tv Government Access Programming SFGTV February 25, 2018 11:00am-12:01pm PST
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indian. and part of it is called the winning of the west. and it says timages of the plains indian, not a california. the subject is nude and riding a horse, which is historically inaccurate. in addition, nudity is not a native american standard in art and it is used in depiction of native americans in the european-based concept in art and is considered to be disrespectful by many native american people. it perpetuates that they resemble all native american people in plains culture. now we're about to recreate 238 of these light standards with the same exact depiction of native americans that is inaccurate and is considered disrespectful. so, it is really a challenge. you know, how do we keep history in tact, how do we keep our -- you know, the things that we think are sake red like these beautiful light poles that march up market streets are part of the city beautiful movement and at the same time, be respectful?
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so, i mean, i would vote for having this removed but i really would hope that the art commission would make some efforts to figure out that with to do with the pedestal. because the empty pedestal alone is not enough. i know in some cases there was the desire to put kind of a neting around some of the confederate sculpture that you could actually see through. you could -- you know, it was like a mesh that you could see through but it would be tied around the base and then there would be a plaque about why it was done that way. so that's another -- there are other -- it seems to me there are other options to deal with this problem. but it's very disconcerting to me that we look -- that we take our point of view from 2018 and assume that's the only way of looking at things and we start to, you know, we start to take away our little pieces of history, one by one and then what do we have? we have our own opinion of what
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today looks like, but not our stream of history about how we got here. so, and that troubles me. again, i'm very sympathetic. i would vote for this. but i'm disconcerted about the arts commission, the path to get here and then what happens in the future. because i suspect that piece of the monument, and maybe we should change its name to the pioneer memorial, but that piece will go into a caitz and go into storage and we will never see it again. it will stay in storage for the rest of all of our lives. and we will have lost an educational opportunity rather than gained some knowledge about our diversity. d >> commissioner johns. >> i, too, share commissioner pearlman's lack of enthusiasm for the way the report was written. i think that i have serious concerns.
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i think that we are proposing to do will violate standard one, the property shall be used for historic purpose. because i don't think it will be in the same way that it has been. standard two, the historic character of a property shall be retained and be preserved. i believe that the goal here is to not preserve the historic character, but to change it. standard three says each property will be recognized as a physical record of its time, place and use. standard five, distinctive features that characterize a property shall be preserved and standard nine, exterior alterations will not destroy
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spatial relationships that characterize the property. and the property here is the monument itself. so -- but let me just say that, as to the point that we're losing history and this is an important allegory. in the 4th grade in california, you used to study and maybe people still do study, the history of the state of california. and when i was in the 4th grade, my grandfather took me down to this monument. he took me to missions. he took me to another -- a lot of other places. and he showed me the monument. and he said now, young man, he said i want you to look at this and i want you to understand what's going on. he said you see a missionary, and you see a ficaro and you see an indian. and he said but that is tonight
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very, very, very shallowist approach. he said what you see here is something that's gone on forever in human history. it is one group taking advantage of an attempt at one group that thinks it knows everything about how life ought to be lived. treating another group very, very badly. and he said and then you see the vicaro. that is the public. it's just kind of ignoring the tragedy that is going on. it's not just about the early days. it happened, he said, a few years ago if this statue had been built, it woulden have been a priest, it would have been franklin deleanor roosevelt. it and it wouldn't have been an indian, it would have been the native american, it would have been japanese-american. and it wouldn't have been a
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vicaro, it would have been just the general public. if the statue were made today, that young man on the ground would be gay. and there would be a priest and there would be a mormon elders and there would be the evangelical prod -- protestants and john q. public looking around. and he said to me, look, you have to realise that what this is telling you is that the horrible things can happen. and have happened in this country. and too often there is an indifferent public and young man, you can't be indifferent. he said and every time you go by this, that is what you have to think about. and so that is how i approached this. i'm -- i don't think that that monument honours the terrible
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things that happened to native americans. i don't think it celebrates the terrible things that happened. i think it is there to warn us that these terrible things can happen and will happen and that we -- since we know about them, we can be vigilant. i don't think it is a good idea. toic that early days thing down and the reason i don't is because we have to confront the bad things that have happened in our history. and i think that we will not be as vigilant. now i was talking to one of the commissioners earlier about the japanese-american response and the japanese-americans have
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never denied that this happened to them. never denied that these things took place. and, in fact, the man essentially sought to have his conviction overturned said to judge patel at the hearing that the reason he was doing this was so that this will never happen again to any american citizen of any race, creed or colour. i don't think it's -- i can understand the passion of the people who spoke here against what they see, how they view this monument. but there is a considerable passion on the other side that says that we cannot ignore the ugliness that was present in the early days. if we simply eliminate that
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part of the statue, then in effect we're saying that didn't happen. our early days were just a nothing where as we should be saying is from the earliest time in california, we had these problems. we abused other people and we sat around and we watched it be abused and i think that that is very, very bad. now we are a historic preservation commission. we're a historic revision commission. it may be difficult to confront our path, but i think we have to. as far as if people think that there is hateful speech in the world, well i think the way to approach that is to have more speech. not to suppress the speech that was there. and we could certain -- there is room in the room over there to have another monument that
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depicts that whatever it is that the people who feel so strongly could depict, rather what could depict what they feel ought to be said. i'm extremely uncomfortable with not only removing it, but based upon what i considered to be a rather shoddy report. >> other commissioner, commentses? >> i would say that i disagree with the commissioner johns, commissioner pearlman. i think that this monument is -- first of all, it's one of the few monuments that -- it is not like there is thousands of monuments that depict the range of native american history in the city. both positive and negative. the only ones that are depicted are where native americans are in these kinds of positions
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where their defeat is celebrated and i don't think the monument shows them in a light that is necessarily sympathetic. it's celebrating their sort of subservients and i think in the context of the civic centre, which is the historic district, the removal of this monument does not affect the character of the civic centre. >> can i just -- >> yes. >> i'm in total agreement with you, president wolfram. and i'm going to plan to vote for the c of a. i do, though, have some concerns about the way in which the art commission will view this and will move it forward. i do think that there needs to be some verbage in a plaque to indicate what happened here today or what will be happening about the removal of this particular part of the statue. it's really important in terms of public education for people to know that we, as a public
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body, feel that this is an offensive statue. and it's just basic bad public policy. and we need to, in some way, articulate that for people to know so that there will not be a repeat of history and i thank commissioner johns for our previous conversation about the japanese-americans being forcibly removed from the west coast and being put into detention camps and concentration catchser. we have a day of remembrance every year to remember what happened and it is important for all communities to really recognize and appreciate and educate the whole california community about what has happened in the past and to just make sure it never happens again. and i think getting rid of this, to make sure that no one ever feels that this is a good thing is a good thing to do. >> mr. frye? >> i wanted to make a couple of comments about staff's analysis.
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we do feel, as we do stand behind our analysis and that, you know, in trying to balance not only all the policies and goals and guidelines of the city, using the secretary of interior's standards as sort of the measurement of change within a historic district, we feel that there is still a responsible and a logical argument in support of removing this portion of the monument in conformance with the standards. as you know, not all standards are required to be met. and some may not apply. however, the standards in -- or applying the standards here in this lens and looking at their compatibility of their change within the distribution we do feel is still an accurate and logical portrayal of the work at hand. we're happy to answer any questions. but we do feel that the findings do reflect a project that is in conformance with the
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standards. >> thank you. mr. pearlman. >> yeah. i find that statement very difficult to accept. only because i totally agree with commissioner wolfram and mr. frye about the fact that taking this piece off definitely meets the secretary of interior standards relative to the district. but i don't believe it meets the secretary of interior standards relative to the piece itself. it seems like if you had city hall and you said oh, we're going to take off the bay at the end on one side and is that ok, well, you know, in terms of spatially, the building is basically the same footprint and you could say it meets the standards for district. but certainly it would affect the building itself, quite substantially. >> i would agree with you, commissioner. i think the distinction here that staff was trying to draw is that the monument is just a contributing feature to the district. while city hall is also an individual landmark. so, certainly if the monument was individually designated,
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there may be a lower threshhold for change that could be -- could meet the standards. but here as one small feature out of a very large district, we felt that those standards had still been met. >> ok. and i had one other thing i wanded to ask. is there any way to put any conditions in a c of a about what commissioner matsuda talked about and what i'm concerned about, which rather than just leaving this an empty pedestal, is there a condition that we can put on the art commission about somehow noting why there is an empty pedestal here. and i don't know what that would look like. but that there is some recognition to the public. >> certainly. >> of why there is an empty pedestal. >> sure. if we wanted to have additional interpretation or ask for conditions. >> ok, because that was the one thing i was most concerned about in losing that piece is how strange it would be that people would walk by and wonder
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what's going on here? why is it like that? >> nothing happened in the early days. >> well, that's what commissioner johns is talking about. nothing happened before this date. [laughter] >> all right. commissioner johnck. >> i move that staff recommendation with the conditions and i would, you know, entertain some further interpretation if we would like to have that. i do think that the empty space is a pointed statement in and of itself. but i do think that it is certainly appropriate and i appreciate your discussion about not the historic revision commission. i don't agree with that. of course not. but we are -- we do want to make a strong statement, i believe, in interpreting how we look at alterations, and particularly as in reference to the civic centre and so i think
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it's appropriate in the weight of evidence is compelling that the alteration is appropriate. >> thank you. commissioner johns? >> yeah. thank you. if we could -- >> [inaudible]. >> some kind of, as commissioner pearlman was saying, some kind of interpretive material or condition that would address -- that would address why this is removed by the arts commission. that would go a long ways towards addressing my concerns. that this not be forgoten. and that the arts commission to board of supervisors, those are
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political organisations. and they can approach this in a way that is very different from the way i think we should approach it. that if there could be interpretive material that took care of some of these concerns, then i would feel a great deal better about it. >> thank you. commissioner hyland and i think we have a motion here and i guess we'll let commissioner hyland go to see if we have a second. >> i won't take too long. i do support the removal of the monument, but i do not think it's enough. i do think that we should add a condition to, and if we could make a friendly amendment to your motion to add a plaque detailing why it was removed. >> mm-hmm. >> so i would second that motion, if you'd accept that. >> yep. i'll accept the amendment. sdo*k we have a motion and a second?
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>> and no discussion as to where the removed statue would be stored or how it would be treated after it's removed. >> no, that is already in the condition -- >> the motion in the -- our motion that we have includes all that detail. >> oh, very god. >> it's in there. >> packaging it up into storage -- >> ok. it's a place that it could go into the museum, that would be -- >> indian jones. >> very good. commissioners, then there is a motion that has been seconded. >> with an amendment. >> to approve the certificate of appropriateness with conditions as amended to include a plaque detailing why the statue was removed. on that motion -- [roll call] so move, commissioners. that motion passes unanimously 6-0. >> thank you.
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>> commissioners, that will place us on item eight, the alcatraz embark indication site at piers 31 through 33. information until presentation. and if anyone here for item nine, the mills act programme, that item has been proposed for continuance but we'll take it up at the time the matter is called. >> would 10 minutes suffice for your presentation? or do you wanted more? -- or do you need more? >> 15 would probably be better.
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evidently we have the slide presentation in an apple format. >> oh, dear. uh-oh. >> you can put that screen underneath the document overhead and then -- >> yeah. >> i'm going to go ahead and start then. i'll start talking. that is the technical end of things together. good afternoon. president wolfram and commissioners. i'm mark paez, the preservation coordinator for the port of san
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francisco. and we're very excited to be here today with this project. what we're about to embark on is the approval of a 50-yearlong term lease with the national park service for permanent ferry excursion facilitis to service al that>> kate: traz island at piers 31 and 33. piers 31, 33 and section two of the sea wall and bulkhead wharf, which run between francisco and north point streets are all contributing resources within the ports and it's our core practice to bring projects within the historic district that otherwise do not require historic preservation approval to you for an informational presentation for comment prior to port commission approval. we had anticipated that this
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project might be done in coordination with the commission's comment on a project environmental impact report. ok. i'll hold it for you while you're speaking. [laughter] ok. so let me finish my introductory remarks. we anticipated there would be an environmental impact report and we would bring the project and there would be comment on the e.i.r. and the project at the same time. however, the planning department determined after they analyzed the environmental evaluation of the project qualified for a mitigated declaration. so we're good with that. but it did take us some rethinking about when to bring the project to you. so, apologies for coming as late as we are. the mitigated negative declaration was published in
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december and it is the subject of an appeal at the planning commission tomorrow afternoon. the appeal, which is focused on potential impacts related to the future ferry service from 31, 33 to fort baker in marin county immediately adjacent to sausalito. that is the focus of the appeal, not preservation. so on the appeal, if the planning commission upholds the mitigated negative declaration, the port commission is then scheduled to proceed to make ceqa findings and consider approval of the project on tuesday, march 27 -- i'm sorry, february 27 at 3:00 p.m. if the planning commission decision is to uphold the negative declaration, if that decision appealed to the board of supervisors, then the port commission action would not be
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effective until the ceqa appeal is resolved. the proposed improvements by the national park service to these contributing resources were analyzed and determined to be consistent with the secretary of the interior standards. by the cultural resource staff at anchor q.e.a. environmental consultants and the planning department staff reviewed their work and concurred with their findings. as a result, the mitigated negative declaration determined that the project would not result in a substantial change in the significant and historical resource. so that concludes my remarks. i'm going to let steve talk to you about the design process. and the evaluation against the standards that was done. and i think we might also have a representative, brian avila from national park service and he may want to make a few remarks as well. thank you.
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>> hello. nice to see you. before my retirement, i was the chief of cultural resources at golden gate national recreation area as literally the last act, on the last day of my career, i submitted the finding of a fact letter on this project through the preservation office. we found that there was -- our finding was no adverse effect and that was concurred with by the shipment about a month later. this project will retain the current alcatraz ferry embarkation site but it is intended to improve the existing facility, by making --
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by replacing the existing single dock and gangway with two parallel floating, dos and a third berth which would increase the site's operational capacity and provide tum for that limited ferry service for fort baker, being another important part of our national park next door. pier 31 and pier 33 south bulkhead buildings on the embarkadero and the marginal wharf in between to provide a higher quality interpretation and orientation experience for visitors in the national park petition and would offer interpretive sales items and convenient food service for visitors before or after a visit to the island. next, please.
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as i'm sure you well know, the port of san francisco historic school district listed on the national register of historic places. it is significant in the areas of government, commerce, transportation and labour. and the district possesses a substantial degree of integrity. and also the aspects of integrity. it is a rare example of a once common time of port. alcatraz is a national historic landmark with an extraordinary level of integrity. it's significant in the areas of military history, social movements and, of course, [inaudible] in what is stated the world's most famous prison. our overall treatment philosophy is rehabilitation informed by the secretary of
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standards for historic properties, the existing condition of pier 31 bulkhead building is as much as it is shown in the original last built drawings and this project seeks to preserve, protect and celebrate this original fabric. in contrast, pier 33 has been modified many times, particularly in the interior and much of the original fabric compromised and destroyed. so in this case, the rehabilitation will emphasize restoring as much of the original fabric and feel of the building as possible, mrarsly on the exterior facades, the marginal wharf in between the pier will be rehabilitated in a manner that is sensitive to its open utilitarian character as a site for embarkation and loading and unloading of cargo.
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you could see if -- you can live with -- go back one, please. you could live with the -- i apologize for the technical mixup here. so if you could read those project goals, we will be focusing primarily on f and g, rehabilitation of historic port structures and their stories and preservation resources through sustainable strategies, although the project as a whole has larger goals that will allow us to create a higher quality and more sustainable and more longer lasting orientation gateway for alcatraz that would be in itself, we hope, a landmark
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along the embarkadero. next, please. this is intended to give you an idea of the design rationale. the green areas indicate operational features of the existing embarkation site. the red areas are the visitor serving areas and the blue are the interpretive areas. and the open space. and as you can see when you put them all together in the bottom slide, which is unfortunately screened by the -- my words, they're all mixed up together. all the colours are mixed up together. so, it's a little bit chaotic. and we're trying to rationalize it as per the diagram in the lower right.
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where those functions are separated a little more clearly. next slide. this slide here goes into more detail about exactly what are the features of operations. and the same for the next slide which drills down into a little more detail and is frankly just there for reference in terms of this specifies all the features and treatments of the programme that relate to the public space. next slide, please. this is what it's going to look like. of course, this is what it's going to look like for somebody in a helicopter. nobody's really going to see it like this, but you get the idea of the organization. perhaps those of you familiar with this site, there is some
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familiarity with the two canopies on either side. but these have been carefully redesign and if you go to the next slide, here is a view of the existing -- the existing site on the top as seen from telegraph hill and coi tower. not very visible at all. and you see that the canopies, take my word for it, are even less -- oh, you can see. oh, good. ok. that was cut off because it is an earlier illustration and it is now that part of the canopy is being removed from comments from city planning and the port to make it even less viz frbl the exterior.
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this is beyond the sea wall for cargo handling and the like is being treated to restore key views from the embarkadero to the waterfront. they are tapered at the ages so they will achieve a very thin profile. they're held away from the elevations of the pier sheds and they'll increase the visibility of the pier sheds and allow us to -- will mark -- show the next slide. that is a slide from the boat and this is a slide as you walk in the area. so, you can see that the pier sheds will be much more visible and it allows them for being designed in the middle of the
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marginal wharf. and these changes if you further enhance the association of the place with this historic port and convey the building's history and will provide space for interpretation that will not only organize those in particular to golden gate national recreation area as a whole, but also to the history of the port and the embarkadero as it's expressed at this place and they even referenced the roundhouse, the beltline roundhouse that is literally across the street.
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and this is just for reference. if you pass this slide up, we'll get to the meat of the changes which are here at the pier 33 bulkhead building. the top drawing is as built with the tall coiling door that went right through the bulkheads building which allowed the railroad trains from belt line railroad to go up the side of the wharf and delivered to the sides -- alongside the ships that were moored at the wharfs. the second slide shows the existing condition and the bottom slide shows the changes that we intend to make in that facade by removing one historic -- the nonhistoric mezzanine in the middle of the interior. it allows the partial restoration of the railroad opening up to the second height.
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which will be transparent through the bulkhead building. next slide. this is the north facade. always get confused. anyway, this is a north facade. and the same layout on the left. you see as built. as it is now. very, very different. and then you'll see as we intend to rehabilitate it and partially restore the rhythm of the original openings and for the railroads, historically for the railroads which you'll be able to see all the way through. yes. and here's again the south facade as it is and the south
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facade as it will be restored in this case. to its original look. the interior programme, again there's no integrity to the interior or little integrity to the interior. we will be removing and retaining the top floor and in doing so allows us treatment of opening up the railroad opening so you can see all the way through. this is the area we'll have interpretive retail. next slide. that will be informed by successful projects done by the park service and the national parks, golden gate national parks conservancy, such as the lands end lookout, the warming hut at crissy field.
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and the welcome centre and elsewhere. what's the other one? elsewhere. >> i love elsewhere. [laughter] i love elsewhere. thank you. >> and here's pier 31. pier 31 has a much higher degree of integrity and there will be far less changes to the exterior. the only change on this facade will be a modification to the historic door in the lower right to meet code. next. and on the pier facing facade, the only modification will be the existing one on the lower left, needs to be a door. to meet code. and also to make sense as a restaurant. i didn't even bother giving the facade because there will be no changes. it is as it was historically
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built and we'll just be repairing the windows and leaving them as they were. the interior is quite historic and quite dramatic with its wood sheathing still on the sides. you can see the trusses all the way, three stories above you. all the feeling and the material will be retained as a restaurant will be inserted inside. next. informed by these particular examples. the high ceiling. and those are the basic elements of this project. and if we go to the final slide here, we hope that what we're doing is establishing not only a more rational, more efficient
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and longer lasting embarkation site for the alcatraz experience for visitors. but also doing something in a way that preserves the historic district and speaks to the connection between al qua traz, san francisco bay and the port of san francisco. and its rich history. thanks very much. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> i think at this time why don't we take public comment on this item and if we have questions, we'll come to those. does any member of the public wish to comment? if so, please come forward. >> hi. i was told to go to court 30 -- >> can you go to the microphone, please? yeah. just right there. >> i was told this goes until 2:30 and i missed my stop and i had to walk. anyways, it seems like i'm late
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for what i was here for. but i hope that you would please still listen to my comment. it was about the pioneer monument. and -- >> excuse me, ma'am. we've already voted on that. >> you can't even hear my statement? >> well, right now we're taking up item eight for the alcatraz piers. procedurally, chair -- >> we can take your statement. >> thank you so much. i might not be a native american, but i am a native san franciscan and when i first noticed that statue, like i felt anger and hurt and i shed tears. not -- i mean, well, yes because of -- they portrayed the native, you know, cowering with the [inaudible] going like that, but for me, i'm not --
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i'm a nonchristian. and it just evoked images of religious persecution for me. and, you know, um -- [sniffing] i've had christians tell me i'm going to hell because i don't worship and believe in the same god as them. and when i went away to school in my younger days, i had a host family. i told them i was buddhist. and they said it was ok. but then when i was living in their home and, you know, practicing my buddhism, i'd like candles and incent and chant. you know, they took away my -- they stopped hosting me and i had to drop out. and that is a form of religious -- that is their choice. but it's just -- anyways. it's really hurtful that -- that statue is really hurtful.
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thank you for hearing me. >> thank you. we'll close public comment ton pioneer monument and re-open it for the alcatraz site. any member of the public wish to comment on the alcatraz embarkation? seeing and hearing none, we'll close public comment. commissioner johnck? >> yes. thanks. i've been following mostly, but not every single detail about the alcatraz promise and it is very exciting to see this is finally coming about. my question pertains to it think it has been the design review board and that has, of course, difference mission than we do. [please stand by] [please stand by]
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i don't have any further recommendations on what you've done so far, but just related to how those design features changed in relation -- this is brian and he is the chief of planning and steve and i have been part of the team [inaudible] . >> steve's guidance on this. we have tried to make these very surge cal insertions and minimal
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in terms of the profile. whenever possible, we've been reducing the scale of them. and thinking very carefully thinking about how they effect the view of the >> i'm sorry, if you could speak into the microphone. >> shall i go back a little bit? >> sure, just in terms of our careful analysis of what those -- what the canopies would do to the view of shed buildings at 31 and 33. the trend has been to make them smaller wherever possible to just really support the functions underneath. but it has been actually very early in our planning process, we went through a number, probably 30 different
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evaluations of what a canopy could be. all of them moving away from the white fabric canopy, a little bit too much like a fort lauderdale version. >> they're gray? they're white now, so they'll be gray, more like the concrete. they're folded. the intent here is not to have dramatic feature, rather, but to have the edge face both the boat when you get off, because people are crowding the rails and they're looking at the city. and have the other wing face the edge when you're walking into the site. the other thing i neglected to say, in the interest of time, was what is underneath the canopy is going to be very transparent. so the lines that wrap around
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much like the tsa line in the airport, the separation between the rows are glass. and they'll be inscribed with interpretation, with messages in smoked glass if you willem but this also maximizes the view underneath the canopies as well. >> good, well, it looks very good what you've come up with, so thank you for giving me more background. >> of course, glad to. >> commissioner, do you have a question or comment? >> just a comment. i know i'm jumping way aheat, but when you get to the interpretive panels, i'm hoping you include some of the features you included in the discussion today, because i know a lot of young people would have no idea there was actually a train that went through. i don't even know if young people know what trains are anymore. and how it connected to the sea.
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i mean, that is kind of a cool thing. make that request. >> as you know, the beltline, our park, preserves quite a lot of the beltline railroad, so much of it, 50%, perhaps, of the mileage of the thing is from -- goes out through the marine district and out into the presidio. so we're invested in the preservation of the story as well. fort mason was served by the beltline railroad, so its history, compliment one another nicely. >> no one knows that today. >> we'll do our best. >> thank you. >> just one more thing. what is the basis of the appeal?
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>> their concern is that additional visitors will have a negative effect on congestion between fort baker and sausalito. >> they'll be coming by ferry, though, right? >> they'll be coming by ferry. their concerned that a good number of the visitors will elect to go to fort baker and use taxi or über or lyft to do that. city planning, san francisco city planning has developed a response to their concerns. and continues to feel like the impact on something from something like that would still be less than significant. so we could still complete the requirements. >> at this point how often are the ferries proposed?
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>> we're proposing two ferries on saturday and two on sunday. and much as we do control the volume of visitors going on any one boat to the island, we would control visitation or the occupancy on the vessels to 200 on each vessel maximum. so we believe that it's pretty reasonable, modest over the course of the year, about 40,000 visitors. thank you. >> any other comments or questions. >> if it's ok, i just wanted to echo on what brian was saying about the canopies and to commissioner comment, there is also the other element, the site planning that was done by having the canopies, it allowed us to create that central view corridor out to the bay and to free that up from sort of extraneous elements, so it's
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really quite spare. and i think that went a long way in terms of bcdc understanding this was a really nice balance in terms of the view of corridors, the public access, and obstruction or the minimizing of the obstruction of the views of the bay. >> ok. great. >> thank you for your presentation. it was a really great project, it really enhances the section of the waterfront and will provide a much better visitor experience than is happening now. a great welcome to alcatraz. we're grateful you presented it to us. that is the final item. no we have to continue. >> if you would, please, item 9, case number 2016-004157 oth, the novak program for review and comment. we received a request from the city attorney office to continue
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this to a date uncertain. proposed for continuance indefinitely. >> does any member of the public wish to speak to the continues of the item? seeing none, we'll continue. >> do we have a motion? >> so moved. on that motion to continue this matter indefinitely, commissioner? yes, yes, yes, yes. yes. so moved commissioners that motion passes unanimously, 6-0 and now our business has concluded. hearing is adjourned. the inteb
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of our everyday life everyone with the seniors use it for work and play. although there's a many valuable websites on line. >> the first thing a senior will ask me is about viruses if they go on websites what are the discharges of being on the internet. >> for instance, you see something that maybe from the bank and the first thing it starts asking you for a private
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information where you get intiger's offers and they're not real. the way to tell where it's a fishing scam or not is who it's from. they can fake a name that says paypal but they can't fake an e-mail address it would be from a bank if they have any issue it's not going to be over an e-mail. >> stay away from e-mail all the same can be said on networking sites. the user should make sure they know the person before clicking on the requests >> some of tracking software they can get argue bank account
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information some are more hamper full we'll get pop ups and i want to avoid those. there are many levels of protect your i s public works usually has a security looking for things you should have a updated advisor software. there are a lot of anti virus programs the number one free viruses program is microsoft security and microsoft has an invested interest for people to make sure their computers are safe purify you don't want to use easy to guess passwords and mix things up. you want to have a capital
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letter or a special characteristic like american people exclamation point and change our pass wood frequently every 6 months or so. be aware that anything on the public community someone else can be looking over our shoulder and there's memory that keeps the informational so when you log off clear the briers so somebody can't come behind you and see the information >> when your banking or shopping on line the browsers tells us you that this site is safe. when you're on a safe site you're going to see number one the address on top will see h h p.s. and that sustained for security and none of your
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information is out into the public. sometimes, you'll see a lock that the browsers has deprecated that that browsers is navigate save. because of evenly crippling item $0.31 it's actual for dangers to if you give our credit card at a waiter thank you arraignment. so a lot of people don't get that and it can make our life easier. if you have mobility issues that's a in his luxury to have. >> the internet provides a lot of profundities. people young and old. by following some simple rules you you can, in fact, the web safely and securely.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ for more information visit. >> please note that executive director shireen mcspadden is present. at this time, we ask that you silence all sound producing devices for this meeting. >> thank you, before i ask for a motion to approve the agenda, there's a slight change in the ordering. under -- instead of taking item 8 first, under 7, we will take item d first. so with that change, may i have a motion to approve the agenda. >> so moved. >> second? >> second. >> all in favor? any opposed? nk
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