tv Government Access Programming SFGTV May 3, 2018 12:00am-12:47am PDT
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[ roll call. ] >> clerk: mr. chair, you have a quorum. >> thank you. item three. >> you want to make the announcement? >> yes. that's right. thank you for reminding me. some people may be disappointed to see me in this chair instead of miss brinkman. she will be back shortly. however, you still have to go through the board of supervisors approval process and so they will miss this meeting while that goes forward, so they will take over for today, but rest assured, chair will be back here next time. okay. number three.
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[agenda item read] [agenda item read]. >> okay. we have the minutes before us from the last meeting. is there any speakers on the approval of the minutes? >> clerk: i have received no motion. >> seeing none, i will entertain a motion. >> motion. >> second? >> second. >> okay. item five [agenda item read]. >> okay. and i know there were some people today who wanted to speak on that. did you have a chance that you wanted -- >> clerk: i did, and two of
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them indicated they were fine addressing it when the matter is actually before you for k. the third person, jennifer morrow, is she here? miss morrow? not in the room. all right. >> well, to those people, we apologize for the clerical error that led to this being put over. and if there is someone who is here but perhaps not in the room who wants to speak now, when we get to the consent calendar, please so notify us and we'll let you get your comments on in that item. okay. miss boomer, next item. >> clerk: item six. [agenda item read]. >> board members, we have plenty to chew on today. is there anything anyone would like to put into the mix? seeing none, we'll move to item seven. >> item seven, director's report. >> mr. reiskin. >> want totor off by recognizing a number of our
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employees the. first i'd like to ask our finance and budget employ director to come forward. >> good afternoon, director. at the scene ae with great pleasure i give this award to lee zhang. she started her career in 1996, she's got more than 22 years of experience. she is single handedly the person that handles the budget for us. so you give us kudos, but this is really the person that handled the budget behind the scenes for us. she's incredible at supporting the department's questions. if any of you have any questions on-line items, lee's the one to go to. she has developed the share point system and created on-line production of budget which used to be done manually,
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so thask terrific this last couple of years. her quality is work is incredible, and she has incredible work ethic. if i give lee something, i never have to check back. it's always done, so she's just incredible, incredible detail person. that's what we need for the budget, and she single handedly brings the budget to balance every two years. so lee, she's the star behind the scenes. lee, thank you so much. folks here to support lee, and come on, come on, standup, guys, and so lee, thank you. [applause]. >> so everybody knows who's got the power, so that's why they're all here, so she really -- she really does an incredible job. so lee, thank you for all the work you've done, and it's a pleasure to be giving this award to you. >> i just -- in case i missed
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anything, so i just want to read what i put on the paper. so thank you sinali for your kind words and for nominating me to this award, and then thanks to the board of directors for honoring me in this meeting. i just want to stress that for each budget cycle, we would not be able to fill through the process and get the budget done right and on time without hard work and the many hours put in by division staff and the managers or without the support from my colleagues sitting in this room. and especially my co-worker, maribel. [applause]. >> yeah. yeah. and we're really a great team, and she is equally dedicated and works hard to put our budget books together and you lish it each time. it's a process of great team work. and finally, we cannot get this
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done without the leadership and the support from sinali, who i will really miss her really big when she's gone. and who seems to always have a few secret weapons up her sleeve and magically get our budget balanced the last minute, so thank you all. >> thank you very much. >> [applause]. >> thank you very much and as you enjoy your picture there, i'll just say on behalf of the board of directors and the city as a whole, thank you for all you do -- so much for all you do. i always thought sinali did it alone, and i'm seriously impressed -- no seriously, we give her the compliments, but we see it at the board level, it's just much appreciated. >> thanks. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> director, back to you. >> next, i'd like chief director travis fox to come up and recognize one of his employees.
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>> i'm actually going to take sometime to introduce and saying kudos and as part of the team, travis is going to speak more detailed about ann, but i wanted to take the time -- ann, thank you so much for all your great efforts around the strategic plan. without ann, the strategic plan that the boofd approv-- board approves would not be possible. so she single handedly strategically brought the plan to where it was with her hard work. so with that, i'll introduce travis. >> i'm travis bach, chief financial officer for sf mta. in her nine years or nearly nine years with the agency, ann's spent her time on a number of initiatives including planning projects like our prior strategic plan, participating in connectsf and also playing a critical role in
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the board shops that happen every year. but really while those accomplishments are so plentiful, today i want to focus on her leadership role and driving force in our agency strategic plan. as you know, development of the plan was no small task. it requires extensive planning work with management and staff across the agency, coordination with external stakeholders and serious follow through. i can't imagine anyone better for a planning project this like ann given the planning required. equally important to the process, ann ease unique in that she excelled in explaining things at the high level, while having the solid pragmatic and management skills to get things done. she gets things done, and she's a great part of our team, and it's my pleasure to award this
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to her. >> thank you very much, mr. bach. the floor is yours. >> thank you, members of the board. thank you for this honor. what was supposed to be a six month project when i was a new planner has turned into an oversix year effort to develop and implement the strategic plan, and then, the last 18 months in particular have been an incredible challenge in particular to implement new plans and establish a new plan for the agency. along with the challenges it's also been extremely rewarding in getting to know my colleagues and the agency better than ever before. i was to thank the strategic and initiative team for their incredible ability to retain a sense of human in the face of great dischord sometimes with the agency and throughout this entire process. also our partners on the performance and business support team, tim, michael,
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fernando, jane, and matty were instrumental in working with our partners across the agency to identify metrics and for each of the objectives that we have. additionally i'd like to thank the rest of the performance team in the project controls and design strategy team for their support and encouragement. beyond that, i'd like to thank ed reiskin for the leadership and their commitment to the success of this agency, and something that has often result index the spirited discussions that we had in developing the new plan, and the senior management team was particularly valuable in the development of the new values for this agency. we also benefited greatly from the partners in the sustainable streets planning division, the office of innovation, service planning, and the transit managers organizational development as a fit budget team and the outstanding workplace committee. also especially the communications team, kelley, kristin, janice, david, laurie,
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and the entire graphics team were instrumental in completing and developing the document and launching it and arranging for something else that might be happening today, as well, getting the word out about our new strategic plan is critical in actually implementing it and looking forward to doing it as we go forward. finally, i'd like to comment the sf mta and i hope they find their comments in the plan and they find it useful going forward. i look forward on coming to you in the next several years with reports on our success and hope to see you again soon. >> thank you very much on behalf of the whole board and the city thank you for your service, and please know we appreciate your spirited d dischord, which means we have less up here, so l congratulations and thank you on your award. >> and i'd like to ask our director of transit, john haley, to come forward, to
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direct one of his employees. >> thank you, mr. chairman. good afternoon. we want to try to outnumber everyone. thomas edison is not only known for having a rest area on the new jersey turn pike named after him but also for the invention of the light bulb which many people believe led to a cut down of one to three hours a night for many of us. well, in transit, we have many opportunities to be up in the middle of the night and receive phone calls on various things. today, i want to ask you to honor someone who not only
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responded to a call in the middle of the night to take care of an urgent problem, which allowed us to provide service to a significant portion of our riders, think the 38 route for one, but also day in and day out in a leadership role, her work has been recognized by our riders consistently, and the surveys in the last cup will of years as our marks for clean vehicles has improved. so on the night of march 30th, i received a phone call sometime around 2:30 in the morning, saying that our flynn division, which has a fleet of about 125 buses, that over 50 of these buses had been tagged and tagged significantly, which mean that we would probably not be able to make our pullouts. fortunately, we were -- we had
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coming into work at that time in the individual that discovered the acts of these vandals, myra phillips, to my left and honoree this afternoon. myra immediately called another guy named phillips, andrew phillips, who was working atwoods, and myra led the effort the plan and over a period of less than two hours cleaned 53 vehicles so that we missed not a minute of pullout. the vehicles were sparkling. they are the newest vehicles in our fleet, so it is a tribute to her initiative, to her organization and skills, to the pride that she takes in her job, to the responsibility that she feels to the riders. so it is my pleasure to introduce you to myra phillips.
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i also want to acknowledge adrian scott who is the bus superintendent. lewis guzzo, mr. phillips, her husband, who's done an outstanding job in ed woods' division in another capacity. so it's my pleasure to introduce myra and ask you to honor her for her work not only on the night of march 30th, but day in and day out for great performance. [applause]. >> thank you. i want to say thank you to the board for allowing me this opportunity. thank you, john, for actually taking the initiative for the recognition. i really appreciate it. also, thank you to my superintendent, mr. scott, for his leadership and how i like to emulate what he does and how it trickles down to even, you know, my car cleaners.
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thank you to mr. guzzo who's actually over adrian. we have a long history. we used to work together, and i appreciate him. i appreciate my husband. thank you. he trained me from day one, so i appreciate him. in it all, it could not have been done single handedly by myself. i had a crew of six car cleaners that night, and we knew what we had to do. the cooperation that they exhibited on that night was remarkable. regardless of what i said, you know, no, we haven to do it, n, we have to do it, it has to get done. they are the ones that did all the work. i'm humbled by the recognition, but they are 're the muscles.
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they are the tools. although i orchestrated it, they're the ones who should be recognized on this day. so i'm humbled, and i thank you all for hearing me and just to piggyback on anything, i want to say that great leaders create more great leaders, so i thank everyone in the mta staff that has recognized me on this day. thank you. >> congratulations, miss phillips. thank you so much. [applause]. >> director reiskin. >> yes. continuing on, before i give the rest of my report, i'd like to ask our marketing manager, kristin smith to come forward -- and as well as our communications and marketing director, to come forward and unveil something to you on
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we think this will fit in really well. the blue color is representative of our heritage of the former department of parking and traffic, and our connection to the city and county of san francisco. through this new look we're showing that we all belong to a single transportation agency, and that we're one agency
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connected. whether you take muni, walk bike or drive, we want you to understand it's muni that gets you there. as kandise mentioned, we were ought bright and early at all of our facilities, making sure all of our employees embraced this logo. and just for a minute now, i'd like to show you a quick video that we produced that i think highlights many of this and shows you again, face forward, our employees at the heart and the center of all of our work. [ video playing ]
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market marketing team and all of our communications colleagues, and anybody who worked on it who would like to standup. many are back at the office, working on everything that will be rolling out this afternoon. starting at about 3:00 this afternoon, you'll start to see it on our website and many of our documents. >> well, thank you for the presentation and for the video presentation and the effort. that's wonderful. and are there more? no? okay. yes please. >> how many personnel hours were used to develop this logo? >> i'll take that. i don't know if we can give you person hours. >> well how about this budget? how much time was spent to device this logo? >> to readvise this logo, most of it was done in house, but we did hire an out person. >> i still don't understand the
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need for the change. why do we need a new logo? how does this relate to service, safety, liveability? how does a logo help us achieve those goals? wouldn't that many be better spent on actual services. >> i do think it's important for us to be able to talk about what we do and to tell people, especially our employees that we're one agency, so this is about a culture of service. this is about making sure that we can work together as one agency and that all of our employees see -- >> i don't see the value of a logo doing it. that's all. >> thank you, mr. chair. >> i think it does that. >> thank you for your comments. was there someone else that wanted to ask about this? please, go ahead. >> i was just going to say i definitely appreciate the effort that staff did and that everybody went through this to get us to this place. as someone who's regularly working with transportation agencies, lots of different ones, the differentiation
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between the old logo -- i didn't know it was the grand junction, but it looks like kind of a weird kind of a star kind of a thing where the roads come together, what have you. i think it was a little bit confusing for folks that are trying to figure out the difference between the sf mta and the muni or the conjunction, what have you. this is going to help tremendously, and i think every place we see that multicolored logo that doesn't translate very well onto printed material or anywhere else, it can lead to confusion and sort of lack of an ownership. so i certainly appreciate the logo design, and i think it's -- i really, really love t the harkening back to the mu municipmuni worm. >> i'm glad you got a chance to give your explanation. i certainly see the importance of connecting to the muni logo, and the sort of history to make sure everybody understands that
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we're one agency. and i guess that begs the question, this is the second logo in a little while. i'm confident from you and director reiskin, that you've tested the logo, and this can be a logo for a long time, is that correct? >> yes, that's correct. >> i think that'll help assuade some of the issues. i'll turn it back over to you to complete your report, and i'll say to you two, thank you very much and good luck with the roll out. i hope it goes very well. >> thank you. and i guess the issue of the kind of intangiblity of this kind of work. i think for a very modest investment of time and money, it will have significant benefit for the agency in the long-term, so i also want to appreciate the work. speaking of investments, last thursday, the california state
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transportation agency announced awards for one of its larger grant programs, a transit inner city rail program, and they announced for the sf mta an award just short of $27 million towards the funding of eight new rail vehicles, which is great news and we're very grateful for the award. i will note that our application in this cycle is for 572 million, including 22 new light rail vehicles, so we got funding for eight of the 22 that we had sought. we had also sought funding for our motor coach fleet expansion. we had sought funding for electric bus investments. while we didn't receive any, i'd note that the anaheim andn't lan and antelope valley received
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them. i will just note that $20 million for a parking garage in livermore funded relative to the needs that we have here for transit in this city, it was certainly disappointing. we will be reaching out to the state transportation agency leadership to visit -- i guess try to understand what was behind the funding decisions. there are some good things in the funding that -- that was provided statewide. very significant funding for b.a.r.t.'s train control upgrade, which is necessary for them to increase the capacity of the system. right now, they're bottle necked by the single tube, and
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the old state of their technology. this upgrade will let them run trains essentially closer together which will increase throughput through theum tunnel which will enable more people from the east bay get into san francisco using the tunnel and not congest our streets. the valley b.a.r.t. got their grant extension which they're using to extend the b.a.r.t. to san jose. very important part of the region's rail network. caltrain received funding for its electrification projects, and then something in california, over $1 billion to l.a. metro. so overall, it's a great program. we're grateful for the funding, and hopefully we'll fare better
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in the competition next time around. at a much more modest level, i wanted to bring up to you something that came up in our budget discussions but hadn't been resolved at the time that we finally approved or that you finally approved the budget, and that's the issue with regards to crossing guards, an item that was raised by a member of the board of supervisors, among others. quickly speaking, we have 195 funded positions for crossing guards, of which right now 180 are filled. we have been able to drive down the vacancy rate but are figuring on hiring and retention, and from that have been able to see some improvements. but with all that said, even with those 195 positions filled, there's still a waiting list of schools that would like crossing guards that don't have them. so what i will be proposing is that we add 20 additional crossing guard positions to the
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budget that will allow us to essentially close the -- to fill the waiting list. the sum total is $280,000. that would bring us from 195 to 215 crossing guards. this is something that we can do in the -- the technical adjustments phase of the budget. the mayor just submitted the budget to the board of supervisors today, and this is something that i would share with the board of supervisors, as well. we expect, when the final general fund numbers come in for the next two fiscal years, that there will be space within the difference between what's projected and versus what we assumed in the budget to cover this cost. so a modest increase will allow us to get all of those positions filled that the schools have requested, and he with think that's a go-- we th that's a good investment to make in response to what we've heard from the board of
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supervisors. it's come up at a number of transportation committee meets, same members of the board of supervisors, so it's an issue that has support. couple other issues. one that we've been talking to you a lot over the last seems like years about the need for us to close the twin peaks tunnel this summer for extensive reconstruction. that is still on track to start at end of june and go for about 60 days from midto late august. again, this is to replace track, do seismic upgrades, replace the drainage system, which is the original, meaning it's over 100 years old. and what we also told you we would be doing weekend closures surrounding the entire closure. as you know we've been doing a lot of late closures, late friday and saturday nights, and
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allowing early openings, friday and saturday mornings at 9:00 coming up memorial day weekend, we are going to come up with a plan that will allow us for the full vested closure later this summer. it's allowing the contractor to get a lot of work done that will help make for smoother sailing during the full closure, but it will also allow us to test our service plan. to just to remind you as we discussed recently, we will have buses that will substitute for the el taraval between the san francisco zoo, the terminal, san francisco station, at which point riders will be able to transfer to the muni metro. the k-ingleside trains will
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essentially run from their normal terminal to st. francis circle, at which point they will switchback. and going through balboa park, they will be interlined with the j so that j essentially will be extended to cover the other portion of the k route so that just to be clear, as the j's come down south into balboa, then, they will continue up on ocean avenue up to st. francis circle. so as we will have during the full -- the two-month closure, we will saturate the areas with ambassadors to make sure there's lots of public information in addition to what we have put out ahead of time so that anyone who was caught unaware when they show up will be able to be easily directed. all the information continues to be on-line at sfmta daughter
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coin/twinpea -- before i go on, do you have any -- >> i have a few questions. a few things, but why don't you finish your report, and if anybody wants to ask now, they can, but why don't you finish your report. >> so just quickly, just a couple more things. up coming sundays in the tenderloin is sunday streets. hope to see you out there. more information at sf finally just wanted to report out to you that yesterday at the board of supervisors land use and transportation committee, the committee heard
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legislation that was introduced earlier this year by supervisor safai and peskin that would provide for execution by the board of supervisors a provision that k3i69s exists i city charter that would allow the board of supervisors to hear appeals of certain mta decisions. without getting too much into the details of it, a number of decisions relating to parking changes, private transit, or provide transportation actions, those kind of -- a number of different items, including an addition at the committee yesterday of decisions to approve or not approve stop sign requests would be appealable under this proposed legislation to the board of supervisors. by our count, in 2017, there were about 575 such actions that would be potentially
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subject to appeal. it was 275 before the addition yesterday at the committee of stop sign requests, which brought the number from 275 to 575: there were some changes made on the fly at yesterday's committee meeting, amendments that were adopted by the committee. we haven't seen any of these things in writing, but changed some of the thresholds for an appeal. a proposal was that it would take five members of the board of supervisors to hear an appeal. there was some questions of the timelines that was proposed at appeal, a request be made within 30 days, and then the charter requires once that request was made that they make a decision in 60 days either to reverse or not. or if they make no decision, then the item goes into effect. but we will continue to
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communicate. the legislation will stay in committee one week because of thesub stan -- the substantive changes. i will say there is an exemption for bus rapid transit projects, which is the -- you know, we've only really done one of in our history and don't have a whole lot of them lined up. there is an exemption for a major capital value project of $10 million or more in the current draft, but many of the muni forward projects that you all have authorized, such as improvements on the 5, the 7, 8, the 9, the 30, and the 45, some of which have been implemented, some of which are
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under construction, but it would affect future projects to delay or reversal. so we will continue to wrk with the board of supervisors, presumably, it will be back at committee next monday, after which it will move to the full board and we'll continue to keep you informed. and that concludes my report. >> very good. are there any questions for the director? we have public comment? >> clerk: yes, mr. chairman. there is david kilpail, followed by herbert wiener. >> so followed by two speakers? >> yes. >> so if i may, director reiskin, i have a few questions, and then we'll turn to the members of the public. on the state ard with a, on the lrp vehicles, i know we had a -- state award, on the lrp vehicles, does the fact that we didn't get this award in the full amount affect that plan or are we still on -- on course to have that number of lrv's coming on-line the next several
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years? >> so the service changes that go into effect this coming june that have been approved by this board will be able to go into effect 'cause we have the -- the first 24 vehicles are fully funded, and what we were seeking was funding for the balance of the option of 40 additional vehicles, and right now we are short by about 14 vehicles or about $85 million, so we -- this is a -- kind of hot off the press, and while we weren't necessarily expecting to get every penny of what we requested, we thought certainly for the light rail vehicle ask, we thought we would get closer to the full amount that we've requested. and we twice previously applied for funds from the same source, and have to date received for this award $86 million, so we were fairly confident that our light rail vehicle request was strong and competitive. so it's a little too early to know. we will have to go back to the
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drawing board and probably reprioritize. we have executed this option, so we will need to figure out how to fund it. so i guess the short answer to your question is no, it will not impact our plans, but it will impact our overall capital budget. >> okay. and i'll certainly as one board member look forward to what we get from the feedback reporting agency as to how our bid was viewed. and then the closure, 60 days, i hope it will be shorter. but one of my concerns is sometimes as we know from dealing with other tunnels that there are sometimes unknown things that happen with delays. if we built into it some sort of a contingency that we could do the work with weekend closures? i'm particularly concerned with school being back in session in september and not wanting to have full week closures when people are coming back from vacation and children are going back to school. so i'm wondering if there's
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some back end contingency in coming back to work. >> we did build that in. that's something that we haven't done previously, but based on our experiences with the tunnel and other closures, we thought it prudent. so the expectation for the work is shorter than 60 days, but we're going to try to be conservative. we're communicating to the public that the full 60. that window does encroach on the first week of school for the unified school district. school starts on the 20th, and we're currently scheduled to be out of service till the 24th. so the worst case scenario is we see there is a one week impact with the school district, but we will make every effort to beat that, and as we get close to 60, if it does take the full 60, our plan is to resolve the closure so that we can reopen after the
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24th and continue, ifremaining work, on weekends. >> wonderful. that's very helpful. thank you. and thank you for building that into this plan. public comment. >> david, followed by herbert. mr. chair, how much time? >> two minutes, please. >> david pillpal. several items. first to director heinicke, i think you sounded pretty confident, perhaps overly presumptuous that directors franklin and borden will be reappointed, supervisor peskin specifically called them out yesterday for not checking in with his office and just assuming that members appointed by the mayor would be confirmed by the board of supervisors, so we'll see what happens at the board today. with respect to the new logo, there was a marketing piece or some handout that went to employees yesterday that i saw. i think that this is a terrible
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idea. i would note in terms of history, muni, which is 105.5 years old has had three logos in that 105 year history. now mta at only 18 years has also had three logos. historically, the best logo, i think was the original o'shaugnessy logo, the logo still seen on tokens. this is the first time i've heard about it. i don't know if board members have heard about it before. it wasn't in the budget. if there was stakeholder outreach. it was another example of stakeholder outreach. it's just a bad choice, a bad priority, a bad distraction for an agency that has real issues to fix, so i can't say enough bad things about it. i just -- and you know as director torres pointed out, if there are staff and resources
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that went into this, they could be redirected elsewhere to fix things. i'll talk about twin peaks under a different item. >> thank you, mr. pillpal. mr. wiener? >> herbert wiener. there's some things that are missing in the executive director's report, such as a service level, missing, late, broken buses, bicycle violations, bicycle injuries to pedestrians. now it was pointed out in a previous meeting, i can access this on-line. i think it should be made public at this hearing because then the board can call these statistics into question. it's a great inconvenience to try to access them on-line. they should be made public. secondly, that muni emblem, i think it represents a
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