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tv   Government Access Programming  SFGTV  February 2, 2018 3:00am-4:01am PST

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space, was a very big issue. and i was pleased when we were able to carve out that space and be at the opening. and there are other communities, pacific islander community, that's seeking space. i want to know what difference that's made to have a physical space where you can meet and teach from. >> the difference is everything. it is, as the name implies, the center. the center that brings many together. the center being that in the middle of the serbingle. it's the hub, not only for the academic school program that supports k-12 and their needs after school, but it is the family center space. it is the cultural night. it is professional development. it is a safe space in this city,
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a city that has no space for anyone. and yet our children make their way from all the schools to spend time together. to be supported. to know more than words. there's genuine care. we're a family. we're relatives. we're healing with each other and that space allows us to do so. in terms of the space allowing the program to expand, four years ago there was no space. four years ago, we were being asked to make a difference in the outcomes of our children. the graduation rate and the dropout rates. we were not able to make as deep of an impact as we are now because we have the center. >> and i just wanted to give some testimony to your comment
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or question, my son, marciano, who is in the audience, and he often gets the calendar of the month, places it on the refrigerator and that's his go-to spot. what is going on today? i'm there. yesterday as we were sitting there in the center, we were talking about what the late mayor ed lee and how he supported us and just because he has that center, he knew what he had to do. he needed to burn some medicine for that late mayor. if we didn't have that center, where would he do it? where would he go? who would he be part of? it's critical as developing him. without it, where we would be? >> i would like it say quickly
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what it brought my son. one would say leadership. he is the student representative and has been for over a year. he was honestly on like five boards. so he's become a young man and a leader. as well as family. countless times he's said, i have friends from every culture, from my school, but when i come to indian ed or the few other indigenous spaces in the city, we have family there. and for kids that are often the only native student in their schools, that means everything. because they don't have to worry about anything there. they're home when they're amongst their people. it means everything. thank you.
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>> are you done? okay. student delegate. >> i want to say thank you for your presentation today. the mural at george washington is in the process of being addressed by the school site council. the student advisory council will be collaborating with its representatives at washington high school to make sure it's dealt with. we cannot tolerate any insensitive artwork. so we will be in contact with our representatives at washington high school and continue to follow up with them until we've taken the steps necessary on this mural. thank you. [applause] >> thank you. >> first of all, i want to thank you for your work and your
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advocacy. it's a report i look forward to and have learned something. this is the case for you, challenging to keep on bringing back some of the same questions and same demands and i do want to say that it does matter. i know for a number of years, the need to have a center and a space was one of the regular requests that were made. and i think it's a testament to your advocacy that that piece has been dealt with it and we can work with you to chip more off the loss and ensure the success of our students. i wanted to -- i had one question and then a statement. to see the graduation and dropout rates, they're very concerning. and i wanted to know from your perspective, is there more that we can be doing as a school
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district to be supporting you and the students you work with. is there anything that comes to mind that would be helpful in terms of resources or -- and i don't mean to put you on spot there. you did outline some of them. you can repeat those, too, if you like. did want to recognize that it would be a critical priority for us. >> many of our young people, they respond to one-on-one support. when we look at the needs of our children, the unique needs, you will see that the priority was identified under the academic, social and emotional support, and i will add culture, where we're looking to increase our staff support from a part-time position to a full-time, at the indian ed center that would allow us to reach more of our children during the day and after school. and provide to them the support they need.
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>> thank you for that. we hope that can help you make happen. a couple of quick points. i appreciate the priorities around cultural competence and humility. i hope as a district, we can make a commitment to offer these trainings and partner with the california indian museum and cultural center and the supportive policy. it sounds like there's a bill going through the state legislature, so i would want to ask that we bring that to our rules committee and potentially take a position of support as a school district, so i can join in the advocacy for that and implement it in the district and the challenge around curriculum development and we bring this up and want to express our support
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for your continued advocacy and commitment to make sure that nowhere in our curriculum are we offering negative and inaccurate and ahistoric portrayals of american-indians. so as far as we're concerned, if we're offering curriculum in our district it should be in partnership with you all and you should see it first. and i appreciate the comments made here. i have long felt that the murals at washington high school are an embarrassment, as least as far as i'm concerned. and i think it's that we shouldn't have those portrayals.
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the school should be safe and accurate and to look at this history that you have shared with us here and to think that somehow we would be offering any portrayals that continued that persecution and that historic discrimination of american-indian people in our schools is shameful. so i would like us to continue that conversation. i appreciate you bringing that forward here and hopefully it spurs a conversation here in the school district about what can be done to address that. i think it's shameful that it continues to be in any of our school buildings. thank you for your work and thank you for bringing this forward. [applause] >> thank you.
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>> commissioner sanchez: thank you. and thank you for your presentation. i would like for staff to give a report back to us in a month or two about where we are on the priorities, so we can move on some of them or all of them. the mural, to me is an ma embarrassment. and i would like to be advised about what the council says. and also do we have a policy about native feathers? >> we've always received support within the school district. because in our school districts in southern california and other
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districts, have not allowed students to wear their feathers and regalia. so our hope is that san francisco often leading the way will say, we support this. >> i'm willing to work with you on a resolution to do that. >> great. thank you. >> and then as far as staffing from a part-time to full-time, i support that as well. has it always been halftime or has it been full time in the past? >> seven years ago, it was part time for the entire program. up to four years ago when i took the position, it was one full time staff for the school district. as of this school year, '17/'18 we went from independent contractor support, 25 hours a week, so .6 part time position sfusd. >> so total staffing is 1.6.
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>> no consultant? >> for the cultural nights, yes. we're looking for something more sustainable. >> and thank you, again. >> thank you, mark. >> any other comments? >> can i ask how many native-american students we have in the district? >> that is a great question and that's often asked. it's not the data that we receive. unlike any other group, they have to verify, who they say they are through tribal enrollment.
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so the form they have when families come to the district, that allows us to see who is enrolling. if you put anything other than hispanic or another race, that's not coming to us. we have it search through the data or it's word of mouth. we've gone from 226. we're at 250. and not everyone there may have that eligibility point met. so we're 250, k-12. >> okay. thank you.
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>> i want to extend my support for the hard work and efforts you've done to engage the native-american community and empower our young people that you serve and strongly support that we immediately after a racist depiction and groups represented in our schools. it is embarrassing. and it's -- we should be embarrassed also, we had some community members come here and talk to us about it in 2018. i want to support staff and the conversations at washington. we do all we can to quickly remove the mural and to the extent we can have restorative circles to discuss the impact
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and the trauma it's had on our community. so thank you for bringing it forward. i look forward to working with you more closely and reporting next year. >> thank you very much. appreciate it. [applause] our next item is appointments to the advisory committee. i know student delegate ang and commissioner walton have appointments. >> thank you. the student advisory council is making an appointment to the public education enrichment fund community advisory committee. we'll nominate a junior from mission high school, zariana reeves. the next meeting will be february 7 at 6:00 p.m. at 555 franklin. >> thank you. commissioner walton? >> thank you. i would like to appoint tracy
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brown gallardo. >> any other appointments? seeing none, next is our consent calendar. i need a motion and second. >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. i have no public comment on consent items tonight. >> no, there's none. >> any items removed or severed? seeing none. if any items are severed -- we don't have any, so we won't do that. roll call vote, please. [roll call]
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>> yes except for k1, 2, 3 and 4, they're retroactive. section d is discussion and vote on consent calendar. section e, proposal for action. our first is proposal for staff coordination and delivery of programs and services to meet the needs of homeless children. this was authored by matt haney. 175-23a1 proposed amendments to original resolution, shown in redline. this was moved and seconded on may 23, 2017. couldn't get a committee report from the budget committee on an updated fiscal impact analysis. >> we just heard the updated fiscal impact and there was no change to the recommendation.
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>> thank you. do you want to read the recommendation into the record? > commissioner haney: sure. one second. i don't want to read the whole thing, right? okay. >> commissioner haney: in support of staff training delivery of programs and services to meet the needs of homeless children youth and families in the sf unified school district, to build on the sense of urgency around student and family homelessness and empower staff to support homeless students and their families in connecting to services and housing. sfusd is rich in human resources
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and students and we can and must do better for vulnerable students. at the end of the '15/'16 school year, 2,144 homeless students were reported in k-12, with a total of 1, 093 hispanic students. i'm going to skip over and just read the resolves here. therefore be it resolved sfusd and the board recognize the requirements for the must mckinnie act requirements, to provide homeless students with a safe, positive learning environment that is free from discrimination and harassment that proposed self-esteemed outlined in 6173. the board of education directs the superintendent develop a student and family experiencing
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homelessness action plan that incorporates the provisions in the resolution. a report of the policy changes, strategies and partnerships including the status of the learning centers in support of students and their families as outlined in the resolution. i'm going to skip ahead. it's a lot. further resolve addressing enrollment barriers prek- and especially those that have recognized required, proof of residency and credit transfers should be temporarily removed to expedite placement. this is a really long thing. i'm going to skip ahead. sfusd will collaborate with shelters for the resources
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needed to support the learning centers and identify and assign a liaison and school site liaisons at schools that will support the afore mentioned and in addition to a number of things there. sfusd will pursue opportunities to collaborate including referring students homeless to life-learning and initiatives. i will go to the end of it. sfusd shall improve data collection by entering into a data-sharing agreement. and further resolve to pursue opportunities for sfusd-owned land to build affordable housing. including potential partnerships in our funding sources from city
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and county and state philanthropic resources. we'll get a report in six months and further resolved that we'll collaborate to develop an urgent response system when a student is unsheltered or about to lose their housing. this urgent response system with services administered by hsh. sfusd will collaborate for training on the family process and to ensure that sfusd staff knows the best way to connect homeless students and staff with city services. that's about 1/6 of the resolution that i read, but i will leave it at that. >> thank you, commissioner haney. i'm going to call up speakers on
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this item. if you would please come over and step up to the podium and turn on the mike. eugene alaho, maryjane rodriguez, aaron agdelo, daniel lumon, tony robles, david wu, and p.j.ilhenio. come on up. you have 2 minutes. >> okay. good evening, tenant counsellor south of market community action network and alumni of k-8 betsy carmichael. i support this cause because many of the homeless families are attending betsy carmichael
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elementary and many of them live in doubled-up units and dealing with roaches and bed bugs on a daily basis. it's not contributing to a stable learning environment. i urge you to support this cause. if this resolution passes, a lot of students, not only in betsy carmichael, but districtwide will be provided adequate housing. thank you. [please stand bsfusd sfusd sfus
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sfusd if this passes, this will be instructed to provide for families in need. like my family, we need speaking staff and the research and opportunities for sfusd on land to be made available to affordable housing for families like mine. i recommend that all of this board member pass this resolution and that school district staff to work with our community in making this reality, thank you for all of you.
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>> we have already started this item, so we're not going to be taking any more cards, so what i have is what i have and we're not going to be accepting any more speakers on the item. let read off the last few i'm taking on this item. alexis david. raul fernando. raquel and jennifer. >> i am the t.k. kindergarten leader at filipino education centre. i've studied child and adolescent development with advocacy systems. i've studied how policy has affected poverty and poverty has
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affected the intersections of family and children developing. i understand that homelessness is not only on issue, but it is something that threatens the development of children and families. for the students who are facing this issue, it's not just an academic issue, it's a social and emotional issue as well. having a sound home environment will not only help them with their academic studies but with their social and emotional development as well. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker, please. >> good evening, i'm daniel, i'm also an educator. i work with 6th grade and one, i want to appreciate the ambition of the resolution to use sfusd land, i hope you all have a good portion or the homeless youth out here, but there is a
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sizeable amount. ever since i started working, i do get comments about living conditions and house conditions and i just wanted to make it known that it is imperative there are children's lives at stake and livelihood. and truly this resolution is an investment because right now, as we can see, the current return is very -- if we don't make moves fast, i'm afraid i'll lose students, because i'm having a hard time with students not eating and if they don't make it in time for meals. in regards to the after-school program, there is so much more care than just academic enrichment, which is important, we we try to provide holistic which addresses social problems
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in regards to socialization, both of their emotional well-being and we hope that this resolution is holistic and encompassing as well. and with homelessness, it does hit the fact there needs to be better quality, food and packaging, especially fresh produce. these children when they have negative environments. when we get fruits and vegetables from the school district and they're pr prepackaging but they're spoiled, that just reinforces a lack of care, which they experience from their environment and i hope this resolution brings back that care. so, we can have a better future hon restly for the city and -- honestly for city and california and america. >> next speaker, please? >> good evening, i'm the youth
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coordinator at the saddle market community. and we are in support of the resolution providing housing and culturally competent service to homeless students and their families and that's sponsored by the commissioner, we thank you for working with our community on this issue. and our student needs better support in the school and also outside school, including having a home that is habitable and room to do their homework. they need culturally competent servants that can speak their language to provide full support to them and their parents. for me, when i was in high school, i always go to someone that i can relate to, that can speak the language, so they need that also. this resolution is one of the ways we can provide to the over like 2400 homeless families so i urge you to please support it. thank you very much.
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thank you, i grew up in san francisco, also went through sfusd. i work for the action network. i support this resolution supporting homeless children, youth and families. in addition to critical resources needed for programs and services, we also need sites for affordable housing, for homeless, youth and family in san francisco. we urge the school district to be proactivetive in dedicating sights for affordable housing. it is crucial that the public lands are identified and dedicated for future use as affordable housing sites. thank you, all. >> thank you, next speaker. >> good evening, i want to thank
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the commissioner for putting forward the resolution, we're supportive of it. bess bessie car michael is home to one of the highest percentage of families. for the filipino community, what it means is mostly newcomers or families that are tripped up in home like mary jane. so this resolution is really important in identifying strategies that can support these families. one of them that identifies strategies talks about assuring that their families have sa strong support network. one of the things we'd like to consider with bessie carmichael is to designate it as newcomer school, so they'll be attracted to bessie. there are those who are not informed, so not only do they not know it's an important option for them for their
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children, but also that -- that they have a hard time actually getting in when they try to advocate to get in. so i don't know if it's a policy, but in helping advance some of the strategies ensuring that the most vulnerable families facing homelessness have a strong support system. thank you. >> thank you. speaker, please. >> hello, i'm here in support of the resolution. i'm artistic director. i've been early childhood teacher for the past 17 years. finally, i'm a freelance teaching artist, so since 2015, i taught first graders theater arts. so through ybca arts program i have the honor to introduce the joy of theater and performance for the first graders. i do this for a total of ten sessions for one whole semester.
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let me tell you about these beautiful kids, they're brilliant, eager to learn and much more. i love these kids. they greet me with big smiles and it brings me pain at the end of the semester when i have to say goodbye. when you're in the classroom and meet these kids so full of hope, you want to tell them they can dream, but this is a false hope. we as the adults need to keep their hope alive. there was a harsh reality i was able to witness this past semester. the number of students who come into the classroom with trauma was obvious and concerning in 2017. these traumas manifest in their
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behavior and their capacity to learn and affects everybody in the classroom. so in san francisco we are one of the rich efs cities in the world, let's do the right thing for the kids. let's give them the true hope they deserve. i would like to support considering bessie as the newcomer designation that would help us with resources. i'm here in support of the resolution. thank you. >> good evening commissioners, my name is alexis, and i'm a mother of a student in the school district at bessie carmichael and i'm a school social worker with the district in the bayview. one thing, yes i support the resolution, why not? one, if we believe that education is a basic human right and fundamental right to any human being living, that we
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actually have the ethical responsibility to ensure that the 4.2% and when we're looking at the 2400 students that were identified as transient, that is not the picture. we live in san francisco. we are in a housing crisis. so it is ethical responsibility of all of you here, along with those who support the resolution to say yes, i'll do everything i can to ensure that the land use, also that the district has an ethical responsibility to take a stake for the families that truly need the support. as i mentioned, i am a school social worker in the bay view. i report just this this school year alone, we've lost 10 of the 13 students at our school that are homeless. this is not new. if you ask anyone and i will just speak for -- yeah just in
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terms of my line of work -- in san francisco and in the bayview, that is a repetitive cycle of seeing families come in and out of our district and other districts. so i come to you all to really consider what is your ethical roles and responsibilities to really ensure that you provide access and equity to these families that are struggling. we just heard from a family earlier today, how hard it is, right? so putting yourselves in their shoes around what are the steps to really ensure equity. and lastly, want to echo the support as a mother at bessie carmichael to ensure that they're redesignated as a newcomer school to filipino families to ensure they have access to resources when they first he want our school district. thank you very much for your time. and please support this
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resolution. >> clerk: thank you. >> my name is tony. i'm a local children's author. i would like to thank member haney for introducing this resolution. i'd like to urge you to give bessie, the newcomer designation. if we don't give families the tools, the basic tools that they need to give to in order to thrive, in order for the families to thrive, we're setting them up for failure. i know having lived here all of my life, san francisco has become very family unfriendly. we have families who are homeless, families crammed into rows, it doesn't make a good situation for young people who are under enough stress as it is to succeed in school.
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we know these children need better support. definitely need more housing for our families, homeless families, families that might be living in a situation where they're living like the lady who said earlier, 10, 12 people in one home. you know, there are a lot of things that need to be invested because we know that what you put into something is what you get out. and at any rate, i also work as a tenant advocate and seeing the situation with housing, the affordability crisis and the lack of housing is just wreaking havoc on our young people that should be enjoying their youth and thriving and not having to worry about things like that. thank you. >> my name is sun bear. i'm the father of a kindergartner at bessie and living in sro.
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i can't tell you how detrimental it's been watching my son have to go to school with bedbug bites, and how he gets himself in trouble so he can be put in the corner so he can have his own little space. i said why are you getting in trouble? he said i like to have my own pace, bubble, because he doesn't have that at home. i hope you pass the resolution and thank you for hearing me. >> jennifer, director of the coalition on homelessness. and i want to thank mr. haney for spear heading this effort. schools play a really interesting role in the homeless crisis in that for a lot of ways, they're the home for homeless children. they're the community. they provide a sense of support.
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continuity. one of the most damaging things that besides homelessness that happens to kids is frequent moving from school to school and that has a tremendously negative impact on the outcome. homelessness itself has a tremendous negative impact. if you look at the different levels of housing, whether folks are living in the streets, shelters, cars, in hotels, whether they are doubled up living in garages, all these differing places where you don't have the security of a regular place to sleep has a very traumatizing impact on kids. they also tend to be witness to a lot of things that they wouldn't be otherwise. in terms of violence, they often have irregular relationships with people where they're not able to have the social bonds. all of this stuff presents itself in the classroom in a
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dramatic way. for families, they're really nervous about child protective services. they're really nervous about interacting with government entities and so often times, their homeless status is only uncovered in the school environment. the nurses, the social workers, the teachers often know what is going on with the families before any other place in the system has become aware. and so that's why the effort is key, because it's so important for the school environment, for us to build on the school environment and make sure that kids get the stability and support they need to thrive. so they're able to finish high school, they're able to meet their educational milestones, that they're able to succeed, because as we know, if they fall behind in school and these things happen, it has a trajectory out into adulthood,
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where they end up having issues with homelessness and other stuff as adults as well. so this is really critical. thank you and we'd encourage your support. >> thank you. >> good evening. my name is raul. i'm here representing the sro families collaborative and hearing support of the resolution for homeless youth and families. as many of us know, san francisco is perhaps the most affluent city in the united states, we have approximately 10,000 homeless individuals out there and the real tragedy is that one-third of them are children. about 1 in 25 children in the san francisco unified school district is homeless and that is a really tragedy in a city that has a budget of $10 billion and only 3% of these resources to
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fight homelessness. these people that live in s.r.o., i was touched by the example of sun bear. we're talking about small rooms, that right now they cost over $1,000 with no bathroom, no kitchen, no space for children to do their homework or have any privacy. so here we are having a whole generation that are not meeting developmental milestones because they're not properly housed. once again, i am hearing whole support of the resolution and i hope this passes and i really thank mr. haney for spearheading this resolution. thank you. >> thank you very much. that is the end of public comment. at this time i'd like to invite my colleagues to make comments. commissioner walton. >> thank you, one, i want to thank everyone who came out in support of the resolution this evening. commissioner haney and i and the rest of the colleagues have had
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several conversations with many organizations across the city. not just about homelessness around the city, but homelessness that affects your students and their families and what we could do to address that and so what you see here is an opportunity for the district to go above and beyond the status quo. we have programs in place to fight homelessness in schools, but this gives us an additional opportunity to do more. it will increase resources for the schools that have higher population of homelessness and the district can identify sites for affordable housing. that is something that i know is atypical of school districts. you don't typically see school districts working on affordable housing, one. definitely not working on affordable housing for homeless families and making sure we provide those opportunities, but we're never satisfied with being
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a typical school district. we understand the needs of the community. we understand the needs of the students. that are bigger and broader than what most districts may have to deal with. and we know what the crisis in this city, it's important to put our best foot forward as a district. we should be proud to have increased focus on providing opportunities to house our families and to make sure our students have a sustainable home environment, because as you heard from testimony, without a place to do homework, without place to call your own and some of us take that for granted, it is hard to focus on anything, let alone being your best self in a classroom. i want to commend commissioner haney and everyone who worked with him on this resolution, because this is more than a resolution, it's about the work and what we need to do once this passes and moves forward. thank you for being here, thank you for supporting our students
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and families and let's get this passed so we can focus on the work next. >> thank you, i want to thank all the folks who came out to testify. i want to thank my colleague commission haney for his leadership on this. there is -- i couldn't agree with jennifer more. our schools are a safe haven. there is hidden problem of women who are homeless because they don't necessarily access the shelter system. they are unstably housed with their children on peoples' couches, car, it's very difficult to identify. and so i would love to support the work in helping to brainstorm outreach strategies for particularly mothers and their children who can be very
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difficult to reach. so thank you again for bringing this forward. i hope you all consider adding our names, the rest of the colleague's names to the resolution. thank you. >> i'd like to thank commissioner haney and everyone involved in the progress of the resolution. they've been committed to ensuring the well-being of the students. and i think that our support on the resolution will reinforce that commitment and we want to continue to be a source of support and we will bothing voting yes on the resolution and would like to be added as coauthors. >> commissioner haney. >> definitely, i know this is a priority for some time for the student advisory council, so i want to thank you all for your leadership on behalf of your fellow students. i want to thank all the folks
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who came here tonight for waiting, testifying and sharing your own experiences. i especially want to thank sam cam and all the folks from bessie carmichael who were here. we thank you on your leadership and partnership on this. i know there were a number of organizations represented. i want to say quickly, we are at a place now in our city where it is impossible for us think about ensuring the education of all of our children without thinking about housing. and we've had this conversation here in these chambers a number of times when it comes to educator housing. so many of our teachers and staff are being pushed out of the city, having to commute from hours away. and it's impacting directly the reality in our schools. as much as that is true for
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educators, that's also true for families. someone made the comment that 22,000-plus students who are homeless are not actually representing the full scope of families and students who are being squeezed and experiencing challenge in the schools because of the situation with housing. i had the opportunity with jenny to visit one of the family shelters where we have a dozen families in a church basement. the children share the space together, sleep on the floor and have very little space to study and they have to wake up and go to school the next day. we had the opportunity to visit sros in chinatown. and to see, as was said, the small 8 by 10 spaces where multiple children and their
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families live struggling to have the privacy, the space needed to study and sometimes to sleep. and again and again you see the situations in our city. and it is imperative on us as a school district to do everything this we possibly can with our resources, with our land, with the staff, to make sure that we are working to end family homelessness, at the same time that we're supporting the young people in our schools who are directly impacted. that's what this resolution is about. i want to thank kevin truity, mary richards. this is just the beginning of moving from a situation that was based on compliance of saying this is how many homeless students we have and this is what we do, to bringing everything we have to ensure their success. changing resources with school sites with higher percentages of homeless students. making sure the staff have the
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ability to train how to get families into housing and partnering with organizations in the city. and lastly, using our land, where possible, to be able to open a conversation about actually building housing for families. so i hope this is a systems change and also a culture change on how we see our responsibility to some of our students who sadly in a city as wealthy as this are a very large number of students. 1 out of every 25. if we filled up classrooms, it would be 125 classrooms full of students who are experiencing homelessness here in san francisco. many of them are concentrated in certain schools like bessie carmichael where 1 in 8 are experiencing homelessness. i hope there is impact that is seen immediately and that's our commitment to fight with you,
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along side you. i hope to see additional supports and resources for bessie, because sometimes that school gets left off the radar. with such a high percentage of homeless students that needs to be resourced appropriately and i hope this resolution gives us a vehicle for that. thank you to my colleagues and would add everybody's name to it. i want to also thank walton and mcdonald who has talking about issue for as long as i've been on the board and pointing out we need to put resources behind it and you've been leading this every, not just this board, but the city as well. i'm thankful for your leadership and joining new working on this. thank you. >> thank you. commissioner haney. i do want to thank you for taking the lead on this and
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putting pen to paper and recognizing what we need to do for our students. i had the opportunity to share your original resolution with our late mayor ed lee, who as you know was working on the family homelessness piece as well. and over this last year, we've had effort to raise $30 million with our partnership with hamilton families and the office of homelessness and supportive housing. when we first started to talk about what it means to be a homeless student in san francisco, we had about $160,000. and with that, he was passionate around the injustice around this, but with the $160,000 for the 2000 students, we were able
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to provide bus passes to some parents, uniforms, books here and there, and some simple items that do not change your situation. and i think what commissioner haney and commissioner walton speak to in this resolution is about changing lives, not just addressing what can we do to help you in this situation that you're in by making it be a little bit better by buying your uniform, but providing you the resources you need. think about how to wrap our arms around you to make sure you're successful in school. that's what this resolution speaks to and on a personal
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level, because the filipino community is deeply burdened by this challenge. bessie carmichael in particular as you all have heard. and we do get the additional support of a social worker. but we've got to do so much more and i think what this is going to force us to do is force us to think about how to reallocate our resources and that the realities of the school district are reflective of what we want to do for our students. we talk about a lot of things all the time and i think what i'm better at is raising money than i am writing the actual policy. so i'm really glad we'll be able to marry the two and do better for our students. thank you all for coming out to support the resolution and i appreciate the generosity of
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being able to put all our names on this, because it's something we all deeply believe in. roll call, please. >> cook? >> yes. haney? yes. norton? yes. sanchez, yes. walton, yes. mcdonald, yes. that's unanimous. >> congratulations. thank you. ok, we still have a lot of speakers and a lot of items. i'm going to move this along. the next item the board policy for action. i would like to, if it's ok with my colleagues, move up the extracurricular and co-curricular activity item because we have a lot of speakers here that are students. and so if i can please have the superintendent or actually daniel to read the recommendation into the record
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for just the extracurricular and co-curricular and then we can have public comment and go on. >> so this item seeks the board approval of policy extracurricular and co-curricular activities. it limits them to those that have been central to the success of the activity. the policy also codfys much of the law, you cannot discriminate in allowing them to participate in activity. significantly, the rules committee suggested amendment from the rules committee, you will see in quotes on the page of this item, it is that unless specifically authorized by law,
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no student shall be charged a fee for his or her participation in educational activities and to ensure that all have access to educational extracurricular and co-curricular activities. students shall not be charged to perform recitals of exhibitions of student work, except they may be charged for athletic competitions. that is the amended language as recommended by the rules committee. >> thank you. i need a motion and a second please on this. >> you're right. so i am going to -- we have a lot of public comment on this. i have over 50 speakers on that. and so -- >> [cheering] >> so what i would like to do, i