tv Government Access Programming SFGTV February 17, 2018 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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clean triple axel. this was the first time thaw nailed this tricky move in public in a competition. we're so proud of you. the city and county of san francisco wants to acknowledge you for the dedicated concentration on making the city and hometown so proud. and we're looking forward to you growing as an athlete. i know you hope to join our team in the 2022 beijing winter olympics and we'll be cheering for our home grown san franciscan. so thank you so much for being here today. i want to give you an opportunity to speak. but you know, he was most recently quoted -- i talk about this because you hail from our neighborhood and you know, people think so many things about it, but i appreciate you love the neighborhood and you said you're not afraid of where you live and you can do anything you want given concentration, effort and leadership.
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and i just want to thank you, at such a young age, for being such a role model for all of us here. >> thank you, thank you. [applause] hi, everyone, thank you for coming. i'm din tran, i'm 16. i go to high school. i've been skating for 12 years. i'm a national and international competitor. and i would hike to take you through my journey of figure skating. so i started when i was 4. my mom took me to the rink. and i skated with my friends and my mom, she kept taking me and i just really enjoyed it and had lots of fun and smiled and right then she knew that i loved figure skating. i continued to train and she worked out time schedule with my
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coach. and i've been training with him for ten years. and then i switched coaches to jeffrey. and i've been working with him for two years. and i've been really pushing myself to try to get to the top. and sometimes it's hard, but the thing that pushes me and tells me not to give up is that i have to understand that figure skating is hard. and that nothing is easy and if everything was easy, then everyone would be doing it. and so i tell myself to push harder. if you want to be better than everyone, you have to push yourself to train harder, faster and better. and that has really inspired me. and recently i competed in land to represent -- poland to
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represent team u.s.a., that was a great experience because i got to compete against skaters from other countries. and nationals, i pushed myself to try to land the triple axel. and that has really been a huge goal for me. and just looking up to nathan chen, he's top skater right now, and competing at the olympics. that has inspired me. sometimes i lack motivation and i watch the top skaters and that helps me a lot, one of my favorites is nathan chen. i try to be like him, but in my own way, so that really pushes me to attempt quads. and try to improve. and yeah, right now, my hope is to make it to the olympics and hopefully 2020. 2022 olympics. and yeah, i would like to thank everyone for coming. [applause]
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congratulations, again, we'll watch you on tv at the olympics. congratulations. >> next up, we have supervisor fewer. >> supervisor fewer: thank you very much. today, it is my honor -- kate williams yam and -- william and his family come up? >> president breed: come on, you guys can do better than that. [applause]
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>> today, it is my honor to present a commendation to william, a 5-year-old resident who has set an incredible example of leadership and caring for our neighborhood. william has adopted his corner drain, which he named dream robot and actively sweeps away leaves and debris to prevent flooding and water damage to the surrounding blocks, especially before large rainstorms. adopting a drain is one of the the best ways the residents of richmond and san francisco can protect environment, manage storm water and minimize flooding. those hoping to follow william's leadership can sign up any time at adopt a drain. now, if this wasn't enough, william has set an incredible example as a community leader, to participating 100 local beach cleanups and donating food, not
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only to homeless residents of golden gate park, but also for their dogs and cats. he hopes to open a store for homeless people where they can access anything they want for free, including money, and a place to sleep. william, thank you for setting such an amazing example for the richmond district residents to follow. we know you have a bright future and both the department of public works and public utilities commission would be thrilled to have you on their team. and i believe john is here to say a few words on behalf of the public utilities commission. >> hello, william, the man of the hour here. as an agency, we're always looking for our next generation of environmental stewards, and clearly we have that with william here today. your work is unbelievable. and it's really an inspiration, not only for all of us here, but
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the entire agency of 2300 people have heard your story and are so inspired by it. i'm here to say thank you and there is clearly a job waiting for you. you'll probably be my boss, so remember this situation where i thank you for your work now. and again, we can not thank you enough and we look forward to supporting your great work in the community. >> thank you. it is my honor today to present to william the golden broom of the richmond district. in our appreciation and recognition of your outstanding service to the residents of district one. thank you, william. [applause] >> william is man of few words, but we were at dinner and he came up with a few signs. if i could put them on the projector.
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this is a thank you sign to all of you for recognizing his work. he does it not for the thanks, but because he's passionate about it. he put animal stickers on there, they glow in the dark. you can't tell right now. thank you very much. >> as he's 5, he doesn't quite know all of the words, but he wanted to let you know, i love the ocean. and -- [laughter]. >> thank you very much.
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congratulations, william and keep up the good work. >> thank you. our final commendation is given by supervisor peskin. thank you, madame president, william for supervisor 2032, i just did the math on that. he'll be 18 then and eligible. colleagues, today i am really honored and delighted to rise to honor one of the kindest, gentlest, more artistic souls that this town has. and this is actually the subject of item number 47 on our calendar today. which will designate a san francisco artist amare tus and nobody could be more deserving
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of that than a beautiful man named michael rios. thank you for being here today, brother. [applause] his story is linked with the city and county of san francisco where he's devoted half a century of his life creating beautiful artistic master works that reflect the vibrant characters and rich cultural heritage of san francisco and san franciscans. he's native of oakland, student and graduate of freemont high, where his teacher first noticed his exceptional talents. while we tangle from time to time with the academy of art and we set a little bit of litigation with them, michael
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got his first break at the academy of art with richard stevens, who actually gave him a scholarship can kind of a scholarship, in reality, in exchange for sweeping the place up, richard got -- michael got art lessons from richard. and he acknowledged the talent. and upon graduation from the academy, michael worked for the famous -- i don't know how many of you were around that will remember ruse atkins, i think supervisor yee and fewer would. i remember ruse. and soon launched his own commercial art at 311 columbus avenue where you just furnished me the most awesome picture of the front door of that. you looked just about the same, but you have black hair in that
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picture. and there he created children's books, billboards, paint ads and what michael refers to as high end commercial art. but after a few years, michael became tired of working for squares in a square business and fell in with a group of grassroots artists in the mission, where his work began to inspire and reflect the mission district latino heritage and a lot of the murals that you see and love and also take for granted, michael was the guy who painted those. his first project helped paint the side of a community group building that was helping to pay rent at a supportive neighborhood gallery. he ditched the boring brown paint and created a mural that depicts everyday scenes of the time, people going to work, standing, going to the welfare office and manning court and in jail.
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another infamous mural at 22nd, michael paid homage to carlos santana. it spans three buildings and it was santana's father who came to michael and said that does not look like my son. furnished him a picture of carlos, which he then got right and that started a life long friendship between michael and carlos santana, which is why you see michael's beautiful work on the cover of supernatural, as well as other carlos santana albums. and within the city art community, michael is known for his soft spoken demeanor and advocacy to keep artists from being displaced in san francisco. and his work continues.
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today, he is actually in residence at pier 70, in one of the coolest funky art studios. and i want to thank supervisor cohen and the port of san francisco, because as pier 70 is being redeveloped we're taking care of michael rios and his studio and putting him in a light-filled art studio at the noonan building. so i just wanted to -- if anybody wants to see his work, i've got a ton of it on my cell phone. i have three of his images in my office. it is all around the mission. and i love you, brother, and i'm happy to designate michael rios as artist in san francisco for a lifetime of uplifting corrects to the arts -- contributions to
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the arts. his sister is here today. his wife couldn't be here. with that, the one and only michael v. rios, come on up. [applause] i also want to say that michael, who has been having a little bit of difficulty talking, may have a little translation services from john. but he is putting an incredible wall mural up on the building south of market in supervisor kim's district. which is going to be an incredible addition to that area. the floor is yours. >> i want to thank the board of supervisors for this prestigious invitation to be in your chamber with all you beautiful people.
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by thanking aaron peskin and the esteemed board of supervisors for the prestigious honor, something i feel i have not earned or deserve, with all due respect, though i would say this honor is something i would accept on behalf of my fellow artists in the city and wherever they are working hard behind the scenes to follow their visions and dreams of making the world a more beautiful place with their art. i'm also sincerely grateful to the friends and folks here today for the support you have all shown the artists in your life. transcends ethnic labels and for me a more universal identity. always be grateful to the city i
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love to be part of the fabric of life here and follow my dreams to become an artist. san francisco has always been a magical place from my childhood, although i was not born here, my two sons were. i'm a kid of the 1960s, and those were for me formative years in art school, i give thanks to richard stevens, the director of the original academy of art for the working scholarship. he always encouraged me to never give up. san francisco has become the magical place for me like a lot of us feel. it's a unique place in the world. a mecca of culture and art. i'm a kid of the 1960s, those were for me formative years. the years i started at the academy, the time i started my career in north beach, it was a time of renaissance. when the young people throughout thought they could change the world with our young enlightened values and principles, aspiring
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to make our community a more beautiful place to be enhanced with art and music. i still maintain the claim to these values and principles to this day. the world is always changing. our lives are always changing. it seems to much like a dream, and when i look within, it will always be amazing and a mystery. i do thank god and the universe for being able to have a vision to be a witness to it all. it's amazing and infinite wonders. sister wendy said one of the ways of looking at god is by looking at art. we all have different ways and how we experience the world in our lives, and the end, we will all come to the same conclusion. in the meantime, let's try to stay beautiful and continue to aspire. we will all become diamonds some day. thank you all again for the love and support you show me with your divine and honorable presence here today, all my love to you all. >> thank you, john.
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[applause] >> and in addition to actually having michael here in the flesh, there are a number of individuals who are wearing some of his signature unbelievable silk screen shirts. so, if you could just stand up, those who are wearing -- i've got one, my wife has one, they are -- there you go, all right. michael, brother. [applause] >> it's an honor to have you in
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the chamber, congratulations again and thank you for making san francisco a beautiful place for everyone to enjoy. thank you. well, colleagues, that concludes our commendations for the day. thank you to all the honorees and the people who join them in recognizing some amazing folks who not only take care of san francisco, but make san francisco a more beautiful place. looking forward to next week commendations where we will i'm sure have some more amazing people. thank you all so much for being here today. all right. with that, madam clerk, we'll go to our first 3:00 p.m. special order. please read the item. >> items 24-27, comprise the public hearing of persons interested in the determination of exemption from environmental review, under the california
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environmental quality act or approved on november 30th, proposed project at 1526 wallace avenue to process and sell small lifestock in a pdr-two processing distribution and zoning repair district. item 25 is the motion to affirm that it is exempt. item 26 is the motion to conditionally reverse the department's determination, and item 27 is the motion to direct the preparation of findings. >> president breed: ok, colleagues. we have an appeal of the planning department's determination of exemption from environmental review for the project at 1526 wallace avenue in district 10. for this hearing, we already considering the planning
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department determination the proposed project at 1526 wallace avenue is exempt from environment review. without objection, we will proceed as follows. up to ten minutes for a presentation by the appellant or representative, up to two minutes for speaker in support of the appeal, ten minutes for the planning department, up to ten minutes for the project sponsor, or their represent, up to two minutes per speaker in opposition to the appeal, and finally, up to three minutes for rebuttal by the appellant or the appellant representative. colleagues, if there are no objections to proceeding in this way, we will move forward and open up this hearing. and supervisor cohen. >> supervisor cohen: thank you ladies and gentlemen, president breed. colleagues, today we will hear from the appellant, along with the planning department and
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members of the public about a halal poultry butcher. brought forward by the animal legal defense fund, alds, expressed concerns with the planning commission concern to exempt in the approval of the conditional use application submitted last november. my office has spent the better part of the last month working to understand how this particular facility would impact the proposed area and city at large. and with that, madam president, i turn back the rest of the hearing over to you. thank you. >> president breed: thanks, supervisor cohen. and before we proceed, i'm going to ask members of the public, if you could please keep it down, we need to move forward with our agenda. thank you very much. and with that, we will start with the presentation for the
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appellant, or appellant representative. please come forward. you have up to ten minutes. >> good afternoon, christina stella, here on behalf of the animal legal defense fund and the 2,000 individual members who reside in san francisco. aldf urges the board to remand it back to the planning commission to be adequately considered before it is granted a conditional use permit. highlight three points from our alds written materials today. first, reiterate at the outset that the concerns raised in the comments are squarely in those addressed by seqa, and appeal based on the misuse or lack of process that took place here. alds supports fostering stronger connections between consumers and their food.
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with respect to this project, the position is that a facility that seeks to transport, confine to indoor cages and slaughter more than 100,000 animals annually has environmental effects that must be considered under seqa, and particularly because slaughterhouses have contributed to the frustrating legacy of pollution that lingers in the bayview today. inviting that industry into san francisco anew, over the opposition of san francisco residents, and without any meaningful consideration of its environmental impacts before permitting it. continues the injustice of residents for decades. second, the project sponsor has tried to distinguish itself with larger operations with more of an environmental impact, it has not introduced to directly address the contention. for example, aldf presented
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evidence that live transport can travel from animals to humans and increases salmonella. the response from the project sponsor, the amount of overall truck traffic will not increase. so nothing about the nature of live animal transport in the project sponsor's response. aldf presented evidence that confinement facilities are recognized as sources of air pollutants, such as ammonia, bacteria, yeast, mold, airborne dust and patrols from grains mice and fungus. can cause problems. and severe irritation to the track. and cardiac arrest. long-term exposure to decreased lung function. poultry manure, collecting in the cages of the facilities before transported off site and contaminating the air pumped out
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of the building, contains nitrogen, phosphorus and heavy metals. 2 to 4 times more nutrients than the manure of other livestock. also parasites, bacteria and pathogens that are with humans, and nothing with regard to filtration system or evidence the ventilation system will address these problems. aldf presented evidence that cages prevented chickens in cages from being mentally or physically healthy. physical stress, more susceptible to infectious dies, and bacteria colonization. overcrowding, overheating, withholding of food and water, excessive lighting, incorrect flock sizes, different ages and colors and abrupt changes in
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management environment, all of which are concerns that relate specifically to the type of operation proposed here. can all precipitate feather pecking and can ballism. caged birds cannot escape this behavior. these impacts on animals are directly related to food safety and public health. and the response from the project sponsor, that seqa does not apply to livestock. so the factual matter, the sponsor has not contradicted the evidence submitted or addressed the concerns raised by aldf, denying any harm will take place, not supported by the evidence. finally, in regard to the legal standards that apply here, the class one exemption does not apply. the california court of appeal has made clear a class one exemption for existing facilities does not apply where there is a major change in focus, it's a quote, of the facilities operations. change from an auto towing shop or vacant space to a
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slaughterhouse is a change making the exemption inappropriate. the board should reject this attempt to shoe horn this into an exemption that is meant to and does only apply to minor physical alterations to a building. even if class one or class three were to seem applicable, 146,000 animal slaughterhouse is unusual for san francisco. whether unusual circumstances make an otherwise appropriate exemption, depends whether the circumstances of a particular project differ from the general circumstances of the project's covered by a particular exemption. the sponsor makes much of the fact the facility will be the "first and only life slaughterhouse of its kind in san francisco," that there are no projects of comparable size and location in the city means that the project itself presents an unusual circumstance that makes the categorical exclusion
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inappropriate. the air quality of the proposed site is also an unusual circumstance. case law in california shows that "environmental sensitivity can constitute unusual circumstances that make an seqa exemption inappropriate." aldf has shown the bayview is an environmental sensitive neighborhood. makes the exclusion all more appropriate here. lastly, that it does not apply to animals and agriculture is not correct. seqa does contemplate livestock, and that the mitigation measures can have impacts on livestock. to the extent the project sponsor claims the animal welfare commission is charged with making recommendations to the board to protect animal welfare in san francisco. on january 26th, the commission did in fact advise the board to support aldf appeal by letter. so, aldf agrees with the sponsor statements, that the recommendations of the animal welfare commission should be
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followed here. in sum, aldf is glad to see the environmental effects are seeing action now, but prior to granting the conditional use permit so adequate conditions can be put in place to mitigate any potential environmental effects. it is not enough under seqa for this conversation to take place, only as a post hoc or ad hoc afterthought that cannot bind the business to mitigation measures. to the degree the board still has questions about or uncertain about the effects of the facility at this stage, aldf submits this is exactly what seqa is designed to address. the proper course to remand to the planning commission for a study to evaluate environmental effects and mitigation measures. thank you for your time. >> president breed: thank you.
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all right. now, we will open it up to public comments for those who are here to speak in support of the appeal. for those of you who would like to speak in support of the appeal, you will have up to two minutes per person, so please line up to your right. if you are opposed to the appeal, there will be a time to speak at a later time in the agenda. first speaker, please. >> good afternoon, brian butler, community organizer and policy advocate for green action for health and environmental justice. i'm here not to clarify some of the recent comments i read in an article about this appeal being based on vegetarians, just not wanting a slaughterhouse, this -- this appeal, frankly, is
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based on decades and decades of systemic neglect for the community of bayview hunters point. bayview hunters point shoulders the majority of the commercial industry in the city of san francisco. that in and of itself i think warrants additional safeguards to the community. you may have heard it, i know supervisor cohen is familiar with this, but a child born in bayview today is expected to live 14 years less than a child born in russian hill. when you think about the sewer plant, the radioactive super fund site, all the concrete batch plants, the two freeways, the maritime traffic in the bay. and railroad traffic. you've got air pollution, soil
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pollution and water pollution. [bell rings] we have to do everything we possibly can, i'm on overtime, do everything we possibly can to ensure we are protecting the health of this vulnerable community. one last thing, we have to consider the cumulative impacts when we look at things so narrowly we miss the bigger picture. thank you. >> president breed: thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello, hi, everyone. i lived in bayview, hunters point all my years. i have watched company after company move into the community and add more pollution into the already heavily polluted community. for years i have called on my elected officials to reduce my exposure to harmful pollution, not increase it. today i ask the board of
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supervisors take every step possible to protect hunters view, hunters point residents from any potential harm caused by yet another facility, claiming to only have a small impact on our community air, water and soil. would you please make sure this project is thoroughly checked for another, for any possible negativity, environmental impact on us and the community. thank you. i appreciate it. >> president breed: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hello, my name is deandra, a resident of bayview over 40 years, business owner with el over ten years. submitting comments this afternoon, the same i submitted when i was at the meeting earlier late last year. my commitment as a business owner and long time resident of the bayview hunters point has
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made it possible to raise my children and now grandchild in the family home, three blocks away from 1526 wallace. say again, three blocks from 1526 wallace. i can actually see it from my living room. i'll be able to smell 1526 wallace from my living room. which is a proposed site of the slaughtering and livestock facility. disappointing once again my community, folks like myself that live blocks away from an intrusive and hazardous establishment, we were not notified in a clear and concise way, nor was the testing the aldf has been asking for has been done, has it been analyzed and shared with the community. again, i live three blocks away. i know there are rules in place and establishments in which at
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the last meeting we were told that we were reached out to the community was told about this. i'm going to say again, i live three blocks away, i got nothing in my mailbox, i got no one knocking on my door. [bell rings] so again, i'm going to say, time is up, i am opposed to 1526 wallace business going into place. adamantly. i am asking that the clear and true research review that aldf is asking for is done and shared with the residents of the bayview hunters point community. thank you. >> president breed: thank for your comments. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, mary beth, resident of the engelside district. i strongly oppose a
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slaughterhouse in san francisco. requiring environmental review to understand how the bayview would be impacted is a modest request. allowing a slaughterhouse without so much as a consideration of the environmental effects on the bayview flies in the face of san francisco's progressive nature. opposed to a slaughterhouse anywhere, but i would like the city to acknowledge a slaughterhouse does in fact affect the environment, our residents, and the animals. thank you. >> president breed: next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, ina, and my wife and i live in the bayview with our four children and also run a doggy daycare, i'm a native san francisco resident. we look small here, those of us in line, i want you to know the bayview is full of working class citizens and many people wanted to be here but could not afford to take a day off from work. i understand the reasons why the planning commission okayed the permits. also believe it was based on a
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false narrative that has been created. repeatedly stated that it was important for san francisco to be culturally inclusive. they would feel this way after hearing system that people had to travel to oakland to put protein on the table. they say it's opposed by fascist vegetarians opposed to eating meat. i'm not, i like eating chicken. my grandfather was a butcher in hawaii. i'm not anti-butcher. there is a difference between butcher and slaughterhouse. more than 75 excellent restaurants serving halal food in san francisco and 35 groceries to buy fresh meat. only 7% of the customers are actually muslim. according to the law of halal, no requirement that the chickens must be freshly slaughtered in
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full view. this is a business choice. [bell rings] i am here because i care about the bayview and the 37,000 residents of the bayview. give us a running starts to move away from the environmental racism and classism that continue under the guise that there it's zoned that way or diesel and emitting businesses in the neighborhood. not allow a dairy farm based on an old legacy or walk along heron point you'll know the legacy of toxicity in the bayview is one we need to -- [bell rings] >> president breed: thank for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hi, i was born and raised in san francisco, and i am a resident of the bayview. i have chronic asthma myself. i was also an after school teacher at one purpose school in the bayview. i know firsthand the children of bayview suffer from health
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issues, and even at the young age of five they are impacted by the iniquity of society. please choose them over the money. choose the children and families over the money and make sure the business does not add to the pollution in the bayview. >> thank you for your comments. >> next speaker, please. >> jane tobin. i'm hear in support of adlf and a letter we sent to you earlier. we want to stress that ignoring the seqa requirements would continue this trend of environmental injustice for the residents. and also an area of public concern, or public safety for the commissioners, too. so we ask for the process to be followed as required by seqa and also in support of the animal legal defense fund. thank you. >> president breed: thank you
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for your comments. next speaker, please. >> my name is paul denning, here on behalf of lori green who lives at 1500 revere avenue in the bayview. she was not able to be here today, because she cannot afford to take off work, and she just had one short comment for you which is that people need in the neighborhood need more fresh produce options, not more options that destroy their health and this is also an environmental issue on a global scale and i totally agree with her. thank you. >> president breed: thank for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hi, my name is donna turner, lived in the san francisco area my entire life and my daughter is a fifth generation in san francisco. current address for nearly 37 years. strongly opposed to allowing a slaughterhouse in san francisco. much easier to keep slaughter out of the city than stop the negative effects once the door
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is open. slaughterhouses do not belong in san francisco. many problems associated with slaughterhouses. please take these issues into consideration as you decide whether to allow the facility to move forward. san francisco seems to either be experiencing a drought or massive 100 year storms happening with greater frequency, every ten years, if not more. either way, the slaughterhouse in the city will have grave negative effect. it's extremely water intensive, and where will the polluted water end up, in the bay? it's not acceptable. the wastewater is not able to handle a normal winter and with climate change, it could -- more flooding in the neighborhoods. nobody wants the slaughterhouse waste in the homes as the system backs up as it has in the last decade. and toxic pollution in waterways, nitrate pollution, drinking water contamination and agricultural communities
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nationwide. we have some of the best water in the nation. why would you want to allow this unnecessary pollution here. violent crime, university of windsor, michigan, 1994 to 2002 f.b.i. data on 581 counties to analyze slaughterhouses. increases arrest rates for violent crime and sex offenses and other industries. enough of a crime problem in san francisco. we should not at to it into a neighborhood already plagued with crime. trucks filled with life animals bringing them to the death. killing is messy, violent, killing is -->> president breed: thank you for your comments. [please stand by] for those
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reasons, as well as the aldf, we urge you not to allow the project to move forward. >> thank you for your comment. before the next speaker speaks, i'll ask if there are any other members of the public who want to support the appeal of the categorical exemption. please step behind where that gentleman is. next speaker, please.
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>> hi, good afternoon, everyone. i'm jason oliver, resident of the bay area. many friends in san francisco, i'm speaking on behalf of compassion bay, direct action everywhere and i volunteer with food justice groups and environmental organizations. i think that what everybody else has said has spoken quite eloquently, this is a terrible idea for san francisco. a step in the wrong direction. animal agriculture is extremely devastating and destructive to the environment. it's the number one cause of climate change, water loss. it's very damaging to the workers who work in the facility. i personal have been into many farms, many facilities and the air quality is extremely toxic. it burns because of the amount
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of ammonia. and i've been in the live poultry facility in oakland and it was extremely disgusting to see the animals. there is no consideration of their well-being. these animals are considered to be products under the law. so this facility was incredibly dirty. and there were many animals suffering and so i just really encourage folks to consider what everybody else has said. >> thank you for your comments. >> president breed: thank you. are there any other members of the public who would like to speak in support of the appeal? seeing none. public comment is now closed. now we'll have a presentation by the planning department. you will have up to ten minutes.
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>> good afternoon. joining me today are tanya schoenherr, lisa gibson, environmental review officer, matthew chandler and bridge. additionally i'm joined by staff from public utilities commission, the san francisco department of public health. the item before you is for the proposed change of use of 2100 square foot industrial building which is currently vacant and was previously used as a towing facility. the proposed use would be operated by saaba live poultry, a slaughtering facility. the space would include a retail component.
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which applies to minor alterations. on november 30, 2017, the project received conditional use authorization from the san francisco planning commission, which unanimously approved the project. please note that the conditional use authorization decision was not appealed to the board, this means that the merits of the project are not relevant at today's proceedings. the decision before the board today is whether to uphold the department's decision to issue a cal gore cal exemption and deny the appeal or return it to the department for additional environmental review. if their appeal, the appellant state thad the project is not qualified for exemption under ceqa. the project did in fact qualify for a class one exemption which applies to existing facilities.
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subsequent to issuing the exemption, the planning department determined that the project qualifies for a class 3 exemption, which applies to new construction and conversion of small structures. determine federal government it's exempt under -- determining if it's exempt under ceqa, first the department determines if it fits within a class. the threshold that qualifies it under class 3. the second step is for the department to determine if there are any exceptions that would disallow the use of an exemption. this includes review for any unusual circumstances, associated with the project or the location that could result in significant impath on the environment. -- impact on the environment. the analysis completed by planning department shows the project does not have any
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unusual circumstances that could result in significant environmental impacts. thus it qualifies for categorical exemption. as discussed in detail in our response letter, the department maintains that the size and scale of the project do not rise to a level where significant impact on the environment could occur. the project proposes a use within a 2100-square foot building. operation would require three to five trips a week. it would not require a backup generator or other equipment that result in air quality emissions and the only machine on site would be a defeathering machine which is powered by electricity. for informational purposes, the planning department conducted air quality review of the
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property. as discussed in the letter, the project regardless of location would not rise to a significant of air impact. thus the project was exempt from ceqa. they expressed a concern on waste water. the project would be required to obtain necessary permits from various regulatory agencies, including dph and pac. additionally the project would require state and federal regulation for solid waste disposal and food handling. if the department could not rely on existing regulations, no project could be exempt from environmental review, requiring the creation of individual are regulations for each new project. further, assuming that the project would not comply with necessary regulations is
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speculative and speculation is not considered substantial evidence under ceqa. today, i'm joined by staff who can answer further questions regarding the permitting and inspections required by the city. in conclusion, fort reasons stated in the appeal response and statements made at the hearing, the department continues to find that the ceqa determination complies with the requirement of ceqa, and the categorical exemption. the appellant has not provided any evidence that there is a reasonable possibility of significant environmental impact due to unusual circumstances. therefore, i urge you to uphold the department's exemption and deny the appeal. this concludes my presentation. planning staff is a available for any questions that you may have. thank you. >> president breed: thank you, supervisor cohen. >> supervisor cohen: i have eight questions i want to present to the planning department. the first has do with the ceqa
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determination, the determination does no discuss waste collection. i understand from the presentation that waste from the slaughtered animals will be collected and stored in refrigerators before transport to a processing facility. how about animal waste while in cages? could you describe how the solid waste will be collected? >> so, just a little background knowledge. the planning department did visit the oakland facility to get a better understanding of how the facility would function in san francisco. and currently the way they have it set up, the cages have individual trays that line the bottom and they are removed daily and a couple of times a day is what i heard and they're also stored in the sealed containers that are picked up. >> and what about -- what about the amount of treated water? should saba be using daily. what is the amount of treated
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water that saba will be using daily? and my follow-up question is how do you know this? >> i think for this question we're going to ask the pc to come and speak if that's ok with the board. >> sure. i'm the manager of the pretreatment program. as far as water consumption is concerned, i spoke with my counterpart and they indicated that the oakland saba poultry on kennedy avenue uses approximately 2000 gallons per day. that has not been verified with the san francisco office yet. we will conduct a full inspection, full permitting and waste water monitoring once they establish themselves. >> supervisor cohen: by
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comparison, what or how would we determine if this is a significant amount? >> well, we have water meter readings. we have that information. and we know how many employees there are, so we could factor in the amount that is going toward sanitary. >> supervisor cohen: let me see if i can clarify question. i want to know what amount of treated water is considered significant. >> for our program, a significant industrial user, is 25,000 gallons per day of processed waste water. >> i see and you said that when you did the research with the saba facility in oakland, they had 2000. >> per day. >> so by your professional opinion, this would not be considered -- that is not considered significant? >> yes, this would be a class 2 permit versus a class one which is for the larger operations. >> supervisor cohen: thank you. one more question for you.
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are there any other interceptor requirements for collecting fats and solids that might otherwise go into the sewer? >> the california plumbing code will probably require interceptor, i spoke with the chief plumbing inspector and he said there would be inspection on their part as well. so interceptor would be probably the best pretreatment equipment to take care of their waste water situation. >> supervisor cohen: all right, i think that's it for my questions. please, don't believe just yet. we might need you. i want to go back to the planning department. one trigger of environmental evaluation would be a facility that is at least 10,000 feet, is that correct? >> 10,000 square feet. >> so how big is the proposed
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location in the bay view? >> 2100 square feet. >> supervisor cohen: thank you. how much noise do you anticipate coming from the facility? >> based on our site visit again of the oakland facility, we did not notice any audible noise outside of the property. additionally the property would be required to follow the san francisco noise ordinance, which would be enforced by the department of public health. >> supervisor cohen: i understand that it must meet and hopefully exceed our local noise requirements. maybe you could explain to us, the members of the public, those levels of noises? >> i'm going to defer to the department of public health so they can speak more on this matter. >> supervisor cohen: thank you. dph? so just to repeat the question, i'm just looking to get a better
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