we're standing. which is a surprise, that our childcare center is now here. we lived right there in the building right there in the place right here we were playing as children, my sister and i, who is the co-founder and there was a lot of housing in this area here. when we opened up the center and my program director tracy and i
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was walking through and i was telling the story, she said gladys it's here, the childcare center. and i was very moved but it couldn't be done without all of you helping and supporting us. i'm not going to be up here long but i really want to quote a saying by myriam wright elder man. children must have at least one person who believes in them, it could be a counsellor, a teacher, a preacher, a friend, it could be you. you never know when a little love, a little support will plant a special seed of hope. one of the things that we work very, very hard to do at frandelja that has now been open 17 years, is plant the succeed of success to ensure that all children have an opportunity to
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succeed in life, as well as their parents. again, i thank mayor london breed and supervisor malia cohen for being here this morning. thank you so very much. (applause) we will now hear from our mayor. >> thank you everyone and good morning. it's so excited to be here today. i grew up in the western edition community in public housing there and we were fortunate, the childcare facility i went to as a kid was just right across the street. mary lee would pick me up while my grandmother was working and we had a community, we had a lot of support. we would walk to school together, we grew up together and that's what being a community is about, making sure
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that our children have these incredible opportunities to start off in childcare to grow and thrive in our communities. i want to take a moment to acknowledge our mayor, mayor ed lee who constantly was an advocate for making sure we were fulfilling the old promises that we promised decades ago to the residents here in the bayview hunter's point community. this is a promise fulfilled today, it's an opportunity for our young people to grow and thrive. this is an opportunity to make sure that every single child here succeeds and going to preschool is just really the first opportunity any kid gets to grow and learn and thrive. and so i'm excited to be here, 70 slots. 70 slots. childcare -- (applause)
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childcare just like healthcare should be a right, not a privilege. every child in our city deserves this incredible opportunity and thank each and every one of you for being a part of this wonderful event, actually this is really cool, this floor is really soft and i'm kind of melting in it. we didn't have that, we had to play on the concrete. these kids are lucky, they have toys and new equipment and great stuff to play with. this is absolutely incredible and i'm so grateful to be here and i'm grateful for the amazing leadership of supervisor cohen who represents this district. she's a hard worker and cares about the community and steadfast, constantly pushing to make sure we're headed in the right direction and i think about ed lee again today, often times supervisor cohen and i would be the main persons going into his office talking about our districts and what we want and fussing a bit about what we
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want. and the mayor would just tell us, look, i'm going to take care of it, and he did take care of it. he took care of it and malia cohen has been a fierce advocate for making sure the community is taken care of. ladies and gentlemen, supervisor cohen. (applause) >> thank you. good morning ladies and gentlemen. so today really is a celebration no doubt. but this is truly a combination of all the work that started almost three years ago, frandelja has had a fantastic story that is rooted here in our community, started at gilman at true hope with the vision of a few community members that recognized there was a gap in service right here in the southeast. people should be able to walk their kids to school or drive a few minutes to drop their kids off. so that's when the leadership of frandelja got together. now, years passed and they came
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to me about three years ago and said we're in jeopardy of losing this, we need to move and find a site. i don't know if you remember that conversation, it was difficult to have, but it's true, ed lee was at the table and neighborhood and campaiommu partners as well as the developers of this project that assisted us in moving from one location to another so we don't lose any services. but let's be clear, we still need more quality early education opportunities here in our neighborhood just as we see across the city. this is a fantastic day we have come to celebrate this resource we're pouring into our community and the childcare facility that will make it a little bit, just a little bit easier for moms and dads to go to work, knowing that their child has a safe place, not only are they playing, but
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they're also learning. i think it's property to highlight they're learning basic fundamental principles that will put them on the pathway of being successful for education and then ultimately a career opportunity and who knows run for supervisor or mayor. we have a good track record right here. (applause) you're looking at two products of the public school system before you, good things do come out of san francisco and working class communities and i think that's a very important message we need to speak out over our little ones. so i'm proud to stand with the women that founded the high quality learning center and you know what's really beautiful is that it started with a vision and tenacity of community members that saw the need and they just took action. they weren't elected officials, they weren't appointed to anything, they felt the urgency and the call to action.
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they felt that urgency of now. and they stepped up. i want to give my humble gratitude to sandra and gladys for their leadership. there's many organizations here that help us with the funding of such an endeavor. so we as a city are proud to be part of working together to make sure this facility and others are successful. i want to say congratulations, it's a big victory for all of us here and i hope we can take a few moments in the early parts of 2018 to recognize this and celebrate. congratulations everyone. (applause) >> thank you supervisor cohen. madam mayor breed. i'm looking over to gladys, i believe we have some special guests, i see some amazing little ones over there, a special treat for the mayor
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here. but first, i think i'm to bring up miss ariana smith, miss smith is a parent of a child enrolled at frandelja. welcome. >> good morning. >> come on mama smith. don't be nervous. >> i'm not really a speaker but i want to say thank you to frandelja for being accessible to me as a single working parent and you guys have been so helpful making my child feel she's at home. it's been very helpful to me. i thank you for everything. thank you. (applause) >> miss gladys would you like to introduce the special performance or ribbon cutting first? special performance first. as you come up, we have a few elected officials here, our
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school board president. thank you for coming. miss gladys. >> they are very excited, maybe a little nervous, so if you know the songs, i would like for you to help them along. here's our performers. ♪ round and round ♪ the wheels on the bus ♪ go round and round ♪ all through the town ♪ the baby on the bus ♪ goes wah-wah-wah ♪ the baby on the bus ♪ goes wah-wah-wah ♪ all through the town ♪ the mommy on the bus goes ♪ shh-shh-shh
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>> before we start, may i ask for a moment of silence in honor of our mayor who passed away yesterday? >> thank you. >> clerk: thank you. this is the december 13, 2017, meeting of the san franl board of appeals. presiding officer at the moment will be our vice president, frank fung. we're expecting board president darryl honda to join us shortly. we're joined by ann lazarus,
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