tv Government Access Programming SFGTV February 8, 2018 3:00am-4:01am PST
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to that land use, so the mission rock project with its mix of land uses and the total square footage for each was calculated and it came up with a certain number of total trips, and this comes from the planning department's methodologies. there's also a methodology for attributing those trips to particular modes, and to the 20% reduction in auto trips says let's do that exercise. the total number of trips for this site and what number of those would go to autos in a san francisco mission rock area location, and then, let's takeoff 20% of those and achieve that through transportation and demand management. so it is an exercise in modelling and assumptions, but all of those assumptions are based on our best knowledge of how people actually travel and what land uses actually
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generate in terms of trips. >> chairman brinkman: thank you. vice chair heinicke, did you have any comments or questions? >> vice chairman heinicke: well, i find this project exciting on many levels, and my thanksz to everybody involved in the presentations and all the hard work. keeping in mind about the limits on our jurisdiction, i'll focus on the transportation part -- thank you, director torres. so very impressive program. i'm definitely swayed by the fact that the giants have been such a wonderful planning partner. compliments to you all there, and i'm just excited to see this come into play at a time when we're going to be enhancing subway there, at a time when we're going to have some more options, hopefully on market street to improve transit as a feeder artery to that subway and others, so i think that's a great project, and i really commend you as an
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organization for what you've done in organizing transit around the city and around the stadium in particular, and i'm really excited to see this project roll forward and it has my complete support. director heinicke said everything i wanted to say. this is a really great board looking project. i think it'll be a role model for the rest of the city. it's the right kind of development. that area is getting exciting, how it is becoming a pedestrians destination, so you guys have really thought that out. i understand as well that you're also paying the fee at the higher level, which is really nice. i'm great that i agreed to do that, and of course, he agreed to rebuild the stadium there on the lot there. we all appreciate it coming to fruition. >> chairman brinkman: director torres, any comments?
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>> yes. i'm a total giants friend. all my friends and relatives in los angeles hate me now, but i think this is an incredible project, but i wish you all well as you provide input to the stakeholders and just give us a world series. >> director rubke? >> i just have two quick questions. one is not specifically to this project, but kind of thinking about the series of projects along that area? and i brought this up when i talked about pier 70. we talked a lot in these plans about the forward thinking caltrain station, but i'm wondering if there's any plans about making the caltrain station at 22nd street more accessible in general, because i remember we did receive public comment about lack of loading zones, not particularly a very friendly place, and it seems like that would be a
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worthwhile place to explore opportunities for improvement. and then my other kind of super quick question, i know that part of the plan is to turn the ten townsend down towards that neighborhood as one of the mitigation efforts, and i'm just wondering -- the ten townsend goes downtown send street, so i'm just wondering where -- if we have plans to do any sort of replacement bus service after we make that turn. like, if there's going to be a bus serving the rest of townsend street. so these are my two questions. i'm really impressed with the plan in general, though. >> miss payne, is that something you want to answer or do i need to call someone else? >> i'm going to call a lifeline. i think sarah jones wanted to answer the first one, and you know the second one, too? all right. she's on both of them. >> chairman brinkman: all
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right. for the lifeline, miss jones. >> yes. so the first question related to the 22nd street caltrain station, there is access from there to the rest of the city, which is something we're exploring in a lot of different ways in terms of the loading issues there, in terms of bicycle parking there, so you know, until and unless that station has major overall and change a number of our planning effort are looking into that issue. it has become a very popular station over the last ten years or so. certainly, the access to ta caltrain in that vicinity is something that we are working around, engaging in really looking at how caltrain is entering the city and making the most of that really
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important regional connection. so yes, the short answer is yes, there's attention to be being paid in a variety of ways. as far as the ten townsend, we're also initiating some transit service planning around making sure that we have good transit links in these really fast growing parts of the city dogpatch, mission bay, rincon. i think that the giants can speak specifically to how this project is supporting the ten and other parallel lines. >> just for confirmation or clarification, changing the route of the ten townsend is not part of this project. i think i misunderstood what you said -- okay. i just wanted to clarify for the record that this project doesn't change the ten
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townsend. >> thank you. >> chairman brinkman: thank you. director -- >> i, too, am a giants fan, and i'm proud to endorse this project. i'm also a transit rider, and i've had the rough experience of trying to take the ten after a game, and it's a -- n after a game, and i think what happens is the n gets backed up with the traffic and parking around the ballpark, and it really causes delays on the other side of the city. and it does rnt help when therewhen -- doesn't help when there's a lot of switchbacks on down the
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line. i'm excited about this tdm program. it shows a lot of creativity to minimize the car traffic impacting transit in the future. the concern that i have, and i hate to rain on the victory parade is the parking lot, the parking structure that's being proposed, and i understand it's being evaluated or it's being under consideration. if i read the plan right, it's up to 3,000 new spaces in this parking structure. am i reading this right? and this is sort of under consideration or can anybody speak to that?
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>> jack can address that. >> i was hoping i'd get buster po posey. >> what's envisioned is there'll be about 2,000 spaces for ballpark patrons, managed, the ballpark resource managed so there'll be 2,000 spaces available and 3,000 total. we have new demand from the buildings that are going up, the housing, the retail and the office demand, and the ballpark functioning. we started with about 5400 spaces dedicated to the ballpark and 11,000 overall, so we've managed well over the years but we are a regional draw, the ballpark, and if you add 2,000 cars times 2.7 people per car and compare that with
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the 41,000 people that are coming to the ballpark, this strikes the right balance. but we're not making that decision today. we're going to work with mta and planning department and port and make that decision closer in time when the construction for the garage would occur so that we get the number right because we don't want to over build parking. that's obviously a goal that the city has, but we also want to make sure that we have a responsible amount so that development and the ballpark can continue functioning effectively. >> thank you. very kind for that consideration and all of the great work that you folks have done so far. i wouldn't be more proud of this ballpark. it really is a terrific gem for the city to have. if you were here fore the earlier conversation, i had made a statement alleyier about how things are changing so dramtly with mobility, the way folks are getting around, with the ride share market and the car share market and scoot and now we've got e bikes to talk
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about and there's so many ways to get around. even from another perspective, it's going to make at thit easo take the train. there's all kind of ways i can imagine that are going to be reducing the demands for any vehicles. i feel for anybody who decides to drive to a game. i would imagine there's a critical mass of folks that are ready to take some other alternative transportation if they are presented to them, and we're on the verge of doing that, so i really appreciate you folks holding back, sounds like. last time i checked, i think it was something like $30,000 at least perspace, and if i did my math right, that's $90 million
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for the lot. it will allow you to do other wonderful things with that savings so make the project more wonderful in other ways. i'm wondering if this agency or this board particularly will have any kind of say or any kind of opportunity to revisit, once you make this decision, is this going to come back to us at all? maybe this is a question for staff. i apologize, but i thank you for your comments. >> we definitely have had conversations with director reiskin about others and having a collaborative planning process about fixing what we're going to do with the garage, so that's certainly anticipated and we're happy to come back and report at your request. >> thank you. congratulations. >> chairman brinkman: thank you. i will just note in terms of parking if you look at the tdm measures, there will be parking prices, and there will be
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bundled parking. >> it's a really wonderful tdm plan. i'm just thinking about the future. things are going to change and we're going to have all of those empty parking lots. right now some agencies are in a jam where they're having to finance empty lots, where it's a sunk cost and it's a burden on the communities. >> have it for the r.v.'s. >> chairman brinkman: all right. do i have a motion to approve? second? >> second. >> all right. all in favor. all opposed brimpg brink thank you. it's approved. thank you. we're all looking forward to seeing this as a successful project. >> going on, item 14, awarding contract r 212 r 1, to shimic contract to perform seismic strengthening in the twin peaks tunnel in the amount of
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40,980,000 for a term of 290 calendar days. >> for it's birthday, we're going to give it new tracks. >> i come before you to ask for the contract for 1282 r 1 be awarded to schimic conquest join venture. i have project managers here to discuss the contracts, the communications -- the communications construction mitigation plan and transit plan, if there's any follow up questions about the project, i'm also here to answer questions brimpg brink thank you. i see vice chair heinicke has moved the microphone. >> i have three questions in advance. two of them are unfair. so the first of the unfair questions is obviously, there's
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a history here, and we're learning as we're going and getting it right. are we confident that we now have a workable contract and that can go forward or are there concerns that we may have other issues that we need to as we go. >> -- address as we go. >> i would say we're confident. i think this is probably the most vetted capital construction project outside of something of the order of the central subway that this has to happen in an existing facility, not ours. i'm not going to sit here and say that you'll never hear about this project again, but there's been extensive work with transit, with communications, with community, with our engineering folks to try to set this up for success, and i think we're in as good a shape in that regard as we can expect to be. >> and is one of the things
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that maybe we've learned specific to this project is some of the things we can build in to give ourselves some flexiblity as we go? i certainly realize that a contract is a contract, but i guess that's my concern. we're going to get going, and i don't want to hit any snags. so are you confident that you have enough flexiblity in this contract to work with the contract if fur issues arise? >> i think so. we have a little bit of schedule contingency, and we have not to exceed an amount of weekend closures in addition to major shutdown to account for things that we might be able to do before or need to do after the major shutdown work is done, so we've tried to built in that flexiblity. we've got a lot of feedback over the course of the last couple years from kroos contra as well as from transit staff
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how to best plan for this project and provide for that flexiblity, so i think so. >> okay. that's a very helpful answer. i appreciate. that the small question, and i didn't see that in the report, and i wouldn't expect it to be. i've asked it two times before, and i'll ask it a third time. is there a plan to build a switch at the west portal tunnel so an outbound train can switch to outbound and reverse the shuttle without having to enter west portal or the st. francis circle. >> yes. so there will be a circle that will be installed as part of this project east of the west portal station. the expectatimanagement expect they will install the crossover, they'll work with the control system to incorporate it snoot control system so it can use in an auto
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mated way will lag, and we're still developing the contract to do that work. when this project issub tanlly complete, the crossover will be there. >> i ubds the logic of the new closure schedule. i get it, and the report was excellent. if we could just go over a little bit the communication plan because this -- i will say -- this is a mondstrous change. this is a very size believe way people are going to get around the city for those few months and the weekend. >> if i may, i'd like to introduce kelley mccoy who's
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from our communications department. the transit and communications department have been working closely together to make sure we not only have our transit in place because there's a considerable amount of work that needs to be done because there are so many different trains that go from downtown through the tunnel, but kelley has actually been -- she has actually attended almost four or five dozen different neighborhood and association meetings and is -- has organized our communications plan for the projects, so kelley, if you could answer. >> chairman brinkman: okay. miss mccoy? >> thank you. to answer a little bit more about the summer closer decisions, a lot of it had to do with rider capacity. a lot of it had to do with merchant consideration. we went to the merchants associations and asked if they could cherry pick a time of the
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year when this would happen, knowing full well it was going to be a major construction impact. both of those suggested that a summertime frame would be preferred, and we also wanted to be very aware of big events that are happening in these neighborhoods. castro has pride event every last week of june, and we wanted to be mindful of that as well as the demands of the west portal neighborhood which is not as busy during the summer months. >> i'm not thrilled of it ever being shut, but i understand it has to happen. i understand the when, but i guess what i'm trying to get at is if you could give me a little bit of overview of the plan for communication for this. i would imagine, just for starters, we're going to have full posters on both sides of the post portal, forest hill
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and castro street stations that there is a serious closure coming up, and we may want to start as soon as now and from there, what are we going to do? hopefully our friends in the media will pick this up and let folks know, but could you give me the one minute summary so that in june, no one is surprised how they get to work. >> as much as this construction project is focused on those three neighborhoods, woest portal, forest hill and castro, this is very much a citywide impact, and sister agencies as well as sister transit agencies will be included so we can address the wide range of transit choices for people coming in and out of the city. we will have signage on the
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stop, ambassadors. our noticing started way before this. we've been engaging with all of these neighborhoods, especially post portal and forest hill and castro. as you've alluded, this is not our first time at the rodeo. there are certain areas that know very well what's going on. there are plenty of neighborhoods that don't, and we intend on making contact with each and every along of them along the m and k and the l lines to make sure at the very least if you are somebody who never reads a sign when you walk into a muni station, you're constantly looking at your phone, you're not part of a merchant or a neighborhood association, you don't read next door, very least, there will be something that tells you, your train is not going to come. take a bus instead. we are covering this as much as we possibly can. >> okay. so on that -- and i'll try to wrap it up.
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i promise. one of the issues unrelated to this, and still i have to say hasn't been satisfied to my liking is the notion that we still have atrain announcements. i think a lot of the announcements are made at the stations, not necessarily to people on the trains. would it be possibly during maybe the back half of the month of may or maybe even in the entire month of may or the drivers on the trains -- i want to make sure we do everything we can do to make sure people aren't surprised. let's go to the people, the riders where they know they are, and like you say give them no chance to miss this communication. even if their head's in the phone the whole time, overhead announcements, that sort of
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thing. we don't need to design the plan here. that's just the one idea, and my request. and then, the second part about it is the transit alternative. you said we're coordinating with other agencies. is the plan shuttle buses to castro station from forest hill and west portal, is the plan linking people to the b.a.r.t. station at glen park or is the plan going to be essentially the same plan we have where there's a service disruption of shuttle buses and that sort of thing? and did i service disruption i mean planned service disruption. >> i'd like to introduce julie kirshbaum who can speak to that. >> chairman brinkman: thank you, miss kirshbaum. >> hi, everyone. i have a map i could project.
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>> chairman brinkman: yes, that would be great. thank you. >> -- where they will transfer to the train. likewise, customers coming from the m line will board a bus, and they will transfer at church. castro station, we didn't feel, could absorb the pedestrian traffic to have both lines, and we are going to be using
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60 foot buses on the l and 40 foot buses on the m just to give customers an additional indication of what vehicle to get on. customers coming from the k line will have an opportunity to take a train, they can take a train either all the way downtown. it'll be interlined with the j, or they can transfer the b.a.r.t. stations. we're also have a communications perspective anticipating that some of the m line customers, the mary customers may also choose to take the bus in the reverse direction to transfer the b.a.r.t., and we will very explicitly provide them the travel time so that they understand that that's a quicker trip, and we are working with b.a.r.t. to provide the morning customers a free transfer to make that connection easier.
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in the subway, we will be running a lot of service, essentially, a two-car train will show up at castro station about every four minutes to take customers, so that'll be a combination of two car tees that'll run from sunnydale to castro, and then a shuttle that'll run from embarcadero to castro, so there'll be every
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other train. so it'll be a good opportunity to see two car trains on the t line. as you know, that's something that we are working towards as the fleet grows. you may also notice on the map that there's this brlue line here is a -- it's a circulator, so in order to make the bus trips as direct as possible and also to minimize the vehicles, the m line will not go directly to forest hill station, and the l line will stop about 200 feet from the station at juliet -- my apologies. the -- flew out of my head. >> in front of the hospital or where?
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>> in front of the little -- >> in front of the dewey. >> thank you. because of the circulation and the time it takes to get up there. and we will not be able to serve directly woest portal station because of the construction. so the -- west postal station because of the construction, so there will be a small circulation of riders circulating forest hill. >> so the one thing -- i know you're the master at this, and -- but all the planning, are we confident that it is quicker to go from woepest por
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to castro street station as opposed to the b.a.r.t. station? i'm just thinking you've got somebody who's let's say is in west portal or st. francis circle. they want to get downtown quickly, and my concern with the disruption service that i've experienced personally is once you get to castro or wherever you're picking up the train, you're fine, but driving a bus around those hills and those streets, it's just very -- it takes a long time, and i personally have several times just gotten on the 52 or the 44 and gone to b.a.r.t. and found that to be quicker. so maybe i'm just wondering if there are some obstacles, other than to flood the glen park station. i'm just wondering if that has been explored. some of our riders -- they just
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want the quickest route. >> i think it's a great point. we could anticipate customers that are ambivalent between the enjuda, or the 44. that's part of the customer information that we'll make available. we also will have this loaded into the next bus, so the trip planner should also help people choose the faster route for them. >> in addition, the k line service will bring people to balboa park b.a.r.t. and the m line bus service, folks don't want to go inbound can go outbound to balboa park b.a.r.t. but those are long trips with stops. i guess what i'm just getting at is let's just take we west portal as the focus point.
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now for this inconvenience, you've got to go to the pepes westport al. we shouldn't be drawing maps from the board chairs, i get it, but i've got the communications of it. this is just one thing where i will say, i just want to make sure it's considered, because i think it might actually be faster. >> i will definitely look at it. thank you. >> thank you, vice chair li heinicke. >> chairman brinkman: i think as the bus messages goes out, i think it's important to note that not only this is coming, but why it's coming and what the goal of this is and what they're going to see in terms of increased speed and reliablity going forward. i think that is super valuable messaging. i think we're seeing it on canopy street with the b.a.r.t. at powell, and i think that
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>> good morning everyone. thank you for joining us here today. i'm honored to be here to announce my appointment of kathr kathryn stefani as our new district two supervisor. (applause) as you all know, i had the great fortune of growing up in district two, and this was the library i visited and the gym i played in as a child growing up. i lived here my entire life and i care deeply about the wellbeing of the residents of district two and safety and success of the neighborhoods. with that in mind, i could not be more confident in my
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appointment of kathryn as district two supervisor. no one knows district two better or cares more about the community. she served as a legislative aid for district two in city hall for nearly a decade and during that time, she fought for the best interests of the residents of district two, to her like it was to me, it is more than just a job, it is about representing the neighborhoods we live in and we're both raising our children in. she has lived in calhallow for 17 years and she and her husband are raising their kids. she's a familiar face in the community. she can recite the neighborhood organizations and all the people who represent them and understands the needs and concerns of our community, small businesses and commercial corridors and has a unique insight into the matters most
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important to san francisco residents and particularly those in district two. she's always been an admired representative of the district and has beelith her career on drafting policies and not playing politics and earned the respect of her colleagues and built numerous relationships with a broad ray of organizations and individuals. she will enter the board and the board meeting today in just a few hours, ready to roll for the residents of district two. (applause) for five years kathryn worked in my office as a legislative aid and i know she is the best qualified to represent our nake nake nakeds -- neighborhoods and i witnessed her tenacity.
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and i know she wants to work on homelessness and housing shortage. she will be a friend to small businesses in district two and a voice for our immigrant community in san francisco and a champion for public safety measures that matter to every single residents and especially the residents of district two. kathryn has been a fierce advocate for gun control laws, a national leader on this issue i know she'll carry forward at city hall. (cheering) she will make sure that our parks are maintained, our streets and sidewalks are cleaned, and our community centers are supported. from the moment she is sworn in, kathryn will be out there fighting for district two and the city. thank you for joining us today and i'm honored to introduce kathryn stefani and we'll do the
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>> wow, thank you everybody for being here today. thank you mayor for your confidence in me. this is an opportunity i did not see coming and one i can't pass up. my district needs a supervisor right now and i know the job. i know my community and i know the issues. i know how city hall works. and i am able to hit the ground running. before i spent nine years as a legislative aid in district two, i was advocating for our neighborhoods. the last two years i have been a
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department head in city hall as your county clerk that gives me a unique perspective on how the laws we pass are carried out and realized outside of the supervisor's chambers. what you don't immediately see on the resume is why. why have i chosen the life of public service, a life that began when my dad dropped me off at georgetown university at 16 years-old to intern for our congressman. i have always had a deep desire to better the lives from those around me. i come from a place of empathy and connection with others and sense of responsibility and obligation to be in service to others and most of all from an urgent need to act on serious issues that are facing my district, our city and nation as a whole. one of those serious issues
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being public safety. we all know the car break-ins in the city are out of control. when we moved into our house 17 years ago, broken glass on the street was a rarity. now it's a daily occurrence. just a few months ago my son's friend was mugged in the marina walking home from school. he's only in the 7th grade. the number of guns on our streets, the fact that our children now routinely face lockdown drills to plan in the event of a potential mass shooter is unacceptable. we have to do better. as a former prosecutor, i understand our criminal justice system and i understand that there must be consequences when people commit crimes. we must provide more resources for our police officers, our da's office and our courts so they can make a difference. the homeless issue in our city is a crisis, we all know that.
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my daughter cries every time she sees a homeless person. not because she's scared but because she's like me and it's hard for her to see someone suffer. we must see these individuals as human beings in need of help. i believe we can look to our nonprofits as models of what they're doing right. i served on the board of directors of the homeless prenatal program for six years and their program is something our city can learn from. i look forward to working on the issue day one. and all of the pressing issues facing district two and our city as a whole. i want to thank all of those who have supported me during this time and encouraged me to accept this position. it has been overwhelming and you cannot know how much it means to me. i want to thank lydia for being here today.
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she is an incredible friend and ally. (applause) and i want to thank andrea, president and founder of merge america for her support as well. (applause) and i see father ken over there, my son's entire 7th grade class, thank you for being out here as well. i look forward to working on your behalf. (applause) there's so many people i can thank and i will do so later. i cannot thank you all for your support and especially my husband, my children, we agreed to this as a family and we will do this as a family. thank you again mayor farrell for your confidence in me. it's not a job, it's not a title, it has always been a calling. i accept with an abundance of gratitude and promise to
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represent residents of district two with everything i've got. thank you. (cheering) (applause) >> mayor farrell: you're beginning to see why it's such a great appointment. catherine mentioned it, we are so lucky to have so many elected officials. father, thank you for being here. i did not see you in the background. amazing pastor. i want to thank mayor shaff for
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being here and i know you have a strong relationship with catherine. i would like to ask you up to say a few remarks. (applause) >> i met catherine -- sorry, supervisor -- (laughter) that sounds nice. supervisor. i met the supervisor in 2009 in the 2009 class of emerge california. we were both kind of awkward, dorky policy wonks who bounded immediately because we both had sons named dominic. that's pretty unusual, right? you were five, my dominic was four and gigi you were a hardly
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seen bump in the belly that grew over our class time and just as we emerged as graduates, so did you gigi. i can't tell you how fortunate you are san francisco to have this incredible leader. and she's incredible for two reasons that i'd like to focus on today. and, again, i apologize for not being more formal. when you sat in pajamas in a hotel room drinking wine and joking about our age differences, it is really hard to be formal right now with you supervisor. the first reason is -- i cannot think of a better word to describe it, this supervisor is a smarty pants. the amount of knowledge and experience that she is bringing to this position is unparallel.
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you will find many with passion in their hearts and a commitment to take on these challenges but i cannot think of anyone who brings the resume of actually how to effect change within the city and county government. this is what sets this supervisor apart. and finally i do have to mention that she is a mother. that we are in a moment, the #metoo moment where we must have uncomfortable conversations and lift up people from the non dominate identity to shed light and to chart a path for a more equitable, welcoming, inclusive society and that must start from leadership. (applause)
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i can speak from experience that doing this job as a mother is hard. it will not be easy. and when supervisor stefani said that you as a family made this decision together, you as a family will be doing this job together. i ask everyone here in whatever space is part of your tradition to lift up this family in your prayers. the job of a public official, we all know is a hard one. every day we get up with the hope to solve the unsolvable and we will break the intrackable. every day we get up with that
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hope and we do it in a public way, with people screaming in our faces, we do it because we know it's the right thing to do. but it is hard and it is very is public. and so, please just know -- i'm sorry, what a bad ass your mom is. she really is. she is doing this job for all the right reasons, equip with an unbelievable arsenal of experience and with just a sharp brain and a warm heart that is going to make her so incredibly successful. it is my incredible honor to welcome you, to say congratulations in this moment, not just as an emerge sister or fellow elected official, but
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someone i am really proud to lift up as supervisor of the city and county of san francisco. (applause) >> mayor farrell: thank you. i want to acknowledge all the elected officials here today, president london breed. (applause) supervisor safai. our district attorney george gaston. supervisor aaron peskin. supervisor katy tang. supervisor hillary ronen. supervisor kim. in representing district two, one of the great pleasures is working with our amazing
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neighborhood groups and we have some amazing people serving on the boards and amazing leaders that have dedicated their lives leading the neighborhood groups and i want to introduce one of them, she's been amazing to work with, i know she's a good friend of catherines and president of the cal-hallow association, laurie brooks. (applause) >> hello everyone. this is a complete honor that you have even asked me to do this. i will be a little more formal because i don't want to miss anything. i first met catherine in 2003 when she joined the association board. she was pregnant with her first shylocke child. when i joined a few years early, i too was pregnant with my first child. most people would say that's bad timing to join a board. but in fact, we not only gave
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birth to our children, we gave birth to ourselves as community leaders. catherine took her legal and political experience and dove in and was a tremendous asset to our board. it didn't take long for others to notice her talent. and of course she was snapped up to be an aid and the work she did during the tenure gave her the immediate open door to be working for mark. she proved herself as a capable leader. it was a loss to our board but tremendous gain to the district. catherine is smart, she's responsive, she's diplomatic, she's empathetic and she's fiercely protective of the neighborhood's interest. she's a tri athlete that shows
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how goal oriented she is. she can endure pain and get past the finish line, limping all the way. all these traits and that enormous resume she has will serve the district well. and congratulations to mark for becoming our interim mayor and thank you for standing by our side for the last eight years. you have always guided and supported the neighbors in whatever issues we brought to you, including things like zoning, lombard street, undergrounding of wires, cell phone tires, parking, traffic, crime, all of it. when we approached mark, he would say what are the issues and how can i support you. sometimes it was pressure that wouldn't benefit him long-term politically but he would stand by us and catherine by his side
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to make it happen. you are leaving the district in good hands by choosing a very worthy successor. catherine has earned this appointment. her nine years as a legislative aid for district two gives her the credentials and respect. it's almost an embarrassment of riches to have this window of time with catherine as supervisor and mark as the mayor, let's work together these next several months to make a positive lasting impact on san francisco. catherine as your friend and fellow community organization, i look forward to continuing to raise our families in san francisco and by example, teach our babies who are now young adults and their friends how to protect and preserve the quality of life in our wonderful city by the bay. thank you. (applause)
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>> mayor farrell: great job. so that concludes our program and catherine and i -- supervisor stefani, apologies, and i would be happy to answer a few questions. >> [indiscernible] >> mayor farrell: the one thing i know, supervisor stefani is going to be attentive to every issue inside district two. i would suggest off line we have the conversation and make sure she's up to speed. thank you. anybody else? >> [indiscernible]
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>> i do. i will be running. (cheering) >> mayor farrell: and vick, let me add to that for a second, my number one goal in criteria thinking about district two was having someone in this seat who would represent the neighborhoods of district two the best. whether that person wanted to run for office or not and catherine does and she has my full support and there is nobody better to represent the residents of district two than supervisor stefani. if nothing else, have a great day everybody. ♪ ♪
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>> good afternoon. welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors land use and transportation committee meeting for january 8, 2018. i'm mark farrell chairing the committee joined by commission peskin and commissioner tang and i want to thank sf gof -- gov for announcing the documents. >> items acted upon will appear on the january 23 board of supervisors
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