tv Government Access Programming SFGTV March 3, 2018 3:00am-4:01am PST
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planning. it's something we could investigate? also, that may be a discussion for an up coming joint hearing with dbi about that topic? so we can definitely investigate the routing of all dbi permits, but i cannot speak with 100% confidence on that routing. as you know, dbi routes permits to planning, and then we review them. we don't have jurisdiction on what permits actually do get routed to us just generally. >> okay. commissioner richards? >> i forgot what i was going to say, i was listening to you so intently. what would we do with the permits if they came to us? miss hester, what would we do? >> to the planning department. not to us. >> but over the counter, miss hester, they come in, what do you think they should do?
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>> part of it is figuring out how much of the scaling is going on. for this permit, probably not for this permit, but for this building. they add in the residential hotel, a karaoke lounge with all kinds of karaoke in the basement. that's not a normal residential hotel amenity. it's a tourist hotel amenity, quite frankly, so how much upscale planning is being done? the planning department should know how much. >> i think that's something we should talk with dbi about. >> if we could just add that back to the motio-- report bac motion. >> upon occupancy? >> yeah. >> upon occupancy. >> is that all right, commissioner koppel? >> very good. shall i call that question? >> please. >> so commissioners, there's a motion that has been seconded to take d.r. and approve the
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project, recognizing and conditioning the voluntary offer for rent rates for those reoccupying and a required report back update upon occupancy. >> and it was the -- my amendment was to have the individuals on the list served, not just send them mail. is that okay with you, commissioner koppel? >> mr. ionin, when you say when upgrade when -- rent rates. >> there is a voluntary offer by the sponsor to return the original occupants as their original rent rates. >> at the rental rates they had when they left the building. >> rental rate on departure, no capital pass through. >> very good. commissioners, then, on that
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motion. [ roll call. ] >> so moved, commissioners. that motion passes unanimously, 6-0. >> all right. thank you, all. the meeting's adjourned. >> self-planning works to preserve and enhance the city what kind hispanic the environment in a variety of ways overhead plans to fwied other departments to open space and land use an urban design and a variety of other matters related to the physical urban environment planning projects include implementing code change
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or designing plaza or parks projects can be broad as proipd on overhead neighborhood planning effort typically include public involvement depending on the subject a new lot or effect or be active in the final process lots of people are troubled by they're moving loss of they're of what we preserve to be they're moving mid block or rear yard open space. >> one way to be involved attend a meeting to go it gives us and the neighbors to learn and participate dribble in future improvements meetings often take the form of open houses or focus groups or other stinks that allows you or your neighbors to provide feedback and ask questions
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the best way to insure you'll be alerted the community meetings sign up for the notification on the website by signing up using you'll receive the notifications of existing request the specific neighborhood or project type if you're language is a disability accomodation please call us 72 hours before the event over the events staff will receive the input and publish the results on the website the notifications bans feedback from the public for example, the feedback you provide may change how a street corridors looks at or the web policy the get started in planning for our neighborhood or learner more mr. the upcoming visit the plans and programs package of our we are talking about with our feedback and participation that
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is important to us not everyone takes this so be proud of taking ann i'm the ed of swords, the bay area vet service agency, i want to welcome everybody to the official ground breaking of this really exciting new housing development. you can tell, it's going to be great, right? it will provide housing for 62 formerly homeless veterans and 60 low-income families. a unique project. so thanks for coming out in the rain, and of course, the folks who will be living here will be out of the rain, right? this will be their home. beautiful. key neighborhood. lot of jobs, lots of energy.
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wonderful. where else could this happen but san francisco, right? i mean, san francisco really recognizes that everybody is together, we suffer together, we triumph together. the people to fight our wars, men and women working and who fight and die. and their families. boys, men, women. and their family. and this is the kind of project that they should have. they deserve this. and san francisco has made it possible. i really want to celebrate the san francisco inclusive spirit to allow something like this to happen in this spot at this time. it's significant. having leaders like mayor ed lee who really dedicated this property and made sure -- [applause] -- i really believe it wasn't just words or speeches. mayor lee truly believed we
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needed to do something and spoke to us, if we have homeless veterans on the streets of the country. he proved that not just by words, but making this property available for the project. we're honored to have mayor mark farrell here today, another leader in the city, who also understands the sacrifices the veterans make, his father was an air force pilot. we have presidio, where there is a number of veterans who are formerly homeless, who has made the presideio a living memorial. i want to introduce the mayor. >> thank you, michael and everyone for being here today. this is what san francisco is all about. when we have struggling individuals and we're here to pick them up and build a 100%
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affordable housing development in the city. i think as michael alluded to, we have veterans here in the san francisco that need our help as a city, we stand up for them. veterans housing is something that is personal to me. michael mentioned my father being an air force veteran and seeing a number of his colleagues as well from the armed forces, we cannot do enough to support our veterans. i'm so proud to partner with source shares and everyone that is here today. i want to pay a huge tribute to mayor lee and his wife anita who was here today and his chief of staff. [applause] mayor lee made housing a central platform but it wasn't just talk, it was action. and he committed to build 30,000 new units by 2020, we're on track here in san francisco.
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but he was committed to people of all incomes here in san francisco. and affordable housing will be his biggest legacy here in san francisco and something we can all be proud of. and also when you think about veterans housing, this was something he prioritized and he knew the sacrifices that our men and women in the armed forces made and continue to make on behalf of our country. and what an incredible champion of this project and others in san francisco. proud to formally announce we're formally dedicating this affordable housing site to our mayor edwin m lee and when the buildings are completed, they will bear his name on them here in san francisco. [applause] it is one of many tributes that will happen. obviously mayor lee. they're all fitting. but i think today, especially anita, having you here is
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fitting. so thank you all for being here. i have a laundry list of thanks. so for chinatown cdc, thank you for your hard work. michael, plow shares, incredible organization representing veterans here in san francisco. hamilton families, oci, commissioner and staff. a round of applause for nadia. she is transforming our city. housing and development. thank you for all your hard work. our department of homelessness and supportive housing and jeff and his entire team. and a special thanks to our funding partners here at sf city, mark and ron. and so many others who played a role. sean and the golden state woreiers. these are organizations and individuals that stepped in when
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we needed them to. i want to say special recognition not only to the chief of staff and jason, but also steve who is here today for all of his years of hard work. thank you, everybody for being here today, appreciate it. >> i'd like to introduce supervisor jane kim. jane kim of district 6 has been a fighter as we know, for all of the citizens in the supervisor district 6. her integrity is up the charts. she represents some of the most impoverished neighborhoods in the city, treasure island. in the tenderloin, et cetera. and we're just really happy and pleased and we feel honored to have her. so without further ado, supervisor jane kim.
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>> thank you for that super kind introduction, michael. i live across the street from the source office, he has to be kind because i might give him a hard time when i walk to work to city hall. it is a pleasure to be here today. ground breaking are a time that we can really celebrate our achievement as a city and being able to win funding for 100% affordable housing, which everyone here under this tent knows how difficult it is to accomplish. i am proud to represent this district which includes mission bay. i'm proud of the fact that this city has fought to ensure before my time in office, that this redevelopment area plan would be 30% affordable. ranging from households that are formerly homeless to middle income housing. this is the type of model neighborhoods we want to continue to build here in san
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francisco. and it will be home to so many of our families who are either formerly on the streets, or struggling to live in san francisco in the working class job, and it will also be the home to the new warriors team and continues to be the home for the giants team as well. there is so much to be proud of. i'm excited because this is a partnership between the city, chinatown and plow share, three entities which i'm close to. norman fong hired me as a committee organizer. i know he's smacking his head right now. no, no, i continue to serve you. these three entities and both chinatown development center and source of plow share are amazing organizations and i was able to cut the ribbon with you and mayor lee. i can't think of a more fitting
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site of many, because there will be more to come, that with ill be commemorating mayor lee. mayor ed lee was many things to the city, but the one thing he was very clear about was that he wanted to reduce the number of veterans sleeping on the streets to zero. he was emphatic about that. and actually he has been achieving and working very quickly to achieve that goal. we in the city have a lot of work to do around the homelessness crisis, but one akorean the mayor was -- arena the mayor was successful in is providing a permanent home to our citizens, our residents that serve our country, our men and women who serve our country. on top of that, to ensure that families, who are the fastest growing demographic are part of the project, speaks to the tremendous victory on the site today. so mayor mark farrell acknowledged many of the people
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that made this happen. it takes so many people to build a 100% affordable project, so thank you all to everyone. thank you. >> thank you. so you know, this is a project of the public and the common. and really, nothing represents that more than the community investment and infrastructure that makes housing development possible in this area. now more than ever we need to bring more affordable housing. so to increase programs like this, where you have supportive housing, it's affordable, it reaches everyone, every level of income, especially low-income people, it's crucial. i want to welcome nadia. >> hello, m.p. i am honored today to be here to
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celebrate this project and ground breaking for incredible new homes for the low-income san francisco families and homeless veterans who need it the most. this project will add 118 units to the 1048 affordable units within the mission bay project area. when i think of how this project came to be, i am reminded by my friend and colleague, mayor lee, his response to obama's plan to end veteran homelessness and his own 10-year plan to abolish homelessness. i cannot think of a better way to remember him than by naming this building after him. i would like to thank mayor farrell and thank mrs. lee for
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your presence here today and messing this occasion. i'm very excited that 62 units will be set aside for veterans homelessness and these individuals who have served our country should not have to worry about a place to sleep at night. in addition, the remaining 56 units will be available for low-income families. this project will be our fourth project in the mission bay south area. and it would follow the ten 1180 fort street project and the soon to be completed 626 mission bay boulevard north just a few blocks away from here. i would like to commend my staff who continue to work on this project daily. we have jeff white here and the rest of the housing team. i want to thank our partners the community development, and more importantly, i want to thank my commission. who has encouraged us to build
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smart well designed functioning housing. i want to commend our partners, plow shares and chinatown community development center whose staff has been amazing to work with on this project. i want to acknowledge construction partners. lastly, i want to thank sf city, more specifically the conway family, sean parker and drew, alfred and rebecca and golden state warriors for providing this generous donation that got this project up and running and the funds were able to provide precious dollars for upcoming affordable housing projects. with that, i want to thank you all and commend you all for the great work to come. [applause] thank you.
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so, just briefly i want to say that now we're going to start talking about the people really doing the work here, making this possible. i want to say that obviously a project of this scope is not possible without people that really know their stuff. we were so happy to partner with chinatown cdc, who are pros, not that their great people, but they're super competent. building housing development, nonprofit, that's as complicated and difficult as anything wall street does. and yet the rewards are minimal, but great from the standpoint of making a difference in people's lives. that includes our own staff. i have to acknowledge leon winston.
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leon is the chief operating officer and it's his passion and dedication that go deep. he's also a pro. he knows his stuff. but is committed to the mission as much as anyone i met and work with. thank you so much. i want to say our other partners, again, we appreciate all the private support, but this is -- don't get mixed up, this is a public project made possible by the public and the common good and it's led by the v.a. that made housing vouchers available to us. they run the social work department, we have of course all of the partners with the california state vet people who are here.
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i want to say this project would not be possible without the california taxpayers, the people of san francisco, right, who backed the bills. the v.a., hud, the veterans housing program, the local initiative support corporation, san francisco city, san francisco investment and infrastructure, all these acronyms, who are these people? well, they're the people who make it possible. they're the people who give the private sector so much backing they can't help but invest in in. like the california debt limit allocation committee, the california department of housing, et cetera, et cetera, that's what it takes. so just briefly, other construction partners, the brothers, contractors,
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initiativy brothers. these are all topnotch people. architects, the design partners. are you here? design studios, castro. so, let me also i want to introduce teresa gunn, she's are the cal vet program and really understands the financing of what makes this possible. she helped us develop and support our $10 million grant that was a piece of this project. it's our friends and partners of the cal vet home loan that make this possible. teresa, could you say a few words, please? [applause] >> good morning, everyone. i usually like to start because i'm with cal vet, i like to recognize our veterans and the
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families, if you're a veteran or a member of the family, could you please stand, thank you all for your service. [applause] as a military brat, the families often are forgotten. thank you all for your service. i want to thank absolutely every single person an entity that michael just thanked, because without everyone else this wonderful project wouldn't be occurring today. i'd like to extend a special thanks to the chinatown community development center and the sword to plow shares, our cosponsor. california has the honor of being the state with the largest veteran population at nearly 1.7 million. with this honor is the challenge of having the most veterans experiencing chronic homelessness. according to hud, 29% of veterans experiencing
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homelessness in america are here in california. san francisco has homeless and underserved population close to 700 veterans. in california, the vets aren't the only problem. there are more than 100,000 veteran households that are low-income, that means less than 30% median income and 74% are burdened, meaning half of their income is spent on housing. in addition, there is approximately another 100,000 veteran households are ho are very low income, under 50%. and 42% of them are severely burdened. so with these truths come the question, how do we assist our at risk veterans and those experiencing homelessness? in response to that question and in show of support from the governor brown, our legislature and california voters, the
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veterans housing and homelessness program was created and cal vet, our sister agency were entrusted to be the custodians of this program. not quite four years ago as california voters directed $600 million for the sole purpose of helping fund projects like this mission bay, cal vet and our partners set in motion the process for competing for and being awarded the funds to make projects like this come to fruition. mission bay is a shining star in the vhp program, for a couple of reasons. one, this is the first vhp project in san francisco. move in out of the rain. squeeze in. i'll be short. we have a couple projects in the surrounding area, but this is the first one that is really going be impactful for the
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veterans in san francisco. and as supervisor kim said, the previous mayor's drive was to take veteran homelessness to zero. is this project will take almost 10% of those homeless veterans and give them a permanent home. it's absolutely amazing. secondly, this project shows how projects should be done. how they should come together and move forward. mission bay is a recipient of the third round of vhp funding. it was awarded its funds barely nine months ago and here we stand with the ground broken and this building going to be erected quickly here. that is amazing. many of other projects get stuck in predevelopment even though they have the funding and take several years more. it's a fantastic job, everyone involved. vhhp is a beacon for at risk veterans facing potential
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homelessness and those who are homeless. today, that line shines here in san francisco. mission bay will be a safe place for 62 veterans and their families. maya angelou said it best, the ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place we can go as we are, and not be questioned. vulnerable members of our community are ensured to receive not only a place to call home, but the services and support they need to stabilize their lives. they can find a place to thrive. cal vet is here, a trusted partner, working to support, build, nurture local, regional and statewide collaborations. local, regional and statewide, everybody is involved in the project and will make it a success. i acknowledge the hard work as i've already said before from
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our partner swords and chinatown and the community leaders joining us today. thank you for your support. we're all working together to improve the quality of life of our california veterans experiencing chronic homelessness. congratulations on today's ground break and i thank you all for everything you do to support our veterans and their families. [applause] >> so this is the second project of swords and chinatown. 150 street, which houses 75 homeless veterans, has been around since 2012 and that was funded by the wells fargo folks and we're pleased to renew that partnership. i would like to welcome jeff bennett, the vice president for wells fargo community lending and investment.
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>> thank you so much. this is a great pleasure for us to be involved in this wonderful project. we have been working with chinaton for a long time, since the early 90s. we've done great things with them. this is our second veterans project with swords and chinatown. we closed this project before christmas last year, it was a little bit harrowing because the congress almost took away the taxes and bonds program we were using. thankfully it was preserved at the last minute and we didn't have to go to plan "b" which would have been more difficult. i want to concongratulate the development team and thank the folks who worked on financing. they did a terrific job of getting this thing done.
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we're providing most of the private financing on this, we're doing a construction loan. we're going to be in the deal for 15 years at least, so we're a long-term partner. i want to acknowledge those in the audience providing the permanent mortgage which ace critical part of the financing as well. and i just want to say that wells fargo has been committed to affordable housing for a long time. we continue to be. it's a huge need in san francisco and the bay area. we're very open for business, for affordable housing and hope to see a lot more of these opportunities in the future. thank you very much. can't wait for the grand opening. [applause] >> so again, we're thrilled to work with chinatown and i want to bring their experience as we know, they develop over 4,000 units of housing, affordable
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housing. and the reverend norman fong has fought for our communities since 1990. so without further ado, reverend fong, please. [applause] >> you know, mayor ed lee always says he wanted us to get together under a big tent. this is it! this is it, right! i'll be really fast this time. i need your help. you're going to help me bless this. we want all the good vibes on earth. i want to say that michael, swords, raise your hands, thank you! it adds so much meaning in life when we know that our job is to get all the vets off the streets. and they can do it. they delivered it heart and soul. we can do a little housing and community services for the families, but i just want to
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super thank plow share, you've added diversity and meaning to our work. in chinatown. that's what san francisco is supposed to be about, right? embracing diversity. so today, you all should be super smiling in the rain, ok, ok. we're here under this big tent, ed lee's tent, to wish all these good blessings on this site. i need you to kind of yell after me. may the spirit of peace -- >> peace! >> joy -- >> joy >> hope and love -- >> hope and love >> embrace this new ed lee veterans and family whatever. you know what i mean! this place. and turn to the burn to your
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department of children, youth and their families. [applause] the only time i get applause is for saying that. at press conferences! [laughter] it is so exciting for me to be here with you all. this is a labor of love that has taken over two years to come to. and i am so happy to be here with young people, in community, and with our key partners. we have the police department, the chief of police is here, adult probation, we have rec and park partners and school district partners. so i'm so proud to be here with everyone and with our mayor. first, want to thank our host, our school district, james denman middle school. particularly principal lisa,
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thank you so much. [applause] we had an opportunity just a few minutes ago to tour one of the classrooms that i have to say, it is amazing. it's wonderful to see people curious and excited about what they're learning. it makes me want to go back to school. maybe, maybe. i want to recognize and thank century -- i thought i saw him around here. yay! applause >> been helping to make -- really helpful for us. san francisco has made this very powerful commitment over the many, many years within the city, but more importantly in the last two years, to ensure equitable access to opportunities and services for
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all of our children. so that they can lead lives full of opportunity and happiness. dcyf is one of those departments trying to envision that dream and goal set out by mayor ed lee. we're not the only department that can move toward the goal of having access for all. we're one of many departments. we're a city of community and city of leaders who want to work together. and with that, i would like to bring up to the podium, a person who needs no introduction. our mayor, mayor mark farrell. [applause] >> mayor farrell: first of all, any deacons in the house? come on, we can cheer! all right. listen, i want to thank maria
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for all of your hard work on behalf of the city's families and children. i want to acknowledge a number of people here today. first of all, supervisor safai is here. district attorney gascon next to him and our school board members. we have our president. as well as commissioner walton. and as well as our vice president of our school, please give him a hand as well. and i know commissioner haney was coming as well. today is a chance to celebrate the bright future of our city's children here in san francisco. while we do honor the legacy of our late mayor, edwin lee. mayor lee was a longtime champion of children here in san
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francisco and today, we also will celebrate that. you know, it is our responsibility as a city to uphold the values of san francisco. of inclusiveness and hope that we ensure san francisco remains affordable for families. and that we invest in the health and success of all of san francisco's children. as a father of three young children, i understand that, mayor lee was a devoted father of his two daughters and there are so many fathers and mothers today with us. with that, we need to make sure our children receive quality education, they live in safe homes in communities and with that, they can achieve amazing things in life. as city, we are committed and will always be committed to serving those most vulnerable and most needy here in san francisco. we know that our families are face ago crisis of affordability. of childcare. after school programs. and we need to make sure that
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parents know that their children are safe at school, after school, and on the weekends. and we want a city that provides programs to support our families and our children. whether it's the transitional aged youth here in the city, families with single mothers or working class families. that is who we are going to support as a city of san francisco. that is who we are as a city of san francisco. and today, it's so amazing. i am most excited about the fact that the beacon school community strategy that is currently in nine middle schools is now available on all 27 middle schools across the entire city of san francisco. [applause] it's going to mean such an amazing change for cities and families. it's going to allow us to serve over 8,000 more children than
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we're serving today. we're investing through high school partnership programs and $16 million for the youth here in san francisco. when we fund these programs, we're not only investing in our residents, we're investing in the future of san francisco. and we know that those are investments that i am proud of as a mayor of san francisco and that i know mayor lee was proud of when he was mayor as well. it's something that we all should be proud of together and something we should all celebrate. today is a day of celebration. i want to say a special thanks to our principal here. we got to know each other last year when we opened the middle school as a shared schoolyard projects. for the weekends here that our children can play here. if we're not doing everything we can in our city government to support our families and
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children, i don't know what our government is all about. so i am so proud to be here today, so proud to stand with the people behind me who do all the hard work to make this happen and so proud to support our families. thank you, everybody. [applause] >> thank you, mayor farrell. so in order to deliver the best result for san francisco's children, youth and families, we have to work in deep collaboration with our city's partners and stakeholders to ensure the most effective and efficient use of resources. one of our proud and key partnerships is with the san francisco unified school district. with that, we have dr. vincent matthews. [applause] >> thank you. one of the things i'm most proud of is when the partnerships come together to make things happen for our children. it is said that you can judge
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the true character of a community by how they treat their children. and so when we come together like this, this is exactly what it's all about and this is what makes me most proud to be a san franciscan. in order for us to do our work, we're guided by the work of our board. i'm going to introduce him one more time, the president, vice president cook and commissioner walton and one of the supervisors in the audience, she's shy now, but you should hear her in meetings. we thank you for your hard work. we are fortunate to live in a city that is so deeply committed to the health, wellness, emotional development and academic success of our students and families. i want to thank the mayor for supporting the commitment of mayor lee and to maria for her efforts in continuing to strengthen our partnership. let's give them a big round of applause. [applause]
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we at the school district benefit from the generous support of the city through the rfp process. the school district works with over 150 community based programs that provide a wide range of support for our students. and the majority of the funding from dcyf. this allows us to work with partners to enrich and enhance our after school programs, student leadership programs, social emotional development and much more, which directly contribute to building prosocial, positive learning environments in all of our schools. i want to take just a couple of minutes to mention two areas in particular that we are especially thankful for. for many families providing after school programming is essential, especially for working families, who without them, would have to pay for
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childcare. over 20,000 san francisco unified school district students are enrolled in after-school programs and they not only provide a safe place for students to be, but through the partnership with dcyf, we have collaborated to provide to assess and strengthen the quality of the programs. another area we are particularly excited about is the beacon expansion. they and the school district have partnered to provide beacon programs at nine of our schools. it's helped the district to better understand the community school strategy we see as a successful model in our own city and is showing success in cities all across the country. the district has been wanting to expand on this model and we wanted to for some time now and dcyf heard our call and will
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increase funding and support from 9 schools to 27 schools. [applause] tripling the number of schools will begin in july 2018. these 27 schools represent all of our comprehensive middle schools and identified high-need elementary schools. we're very excited to see the beacon programs soar by aligning the needs of the school communities with the rich resources offered by our community partners and we welcome them into our schools. i want to thank dcyf and the san francisco community for all that you do. thank you so much. [applause] >> thank you. so before i continue, i want to acknowledge that we have a lot of the dcyf staff in the audience here. without our staff, we would not be able to do this work. so, staff, could you just raise
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your hands so people here know who you are? thank you, thank you. [applause] having amazing staff really makes my life much easier and makes all of us look amazing and good. right? mr. mayor? i know, i know. on top of that, we're also guided by an oversight and advisory body and today, we're fortunate to have the chair, eddie zhang here with us, the vice chair, linda jordan martin. and one of our oversight members, dr. gibson. [applause] so in 2014, the voters of san francisco overwhelmingly passed proposition c, the children and youth initiative. which increased the children and youth fund from three cents to four cents for every $100 of
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property tax revenue. adjusted the age limit to allow us to serve transitional age youth. extended the fund up to 25 years. and then most importantly created a coordinating council, called the our children, our families council. as the official steward of the children and youth fund, we administer the funds to community based organizations and public partners, public agencies to provide services for children, youth, transitional age youth and their families. today, dcyf is extremely proud and honored to share that we will be funding 294 programs throughout the city administered by 151 different nonprofit agencies, for a total -- get ready -- for a total of $377
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million over the next five years. [applause] [cheers and applause] that is a true demonstration of deep commitment that the people of san francisco is making for our children, youth and families here. over the next five years, nonprofit agencies will be receiving $75 million to provide services for our children, youth and families in over 300 schools and community-based agencies and sites throughout the entire city. in every single district, in all 11 districts. in this commitment, in strategic funding, powered by equity, quality services, community engagement and collaborative partnerships, this investment,
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by the city of san francisco and its residents, is more than just money. it is a demonstration of love and dedication for our future. we are committed to ensuring equitable access to the services and opportunities that all of our children, youth and families need to lead lives full of opportunity and happiness, with a deep focus ensuring access for san francisco's children who need it the most. we have reached the culmination of this exciting multiyear planning cycle. and i am extremely proud of the new grant portfolio resulting from this process. we welcome all 151 agencies into the dcyf family. our funding decisions were guided by the population level data that we track regularly.
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and by intentionally listening to our community, to our young people, to stakeholders, about what our children and families need to live in san francisco and to thrive. dcyf new investments and programs ranging from academic support to emotional well-being, from arts and music to literacy. and everything in between. this includes a commitment in our -- i'm sorry -- this includes an investment in our commitment to building the capacity of our agencies that we fund. the programs we're funding will support and strengthen san francisco's children, youth, transitional aged youth and families with greatest needs and people who serve them. we believe that the continuum of
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services that our grantees will provide, will make san francisco an even greater place to grow up. the power of san francisco to be committed in our youth and families, this is what makes san francisco strong. it is now my pleasure to introdu introduce dante callaway. a san francisco native. you're not from denman, are you? >> i am from denman. >> a denman alumni, a beacon center alumni, who came back and worked at the beacon center. and now is a school district employee. >> yes. [cheers and applause] >> let's hear his story.
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>> thank you, i appreciate that. raise this up a little bit. first, i give glory and honor to god for this opportunity and everybody else in their rightful places. much like what she was saying, i was a former participant here, i am a native san franciscan and worked for the beacon program. i am here and proud of it. i did receive my diploma, but i am still here. now, i never would have thought i would return to this place or be back in the positions -- the opportunities that i was given. while working for the beacon, i climbed the ladder. i started off as support and ended as site coordinator. and it was a wonderful opportunity. the beacon has given me so many opportunities and i want to give
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them thanks for where i am in my life. i grew into the young man i am today. and james denman middle school,ive to give them credit. it's wonderful to hear they opened up the school during the weekend, because as a young person, i used to jump the fence to play basketball here with siblings and by myself. thank you, i appreciate that. no students have to jump over the fences anymore. growing up here in san francisco, it's not always the easiest place to grow up. especially, you know, when you're growing up with a struggling family, struggling mother here to take care of 4-8 children. and everything she's instilled in me, i give her credit for had who i am. i am grateful for the many
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opportunities i have here and that i'm even able to give back. i truly believe what you sow, you shall reap. the times i was mean, rude torques the majority of the staff here, i'm reaping that sometimes. but again, i have an investment to give the kids, what was given to me. as a former beacon student, i had many, many different staff members continue to invest their time in me, treat me like a little brother and even like a cousin. however they wanted to do me, but though, sometimes i was being rude, sometimes i was an obnoxious student, they still loved on me. and i decided that, ok, i have to go ahead and give back. i never thought i would be in this position i'm in now, but i'm honored to give them what was given to me. to hear we're going to be
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receiving $377 million over the next five years, to invest in our children, the youth and their families? it literally touches my heart. because now i know for a fact that san francisco is definitely invested in our young people. and want to see them grow. it's a beautiful -- into beautiful young adult. so again, i would love to give honor to everyone else in the rightful places and i thank you guys. me, myself, having two children, a son and daughter, i know that their futures are going to be very successful if they have a place like san francisco that cares for their children and families. thank you, guys. [applause] >> thank you dante. i want to acknowledge that our public defender just arrived.
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>> good afternoon, everyone. this meeting will come to order. welcome to the february 28, 2018 meeting of the rules committee. i'm supervisor safai, to my left catherine stephanie. i'd like to thank jesse larson and samuel williams for staffing the meeting. items acted upon today will appear on the march 6, board of supervisors agenda. >> please call i
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