tv Government Access Programming SFGTV February 22, 2018 2:00am-3:00am PST
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to enforcement around double parking or effectively interfering with transit service, is there at accountability when a driver does this? >> so, this program is going to be run out of the taxi and accessible service division and they have a dedicated team of enforcement officers following up on complaints and going out on the street. in addition, just having the permit program gives us a lot more ability to work directly with the people at any private transit vehicle operator who are setting the stops and make sure they follow up on complaints we get. >> director ramos: when we say follow-up, can you tell me more about that? imquestioning in response to the -- i'm questioning in
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response to the correspondence. >> chairman brinkman: a question i want to clarify, the ptv we're discussing, this is a separate permit program from the commuter shuttle program? >> exactly. this program applies to services that are open to the public, and run along fixed routes in the city. and unlike the commuter shuttle, this is not voluntary. if a company is operating this business in san francisco, they're required to get a permit. >> i wanted to add that the taxi enforcement layers on top of the on-street enforcement and there are fines associated with the program. if a permit holder is not operating within the permit conditions, then a citation can
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be issued. so, that is in addition to some on-street parking violations citations. >> for the benefit of the public, i think i imagine what an administrative citation is, but could you tell us how that works. >> that would be in the permitie is not operating pursuant to the permit conditions, if they're operating on weight restricted streets and we can see that by the data that comes into our system. if they're stopping in locations that aren't allowable. than we can follow up administratively as well as sending out taxi investigators to investigate the behavior. we'll be looking at the data as the data comes into the office on the actual specific trips and where the vehicles are driving,
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the gps /* /- /* gps /- /* g.p.s. data will flow. they may not be complying with the permit program. >> i think that my primary concern is that i want to make sure that the companies that we're working with here are held accountable. i have this concern that what is happening out there, the rotation of drivers and/or whatever it might be, there is not enough accountable. i'm getting a steady stream of e-mail complaints from folks that are taking pictures and showing us that there are violations that are happening and it feels a bit like we might be giving away leverage here that we might have to make sure we're getting agreements from
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the ptvs to comply with our expectations of how to run our transit service and how the two could truly be complementary. and i want to make sure there is accountability. because as supportive as i am of the services, i do want to make sure they're not slowing down or interfering our ability to be able to provide services. because when a bus can't pull up to a curb or what have you, and people in wheelchairs, people who really need to get to step out from the curb on the bus are really impacted, and it can have detrimental impacts if something goes wrong, which the opportunity for -- the likelihood of something going wrong in those situations when a bus can't pull up to the curb because of the ptv blocking it for whatever reason, it can be a problem. i want to make sure we're
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negotiating out agreements as to how ptv service is allocated, we're making sure the folks are understanding the urgency we're working here. >> if i could just clarify. first of all, we're not negotiating. this is a regulatory function of the agency and we have established regulations that you have authorized. that exist, the regulations and establishment of the permit gives us a mechanisms to hold any permit ee accountable. so the citation is a fine. they need to pay any fines or contest them. there is a process for that. to the extent we're seeing recurrent issues of noncompliant, which we don't expect, but if we were to see that, it's a revocable permit. if they're not addressing the
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citations, not just not paying them, but addressing them with the drivers, we have the ability to revoke the permit and stop them from operating in the city. we haven't had that. we don't expect that to happen. i think we've had good dialogue and i think it's in their business, and anyone else seeking a permit, it's in their business interest to cooperate so they can continue to operate. but this permit program creates the leverage we have to ensure the accountability you're talking about. >> yes? >> director borden: can i ask a question related to that. are pcos able to enforce or cite these kinds of -- whether it's the ptv or the commuter shuttles, are they able to do that or is ate separate group? >> i want to let's be careful here and ask the city attorney,
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i don't want to segue into talking about the commuter shuttle program, since this is the ptv program and if we talk about the shuttle program without giving the public an opportunity to weigh in, it might cross the line. let's just -- >> who can enforce it [ >> the parking control officers can enforce to the extent they're violating the parking code. so if it's something within the purview of the parking control officers generally they enforce. administratively, if it's related to the permit program itself, the taxi investigators can enforce on that level. >> i'm trying figure out, they can't do anything that is moving, they can -- for example, someone pulling into a spot they're not supposed to be pulling into, is that considered parking, or idling? because i think the biggest challenge in general is often
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enforcement, not just in this agency but across all different city departments and agencies. and i guess the biggest force of enforcers are the pcos, so i'm trying to understand what degree -- since we get the photos and stuff -- are they able to do anything? >> the photos are helpful, but we cannot issue a citation based on the photo, but it does give us a picture to then follow up. >> the pco were there and saw that, could they write -- >> if they see the behavior, and it's within their purview to issue the citation, it depends on the specific infraction and what is going on. >> generally yes. moving violations they cannot write citations for, that's the police department. we do work with them when we get complaints about issues, moving violations we work with the police department.
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but the lions share of issues that are of concern with regard to not conflicting with muni are parking related issues and those are largely within their purv w purview. >> they could actually enforce here? >> right. >> thank you. >> director hsu: what would that look like if a pco pulls up and sees ptv in the muni zone and then the bus takes off? do they chase them down? what does that look like? >> a lot of time for services like these, they issue a drivaway citation, and they are able to when they see the vehicle, they can take a picture and citation is mailed in the vehicle owner. >> good.
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>> what we're hearing about greenhouse gas emissions we know that transportation other than our public transportation is a huge part of that. so this is an important thing to highlight to people. because i know that the sound of other buses does drive people a little crazy with how loud they are. so i appreciate that we are making sure that these models meet more stringent emission standards. thank you fort presentation. we'll go to public comment now. >> you have two members of public who have submitted speaker card. >> two minutes, please. >> thank you, everyone. i've had the opportunity to speak to you before on this topic. i was able to celebrate my first year at chariot a couple of weeks ago and from the beginning have been part of the conversation about the ptv
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permit and route duplication. and proud to say we partnered with sfmta staff and we've agreed to share our data. the sharing of the data allows for staff to see where the vehicles are, to cite vehicles if they're not following the agreements. we've agreed to pay for the cost of the administration of this regulatory program. and we've worked in good faith to move existing problematic stops. we've changed our routes. we're responsive. we've got dedicated staff working day to day at chariot to address concerns. if there are folks sending you pictures, let us know immediately. we take it seriously. this is what partnership looks like. as san franciscans we have a
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tremendous task to address the transportation issue and we want to emphasize that chariot is going to be part of the solution. we're going to prioritize complimenting not competing with public transit. we're creating service and routes that are going to feed into the bart and muni system. we're going to serve our communities of concern. and you know, we're going to continue to train and grow as skilled labor workforce as proud partners with the family, the teamsters. i want to emphasize, we want to work with the city. we will continue to be and be part of the solution. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. first of all, i want to thank the board and my job for call meg short notice, they said, kendra, we need you.
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i couldn't wait to come. it's me again. i spoke back in october. i do want to say that i am so proud that i will be with chariot one year next month. i have come a long ways and i'm happy. newly engaged to earl, so we both have grown. it's a lot going on with the job. there is consistent drug testing, there is consistent regarding our scores and following the rules and regulations on the road. i pass the courthouse every day, my route is a corporate route. i see this building, and didn't realize this is the building, but i'm grateful you're letting this company grow. they're strict on us as drivers, they used to let us get away on a few little things, but they're not playing. they're strict. i love my job, i'm happy to be here. i want to see the company continue to grow. i was selected out of 240
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drivers to do a documentary film here in the city. i'm the face of chariot. so pretty soon you will see me. they selected a few of our passengers and they were able to display and show the beauty of san francisco, which is the great tourist attractions like chinatown, japantown. they dialect with some of the natives there. maigz. i saw twin peaks, i didn't know that existed. my mouth dropped the whole time. i love my job and this company is going to continue to hire more men and women like myself and open up more doors. please, thank you, board, for letting me speak. >> thank you, and congratulations on your engagement. >> next speaker, please. thank you very much, i appreciate that you know, if this is a service which actually tends to the needs of the
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people, the disabled and the people who need support in the city that's great, but it ludicrous to think there is accountability. i have a good friend who take the photos. there isn't. these things idle. they clog driveways without concern. there is no accountability. that's why you're getting a slew of e-mails and photos. the city is fedoten up. i know you don't want to discuss the shuttle program, but it's ironic you're suggesting environmental impact, because you've clearly not applied those same standards to the shuttle program. we have these 61 buses belching into our windows in the morning. i'm vehemently against anything that doesn't serve the people and that's all the public has been seeing. so people are on edge and you have to understand the
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congestion. and there is no recourse. which is why again, you're getting a lot of e-mails and photos because they're not writing citations, no one is policing this and no one gives a hoot about the people, what it's doing to our health and peace of mind in our communities and that's what needs to be addressed and some other situation put into place. thank you very much. >> thank you. any more public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. this also was a presentation and discussion item only. >> if i may just address these last comments. i want to make sure it's clear that we're talking about the ptv today and the comment that i was making are certainly applied across the board, but i want to make sure we're complimenting and thanking the services that are provided. i think that any kind of services, anything we can do to get folks out of their cars and give them options, particularly
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where our transit isn't, it is complementary. so i appreciate and i appreciate staff's work in coming up with this presentation and figuring out exactly what is complementary or what is not. i thank you and everybody for your partnership and the good work you've been doing. i think there is some merit to the comments that were made about some of the other topics of conversation for another time. one of the things that i do like about the ptv, they are smaller vehicles. and i think they're a whole lot more welcomed on our streets and people are -- they're a lot more tolerable for the most part. i want to appreciate staff and everybody working together to come up with the definition. >> chairman brinkman: thank you. and just a reminder, we'll be adjourning this meeting in memory of shirley brier black in recognition of all of her service to this sfmta board of
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francisco. i want to begin by thanking our late mayor ed lee for initiating the police reforms and responding to create a historical partnership with the attorney general offers. i would like to acknowledge a number of people, chief of police bill scott. london breed, senior cohen and the mayor's office and all those who made it possible. i would like to thank them for engaging with us. in 2016, our city grappled with crisis seen in a lot of american cities, the dissolution of trust among the community and law enforcement. responding to cries from our community for improvement, mayor lee reached out to attorney general lynch and the department
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of justice and san francisco entered into an agreement to evaluate the police department and get independent analysis of how we could serve our city. the department of justice presented recommendations and our city embraced all recommendations and to work closely with the justice department. to date we have started more than half of those reforms and huge credit to the police chief bill scott and the men and women of our police department that have embraced the reforms. we have some of the best officers in our country. and we are seeing promising improvements with use of force incidents down 18% just last year. unfortunately, attorney general jeff sessions announced that the department of justice would no longer provide assistance or guidance to departments seeking to improve the trust between the police and the public.
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but under mayor lee, we were determined to push forward as a city. that is why mayor lee turned to our state partners to push forward the reform process. with the help of an independent partner. today, we're here to announce that the california department of justice will evaluate and report onion going reforms -- ongoing reforms. this partnership demonstrates our commitment to the reform process and includes measures needed to ensure it will be unbiased and transparent process. today, marks the beginning of a chapter in the reform process. one that stays true to our goal of transparency, accountability and most importantly of trust-building here in san francisco. mayor lee started us on this path and i will continue the journey he began. again, i want to thank our
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police chief scott and the police commission for their leadership and the men and women of our police department. i want to close by thanking our attorney general for his commitment to our city and to the reform process. his leadership here and at the state level are unparalleled and we're incredibly happy to have him here. i would like to introduce our attorney general of california. [applause] >> first, mayor, thank you very much for bringing us together to chief scott, thank you for so early on reaching out as well to see if this could be a possible course of action and i have to tip my hat and give a shoutout to mayor ed lee. because from the very beginning of my tenure as attorney general, mayor lee reached out
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to me and said the city of san francisco wants to be your partner, we want to continue to make improvements and any way we can work together, i want to do that. so when we found the u.s. cops program and you the u.s. department of justice abandoned its work with the city of san francisco, right away mayor lee and i were in conversation. and i just got to say to ed lee, we miss you, but we're here doing your work. this is a product of what ed lee wanted to see happen and i think it's important for us as leaders here from the city and county of san francisco, the leader of the police department here and certainly the city mayor to say on behalf of all us, we all owe ed lee a great deal of gratitude for always putting the people of san francisco first.
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[applause] he said something very important when he began this, to help families in san francisco, our men and women in uniform, believe there could be confidence and trust to do the best job. he said, fair and just policing that treats everyone the same and places the sanctity of life above all else was important. i think today, that's our mission. those of you who reached out and have been reaching out to help all of us come together so that families throughout the state, certain here in san francisco, can feel confident about the work that is being done to provide them with the public safety should look at today's announcement as a sign that in san francisco they're serious about getting the job done. we need that kind of focus. and we need this memorandum of understanding between the city
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and county of san francisco, the police department in san francisco, and the state of california through the department of justice, to make -- live those reforms that were proposed by the city more than 270 of them, and make sure they get implemented. that is how you gain the confidence of the people of your city and county. i think it's important to note that simply because the federal government decides to abandon ship, did not mean we were going to let the ball drop. there is fumbles that can cost you a whole lot and we saw a fascinating game yesterday at the super bowl, but i will tell you this, at the end of the day, the people in the city and county of san francisco are going to be the big winners, because we picked up the ball and we're going to run with it and do this for the people of california and san francisco.
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[applause] my team at the department of justice stands ready to be with you as a partner. i can't tell you how important it is to have independent eyes overseeing these reforms. accountability, transparency, confidence and trust all come from giving people a sense there will be independent review of the work that is being done. i believe the people of the city and county of san francisco should be heartened that it was the leaders of the city and county of san francisco and their police department who asked for the independent eyes to come forward. so it's all about working together. and i got to tell you, public safety is as much a team sport as anything you've seen on tv in the last 24 hours. we have to do this together. nothing is more important than public safety. nothing is more important than
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public trust. we hope to build that public trust by working through this memorandum of understanding. and if i can send one last message to the people of this great city and county in san francisco, this is the work that we must do. we hope that what is done here will become a model for what other communities can do. i will tell you that the work at the department of justice won't end with this. in the next few months, the men and women in uniform here in san francisco will start to employ the work that they must do now to make sure that identity profiling is not something that is a reality anywhere. we'll begin to see the ripa regulations take effect where all the contacts there are made of people on the streets, in our communities, will be documented. and we'll be working closely with the men and women in uniform to make sure that
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happens. we'll look forward to working with the city and county of san francisco and the law enforcement agencies to make sure as we go about documenting who is in a gang and who is not, we get correct information into the cal gang system and not incorrect information that could harm the lives of people moving forward. so we're going to be doing a lot of work to get people that confidence. and that trust. that we in law enforcement are doing this to provide public safety. so i am pleased to say that today's announcement is just the beginning of a process that the city and county of san francisco began and i hope that what we can say, it won't end with the city and county of san francisco. that many communities will see what you do here can be replicated elsewhere and there begins the trust and confidence that people need, that our leaders are working in our best interests. with that, i'd like to now turn it over to your leader when it comes to law enforcement, chief bill scott.
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[applause] >> thank you, attorney general, and mayor farrell. i would start my comments off with thanks as well and then touch on things that are important for you all to know. let me thank the members of the community that are here and those that couldn't be with us, because really this is about policing the community with the community. the people you see in this room, many of them, we sit down have in-depth discussions about public safety, keeping our city safe, when there are things, whether violent crime or car break-ins, these are the people we partner but, but at the same time, they're demanding a police department that is fair and just. it's that commitment that is a win that pushes aura needs to
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change, where we need to change and reform our department and the way that makes us better. let me start with my thanks to the members of the community who are there with us, hold us accountable and again, they're here with us this morning, so thank you. [applause] >> also, the people standing with me at the podium. attorney general, who has been willing to work with us, mayor farrell who is continuing the work started by mayor lee and got continued by acting mayor london breed. and today, is the beginning of the rest of the journey in terms of making this department a better department. also to my left, i can't -- i would be remiss without mentioning supervisor cohen. who has always been a champion for reform. when i stepped in the door, i think one of the first things i
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did, before i started and got sworn in, i sat down with supervisor cohen around saw her passion for having a police department that not only does its job and protects the community, but is a fair and just police department. she has always been a champion for police reform, so thank you for that as well. the people along the wall, the teams of the attorney general, the california department of justice and on my right, captains and in the back, our president of our police officers association. i can't say it any better than attorney general did, this is a team effort, this is a total team effort. without everybody in the room working together, all oars in the same direction, we cannot get this done. it's the ultimate team effort. it's not a sport because we're talking life and death, but it's the ultimate team adventure. so without the people in this room, none of this work can get done. my last thing goes to our police
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commission. president turman couldn't be here this morning, but his guidance is vital to our success. they oversee the police department and they take that responsibility very seriously and we definitely appreciate all that they do to keep us going in the right direction. and also with former president, who was the commission when i got hired, but never had the opportunity to work with her. thank you for all that you've done to get us to this point as well. so we know that collaborative reform, the initiative that we started with, the cops office is positive results for the san francisco police department and the communities that we serve. the mayor mentioned it, the 18% reduction in use of force, we have reductions in complaints. i think those are all indicators we're going in the right direction. we're committed to focus on
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improving our department and the california department of justice assessment will provide independent assessment of the work we're doing. unfortunately, when we concluded -- or the u.s. department of justice concluded the work, they were in the process of writing the first assessment report that never got released and won't be. it's really important that the public see from an independent review, independent eye, that we're doing. i mean it's one thing for us to report what we're doing, it's another for someone totally independent to come in and assess what we're doing and report to the public. that's one of the benefits of this collaboration with the california department of justice. there are other benefits. technical assistance. part of the last agreement we had with the u.s. department of justice, there was technical assistance provided. there are many areas where we need to go outside of the city and outside of the department to call on experts, many of who have done the work before, many
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who have ideas that maybe we didn't think about and that technical assistance is a major part of a collaborative reform make. and ultimately, our commitment is about becoming the best police department we can be. working with our community partners, we've already accomplished a lot. many people in the room are part of the groups put together to have the public input we need to get better. we can't do this -- you'll hear me say this over and over again -- we cannot do that without the public. our use of force dropped 18%, we hope that trend continues. we expect it to continue. we saw 9% increase in citizen complaints in 2017. there are several components of this initiative that will continue. one is addressing bias. and how we deal with some of the disparities and disproportionate
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we see in the city of san francisco, not only here in san francisco, but across the country. although we can only focus on our city, we believe we can be a model for good policing across country. we're addressing bias. one of the things we've done is our automated electronic audit of all electronic devices owned by the department. that is in effort to root out bias, deal with it if in fact we see instances where bias is afoot. we've also integrated procedural justice training into the continual development curriculum, which officers must attend and procedural justice is an important recommendation because it goes not only externally, it's about fairness. it's internal. and with the people standing on the wall, the command staff, the police officers association, i think what we're all looking for
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is fairness. fair innocence the way we police, in the way we run the department and the procedural training will help us get there. we've dedicated new units, that really their job is to listen to the community. we instituted a community engagement division. our captains of our districts do a great job in doing that very thing, listening to the community, but one of the recommendations was that the department needed a more robust structure. so this process is institutionize and we've seen good results. we're also focused on accountability and we're demonstrating that through the use of a body cameras. body cameras is a whole new dimension that opens up a world that we didn't have in terms of accountability and transparency. i'm very proud with the work that has been done on body
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cameras, because for a department this size to implement that policy and equipment as quickly as it did, that's astounding. although there are things to improve, it helps our department be a better department. we're recruiting a diverse force. very important. diversity brings perspectives that we need. perspectives from different cultures and different religions, countries, educational background, different levels of experience, diversity brings perspective, perspective brings better policing. so very proud that we are moving forward in our efforts to be a diverse department. instituting and sustaining these changes won't be easy. we know that. and we accept that challenge. the people along the wall on both sides, along with the community we understand it will be a challenge. change is hard. most people don't like change. change is a very difficult
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thing, but we're committed to doing the changes that we know we need to. and it won't be an easy task, but we're committed, focused and we'll get it done. out of the 16 law enforcement agencies that were once a part of the u.s. department of justice collaborative review process, we're proud to step forward today to continue this work and i think we're really the first department that has taken this on in this form. so again, san francisco leads the way. we're proud to do that. and we really think this is going to be value-added to get us where we need to go. the california department of justice will provide us with the technical experience and assistance to help us stay on the right track and achieve the goals that we committed to. this agreement gives our work validation, the attorney general mentioned it, gives us credibility. it gives us transparency. and more importantly, this is about maintaining and building trust with the community we serve. we believe this is a means to
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get there. ultimately, all we want to see is the best department that we can, we want to see less use of force, we want to see answers to some of the questions about disproportionateality i believe that san francisco will lead the and i don't say that bragging, i say that because we're proud to get to that leadership position in law enforcement. this is another challenge, a big one, but it's just another challenge i'm confident and the people along the wall are confident we'll get there. thank you all for being here and thank you to the folks standing with me at the podium for your leadership on this matter. without further adieu, i'd like to present president of the board of supervisors, london
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breed. >> i want to thank our attorney general and our mayor ed lee for working with supervisor cohen and i on the request to partner with the city to implement the 272 recommendations proposed by the department of justice. issues of police reform are very personal for me. i've seen firsthand the consequences that stem from the lack of trust between communities of color and law enforcement agencies. i grew up in a community where the police were not always called when violence occurred, but that is not the future that i want for san francisco. in the ten years i spent as the executive director of the african-american art and culture complex, working with young people and my five years as supervisor, i've worked with the flifrs our community -- police officers in our community, from northern police station and i know some of the former captains
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are here today. as well as our fearless leader during the time she served as police commission president, to work with the community on a better model for community policing. and i am so proud of the work that we did together, working with the community, working with the department, working with a lot of the folks who are here today, like sean richard from brothers against guns, and the healing circle with mattie scott. it was an incredible effort and i'm proud of the work we did in the western edition community. our residents and our police officers all want the same thing. they want our city, our families and our communities to be safe. this is our charge as leaders. president obama's task force on 21st century policing recommended that the police departments request investigations of use of force incidents in order to increase
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transparency and accountability to the communities they serve and we have done that here in san francisco. we continue to follow those recommendations. two years ago i, along with supervisor cohen had a resolution for the department of justice to conduct a thorough independent review of our police department. for me, it was important that we put san francisco on record requesting this review through a formal action of the board of supervisors, but we didn't stop there. at the same time supervisor cohen and i held regular hearings on use of force policies in order to have a public discussion to evaluate how training procedures could be improved to prevent escalation of violence and to ensure that we put the right policies in place to prevent these tragic incidents from ever happening to anyone else. no poll alone can -- no policy alone can account for every scenario, but the review i
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fought for from the department of justice shows that we clearly have work to do. it identifies several key areas where we need to improve, updating our use of force policies, addressing inadequate police data. it included the 272 recommendations that we've been talking about here today and as said by our chief, more than half of which, we've already begun to implement. recently, the current federal administration made it clear that the reform efforts between the department of justice and local police department was not a priority. under attorney general sessions, the department of justice will no longer issue audit reports or suggest reforms for local police departments. as they see it, the elimination of these reform efforts fulfills their commitment to respect
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local control and accountability. but not here in san francisco. we won't accept that. we are not going to let this go. we're not go to stop our collaborative efforts to improve relationships between our police department and communities of color. that is why i'm so grateful that our attorney general is working in partnership with our city. we're going to continue to do everything we can to implement those 272 recommendations. these reforms, in an effective manner, and i'm committed along with, i know, supervisor cohen to doing all we can to do that. i am more hopeful now than ever. our values in san francisco are just as important. our fight never more clear and our role to implement these reforms never more needed. i look forward to working with attorney general and the california department of justice. our chief, our police
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commissioners, the police officers association and many of our communities that -- many of the folks from our communities that are here today to implement these really important reform efforts. thank you all so much for being here. with that, i want to introduce my colleague on the board of supervisors, supervisor cohen has been a champion on police reform effort, including her ballot measure on police accountability that was passed by voters to make sure that there are independent investigations when there is an officer-involved shooting. with that, i would like to introduce supervisor cohen. >> good morning. i know this is a heavy topic, but i wanted to affirm that we all in this room come together to stand collectively for peace and justice. particularly paying attention to those members that we have lost
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in the community that no longer have a voice. that is the spirit that i bring to this body of work. that i'm really proud of. it's been very difficult. today we stand before you patting ourselves on the back for work that we got over the line in 2018. but this work has been going on and quite frankly, for generations and unnoticed. there have been people in the communities that i represent, that president breed represents that have been crying out for generations, for transparency, justice. today it feels good because it's a culmination of the blood that has been spilled, the tears, that we stand before you recognizing that finally policies are stepping up and catching up. i started this work really in 2015 when mario woods was shot and killed. through a series of conversations with mothers that were grieving, with community
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members that wanted to do more and couldn't understand why things were happening. so we introduced and got past the series of legislation that created a department of police accountability that is head by paul henderson, formally joyce hicks, who was part of the initial conversation. the one thing consistent through all of this, as a result of that pivotal moment in 2015, i had a conversation with ed lee. and ed lee listened. and he helped me and he rolled up his sleeves and we went to work. we didn't do it alone. we can never do anything alone. president of the police commission at the time was instrumental in helping us get through policies that had not been touched in 20 years. use of force policies hadn't been touch since the 90s. fortunately, we started laying the groundwork and started doing the work, which allows us to be here today.
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which allows mayor farrell to step in the death of ed lee to celebrate. which allows our attorney general to step in the very big heels that harris occupied. it was the work of women that brought us where we are today. it's the mothers that remind us we must get the murders solved. it's the mothers that remind us why we do what we do. so, i'm very pleased to see representatives of the community here today. it's important -- important announcement. see what it means is that with this memorandum of understanding, it brings us one step closer to bringing truth and transparency, to heal the rift that we have been experiencing for generations.
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and i know that every officer in this room, every law enforcement officer in the department, always wants to do what is right and what is best. i don't have any question in that. that is why you see a decrease in officer-involved shooting because we got serious, we created policies and said we're not tolerating this anymore. that is the movement that we're here to celebrate, to talk about. this memorandum of understanding means that we are continuing to do the work that we set out to do years ago, when nobody was paying attention. when sometimes i felt nobody cared. so, gentlemen, thank you, chief scott has stepped in and stepped up. but it was greg that started the process, that came to the table, thank you for picking up that mantle, chief, and making sure that these 272 recommendations
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and a couple hundred more if you include gascon and his recommendations, all of these efforts are all to make sure that law enforcement are safe when they're policing. and that there is trust when we call the police into the community, that there will be fairness. chief mentioned some legislation that i passed also a few years ago about counting. if we don't keep track, we don't count. we must know who is getting stopped, where, for what reason they're getting stopped. collecting this data matters because every life counts. we must continue to pay attention. i will end on a very positive note, i'm exuberant, happy to be here, happy to be part of that considering i was there in the beginning. and many of you have been here from day one. and i just want to say thank you. [applause]
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>> we'll take a few questions. >> hi, this is for the attorney general, what message do you think president trump and jeff sessions are sending in not wanting to pursue these police reform measures? >> all people decide to take whatever message they take from what is going on in d.c. the important message is what you hear today. i think all of us understand when our mothers are watching us, we better do it right. and the only message i hope that people hear today is not one emanating from washington d.c. with all its dysfunction, i hope what people hear today is that we know how to make it work, we're going to do this as a partnership and all of us, whether it's city leaders, whether it's everyone who wears the badge and every family that
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is looking for that opportunity to say we have confidence, the work starts here. it's our mothers who are watching us. >> could you outline some of the work that is -- what broadly is still in the works of these 112 outstanding recommendations? and does that include finalizing an agreement with the district attorney's office to take the lead in the shooting investigations that are officer-involved? >> we're in the process of meeting on that. mou. i've been here a year and we've been in that process -- the first part was negotiating language to get us to a meeting to confer. and we had to sit down with the police officers association, by rule, and meet and confer on this process, because it impact the membership of the police department. that's in process and we have to go through that.
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as i said, what i think we all want is fairness. we can't -- there are the best recommendations in the world, but it has to be done fairly. we're doing that, following the rules, and then we'll see how it comes out. but it's our intention to do everything we can to implement the recommendations. to the other part of your question, what remains to be done? there is a lot of work that that remains to be done. accountability is one of the five findings we have to work on. over half of those recommendations still need to be implemented. the finding that we've done the worst -- not the best in terms of implementation is use of force. over half of those recommendations are in the process of being implemented, so we really are pleased with that. but there is, i mean, each category has significant recommendations. one of the recommendations is to what supervisor cohen mentioned,
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the revising of our policies. coming up, i think in the next police commission meeting, there is policy to set the stage to have an actual schedule to revise our policies in a timely manner. that's a huge recommendation and improvement in the department. so i think i'll be here all day if i list out all that needs to be done, we have a lot of work to do, but the point we're trying to make are the attorney general made it, the mayor, both supervisors and i made it, that we're committed to this work and we won't stop until it's done. >> last september or october when the department of justice announced the end of their collaboration, they said they wanted to work with the police department on locating areas, including tactics to target drug and gun violence, you know the list better than i -- have they been doing that?
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>> well, yeah, clear that was the focus. there is a process to that as well. if it's funding that is involved in that, we have to apply for the funding. and so we have at this point not gotten any funding for violent crime, that's one of the areas they wanted to focus on. but we're committed to addressing those issues. there is a lot going on there. there is lot going on in the question you asked, but the bottom line, we're committed, we're going to use every resource available that is appropriate for us to use and we're going to keep pushing forward. >> how would you assess the department of justice's interaction with -- since you took over? [laughter] thanks for clarifying. >> no, we still have a relationship with the department of justice, we have to. they're in the same business we are. and their goal is to have a safe
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country, our goal a safe city. >> how are they working with you? >> they're working with us just fine. i want to stay focused on the reform for this purpose, but we're working with them just fine. they concluded the work and efound a way -- we found a way to continue it, that's what is important. >> [inaudible] no secret, might as well tell the truth, the trump administration and jeff sessions have -- all of the initiatives of mr. barack obama. we still got miles to go and promises to keep. before we fall asleep. let me say finally, [inaudible] situation here, that it was on the heels of ferguson that we
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had a come to jesus meeting at the third baptist church. and to our former chief's credit, he was honorable, he listened, and i presented to him that 21st century document that came from the washington bureau of the national association of advancing colored people. nd -- [inaudible] -- we owe a lot to our late mayor ed lee. who met with naacp, who listened and was committed and he was the one who looked down to los
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angeles and brought the sky here. that the truth and nothing but the truth. now we've come to this day. naacp was the agitator, made sure we stirred up the coffee with a spoon, and be able to say -- [inaudible] -- maxwell house slogan. it was good to the last drop. [laughter] that's the way it's going to be in this department. good to the last drop. thank you, chief, for stirring it up on this day. [applause] >> thank you, the attorney general -- to the attorney general, is there funding here involved that you will for sure,
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the city of -- assure the san francisco that these policies for all to build? >> the commitment -- i thank the chief as well, the police department has made a commitment to move forward with the reforms even in the absence of the federal cops program to oversee the reforms. the city and the police department never dropped the ball and continued forward. they're going to do these things. on my side, this is just too important not to do. and so i'm not going to wait until sacramento, the legislature decides to give me resources to do this. we're going to do it because the city and the chief, the mayor, the supervisors, leadership here has said they want to see this through and have the independent review continue and so, they're committed and so we're going to be in there with them. we'll find the resources to make it happen on our end as they are finding on their end the resources to make it happen.
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