tv Government Access Programming SFGTV March 4, 2018 8:00am-9:01am PST
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communication s communications? >> clerk: yes. supervisor tang requested to be excused. >> is there a motion to excuse supervisor tang? can we take that without objection? without objection, supervisor tang will be excused. madam clerk, let's go to the next item. >> clerk: approval of meeting minutes for january 23, 2018. >> supervisor breed: colleagues, can we take that without objection? those meeting minutes will be approved after public comment. all right. let's go to the consent agenda. >> clerk: items 1-11 on consent. these are considered to be routine, however, if a member objects, an item can be removed
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call 12-15? >> supervisor breed: excuse me a second. the president recognizes members. so if you want to be recognized, put your name on the roster. before we move to the next item, we just for clarity approved the consent agenda items 1-11. supervisor ronen? >> supervisor ronen: you called supervisor farrell, but never supervisor stefani. >> clerk: my apologilapologizpa. >> supervisor breed: can we take that without objection? madam clerk, on consent agenda, items 1-11. please call the roll. [roll call]
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[roll call] there are 10 ayes. >> supervisor breed: those items are approved unanimously. madam clerk, please call items 12-15 together. >> clerk: items 12-15 are being called together. these items comprise four ordinances. item 12 is an ordinance to approve amendment to the mission bay south redevelopment plan. item 13, mission rock and i-i13 for financing district two. item 14, development agreement between the city and for 28
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acres east of 3rd street for mission rock mixed use project, waving certain parts of the planning code. and item 15, ordinance to admission rock special use district and the ceqa determination and make appropriate finding for all four ordinances. >> supervisor breed: okay. i see no names on the roster. colleagues, can we take these same house, same call? without objection, those items are approved anonymously. madam clerk, let's go to item 16. >> clerk: ordinance to public works to enter into agreements regarding competitive biddings and requirements for procurement and personnel services relating to shelter crisis sites.
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>> supervisor breed: colleagues, can we take this same house, same call? without objection, ordinance is finally passed unanimously. items 17 and 18 together, please. >> clerk: two ordinances that authorize settlements, lawsuit filed by donald spadini for $120,000 approximately, involving alleged negligence of doctors, nurses and staff. and for item 18, lawsuit by david zeller for $290,000. both ordinances contain other material terms, that state the co-defendants, regents of university of california will pay other certain compensations or reparations. >> supervisor breed: supervisor sheehy?
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>> supervisor sheehy: mr mr. givener, could you help me with language for my disclosure? >> sure. supervisor sheehy was employed by the university of california and continues to receive benefits from the u.c. and, therefore, our laws require that disclosure on the record prior to the vote, but has no conflict and can vote. >> supervisor breed: thank you, mr. givener. can we take these same house, same call? without objection, those items pass unanimously. all right. item 19. >> clerk: resolution to authorize the corrections partnership sdek tifr committee to spend local innovation sub account funds or housing for justice-involved people between ages 18-35. >> supervisor breed: can we take this item same house, same call? without objection, the resolution is adopted
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unanimously. next item. >> clerk: item 20. modification 4 to air train operations and maintenance contract with bombardier holdings inc., exercising the one-year option to commence march 1, 2019-february 28,2020 and new contract amount not to exceed $130 million. >> supervisor breed: same house, same call? without objection, the resolution is adopted unanimously. please call 21 and 22 together. >> clerk: two real property leases for five-year initial term for base rent with 3% increases for $93,242.
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also reimbursements $38,000 for tenant improvement, utility, services per month and first right of refusal to purchase the building. and item 22, amendment of lease at 390 market street with brcp llc for use of department of public health for the cost of $1.8 million with 3% annual increases for three-year term through november 30, 2021. >> supervisor breed: can we take these same house, same call? withouted objection, adopted unanimously. >> clerk: retroactively authorize the site license with tristar for installation of microwave antenna located
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i in stanislaus county and to make the appropriate ceqa findings. >> supervisor breed: can we take this item same house, same call? without objection, item adopted unanimously. >> clerk: item 24, authorize the san francisco department of health behavior all health services to enter into a contract agreement for substance abuse treatment for fiscal year 2018-2019/2020 for $26.5 million grant for a three-year term through june 3, 2020, and authorizing the county drug administrator to authorize. >> supervisor breed: same house, same call? without objection, item is adopted unanimously.
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>> clerk: 794 square feet at 901 fairfax avenue for nominal base rent of zero dollars reimbursements up to $100,000 for tenant improvements and additional $800 charge for utilities and services per month for 15-year term to extend for one year and adopt the ceqa findings. >> supervisor breed: same house, same call? without objection, resolution is adopted unanimously. >> clerk: retroactively authorize the department of environment to accept and expend $500,000 funds from a grant from the association of bay area governments to perform energy efficiency program as part of a pay area regional energy program through december 31, 2018. >> supervisor breed: same house, same call? without objection, the resolution is adopted unanimously. all right.
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let's go to the next item. >> clerk: motion to impose an additional tax on the gross receipts from lease of commercial receipts to fund the commercial rents tax act forerliy child care. madam president, we're in receipt of a memo from supervisors withdrawing their ballot initiative with this item. >> supervisor breed: supervisor yee? >> supervisor yee: this item is still on. >> clerk: correct. consideration for this item to be tabled. >> supervisor yee: okay.
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i want to make a few comments. as you know, this is a topic i bring up all the time in need for our working families whether low income or middle income that they need help. and the process of going through this would be a great way to submit to a ballot initiative. unfortunately, we just have no time to complete everything that we wanted to complete this through process. at the same time, we still have 2,500 children 0-5 waiting for childcare slots at this point. this initiative would have served another 2,5 hun h00 chil
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0-5 that would be and making up to 200% a.m.i. and in light of the fact that there's a great need and this is going to be one solution that can be met, not over one million years, but once this passes, the solution to serve another 5,000 people that want to go back to work and for our kids to have quality early education and for our professionals in the field to have an increase in their salaries, could be met with this particular item and that the people out there could collect signatures over a two-week period in which many people were
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skeptical over whether that would happen. lo and behold, they collected twice the signatures as necessary. so we would like to table this item. >> supervisor breed: supervisor yee has made a motion to table this, seconded by supervisor peskin. >> supervisor kim: thank you for partnering on this ordinance with our office. it's been a pleasure to work on this and i've learned so much about childhood education through your advocacy. over the past 40 years for this important issue. we have qualified for the june 5 ballot via signatures and i want to thank our team and supervisor yee for leading that effort to make sure that we got double the signatures needed. so we won't need this vehicle anymore, so i will support the
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motion to table. colleagues, i look forward to getting all of your endorsements on our measure that will be before the voters on june 5. >> supervisor breed: thank you, supervisor kim. there's been a motion to table. theres been a second. colleagues, can we take that without objection? without objection, the motion passes unanimously. item number 28, please. >> clerk: item 28 is an ordinance to amend the planning code to establish geary-masonic special use district and make the appropriate findings. >> supervisor breed: supervisor stefani? >> colleagues, i'm happy to bring this project forward after two years of effort. 5 want to thank our neighbors for many so forward-thinking on this project. also want to thank the developers and labor for supporting a project in a neighborhood that hasn't seen any new housing, which i know is
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challenging for many neighborhoods. i'm very much looking forward to working on these projects going forward. through this project, we'll welcome 95 new families to the neighborhood. the initial project was for 21 june its and it's increased to 95 with the building remaining the same size. it allowed it to go from 3 to 22 and that's more units than what was planned in the original project. so i'm really proud of this, to carry this across the finish line for mayor farrell and look forward to more collaborative projects like this in district 2 in the future. >> supervisor breed: thank you. can we take this same house, same call? without objection, the ordinance passes unanimously on the first reading. next item? >> clerk: item 29 is an ordinance to amend the planning code to regulate restaurant and bar uses in jackson square
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special use difrt richt and to require a conditional use permit for uses fronting pacific avenue and affirm ceqa and make the findings. >> supervisor breed: same house, same call? without objection, passed unanimously on the first reading. next item? >> clerk: liquor licenses, would you like me to read 30 and 31? >> supervisor breed: together, thanks. >> clerk: limited to verve holdings at 2358 fillmore street will serve the public convenience and item 31 motion to verify that cafe envy at 1701 yosemite avenue has completed the requirement for the new, transferrable special on sale
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general liquor license. >> supervisor breed: thank you. supervisor cohen? >> supervisor cohen: thank you. i'm pleased to have this before us today to ask that you join me in support. this is a unique request. it's for a victor application, as you heard, from cav y-- cafe en envy. there's a cap on the number of liquor license applications due to an historic proliferation of liquor retailers. type 87 licenses are now a new type of liquor licenses reek endend ly -- recently adopted by the legislature in 2018.
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the goal is to help restaurants who help their surrounding neighborhoods and they help them in various ways of supplying jobs, reducing blight, bringing foot traffic to the neighborhood and keep dollars circulating in the community. i hope that you will join me in supporting the license application. >> supervisor breed: thank you. can we take these same house, same howl kaul? -- same call? without objection, approved unanimously. >> clerk: campaign and government conduct code failure to file forms 700s and to modify the ethics commissions reporting requirements regarding the filing of form 700s. >> supervisor breed: supervisor stefani? >> thank you. this item came before rules and
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we discussed a few amendments. they've been passed out to everyone. thank you, supervisor peskin. page 3 lines 13-23, i would like to add a provision that a member of a city board or commission can seek a temporary waiver from the executive director for extenuating circumstances. while the waiver is pending before the executive director, member or commissioner shall be disqualified. this was discussed at rules and intended to address issues in filings, particularly when a commissioner comes on board and has to file the office form. and i believe that supervisor peskin has an addition to this. i've incorporated amendments suggested by supervisor safai that would require notice of failure to file. this amendment can be found on page 4 and 5.
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>> supervisor breed: so just for clarity, supervisor peskin passed out amendments and those what you are referring to? >> yes. >> supervisor breed: okay. so, colleagues, is that a motion to amend? >> yes. >> supervisor breed: is there a second? seconded by supervisor safai. can we take amendments without objection? objections pass. supervisor peskin? >> supervisor peskin: thank you, madam president, and thank you to the chair of the rules committee, supervisor safai, and members yee and stefani for forwarding this piece of legislation with recommendation, which will, i think, encourage the late filers and a tiny percentage of nonfilers of form 700s out in the land of our
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commissions. as supervisor stefani indicated, i have an amendment to the amendment on page 3 at line 13 to insert the words "for cause." a member of a city board or commission may seek a waiver, insert "for cause." >> supervisor breed: i'm sorry, supervisor. what line is it again? >> supervisor peskin: line 13. in other words, they have to have a justification, not for any reason like, the dog ate my home work. >> supervisor breed: got it. so there's a motion? >> supervisor peskin: yes. >> supervisor breed: seconded by supervisor safai. can we take it without
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objection? amendment passes. colleagues, with he can take this same house, same call? without objection, the ordinance as amended passes unanimously on the first reading. next item, please? >> clerk: item 33, motion to approve the nomination for milicent johnson to the planning commission. >> supervisor breed: same house, same call. approved unanimously. >> clerk: to reappoint kathleen dooley to the small business commission. >> supervisor breed: same house, same call. approved unanimously. next item. >> clerk: it's not 3:00 p.m., so we'll skip over the special orders and go to roll call for introductions.
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supervisor sheehy? >> supervisor sheehy: a hearing to receive the family violence council's report. i'm a member of the council. a couple of highlights. over the last 11 years, the city has increased funding for violence against women services way 262% for $1.83 million to $6.77 million. community-based organizations on the frontlines responding to domestic violence and child abu abuse fielding 21,000 client calls and serving almost 14,000 child abuse clients in 2016. the report finds 53% increase in 911 domestic violence calls involving a gun and 87% kaulsz involving a knife.
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almost three times as many lesbian, gay, and bisexual high school students report dating violence, as opposed to heterosexual peers. black victims account for 1/4 of the victims supported. so i look forward to having this report presented to -- full report presented to committee. thank you. the rest i submit. >> supervisor breed: supervisor stefani? >> colleagues, last night i stood on the rotunda steps with many of you as we celebrated the lunar new year with san francisco's chinese community. president breed made remarks that resonated with me as she mentioned how lucky we are to live in a city so diverse.
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how our different cultures make our city so vibrant and how all of our communities must be celebrated. as a proud italian-american, i'm introducing an ordinance today to celebrate and recognize everything that the italian-americans have brought to this city and continue to bring. this ordinance will recognize the second monday in october as italian-american heritage day, as well as being known as indigenous people's day. we celebrate the cultures and rights of italian-americans the parade is the oldest in the nation, celebrating its 150th anniversary in october of this year. it's my hope that on this day, the city and county of san francisco can celebrate the rich diversity and contributions of both indigenous and immigrant communities. we owe a great deal of gratitude to italian immigrants that have
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contributed to our city, landscape and culture and history and we need to tell them that. first, our beautiful city is named in honor of st. francis of assisi. his compassion for service led to them to act in times of extreme poverty and we reference him all the time. italian-americans have had a long presence here with the first arriving in the early 1800s. italian immigrants built strong traditions in fishing, winemaking, and ghirardelli started. and a college was founded, today 19 as the university of san francisco. in aftermath of the 1906
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disaster, bank of italy set up a desk from two barrels and wooden plank to help provide financial resources. the network and institution expanded to what we know as bank of america. the city's reputation as a vibrant, world-renowned center is built on contributions by artists, singers, dancers, filmmakers and philanthropists. for example, first resident opera company was established in 1923, which in collaboration with other members, led to the creation of the san francisco opera association. the oldest surviving opera company on the west coast. he also organized the construction of the war memorial opera house during the great depression as a monument to veterans of the first world war.
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free open spaces for poets, authors and book lovers across the world. san francisco inspired the nation with great italian-american athletes such as joe dimaggio, and tony lazari. some of the biggest contributions are in public service, including three italian-american mayors, who led san francisco through momentous times. mayor angelo rossi, first mayor of 100% italian descent to manage a major u.s. city. mayor joseph aliotto, steered the city through the 1960s and 1970s, and through projects like bart and transamerica. mayor george mascone fought to keep the san francisco giants
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here. congresswoman nancy pelosi became the first woman to serve as speaker of the house of representatives in 2007. those who live, work or visit san francisco are fortunate to experience traces of the earliest contributions and creations of san francisco italian culture in businesses, shops, daily lives throughout north beach. every time i'm in north beach, i'm reminded of my great uncle and aunt who met in north beach. he was a fixture there in the '50s and '60s and she was the bell evidence secretary at the grammar school. they were both so proud of their italian heritage and i hope they would be proud of the steps we're taking here today. i want to thank the coalition of italian-american organizations and lorenzo ortono.
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i also want to thank supervisor peskin that represents north beach. this ordinance seeks to honor all italians for past and present contributions to san francisco and it seems to recognize the rich heritage of italian-americans and to celebrate their im measurable contributions on the second monday of october for generations to come. colleagues, i have a resolution i'm introducing today supporting the march for our lives that commends students for their effort to demand common sense gun laws and safety measures. on february 14, 14 students and three staff members were tragically killed.
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we lost aaron feis, football coach. christopher hixon, 49, school's athletic director, husband and father. alisa alodette, star soccer player. martin ducay, 14 years old, immigrant from mexico. jamie gutenberg, age 14. loved to dance. luke hoyer, admire stephen curry. gina montoto, a member of the color guard team. joaquin oliver, immigrant from venezuela that became a naturalized citizen in january, 2017. elena petty, junior rotc, helped after hurricane irma's
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devastation. peter wang, rotc member. peter pollack, future college student. helena ramsey, 17, champion in academics. and both the school marching band and orchestra. this was the 18th school shooting in the first 43 days of 2018. following this terrible tragedy, the surviving students have organized to take action and are demanding that their leggors -- legislators take on common sense gun reform. these students have organize and will lead the march for their lives here on march 4, 1:00 p.m. they've invited students to plan
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satellite marches and students here have answered that call. it's a show of support of the students here and throughout the university who have said, enough. their call to action for not one more seriously brings tears to my eyes. not one more child shot at school. not one more teacher, who has to make the choice to jump in front of a firing assault rifle to save the lives of their students. not one more family who has to wait for a text or a call that never comes. these students have said that they will no longer risk their lives waiting for someone else to take action to stop the epidemic of school shootings that's become all too familiar. it's time for us, the adults, to take a stand and let their voices be heard. i want to thank the brave students in san francisco from my district and other districts for reaching out to me and i want you to know that we stand with you in solidarity. i have one more in memoriam.
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for ming chapin. ming was born in new york city and grew up in cold spring harbor, long island. she moved to san francisco and lived in the same apartment in pacific heights for 32 years. living across the street from lafayette park, ming fell in love with the beauty and many friends she made there with her dog. they were daily fixtures in the park. ming started dog tree in the park, installing strings of lights on the tree asking park friends to decorate it with photos of their dogs around the holidays. it's continued ever since and is a holiday tradition in lafayette park. it will continue in the future with the passing of the decorations to a close friend and dog walker. ming was involved with the friends of lafayette park.
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ming's heart and soul were in lafayette park and she's been honored there in several small groups since her passing. she will be greatly missed, but her spirit will live on in the contributions she's made to lafayette park and the city. the rest i submit. >> supervisor breed: thank you. we have one commendation today and i would like to turn this over to supervisor malia cohen. >> supervisor cohen: thank you. i'm not sure if the group is in the chamber today. i'm looking for representative from willie brown. okay. make yourself known, sir. this afternoon, i want to present this beautiful stack of
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commendations to a group of young people that we're honoring that are incredible advocates and very important change agents. they have rolled up their sleeves and worked toward a solution. students were upset about the unfair reality of their environment. particularly about healthy food choices. 8th grade students said, "we're in a food desert. that means we have liquor stores around and not grocery stores." this reality is the outcome of assumptions that certain communities don't like to eat fresh foods. this manifests in food retail red lining, which is the
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oversaturation of liquor stores and fast food. the six members of the black student union researches the effects of junk food in their community. they won first place and a cash prize at the statewide black minds matter competition. their report, called "good eats unwrapped" found that the consumption of junk food like cookies, cakes, chips and soda affect the way students learn and behave and contributes to littering. so the report found that the issue affects our schools and contributes to the health issues within the african-american communities of the united states. what may taste good may not be
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good for you. valuable lesson in that. and also noting that you are what you eat. so eat to live and not live to eat. these are quotes pulled from the report. not only are the students engaging in advocacy and data collection, they're investigating questions that sit at the intersection of health and environmental justice for the immediate school environment and the community. as a member of this board, who has been an advocate, i'm beyond impressed by the work of the young people and grateful that they have advisors and instructors that believe in them, support their work, and has taken the time to empower the young leaders who desire to see change in a neighborhood. so today, it's my great honor to
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recognize the hard work and fast action of these young people. understandably, the students were unable to attend the board meeting because they're middle school students in the middle of their school day and they're preparing for black history month celebration. so as an fyi, that's tonight at 2055 silver avenue, willie brown middle school, 4 cra:00 to 7:00. here to accept, principal brown. please share a couple of remarks with us. thank you. >> as you mentioned, on behalf of the school, i'm here to accept the award. the students were beyond excited to know they were being acknowledged on this level. several of them were trying to pull my coat tail on the way out, but i had another meeting before this, so couldn't bring
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them along. we are beyond grateful and appreciate this award. [applause] >> supervisor breed: thank you, principal brown, and convey to the students that we're all very proud of them. thank you so much. >> will do. thank you, again. >> supervisor breed: that was our only commendation for today, so we'll return to roll call for introductions. >> clerk: we'll begin with supervisor yee. >> supervisor yee: thank you, madam clerk. colleagues, today i along with
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my co-sponsors, supervisors sandra fewer and hillary ronen introducing the implementation ordinance for immigrant parent right to vote act that san francisco voters approved in november, 2016, elections. through the passage, it gave all parents a voice on the school board elections. and it has been shown that greater parent participation is a key element to raising achievement. voting in the school board election is one of the critical ways that parents are involved in their children's education. and more deeply invested in our communities. immigrant voting is a tradition that goes back to the founding of our country and for the first 150 years of our nation's history, 40 states and
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territories allowed immigrants to vote and even hold office. in fact, the u.s. supreme court has repeatedly said that citizenship is not required to vote. the ordinance i'm introducing today provides for a comprehensive outreach and education in 48 different languages around the process of voting as well as potential risks that may arise as a result of immigrant parents registering to vote. it requires the department of elections to maintain on the website a list of nonprofit organizations that specializes in protecting the rights of immigrants. prospective voters will be encouraged to consult with them before voting so they know their rights as well as risks and can make fully informed decisions. we will work to ensure that all
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potential voters are fully educated involving this process. i would like to thank the director of the department of elections and deputy city attorney white for helping us through the process the lions' share goes to the organizations that have worked tirelessly to accomplish this for our immigrant students, and ideals for civic participation. i would like to thank the following, that have spent significant time to draft this legislation. jonathan stein, ho may pang, kevin bogas and annabelle
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kingwo kingwood. eva hobach. norma garcia, mission economic agency. ron hayduck. and cathy coe from the university of san francisco. i also want to thank my co-sponsors, supervisor sandra fewer, who got the ball rolling by drafting the immigrant parent right to vote act. i look forward to your support. the second item i want to introduce today, i would like to be calling on the children's council. it's the children's fund and
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public education enrichment fund, prop c in 2014. it was important to me and many others that in addition to the reauthorization of these funds that we align efforts across the city in partnership with departments, school district and community with the goal to promote coordination, increase accessibility and enhance effectiveness for programs with children, youth and families the council's work is critical and because we're starting to lose one of the most important assets, families and children, i wanted an update from the council's work. it's been several years now. as a city, we must continue to ensure that our leadership, departments, school district and community work is coordinated and aligned to increase the efficien efficiency, address gaps in services and our children's
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council framework was approved in 2016 and this hearing is an opportunity to have the council present on their implemented strategies and plans to best meet the unmet needs of our city's families the rest i submit. >> clerk: thank you, supervisor. president breed? >> supervisor breed: i have three in memorials. the first, ted cohen. he's the father of martha cohen, a city employee. mr. cohen died peacefully in his home on february 18, the day before his 93rd birthday, surrounded by his family. born february 19, 1925, in chicago, mr. cohen was drafted into the army at age 18, where he served his country with
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distinction until he retired from military service in 1970. mr. cohen attended the university of illinois and northwestern school of journalism. after attending college in 1950, he bravely volunteered to return to active duty. and while on assignment in germany, he met his wife, harriet, who he was married to for 64 years. mr. cohen was a lover of model railroads, world history, good friends, and good food. he was a loving man, survived by his wife, harriet, daughters, son, and daughter-in-law, and grandsons. mr. cohen was dearly loved and took great care of his family. he served his country honorably and will be truly missed
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the second in memoriam i have is for dennis o'sullivan, who is -- who passed away unexpectedly last week on february 18. a native san franciscan and first generation irish-american. mr. o'sullivan was a creative businessman. he started his own towing company and then was a retail clerk, at lucky stores the past 30 years. known for his smile, love of the outdoors and harley davidsons. he will be missed by his friends and family here and in ireland. colleagues, my third and final in memoriam is for someone who i'm sure everyone on this board
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knows and loved dearly, ms. sharon hewitt. i know my colleagues will probably want to say a few words about sharon. i've pretty much known sharon my entire life. we called her aunty and others called her grandma. she was someone who was a devoted mother, grandmother, and even a devoted great-grandmother, a mentor, teacher, activist. someone who cared about people and cared about the city deeply. she was a founder and executive director of the community leadership academy and emergency response project, clear. this program helped youth and their families directly affected by violence in their neighborhood. she did everything she could to encourage young people to pursue higher education and get involved in shaping their community for the better.
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when i was struggling with a decision of whether to go away to spellman college or u.c. davis, she basically pointed a finger in my chest and told me, i better go to u.c. davis. and that's just sharon. that's her personality. she didn't discuss the options. she told you what to do. and she was forceful. i remember one time when we had this big argument about something in the community and we were yelling and screaming and people thought we were about to come to blows. we were fighting and fussing and i was so mad and she was so mad. and she walked away and i walked away. and she said, come here and give me a hug. and i just gave her a hug. what do you do after someone like sharon, who, again, is so
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passionate and cares so much and so deeply, someone who basically wears her heart on her sleeves and loves people and loves her community. she's someone that i argued with on a regular basis. someone who i hugged on a regular basis. someone who was an absolute jewel in our community and she led by example. she didn't hesitate, whether you asked her or not, to share her advice and her wisdom about just her life and her struggles and things she went through because what was most important is trying to help change and save lives and she didn't want people to go through some of the challenges that she went through. it was that love, along with her tireless advocacy and fierce dedication to san francisco and its communities that would shape so many lives of our future leaders and current leaders 1 san francisco. she cared about everyone around
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her. she challenged everyone around her. and ofrt oftentimes would push envelope and make people uncomfortable, uncomfortable in feeling that everything was okay when there was so much that needed to be done. she was loved by so many and she will be truly missed. and i know supervisor cohen, supervisor safai and supervisor kim join me in this memoriam. so i would like to acknowledge -- well, supervisor yee, so maybe perhaps on the entire board, we can do it without objection and adjourn the meeting in her recommend my. supervisor kim? supervisor yee? >> supervisor yee: thank you, president breed, for your words about ms. hewitt. i think you probably said it
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best, better than i can. your description of her is spot-on. she pulls no punches and so over the years, when i was running my organization, i was able to have the opportunity to work with sharon on a few projects. whatever project she put her mind to, it would be successful. i remember getting to know her, i said, we have centers in certain areas and a couple of end centers in the tenderloin in which we have mixed cultural families. and i went to her and said, you know something, i really want to open up a center in which i
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could serve not only the chinese americans there, but also the african-americans and trying to bring groups together. because to me, the best way to start it is at early ages in preschool. and i said, i don't know where to start with that. i know i could get the resources to help the families, but i don't have a center. and what she did was not something that i was expecting. i said, i know how to do this. let's go to the housing authority. and let's build something. i said, okay. i'll find the money. we'll build it. and i told her, i'm not too sure about working with the housing authority at the time. she said, don't worry. i trusted her and lo and behold, after 1 1/2 years, we were able to build a center there for
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about 80 kids. so that's her legacy from my memory. that she was just a wonderful mentor. she was my mentor also. >> supervisor breed: thank you, supervisor yee. supervisor kim? >> supervisor kim: thank you. i wanted to share a few words about sharon hewitt, who many of us called mama hewitt or grandpa hewitt. [please stand by]
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embrace so mappy different families. london talked about sharon yelling and screaming and cursing, and i've definitely been the target of that, as well. and she never let you know if you didn't commit to bringing contributions and holiday gifts to all of her families at clear every holiday season. sometimes i used to dread her phone calls because i knew she would just yell for a very long time. but at the end of every single call, like president breed said, she always told you that she loved you, and that she knew you would deliver, and she was proud to live in the city. sharon eventually moved in the tenderloin, and she switched gears, and she basically became a community grandmother to all of our filipino arab american, muslim american, latino families, and i saw a
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