tv Government Access Programming SFGTV March 21, 2018 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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i got on the stage with her, and i had a good time. the best birthday i've had in the last 11 years, since my son was murdered, so i have no kwaums abo qualms about that, but we're talking about putting things on the agenda. i ask that you put our children's cases on the agenda so that we'll have a venue for our children's cases so the perpetrators can see the victims. no one's hearing the victim's voices. i am a victim. i am a survivor. but i still grieve for my son who was murdered 11 years ago. aubrey aborcasa, jr., a 17-year-old boy murdered on the streets of san francisco, and i have to wait to get justice for
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my son when everyone knows who killed my son. the police know, the d.a. know. they have addresses. they put it in the newspaper, but no one's doing anything. can you put our children's cases on the agenda so that we can get some closure for the mothers and for the -- like myself and for my family so that we can heal. the perpetrators are walking the street, still, today, to murder again when they feel like it, to pickup a gun, just like the recent homicides in the school that just recently happened. what are we going to do about that? it's happening everywhere. thank you. >> thank you, miss brown. as you know, miss brown comes to us each week to talk about the death of her son, and unfortunately, there's no witnesses that will come forward.
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if anyone's willing to come forward, the anonymous tip number is area code 415-575-4444, and miss brown pours her heart out to us each week. her son aubrey was a great young man. he went so st. dominicks, and she took his diploma when he graduated. when he talk about the suspects, i'm sure the officers that are out on the streets are watching them closely. thank you, miss brown. next public speaker. >> hi. my name is diana tejada, and i'm an advocate at san francisco women against rain, and i attend other meetings that advocate for the group that i work with. as you know, sexual assault, rain is grossly unreported crime. there are numerous reasons why
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women are discouraged from reporting the story to the police. a client of mine reached out to me because she fears the police because of what happened to her. her fear is real. she had called the police to her ex parte ner who was beating on her and sexually assaulting her. she had told him she would call in order for him to stop him from hurting her. he said go ahead. kwul call the police. you're undocumented, and don't speak english. as soon as enthuse get he-- th get here, they're going to talk to me, not you. as soon as the officers arrived, the officers took the word of what he said, and my client was arrested. if the officers had taken the time to get an officer who spoke spanish, they would have known that she was the victim. had they taken the time to know, they would know that this
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perp had been beating this women since 2000. the officers refused to let mer use the rest room and this resulted in a uti. my client is very scared of the police. i am hoping that this does not continue because the word in the community is if you are undocumented and don't speak english, the police will just look the other way. now more than ever, bilingual officers are needed to interview lep crime victims and officers need to reassure crime victims regardless of their immigration status their cases will be investigated. thank you. >> thank you. did this happen recently, if i may ask? >> no. >> when was this. >> this happened in 2015. >> okay. well, if you speak with one of director henderson's folks in the audience, it may be too late for a complaint, but it's
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important that we made these changes -- there was three years ago, but it's important we find out what happened, and it's important that you meet with him if you haven't done so already. >> thank you. >> thank you for all your hard work. we appreciate what you do. >> good evening, commission. my name is ana de-carlos. i am fortunate to sit at the lep working group for months, and we've been meeting for years, and while we recognize the progress made, there's still a lot of work to be done. only in the last semester of last year, my colleagues and i have heard or seen at least two instances of language barriers during police interactions on the street stemming from an improper assessment of language needs. give an examples, one of our victims was a victim of a traffic accident. she was visited by officers
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while she was recovering from hur injuries. the officer asked her if she could speak english, and she said no. anyhow, the officer asked her questions in english, and she tried to answer to the best of her abilities in her limited english and given the situation of pain and injuries she was in. it turns out that the -- a report was written based on that interview that contains gross inaccuracies and/or miss information. dgo 5.20 states that abbott exigent circumstances officers must identify native language and/or call a qualified interpretation service. unfortunately we continue to see this pattern where officers dpoe through the process don't through the assessment of establishing native languages. these road blocks are affecting
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people in the right to access justice as well as services, reparations and healing. they revictimize the victims and may result in arrests from problems stemming from inaccurate reports. we are thankful to people in sfpd who care about language access, particularly or langley a son, but we would like to see the whole -- language liaison, but we would like to see the whole -- >> if you could speak to an officer about the whole incident. miss up ton? >> good evening, commissioners. i am ea i'm so honored to be here. beverly up ton, domestic violence commission. [ inaudible ] nobody's going to believe you.
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you're undocumented and/or you don't speak english. it's part of the pathology to be involved in that. so we're so honored to sit at the table once a month for, i don't know, the last seven or eight years at mission station, but we have to be part of the team that tells the survivor that he or she is believed, that we protect and serve everybody in san francisco, no matter what language they speak. one of the things we heard today was the danger of wrongful arrest, and we still do see it. and many of the survivors do not want to come forward because this is such a fearful time. not because of what's going on in san francisco. we're trying to create, i think, a very safe city, but the political realities are really keeping communities afraid, and they're afraid to come forward, so we're not going to see the kind of reports that we probably have in the past. but i can tell you the examples
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that we heard from our two leaders in advocacy here tonight is a drop in the bucket. i can tell you that about six months ago, a young deaf mom, which we haven't really discussed, including asl and isl, international sign language, in our language access work would be so helpful. a young deaf-hard of hearing mom was wrongfully arrested, brought out to the scene. she called the -- called for service. she was ultimately arrested for domestic violence, held for several days while everything is getting worked out. several of us receive an amber alert. it was her child that had been taken by the unstable dad -- >> thank you, miss upton. thank you for that. yeah, that's a great idea, actually. any further comment on-line items about
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items 3-a, b, c, or d? seeing none, public comment is closed. please call the next line item. >> good evening, vice president mazzucco, commissioners, chief scott, and members of the public. i'm pleased to provide provide you with -- provide you with a synopsis of the reports that happened over the last three-quarters. this is a combination of the third and fourth quarters. there were 49 a bulletins that were released, 59 b bulletins,
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16 c bulletins with a total of 116 bulletins. general orders, 5.15 enforcement of immigration laws has been revised. department general orders in progress, interacting with transgender and jendeer variant and intersex individuals, that is something that's being worked on. at this very moment, we're all looking forward to having this general order being presented to our department. department general or the 3.01, that is currently in concurrence and is -- it's through concurrence and now it's in meet and confer. department general order 1.08, community policing, department defines this as department philosophy and organizational strategy. department 2.04, citizen complaints against officers. it outlines the policies and procedures to receiving, investigating and processing system complaints against officers. department general order 3.09,
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department awards. defines the criteria for formal awards given to sworn officers from gold medals down to captain's complimentary awards. sergeant k ilshaw is working on that. department order 3.10, firearm discharge review board, enforcement of immigration laws. this is to establish policies in sfpd's role in enforcement of ice. it outlines the department's commitment to treat all people with dignity, fairness, and respect. department general order 5.20, lep policy, procedures that establish language access procedures consistent with federal, state, and local law for members to follow when encountering a limited english proficient person. department general order 6.03, underwater recovery unit, department general order 6.09, domestic violence. this is a policy regarding
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domestic violence incidents and outlines procedures for investigating, processing and enforcing court orders. department general order 6.10, missing persons, department general order 6.15, property processing, department general order 6.16, sexual assaults. this establishes policies regarding investigations of sexual assaults involving adults and juveniles, including procedures for investigating, gathering evidence, obtaining medical treatment, and preparing incident reports. department general order 8.11, officer involved shooting investigations. this order outlines the rules and procedures to be followed in the context of all officer involved shootings and discharge investigations. there is also going to be a department general order under the 8 series which is going to be for dive team and department general order 10.02 under equipment. department general order 10.04, pick radios. department general order 10.08,
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unit of computers and peripheral equipment. this order establishes policies and procedures governing the use of computers and confidentiality of data. general order 11.06, personal transfers, department general order 11.07, this order applies to all officers, sworn and civilian. general order 11.10, physical fitness, and general order 11.11, evaluate and rehamburger program. this program -- pertaining to alcohol abuse that may be offered to 34e78 berz members in conjunction with discipline. department of justice collaborative reform initiative suggested policy review development, one, use of force,
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28 policy recommendations. two, bias, ten policy recommendations. three, community policing, three policy recommendations. four, accountablity, 33 policy recommendations. the executive sponsors are responsible for the appropriate level of assignment and development of recommendation processes. that's the end of my report. >> thank you very much, captain. for the members of the you belie believe -- public, this was done by our former commission, teresa sparks, and it was just to keep an update on the many department general orders that we have for the san francisco police department. every department general order is approved by this commission. some don't need to be updated. some do. for example, we're talking about police radios, dive teams to domestic violence to issues of officer involved shootings, so a lot of these department general orders input from the community and some of our stakeholders, and more
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particularly as we'll hear next from the dpa, and it's collaborative effort. but what people need to know is each general order is reviewed to update technology, update changes in the law, and each department is held to these general orders. they have to train to these department general orders, and then, these sadly are sometimes the basis for discipline for officers if they don't follow the general orders. they're kind of -- i wish it was only ten. it's not only ten commandments, but they must be responsible for. that's what we do. it's a lot of work. like the captain mere, captahe moore, who spent time revising them and bringing them up to date.
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next we'll hear from the dpa who's an active participant in these department of general orders review. >> thank you. good evening, vice president mazzucco, commissioners, chief scott, and members of the public. i'm just going to highlight a few of the projects that we've worked on in the next few months. in response to the do 1k3wrd's recommendations, we provided written amendations and made presentations to the sponsor working groups which involves a number of community stakeholders on bias and this was to expand the definition of bias consistent with the state law. we also suggested enhancing the department's current procedures on detentions so that officers not om would they provide their card when they stop an individual but it would have the officer's contact information as well as how to file a complaint or commendation. we've vachbsadvanced that
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recommendation. i know that's under review by the police department. another thing we've done during the last six months is we've made lots of recommendations regarding tazers and the tazer review board and have attended many meetings as many of you can attest to. lastly, the last sparks report that we provided, we did substantial editing. there had been comments that it's just too lengthy and not readable, so with an eye towards really highlighting recent work and some of the dpa's outstanding policy recommendations, we tried to make it more concise, welcome any feed that you have. we hope there's a number of outstanding reportings like recording, persons and personal effects. we hope that we're able to address those recommendations in the up coming months. that concludes my report. >> so as the public can see, our officers have to be judges who on the street have to
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follow the law and make quick decisions in tense situations, and follow the law. so thank you for trying to simplify it. a lot of effort goes into this, and people speak highly of your hard work in this area. dr. marshall? >> quick question. we just passed a general order regulating general orders. so i'm just wondering, you know, the -- i know you're moving as quickly as can, but it did have some time frames in that new general order. how are they interfacing? i'm just curious. did they take it, start to fly right away -- so, i mean, do you have any comment on that at all? i'm just curious about that. wrong question? >> no, wrong person. the general order 3.01 is in the meaning confer process.
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that was the last action that the commission took, so we're waiting to hear back. >> you're waiting until it's really official. >> yeah skbl okay. that helps. thank you. >> thank you. >> any further questions? any public comment regarding our department general orders? hearing none, public comment is now closed. please call the next line item. [ inaudible ] >> ace, you can pretty much go. if you sing, it's got to be earth, wind, and fire, or sinatra. >> excuse me. i'm re-cooperating from surgery in the rain. if i've heard from chief scott, what you had been doing -- see, i haven't been here for the last six months, you've changed your agenda. captain moore, i've never met
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her before, but obviously these are some of the things that we've been stressing for for years. excuse me for not being -- getting information, and i'm one that loves information, but what i just heard was something that soothes me a little bit: main thing that i want to stress -- and it's going to be a bomb shell, and i haven't released it yet -- oh, that i am -- that rhymes. >> even though you're still doing it, there are still pockets of bhies, racism. the general order's good, it's all good, but this is my last time for public comment, because i haven't even filed yet. i'm not one that complains our history. it's been done to me here in city hall, you all, and i haven't revealed it yet, but because of the status that's going on, i'm not going to lump
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all police officers into this. there's one, amongst others, but there's one here at city hall, you all. read my memo when i release it, chief scott, because -- hold up -- all of all the good that you've done, which you've done a lot, you've got my stamp of approval, but you still amongst you here at city hall, where i've been many years, in room 200, believe me, commissioner marshall, when i drop this bomb, it's going to have to clear it up. my name is ace, and i'm on the case. >> any further public comment on these line items? hearing none, public comment is now closed. please call the next line item. >> item five, discussion and possible action to approve draft revised public order, immigration laws for purposes of meeting and engaging with
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the police officers association, discussion and possible action. >> thank you very much, commission secretary kilshaw. i'm going to turn this over to our commissioners that worked on this, and that would be commissioner hing and commissioner dejesus. i want to commend them and thank them for their hard work. people in the public may not know that we're fortunate -- commissioner dejesus is a former public defender. she's a nay iftive san francis and commissioner hing is a professor -- local professor on constitutional law, so i'm going to turn the mic over to commissioner hing. >> thank you, mr. vice president. i do want to thank commissioner dejesus for cochairing the working group and also thank the various participants in the 5.15 working group. the city attorney's office, the dpa, the various police afint
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groups, some of the community -- affinity groups, some of the community, asian americans for justice, the bar association, religious communities. thank you very much. i'm sure i'm leaving out a few critical people. i apologize. when -- i would like everyone in the audience to refer to the document that's dated february 8th, 2018 in the upper right hand corner. that's the most recent iteration that shows the strike out. if you don't have that, there's extra copies, so make sure you're looking at the february 8th, 2018 one. commissioners -- well, commissioners, that was just handed out to us an hour ago.
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>> for the record, it was -- yeah. go ahead. >> commissioner, for the record, it was posted on-line over ten days ago and was posted with the agenda documents. >> that's correct. >> right. before i go into -- i want to do a quick overview of some of the highlights for the commission to pay attention to because we did adopt a version of this at the request of the city attorney's office back in july, so not that long ago. but i want to go over what we did and why we did that in a minute. but first, i want to turn the microphone over to the chief, who has some general comments about the general order and the city's and the police department's commitment to the sanctuary ordinance. >> thank you, commissioner hing. i want to take this opportunity just to reinforce. i've spoken to the commission as a whole on this issue before, and the public. i want to just reemphasize that
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san francisco police department's commitment to ensure the public that they can report crimes and cooperate with the department without fear of anyone inquiring into his or her immigration status. as stated in the charter, we're committed to san francisco as a sanctuary city and protect the rights of everyone within ourix diction. it's our intent to foster respect between law enforcement and our communities, which is reflected in our policies, including general order 5.15, enforcement of general immigration law tz. although we've been updating this key policy in collaboration with our community and members of the police commission, the department proactively reminded our members by issuing department bulletins that reinforce administrative section 12 h and 12 i in early 2017. in on that note, in early
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february 2018, we redistributed, through roll call training, all of our policies to all members requiring acknowledgement that they are aware of the strict ad heerns to th-- adherence to th order. furthermore, members shall not require individuals to produce any document as to prove their immigration status, and shall not assist with any sgs's immigration enforcement efforts, and shall not arrest or detain an individual for an administrative warrant or civil warrant based on a person's immigration status. any violation of policies relate will be investigated and disciplined where appropriate. our community policing efforts
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are effective only if we have trust and respect of the communities that we are charged to protect. having local jurisdictions becomen tangled in immigration status undermines the relations that we've worked to build with our residents. this general order encompasses these principles, and i recommend the police commission adopt this general order. thank you. >> thank you, chief commissioner hing? >> thank you, chief. members of the commission and ladies and gentlemen, immigrant commutes are under siege and under attack by the trump administration, and because immigrant communities are a vital part of san francisco, that means we are all under attack, and under siege. i don't think i'm going to -- i
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don't think i'm overstating this when i say that those of us in the immigrant rights community are at war. we are at war with the trump administration and we will be at war for at least three years. and -- and the importance of a sanctuary ordinance is a vital tool in that -- in that battle. when we adopted the changes that were made in july, there was testimony that evening by community members that had some critique and some comments on what we adopted that evening, and president turman committed to establishing a working group in order to respond to those suggestions, and that's what happened. so we formed a working group and was -- with commissioner dejesus and i. we met many times with the
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various members of the -- of the working group that i mentioned, and there were -- there were clarifications that needed to be made to the language. we had to make sure, also, that the dgo was consistent with the administrative law, and code that has changed in the last couple of years, and we wanted to make sure there was consistency with other language in the -- in other dgo's that exist. so the chief actually has highlighted several important parts of the dgo, but i do want to mention a couple of other things that you can see in the strike-out language or the parts that are underlined in the 2-8-2018 draft. for example on page two, near the bottom, there's a reference to the fact that members shall not enforce administrative immigration detainers, that's -- that's something
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that's received a lot of publicity over the last couple of years. more than the last couple of years. there's litigation over that issue, and we wanted to make is clear what the various types of detainer forms that can be used by ice, that the -- that there not be any confusion. i would drop a footnote here to point out that in fact the -- the san francisco police department generally is not the entity that would -- that a detainer would be issued to or delivered to. it generally would be the sheriff's department, but in the rare occasion when that might happen, let's make it clear, that the -- that when it comes to detainers, we're consistent with the earlier part of the dgo. also, there was a lot of confusion on page three, under part 3-a, over ice requests for
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emergency assistance or response by the sfpd. and it was very clear from the discussion and the department was very good in helping us clarify that language that yeah, when there's an emergency and there's a threat to life and danger, even possibly of an ice agent, well, the police will respond to that, just as they would respond to anyone who's in need. and so -- but in no event, as it points out in the next paragraph, part b, is -- will the members assist in federal immigration enforcement as part of that. and going onto the bottom of page three, and carrying onto the top of page four, it -- there are times when there may be calls for cooperation
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between federal, state, and local law enforcement. again, it's made very clear here and in conversations with the department at the working group meetings that there's -- there's definite oversight that the department is not entering into an agreement to enforce immigration laws. there may be agreements to enforce other laws, but there should never be even part of that agreement that deals with enforcing immigration laws. and if it turns out that a member is called to assist in what presumably is not an immigration enforcement effort, but it turns out that there is an immigration enforcement effort that was unbeknownst to that member, that there immediatneeds to be an immediate response to
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us that that's what happened. that's in the middle of page four. and finally, in the -- there's a call on page five to -- some additional oversight that every year -- and there's actually a typo graphical error at the top of page five that we should adjust, by no later than january of each year. do you see that? yeah. and i think commissioner dejesus found another typo. >> yeah. on page three, 3-b, on the second line, the little thing that's crossed out, it needs to stay in. [ inaudible ] emergency response to ice or cbp shall immediately notify their supervisor. the strikeout went a little too far. >> t-o, and middle of page
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three, next sentence. >> okay. i think they did hear me. can you hear me? >> based on that, i would make a motion that the commission adopt the revisions to dgo 5.15. >> with the corrections made. >> with the corrections. >> i second that. >> and before we -- i seek public comment, i want to say, and this is very legally sound document. it's very fair. it's extremely fair, and it points out that, you know, we would respond -- if somebody wants to criticize this document, all's i ask is that they read it and read the entire document, and also read san francisco sanctuary city policy and ask yourself what it is. you ask ten different people what's san francisco sanctuary city policy, you get ten different answers. they want to just take a position. read this. read this very sound document that basically lays out what our officers should and cannot
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do, and i just want to thank you. you did a great job, both of you. >> if i can just say something before we vote. the department was very helpful, the peg groups had helpful, but the community's so informed and pointed us in the right direction and really assisted us with great language and the forms and gave us examples and helped us understand the nuances in the language, so i just want to kmampg the community members. >> any public comment regarding department general order 5.15? >> good evening. >> good evening. my name is maria esparza. i'm the coordinator for the san francisco rapid response network, which is a 24 hour hotline to provide assistance to anyone being targeted by ice enforcement in the city of san francisco. i want to thank the
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commissioners, the working group, as well as the police department in the most recent months, we've had an ongoing collaboration with the police department regarding verifying information when the community misconstrues police activity for ice activity, and the police department has been very instrumental in helping to verify that information? and with regards to the dgo, there are two specific points that i want to raise up regarding further editing to the dgo? under .3-b, where it says except as required by federal and state law, that last clause, i think, first of all, i don't think it's consistent with other points regarding it -- to me, it feels like a
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loophole. there is no federal or state law that requires for local law enforcement to enforce or to collaborate with regard to enforcement to federal immigration laws? and i think that this point really undermines a lot of the trusts that we're trying to build with collaboration of the police department of having that clause that except for into these circumstances, because there is no except for. that should be made for, that there is never an opportunity or a chance or an instance of scenario where that collaboration would happen. >> thank you very much. >> and i'm out of time. >> before we go to another -- can i ask a question, i'd like to ask the two commissioners who work odd this if you could respond to that last point. >> yeah. that language is actually taken from the city administrative
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code, and that language actually also exists in the immigrati immigration and nationality act that's being litigated right now. the issue of -- under the federal immigration and nationality act, local jurisdictions cannot prevent voluntarily cooperation with federal ice, and -- and therefore we -- i actually think it's wiser to keep this in here to make sure it's consistent with the litigation position that the city and county is taking in its litigation against the trump administration. >> next speaker, please.
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>> good evening, commissioners. i my name is saira, and i'm an attorney on the working group, and i want to thank commissioners dejesus and hing on bringing this policy along. like my colleague mentioned, the acceptance of federal and state law within 3-b, section three talks about providing emergency response to ice or cbp, and emergency members appears twice under this code, and it doesn't really make sense to put it under part of this code? the context is a little bit different, so to put it under this particular piece when we're talking about ice and cbp, aurlocal law enforcement not working with ice and cbp, it does seem out of place here, quite frankly? so i don't think it should be in here. the second part that i want to talk about is we did address
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during the working group is joint drill operations, and i understand that sfpd's position is they have to work with ice. what really concerns us is that members of the communities, oftentimes these operations turn into not just criminal operations but joint criminal immigration operations? so i would urge the commission to rethink these situations, and for sfpd to also rethink their involvement in these. we saw in oakland that there was somebody who was -- who was supposedly picked up on a criminal operation? originally ice said it was trafficking, but that individual was never charged with trafficking and in fact was just charged with immigration violations, and opd as a result did face some heat on that, and the city council decided to pass a resolution saying that their officers should not be working with ice on criminal operations, either,
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so we urge you all to rethink that, and once again want to thank the leadership of commissioners hing and dejesus. thank you. >> next speaker. >> welcome. >> can i ask, are you -- is your position that you're totally opposed to this language anywhere in the ordinance? the language of as required by federal or state law or are you suggesting that we move it someplace? >> while you're looking at that, i just want to express a concern that if we do change this language -- i know this has been complete vetted, we probably will not be able to vote on it tonight because we'd have to run it by our city attorney. just what we're approving tonight is to be sent to the p.o.a. for further negotiations, so this is not
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final, so thank you for your suggestions, but if we do follow -- and i defer to what's already been done by professor hing and commissioner dejesus, but you have to understand we have to be consistent with what the litigation that's pending now, and i don't want us to be the ones that are going to do something inconsistent with what the city attorney doing in the other litigation. sometimes we're worth smithid here, so i want you to rethink your request. i know you're lawyers, but i want you to reconsider. the last thing you want is anything to be in opposite to the pending litigation now that the city attorney's office has so i think you need to respect that, and i'll turn it over to commissioner hing. >> my preference is to go forward, and we can consider other recommendations at a future date. that's my recommendation.
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i do also have a response to the second part of your comment. my recollection in the working group was that although hypothetically there could be joint operations with the san francisco p.d. -- and i'll let the chief respond to this -- and ice on solely criminal matters or dhs on solely criminal matters, that entering into these agreements is not automatic; that there's quite a lot of deliberation that goes on, and that i don't let me put words in your mouth, chief, but the department would lean against those kinds of agreements. i'm asking you, right. >> those -- that process is vetted up to the deputy chief level and criminal operations bureau, so those operations have to be approved by a deputy chief, and they are vetted, and
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we do look for collateral issues. we're very cognizant of that. there are operations that we have not participated in because of that, so it is a very thorough process, and it goes up to a very high level for approval on any such operations. >> thank you. >> okay. thanks. >> commissioner hing, you had a question about the language, about except for state or federal law. so i just want to point out that under 2(d) 1, under there it talks about not releasing certain pieces of information? and there it has except as required by federal or state law, and that would cover federal 1872, it's already included within here? it's included again here when it comes to collaboration between local law enforcement and ice. it's not only redecide dundant, but that refers to specific types of collaboration?
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>> i understand that. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good evening, chief scott and commissioners. thank you for giving us the opportunity to speak today. i was also part of the working group. my name is jay han leaner. i appreciate you taking the time to update this. i just want to echo the same things that saira and maricela was saying. i know there's a lot of checks that you do before entering into a joint task force operation with dhs or any ice agency on what they call a criminal arrest, but in ice's only press release as recent as the l.a. arrest that happened this week when almost 200 were
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arrested, they call hrm and ice. maricela has responded to ihsi. they're basically the same organization here in san francisco, where three people were collaterally arrested. they weren't the target of a criminal investigation, they were just arrested on immigration violations. they've had their own press releases saying that they're using hsi as that arm. and also to underscore what saira said, i appreciate that you want to keep this language in with the litigation. i think that's a broader goal that we all have the same, but yeah, the same language is already in the section b as sara said, and it only applies to not sharing immigration status? it doesn't apply to these enforcement operations, so i would also take it out of the emergency operation part.
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thank you. >> thank you very much. any further public comment on this issue? hearing none, public comment is now closed. i'd like to thank the junk lawyers and community participants for working on this. it's good to see lawyers actually doing something for the benefit of their community and not for money, so thank you. it's greatly appreciated. director henderson, you had a comment that you were going to share? >> i was just going to point out what we were talking about, in that section, section 3, section b, those comments that you were commenting on have been included in this general order under section 2, section c, where we talk specifically about any investigation, attention or arrest procedures where any such instance, either express or implied, if the purpose it for enforcement of federal immigration laws, is restricted. so i just wanted to make sure that we talked about that inclusion, and to thank john eldon from my office who worked
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on this. >> so now, we have before us, we have a motion and we have a second with reference to the two small word changes. i think at this point, we need to take a vote. >> on the motion to accept department general order 5.15 with the two corrections as stated by commissioner hing, for the purposes of engaging in the meet and confer process with the police officer's association -- [ roll call. ] >> the motion passes, 6-0. >> thank you, everybody. >> thank you. >> great job. please call the next line item. >> item 6, general public comment. the public is now welcome to address the commission regarding items that do not
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appear on tonight's agenda, but that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. speaker shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or department or dpa personnel. under police commission rules of order during public comment, neither police or dpa personnel nor commissioners are required to respond to questions presented by the public but may provide a brief response. individual commissioners and police and dpa personnel should refrain however from entering into any debates or discussion with speakers during public comment. please limit your comments to two minutes. any further public comment? ace is not here, so hearing none, public comment is now closed. >> i'm back again. i'd like to use the overhead. i'm just bringing up about my son again. when i was asking about a venue
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for our children, this is the kind of venue i'm asking for: the police association put these on the bus a while back ago so we can have some recognition about or children and who's out there murdering our children, the perpetrators can see thipgs like this and signs on the buses, maybe they'll think again, and maybe some of our children's cases will be solved. i've been asking for that for some years now, and we put all of the signs in the windows when other people are being unsafely victimized and they can run into restaurants and run in and go get help, but our children have nowhere to run. we don't have signs for our children to go run that are being shot by bullets, by a community violence. they have nowhere to run. they have no place to run into,
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and if they do, they're going to get put out and killed. so that's why i'm asking for signs like this. you know, if we don't have nowhere to run to, maybe signs like this will detour the perpetrators that are killing our children out there. i keep these names, and we brought this up earlier: thomas hannibal, andrew vadue, jason that ma thomas, acme hunter, and marcus carter. these are all the perpetrators that murdered my son. thomas hannibal and paris motter are the main suspects in my son's case.
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i'm not making this up. this can be looked up. >> thank you, miss brown. any further public comment? hearing none, public comment is now closed. please call the next line item. >> item seven, adjournment, action item. >> do i have a motion? >> so moved. >> second. >> all in favor? thank you, everybody, have a good evening. . >> i just feel like this is what i was born to do when i was a little kid i would make up performances and daydream
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it was always performing and doing something i feel if i can't do that than i can't be e me. >> i just get excited and my nickname is x usher my mom calls me i stuck out like a sore thumb for sure hey everybody i'm susan kitten on the keys from there, i working in vintage clothing and chris in the 30's and fosz and aesthetic. >> i think part of the what i did i could have put on my poa
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he focus on a lot of different musical eras. >> shirley temple is created as ahsha safai the nation with happens and light heartenness shirley temple my biggest influence i love david boo and el john and may i west coast their flamboyant and show people (singing) can't be unhappy as a dr. murase and it is so fun it is a joyful instrument i learned more about music by playing the piano it was interesting the way i was brought up the youth taught me about music he picked up the a correspond that was so hard
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my first performing experience happened as 3-year-old an age i did executive services and also thanks to the lord and sank in youth groups people will be powering grave over their turk i'll be playing better and better back la i worked as places where men make more money than me i was in bands i was treated as other the next thing i know i'm in grants performing for a huge protection with a few of my friends berry elect and new berry elect and can be ray was then and we kept getting invited back you are shows got better we made it to paris in 2005 a famous arc
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we ended up getting a months residencey other than an island and he came to our show and started writing a script based on our troop of 6 american burr elect performs in france we were woman of all this angels and shapes and sizes and it was very exciting to be part of the a few lettering elect scene at the time he here he was bay area born and breed braces and with glossaries all of a sudden walking 9 red carpet in i walgreens pedestrian care. >> land for best director that was backpack in 2010 the french love this music i come back here
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and because of film was not released in the united states nobody gave a rats ass let's say the music and berry elect and performing doesn't pay very much i definitely feel into a huge depression especially, when it ended i didn't feel kemgd to france anymore he definitely didn't feel connected to the scene i almost feel like i have to beg for tips i hey i'm from the bay area and an artist you don't make a living it changed my represent tar to appeal and the folks that are coming into the wars these days people are not listening they love the idea of having a live musician but don't really nurture it like having a potted
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plant if you don't warrant it it dizzy sort of feel like a potted plant (laughter) i'm going to give san francisco one more year i've been here since 1981 born and raised in the bay area i know that is not for me i'll keep on trying and if the struggle becomes too hard i'll have to move on i don't know where that will be but i love here so so much i used to dab he will in substances i don't do that i'm sober and part of the being is an and sober and happy to be able to play music and perform and express myself if i make. >> few people happy of all ages i've gone my job so i have so stay is an i feel like the piano and music in
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