tv Government Access Programming SFGTV April 9, 2018 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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together. >> clerk: item number seven is discussion on lafco's strategic plan and ten is future agenda items. >> supervisor fewer: i realize that we are still in the process of hiring but i think it would be good for us to discuss some of the possible projects that we are interested in. i'd like to open this up to comment to my colleagues. >> commissioner pollock: just carrying forward the discussion that we've had in terms of projects that would go forward, i would be really excited to see if we could ask miss stricker and miss calvillo if we could talk about what the rfp would look like for some of the projects that we discussed in terms of special reports prior to having staff come on. you noi that we've talked about about -- i know that we talked about cca 2.0 and other
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possibilities and when we talked about our proposed budget, how much we should earmark for those special studies and see what the process would be to begin either before staff comes on or at least begin the process before staff comes on or create a transition. >> commissioner calvillo: chair fewer members of the commission, angela calvillo interim officer, it is quite possible for teresa and i and the staff to the chair to begin to future vision the capacity of the lafco based upon what we know today. i know that there was a workshop that was handled, and there were some projects that were mentioned and i know at some point, there's going to be a -- decisions made around what the priorities will actually be and so what we actually
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know to date, we can try to present a report to you based upon what we know. and the rfp process, commissioner you're interested in the timing of it or what it could look like. >> commissioner pollock: exactly the timing of it and what it could look like. >> commissioner calvillo: so if we are aware of what our projects are, then, there would need to be some time taken with those projects to understand what the scope of services would actually be that would be expected to be provided. in the city and county of san francisco rfp's can take up to 15 months. that being said, there are ways that we can try to speed up the process and certainly scopes of services that don't include handling all of the approval authorities that would necessitate 15 months. so it's really going to be conversations with your offices on what the expected scope would be for the prioritized
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projects. >> commissioner pollock: thank you so much. just answered my questions. >> supervisor fewer: colleagues in light of the items that we had at the retreat and workshops, there were some issues of concern to theed the advocates and one of those was private public partnerships. we've heard a lot about hospital services and also community benefits concerning hospitals and in the agreements. this is something that i'm very interested in and i think it's within the scope of lafco to dive deeper into this topic. i am wondering if this is something that would meet your approval that we could initially start to investigate what type -- just type of speaker we could have on this issue and dive a little bit deeper into what some of
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community benefits are. who sets the boundaries of the agreement who monitors the agreement what are the particular agreements in particular with hospitals and if this is something you're interested in i think it's something that i would actually like very much to explore within the lafco commission. >> supervisor ronen: and you're specifically talking about hospitals with nonprofit status who have an obligation of providing community benefits? >> supervisor fewer: yes. >> supervisor ronen: yeah i think that's a great topic and i'd be very interested in it. >> supervisor fewer: thank you very much. >> commissioner pollock: i think i would be interested also in exploring this topic and hope that we could perhaps have a hearing at our next meeting? and perhaps i'm jumping ahead, so it might be item ten? but just understanding also from staff what our jurisdictional
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jurisdictional boundaries are under the purview of lafco and what it would like exploring this item whether we would create a special district to study this item further. >> supervisor fewer: so i'm hearing some direction from colleagues that this is something you would like me to explore with our colleagues and also with our administrative officer to see what our boundaries are, our jurisdictional boundaries and making some preparation for the april 20th meeting. let's open this up to public comment. mr. brooks? >> good afternoon, commissioners. eric brooks speaking on behalf of the san francisco green party, our city and also public net san francisco. so i would want to give a big thumbs up to what you just raised and note that it's very as i'm sure you all know it's
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very imminent. we have cpmc-sutter health that is basically shirking a lot of agreements that it made with the public to properly serve, especially the area where st. luke's is at in the mission. we're getting a raw deal from cpmc, and so we need to do something about that, and it would be great to have a hearing next month about cpmc about all of it and how to figure out how we're not going to let these nonprofits, and people who make millions of dollars a year in their own salaries, not giving san francisco the support it needs, especially when it comes to mental health beds, which continue to decline, except a couple of weeks ago there was one spot of bright news that we don't have enough. also on publishes, ownership of public resources the public
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broad band internet issue is now very imminent. the mayor's office is going to move on it before mayor farrell leaves. that means we've really got to get on this. there has been a request for qualifications put out to various contractors and their -- or that -- those request responses are in. so this won't take a lot of work on the part of your staff but i would urge that definitely by next month have your interim executive officer or if you've got a new executive officer by then, gather those rfq responses and documents so that we see where this is going so that we don't get in a situation where we're stuck in a long-term franchise that's like a provide -- >> supervisor fewer: thank you mr. brooks. thank you for your opinion. any other public speakers? seeing none, public comment is now closed.
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colleagues, we've heard from the public that i -- or he is in approval of our suggestion about investigating community benefits around hospitals, and also i'm hearing from the public that they would like an update on the public broad band. rope roen yes >> supervisor ronen: yes, and i'd like to bring up i'm still very interested in two topics that we brought up in our retreat, which is cleanpowersf and how we're going to build out the local program and produce more clean energy in san francisco and all the benefits that come with us jobs impacts on the environment etcetera. and then, the second item is my particular interest in a municipal bank because i know there's work through the board of supervisors that's happening around the municipal bank but it's how potentially it could
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be a source of funding for affordable housing development and sort of that ex-textpansion which i think is a unique one to explore. >> supervisor fewer: thank you very much. i am also very interested in those two topics. are we in agreement for the next meeting the april 20th meeting that we would hold a hearing -- an informational hearing on community benefits with our hospital first? and also an update on the public broad band? good? okay. great. do i need to make a motion for that? >> sure. >> supervisor fewer: sure. i make a motion. >> commissioner calvillo: always good practice. >> supervisor fewer: yeah. make a motion that the next meeting of this lafco body has a hearing conducts a hearing on the community benefits packages with hospitals, and
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then, also an update on public broad band. great, and if we can take that without objection. thank you very much. >> clerk: you need a second. >> supervisor fewer: oh second yes. commissioner ronen, thank you very much. >> supervisor fewer: so i see that mr. hyams is here, and let's go back to item number four. do we need to call that again. >> clerk: just for the public. item three is a community choice aggregation activities report. >> supervisor fewer: oh, item number four sorry. thank you. >> so sorry. my serious apologies. got a little crossed up on the timing of the meeting today. >> supervisor ronen: so did i if that makes you feel better. >> well thank you. thanks for your understanding. we definitely had it on our schedule but just not at the right time. but thampgs to the phone call that i received i was able to get over here before the end of the meeting. and you know given that i was
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here just a couple weeks ago i don't have a lot to report today? but i do anticipate that at your april 20th meeting i'm going to have a lot more to report? i think just given that caveat, just a couple things to discuss. i think our team is continuing to focus on the enrollment and expansion. in particular we're finalizing contracts. i anticipate that we'll be conducting our first tran actions for the next expansions next week, but we are working out some final touches to our agreements? so again the next meeting i will be able to give you a full update on that procurement effort? we'll also give you a full update on our enrollment plan and we'll also show up with our outreach group to talk a little
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bit about how we're going to approach the community with respect to the enrollment? i -- some other work that we've been involved with is in the regulatory arena, which is always very active for cca and for cleanpowersf. actually, this week, the city filed a rehearing request with the california public utilities commission on a resolution that the cpuc adopted several weeks ago that affected the way that cca's filed -- file their implementation plans. this was to address compliance obligation that cca's had and to sync up the cca filing
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process with the cca requirements. the city filed this rehearing request principally on the basis of the fact that there really wasn't a record developed at the cpuc as required to issue this resolution and it actually did create some very significant changes to decisions that the cpuc had adopted that laid out the process for cca implementation plans? so -- so that request was filed this week. we also, through cal cca participated in the preparation of a protest to a pg&e request to change its collection policies for cca's and their request was actually for expansive than that. it addresses other services -- providers that pg&e is in a collection role for? so that the changes -- well i
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should just say you know to be clear, pg&e is cleanpowersf's billing agent, and that's established under statute. it's established also under the tariff the cpuc has adopted. when a cca returns a customer to the incident vestor or utility or pg&e for lack of payment the utility, if it's -- if the utility continues to serve the customer, hasn't disconnected the customer, they're obligated currently to collect on behalf of the cca until those funds are collected or the customer disconnects, at which time the debt obligation is transferred back to the cca for its own collection. so the puc has established a collection policy for such cases. so what pg&e is requesting is to truncate that period of time
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that they were in a collection role even if they continued serving the customer. so that's a pretty significant change. it goes beyond -- we think it's another procedural problem. this has to be addressed through a proceeding where a record is developed. pg&e is proposing this through an advice letter process which is a more administratively rapid way to implement these changes. those are -- those are two sort of big regulatory things that happened recently. something that's been ongoing but wanted to give you an update is the california puc also opened a proceeding on the power charge indifference adjustment on reforming it and the city has been you know in lock step with cca -- cal cca excuse me and our cca colleagues in requesting that the cpuc take another look at how this is done.
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so we're actually working on testimony for that case and testimony is due in early april, in the pcia proceeding. what that means in terms of a resolution is probably a decision from the cpuc would be expected in the fall on this issue? so there's still some time to go. testimony is filed in writing and then there typically are hearings after a rebuttal process, and then briefing -- legal briefing and then a decision will be issued, so it's about a six-month timeline. this is the major regulatory events that i wanted to inform you about and i think with that i'm happy to answer any questions recognizing that we'll -- we'll have a lot more to report next time. >> supervisor fewer: thank you very much. >> yeah. >> supervisor fewer: commissioner pollock.
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>> commissioner pollock: thank you so much mr. hyams for hustling over year. the regulatory body is so important because you get to see what's sometimes hidden in just that backdrop. i have a question that's unrelated to your update? which is the proposition a on sfpuc's bond structure and whether -- requesting bond. are any of those bonds earmarked for cleanpowersf with the hetch hetchy power rolled into the way that cleanpowersf is funded, i guess, in terms of buildout? >> no they're not. best of my understanding with respect to the bond measure, it's exclusive to hetch hetchy power. and one -- one point of
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clarification that's important to know is that financially, the puc has established cleanpowersf has a separate entity? so you know the power enterprise has its own bond rating, so that bond authority would be under the general umbrella of the power enterprise? of course it is part of our long-term plan. i know you referred to cleanpowersf 2.0 earlier to abbott a obtain a rating on its own. part of our i guess i could say medium term financial plan and goal? we do think it takes some amount of time with a track record, a performance track record in order to do that? we know that marin clean energy, mce now, has been working on that for some time and of course they've been in operation for i think seven years. so -- and really, the best thing we can do to get -- you
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know, to get that going it so complete enrollment and have a couple solid years of performance to show to support a rating. >> commissioner pollock: great. thank you. i understood the -- the way that the bond measure was created, and sort of required because of the contractual and regulatory pieces of the contract that you had, it was a federal contract that ended in 2015? so i understood why but i wanted to see how it fit together if there was sort of asub dwsh-but it asub -- or if it is a road map. >> it's sort of asub map, and there is existing authority that the city has to issue revenue bonds for things like renewable energy so it's a separate authority that's being requested of the voters.
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>> commissioner pollock: thank you. >> yeah. >> commissioner pollock: i know this is not even sort of tide on the agenda in terms of update but it's helpful. >> yeah. >> supervisor fewer: okay. commissioner ronen, any comments? >> supervisor ronen: no. >> supervisor fewer: okay. thank you very much. okay. let's take public comment on this item. >> good afternoon once again, commissioners. eric brooks, san francisco clean energy advocates and californians for energy choice. so on the item that was just brought up that could have infrastructure -- it could help build infrastructure that would impact cleanpowersf so it's not totally separate. also, it could help with the potential for us to get a public power like from newark to san francisco which would totally change our relationship with pg&e so i think it would help in that process. i want to flag again pretty
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urgently for you ab-813 in sacramento. this is chris holden's bill that would make california's electricity grid change from a local nonprofit to part of a regional privatized grid run by berkshire-hathaway. this is the same one i mentioned last month. the reason i'm bringing it up now is we have heard from the grapevine and we have seen that the new language for the bill is out now and that it's going to move quickly potentially so if you as a body are going to recommend to the board of supervisors to oppose that ballot measure you would need to take it up i would think, by next meeting at the absolutely latest. this thing -- if they try to move this thing, they'll probably try to sneak it through very quickly so we'll need you to agendaize that next month, if you can and reach out to -- the best person to
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reach out to to learn more about it is former cpuc commissioner lower commissioner loretta lynch who knows all about this problem and knows all about the bill and can explain to you in more detail about why this is so bad and bad for renewables across the board. it would basically bring cheap fossil fuel -- >> supervisor fewer: thank you, mr. brooks. next speaker, please. >> 350 bay area. i was to first, i guess, second everything that mr. brooks said and really encourage you to reach out to loretta lynch. i had the chance to speak with her on a conference call. the idea that energy could be led by somebody like that is unfathomable to me.
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but i want to appreciate all of the work that sfpuc did to try to fill the breach at the california public utilities commission which is really a huge cesspool. communities that don't have lawyers have very little traction at thethere. the pca hearing has been going on for years so really just want to appreciate that. want to support the discussion of cca 2.0 or even 3.0 at this point going forward, and want to just briefly mention as new cca programs come on-line, they have different program design options. east bay's program is going to be launching this year, and they have actually -- so their default program, which is let's clean the nars and people are
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not happy about that, but it's 6% below pg&e rate, and they have this cool option called community investment where you take the cheapy product, the default product, but you forego your discount, and that money goes into a community development fund, so that basically from year one, they're going to already be accruing money to do local build, because the advocates that helped setup the east bay program were seriously laser focused on local building got a lot of buy in from their board because of workforce development, alameda county so exciting things happening elsewhere that maybe we have parrot one day. >> supervisor fewer: thank you very much. seeing no other public comment being public comment is now closed. madam clerk, can you please call -- oh, is there any other business before us today? >> clerk: we need to take public comment -- general public comment. item number nine, general public comment.
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>> supervisor fewer: all right. we are opening it up for general public comment now. seeing none but a friendly wave in the audience, thank you very much public comment is now closed. madam clerk, is there any other business before us today? >> clerk: that concludes our business for today. >> supervisor fewer: thank you very much. the meeting is adjourned. test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics >> test t thank you for being test text1 italics here today. we're here to test text1 underline test t honor the great test text1 underline late san francisco mayor test text1
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und ed lee. test t the chinatown core community center is a great place test t and mayor lee had a deep connection obviously to the salvation army center including he got test t married to his wife anita here so how about a round of applause for test t anita here. test text1 underline test text1 italics [applause]. >> to honor him, the warriors community foundation te in partnership with the good tidings foundation and pg&e are unvailing a newly test t refurbished basketball court in the test t test gymnasium. it's a test t pretty spectacular test text1 underline test text1 italics test text1 underline test text1 italics place. it includes te additional warrior player banners and a new salvation army shield logo at center court. which the young men are sitting on right here young men and women, the test text1 underline
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test t test text1 underline test text1 renovation will positively affect children, seniors and community members who use this space daily for activities including basketball games organized sports leagues after school programs and much much more. we've got a nice program test text1 underline test t it's brief, but we're going to hear from some great test tpeople. i want to acknowledge some people who won't be test text1 underline test t test speaking. anita anita lee is here the widow of the great mayor test lee. test t anita, thank you very much. [applause]. >> president of the board of supervisors london breed is here. where's test tlondon? test text1 i [applause]. >> supervisor test text1 underline malia cohen is here. test text1 underline test text1 italics [applause]. >> sf test text1 underline test text1 italics assessor-recorder test text1 underline test text1 italics carmen test text1 underline chiu. [applause]. >> director of building
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inspection tom test text1 underline test t huey. test text1 underline test text1 italics [applause]. >> director of public works, mohamed nuru. test text1 underline test text1 ita [applause]. >> general manager of test text1 underline test text1 italics test text1 underline test text1 puc, hectare harland kelly. test text1 underline [applause]. >> chief revenue officer of the test t test text1 underline test text1 italics warriors test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics
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cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics
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cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics lees, mayor edwin and test text1 underli anita lee have long supported the test t alvation army's programs across the city that provide services to the addicted, the homeless and homeless test t children. the salvation army played an important part in their lives. you'll all know now that test t mayor lee was a young lawyer working for san francisco test text1 underline test t test text1 underline test text1 i aryansian law test text1 underline test caucus and ihe would hangout at the test text1 under chinatown core. they were united in hole owe test text1 underline test text1 italics matrimony right test t here test text1 itali by lieutenant test text1 underline te colonel chuck yee in 1980, and they had their te reception in the basement where we'll have our celebration for
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our event. they often returned attending thanksz giving test t events, serving christmasserving -- thanksgiving events and christmas test text1 underline test tevents, and chinese test tex new year test text1 underline test text1 italics test text1 underlinecelebrations. in fact, mayor lee proclaimed august 15th at salvation army test text1 under chinatown core day a few years ago. test text1 underline test text1 itali you know this building is the te second salvation army location in the united states founded in 1886 just three years after the salvation army arrived to san francisco. that makes it the oldest test salvation army location in the united states. and after that telong, this gym needed a little bit of test text1 underli refurbishing and so we're so happy for the efforts of all of our test friends who've come here today to provide this important update to this gym so the kids and families and test t adults who
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come here for recreation programs have a safe and test t inspiring place in which to play and to grow and to make meaningful relationships in their lives. and today, we are so honored to have this gym dedicate today test text1 underline te mayor lee a great friend and a great champion of san francisco and of the salvation army. and as we continue with the program we want to give test tex acknowledgement for our continued support from the city of test t san francisco for their support here on -- in chinatown and in our many program that's provide critical services across the city. we're pleased today test t that the honest obl mayor mark farrell is able to join us for this important tribute to former mayor test text1 underline test t edwin lee, so i would ask all of you if you would join me as we welcome the mayor of san francisco, the honorable mayor mark test text1 underline test tfarrell. test tex [applause]. >> well thank you, cindy, and thank you to pg&e, thank you to
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good tidings, to the salvation army for all of your help and support here today. in particular thank you to the golden state test text1 underline test text1 italics warriors and zaza for you to come out here with your son. it is always awesome to test text1 underline test text1 italics see family together to make this test text1 underline ded dedication possible. mayor lee was a good friend to so many of us and i think the one thing i remember in talking test text1 und sports with mayor lee, test text1 u that is when he put on his test text1 underline happiest face all the time whether it was about talking about his golf game, or the test t giants or the 49ers or the test text1 underline te warriors that is what it was all about and it's so fitting that we're here today to dedicate test text1 underline test t his test text1 und court. [ inaudible ] >> you know it's a sad thing that he won't be there to see opening day te next year or opening night, but it was one of his biggest projects that he worked on inside of city hall
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that we all supported and so test t it's really amazing that the warriors are here today to dedicate this court and we acknowledge his presence in that. and as we reflect on test text1 u mayor lee, and there are a number of things and you know we're so thankful that anita's here and the family's been so supportive. there are going to be many tributes to mayor lee, as there should be in namings of different test text1 underline te places but as been mentioned here today we're here today, where anita and mayor lee were married mayor lee was the adopted son of test chinatown. you spent so many years working here in his career and test was an absolute rock star in the community as he should have been in chinatown. it's an absolute honor to be here today. thank you to all of you who made this happen and as kids play here hoops over the years, i just think it's going to be amazing that they're going to be able to remember mayor lee, and for all of the years to come so thank you, everybody
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for test t being here. [applause]. >> i'd now like to introduce city administrator test text1 underline test t naomi test text1 underline test text1 itali kelley. [applause]. test text1 under >> good afternoon. so i'm here on behalf test text1 underline test text1 italics of anita test text1 underline lee, test text1 ita and her beautiful daughters test text1 underline test text1 italics tanya and test text1 underline test text1 italics arinan lee. it's very fitting that this is where, as you all heard, test text1 underline test where ed lee test text1 underline test tex started his career fighting for the under served right here in chinatown, and that the test text1 underline test text1 ita salvation army test text1 underline test text1 i is bestowing this court for test text1 recognizing his service. as we all know mayor lee loved sports and he loved basketball football, baseball, test text1 underline golf and ping pong.
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and not only did he love test t it, he was actually very good at those sports and he actually did a lot of trash talking. you may test text1 underline test text1 ita not -- you may not envision that test t because he was such a study mayor, test t but behind the scenes he had steady jokes that he would practice on all of test tus and he practiced test text1 underline test text1 i them a lot. it's great that the test text1 underline test t warriors are here te today te but they thought they wanted to test text1 u always be in the presence of the warriors whether it's the players or the staff or the coach or the teams. they thought they could beat i can't remember i don't recognize players, test text1 underline and then once mayor lee realized he didn't have the height he thought ecohelp with coaching. this is what he talked about quite often. with this, i think it's test text1 und befitting that the warriors pay this test text1 underline test t tribute. thank you again, and as everyone said, you really was
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instrumental was test t pushing the chase center here in san francisco, and unfortunately he will not be there with us physically but we do know that he will be smiling down test text1 with his big smile and be there in spirit when that center opens up so thank you very much. test text1 underline test text1 italics [applause]. >> thank you test text1 under naomi. now i'd like to introduce andrea test texgooden test t director of community and test text1 underline employee engagement from pg&e to talk about their relationship with the warriors test text1 underline and test text1 italics more. te >> good test tafternoon te everyone. i am both proud and humbled to test text1 be te here today. wonderful showing of support. i'm here representing test text1 underline pg&e and want to start by saying how proud we are to work with the test text1 underline warriors, and who wouldn't be?
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not only are they the best nba team out there and have been for a long time but they also have a test text1 underline test legacy of not only believing in the community but giving back. and so for pg&e test you know that's part of what we do. we embrace working with our communities, wherever they are, and so it's test text1 underline test text1 really been a great partnership and today represents much of that and so many of you out here with whom we've worked. you know i was test t thinking -- i talked to one of my test text1 underline te colleagues here today and i said can i use strength in numbers because that's test t really what it's all about, and that's how i get it done. i work with people who kind of combine their expertise to get things done and that's really what this is all about today. you know i'd like to make a couple of test t announcements. one is that well we already know this. you're probably going to hear it many times, is that we're test text1 und here to update the newly test text1 underline test t dedicated, this test text1 underline
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newly updated facility in the memory of mayor test text1 under ed lee. it's also time to reflect on personal experience with the mayor and i must say i'm not one that had a deep relationship with the mayor, but i was affected by him in many other ways. the two of us shared a similar background. the mayor grew up in public housing in seattle. i grew up in public test t housing here in san francisco in hunters point. i think test t he may have had one more sibling that be me but we each came from humbled means. both of our parents worked hard not only to pursue, but they did attain the american dream of owning a home. you know, when you grow up like this with a family that instills in you great values you can't help but give back. and so how wonderful for me to work for a company test text1 underline test t and this isn't an ad for a company -- they didn't put this in my speech, but to work for a company and many of test t you here today, who care about community. and that's why you're here.
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so it gives me great pride to say today that pg&e is going to make a test text1 underline test tex donation to the i am the future scholarship fund test t and test t this is a program that was very near and dear to the test t test text1 underline test tex lay mayor te mayor lee. it's one to help test tex kids of test promise fulfill their dreams and to remove any test t barriers that test t might exist, particularly financial ones. test t so again, i want to thank everybody, particularly those of you here on the stage here. again, i'm very test text1 humbled to be in the presence of the salvation army the good tidings foundation. thank you, everybody, for all the incredible work you do and thank you for listening to me here today. thank test tyou. test text1 underline test text1 italics [applause]. >> i'd now like to introduce harry harper the founder and chairman of good tidings foundation. he knows a little thing about building basketball courts for test
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text1 underline test text1 italics people. [applause]. >> well thank you, dave. thank you for having us. when we started this making test t hoops programs 23 years test text1 underline test tago, it was at brookdale park in test text1 underline oakland. we knew it was a good idea to build a basketball court. we test t really had no kbabl what a basketball court does different than other sports facilities. obviously, they can play the game of basketball here but it is a gathering place, and it's a meeting place, and we know the investments that good tidings and the warriors make building basketball test t courts long surpasses the game of basketball. and 23 years later, i don't know that we know the exact number test text1 underline test text1 italics but somewhere around #80 courts have been built te through the make the hoops program which is unparalleled in other nba city. it was certainly an honor to be here test text1 underline to test
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text1 italics honor mayor ed lee who came to many of our test t dedications test text1 over the teyears. you never thought of him as a politician. he just thought of test t him as a nice man and really test text1 underline test text1 a true san franciscan. when we turned on the score board for the first time today, my wife and i were looking test text1 underline test text1 itaup, and we always try to think what score to put test text1 u up and we try to put up the warriors score, which last night's, be decided not to do. but we made sure the home team was winning, so that was good. and the clock -- we started the clock and make sure the clockworks. 20 minutes and it counted down. my wife said when was mayor test text1 ed lee born, and so 1952 is our time today in test text1 u honor of him. and test text1 underline test text1 italithen test text1 underline test text1 italics also test text1 underline test textoday, just partnering with the salvation army for the very first time
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and we're here on good friday test it's really good to do something good like we are today. i'd like to thank the whole warriors crew for always including us as part of test text1 u your test t family. we look test tex forward to building another # will 0 courts with you down the test text1 underline test troad. enjoy your new court. thank you. [applause]. >> all right. thank you very much, larry. we appreciate that. and now i'd like to introduce test text1 underline joanne pasternick, test text1 v.b. and test t executive director of the warriors foundation and you're going to bring up a guest with you, too test text1 underline teright? [applause]. >> i was about to lower the test text1 underline test t mic to suit my height, but i have a rather tall friend who's joined me here today, so i'm going to bring sasa test text1 underline test text1 italics test text1 underline test text1 italics -- zaza test text1 underline test text1 italics paculic
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to tell us what the mayor test text1 underline means to him. >> thank you joanne. i'm really honored to be here on behalf of my test text1 underline test text1 italics teammates, the warriors organization on this special day. really great day. i met test text1 underline mayor lee two years ago when i first signed with the warriors. obviously there's a test text1 underline test text1 italics process where you get test text1 underline theo meet test the mayor, the head coach. i had an opportunity te to meet mayor lee, and it was such an opportunity for me and my family. i remember his smiling, and his positive energy the welcoming speech and tone test t you know, i was telling my wife, honey, test you know what? it's going to be great time for us. it's going to be great time for us in the bay area. look test text1 what's going on on the court, and we got the welcome from the mayor. test t you know what? we won the championship last test t
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year and we are here chasing for the second. it test text1 underli means a lot for me as a test text1 underline test t player especially sitting around different test text1 underline teams, and having coming in sitting around your place and having three kids, and the test text1 underli mayor's welcoming you in a generous way. that was kind of a game changer for me to fall in love with the place and to build a good relationship with the mayor. so i remember every time we had events either with test t china where we were promoting the bay area for the test t tourists and telling the chinese people how great and amazing places we have and there were the test text1 underline test t museums and restaurants and places to visit. you know as always it was always great to see him to be around test thim. but one thing's bothering him that he invited me to the city hall but unfortunately, i never could make it and you know this is going to stay in my heart test text1 underline forever, where it still is always going to bother
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me. but great thing test t anita you know this court is for you guys and i want to tell you that the te stars are born on these kind of courts, and test tthen obviously, you'll see them playing in the nba and playing on different teams test text1 underline test text1 italics and winning te chach championships. thank you for this court. thank you, everybody for supporting this day and this amazing test text1 underline project, and i'm really glad to be here. thank you. test text1 underline [applause]. >> so young people you have been sitting here so patiently but i can tell you that when our vision is from the warriors is that this room's going to be filled with laughter, because when i think of mayor lee i think of his smile, i test think of those sparkly eyes he had, test and most of all i think of his terrific laugh. te i remember his secret room in the back with all his sports test text1 underline test t test text1 underline test t memorabilia, and if any sports
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figure came into city hall, mayor lee test t wanted to show them his collection and probably sign something as te well. you guys are going to fill this test text1 underline test t with laughter. we feel it. we really do. we've painted the walls and fixed up the floor for you. better lighting, but most of all, we wanted to create a gathering place. the warriors are so committed as somebody alluded to there's strength in numbers. we're also committed to building test text1 underline test t bridges, building communities and working with our test partners like pg&e good tidings, and the salvation army to create that sense of community. test text1 und that's what mayor lee was all about. test text1 underline test text1 that's what he was meant to do. to everybody he felt like their best friend. he remembered you, he knew test t something about you, and he felt, to me like just that uncle i wished i had in my life just a special special human being. so with that spirit, it test text1 underline test t gives us great pleasure to be able to
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open this court test t officially today and to start it off with our test t amazing youth basketball teams who are going to get this party going and we're going to get you guys some basketballs so you can start playing. so again thank you so much for joining all of us test t test text1 underline for test text1 italics honestoring this incredible man. there's just we can do to give him the justice that he deserves, but we hope for generations we'll have the mayor lee court. that's what it's going to be called from here on test out. i checked with the sealvation army. test text1 und if you want to check out time on this court, you're going to be checking out time for the mayor lee court. thank you for test text1 underline test text1 italics joining us today [applause]. >> before we get the basketball test started, i want to bring up the board of supervisors president, london breed who's going te to make a presentation to the salvation army. test text1 underline test t test text1 underline test text1 italics
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[applause]. >> thank you. it is truly an honor to be here to celebrate the test text1 underline test text1 italics mayor edwin lee court. i just laugh every time i think about the stories that mayor lee told me that he would actually be a basketball star but he decided to go te into public service. and it is just so great to be who are and test text1 underline test text1 italics to share with-- here and to be sharing with you, and i'll just be brief because i know you're excited to be playing on this court. are you excited today? >> i don't believe you. tell me are you excited today? and i just want to thank the salvation army because not only is this building an amazing place, but they provide test text1 underline test meals, they provide support to so many people, especially here in chinatown who need it the most and i just wanted to provide you with a certificate of honor on behalf of the san francisco board of supervisors for the work that test text1 underline you have done for generations to support this community, to support so many
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san franciscans. you are giving of yourself oftentimes for people who need you whenever they need test text1 underline test text1 italiyou. in this particular community this is in the spirit of test text1 underline test t mayor edwin lee. thank you so much for everything you continue test text1 underline test text1 to test text1 underline test text1 italics do. [applause]. test text1 underline test text1 ita cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics >> thank you very much. test text1 so before the basketball, just some final test text1 underline thank yous. on behalf of the warriors community foundation please thank pg&e and the salvation army for all they test tdid, and thank you approximating very was just spectacular in helping out the bay area. we want to thank the generous grants of $25,000 towards the mayor test text1 underline edwin m.lee i am the future scholarship award. it's just amazing his name will continue. thank you to the warriors
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foundation and the good tidings foundation for refurbishing test text1 underline test text1 italics over 70 courts throughout the bay area. i want to thank -- it's clear why people route for the test text1 underline test t warriors when you hear someone like test text1 underline test t zaza speak. he's test text1 underline test tex loved here he's loved in his native georgia, and he's loved in test text1 underline test text1 italics georgia. thank you for bringing saba here. and thank you anita for bringing a man so loved test text1 testhere who was loved with a test text1 underline test text1 italics glaem in his eye. he was a test text1 underline test text1 italics frustrated jock like all of us. test text1 underline test text1 ita he will be deeply missed and before we get started with test our warriors basketball clinic, we're going to host a test text1 underline test t quick tip here at center court with test t our photographers here, so let's test
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text1 underline test text1 do that. test text1 underline test t cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics [ inaudible ] [applause]e] test text1 underline cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 italics cc1 te
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>> 7 and a half million renovation is part of the clean and safe neighbor's park fund which was on the ballot four years ago and look at how that public investment has transformed our neighborhood. >> the playground is unique in that it serves a number of age groups, unlike many of the other properties, it serves small children with the children's play grounds and clubhouses that has basketball courts, it has an outdoor soccer field and so there were a lot of people that came to the table that had their wish list and we did our best to make sure that we kind of divided up spaces and made sure that we kept the old features of the playground but we were able to enhance all of those features.
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>> the playground and the soccer field and the tennis fields and it is such a key part of this neighborhood. >> we want kids to be here. we want families to be here and we want people to have athletic opportunities. >> we are given a real responsibility to insure that the public's money is used appropriately and that something really special comes of these projects. we generally have about an opportunity every 50 years to redo these spaces. and it is really really rewarding to see children and families benefit, you know, from the change of culture, at each one of these properties >> and as a result of, what you see behind us, more kids are playing on our soccer fields than ever before.
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we have more girls playing sports than we have ever had before. [ applause ] fp >> and we are sending a strong message that san francisco families are welcome and we want you to stay. >> this park is open. ♪ test text1 underline test text1 italics test text1 underline test text1 itali >> let's gather, let's gather round.
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we are going to have a very quick joyous program today happy passover happy easter happy extravaganza happy reopening of the koret children's playground. >> yay! >> i -- i am here with my dear friend and partner drew becker of the san francisco parks alliance and we are your emcees today. drew you want to say a few words? >> thank you easter bunny. no very happy to be here it is you know, it's a happy day here in golden gate park and koret playground and excited to be a part of it and the outpouring to get the playground back open. so thank you so much thank you for being a member of the parks alliance and for loving your park. back to you, phil. >> heart of the matter, a lot of people that stepped up to get
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the playground reopened and no way we were going to keep kids off it. but today the true true true heroes are the young, young men and women in orange today. the young kids from stepping stones preschool you can clap for yourselves. who kicked this all off on their own by raising $283.17 in lemonade and donuts out there on irving street and presented it to our beloved mayor lee and said please fix our playground. and the rest was history. so a big round of applause to our friends from stepping stones. [applause] all right. so we have a lot of wonderful speakers who have led and made sure the project happened. drew and i have made a personal promise to the mayor of san francisco whose schedule is filled with parades and community events and all kinds of things today that we would be
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brief, which is not something that comes naturally to us. >> so that means under an hour here. >> yes no yes. so what drew and i are you ready to go? what drew and i thought we would do, is rather than a long boring speech, i offer mr. mayor, an haiku. welcome to koret children's playground fixed up children ready, let's play. because of your, your loving generosity. thank you very much don't forget to tip your waiters, i'll be here all week. mr. becker. >> so phil called me about this like last night and said i want you to do an haiku, i thought it was a joke. very sweet here i go. ashes, ashes sad. children playing happy face koret playground back. >> well done. all right. and without further ado my great honor to introduce the mayor of the city and county of
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san francisco, mark farrell. [applause] >> thank you, mr. ginsberg. i don't have an haiku for you today, sorry about that. i want to say thank you to stepping stones preschool, to the kids, you are awesome. this is so amazing to the future of our city. you know when this playground burnt down, it captured the imagination of our city and so thankful for everyone who stepped up i really want to pay tribute to our laid mayor, ed lee who made this a priority here in san francisco before he passed away it was without his support this would not have happened at all. and so a huge how about a round of applause for his leadership in this. you know, my wife is here today we have been taking our three kids here to this playground since week one of their birth, and to see it rebuilt, to see the kids back on the concrete slide is amazing, and what's also amazing, though i think we need to recognize, what a
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legendary playground this is and in the city of san francisco. standing with some other guys earlier today also born and raised san francisco kids and we came here when we were little and remember the slide and the cardboard and getting some air off of some of the jumps. but what an amazing place this is. look parks are the heart and soul of our city. it's what we are all about. we have such amazing leaders like phil ginsberg. thanks so much to the parks alliance and drew congratulations to everybody. happy easter happy passover, have a great weekend everyone. >> thank you, mayor. give it up for mayor farrell again. next up we could not do this would you tell us the leadership of the rec and park commission and here representing them is commissioner alan lowe. >> thanks drew. also want to thank our general manager who really brought us together but
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