tv Government Access Programming SFGTV March 1, 2018 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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we do. specifically, my interest is around pharmaceutical care. there is a lot of interest now with the skyrocketing price of drugs and how to better manage the pharmaceutical costs. the health authority has done a fantastic job of managing this very complex problem. >> supervisor safai: great. any other questions? no. seeing none. thank you, we'll call you back up. oh, hi. we'll call the first applicant ms. zhang. >> thank you, supervisors, good afternoon. my name is jian zhang. i have 25 years of experience in health care with business experience in business development, operation, marketing growth, clinical
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practice, teaching and research. i have strong expertise in organizations that plan, leadership development, team building and health care delivery system, design, implementation and evaluation. practice in design quality improvement in patient safety and health care regulations. so i am also a certified family nurse practitioner, so as a nurse practitioner i've seen a lot of medi-cal patients. also as a clinic administrator, so i really have been working with the san francisco health plan for a long time. and participate in the quality and cultural series. so we very -- and then also become the c.e.o. of the chinese hospital so we've been working closely for the hospital site,
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too. the services of san francisco health plan members. so i have doctorate degree in health care system, executive leadership, and also helping the medi-cal patients for a long, long time. i served in multiple nonprofit organizations including chinese committee, american cancer society, american heart association, i also served as board member for the nonprofit organizations. so i have been -- i think becoming a director will continue the effort to improve health and care for the medi-cal population and reduce costs. and so my experience of inpatient and outpatient as a clinician and administrator, i think that will bring value to
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the san francisco health plan. thank you. >> supervisor safai: thank you. if we have questions, we'll let you know. do you have any questions? >> can i bring the staff back up? >> yeah, i was going to ask staff to come back up as well. we were going to have the staff from the health authority. thank you. >> hi, i'm from the san francisco health plan. answer any questions. >> sure, more for my knowledge. in terms of the san francisco health plan, does it cover aspects like residential care, skilled nursing, reimbursements and things like that? >> no, medi-cal as a benefit covers long-term care. san francisco health plan, those
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benefits are carved out. so san francisco health plan is the public health plan that essentially provides medi-cal benefit for a medi-cal managed benefit and long-term care is outside of medi-cal. we serve 140,000 san franciscans but there are probably another 30-40,000 san franciscans outside of the plan that are in skilled nursing facilities or long-term care outside of managed care. >> supervisor yee: do you know what body actually -- do we have a body in san francisco that looks at -- or tries to coordinate that piece? >> that's a tricky question. so the benefit -- so that is a fee-for-service benefit and that is administered by the state of california. but you absolutely have a number of departments here that are concerned and help with the administration of long-term care.
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you have the department of public health runs a very large skilled nursing facility, that is a medi-cal fee-for-service provider, but it's different. you don't have a local entity because long-term care is a fee-for-service benefit. >> supervisor yee: thank you. >> supervisor safai: actually, i have a question, too. so you said this body was created in 1997? >> yeah, it was created by the board in the state of california and san francisco decided to have -- to create what was called, we're a two-plan county so we compete with blue cross for membership, but essentially the board of supervisors and san francisco decided to create a public not-for-profit entity that would work with your department of public health and all the safety net providers when medi-cal managed care was set up in the state of california. the theory behind that was not
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only that you wanted local control, but you wanted entity that was completely focused on working with your safety net providers as opposed to large national plans that may have a different interest. >> supervisor safai: can you give me a little bit of background on how the seats were chosen, each seat is represented by, you don't have to go over each one. i see one hospital, st. luke's hospital. >> it was established in statute and then the board actually, it was set out in local ordinance in terms of which local entities actually made those appointments. so for example the san francisco medical society, the hospital council, that was set out in statute and local ordinance. >> supervisor safai: but particularly why was that hospital called out? >> um, i think you'll have to look back. i think at the time, it was probably just a fixture in time.
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i don't recall why st. luke specifically. i think there was a concern at the time they wanted to -- there was issues with regards to some worries about st. luke's closing, so i think there was an -- emily, you may remember this, or someone else, but i think the issue was had there was concern about it closing and they wanted to make sure there was sufficient representation with regards to medi-cal. >> cpmc and st. luke's were not one entity. >> sure i understand that. you were asking about when the statute was done in the late 90s. >> supervisor safai: that has evolved over times, so st. luke's doesn't exist by itself, so i'm trying to understand how that evolution. since you all work with that, as an authority. >> emily, you're certainly welcome to come up. i would have to say i don't know other than that was essentially
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how the supervisors created the ordinance then in the late 90s. >> supervisor safai: emily, did you want to say a few words? >> yeah, i just wanted to add, supervisors, that i think in 1997, st. luke's was an independent facility, not part of sutter. then it was not part of cpmc yet. so i think it's a legacy reason. in the charter for the health authority, several hospitals have seats, the st. luke seat happens to be up this term, but there are representatives from other hospitals. the reason is simply the statute has not been updated to reflect that st. luke's is a campus of the four campuses. >> supervisor safai: so there are other hospitals represented on the body, just those seats are not in front of us today? >> correct. >> how many total seats are there then? 19? >> it's a 19-member board. >> supervisor safai: wow, that's really big.
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>> it is. >> supervisor safai: how often does it meet? >> six times a year. >> supervisor safai: any other questions? >> if you would just a quick thing, we wanted to let you know that on behalf of the san francisco health plan we're lucky to have the board members we have. they've not only been incredible value to the plan and its direction, but the mission and the drive essentially to take care of the most vulnerable in san francisco. so we are very, very happy to see all these folks here. thank you. >> supervisor safai: i like that as well, myself, i have an aversion to -- i've said this as chair of this body -- i don't really like to ren appoint people on a body more than ten years. i know they bring experience to the table. sometimes we have situations where other folks cannot come forward, or an organization might defer to that person based
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on seniority in that organization. but it's also important for us to have new perspective on this body. so that's why i always ask. i know supervisor yee, since we've been on the committee together for a year, asks about the attendance record and what the longevity is on the body. that's not something that everyone agrees with, but myself, i want to know why certain institutions are called down and if evolved over time, that's something we need to update. i imagine st. luke's was chosen because it's a hospital with a high rate and at the time had a high rate of reduced care along with a number of medi-cal patient, so it would make sense. now this hospital is part of a larger nonprofit corporation that is not necessarily still serving the same mission. so it's something for us to consider moving forward. >> supervisor stefani: i just --
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wanted to thank everybody for coming out, your service. a shoutout to st. luke's hospital. i was born there. my mother received her nursing degree there and we did a lot of work with the blue room panel to make sure st. luke's was saved. it's a very important hospital serving a side of town that doesn't have a lot of health care. it's getting better, but we took a lot of pain to make sure st. luke's was not closed by sutter. i'm happy to see it represented by emily. i want to let this body know that steve fields reach out to me and let me know he could not be here. i've done a lot of work with steve fields, we worked on behavioral health and nonprofit service issues and i feel confident he should continue to serve on the board. >> supervisor yee: this is actually a follow-up to supervisor safai.
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because this body was created in 1997, what we've seen over the last few decades, is quite a changing, evolving sort of medical field. the services are serving the city at this point. do you feel that maybe it's worth taking a look at the current composition, not necessarily the individuals, but -- and seeing if there is holes in the composition so that maybe what we need to do is change it through legislation? >> yeah, i would say the one thing that has been nice about the statutory construct and the statute can be changed. it requires a state statute change as well as a local. but the board is broadly representative of the providers
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and the members who are participating in the medi-cal program and i think that was by design. so absolutely you know, it certainly is within your purview to take a look and see if that membership is still representative of the medi-cal population, but i think when you look at the current composition of that board, that it is broadly representative, there are two member representatives that sit on the governing board and virtually all of the providers who are medi-cal providers and that is incredibly important in terms of access, because that's what we struggle with. they sit on that board as well they're broadly represented. that's why you see the composition that way. >> supervisor yee: so, also appreciate all of you for coming here. and willing to serve as long as you have. this is a really important issue. i guess because of the issue,
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it's really important authority. i'm going to make a motion. >> supervisor safai: we haven't done public comment yet. sorry. we were waiting for you. >> supervisor yee: all right. >> supervisor safai: any members of the public wish to comment on the item. please speak on this item. >> this is the rules committee and i want to show you how rule that is not being enforced and followed causes a combination of both mental and physical disabilities to be exacerbated to people in low-income and very low-income brackets., can you show me the viewers, please? this ordinance here is part of a package that provides -- >> sir, i'm going to interrupt. so, the way it works in this committee, just so we're clear,
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when we have an item in front of us and the item in front of us is the reappointment of the individuals you heard speak to this health authority, you have to speak on that item. you can't -- >> that's what i'm doing. >> ok. >> let me explain to you before you start my time. i'm going to show you how this affects people in low-income brackets and causes mental adjustment and post-traumatic stress disorder anxieties to be exacerbated because of missing out on the housing opportunity. i would like you to recall the professionals and have them explain it to you by them not being included in the housing opportunity that is being advertised, it makes them more frustrated and more angry. and disturbs our communities. that's in the income bracket who i'm speaking up for, sir. that's why i'm relating it to, to show how it's related. now i would like to restart my
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time to demonstrate and show you how it works. >> can you add one more minute? >> i would like to go back to the screen. this ordinance here pertains to community development law. ok? it explains how 15% of the overall apartment building complex is supposed to be for very low-income bracket peoples. affordable housing calls for very low and low-income bracket people. ok? this arises out of the overall income skill, but yet when the housing opportunity is presented to the public, you start the income requirement at 45% of the medium. this means that the people that is in the low-income bracket, one, two, three, four five categories are not included in the housing opportunity. ok? that delivers adverse effect because you incorporate the people who is making $121,000 in
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affordable low-income bracket. it's not fair. by the same response, the people included in the 40% housing are making 72,000, 92,000, those people shouldn't be in affordable low-income housing. >> thank you, sir. thank you. any other members of the public wish to comment on this item? please come forward. >> the san francisco health authority, i'll be brief and let you know we're supportive of the reappointment and new appointment of two new folks in the health authority. thank you. >> supervisor safai: just one before we entertain the motion, one point of clarification. are any of the seats, do they need residency waiver? >> no, the health authority in particular do not require residency waiver. there are a number of them that don't live the city -- >> supervisor safai: ok.
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i wanted to double check. >> supervisor yee: sure, i'll make a motion to recommend that we assign zhang to seat 2, webb to seat 4, matovsky to eat 5, lawrence cheung to seat 7, fugaro to seat 8 and fields, to 12 and woods to 14. positive recommendation to the full board. >> to the san francisco health authority, right? ok. so motion is moved and seconded, so that item is ordered without objection. thank you, congratulations. and thank you all for your service. please call the nexttime. >> hearing to appoint one member to the park, recreation, open
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space advisory committee. one seat, one applicant. >> supervisor safai: unless there is initial comments from the committee member, let's hear from the applicant, jordan akeno, please proceed. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is jordan aquino and i'm honored to stand before you today to discuss and present my qualifications for reappointment to the san francisco parks, recreation and open space advisory committee. i'm a resident of the outer sunset neighborhood and have lived in district 4 since pursuing my undergraduate degree at san francisco state university. i currently work at san francisco public works as a business analyst for the department's information technology committee or division. two years ago i came before this body for my first appointment hearing and ever since that day,
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i have forever been reassured that advocating for parks and for the city that i love is something that i always wanted to do. while working full-time and serving my first term on prozac, i enrolled in the master public administration program to develop my knowledge and skills of becoming a better public servant and will soon graduate this upcoming may. through my professional experience, and academic studies, my passion for public policy, strategic planning and governance has only heightened my desire to continue to serve on this committee for a second term. while preparing for the occasion, i remembered one of the first prozac meetings that i attended in which the general manager presented the recreation park plan. the first word that comes to mind is inspire. inspire public place. or space. inspire play. inspire investment.
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stewardship and inspire our team. and throughout the process of this strategic plan, i have become most inspired to work alongside the department, my team, and our community stewards to foster change and equity for the parks and open space for the future of the city we all love. in my first term, i have advocated for the historic preservation of the mothers building up the zoo. i have participated in various community meetings ensuring renovations are completed at the 30th avenue and fulton dog play area in golden gate park. and close to my home continue to work to improve the safety and beautification of the community's open space at ocean beach. in this past year, i was truly proud to collaborate on the working group for defining and developing equity metrics to make san francisco the first city in the nation in which every resident lives within a
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10-minute walk of park or open space. the past two years have been filled with growth and opportunity, though i know there is still work to be done and initiatives we can achieve by working together. i am trum inspired -- truly inspired to work along my advocates for years to come. >> supervisor yee: thank you for your work on this committee. i'm just curious in regards to the mother's building, why is that important to you? and if it's renovated. what are we going to do with it? >> so the reason why the mother's building is important to me is because inside of the building at the zoo, there is actually murals that were established primarily by women.
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i think that it's important to me because it is part of not only san francisco's history, but the women of san francisco. i think that if we are able to make both short-term and long-term renovations to the building, it can be used as a space, not only for mothers and families, as it was in the past, but also to promote the celebration of the zoo and its animals. >> supervisor safai: any other questions? great. if we have any other questions, we'll bring you back up. thank you for your service. any members of the public wish to comment on this item? please come forward. public comment is closed. entertain a motion. >> supervisor yee: was there indication from supervisor tang? is this her appointment?
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>> supervisor safai: it is. and she's in support of reappointing. >> supervisor yee: she is. >> supervisor stefani: yes, there was appointment memo received. >> supervisor safai: yes. >> supervisor yee: i'll make the the -- >> i'd like to move jordan aquino forward for the seat 3 and move it forward to the full board with positive recommendations. >> supervisor yee: we're so excited to appoint you we're fighting to nominate. >> supervisor stefani: and thank you for your service. >> supervisor safai: without objection, that is ordered and moved. congratulations, thank you for your service. >> item number 4, a hearing to consider appointing one member for indefinite term to the city college financial assistance fund oversight committee. there is one seat, one applicant.
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>> supervisor safai: unless any initial comments, let's hear from the applicant ms. conny ford. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is conny ford. i'm vice president of the san francisco labor council and happy to be here. i've been waiting for this commission for several years now to be in this status. just a little bit about me. i am not native to san francisco, but i raised my children here, who both went to public school. my son ended up graduating from city college. my daughter took some of her first nursing vocational classes at city college and that was a nurse practitioner for planned parenthood. i'm a strong advocate of city college and have always talked about, we have k through 12 as a free public education system, and i was always looking forward
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the day we can extend that for two more years. that came about three or four years ago as you probably remember. city college was in crisis back then, but we worked hard to get it reestablished and then i was a part of a great, great, great team, committed to making it and extending it to free for all san franciscans. took four years to do that, but we passed the legislation here at the board and proudly we passed prop w which helps pay for this benefit from the city back in 2016. right at the same moment president 45 was elected, it was one of the hopeful signs during those depressing moments after that election. since then, many of us in the same coalition, which is comprised of students and faculty and labor and community and many, many other people have
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done outreach to make sure that the community knows about this wonderful benefit and probably have seen some of the reports in the paper recently that the students, ftes are increasing by at least 15%, we're almost up to 55,000 after being at a low with 35,000. going up to our goal of 100,000 where it was back in the day when everything was peachy keen and free, of which i was a part of going to city college free at that time. way back when. so i'm a firm believer of city college. i feel like it gives people that opportunity to go to school and to continue their education. you know, with all of the vocational arts that have there, the nursing programs, the machinist program, all of the ged graduation opportunities, the life long learning classes for people like me who want to
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learn about philosophy or go to school to tap dance. that's my goal next year as kathy is the teacher there that teaches tap dancing for seniors. i love that idea. i might come back and do a little tap dance after that. i am embedded with this program and want to the next step as you know is to be -- to look at the oversight committee and make sure the funds are transferred in a transparent, open and honest way.
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eye on the prize of expanding this opportunity to more people. i'm proud to be here nominated and to serve on the committee. i hope that you will give me this opportunity to serve. >> great thank you. >> supervisor yee: first of all, i want to say that i really -- i'm really respectful of all the things you do for the city. in particular city college. so i think we're going to can lucky to have you on this oversight committee. >> thank you. >> supervisor yee: and the -- i didn't realize we were not supporting december classes.
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and i will -- if you need help in fighting for this, i will join you, because it's ridiculous we're not. you're basically saying to students, why don't you take another year to finish up your courses rather than taking summer classes. so in many ways, we lose money. not allowing -- not paying for the summer classes. and i agree with you that, we have a great system, education system, that is up to 14, you know, but i want to correct you a little bit. we're not k 14, we're pre-k 14. >> good point. if you look at the school district theirs is pre-k and hopefully in the next few years, we'll make it i to 14. >> i'm with you. >> supervisor yee: let me know
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when you take the tap dancing class, i'll join you. >> ok great. >> supervisor safai: supervisor yee is an accomplished dancer in salsa, i don't know about tap, but definitely in salsa. >> i'm not an accomplished dancer so you'd have to take it slow and easy with me. >> supervisor safai: i just have -- thank you, just be formal here today, for all your commitment and dedication to this issue. i know that like for lack of a better term, this is one of your babies and you've dedicated significant amount of your time and life to this long-term goal. and i know you have other long-term goals to continue to keep expanding access to higher education and education for those who don't have the means. so i really commend you for that work. and so kudos to getting this forward and passed. the thing that you and i did
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talk about was the idea of moving the oversight forward and some of the responses in terms of not getting any funding and we don't want to do anything to destabilize the funding of city college. so some of the ideas that you talk about, can you mention a few of those that you think will be helpful in this situation? i know that committee has not been convened. you're one of the first that will added to the committee? that's a good first step. we'll get that going. there will be a report submitted to the mayor, board of sfls supervisors and city college trustees. i think there has been confusion in terms of informing people to ensure that they're going through the necessary paperwork and process. can you just talk about that for a minute? >> well, from what i know, which is minimal, and what i read in
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the paper, i know that some of the invoices that the city college sent to the city have been returned. we want to get to that as quickly as possible and make sure both sides are organized and together and able to produce the information they have. i know that one of the things the city required, which i agree with, is that they produced the zip codes for the students because i think that will be a good way for us as oversight committee to see which neighborhoods are being served and which need a little more outreach. there is questions about financial aid and things that fall into the categories and those sort of things. i'm looking to blazing new paths forward. >> supervisor stefani: i wanted to thank you for your service and passion on this and reaching out through the e-mail.
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i didn't have a chance to e-mail you back, but i received it and it's so important that people reach out through e-mail about ever the committee meetings, but i commend you on your passion and thank you for your service. >> thank you, i'd love to have a cup of coffee some day. >> if we have questions we'll call you back up. any members of the public wish to comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> supervisor yee: i'll make a positive recommendation to appoint conny ford to city college financial assistance fund oversight committee clerk of the board. >> supervisor safai: great. without objection, that item is moved forward. congratulations. congratulations.
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i learned about the eastern neighborhoods a couple of years ago given my children's school expansion. i spend a lot of time in this neighborhood. it was my first exposure to san francisco. where i worked on project including the barclays center in downtown brick lynn, the revitalization of time square as well as lower manhattan after 9/11, i'm really interested in how the city of thinking of wholesale neighborhood in this space. over the couple of years, i've watched the population of the area has grown and changed and how new housing and retail has come in. as the space gets more active in the space of city life i'm interested to see how the city collectcollects input. we're building housing, as you probably know, but i also have
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my students out in the neighborhood much more than i used to. they interviewed hundreds of homeless residents in the fall. you know, from the perspective of students who spend a lot of time in this neighborhood, it's changing quite a bit. i think we're currently the only middle school. as we look at the changing landscape of the neighborhood, we think about things over there in the context of crossing the streets, open space, parks, we are a school that's grounded in civic engagement. we think a lot about the ways in which our students go out in the community and serve the community. it's an interesting moment to me in san francisco and this is the most exciting neighborhood i kind of wish i lived here actually. i'm really excited to hear more about the 16th street plan. i would like the idea of the from' very much. i think the warriors are a very
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interesting opportunity. i'm interesting in traffic and street crossings and things like that. it's a really important neighborhood we get right as a city. so i'm delated to be here ask to present my qualifications to you guys today. >> what's the name of the school your kids go to? >> live oak school. >> ok. >> great. >> any questions? supervisor sheehy has joined us. do you want to say anything? >> well. >> are you here for this item. >> she's my appointment? >> for both. >> you can say you came for that? i'm just kidding. >> i ran down. i met with sarah. her experience in new york and her background makes her extremely well qualified for
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this position. as a fellow parent, i think her commitment to kids in this city is important as we start to talk about how we build out our neighborhoods. the perspective is powerful. >> great. thank you. thank you for joining us. >> any other members of the public wish to comment on this idea. public comment is closed. entertain a motion. supervisor stephanie. >> yes, i move -- now i'm going to get the move wrong. sarah bahat to c7 on the eastern neighborhoods citizen advisory board with recommendations. >> great. and that motion is seconded. congratulations and approved. >> thank you. call the next item.
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>> item number 6 is ordinance waving refunding investigations fees imposed for persons registered with the office of cannabis. >> great. unless there's any initial comments from committee members, i'd like to hand it over to supervisor sheehy. i know he would like to say a few words first. >> sure. i want to recognize nicole elliott from the office of cannabis and what this legislation does is really try to rectify a consequence built into our regulations. we wanted to get everyone, this really relates more it's not about the retail operations. obviously for those of us, stefani you were lucky you were not here for cannabis legislation. >> we can make some amendments so she can participate.
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>> maybe some public comments, et cetera, et cetera. we wanted to bring the supply chain into compliance with the city regulations, city rules and they largely were outside because there was no pathway for them to be functioning as a legal business. unlike the retail operations which were able to function legally as medical cannabis dispensaries. in doing that, they're all coming in seeking licenses and permits for the city, but especially where it goes to land use questions, they haven't been up to code so department of business was there and obviously because they weren't part of a process of getting legalized in the beginning, a lot of code
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violations are being discovered. now, given the way our rules were, cold violations including fines on top of fixing the violations. this is something they cannot wave. we don't want these punitive fines to be a barrier or obstruction or deterrent to businesses coming into the legal market and complying with all of our rules and regulations. so what this legislation does is wave those fines and penalties so that we can continue our work, which i get, i salute director elliott in what must be unimaginably complicated and difficult work getting all these businesses into compliance. we would like to -- what this
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does is removes the fines and penalties for these businesses as we get them into the legal -- appropriate legal framework and in compliance with the rules and regulations in the city and county. >> we thought it was important enough to pull it out of another committee and get it on here. >> thank you. >> you are welcome. >> we felt like that was a necessary move essentially given the fact that the whole conversation, as you've said, when we were drafting the legislation, was to pull people out of the woodwork for lack of a better word and we want to give them the incentive to come forward and be legalized businesses and that process we don't want to penalize them to come forward. so i see a great value in this and i think the trade off is a small amount in terms of what we get in return because director elliott were talk about bringing
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them out of the shadows allows us to then create revenue for the city and job opportunities and work with them to expand their businesses. so, director elliott, did you want to speak on that? >> supervisors, thank you for having me here today and again, thank you for the efforts made to move this out of another committee into this committee so we can move it forward more quickly. as you mentioned, every day these dollars don't go reimbursed to these operators is a day that they have less money to meet compliance we're asking them to meet. registration process was meant to serve as an amnesty process for operators to start working with the city towards compliance and ensuring that we see these operators move towards compliance and providing a fair pathway for them to do that is the only way that we can be successful in creating i legal market place in san francisco
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and reducing the unregulated market place that previously existed through no quality of their own. it is in the best interest to do this so i want to thank you guys for considering this today. i want to give a shout out to the many inspectors who have participated in this process and supervisor sheehy, these are fees being imposed by operators by the department of building inspection and by their inspectors for work done without a permit and so they do not have the authority to not issue these penalties so this ordinance would give them that authority. we're also being joined by inspectors from the department of public-health, the fire department and my office. up to 12 inspectors are visiting these sites on a daily basis. it's been an enormous undertaking and proven to be helpful in preventing life
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safety issues we're seeing at some of these operators' locations and in starting to move them towards compliance in a fairway. with that, i just want to state that this ordinance was heard by the building inspection commission last week and unanimously supported by the commission so they are also in favor of waving these penalties. with that i'm happy to answer questions you may have. >> i think we'll call back up. i have a series of about 50 questions -- >> i'm prepared. [laughter] any members of the public wish to comment on this item. seeing none. public comments closed. any last words supervisor sheehy before we make a motion? >> i just wanted to thank you and the committee for considering this and for taking it on to expedite it. >> you are welcome. >> entertain a motion on this item. >> norman. supervisor yee.
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>> i'll make a motion. >> to cause and recommendation to the full board. >> i think that's all we need. >> does she want it as a committee. expedited. >> no, no. this is good. positive recommendation. >> ok. thank you. do we need to -- that's a good question. do we need to send thought as a committee report to go? >> no. >> it will make the next report. >> ok, great. >> ok. >> so the motion is to send it with a positive recommendation. secondedwithout objection that item is ordered. congratulations. any other matters before us today? >> that concludes our business for today. >> we are adjourned, thank you.
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>> i'm nick. >> we're coe-chairs of the national led organization. what food recovery does is recover and redistribute food that would go wasted and redistributing to people in the community. >> the moment that i became really engaged in the cause of fighting food waste was when i had just taken the food from the usf cafeteria and i saw four pans full size full of food perfectly fine to be eaten and made the day before and that would have gone into the trash that night if we didn't recover it the next day. i want to fight food waste because it hurts the economy, it's one of the largest emitters
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of greenhouse gases in the world. if it was a nation, it would be the third largest nation behind china and the united states. america wastes about 40% of the food we create every year, $160 billion worth and that's made up in the higher cost of food for consumers. no matter where you view the line, you should be engaged with the issue of food waste. ♪ ♪ >> access edible food that we have throughout our lunch program in our center, i go ahead and collect it and i'll cool it down and every night i prep it up and the next day i'll heat it and ready for delivery.
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it's really natural for me, i love it, i'm passionate about it and it's just been great. i believe it's such a blessing to have the opportunity to actually feed people every day. no food should go wasted. there's someone who wants to eat, we have food, it's definitely hand in hand and it shouldn't be looked at as work or a task, we're feeding people and it really means so much to me. i come to work and they're like nora do you want this, do you want that? and it's so great and everyone is truly involved. every day, every night after every period of food, breakfast, lunch, dinner, i mean, people just throw it away. they don't even think twice about it and i think as a whole, as a community, as any
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community, if people just put a little effort, we could really help each other out. that's how it should be. that's what food is about basically. >> an organization that meets is the san francisco knight ministry we work with tuesday and thursday's. ♪ ♪ by the power ♪ of your name >> i have faith to move mountains because i believe in jesus. >> i believe it's helpful to offer food to people because as you know, there's so much
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homelessness in san francisco and california and the united states. i really believe that food is important as well as our faith. >> the san francisco knight ministry has been around for 54 years. the core of the ministry, a group of ordain ministers, we go out in the middle of the night every single night of the year, so for 54 years we have never missed a night. i know it's difficult to believe maybe in the united states but a lot of our people will say this is the first meal they've had in two days. i really believe it is a time between life or death because i mean, we could be here and have church, but, you know, i don't
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know how much we could feed or how many we could feed and this way over 100 people get fed every single thursday out here. it's not solely the food, i tell you, believe me. they're extremely grateful. >> it's super awesome how welcoming they are. after one or two times they're like i recognize you. how are you doing, how is school? i have never been in the city, it's overwhelming. you get to know people and through the music and the food, you get to know people. >> we never know what impact we're going to have on folks. if you just practice love and kindness, it's a labor of love and that's what the food recovery network is and this is a huge -- i believe they
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salvage our mission. >> to me the most important part is it's about food waste and feeding people. the food recovery network national slogan is finding ways to feed people. it's property to bring the scientific and human element into the situation. - >> shop & dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges resident to do their showing up and dining within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services within the neighborhood we help san francisco remain unique successful and vibrant so where will you shop & dine in the 49 san francisco owes must of the charm to the unique characterization of each corridor has a distinction
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permanent our neighbors are the economic engine of the city. >> if we could a afford the lot by these we'll not to have the kind of store in the future the kids will eat from some restaurants chinatown has phobia one of the best the most unique neighborhood shopping areas of san francisco. >> chinatown is one of the oldest chinatown in the state we need to be able allergies the people and that's the reason chinatown is showing more of the people will the traditional thepg. >> north beach is i know one of the last little italian
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community. >> one of the last neighborhood that hadn't changed a whole lot and san francisco community so strong and the sense of partnership with businesses as well and i just love north beach community old school italian comfort and love that is what italians are all about we need people to come here and shop here so we can keep this going not only us but, of course, everything else in the community i think local businesses the small ones and coffee shops are unique in their own way that is the characteristic of the neighborhood i peace officer prefer it is local character you have to support them.
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>> really notice the port this community we really need to kind of really shop locally and support the communityly live in it is more economic for people to survive here. >> i came down to treasure island to look for a we've got a long ways to go. ring i just got married and didn't want something on line i've met artists and local business owners they need money to go out and shop this is important to short them i think you get better things. >> definitely supporting the local community always good is it interesting to find things i never knew existed or see that that way. >> i think that is really great that san francisco seize
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