tv Government Access Programming SFGTV January 13, 2018 5:00pm-5:50pm PST
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to make sure that there isn't a fiduciary that's breaching his or her duty. so you are your own cops. we're certainly here to hell you, but you're your own cops. [off mic] >> yes. >> who sets the fiduciary standards? say i don't like the way something was done, and i bring it up to the executive director, and he says, i think that was done properly. what would be the practical thing? >> well, yeah. again, you can certainly talk to us as well, but, i mean, if you think that a standard that has been set for the board to follow is not appropriate, then i think you can ask for a calendar board discussion. if your discussion with the executive director or the discussion with the president fails to satisfy you? >> would that fall under a personnel item? or would that fall under an open
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meeting, if it was discussing due diligence on a particular investment opportunity? >> i think that would not be a personal item. that would be a question of investment policy or some other open session discussion of standards and rules. >> thank you. >> i would say that's tricky. >> if it's about the process and information, which is some of your bullet points, the question is the information legitimate or not good. let alone the conduct of the individual. if you get into the conduct of the individual, you get into personnel. it gets dicey. it has to be talked about one way or the other. if not, if it leads to a bad decision, we have not behaved prudently. >> does it have to be a bad decision? >> it's process. >> i don't think that alleviates the due diligence issue. >> the due diligence issue is a prod issue. what i understood was that you
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disagreed with the standard that was being applied. that's one thing. if you agree with our personnel, that falls under the administration and the executive director handles it from a personal perspective, but if it's something the organization does, it's up to the board whether or not they want to change that. >> good and bad decisions are a result of the process. that's why you have to protect the process and force the process and keep the processes as open as possible. if at least a problem, you have to go talk about it. how, where, and when there's rules for that too. . >> and that's prudent process. it helps you to stay on course and helps you to make sure what we're doing every single time meets the expert standard. >> are we at a natural place to break? i think there's more here to
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talk about. it's been helpful. >> would you like me to come back and finish up at some other time? >> yes, of course. you're not done. you need to come back and couple of more times. but is this a natural place to break? >> why don't we call for public comment on this item? are there any members of the public that would like to address this? >> i've belonged for this pension for 43 years. i probably have a few hundred thousand dollars into it. i want to go on record to let you know that i don't feel you are being prudent. there's also a lack of fiduciary responsibility of investment in hedge funds. hedge funds, as you know, are a high-risk investment. i don't know how many of you board members are parents. if your senior citizen parents, would you invest any of their money. you would all be charged with lack of fiduciary responsibility, investing your clients in hedge funds.
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so one of the best pension funds in the country, i object investing any of my money in hedge funds. i think it's lack of prudence and lack of fiduciary responsibility. very large hedge funds, state of new jersey, new york city, and also people like charles schaub, they would all say investing in hedge funds is a bad investment. nobody likes admitting to a bad investment. you're going to be stuck in hedge funds for the next ten or fifteen years. nobody likes it. i can't imagine mr. kocher ever saying to you, board members, i made a mistake.
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you should have invested in hedge funds. i don't think you will hear those words. thank you. >> good afternoon. happy new year, commissioners and staff. claire savansky (phonetic) appearing for the residents of the city and county. we all believe very strongly in education. i think this is one of the most important items that you have had on your calendar. i want to thank you for having it during these meetings and not during a retreat where we can't hear the discussions or it's harder for more people to get to. i think that mr. brian is giving us a very important lesson. it's good for all of us to hear this. we understand some, more than others, what fiduciary responsibility is. i think there are issues when members feel that perhaps
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someone is more fiduciary than others, and we need to hear some of those discussions, but i would urge you to not cut these sessions short. i would urge you to continue on with these educational sessions so that we can all understand and hear what fiduciary really is. i noticed in here that attorneys were specifically singled out with regard to not being fiduciaries. in advance of your item with the tuscan charter amendment, it's curious that supervisor peskin is looking to replace a member of the board with an attorney. it took us years, but at the health services board, we eliminated that seat because it was a conflict of interest and two bites of the apple. we'll continue with that, but please continue on with the
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session. >> would you like to comment on the fiduciary duty? >> i think so. i just want to mention something i've brought up in the past a couple of times. your sole fiduciary responsibility is to the public, employees, retirees of sfers. you're going to have a special meeting on the 24th fossil fuel stuff. i hope you consider that. i have never taken -- on your personal investing. it's too dangerous. but if you take the statement along with the risk manager, your sole fiduciary responsibility is to the employees and retirees of the city of san francisco. i don't know if i want to keep on beating this hedge fund thing. when bill first proposed that
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allocation in 2014, he was trying to do all the public employees and retirees a big favor by de-risking the portfolio. that's what it is. hedge funds are less risky, not more risky. it's one of the very first things i said here. there's no sense in me continuing to beat on that. the next step -- because you took the big step in september. i was the first one to say go to 15%. much to my shock and surprise, it somehow got accepted. >> 30 seconds. >> which i never expected, to be honest with you. that was thanks to brian's leadership of that meeting, in my opinion, nothing that i had to do with it. but in any event, i really think that there's far too much complacency. you don't see the risks coming because most of the risks are in china, japan, and europe. you just don't see them. unlike the tech bubble and the real estate risks, which was in the united states. >> are there any other members
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of the public that would like to address the commission? seeing none, we'll close public comment. mr. bryant, thank you. next item, item 13. action item. pension adjustment with donald kosewic. >> i'm happy to take that as submitted. i will make a motion. is there a second? >> i guess we don't. it's a routine adjustment based on a workers' comp board decision from a 50% to a 65% permanent disability. [off mic] >> we have a motion and a couple of seconds. [laughter] >> we open this to the members -- excuse me. why don't we open it to public comment. seeing none, is there any discussion on this item? we take this without objection? great.
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item 13 passes. >> tie them 14, the executive director's report. >> i've provided you two pieces of information. there's two things i would like to aunderstand no -- announce. we're going to have a special board meeting here in this board room at 1:00 p.m. it will be a closed session to consider a very specific investment. i just wanted to let the public know as well as remind the board that we would appreciate you making the effort to be here. we anticipate it will be a short meeting. the second announcement is we are now prepared to issue you ipads, and we would encourage you to come and make an appointment through darlene to receive your ipad and your training. this will allow you to download board materials electronically. i will send out an email reminder, but we are now
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prepared and have the ipads ready to actually assign to each of you. so with that, i would be happy to answer any questions. >> it's nice to put all these educational sessions, but this packet is getting to be 50 and 60 pages long. we have a rule in my department about not wasting paper. is there some way of -- or must it be put in because it's board request requested. >> we can only provide it to you as they reissue. this one is for a three-month period, i believe january through march. so this will be the last time you need to see the long report
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until april. [off mic] >> exactly. it's available online if you need to search it. once you have an ipad, you will be able to keep it there and do your own research. >> okay. thank you. >> public comment? >> good afternoon again. is it possible to have any more information with regard to the peskin charter amendment? what do we know about this amendment and what is the likelihood of it going forward? any deadlines or something we need to know about? >> it's been referred to the department for an analysis of
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the impact, and we just received that, so we'll be turning that around within the next week. i believe it's under a 30-day hold, which means 30 days from when it was submitted before it can be heard. it's been referred to the rules committee. so automatically it will be heard in the rules committee soon after the 30 days, and from the rules committee, it can be referred to the full board. as to answering your other questions, i have not had a direct discussion with supervisor peskin but not in relation to this. >> okay. any other members of the public present that would like to address the commission? seeing none, we'll close public comment. questions, comments, discussions on this item?
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seeing none, mr. secretary, next item. >> item 15, discussion item, retirement board member good of the order. >> thank you, mr. president. i would like to, for the good of the order, request a couple of things on the calendar. not only because going through the process in the public equity markets, i would like to see an evaluation for us to look at, a process for hiring managers as well as firing managers. i know about 18 months ago, we had discussion about the rfp process and approval process, but i would like us to review it in light of what we're going through now. i think there's some disconnect in that process. >> you just want a discussion of how we hire and fire managers?
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>> from the public. >> okay. anything else? >> that's it. >> okay. anything else from anyone else on the board? >> relates to that whole issue i brought up at the retreat about when the governance issues are sort of settled down and improving governance continues, the decision-making process, how we fire, hire, retain one manager, it goes to issue of consultants and issues where we're trying to develop new relations for the prudence of investing this fund for the contribution rates and making sure all issues are maintained. it's called decision making. how to improve our decision-making process, if we think we need to improve. >> that's why i say call for the review. thank you.
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>> thank you. call for public comment. are there any members of the public that would like to address this item? seeing none, we're close public comment. next item, please. >> item 16, discussion item, retirement board member reports and comments. no reports were submitted. >> would anyone like to -- okay. why don't we call for public comment. are there any members of the public that would like to address this item. seeing none, we'll close public comment. is there a motion to adjourn? >> i'll make a motion to adjourn. >> thank you, motion adjourned. thank you very much.
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bayview. >> a lot discussion how residents in san francisco are displaced how businesses are displaced and there's not as much discussion how many nonprofits are displaced i think a general concern in the arts community is the testimony loss of performance spaces and venues no renderings for establishes when our lease is up you have to deal with what the market bears in terms of of
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rent. >> nonprofits can't afford to operate here. >> my name is bill henry the executive director of aids passage l lp provides services for people with hispanics and aids and 9 advertising that fight for the clients in housing insurance and migration in the last two years we negotiated a lease that saw 0 rent more than doubled. >> my name is ross the executive directors of current pulls for the last 10 years at 9 and mission we were known for the projection of sfwrath with taking art and moving both a experiment art our lease expired our rent went from 5 thousand dollars to $10,000 a most. >> and chad of the arts project pursue. >> the evolution of the orientation the focus on art
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education between children and patrol officer artist we offer a full range of rhythms and dance and theatre music theatre about in the last few years it is more and more difficult to find space for the program that we run. >> i'm the nonprofit manager for the mayor's office of economic workforce development one of the reasons why the mayor has invested in nonprofit displacement is because of the challenge and because nonprofits often commute technical assistance to understand the negotiate for a commercial lease. >> snooechlz is rob the executive director and co-founder of at the crossroads we want to reach the disconnected young people not streets of san francisco for young adults are kicked out of
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the services our building was sold no 2015 they let us know they'll not renew our lease the last year's the city with the nonprofit displacement litigation program held over 75 nonprofits financial sanction and technical assistance. >> fortunate the city hesitate set aside funds for businesses facing increased rent we believable to get some relief in the form of a grant that helped us to cover the increase in rent our rent had been around $40,000 a year now $87,000 taylor's dollars a year we got a grant that covered 22 thousands of that but and came to the minnesota street project in two people that development in the
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better streets plan project they saved us space for a nonprofit organization national anthem and turned out the northern california fund they accepted us into the real estate program to see if we could withstand the stress and after the program was in full swinging skinning they brought up the litigation fund and the grants were made we applied for that we received a one thousand dollars granted and that grant allowed us to move in to the space to finish the space as we needed it to furniture is for classes the building opened on schedule on march 18, 2016 and by july we were teaching classed here. >> which we found out we were going to have to leave it was overwhelm didn't know anything
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about commercial real estate we suggested to a bunch of people to look at the nonprofits displacement mitigation program you have access to commercial real estate either city owned or city leased and a city lease space become available there is a $946,000 grant that is provided through the mayor's office of economic workforce development and that's going to go towards boulder the space covers a little bit less than half the cost it is critical. >> the purpose of the organization trust to stabilize the arts in san francisco working with local agency i go like the northern california platoon fund that helped to establish documents of our long track record of stvent and working to find the right partner with the organization of our size and budget the
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opportunity with the purchase of property we're sitting in the former disposal house theatre that expired 5 to 10 years ago we get to operate under the old lease and not receive a rent increase for the next 5 to 7 years we'll renting $10,000 square feet for the next 5 to seven years we pay off the balance of the purpose of this and the cost of the renovation. >> the loophole will that is unfortunate fortunate we have buy out a reserve our organization not reduce the services found a way to send some of the reserves to be able to continue the serves we know our clients need them we were able to get relief when was needed the most as we were fortunate to arrive that he location at the time, we did in
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that regard the city has been - we've had tremendous support from the mayor's office of economic workforce development and apg and helped to roommate the facade of the building and complete the renovation inside of the building without the sport support. >> our lease is for 5 years with a 5 year onyx by the city has an 86 year lease that made that clear as long as we're doing the work we've been we should be able to stay there for decades and decades. >> the single most important thing we know that is that meaningful. >> it has been here 5 months and even better than that we could image. >> with the economic development have announced an
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initiative if ours is a nonprofit or know of a nonprofit looking for more resources they can go to the office of economic workforce development slashing nonprofit and found out about the mayors nonprofit mitigation program and the sustainability initiative and find their information through technical assistance as much as how to get started with more fundraising or the real estate assistance and they can find my contact and reach out to me through the circles of the city through thit. >> shop & dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges resident to do their shop & dine in the 49 within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services in
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the neighborhood we help san francisco remain unique successful and vibrant so we're will you shop & dine in the 49 chinatown has to be one the best unique shopping areas in san francisco that is color fulfill and safe each vegetation and seafood and find everything in chinatown the walk shop in chinatown welcome to jason dessert i'm the fifth generation of candy in san francisco still that serves 2000 district in the chinatown in the past it was the tradition and my family was the royal chef in the pot pals that's why we learned this stuff and moved from here to have dragon candy i want
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people to know that is art we will explain a walk and they can't walk in and out it is different techniques from stir frying to smoking to steaming and they do show of. >> beer a royalty for the age berry up to now not people know that especially the toughest they think this is - i really appreciate they love this art. >> from the cantonese to the hypomania and we have hot pots we have all of the cuisines of china in our chinatown you don't have to go far. >> small business is important to our neighborhood because if we really make a lot of people lives better more people get a job here not
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just a big firm. >> you don't have to go anywhere else we have pocketed of great neighborhoods haul have all have their own uniqueness. >> san francisco has to all >> we have a wonderful adult ceramic class. we offer over 10 adult classes in morning and evening. it accommodates people who work in the day, people who work in the evening, people who are day people and night people. we try to cater to the whole group. it's beyond just a clay lesson. it's really a lifeless on. when you meet people you
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never know what's underneath. sometimes they show you what they want to. and you kind of expect that it's just going to be that. but it's never really what's on the surface. it's really what's underneath the surface . that's what i try to get at when i do my clay. the camaraderie that we have here. we have students that have been for for many many years. we have students here for the first time. we share our skills, our formulas. this is how we learn. how did you do that? let me show you. that's the attitude that the students and the teachers have here. it's a really wonderful nurturing place.
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you have a quorum. >> please join us for the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america. and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> president breen: thank you, madam clerk, any communications. >> clerk: none to report. >> president breen: colleagues, a motion to approve the minutes of november 14th and november 28, 2017, moved by supervisor kim, seconded by supervisor farrell. can we take that without objection, approved after public comment.
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all right, madam clerk, call the first item. >> clerk: special order 2:00 p.m., is the appearance by the acting mayor, london breed. no questions submitted by the supervisors of the odd district, the mayor may address the board up to five minutes. >> all right. happy new year, everyone. good afternoon. i would like to welcome acting mayor breed to the chamber, now time for question time. thank you. good afternoon, everyone. i appreciate the opportunity to host my first question time as acting mayor. the city attorney has determined that question time must continue while i serve as the acting mayor. the last time we were together in the chambers we were all reeling from the terrible news we had heard that morning that
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our mayor, mayor ed lee, had passed. i don't think any of us truly processed the loss of the mayor that day. emotions were still too raw. every day since then i have been inspired by the strength and the compassion of this incredible city, and now that we have, we had a month to reflect, i want to talk about how we can continue to honor his work and how we can continue to move the city forward and creatively tackle the challenges our city is still facing. one area where the mayor and i shared a passion was our commitment to addressing issues around homelessness. i am convinced that no one should have to sleep outside in our city anywhere and especially not in a tent. shivering in the cold or wet from the rain. we are one of the greatest cities in the world during an incredible economic boom but we still have individuals on our
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door steps battling substance abuse, battling mental illness and homelessness. one of his last major announcements before the mayor left us was that he pledged to get 1,000 people off the streets this winter and i am committed to following through on that promise. this is why i work with the department of homelessness and supportive housing to increase capacity at our shelters this winter, providing additional 75 beds for people to sleep each night. this is why i move forward with opening the auburn hotel which has provided another 70 permanent affordable homes for our military veterans and this is why one of my first visits was to hummingbird place, san francisco's first navigation center, dedicated to helping residents dealing with behavioral and mental health challenges. i will continue to support initiatives and provide alternatives to living on our
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streets because we cannot allow individuals to stay in unsafe and inhumane conditions intent encampments. i have walked the streets of our city and witnessed these conditions firsthand and had conversations with the individuals who are experiencing homelessness. when i first, when i visited show place square with our city agencies last month, i saw the critical work of moving our residents out of the tents and into stable situations, and i'm really grateful to the hot team and our other city departments who provide medical treatment on demand and also we were able to move several individuals into navigation centers as well as our shelter system. i also saw how it takes an individual approach each and every person has a different experience with a different need, and i believe in a san francisco that takes care of all
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of its residents. taking care of all of our residents also means creating safe and affordable opportunities for families and residents such as new housing. we broke ground on 108 units of affordable housing at hayes valley i'm really proud of and worked so hard of. i introduced legislation to purchase the mcdonald site to build 100% affordable housing, and taking care of our residents, of course, means taking care of needs with early childhood education as well. the kind of support that is provided in centers such as the new child care facility and supervisor cohen's district we opened last week, 70 new slots for children to have a safe place to learn, to grow and to thrive. by offering these services to all of our communities, including our public housing residents, we can help eliminate
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the achievement gap that begins in early childhood education. from education to homelessness to housing to harm reduction, i will continue to pursue policies that reduce homelessness and make san francisco a safe and resilient city for everyone. thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. this suspends and concludes our mayor's question time. thank you. >> clerk: ordinance to accept as a gift on behalf of the city certain costs of construction, public open space and facility improvements and the maintaining of the improvements at 55 laguna street, pursuant to an in kind agreement with alta-laguna llc and the requisite findings. >> roll call vote on item one.
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>> supervisor fewer. fewer, aye. supervisor kim, aye. supervisor peskin, aye. supervisor ronen, aye. supervisor safai, aye. supervisor sheehy, aye. supervisor tang, tang aye. breed, aye. supervisor cohen, aye. supervisor farrell, aye. >> president breen: ordinance has finally passed unanimously. item, please. >> item two, state and federal contingency reserve, backfill the loss of funding of various programs, 9.5 million, and department of administrative
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services to support recipients of the deferred action for childhood arrival program, 2017-18. >> same house, same call. without objection, the ordinance finally passes unanimously. next item. >> clerk: three, resolution to declare emergency, to authorize director of public works to design and construct access point to front door services, case management medical attention and mental health counseling to individuals affected by homelessness, at 440 turk street. >> supervisor kim. >> supervisor kim: thank you, president breed. our office has worked with the department of homelessness and supportive housing and the tenderloin neighborhood and we have got to a place we are all in agreement. i don't have a redraft of this ordinance and so i'm still waiting for that, i just ask colleagues if we can continue to later in the meeting. >> president breen: we can do
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that. please call the next item. >> clerk: four, ordinance to amend the transportation code to perm permit motorized scooters and mopeds to park in designated motorcycle. without objection, passes unanimously. >> clerk: item five, ordinance to amend the transportation code to change the term car shared vehicle to shared vehicle and permit shared vehicles to park in designated parking spaces and affirm. item six, ordinance to amend administrative code, establish the tenant assistance fund, allowing certain eligible due to orders to vacate, issued by the building inspection or the fire department and to receive financial assistance from the
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fund for up to two years. >> president breen: same house, same call. ordinance finally passes unanimously. >> seven, to re-authorize the san francisco sentencing commission and to suspend the provisions of board rule 2.21 to extend the sunset day to june 30, 2020. requires eight votes to suspend a portion of the rule. >> president breen: colleagues, take the item, same house, same call. without objection, passes unanimously. next item. >> clerk: eight, ordinance to amend the administrative code to restrict some from the appraisal requirement. >> president breen: same house, same call. passes unanimously. >> clerk: amend business and tax regulations code to raise the thresholds above which persons are required to file gross receipt tax and payroll expense tax returns so that persons who
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qualify for the small business exemption from either tax are x ement from filing returns for that tax other than persons taking certain tax exclusions. >> president breen: same house, same call. ordinance passes unanimously on the first reading. next item. >> clerk: ten, ordinance to amend the business and tax regulations code to administer the sugary drinks distributor tax. >> same house, same call, passes unanimously on the first reading. next item. >> clerk: 11, ordinance to delegate authority under charter section 9.118 to the general manager of the public utilities commission to enter into agreements with terms in excess of ten years or requiring expenditures of 10 million or more for power and related products and services required to supply san francisco's community choice program and to suspend certain otherwise applicable contract requirements in both the administrative and the environment code. >> president breen: same house,
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same call. without objection, ordinance passes unanimously on first reading. >> 12, to approve fifth amendment between the department of public health and the san francisco aids foundation to provide hiv prevention services and extend the contract two years for term through june 30, 2020, and increase the agreement for a total amount not to exceed approximately 26 million. >> president breen: same house, same call. resolution adopted unanimously. >> clerk: 13, resolution to approve amendment two to the department of health contract for behavioral services with richmond area multi-services, inc. for vocational rehabilitation, extend the contract by two years and ten months, so the contract lasts through october 31, 2020, corresponding increase not to exceed 20.7 million. >> president breen: without objection, adopted unanimously.
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>> clerk: 14, resolution to approve department number one, multi-services, inc., for peer to peer employment program services to extend the contract by two years. so it lasts through june 30, 2020, corresponding increase of 9.8 million, not to exceed 19 million. >> president breen: same house, same call. without objection, the resolution is adopted unanimously. >> clerk: 15, authorize the general manager of the san francisco public utilities commission to execute amendment two to an agreement for specialized engineering services, recycled water projects with the joint venture, to continue to provide additional engineering services in support of the west side recycled water project, increase the agreement 2.5 million, not to exceed agreement of 8 million
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for the duration of 12 years. >> president breen: same house, same call. without objection, the resolution is adopted unanimously. next item. >> clerk: 16 referred without recommendation from the budget and finance committee. ordinance to reappropriate approximately 4 million of lease and tenant improvement costs at 179th street for the renovation of the building at 440 turk street for the department of homelessness and supportive housing in fiscal year 2017-18. >> president breen: supervisor kim. >> supervisor kim: thank you, madam president. and can i speak to item three, make a motion on three as well. so, i just wanted to clarify what we are moving forward with. so i do want to acknowledge jeff and emily for working overtime during the holidays and christmas, they called me almost every single day. my parents appreciated hearing from you on christmas and new year's eve. and, but all to say that there's been a lot of work done with our
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community members to get us to a place that we can open these, the unified office of the department of homelessness and supportive services, but also make sure that the neighborhood is seeing some of the needs that they would like to see met met. so, a full-time security plan both before, during and post construction, as well as a neighborhood liaison designated to continue working with the neighborhood so we can provide services on-site. but to do it in a way that the community can continue to feel safe and more secure in the tenderloin neighborhood. acknowledge that work. also thank our community stakeholders who have been dialoguing on this issue since july, for understanding the need for the city moving forward with this. but to do it in a way that can address some of the very core issues we have about cleanliness and security. so i want to thank h.s.h. for
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working with the mayor's office to come to these commitments, and so i'm going to be making a motion to table item number three, and to colleagues ask for your support on item 16. >> second. >> president breen: amendments to item three? >> supervisor kim: no, tabling item number three and asking colleagues to vote in support of item 16. >> president breen: supervisor kim has made a motion to table item number three. seconded by supervisor peskin. colleagues, can we take that without objection? without objection, that item has been tabled. and on item number 16, can we take that item, same house, same call, without objection, the ordinance passes unanimously on the first reading. next item. >> clerk: item 17, a resolution to name the 600 block of stevenson street to oddfellows
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way of the architectural and cultural contributions the oddfellows have made to the city and county of san francisco. >> supervisor kim: in recognition of the historic al significance of the contributions. the goal to elevate the character of mankind by promoting the principles of friendship, love, truth, faith, charity and universal justice and make the world a better place by organizing charitable projects, a long history dating back to the 18 hundreds. they are known to stop the spread of the 1906 fire and the use of the building as a hub for artists and arts organizations such as the alonso king lions ballet. over 600,000 members worldwide, appreciate their investment in the city, in particular on the 600 block of stevenson, a very challenging alleyway in san francisco. i want to acknowledge their
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continued stewardship of the street and their work to improve the south and market neighborhood. i want to recognize richard perry, peter sellers, the san francisco oddfellows hall association and the dozens of letters and people who came out to our land use committee meetings on this matter and also thank bobby lopez from my office. street name changes seem simple but often take over a year, on her work on this ordinance. >> president breen: thank you, supervisor kim. colleagues, take this item, same house, same call. without objection, resolution is adopted unanimously. go to -- [applause] committee reports. >> items 27 and 28, considered by the land use and transportation committee at a regular meeting january 8, 2018, and forwarded as committee reports. item 27 is an ordinance to amend
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the general plan for the western shoreline area plan of the general plan, the san francisco local coastal program land use plan and add an objective to preserve, enhance and restore the ocean beach shoreline, protecting public access, natural resource, critical public infrastructure and existing development from coastal hazards and affirm the determination and make the appropriate findings. >> president breen: colleagues, same house, same call. without objection, passes unanimously on the first reading. >> clerk: item 28, resolution to impose interim zoning controls for 15 months, the conditional use authorization is required for proposed restaurant use and for a commercial store front merger resulting in a nonresidential use size of 2,000 square feet or larger in the area generally defined by the following boundaries. 13th, division
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