tv Government Access Programming SFGTV January 24, 2018 7:00pm-8:01pm PST
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them. >> okay. thank you. >> can i just jump in on that? >> absolutely, chief. >> yes. i know commissioner covington, you had mentioned that. i think it's a great idea, because i'm a visual person as well to compare and contrast. as it turns out, what it is tonight, i know it wouldn't have been a good night. i know chief handel said it would be good at night, or any time setting up at station 49, whatever your pleasure is. at any time, if you want it at the next meeting in the morning, i know there are some rules regarding more than two commissioners the a time or out at station 49, whatever works best for you. >> here at city hall i think would be good. i know that everyone knows that
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the very first and primary consideration is public safety, so if there is a call and the ambulances are needed, of course, you know they will go where they are needed. i understand that we will not be able to have any sort of formal presentation as we would have in a commission meeting, and that is certainly not what i had envisioned in the first place. it was just going to be us looking and asking questions, which the city attorney says is very, very appropriate. and we can only go into -- into two, two, and one, and no more than that. otherwise, it constitutes a quorum, so i think here would be a good idea before one of our meetings or after one of
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our meetings. >> okay. >> okay. thank you, chief. sfl a >> any other commissioners have attend to say? >> i just wanted to commend commissioner veronese for pulling together a lunch for the commissioners, and for commissioner veronese to come up with the idea and execute it is commendable, so i'd like to thank commissioner veronese for putting that on and having mayor brown -- former mayor brown as our special guest. so thank you, commissioner veronese for doing that. seeing no further comments, madam secretary, next item. >> clerk: item seven, fire commission election of officers. item a, nomination and election
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of commission president. >> is there any comment -- public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. vice president nakajo. >> thank you very much, mr. president. colleagues, at this particular time, i would like to advance and nominate as president of this fire commission ken cleaveland, who is presently our fire commissioner. i have worked with many commissioners, all of us have had an opportunity to serve in some capacity as officers, as well. i know that commissioner veronese, you've just joined us, but i think that for us as commissioners, that concept of collective leadership is both in leadership positions, but also as members of the commission, that we all have fair access as well as respect
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among us. and commissioner cleaveland in the year that he's been serving, i have never met a more -- and there are a lot of good men and women who have served on this commission, but commissioner cleaveland, in terms of your ability to grasp budget, your experience within the business field, your professional demeanor, your dedication, you're very well informed, you're very well engaged. you're very well connected in terms of the city and county of san francisco both on a political level and business level, and i was very impressed what you did in terms of hitting the ground as president when it came to our challenge to find a location for station 49, and the kind of advocacy that you did beyond this table in terms of seeking out relationships and cooperation. so we all have a lot of work to
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do. i must say, personally with the passing of mayor lee, the last time we met with mayor lee, yourself and myself, but it seems like yesterday, and his spirit and his direction are very much within my mindset. i feel that we have a lot of business still to do. i know that that angie griggs is a concern. i know it's a concern, how we're going to be able to coordinate the resources that we have. there's been some dialogue in terms of friends of the fire department, which is a nice thing to say, but it's a very difficult challenge ahead, a person that has done nonprofit work for many years, but i look forward to working on this. and i feel very confident in your leadership, mr. president. so colleagues, at this time,
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i'd like to submit the name of the president, excuse me, mr. ken cleaveland as president of the fire commission fore ne ne fiscal year and next calendar year at this particular time. thank you. >> thank you mr. vice president. is there a second to that motion? >> second. >> any discussion -- further discussion? >> go ahead. >> oh, no, after you. >> okay. >> commissioner covington? >> thank you very much, mr. president. you did not demur, so i assume you would be willing to take on this responsibility two years in a row, is that correct? >> that's correct. >> i really appreciate you, and i appreciate your vice president laying out some of
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the things that you want to accomplish, so i assume that the trabiining -- the new training facility and the relationship with guardians of the city and the possibility of forming a friends of the san francisco fire department are things that you also envision? >> all will be investigated. >> well, wonderful. thank you very much for your -- as i said, your willingness to serve again because it is a demanding position. >> i have good commissioners working with me. >> good. who are they? -- no. >> commissioner -- thank you, commissioner covington. commissioner veronese? >> you haven't run for the door yet. maybe we should just bar it. i just want to lend my support as well, to this entire commission. not to blow smoke at you guys, but i've served on commissions
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before. everybody that serves on a commission puts a lot of hard work into it, and i didn't understand at first the difference on what it would be like to be on an all appointed commission, an all mayoral commission as opposed to the police commission which i served on for several years. it was not that way. it was a handful from the board of supervisors and a handful from the mayor's office, and it is a very different dynamic, or maybe you just all are good people. i'm not saying they weren't, but the dynamic is very different. i appreciate all you people. we have a lot of hard work ahead of us, and got some is retirees on this board, too, so we've got some time to do it. and i look forward to the next year -- chief's like oh, no, what's he going to do. but i look forward to working with you, chief, and the commission on furthering the goals of the department and making things better for everyone, including you, chief. so i third, if it could be
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thirded, but i think you know where my vote's going. >> thank you, commissioner veronese? >> commissioner hardeman? >> yes, mr. presidency, and hopefully, mr. president, again. yeah, i think in these real sad times, it's nice to have a continuity with a temporary mayor coming in, with him having to work with a president that he's very familiar with, and nothing to -- no significant changes in this commission i think makes it easier on the new mayor. and like commissioner alioto veronese said, we are all mayoral appointments. so in that light, in being a mayoral appointment for many years, i always want to know the mayor's agenda and what he
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thinks. so i think this mayor will carr carry on the legacy of ed lee, and i think you as president will make it easy for him to carry on mayor ed lee's agenda, which is moving the city forward, treating this fire department fantastic. the last few years with mayor lee were just so spectacular with this department, and you as a leader, and commissioner covington before you, and we've been very, very successful. and so i was very happy to support your nomination for president. >> thank you, commissioner hardeman. vice president nakajo. >> mr. president, i would like to call for the question, mr. president. >> call for the question. all in favor?
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it's unanimous. >> congratulations. [ applause ] >> thank you very much. >> you're welcome. >> all right. well, thank you all very much for that support, and i look forward to continuing as the president of this very vital and very hard working commission. each one of you as commissioners are hard working, along with our department staff. everyone is concerned about having the best fire department in the country. i think we have it, we want to cope
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keep it that way, and this commission has pledged to support the fire department in any way that it can, and that includes this president, so thank you very much for all the support. okay. we have a nomination for vice president -- commission vice president, so i'd like to know if there's any public comment on vice president. seeing none, public comment is closed on the issue of the vice president for the next year. commissioner covington? >> thank you, mr. president. i see no reason why we should break up such an excellent team, so i would like to nominate our senior -- i almost said oldest -- our most senior commissioner, vice president nakajo to be vice president nakajo. >> thank you, commissioner covington. do i have a second to that
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motion? yes, commissioner hardeman? >> yes. i agree with the analysis of commissioner covington. i agree we have a good team. you both are available. you're very active, and in case of a need for you to -- vacation need or doing something in your personal life that takes you away, i think vice president nakajo will do a bang-up performance as president in your absence, whatever the case may be. in carrying the legacy of ed lee on through this temporary mayor, i think the next 4.5 months are critical and in this budget process, and you and vice president nakajo are familiar with. i think we'll be in good hands with both of you sitting at the table representing the fire department. so i do support the seconding
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of vice president no, ma'akajo another term. >> thank you very much. commissioner veronese, you want to add a couple of comments? >> i would second those comments, as well. huge amount of respect for commissioner nakajo, and i'd hate to see him have to reprint his business cards, as well. no, but in the sake of being a part of a fantastic team, i want to thank you, and i second those. >> thank you, commissioner veronese, and i'd also add my words of praise to commissioner nakajo who's been the president of this commission at least two or three times in the last 21 or 22 years on this commission. we are blessed to have someone on this commission with the institutional memory that we
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all profit from on a regular basis. when i first came to this commission, commissioner nakajo was my mentor, and i continue to look to him for counsel on the ways of the commission, because no one knows the commission department or the commission better than the vice president nominee. let's call the question. call in favor of mr. -- mr. vice president continuing as our vice president, say aye.
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[ applause ] >> okay. on that happy note, madam secretary, next item, please. >> item 8, agenda for next and future fire commission meetings. discussion regarding agenda for the february 14th, 2018 and future regular meetings. >> is there any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. madam secretary, before we ask our commissioners for additional items, can you please just reiterate items that are already scheduled for future commission meetings? >> clerk: we have, i believe, confirmed from dem michael dayton. he's going to come in and do a presentation on the early warning system. we have the adf update, the ambulance deployment facility,
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and the physicians evaluation. >> that's for the next meeting. >> correct. >> can i interject. >> yes. >> i believe there might be a budget item on there, as well. discussion and action. >> yes. please add that. commissioners, anything else that he'd like to add onto the next meeting's agenda? >> mr. president, i don't know if it has to be next meeting, but chief nicholson brought up about the cow palace, which is interesting because the old union i used to work for is working on a big project out there to remodel the facility to move into a giant training headquarters for my old union, so i find it rather interesting. that property, i guess, is not going to be demolished. it was talked about putting housing in there and a bunch of other things, but i guess they're -- obviously, if they're looking at a training center, they're going to
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utilize this space for different things. so anything of interest on that that you might want to bring forward, it sounds like the most intriguing spot right now, just from hearing about what other people are looking at out there and doing so. might be a most attractive. who knows. that was all -- mainly talking out loud, so doesn't have to be next meeting or -- whenever you have information, or if it just falls through, whatever. >> okay. all right. madam secretary, thank you very much. terms of the closed session deliberations, we approved the settlement, so is there anything else we need to talk about? >> no, there is deliberations for us. >> oh. >> matter that was heard on
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monday. >> oh, okay. all right. >> so so we have to deliberate when now? on this? >> no, for the next meeting. >> oh, put this on the next agenda. >> yeah. >> okay. all right. add that to the agenda. any other additional items? okay. thank you very much. and next item? >> clerk: the next item is item 12, adjournment. >> so moved. >> second. >> i'd like to adjourn this meeting in honor of our vice president whose birthday it is today. [ applause ] >> the meeting is adjourned. thank you. .
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>> working for the city and county of san francisco will immerse you in a vibrate and dynamic city on sfroert of the art and social change we've been on the edge after all we're at the meeting of land and sea world-class style it is the burn of blew jeans where the rock holds court over the harbor the city's information technology xoflz work on the rulers project for free wifi and developing projects and insuring patient state of at san
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francisco general hospital our it professionals make guilty or innocent available and support the house/senate regional wear-out system your our employees joy excessive salaries but working for the city and county of san francisco give us employees the unities to contribute their ideas and energy and commitment to shape the city's future but for considering a career with the city and county of san francisc sustainable future . >> san francisco streets and puffs make up 25 percent of cities e city's land area more than all the parks combined they're far two wide and have large flight area the pavement
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to parks is to test the variants by ininexpensive changing did new open spaces the city made up of streets in you think about the potential of having this space for a purpose it is demands for the best for bikes and families to gather. >> through a collaborative effort with the department we the public works and the municipal transportation agency pavement to parks is bringing initiative ideas to our streets. >> so the face of the street is the core of our program we have in the public right-of-way meaning streets that can have areas perpetrated for something else. >> i'm here with john francis pavement to parks manager and this parklet on van ness street
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first of all, what is a parklet and part of pavement to parks program basically an expense of the walk in a public realm for people to hang anti nor a urban acceptable space for people to use. >> parklets sponsors have to apply to be considered for the program but they come to us you know saying we want to do this and create a new space on our street it is a community driven program. >> the program goes beyond just parklets vacant lots and other spaces are converted we're here at playland on 43 this is place is cool with loots things to do and plenty of space to play so we came up with that idea to revitalizations this
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underutilized yard by going to the community and what they said want to see here we saw that everybody wants to see everything to we want this to be a space for everyone. >> yeah. >> we partnered with the pavement to parks program and so we had the contract for building 236 blot community garden it start with a lot of jacuzzi hammers and bulldozer and now the point we're planting trees and flowers we have basketball courts there is so much to do here. >> there's a very full program that they simply joy that and meet the community and friends and about be about the lighter side of city people are more
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>> my name is naomi kelly the single-story for the 775 i started with the city and county in 1996 working for the newly elected mayor willie brown, jr. not only the chief of staff a woman but many policy advisors that were advising him everyday their supportive and nourished and sponsored united states and excited about the future. >> my name is is jack listen
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and the executive director of a phil randolph institution our goal to have two pathways to sustaining a family here in san francisco and your union jobs are stroen to do that i have this huge way to work with the community members and i think i found my calling i started in 1996 working for willie brown, jr. i worked in he's mayor's office of housing in the western edition and left 3 years went to law school of san francisco state university and mayor brown asked me to be the director of the taxicab commission and through the process i very much card by the contracting process and asked me townhouse the city purchaser and worked with me and i became the
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deputy administrator and . >> having trouble struggling to make ends meet folks will not understand what importance of voting is so we decided to develop our workforce development services after a couple of years offering pathways to sustainable jobs. >> (clapping.) >> we've gotten to a place to have the folks come back and have the discussion even if participation and makes sense we do public services but we also really build strong communities when i started this job my sons were 2 and 5 now 9 and 6 i think so the need to be able to take a call from the principal of school i think that brings a whole new appreciation to being understanding of the work life balance. >> (clapping.) >> i have a very good team around me we're leader in the country when
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it comes to paid and retail and furiously the affordable-care act passed by 3079 we were did leaders for the healthcare and we're in support of of the women and support. >> in my industry i feel that is male dominated a huge struggle to get my foot in the door and i feel as though that definitely needs to change this year needs to be more opportunities for i don't know women to do what tell me dream i feel that is important for us to create a in fact, network of support to young people young women can further their dreams and most interested in making sure they have the full and whatever they need to make that achieveable. >> education is important i
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releases it at my time of san mateo high ii come back to the university of san francisco law school and the fact i passed the bar will open up many more doors because i feel a curve ball or an where you can in the way can't get down why is this in my way we have to figure out a solution how to move forward we can't let adversity throw in the
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