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tv   Government Access Programming  SFGTV  April 22, 2018 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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so i think it was a lot that was said today and there's a lot sort of to swallow or digest in terms of what's the best approach to this in regards to all the needs, and knowing that there's, you know, other needs outside of today's discussion. i -- what i heard was that the existing services or system that we have to help those that are already homeless are helping a certain number every year move out of homelessness, and what we're seeing at the same time as many come into the system that's new that was not homeless.
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so i guess from my perspective is not so much about when somebody's in jail -- this is a bad analogy, but not when they're at their worst, but how do you prevent it from getting there? and so i think my priorities, you know in regards to a policy or how we want to look at our budget is in regards to additional resources would leave towards the prevention side and if we have limited resources. so my priorities would be that we continue and maybe increase that -- the rapid rehousing program. the second priority that i would have -- and it wasn't even talked about today, but i asked the budget office -- i don't know if i have an answer yet. the question i asked was last year, mayor lee added $2
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million to fund child care for homeless children in which we know that it -- if they're not in those child care systems when they're very little, there's just no stimulation. what is the answer? is it ongoing or one year of funding. >> it was ongoing funding. >> supervisor yee: okay. then i won't ask for additional for that. the other -- i think mental health, as i mentioned before, whether it's for children. my emphasis would be for children, but i think for all age brackets, we really need to do more in that area. no matter how we discuss it, regardless if they're homeless or not homeless, children or adults, the services are needed and we just have not been able to catch up with that. the -- i think the he housing
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subsidies should be increased. i think we go through that real quickly. i also want to support the tenants rights lawyers -- or eviction # lawyers that will help tenants. and then, i guess the heart -- what is it? the one item that i'd really like to see happen -- it's not the only thing, but if there's one thing that i'd like to see happen in terms of a facility, is i'd like to see a navigation center put up. it's not to say that i'm not going to support anything else put up, but these are my priorities. >> supervisor cohen: all right. i'm glad to here these priorities 'cause colleagues, i will be circling back to your offices tomorrow and also on
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monday the language for the resolution that we will be introducing hopefully collectively on tuesday of next week, so i want to make sure that i -- supervisor -- provid supervisor yee, those priorities that you laid out, make sure that you or your staff, you can communicate it -- perfect. you've got them written down. supervisor sheehy? >> supervisor sheehy: yeah. i was going to say a lot of what supervisor yee said. the housing opportunity for young people, and getting a tay homeless navigation center i think is a fundamental gap. if we could get housing and a navigation center, i think we could start to address a problem that's been largely under served, and i also don't -- we did hear from kate hartly that the mayor may include in his budget already,
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but i think encouraging him to do that, the funding for eviction defense attorneys, i think is a critical piece. there were some other good ideas we heard today, but those, to me, really stood out as big priorities, and again, thank you supervisor cohen for a great process. >> supervisor cohen: thank you. and i want to thank you all for sticking with us. it's been a long day. i think this is going to be one of the longer policy discussions. i don't anticipate this length of time in the future, but i'll try to manage the conversations a little bit better. let's see...what's next? madam clerk, is there -- obviously -- i've totally lost my bearings. my god, i've been at this since 1:00, 10:00 -- >> clerk: madam chair, would you like to take an action on this hearing item? >> supervisor cohen: no, no need to take an action. i think what i'd like to do,
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we'll file it as heard, as the hearing is heard, and we will revisit the conversation at the appropriate time and we will continue to move forward. >> supervisor cohen: is there a second? second by kathrin stefani, and if i could take this without objection, and i would like the record to reflect that supervisor fewer just had to leave about 15 minutes ago. all right. we can take that without objection. thank you. and to the members of the staff, thank you very much. budget legislative analysts, ladies and gentlemen, i appreciate it. ladies and gentlemen that have been with us in the audience, i appreciate it, and madam clerk, is there any other news or business before this body? >> clerk: there's no further -- >> supervisor cohen: all right. we're adjourned. thank you.
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they tend to interfere. can you please rise for the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. . >> good evening. i would like to take roll call. (roll call) we have a quorum. also present the director of dpa
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and standing this is as assistant chief. >> welcome to the wednesday, april 18, 2018 san francisco police commission meeting. the items before we start with reference to the closed session which we have a busy closed session. line item a taken off for further evaluation in light of the koss sell ladecision of the united states supreme court. with reference to public comment we have a large closed session calter and busy. public comment will be two minutes to facilitate the calendar. before we proceed, sometimes we adjourn in the memory or honor of san francisco police officers who have passed. we recently lost lieutenant chris martinez. 1525.
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we will add june in his honor tonight. nobody is around when we do to adjournment. i know that lieutenantnent chris martinez was close with the police commission secretary. i will tell you about the lieutenant chris martinez. he was star 1425. he joined on december 2, 1991 as member of the 170th recruit class. she at taped rank of master sergeant. you know that is the general of the enlisted. she became a police officer. her first assignment was at the bay view station. he also worked as field training officer, appointed to sergeant in 1998. she served at central station, richmond station. at park station as sergeant, she was responsible for main taining
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the lineup and taking care of the troops. she liked it to be very busy. when she was working. she was well respected by the men and women who served under her. she was known as a working cop. she was promoted to lieutenant in 2010. she served at bay view station. soon she was tapped to take over the field training office, responsible for training many, many new officers. probably close to 800 at that point. in 2013, chris was transferred to the san francisco international airport and provided strong leadership to the night watch officers and worked closely with her good friend deputy cleave dennis smith. throughout her career she was successful and thoughtful. sheep was a true friend. she cared about the deeply about the safety of the cop and people of san francisco and wanted
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nothing more than to come back to work with her friends for another shift. the police commission sends condolences to family and spendses and to st. louis, missouri and to the wife of five years. we have lost a gentle warrior who kept us all on our toes may we keep her in our memories and her wife. she was a great police officer. many don't understand our department is one big family and she was part of that family. it is irrelevant who you are. iit is the men and women who wer the blue. we will add june in her honor tonight. [applause.] please call line item one. >> adoption of minutes action meeting of february 21, 2018. >> any corrections or changes you would like to make to the
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minute? >> yes one correction that in the general comment section. anna's last name is different. it is duck corit dickoreles. i will send it to you. >> we can add don' we can adopt. any public comment regarding adoption of minutes. all in favor. thank you next line item. >> motion passes 5-2. consent calendar request donation totaling $300 from the chinese chamber of commission,
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new asia restaurant and far east restaurant for the san francisco police activities league. >> you have the request in your packet. any questions or concerns? hearing none. >> i move approval of the consent calendar. >> second. >> any comment with the donation? hearing none public comment is closed. all in favor? aye. >> it passes unanimously. 3a. discuss chief's report on recent police department activities including major events, weekly crime trends and announcements. >> good evening, welcome. >> good evening vice president and commissioners and director and members of the public and assistant chief here for chief scott who is out of town on a business trip. my report will consist of crime trends and statistics.
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these are good. gun violence and homicides. homicides down 31% compared to last year. shootings victims down 26% compared to last year. homicides with firearm down 58% compared to last year. total violent crimes down 2.8%. property crimes down 15%. auto burglaries a topic of discussion in recent months, and i am pleased to announce year-to-date 2018 compared to 2017 down 20%. a lot of enforcement to put the patrols and undercover activities are paying dividends and crime is dropping in that area. that concludes my report. i would like to thank you commissioner for recognizing lieu tenant martinez she was a dedicated member of the police
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department. it is a great loss to the department. >> any questions for assistant chief? hearing none please call next line item. >> 3b, dpa director's report. report on recent dpa activities and announcements. . >> good evening. i will keep it brief, thank you. right now just in terms of staff, we have 254 pending cases, down from 417 last year at this time. sustained cases this month is actually up higher. up to 25 sustained cases. we were at nine this time last year. we are down to this week 32 cases that we have been investigating beyond 270 day mark. that including the cases that are being told for criminal or
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administrative issues and dependent of our investigation. this time last year we were at 114 cases that were in that category. in terms of new personnel issues, we have 28 candidates forwarding to the senior investigating position. it takes a long time to hire to bring the investigator staffing up. i had a new attorney joining us this week from the san francisco district attorney's office replaced inez frankel, who retired. we have a new investigator joining us next week to handle and manage the mediation coordination. wwe are still trying to bring in a new it coordinator. i am here for the evening and supported by one of the senior investigators. right here. if anyone has any questions or
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issues we can help with during the commission tonight. someone is available to meet with him. thank you so much for being here. >> you are hiring amid dation coordinator. we have the mediations? >> they are ongoing. i am bringing in a cordnator because a want to expand or mediation program. it is one of the most -- it is one of our highest rated programs in the agency. i want to do more of it. >> for the members of the public the dpa has amid dation program where someone says an officer was rude or didn't treat me like i thought i should be treated. they bring them both in the room. the officer hears i didn't realize my voice sounded rude. one of the first levels of the
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use of force is our voice. the reason we weren't looking at your eyes, we are trained to look at your hands for safety. the people in the room and they say now, i know why that person did that. the officers get a sense, okay, maybe you can see the older officers are more user friendly. it is a great program. i will make sure it doesn't stop. >> part of my point is to establish restorative justice throughout the process. not just cases to mediation. it is restorative for folks that may complain so they have a better experience with the complaint and dealing with the department how the complaints are resolved. >> any questions? >> i want to know where he bought that suit? >> i would tell you a crazy
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story about neiman marcus. i have to be honest. marshalls. >> thank you. you are the best dressed guy up here. >> commissioner's report. >> commissioner turn man is unavailable. we do things as commissioners. wwe go to the public meetings. i had a great opportunity in the change of society is coming from the youth. i had the opportunity to go to the university of berkeley and meet with the football team. as one of the football alumni to it is there and have a conversation with 65 young
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brilliant men about what is hatching in society and about policing. it was refreshing. they have interesting viewpoints. when you hear from the older crowd that comes here, these kids that come from impoverished areas, impacted areas have a different perspective. it was a great dialogue. i did that on behalf of the police commission. it was great. they want me to come back again. next time i will bring more bodies. that is what i did on behalf of the commission last week. doctor marshall. >> this sunday i am on the radio show that you have been on. sunday night 106. kmel. i am going to do -- we are going to tackle the topic of explicit
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bias. you know i am the commissioner for the bias portion of the d.o.j. recommendation. we are going to have assistant chief chaplain, lieutenant williams, director of training and bias training at the acade academy. sam romarian, and dante king for the city. we will clarify what bias is all about for the public. then we will talk about what the department is doing currently. i think it will be insightful especially in light of what happened at starbucks. >> it is great. he did the implicit bias training for the department. >> i have heard good things. we will explain what bias is and talk about the department's
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efforts and talking to people there, looking forward to hearing about that whole subject. i will send a notice out. i will send it around to everybody so they will know. >> thank you, doctor marshall. >> next line item 3-d please. announcements and schedule of items for future meetings. action. >> i want the commissioners to know i have reached out to commissioner turman to put on the agenda an item for a presentation for wealth and disparities for the black community. they have met and they have crime stats -- i am drawing a blanco that. they have all of these numbers and figures as it relates to san
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francisco and crime in the black community. they would like to make a presentation. i am working with commissioner turman to put that on the calendar. i am drawing a blanco that one thing. >> if you thought about getting hrc to host it and put a forum together. >> we could host it here at the appropriate scheduling. >> census numbers, crime stats, how it affects the community. >> that is fine. thank you. >> any other announcements? >> i would like to add to the general public information the police commission will be dark on wednesday 4/25. next meeting on wednesday, may 2 at 5:30 p.m. city hall room 400. >> all right. now it is time for public comment. >> i wanted to ask why we don't
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have the agenda the vote for the dg. 5.02 that we had requested to vote on it with the correction. >> i don't know. >> commissioner turman has asked we put that off after may 2nd. >> for the commission's information if you would like a particular item on a particular date, you need a motion and a vote to override the rules of order. >> if you like an item on the next agenda if you have a motion and vote for a particular time you want that item to be heard, you can have that done. >> then we need it on the agenda for the vote? >> no. >> can we take a vote? >> you you can do that.
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>> i thought it was unanimous if we put it back. >> that is discretion to the president of the commission. they can derm what order, when and how that getting on the agenda. to overcome that it would be a vote from the commission as a whole. >> without being on the agenda? >> correct. it would be under future agenda items. you can put it on there. as long as the whole commission has the specific time and date that is certain when you want that item it will be placed on the agenda. >> okay. unfortunately, we are not sure if we have a quorum on the first day in may. i would say it has to be on a future agenda, and it has to be a future agenda item. i move we do that. >> the second week of may?
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>> let's agendize it. >> just to clarify that is to put it on. did you want to have the whole commission vote on that? >> absolutely. >> before we do that. we will take public comment before that motion. you can do that on this agenda. it is for scheduling purposes only. >> i am sorry. for clarification that is the date commissioner turman said to put the meeting after may 2. it is may 9th. >> okay, fine. >> now it is time to go ahead, sergeant ware. >> line 4 department bulletin. >> line five public is welcome to address. >> no, we still have -- that is
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reference three a, b, c, d. >> we are not on 4. >> we haven't got to 4. general comment on 3. >> do we have a motion for public comment? >> it is not public comment. it is public comment on those items. >> it is time for public comment with line items 3a, b, c, d, the chief's report, director's report and commissioner's reports. >> you have a motion on the floor for the second week of may. >> 5. 5.02. it is a scheduling motion. can somebody second it? >> i second that. >> now public comment.
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>> i am a resident of san francisco. i am going to introduce you to the group from the marina district here to inform you about vital concerns for the marina cal hollow district. our concerns are almost directly opposite from the statistics that you just heard. everything is on the rise in our neighborhood. in this presentation we will discuss the discrepancies and the solutions that need implemented we feel need implemented. the following issues will be addressed by our neighborhood residents. leaf will give an over hood, alexa will address the need for cameras at palace of fine arts. joe will speak to seniors in danger. barbara will give a statement.
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david will give a statement on behalf of eric. michael will present the need for more police and vehicles. nicole speaks about businesses in danger in our neighborhood. erica about prop 47. shirley addresses the lack of communication between parties. patricia will give concluding shots and summary. each person has two minutes. i hope that they won't be interrupted by a cell phone. each person has two minutes. i hope you will keep this quote from edmond burke in mind. evil succeeds when good men do nothing. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> good evening. my name is leaf deautsch.
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i am an attorney and commissioner. i am here to support my fellow residents who have been working and organizations to combat property crime in the neighborhood and she. i want to thank the commission and department. it is hard work for little pay. i appreciate your efforts as it pertains to car break ins. we heard statistics about 20% reduction this year over last year. it is great work. we hope we can keep it up. we need to keep that momentum going. my wife and i had our car broken into in october. i have been beating this drum about auto burglaries. it seems we are starting to see results. that said we are at three times as many now as in 2010. we will take the good news of 20% reduction. we need to redouble the efforts to build on that momentum.
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i want to talk about two things. the department staffing and safety. on the staffing piece, when i talked to officers particularly captains. the consensus is they need more officers. the numbers 200, 300, 400 more officers. while the foot patrols are great, it is taken out of one hand putting it in another. if we have the foot patrols we need to increase the overall size of the department. thank you very much. >> we moved to san francisco six years ago and noticed a significant increase in crime. i am not here to complain when the home lanman -- homeless man
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tried to enter my home or one threatened me and dropped his pants as i hurried away. terrified. the countless car break-ins daily in my neighborhood. i am here to demonstrate the community is mobilized. we welcome the new captain. we recognize the number of changes including more patrols and beat cops walk the street. we applaud the changes. they are crucial. we hope that our effort to show up at hearings are recognized as change. we intend to be more active and look forward to working with all of you for a better outcome. i will share a message in the neighbors who fought for cameras for five years at the palace of fine arts. we were successful in the back and raised money for the front. they have not been provided. we need your support on this
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issue. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> good evening commissioners. i am retired army veteran and resident of the marine cal well district of san francisco. i am here to discuss the commission's policy about street blocking during an active time. the safety of tourists and police and elderly are at stake. the palace of fine arts suffered the high esbreak ins in the city and 70 veterans. is at risk for a tragic accident killing a b bystander or police agent. the active jeopardizing law-abiding citizens by limiting
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the apprehension of police officers is not the answer. this policy will exacerbate the expanding need for police protection in the city bursting at the seams in population and struggling with increasing crime. start with police protection of our most vulnerable area of smash-and-grabs and reinstate the policy of street blocking during an active crime. thank you. >> you mean straight blocking meaning allowing the police to chase suspects? >> i am referring to the policy of not allowing the police to block an eptrap or ex -- entrance or exit with the vehicles when the criminals or bad guys are trying to escape. >> like saturday and sunday after they break into cars, yes. okay. thank you. >> for full disclosure i am a marina cal hollow resident.
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i am happy that patricia has people speaking about our neighborhood and what we are going through. >> good evening. i am barbara jennings resident of the marina. i am reading this on behalf of whitney. my garage was broken into on four occasions. my road bike was stolen and car damaged. i witnessed an extremely blazen smash-and-grab on chestnut on thursday in december at 8:00 p.m. two men pulled up in a car. one runs out with a baseball bat and smashes the back window of the car and glass was all over the ground and on my feet. he grabs the duffle bag and the car speeds away. it was clear they knew what they were doing. they were part of an experienced organized crime group. this is frightening because of
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the baseball bat. it appeared they had no regards for harm to pedestrians. is it possible to place tiles a tracking tile in duffle bags in cars so police can find the groups responsible. we live in the center of technology and innovation. we should be using the technology here to improve the community we live in. third incident. i was assaulted by a man on a bike while walking down chestnut in the evening in october 2017. the man rides by and reaches up my skirt and keeps riding away. he was wearing a hoody. i could not get a description. i was terrified and felt violated to the point i felt paralyzed to walk any further, to go two blocks to my apartment. the police officer should know
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this is occurring on chestnuts. they need something to protect residents. they should be on the radar so this did not happen to anyone else. thank you. >> good evening. i am david jan ne. i live between bay and north point. i am retired army veteran. i am reading a statement from eric kingburse re. i am concerned about the increase in properties time. on the way to work i saw the broken glass add cut bike lock on the polls. it is getting more and more prevalent. it seems it the moving past stolen packages. it is inside our homes. i have seen this first hand. in january my building was broken into. the man kicked in the side door,
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wrenched the block and broke into the garages and found our bicycles. at 1:30 a.m. he took out a grinder and cut the lock on one of the bicycles. luckily, that is all he took. it is still quite a jarring experience for the residents in the building. we cannot prevent all crime and no one is asking that. we must do something about the property crime in san francisco. people should feel safe in cars, neighborhoods and homes. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> good evening. my name is michael and i have lived in the marina with my life for 29 years. i live on bay street. it is platently clear to me the quality of living and safety has done nothing but go downhill in the past several years.
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last year there were more burglaries, auto break inalso, more trash in the streets. words were in worse condition, more homeless, more traffic, more used needles on the streets. i could go on. i find it difficult to see how living in the marina has been enhanced by the cit the city le. i have heard from the past supervisor and authorities the police department is under staffed. could you please tell me the total number of officers employed and the total number of officers on the street? next, can you tell me how many more officers the city needs and how quickly take city can get to that number? i read where there is a request for 288. i have seen different numbers. we are aware the population of san francisco has increased by over 100,000 people in recent years.
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i think that needs to be taken into consideration. with the city budget at 10 plus billion dollars, unemployment at an all-time low and rip roaring economy. i don't see how it can get better for the city coffers. can you enlighten me your action times and tim timetables? what can we do to help? thank you. >> next speaker. >> good evening. i am nicole address. i live in central hollow. my family is associated with commercial and residential real estate. i want to bring up about the merchants on chestnut street. just last thursday one of the merchants was attacked by a homeless person and there was
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over $800 worth of lost items to their store. the smal small businesses on chestnuts as well as the city cannot afford the losses and endangerment of lives. we need at least 35 new officers at our station and we want to work with you lobbying city hall to make this happen. as a side note we appreciate giving us captai captain engler. thank you. >> good evening. i am erica sandberg. i live in knob hill and city on the community advisory board on homelessness. i am here to talk about propositions 47 and 57. primarily 47 and the impact on
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this city specifically. it has bell boldened criminals and put citizens in danger and make officers work harder with no results. the city is in chaos. if you go to any safe way in san francisco you will watch thieves pluck out whatever they like, walk out of the store. i have personally chased them down for fun. i volunteered services. i will help you out here. it is insane. i would like to focus on drug dealing. if we focus law enforcement attention to pressure on street sales i i very much believe many of the city's pressing problems under 47 and 57 will dissolve including the incredible problem with needles on the streets, i sweep them up every day. i just watched somebody inject
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in his ankle on the way here. any related crimes that have to do with sales. we can debate whether there is an increase in crime, the heightened drug problem is obvious. on that note, i would light to promote reducing crime and keeping california safe. it is a statewide coalition of business owners and public safety leaders to add it to the november ballot. i am a huge supporter. i would like you to be. i would like to reverse the damage the laws created to san francisco. i want to offer a warning. i have heard more people who are democrats and liberals say i am about to vote republican. a word of interesting warning there.
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>> i will tell you what happened in november. we have many homeless on the corridor. one morning in november at about 3:00, we heard someone crying and screaming in the parking lot of my neighbor next deer. the crying and screaming got worse and worse. i called the police 553-0123. 45 minutes later they weren't there. called again. 45 minutes later they came. the thing is by the time they came, the person in question was so agitated that he started getting food from the bins in the restaurant next door to that house and started throwing the food against walls. okay. the next day being concerned for a person who has a mental illness and needs help, i called homeless outreach team.
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they said they don't deal with those situations to call the police, but the next time something like that happened, if it happened before 11:00 at night, call the mobile assistance unit. i called the unit and asked them what to do. i am taking the phone numbers down. they said call the police 911. i called 553-0123. we have called 553-0123. they told us to call homeless outreach. what i am trying to get at here there seems to be little coordination among the agencies that serve the homeless. there are regulars in the stream, homeless people need homes, mental health assistance, and nobody know. the police come out and they bring them in, take care of them. they do 51-50 on them.
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the homeless outreach team has no idea they exist. >> thank you very much for coming. we know that the police are underpaid and under staffed at this time. you as a commission can do something. one, change the law about the streets, number two, a police officer was knocked down by a car, no people around but he could have shot out the tires. he is not allowed to do it. you have got to consider modifying your rules concerning that. number three, coordination of departments. i brought this up at marina school over four years ago. no one is doing it. this commission needs to be proactive on getting this
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coordination going. it will help you and save a lot of time. number four, 911, 311, 553 all need to be improved. they are telling people different things for the same item. number four, we desperately need to work with you as a team. we are not here to pick on you. we are here to try to change the system so that we can have a better issue. we have 40 homeless dumped on us in two place in the marina from san quentin every week. it is a very hard thing to deal with the mentally ill. this commission should make a big statement we need to improve the mentally ill programs in the city. number four, i can give you good
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information. the homeless that was chasing people around with a knife took six weeks to serve. he has a refraining order at the corner of lombard. the homeless person attacking the gardeners. >> thank you, ma'am. >> any further public comment regarding line items 3a, b, c, d? i will respond briefly if i may. no further public comment regarding those items. with reference to the cameras, i will talk with the captain and the chief will do the same. those are controlled by park and rec. it is important to get that done. we know every saturday and sunday you hear the car break ins and sirens and chases. we have in a struggle on baker
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by the palace of fine arts sunday afternoon. the officer was injured and so was the suspect. with reference to the safe way store in the marina. some safe way stores have a 10b officer. the marina safe way doesn't have it. it is a mental health institution. you go there someone is walking out stealing everything. they help themselves to the food. don't take food from the take out. they put hands in there. my mother does not like to go to save way. she is strong but we don't want her to deal with those issues. it is time for the neighbor to talk to the marina safe way about a 10b officer like the other safe ways have. with reference to staffing and a beat officer. i have been told we will have a beat officer on chestnut street because the homeless and mental
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health issues are not too dissimilar to other districts. it is picking up. they are stealing from merchants and they are scaring people with young children and the elderly. i was told we will get a beat officer. i was concerned under the last catch continue be didn't get a beat officer because apple pays for a officer to be there because they get ripped off when the officer is not there. i was told we are getting one. officer pond is his name. with reference to coordinating with mental health. we are doing that. our officers 60% of calls for service are people with mental health crisis. that takes them off the street. when they deal with that person they are off the street for a while then they let them out. one officer said somebody was 5150 three times in a day.
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you need to put pressure on the supervisors and the mental health profession about letting them out. i have seen them on chestnut street, yes, they are dangerous. with reference to staffing it is 1971 full active duty police officers without including 200 to 300 at the airport and 200 to 300 on maternity live, administrative leave, military leave and unable to work for a certain disabilities. those are not active duty but they exist. they can't be on the street. staffing supervisor yee is looking at that. that is a study done and cities similar to san francisco should be apartment 3300 officers not 9971. one of the ropes we are okay with that we are such a small city it is easy to get to point
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a to b. that is impossible because of traffic. that is an issue officer yee is working on. we are taking this seriously. we need more help on chestnuts street. the squeaky wheel gets the degrees. it is good to see you here tonight because we have been ignored. commissioners, anything? >> next line item. >> do we need to vote? >> i had a first and second on the motion to add that matter to the calendar. aye. >> it passes unanimously. line four discussion to bulletin 18-035 court appearances by members. action. >> good evening, sergeant.
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good evening. i am sergeant gary buckner with professional standards written directives. the item before you is department bulletin 18035 which was issued by chief scott on february 22, 2018. in the spirit of keeping the commission up-to-date on any changes that we make that change or amend department general order we submitted this to you. there is nothing significant about it other than procedural changes. >> line out those for us. . >> are four items. first, one it is clarifies what a successful court appearance actually is. before there is confusion what
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say court appearance actually was, and we had to define it within the bulletin itself to indicate the beginning and ending of the court appearance and what it was. next it clarifies the overtime rules with regard to members that are off-duty. third there is a new form that the officers when use when they are asking for a continuance, and fourth one is it changes procedures for stand by with the sf district attorney with regard to how officers check in to standby sup. previously they were doing it by telephone now it is on a website. >> mr. henderson and i are former das and are familiar with this. police officers make arrests in the evening, called to court
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with the subpoena during the daytay. there are issues do they attend, how long do they attend? that is what this is addressing. there is still the salmon card, right? >> they have to check in and sigsign in to ensure they did appear. >> having looked through this, i think it is perfect and works for the prosecutors and defense and for officers to have clarity. times have changed. officers don't live in the city. they need to sleep. this addresses all of those issues. any questions, commissioners? >> commissioner hirsch? >> how does this change the general order? does it conflict? >> it doesn't really change the general order, rather it
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clarifies procedures. if that is considered a change to you, there are procedures and changes to the order. this is really procedural. procedural clarifications, but as far as changing something in the general order itself, no. >> what happens an officer says i wasn't there because of this. this is clarification. they sign off on every department mental bulletin saying they read it and that is the rule. that is what this does. anything further. >> do i have a motion to accept the changes? >> so moved. >> second. any public comment regarding the department general order? >> public comment is closed. all in favor. aye. unanimous. thank you very much.
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>> line five general public comment. the public is welcome to address the commission regarding the items that do not appear on the agenda but within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. speaker shall address those remarks as a whole not to any personnel. under police commission rules of order during public comment dpa personnel or commissioners are required to respond. individual commissioners and dpa should refrain to any debates or discussion during public comment. >> time for general public comment. good evening ms. brown. how are you? >> good evening everyone. i was wondering last time they were going to w