tv Government Access Programming SFGTV April 8, 2018 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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we chose high visible neighborhoods with pedestrian traffic. now, i want to look at problem areas for possibility of expansion. that is definitely on the radar. >> do you think the benefits out weigh the costs? i talked a lot with the director about big belly trash cans. i have been asking him and he is reluctant because of the cost. do you think the benefits out weigh the cost? >> we haven't done that analysis to that degree. now that they are in and we see them function the cost is less painful. let's put it that way. our teams are able to focus on other issues that are out on the street. that has freed them up to do other important work. the cost is real, however. we are looking at it. we are looking at the budget to say how can we do more of these? one of the challenge also, it is
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an ongoing cost. not like you purchase the cans and maintain them. you are renting the cans. it is a ongoing cost for many years. we are interested in exploring. they are an wildly successful. >> for whatever feelings people have you are able to pilot different ideas and experiment in way that we as city government can't as stewards of public dollars. we have to be accountable to taxpayers and demonstrate that it is a good use of the investment. i look at the cb d to help us experiment to make the streets safer and cleaner, which is what you do. >> i agree with you completely on a much smaller sale we have responsibility to the property owners. we have to use their money
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appropriately and show value add. it is a much smaller scale, but i agree. we have been very, very pleased with them. >> i want to ask about and this is neal's area about bike parking. we just don't have a lot of bike parking south of market. what has been the work around that? >> i will talk to that. he can jump in if he wants to. in our particular neighborhood probably five, six years ago we designed a customized bike rack. we put about 210 to 250 of those out in the neighborhood specifically to add to bike parking in the neighborhood. we didn't want to replace existing racks. we wanted it added. we have done that. we have done a couple of bike chorals. we did the one you know about that goes out for events. we are looking at those kinds of things. we haven't gone further than
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that as far as in the public realm. we are working with mta to identify places for bike monitoring. >> we have jump bikes now. i see them south of market. i'm sure they are taking up bike parking. i am glad we are experimenting with electric bike. i want to try this out on a personal level. i want to make sure we are not taking away parking from other cyclists. >> mta has permitted the jump bikes. that was my concern initially. they are taking away public racks for private use, but they have been permitted. the city has vetted through all of that stuff. they are another option for folks to use. our issue is we want to make sure people are not riding bike on the sidewalks. >> with the safety and security work are you seeing an
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improvement with the investments you have made on security in the neighborhood? >> it is an ongoing effort. about a year ago for this fiscal year we increased our sfpd hour from 10 to 12 hours each day. they are working 7 days each week 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. we have a large residential population we wanted to straddle the evening hours as well. they work with community guides. it is challenging. the conditions on the street it feels like they are not necessarily getting better. we have larger -- more and more erratic behavior on the streets. there is a homeless situation. our officer has been strumental in helping us address those issues. our approach with our officer and with our social service
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specialist is we are trying to connect people to services and approach things in a billion dollars relationship, sense of trust over a period of time and connect to services. we have had some successes with that. so much so we authorized hiring a second social service specialist because there is a need on the street. we want to do what we can do to help people get to a better situation. >> i appreciate that. i think that we have to build a relationship of trust with folks who need help because they don't come to us because they have come to us with such a terrible experience with our customer service. we are rebuilding that trust. that is great to hear that multiple contacts overtime is making a difference. the final question is on the amount of later you are collecting, needles and dumping.
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the calls for street cleaning services doubled between 2016 and 2017. are you picking up the tonnage or weight increasing and why do you think it might be? >> we are seeing it increase not necessarily doubling. increase in calls and amount of trash we are picking up. there is a dramatic increase in needles. last month we saw a slight decline. an example. the year for this fiscal report i think we averaged picking up in the entire neighborhood less than 100 needles per month. in september alone it was under 3,000 for the month. that is the increase. in january it was 2500 needles we picked up from that month. it is an alarming increase. we have been talking with the department of public health with
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a presentation on the opoid epidemic to find what we can do. this is the work of the community guides and social service specialists to work with these individuals. we have seen a dramatic increase in that particularly. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. we are moving to the next district. >> good morning. i am helen marr. office of economic and work developmentment. in the interest of time we are going to skip over the first few slides for the annual report. we will begin with the parcel map. the union scare business improvement district is around the union scare neighborhood and
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assesses 597 parcels. it was originally informed in 1999 angry newed in 2005 and -- renewed in 2005 and 2009. a budget of a little over $3 million. i would is to expire on june 30, 2019. the union scare businesses district is led by karen flood. the service areas are clean and safe, marketing advocacy, beatification and street scape improvement and management and operations. oewd reviewed the following four benchmarks for the bid. the only difference is benchmark two where they were review for 1% of the union square bids from sources other than assessment revenue. bench america one, -- benchmark
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one they met this requirements. for benchmark two, for the assessment revenue and other income, union square business improvement district raised 35% from nonassessment sources which clearly exceeds the 1% requirement. for three they met this as well and have historically met this. for four they indicated carryover and plans to spend it on certain projects in the annual report. for the year in review, we found that union scare business improvement business district was successful for nonassessment dollars. they are to sunset at the end of 2019. we are working with union square staff and governing board to continue to prepare for the renewal campaign. in conclusion they have marketed
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and produced winter walk, collabberated to beauty fiand improve the plaza. if there are no questions i would like to bring up karen flood on the achievements. >> thanthank you, helen for actg as thelactingas the chair to ci. i am pleased to have this opportunity to present. i will run through the slides. feel free to interrupt. here we are. union square. strategic plan anything 2016. we are about being clean, safe and vibrant. boundaries are here surrounding
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union scare park. when you think of union square we are in the renewal protest and thinking of adding territory if they are interested in joining us. we are looking at the northern and western boundary of the district. our assessment is straightforward square footage the total budget was $3.4 million. we hope to increase as we go to renewal. we know we need additional funding to maintain the clean, safe, vibrant area. major accomplishments. above and beyond assessments we are most proud of the downtown streets team and hiring homeless to clean up the streets. this is a win win. we have four workers in the morning and four in the afternoon. we started a year and-a-half ago. they are cleaning up the needles and the poop and such.
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our needles are lower. 227 a month was a lot. okay. i noted your number. you are talking hundreds. they are talking thousands. i was very pleased. >> that is a lot. last year just downtown street scene picked up 9157 pounds of trash. that is the downtown the total is higher. that is later. we have housed nine individuals and 15 received full-time employment. this is big. this is what we can do to help move the needle on homelessness. other major accomplishments. we love big bellies. we started with five. we have 25. they are sponsored by individual hotels and retailers, property owners in the district. 3500 each year to lease these
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cans. there is a remarkable difference on the corners where there are cans. powell corner was bad. much cleaner sidewalk and less debris. garbage stays in. very exciting for us. winter walk. we are proud of winter walk every year. the hotels have supportive during the holidays. this is a fantastic im menty for our visitors and stake holdters. we hope to continue it. there are other good numbers there. i know you have the reports. i will move on. other accomplishments here. raising money. we raised a lot of money over the years. i think technically it is 53 cents on the dollar last year. we did receive a windfall from silicone valley foundation
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$1.25 million for essentially police presence in union scare during the holidays. this should be a line item for the safe shopper program. it used to be in there. we will see how much longer the donor will do this. during the holidays there are 39 million visitors last year. we have grateful for the two beat cops. that is seven days a week 14 seven. -- 24/7. we need more. >> i am confused you only have two beat cops because that doesn't sound entirely. >> it has gone up and down. from central it is two right now is my understanding. tenderloin has some on market street. we get a little bit of that presence in tenderloin. we could use more. it goes up and down. at one time it was eight.
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they move around. we need more. here we go. clean and safe. graffiti. there is a lot of graffiti. trash 4 82,000 pounds of trash. that is two large dumpsters of trash. one cardboard, one trash in the union square garage overflowing. we are in conversation with public works to help us. we need more. we need more enforcement. we have identified some of our own stakeholders, 20 putting out garbage improperly. they try to put the locks on. they cut the locks off. we are dealing with the same issues on the prior presentation. we need help with the trash.
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they pay for the pick up which we appreciate. two large dumpsters and counts. this is the needle number. this is all that we are picking up here. 1780 for this fiscal year. that is a little higher than before. we would like that to be zero. services we have ambassadors that wear red coats, public safety ambassadors dealing with quality of life issues. a lot of it is to individuals calling out, screaming out. it is very disturbing for visitors. it is the number one issue. we had a training yesterday. one of the police officers came to talk about what to do when someone comes to your store and are acting in a threatening way. call 911. in the meantime how do you
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protect yourself and customers? it was a huge turnout. it worked out fine. we need more training to help deal with this. the panhandling and all of the rest. they address those issues all day long. this is what we would like to do more of instead of be anything the trenches cleaning up. we would like to attract people to our district. the hotels, shops, this is what we would like to promote in our district. >> renewal. thank you, supervisor peskin for coming to our kickoff meet anything the fall. we are getting surveys back and gets positive feedback from uromere chants and property owners about it. they are not sure they want to
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pay more. we need more. that will be more meetings with them sitting down one-on-one to let them know if you pay the same, you will get less. costs go up. the challenges are greater than ever, and we need them to step up. we are going through that. we will do the petition face and ballot phase. maybe early next year which is well with in the deadline to submit. >> i do not have a question this will be for supervisor peskin. >> i have a thank you in addition to the work you do day in and day out. thank you for the technical assistance you provide to the merchants in china time relative to their security project. i want to thank you for that. >> we are happy to share what we
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have done. we have helped the hende square. >> the merchants on stockton street are excited about that program. >> that is a great connectter there between the two districts as well. >> this question is probably more for the mayor's office. that is just because it is very interesting to have the three cb ds come in today. sometimes we have two but from different parts of the city talking about homelessness, mental health and street cleaning. do we convene the executive directors to talk about these issues? what we can learn from them. having these mini neighborhoods you can learn about the problem
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intimately more than city wall. it is harder to fine tune how we target addressing these issues. >> there is a cb d consortium. they have done this on their own accord. they invite city officials to provide feedback. >> at some point i would love to have the consortium present a gal on just as a cohort, some of the observations that they have made and then solutions that work that we can scale at the city. something more proactive and tangible out comes. >> i would be happy to work with your office.
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>> with no other questions or comments i will open for public comment on items 2, 3 and 4. >> good morning, supervisors. i was going to speak on one at a time. the chair decided to put them all three together. i was going to talk about the cass true cb d. they come to seek more city funding and it applies to all three. when you hear that they get some
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grants from the private sector but they are also getting a lot of money from other city departments. it is not broken down like that in their presentations. i would like to see that more of a breakdown because it is mandatory in the management plan to get a percentage of money from outside the assessments. also, when they were discussing the trash, well, under the mayor he took out all of the trash cans. putting them this is the logical thing to do after the city took them out under dpw. also, there must be a police code. i have actually walked down the street and i see people in front of me just dropping things on to
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the ground. there is no enforcement on that. there must be a police code or another code from dpw or something referring to people just thinking they can throw anything on to the sidewalk. this seems to be a big issue. they pick it out but outside the cb d. this is city wide. people come to drop things on the sidewalk. they are putting in some garbage cans outside these bids there are no large amount of trash. >> thank you. >> i was wondering why the
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needle exchange program doesn't pay a nickel each for the return of products that they are distributing to the population that is using the needles since they would retape the needles they are using after they have used them. also, i believe garbage can on the curb are a fairly recent practice. when i returned to san francisco some years ago i recall calling the garbage collection agency and explaining that they will no longer be collecting four fees when we couldn't fill two garbage cans. i explained two can on the curb apthat is what i would pay for. eight months later that was standard practice through the city. i believe it is a lot more efficient for the company that was involved in that work or is involved in that work.
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also, i believe in eliminating or greatly reducing recurring costs and that fiscal conservatism would provide better working solutions to eliminate long-standing problems. i believe i read that the district attorney requested $1 million for a committee to look into auto break-ins. i think that is absolutely ridiculous. >> can i have the overhead? first, issue is my name is michaelnulty. one of the main problem we have downtown is air pollution. it is caused by the new cars in the community which are lifts
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and ubers not regulated. i have a concern about that. i'm not sure which cb ds should take care of that issue. second the issue of the big bins. they are not somebody in a wheelchair or disabled will have a hard time opening them. you are receiving these moneys through the city. because that is what cb ds do through the treasure's office. i am concerned about a da compliance. to be fair about this. this is the grand opening ribbon of the bins. then the next issue i have is we need to continue to save the small businesses in all these cb ds. i have the same shirt on that i
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was trying to save the gold dust a couple years ago, but i handed to other supervisors the list of just the partial list of the small businesses in the union square bid that have actually are no longer. many of these were businesses that were legacy businesses, ones that actually had real consumer base and for whatever reason they are no longer in existence in the community. these are all great losses and the cb ds should be doing something about that. >> thank you very much. any other public comment for these three items? public comment is now closed. i do want to thank our executive
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directors and staff of our three community benefit districts for being here and thank you for the additional work you do addressing the most important issues in the neighborhoods, homelessness or mental health, street cleaning. it was very interesting to hear about how the three cb ds are working to address the issues and the data. i look forward to the overall group presentation. i am interested in hearing from all. seeing no comments on you questions from communitity members can we take a motion to move these items to the full board? >> so moved. >> a recommendation without objection. thank you very much. mr. clerk, can you these call items 5 through 24. >> 20 ordinances implements amendments to the memoranda of understanding between the city and county employees. implement a city wide union access to new employees program.
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>> thank you so much. we have carol who has been spending a bit of time with our board lately. employee relations director for the department of human resources. this is to memorialize code section 355 through 3559 through a single wide union access to the programs to all agencies and employee unions. thank you for being here today. >> thank you. i am carol i son. employee relations director. the amendments to all of the nonsafety memoranda are before you with the exception of the consolidated building trades mou that will be before you at a
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went meeting. the purpose of these agreements is to hiis to memoize the requis of 119 adopted by the state legislature to require public agencies to provide access to new employees. the purpose of the legislation was to give the union some tools to deal with what is widely expected to be a decision made by the supreme court shortly in the janice versus afsme that will likely deprive the labor organizations of the ability to collect service fees from those choosing not to join the union to support the basic activities such as collective bargaining and grievance handling. it put greater emphasis on the need to reach out, to have communication with new
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employees, explain the purpose of the union and so forth. we spent two months in the fall negotiating an approach, an agreement. it has all the requirements of the state law and adds additional provisions. it has the department of human resources to jump start a new employee orientation program open to all department was the large ones to provide their own orientations. we made changes to the data systems to make sure the unions have robust data and for them to know who is attending which orientation and the times and locations. it is all in place. this is really the final step of completing mou amendments. we will be back to you with the remaining agreements at a later date. this is most of them, and we are pleased to be able to come here and present this today.
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thank you very much. >> thank you for all of your work. it is important for the city to be prepared for the upcoming supreme court decision. i am glad we were able to work with our labor leaders on figuring out how we can pro actively allow the union representatives to talk about it and whether it is worthwhile to invest in the union or not. seeing no comments or questions from community members. we open for public comment at this time. seeing no public comment. public comment is now closed. colleagues may we entertain a motion on items 5 through 24. >> i move to the full board with positive recommendation. >> a motion to move forward without objection. mr. clerk any further business before this committee.
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2017. i'm katy tang and to my right is supervisor jane kim. we will see if supervisor safai will show up. our clerk is not erica major, but victor young. and from sf -- do we have any announcements >> yes. completed speaker cards and k07 -- copies of any documents should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon will appear on the april 10th board of supervisors agenda. >> supervisor tang: thank you. can we call items one and two together, please. >> clerk: yes. [reading item numbers one and
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two] . >> supervisor tang: thank you. i will turn it over to the sponsor, supervisor kim. >> supervisor kim: thank you. i have no opening comments. i'm excited we are continuing to accept more straoelt -- streets we can open up for residents and workers in the mission bay area. >> good afternoon, supervisors, department of public works. and as the clerk noted, we have two pieces of public
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infrastructure which we are asking to be accepted. the first is as noted, seventh street mission bay drive and if i could have the overhead projector, that would be helpful. thank you. seventh and mission bay drive is indicated here in green. and just for reference on the second item is mariposa, which is a single block section noted in purple below. the seventh street and mission bay drive intersection public improvement project is located in mission bay south redevelopment area and part of the reconstruction plan for mission bay south. it consists of constructing infrastructure improvements in portions of seventh street, mission bay drive and barry street corrector. the plans included at grade
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railroad crossing. the peninsula corridor joint powers board and california public utilities commission. they approved the redevelopment plan and infrastructure plan, which closed at at grade railroad crossing and provided the new location as a second entry to mission bay. the second project that was indicated is the mariposa street project. this project consists of constructing improves between i-280 an and off ramps. it included work on the ramps to coordinate with mission bay development projects. the work on caltrans right-of-way is not being accepted by the city. the public improvements were constructed in accordance with approved plan specifications.
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the director of public works in consultation with city agencies such as puc, fire department, mta, issued a notice that the projects were for their intended use. they determined the construction and acceptance of public improvements are consistent with the general plan and of the planning code section 0.101 and this doesn't trigger any further ceqa environment review. the projects with consistent with the redevelopment plan. we are asking the land use and transportation committee approve these items and recommend acceptance by the board of supervisors. if you have any questions, i will be happy to answer. >> supervisor tang: thank you very much for your presentation. anyone else or that's it? okay. we will open up items one and
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two to public comment. any members of the public who wish to speak, come up. seeing none, public comment is closed. can we get a motion on items one and two. >> supervisor kim: i would like to make a motion to move forward items one and two with positive recommendation. >> supervisor tang: we will do that without objection. thank you. item three, please. >> clerk: item three resolution accepting of public sidewalk easement on shipley street adjacent to development project at 923 folsom street and adopting public works order concerning the easement. >> supervisor tang: i will turn it over to supervisor kim. >> supervisor kim: thank you. my office is here to present on item three. >> good morning. this resolution accepting a public sidewalk easement on shipley street at 923 folsom and adocumenting the public works order concerning the easement. the project began as a large
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project authorization for 923 folsom street adopted by the planning commission on july 24, 2014. public works has determined the public sidewalk easement is necessary to create a wider sidewalk to create safe passage for members of the public on shipley street with the sidewalk is adjacent. shipley street is too narrow. convenience and necessity, the city obtain a nonexclusive easement for pedestrians to pass over. on sent 22, 2017, 923 folsom acquisition made an offer for easement over the property for pedestrian passage.
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on october 26, 2017, public works director and the city engineer certified all work was completed and inspected and that the sidewalk has been constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications and all city codes. regulations and standards and that such improvements are ready for their intended use. the public works director has also recommended that the board of supervisors accept this offer from 923 folsom acquisition llc for the public sidewalk easement. we have julian marsh here for additional comment. >> supervisor tang: without anything else, we will go to public comment on item three. any members wish to speak? okay. public comment is closed. supervisor kim. >> supervisor kim: just want to thank the project sponsor, julian marsh. at this time i would like to forward item number three with positive recommend to the full board.
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>> supervisor tang: and we will do that again without objection. item four, please. >> clerk: item four is ordinance business and tax regulations code to suspend temporarily application of the business registration and fee requirements for transportation network companies drivers and taxi drivers. >> supervisor tang: thank you. i think we have amanda from our treasurer office. >> good afternoon supervisors. the state passed senate bill 182 last year which prohibits treasurer from requiring drivers to register as a business if they live outside of san fran. this is in stark can tras to treatment of all -- contrast to all other independent contractors who do business in san fran regardless of where they -- san francisco regardless of where they live. it undermined our business licensing authority. the city was on record opposing this legislation and we are now
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challenging the validity of the law in court. in the interest of fairness as the lawsuit proceeds, we wanted to avoid a situation where a small group of businesses, tnc drivers who live in san francisco and taxi drivers continue to play. this ordinance is crafted as a tempora temporary resolution of the business license. thanks. >> supervisor tang: thank you for that. i wanted to know what the anticipated impact on our revenues would be as a result of this? i'm not questioning the impetous. i think it is really great you brought this forward to us. i wanted to know what we are expecting in terms of the impacts on revenues. >> we estimate it is less than $200,000. in reality most tnc drivers even if they live in san francisco
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probably wouldn't come forward and register which is why we oppose the legislation. it is covering taxi drivers left in that category. >> supervisor tang: thank you. that sounds very minimal. okay. colleagues do we have any other further questions or comments about this one? >> supervisor kim: no questions, but i just want to completely agree with the direction. it is really unfortunate that the state passed a bill prevents localities from requiring worker who is do business in san francisco for applying and paying for a business license. out of fairness for the drivers, i think this makes sense. it is unfortunate this is before us. thank you for your work with supervisor peskin and our treasurer. >> supervisor kim: thank you. supervisor safai. >> supervisor safai: thank you. how long do you anticipate this suspension to take? >> it is drafted in its current form for two years. rescinds automatically after two years without any action from
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the board. >> supervisor safai: that would be $200,000 annually? >> yes. less. >> supervisor safai: what's the anticipation of the time on the lawsuit? >> i would defer to the city attorney on that. but they crafted it to align. >> supervisor tang: deputy city attorney. >> sorry about that. deputy city attorney andrew shin. i don't know the answer off the top of my head but i could have my office reach out to your office and provide an update. >> supervisor safai: that would be good. i agree with what supervisor kim said as well as chair tang. this is the right thing to do to level the situation. but i just always kind of think of it from the fiscal perspective. if it is around $200,000 or a little less for over two years, how do you all plan to back fill
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that? that's a loss of revenue for your office, correct? >> no. it goes into the general fund. >> supervisor safai: right. that's a loss to the general fund. okay. just wanted to be clear on that. otherwise, i agree. thank you. >> supervisor tang: okay. thank you all. so, at this time we will open up item four to public comment if there are no further questions. any members of the public comment on item four. >> public: thank you supervisors. taxi workers alliance, mark rueberg. i want to thanks supervisor peskin for bringing this forward. sb-182 was really just piling it on to a whole bunch of other laws and rules that treat cab drivers unfairly visa vi
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transportation network company drivers. and actually treats everybody who pays a business license fee in san francisco unfairly as opposed to tnc drivers because they are the only ones who are exempted under state law to my knowledge. so, this will inject a little bit more fairness into it and owing to the fact that cab drivers would always be exempted at least during the period that this lawsuit goes forward. and we hope and pray for its success. as you are keenly aware, i'm sure, cab drivers have been suffering mightily over the past few years owing to the discrepancies in regulations between the two forms of service, which are really
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identical or so close to it that you can't make that distinction [bell]. >> public: and i just urge you to pass this. it will be of some help to cab drivers and if you see your way clear to make this a permanent exemption for cab drivers that can been appreciated. >> supervisor tang: thank you. public comment is closed. colleagues, motion on item four. >> supervisor safai: make a motion to end it to the full board with positive recommendation. >> supervisor tang: all right. we will do that without objection. mr. clerk, any other items before us today? >> clerk: that completes the agenda for today. >> supervisor tang: thank you. we are adjourned. [meeting adjourned].
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bayview. >> a lot discussion how residents in san francisco are displaced how businesses are displaced and there's not as much discussion how many nonprofits are displaced i think a general concern in the arts community is the testimony loss of performance spaces and venues no renderings for establishes when our lease is up you have to deal with what the market bears in terms of of rent. >> nonprofits can't afford to
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operate here. >> my name is bill henry the executive director of aids passage l lp provides services for people with hispanics and aids and 9 advertising that fight for the clients in housing insurance and migration in the last two years we negotiated a lease that saw 0 rent more than doubled. >> my name is ross the executive directors of current pulls for the last 10 years at 9 and mission we were known for the projection of sfwrath with taking art and moving both a experiment art our lease expired our rent went from 5 thousand dollars to $10,000 a most. >> and chad of the arts project pursue. >> the evolution of the orientation the focus on art education between children and
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patrol officer artist we offer a full range of rhythms and dance and theatre music theatre about in the last few years it is more and more difficult to find space for the program that we run. >> i'm the nonprofit manager for the mayor's office of economic workforce development one of the reasons why the mayor has invested in nonprofit displacement is because of the challenge and because nonprofits often commute technical assistance to understand the negotiate for a commercial lease. >> snooechlz is rob the executive director and co-founder of at the crossroads we want to reach the disconnected young people not streets of san francisco for young adults are kicked out of the services our building was sold no 2015 they let us know
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they'll not renew our lease the last year's the city with the nonprofit displacement litigation program held over 75 nonprofits financial sanction and technical assistance. >> fortunate the city hesitate set aside funds for businesses facing increased rent we believable to get some relief in the form of a grant that helped us to cover the increase in rent our rent had been around $40,000 a year now $87,000 taylor's dollars a year we got a grant that covered 22 thousands of that but and came to the minnesota street project in two people that development in the better streets plan project they saved us space for a nonprofit
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organization national anthem and turned out the northern california fund they accepted us into the real estate program to see if we could withstand the stress and after the program was in full swinging skinning they brought up the litigation fund and the grants were made we applied for that we received a one thousand dollars granted and that grant allowed us to move in to the space to finish the space as we needed it to furniture is for classes the building opened on schedule on march 18, 2016 and by july we were teaching classed here. >> which we found out we were going to have to leave it was overwhelm didn't know anything about commercial real estate we suggested to a bunch of people
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to look at the nonprofits displacement mitigation program you have access to commercial real estate either city owned or city leased and a city lease space become available there is a $946,000 grant that is provided through the mayor's office of economic workforce development and that's going to go towards boulder the space covers a little bit less than half the cost it is critical. >> the purpose of the organization trust to stabilize the arts in san francisco working with local agency i go like the northern california platoon fund that helped to establish documents of our long track record of stvent and working to find the right partner with the organization of our size and budget the opportunity with the purchase of property we're sitting in the
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former disposal house theatre that expired 5 to 10 years ago we get to operate under the old lease and not receive a rent increase for the next 5 to 7 years we'll renting $10,000 square feet for the next 5 to seven years we pay off the balance of the purpose of this and the cost of the renovation. >> the loophole will that is unfortunate fortunate we have buy out a reserve our organization not reduce the services found a way to send some of the reserves to be able to continue the serves we know our clients need them we were able to get relief when was needed the most as we were fortunate to arrive that he location at the time, we did in that regard the city has been - we've had tremendous support
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from the mayor's office of economic workforce development and apg and helped to roommate the facade of the building and complete the renovation inside of the building without the sport support. >> our lease is for 5 years with a 5 year onyx by the city has an 86 year lease that made that clear as long as we're doing the work we've been we should be able to stay there for decades and decades. >> the single most important thing we know that is that meaningful. >> it has been here 5 months and even better than that we could image. >> with the economic development have announced an initiative if ours is a nonprofit or know of a nonprofit
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looking for more resources they can go to the office of economic workforce development slashing nonprofit and found out about the mayors nonprofit mitigation program and the sustainability initiative and find their information through technical assistance as much as how to get started with more fundraising or the real estate assistance and they can find my contact and reach out to me through the circles of the city through the >> we're here to raise awareness and money and fork for a good accuse.
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we have this incredible gift probably the widest range of restaurant and count ii destines in any district in the city right here in the mission intricate why don't we capture that to support the mission youths going to college that's for the food for thought. we didn't have a signature font for our orientation that's a 40-year-old organization. mission graduates have helped me to develop special as an individual they've helped me figure out and provide the tools for me that i need i feel successful in life >> their core above emission and goal is in line with our values.
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the ferraris yes, we made 48 thousand >> they were on top of that it's a no-brainer for us. >> we're in and fifth year and be able to expand out and tonight is your ungrammatical truck food for thought. food truck for thought is an opportunity to eat from a variety of different vendor that are supporting the mission graduates by coming and representing at the parks >> we're giving a prude of our to give people the opportunity to get an education. people come back and can you tell me and enjoy our food. all the vendor are xooment a
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portion of their precedes the money is going back in >> what's the best thing to do in terms of moving the needle for the folks we thought higher education is the tool to move young people. >> i'm also a college student i go to berkley and 90 percent of our folks are staying in college that's 40 percent hire than the afternoon. >> i'm politically to clemdz and ucla. >> just knowing we're giving back to the community. >> especially the spanish speaking population it hits home. >> people get hungry why not eat and give
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