tv Government Access Programming SFGTV February 13, 2018 6:00am-7:01am PST
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speaking of budget you said the word. that is what i'm here for. how is everybody doing. this is black history month. i am here to talk about black history month. my god you are not sick today, are you? i feel g.i started with black history month to give me a past. i am in the back because i am black. ain't nothing wrong. tell your mom i am doing it for her.
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i been doing it for what? let's go back in history, chief. chief scott, i am going to tell you things they have not in this history here. you sitting in that seat. only one that's been here is marshall over there. in the history going way back to the shooting and killing. and in 2007 when newsome was here and the force was out of control ill can -- killing us black folks all over here. and she had to resign from the p.l.a. and i know what she had to say. it's racist. you might hear what i want to say. in black history. history. ♪ and black history. hee, hee, we got nothing. hee. ♪ hee. listen, may ed lee rest in peace. but i'm here to talk about the pimps on the streets.
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i know a lot of you all can't understand what i am up here talking about, but this is free speech. hold up, captain. i'm in your arena, but you better ask somebody, hey, there's a memo out, chief. and memo eight got a memo and it ain't been opened yet from my do dossier of the city by the bay. and black history, chief. i tell you what they have not. because you come from the same city, right? gascon he was the chief before you, but listen, i got a story to tell. i got three seconds. my name is ace and i'm on the case. whooo! right on time. >> okay. any other comments, songs, solos, performances? spoken word -- >> related to budget?
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>> an i got something to say. >> is it on the budget? >> here is what is on the budget. >> you're right. let it go, sister. >> so anyway, i'm talking about my son, even though i am going to do public comment, too, but i'm not going to sing. i don't come here to sing. i mean, if you can listen to him, you can listen to me. my birthday is coming up on the 14th, february 14th, and it is not a good day. 14 is when my son was murdered. i'm still asking for justice for my son, and his murder and his murders to come to -- for him to be arrested. i like to use the overhead. these are the perpetrators that murdered my son. thomas hannibal, paris moffett, jason thomas, anthony carter, and marcus carter.
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these guys are still out there running the street, except for one of them. these names are just not pulled out of a hat. these are on any son's case. even mayor gavin newsome said it. they know who killed my son. the police know who killed my son, so when are we going to get justice for my son? when am i going to get help? every year i come here. every wednesday i come here. i look on the board just to see if this place is going to be open today. and if you are not here, i like to where you're going to go. so i can be there. and i'm saying this now and i'm stepping up now because i'm not going to be able to be here next week, so maybe i will speak twice. i still need justice for my son. he was a 17-year-old boy. murdered in the streets of san francisco where all other murders are p hahhing, and nothing is happening to these people of color.
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and and i keep saying if i was a white woman or if my son was a white boy, would his case be solved? i still ask that. and i'm not singing about it. i'm not happy about it. this is not about a budget. this is about a mother that's coming here every weekend with my grandchildren asking for justice for her son. i have other grandchildren. yes, i do. but i will never forget this one. i never forget this boy right here. he didn't deserve to die. he didn't deserve to be shot down in the street like a dog, and nobody's doing anything about it. and then when i come here, i get told i only have so many minutes. i only have this, but you can get up here and you can laugh at everybody else. but when i get up here, i get pushed off. so now from now on i'll just keep talking.
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what are you going to do? arrest me? i have nothing else. i'm going to keep asking for justice for my son. i'm never going to stop. i need help. i need these posters out there. i will talk in public comment also. >> any other public comment? on or off the budget? hearing none, public comment is now closed. okay. so the motion to i a prove the budget was made by commissioner melara, seconded by commissioner mazzucco. is that correct, secretary kilshaw? okay. all in favor?
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any opposed? motion carries. director, you have our approval on the budget. thank you so much for being here. all right. next item, secretary kilshaw. >> item five, discussion and possible action to approve draft revised department general order 3.01. written communication system for purposes of engaging in the meet and confer process with the police officers association. discussion and possible action. >> commissioners, now, we have already discussed at length this particular d.g.o. and its revisions as you will recall. we did not vote on it because it had not been posted the requisite amount of day. it has now been posted the requisite amount of days, but if there is further comment or xhe on it, i think -- further comment or question on that, that is now.
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>> i would move to pass the matter based on our prior conversations. >> second. >> okay. moved by commissioner mazzucco. seconded by commissioner marshall. public comment. hopefully on d.g.o. 3.01. oh lord, it better be 3.01. >> what the hell is going on? putting me under arrest for public comment? >> please forgive me. don't arrest me. i can't breathe. come on now. don't do that to me. this is black history month. excuse me, and excuse me. if i'm out of order, excuse me. i am going to two or three -- >> do you have a comment on dgo3.01? begin now. >> as long as i get a chance for public comment? >> that is next. >> thank you. >> 3.01.
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hearing none, public comment is now closed. commissioners, it's been moved by mazzucco. seconded by marshall. i'm sorry. commission commission commission commission commission commissioner hirsch has a comment. >> there is a word that bothers me in the document and i want to suggest we change it. on page 6, it says when a bulletin substantially modifies a general order, it goes on and will be submitted to the police commission. i don't like the word substantially. i don't think that is the intent of the charter. a bulletin is not supposed to be able to substantially modify a general order or modify an order at all. to me if we take the word substantially out and it will come to the commission, and i would prefer that. i don't know what substantially mean, and it is open to abowusa.
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i would make a motion to amend this document by deleting that word substantially. >> you have to make a motion -- you have to ask the maker of the motion to accept your amendment. >> well, if we're following robert's rules of order, i don't actually. >> what i will do at this point in time is move to amend my motion to eliminate the word substantially as described by commissioner hirsch. that is a very good catch on his part. there should be no modification. i move based on that with that change. >> i will second it again. >> yes. >> all set. you two good? okay. >> we're god. >> all right. and i don't have to go back to public comment now, do i? okay. all in favor? any opposed? okay. with that modification, d.g.o. 3.01 is approved by this commission and proceeds to the
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meet and confer process as outlined on the agenda item. next agenda item. >> item six, general public comment. the public is welcome to address the commission regarding items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but that are within the subject matter jurisdiction. speakers shall address to the remarks to the commission as a whole and not to department or dpa personnel. under police commission rules of order, during public comment, rather police or dpa personnel nor commissioners are required to respond to questions presented by the public but may provide a brief response. individual commissioners and police and dpa personnel should refrain, however, from entering into any debates or discussion with speakers during public comment. please limit your comments to three minutes. >> an actually, this is not a comment, but i will.
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i came here speaking as an african-american, black, negro, and i am a little upset. slow down. my intentions were good and hopefully you have the power, mr. chairman, to allow me an extra minute. you have the power to do that. no, you can do that. a lot of you are looking over here. and allow me for black history month. i'm going to say something good because i want to let you all be aware i am doing the black month in city hall by the bay so our community knows who is here and who is who in city hall. is that okay with you? see, see, chief, i came up here, two things, to be kind of uplifting because you doing a hell of a good job, boss. and we already know in the paper because i read. it's gone and now the feds is gone and the state is watching over you all. you dealing with issues here and this sister right here, unsolved case, and dealing with all this stuff, but i am up here
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something up here. and one, two, three, four, and commend for black history month. i have to waste my time and two minutes is up, but the bottom line is, number one, i would like to file a complaint against this department, chief. because i'm upset now. give me an extra minute. of corruption. racism. and probably don't know what the hell is going on here. marshall and you supposed to be -- i'm coming to your office. i wouldn't be coming up here. then i got to deal with -- i'm a senior. but what your officers have done, chief, and here at city hall. it's a bomb buster. i'm not going to release it yet. this the most scandalous thing happened to a black man in black history month that the law enforcement are involved with, the police, the sheriffs, public defender. who was else involved in here?
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all your police department, and gaston, and the scandal, and hold up. it's in the memo. everybody going to want to know what's in that memo. it's going to be the biggest scandal here in the city with the police department on the same day when the state say they going to come and take it away and the feds take it away. the oversight, chief. chief scott, i am going to tell you a thing they have not. the history. you got a brother over there, marshall, you sitting back there. hold up, mother. you going to have to talk, black history month. you been there through the shootings and the experience and i have the pictures of the chiefs there, and sit back and you sit back like you don't want to be part. you a part of them. hold up. the commissioner, she done switched over here to the sheriff's department trying to defend the sheriff over there.
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. >> can you please? i'm tired, too. it's done. next. next speaker please. i'll schedule you time at the next meeting. next meeting. you're wasting my time, too. call the sheriffs please. call the sheriff's office, please. get them up here. next speaker please. can you wait over there? next speaker please. >> marshall, you wouldn't have done that, would you? i know you wouldn't have done
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that, boss man. >> okay. i just wanted to bring up some more things about my son and show some pictures. i would like to use the overhead again. la last time i brought up these names, and i do want to show these names again. i'm still waiting for my inspector to call me. i have not heard from him to tell me what's going on with my son's case. he has all these names of the perpetrators that murdered my
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son. i'm asking for something like this be put on the buses or put at the bus barns or somewhere, wherever when they was murdered and this is something they did before and to happen for not just my son, but all other unsolved homicides, but right now i am here concerning my son. and also i need you to know my son went to school. saint dominick's catholic school. he graduated from there. and went to gateway high. he was a good boy. he wasn't in trouble because i wouldn't allow it. but all of my protection couldn't save him. everything i did, tuition,
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school payments, couldn't save h him. so i'm living without a child. my only son. i'm still asking for closure for my only son. the perpetrators are still running the street. i say i forgive them, but i still want justice. i want them to go to jail and think about what they've done. they're walking around and having families. i'm just not fighting for my child. there's other families and mothers and fathers up there that's lost their children, and none of these cases are solved. you got former mayor saying i know who killed your son. the d.a. know who killed her son. the police know who killed her son. you put this in the paper be u you do not -- paper, but you do nothing about it, so it's a slap in the face to me.
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i'm bringing this because i want you to see this is what i feel. people ask me, why do you carry those pictures? because i want you to see how i feel. i wouldn't wish this on the perpetrator's mother. this is what i have to deal with. this is life. this is real life. i'm not singing to you. this is real life. so help me. >> further public comment? good evening. >> good evening, commissioners and chief scott. tammy bryant, district five. i just came tonight to just make a few general comments. i am still really disappointed about the tasers vote. i think this is not a good step to take, and i want to say i have also still been having good incidents or observations with
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the police officers. i really do see a change in culture. i have seen people being pulled over where they were getting veriage tated and it was -- getting very agitated and a black man and pulled over by the federal building and he was really antagonistic and yet the officers maintained their cool. and i do look at anything a traffic stop or anything because they can always escalate, so i want to commend the chief and police department because i do see the changes. and just again, i just feel that the taser, i know it's a done deal and been voted on, but i just think it wouldn't be necessary as much as you step up the other processes and methodologies that you are implementing. and i also want to make a pitch that i am understanding that we do need some new cars for our officers. and thank you. >> thank you. further public comment. seeing none, public comment is now closed.
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ceremony kilshaw, may i have the next line item please. >> item seven is public comment on all matters pertaining to item 9 below, closed session, including public comment on vote whether to hold item nine in closed session. >> secretary, for my own edification, will we be asserting the attorney-client privilege in closed session? i don't believe so. >> not tonight. >> members of the public, we are about to go into closed session to consider some personnel matters. to do that, we are going to take a vote to whether or not we should do so. and we ask for your comment with regard to whether or not we should go into closed session. so any public comments on the fact we are about to go into a closed session? seeing none, public comment is now closed.
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next line item. >> item eight, vote on whether to hold item nine in closed session. san francisco administrative code section 67.10, action. >> i move that we hold the item in closed session. >> second. >> moved by commissioner melara. seconded by commissioner marshall. all in favor? any opposed? thank you, ladies and gentlemen. members of the public, we are ump back on the record in open session and you still have a quorum. >> next line item. >> vote to elect whether to discussion item 9. code section 67.12 a action. >> i vote not to disclose.
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>> (clapping.) >> in san francisco the medical examiner performs the function of investigating medical and legal that occurs with the city and county of san francisco from a variety of circumstances in san francisco there is approximately 5 thousand deaths annually i'm christopher director for the chief mr. chairman the chief my best testimony a at the hall of justice on 870 drooint street that is dramatically updated and not sufficient for the medical chairman facility i've charles program manager public works should a earthquake of a major are proportion occurs we'll not continue to perform the services
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or otherwise inhabit the building before the earthquake. >> we're in a facility that was designs for a department that functions and in the mid 60s and friends scientific has significantly changed we've had significant problems with storage capacity for evidence items of property and also personal protective if you're doing a job on a daily basis current little storage for prirjs are frirnlsz we're in an aging facility the total project cost forever ever commercial is $65 million the funding was brought by a vote of go bond approved by the voters and the locations is in the neighborhood the awarded contract in 2013 and
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the i'm the executive director we broke ground in november 2015 and that started with the demolition of existing facility we moved into the foundation and january so pile foundation and then with second construction of the new facility. >> one of the ways that we keep our project on time on budget and we're having quality to have regular meeting and the variety of meetings with construction process meeting as well as cost of control meeting and i'm a project manager for public works the office of chief commercial we want walk the project site when we sign up and also with a contractor insinuates for a change over we need to verify what or what was instead of. >> the building is 42 feet
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tall so it is two stories and 46 thousand square feet roughly we're that's a great question to be on time and budget have the roof complete a the exterior moving with the site work. >> and as you can see we've got a lot of the interior finishes installed. >> in an effort of an differentiate the facility that designed to work for 72 hours. >> not taking into account there was a lot of structural updates made into this building not seen in other construction throughout san francisco or other barriers we have friday morning examiners from 8 to one public comment monday to friday because of air circulation we literally have to shut the doors and so the autopsy is done without staffing being able to come and go or exit the space and literally lock down the
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autopsy in the new facility we have bio build one door opens and closed behind you you can gown up and go through a second seizures of doors that has its own independent air supply and now in the exterior opt space having that middle space have greater flexibility of staff as they move in and out of the area. >> in the current facility investigative unit has small tiny, tiny place in the area of the new facility is almost doubled in all divisions from the current facility and the new facility. >> the planning we have here gives them the opportunity to have the pool needs to complete theirs jobs in a much more
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streamlined fashion. >> we're looking forward to have secured parking to minimize the egress of you know visiting and the members of the public but really to minimize the investigators remaining remains from our advancing and so the facility. >> we have a new visitors area we're building that is a little bit more friendly to families. >> one thing you may notice in the room no windows there is no natural light not good for most autopsy but in the new facility at new hall we made that an objective they want to insure we were able to look up in the middle of exam and see the sky and see natural
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lights. >> that's one of the things the architect did to draw in as much light as possible. >> we have staff here onsite we insure the design of the new design enables the investigators and other investigators skiefksz to consider to house on site this meant we needed to design and plan for locker room facilities and shower rooms the ability to sleep. >> third of the construction going into the building has been by contributions of small businesses. >> part of the project is also inclusive to the sidewalk have all new sidewalks and new curve cuts and landscaping around the building we'll have a syrup in front of the building and rain guardian. >> the medical examiner's office has been a several if in their contributions of the
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understanding the exception and needs. >> it's a building that the chief medical examiner has been looking forward to quite a few of the. >> it is extremely valuable contribution to the, neighborhood address san francisco as a whole. >> the building will allow is to have greater very much and serve the city and county of san francisco and the neighboring >> mayor farrell: first i want to start off on this amazing san francisco day by thanking phil tinge in securing the $10 million funding allocation for the state and overall support for the homelessness initiatives. i want to thank seniors ronen,
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cohen and kim. and their willingness to open these crucial centers in their districts and be part of the vote to accept and expend the $10 million of funding. i want to acknowledge david chu for his commitment to tackling california's issues up in sacramento and homeless issues as well. we're honored to have great leaders just as tinge and chu up in sacramento representing the members of san francisco. we're all here because we understand that our city like our cities across the state of california, is undergoing a homelessness crisis. our streets and sidewalks are filled with people who are struggling with mental health challenge, drug addiction and poverty. this cannot be the status quo. it cannot be the new normal and it is not something we're going to accept here in san francisco.
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homelessness is a complex issue that requires a full gamut of solutions. we have to prevent people from losing their homes and we're doing such great work as a city, when you think about the move assistance programs, the eviction prevention programs and the grants we have that remove barriers to housing. we're doing that work here in san francisco. in the unfortunate circumstances where people do lose their homes, we have to pursue measures that are successful and proven here in the city of san francisco. such as our homeward bound and navigation centers, truly working to save the lives of people on the streets every day. these centers are a crucial part of the program in san francisco, compassion. but commonsense in addressing homelessness. we cannot allow our residents, those that are living on our streets to live in unsanitary,
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inhumane tent encampments. nobody is getting better sleeping in a tent at night. we have to do everything we can to get people off the streets and into better lives. since our first navigation center opened, we have taken 2000 people off the streets. with the help of this funding, we're going to open two new navigation centers that will provide 250 new beds, helping our goal as a city to move one thousand people off the streets this winter. these are impressive numbers, but our navigation centers and our efforts as city are not about numbers, they're about individuals, about helping those individuals on the streets. as i said before, these are our mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, we need to do everything we can to help get them onto better lives. we're lucky to be joined today
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and i'm honored to have standing by me,up. i want to tell you about john's story. john was served here at the dog patch and this morning got amazing news, since moving in the bay area 19 years old, john has experienced homelessness and drug abuse challenges, but last year he was put in touch with the navigation center and his life has turned around. he's been a model resident. acquired all the documents, social security card, mental health certification, his birth certificate. applied for every program including receiving his cal fresh benefits. he kept all his scheduled points with his case manager and complied with all scheduled mental health meetings. all that hard work and commitment has now paid off. just this morning, john told me, he was notified that he has been given a place in the supportive housing unit here in san francisco. [applause]
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and here's the notice. this is what we're talking about. this is the benefit of our navigation centers. taking individuals who are living homeless on our streets, people like john, who we need to embrace as a city and now we have the proof and now john is going to be into housing. that is what we need to do in san francisco time and time again. it's the reason why we continue to support our navigation centers. why we continue to thank all the staff that are here today that work in the navigation centers, that john has worked with so closely over the past few months. and these are the reasons why we're so grateful to assembly member tinge for his hard work in sacramento to secure the funding for these two navigation centers in san francisco. and to everybody here on the board of supervisors for working together on the initiatives.
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it is what we need to do in the city of san francisco and it's what we're doing in the city of san francisco. there is no better proof than hearing the stories and seeing the piece of paper with john's name on it and individuals getting into housing. with that, i want to introduce our great partner in san francisco and worked to get the funding, assembly member, phil ting. >> thank you very much, mr. mayor. i just wanted to thank you personally. you've been fighting on this issue during your entire time in office and during the entire time on the board, it's been your number one issue. i also wanted to thank the three other supervisors, cohen, ronen and kim. they have been incredible advocates. tireless advocates on this issue and every day having a
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laser-like focus. i wanted to acknowledge my partner in sacramento, a housing warrior, we've been working up there not just to fight homelessness, but tacking this housing crisis that has been affecting us. i know jeff sparks is here from senator weiner's office. thank you for being here, senator weiner couldn't be here. they're at a senate democratic caucus retreat today unfortunately. but as we know, homelessness is a crisis, not just in san francisco, but up and down the state. we talked about 7500 people who are homeless today. a couple thousand people every single night on our streets in every single neighborhood. i live on the west side and the west side is not immune to homelessness at all. if you go take a walk through, run through golden gate park, you see a number of folks who have used that as their nightly
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bedroom. i had a homeless person who decided to sleep in my car for a little while because they were looking for shelter when it was parked in front of my house. this is an issue that has touched every one of us. i agree with the mayor, we cannot accept this as the new normal. l.a. has a homeless population around 40-50,000 people. that would be a medium-sized city here in the bay area. we know this is not just a city problem, it's no a county problem, this is not a state problem, it's a federal problem and we know in california we have to do our part and step up to the plate. that's why i was so proud to work with the supervisors, the mayors office in making sure we got $10 million for navigation centers, for housing tied to services, for housing that is meant not just to be temporary
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shelter, but shelter that is going to move people like john onto more permanent solutions, so they don't have to choose where to sleep tonight. they can have a life moving forward. and that's why i'm so excited to work with the city that really gets it. this is something that is not just happening in san francisco. we had a number of colleagues. we funded navigation centers in elk grove, in modeso county. people are popping up on their doors steps, in their streets, in their parks. they're looking for help. we hear that message in sacramento. we're going to be working hard this year to tackle this issue, which is a statewide and national issue and we cannot accept we have people on the streets every single night, counting that as their bedroom. we have to do something about it. we cannot accept that as an
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alternative or as something that is ok to happen in san francisco or really anywhere in california. so, with that, let me turn it offense -- over to my colleague, david chu, who has been a real partner in this effort. [applause] >> i had a san francisco experience this morning, my first interview with my son, 2 years old, for nursery school, i'm sorry about that. but i know today is in part a celebration for john. and i want to congratulate you for what we just learned, but we're here because there are still thousands of san franciscans, men, women, children, families. there are hundreds of thousands of californians who are suffering every day on the streets of our golden state.
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there is so much more that we need to do to address this. phil referred to the fact this is not just a crisis in san francisco, it's a crisis in california. when i went to the legislature in 2014, we had the highest rates of homelessness in the country here in california. 20% of america's homeless here in our state. today, that statistic is 25%. in 2014, one out of three, chronically homeless americans live in california. today that statistic is 42%. the crisis that has been here in our city is now all over the state. we read about hepatitis a outbreaks in san diego, but e. coli in the american river, near the sacramento delta. we read about the pain and suffering that we're seeing everywhere, every corner of our state. i want to take a moment and thank all of the men and women behind us who have come together
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with this, starting with phil ting. it's been amazing partnership working with him, trying move forward an agenda that addresses not just our houses crisis but homelessness crisis. as well as all the supervisors, the mayor, the department heads, the leaders moving this forward. san francisco is leading the way when it comes to pioneering this model of navigation centers and that is incredibly important. we know the work is not going to end here. last year, we were fortunate to move forward a historic housing package that creates a permanent source of funding for housing. this year, half of that money is going to address homelessness around the state of california. i want to thank governor brown for signing a bill, housing for california which pilots the idea that supportive housing after navigation centers is the most
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effective way to take care and take folks off the street. that being said, the work is not ending. i know every elected official here is continuing to strive to make sure that some day we don't have anyone who is homeless on our streets. phil and i have more things we're going to say on the topic, but i want to thank all of you for being part of the compassion that is the city of st. francis. thank you very much. >> good afternoon, everyone. my name is hillary ronen, i'm the supervisor of district 9, which includes the mission district which has been plagued by tent encampments in many years. as in john's case, the only thing that really solves homelessness is housing. but the thing that solves street homelessness, people living in tent encampments on our street, dangerous conditions and squalor
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are navigation centers. i'm so proud of the work i did with phil ting. when i got into officer a year ago and was able to security the temporary navigation sent which allowed us to reduce the number of tents in the mission from at a high before the navigation center opened, of 246 tents, to today, or actually yesterday, of 40 tents in the mission. that work was only possible because we opened that temporary navigation center. i did that together with noou ryu and jeff co-sin ski. we opened that center to solve the crisis in the mission, but we know we only have that center for a certain amount of time. i wasn't to phil ting, the chair
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of the budget committee and i said, please help us get the funds to find a replacement navigation center for wen this one closes. he said absolutely, we cannot only have temporary solutions, we need permanent solutions and he went and was able to obtain a record amount of money for san francisco to deal with our homelessness crisis, $10 million. which is now allowing us to open not just one navigation center when 1515 south closes down, but two. one will be on bay shore and the other at division circle. so i just wanted to thank the assembly member for really stepping up to the plate in unprecedented ways. i want to thank my two colleagues on the board, supervisor cohen who had to go to another appointment, who is the supervisor of district 10.
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where we are, the dog patch navigation sent. and supervisor kim, the supervisor of district 6 who hosts the majority of homelessness services and other types of intervention in her district. districts 6, 9 and 10 take the bulk of this problem and offer up the solutions in our city. we do want to see more geo graphic equity and we'll be looking at that as we all work together to achieve our former mayor ed lee's dream of adding one thousand new navigation center beds in our city. so we can truly once and for all end the street encampment crisis that plagues san francisco. with that, i turn it over to supervisor kim. thank you. [applause]
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>> thank you, supervisor ronen. many of the comments have been made, but i want to thank assembly member ting and chu for their leadership in sacramento. homelessness is a statewide issue, it is not just a san francisco issue. we will never solve homelessness if we treat it just as a regional issue. we absolutely must have a statewide solution. and as was mentioned previously, we host close to 20-25% of the entire nation homeless count in this state. i want to thank both of them for leading the first grant ever for navigation centers here in san francisco, which will get us a quarter, 25% of the way there, to mayor ed lee's goal of getting one thousand people off the streets into navigation centers. i want to thank the residents in districts 6, 9 and 10 who have been generous, understanding,
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that in order to get people off the street, we need to place navigation centers in their neighborhoods by their home. the district where i represent, where supervisor ronen mentioned, we see 50% of the homeless count and the vast majority of our homeless services and shelter beds. i want to thank our residents for being open-minded and saying yes to more navigation centers and shelters, instead of saying no we don't want to be part of the solution. i also want to recognize the staff that do this work on the front lines every day. this work is incredibly difficult and i know we have some of the members of the episcopal community services behind us here today. i was reminded by two of the staff members that the night that i stayed at next door shelter, they were staffing the night i was there. and i have to say that everybody
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treated we with dignity and respect. that i was a member of the board of supervisors. and how important it is to create an environment that creates more trust and respect and not less. because people won't accept services if we don't do it the right way. finally, as supervisor ronen mentioned, i want to thank my two sister colleagues in 9 and 10 who are accepting more shelters and services. not just accepting it, but fighting for it and asking for it. we cannot solve this issue if the entire city isn't a part of that. and we have to make sure we're addressing homelessness both as an economic issue, but also a public health issue as well. we have to continue to serve our population, providing medically appropriate services, so that we can help more folks end up in supportive housing like john here today. thank you very much to everyone.
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this is a really major effort and this is going to go a long way toward us meeting our goals. thank you. [applause] >> good morning, everyone, jeff can the department of homelessness and supportive housing. thank you for being here today. and i just wanted to point how difficult it is to get these centers open and how difficult it is to operate them. and it really does take this entire city coming together to make this happen. i want to thank the neighbors of the dog patch. i don't know if anybody is here. the dog patch community neighborhood association has been incredible and helpful and i want to thank the staff of ecs and providence foundation. providence is here on site providing service, cooperating the site, along with ecs, as well as the partners from the human services agency, and the department of public health, who i believe are here today. they're also providing services,
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enrolling people in benefits and providing them with medical care. i want to thank the port. this is on porlt property and the port was gracious to work with us to make sure we were able to secure the property for the next three years to operate the navigation centre and the folks standing up here, the department of public works, helped identify the site, made sure it was going to work, designed it and this is a beautiful facility. really, really well thought out and then built the site and made sure it got built fast. probably in record time despite multiple challenges we had with utilities and other things. they did an amazing job and also their ongoing work lepping to keep the -- helping to keep the streets clean. supervisor ronen has been just a fierce champion for navigation
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centers in her district and city-wide and helped make this funding possible by working with assemblyman ting and to make sure it got used in the best way possible. in terms of the size of the sites. i don't know how to thank you, 250 new beds, going serve thousands of people a year. thanks to you and your advocacy. we would not have had the funds to do this without your advocacy, that's a thousand people we're going to be able to help thanks to you and your leadership and muhammad and supervisor ronen. mayor farrell has picked up the torch from mayor lee. normally, we serve about 7,000 people in shelter every year. we're housing 2000 people a year
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and now we're going to assist an additional thousand above that thanks to mayor lee's vision and mayor farrell's support. and pushing us to move this forward. assemblyman chu is also really doing the important work as homelessness is about housing. and he has taken incredible leadership at the state level to building affordable housing and housing at all levels, because tend of the day, navigation centers don't solve homelessness, housing solves homelessness. we have del up here, he is the head of the local coordinating board that oversees the funding that we have in the city for homelessness and director and formerly homeless himself. and supervisor kim i believe had to leave. she has been supportive and
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really amazing around the issue of women experiencing homelessness and have had us expand for women who are homeless. that nav center will have a special section for women, and a new program that are serving women who are homeless and pregnant. and certainly not least, supervisor cohen who is the chair of the budget committee and has been supportive of facility opening in her district. this one and another one opening up. has been working with our department to ensure we have the funding we need to move forward and achieve our goals as a city. thank you all very much for being here tonight. today. we appreciate you all being here. i think we can, folks want to take a look at the nav center, a few at a time, we can do a walk through if you want to see the site. [applause]
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