tv Government Access Programming SFGTV May 7, 2018 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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trucks -- catering trucks. we did not have any additional recommendations. staff is recommending support of this application, and i believe one of the business owners is here to answer any questions. thanks. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i'm maureen kelly. thank you for taking time to see me today. does anyone have questions? i don't know what to do. [ laughter ] >> most of the time, you can tell us a little bit about -- it can be brief. there's no obligation. >> i want to thank you for taking the time to see us today. we briefly were founded in 1963 by my parents. we have relocated within the san francisco a number of times as the city has changed and
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evolved. for the past 55 years, we have considered san francisco our home. we provide services to many community organizations, fill on thropic charities and individuals in the san francisco and greater bay area. i am joined today by two of my three children who work with me in the business. my son, danny, and my daughter molly. molly will actually be graduating san francisco city college hotel restaurant program in another week or two and join us full-time. i am proud to call this beautiful diverse and ever changing city our home, and our humble to be part of the small business fabric within the city. and very grateful to be considered for this opportunity to be considered for the legacy registry. >> great. >> thank you very much. >> you did very well. >> thank you. >> and i really want to thank the team at the legacy business who have been amazing. thank you again especially for
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all you've done. >> any other member of the public wish to speak. we'll close public comment. >> i believe you catered my wedding in the green room. i can vouch for their quality of service. [ laughter ] >> any comments from the third generation? >> you want to come to the -- >> my name is danny. really quickly, obviously for as long as i've been alive, knights catering has existed. my aunts and uncles worked there. my parents took it over. i have worked there since i can walk helping out in whatever way i can. i notice this would mean a lot to my mom and the business. thank you.
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>> thank you. >> my name is molly. i, too, have been a parted of the business my whole life. i've seen my grandparents turn it into something. i remember being in a side office when i was small and watching them change. moving forward, i plan to work with the business and work alongside my parents. it would be a great honor to have legacy business as part of our name and recognition moving forward. >> great. thank you. >> thank you very much. any other public comment? >> we'll close public comment. commissioner hyland. >> congratulations to the family. i'm supportive of this. i have one question that i'll ask staff, but having you come out and actually just speak helps us really understand what's important, and it's really hard to capture that in writing. we're -- with our cultural heritage assets committee, we're trying to figure out a better way to capture the living histories. so thank you for coming out.
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the question i have for staff is, this is the first legacy business that isn't really associated with a building that has much significance. is that correct? i think there was one on ocean. >> we've had other ones. >> most of the them have been in pretty -- okay. >> no. there have definitely been others. >> yes. i believe there have been a couple of others, although my colleague desiree and tim may have more institutional memory. there have been several, i think. >> this is exactly the type of business that we want to support with this program. >> thank you. >> commissioner. >> well, i was a customer in 1968 until 1971, when i graduated from hastings. i remember it quite well. so i am very enthusiastically supportive of this business. >> thank you.
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commissioner black. >> i very much think it's wonderful that there have been three generations involved in this business. it's very clear knights has been significantly involved in many events in the past 50 years, including a number of charitabe organizations and events. that's greatly appreciated. i strongly support this. >> thank you. >> i think this is just terrific and thank you for coming out. talk about patronage. i remember my team from state building on mcalester and my team from golden gate, that was our staple. talk about homegrown and home center. i'm glad that you're still operating and we're really happy to endorse you for a legacy business. >> thank you. commissioner pearlman. >> hold on a second. [ laughter ] >> you make a motion. >> thank you very much. i agree with my fellow commissioners. i work with an irish organization, and being jewish,
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i have no connection to the irish community, but i asked them to call me johnny o pearl when i participate. i'm impressed with your events. there was one at city hall in the rotunda that's dramatic. i want to comment on the generational aspect of this business. i think that's one of the things we've seen in a few of the businesses where the business gets passed down through generations, and now the kids are moving up into positions that will likely result in them taking over the business at some point. so that is really the spirit of the legacy businesses. so thank you very much for being part of san francisco and making san francisco what it is. thanks. >> you want to make a motion. >> and i'll make a motion to approve this. >> a recommendation for -- adopt a recommendation for approval. >> second. >> thank you. >> if there's nothing further, there's a motion that has been
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seconded to a enforcement a recommendation for approval. [ roll call ] >> so moved. it passes unanimously 7-0 and my sincere congratulations. >> congratulations. >> commissioners, that will place us on item 11 for the designation and cultural heritage work program quarterly report. >> good afternoon, commissioners. desiree smith department staff. the item before you today is a quarterly update on the status of the landmark designation work program in from this past quarter january 1st through march 31st, 2018. i'll summarize the items that have come before you. those that are expected to come before you in the next few months. i'll give you an update on the survey team's other projects and the performance measures we're tracking. during the reporting quarter, shall the landmark designation for a hall was approved and
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signed by the mayor. the landmark designation for the diamond heights safety wall which you voted to recommend for designation last december was heard by the land use and economic development committee. the committee then forwarded the nomination to the board of supervisors but without a recommendation. the board subsequently referred the item back to land use committee where it remains. staff currently is working with supervisor sheehy's office, the department of public works, and the arts commission to come to a resolution so that it can be reintroduced to the land use committee. landmark designation was recommended, the property has been added to the public works maintenance list and the arts commission has also indicated that it intends to add the property to the city's public art collection. we will continue to update you on the progress of the landmark designation. also during the reporting period, you voted to recommend landmark designation of the phillips building which has been
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transmitted to the board of supervisors. you voted to initiate three landmark designations brought forth as part of the plan including a hotel, local number 77 union hall, and the hotel utah. you voted to initiate article 10 designation of the warehouse historic district as part of the central soma plan. that summarizes the items that have come before you this last quarter that are on our work program. in addition to the work program, department staff also serves aztec in this case al support to the historic preservation fund committee. they are working with the hpfc on the reports. the landmark designation report for sacred heart complex which is the hpc anybody nateed designation in october -- initiated in october of 2016. it will come before you again at
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a later date. the new dealer a historic context statement and three associated landmark designations, the landmark designations have been forwarded to the board of supervisors with your recommendation for approval. the next project we're reviewing is the residence parks historic contact statement which will come before you. the african-american historic contact statement which staff is still working on or making edits to the document in response to community comments, and we will bring the report back to you after it's completed and renoticed. the latino historic contact statement which there will be a draft submitted at the end of this month. and the ocean avenue historic resource survey during the reporting quarter, they provided communities to project consultants on the documentation submitted so far. once that is completed, we will bring that to you for adoption
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at a future date. lastly, to better track the status of article 10 and 11 designations, the following performance measures were established. first, to prepare landmark designation report within 150 hours. the hours have not increased during this reporting quarter. new era hall at 233 hours continues to be the only property that exceeds that amount. new era hall is the most recently completed designation and is san fan landmark 277. the second performance measure was to prepare an article 10 and 11 designation application and that was posted to our website. we continue to receive community driven landmark nominations. third, to provide comments to the landmark designation applicants reporting the completeness and or schedule each pc hearing for all community response ored police station within 30 days. the most recent example is 42 -- 2731 folsom street.
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that was brought to you 30 days after it was determined that it could be presented to hpcd has since been approved as landmark number 27 *76. the project will come back to you july 18th to present the next quarterly report. this concludes my presentation and i would like to now introduce shelly who'll summarize progress and activities on our cultural heritage work. >> hello, commissioners. i'll be brief. my report on the cultural heritage work program. in the last quarter, you reviewed and supported 12 legacy business applications.
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concerning cultural heritage district designations, staff continues to work with supervisor ronen's office and with mohcd on the proposed cultural district program legislation. the hpc was tentatively scheduled to hear that legislation on the 16th of this month. it looks like that date will probably move possibly to june. there will be a hearing at the rules committee of the board of supervisors next wednesday concerning that program, and tomorrow at the budget and finance committee, the board of supervisors, there will also be mention of the project. let's see. and then concerning several of the districts, we're continuing to work on the -- and track several different districts. we are working on the lgbtq cultural district legislation --
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i'm sorry. let me start over. so one of the first districts that we're tracking is the leather and lgbtq cultural legislation. that passed on tuesday bit board of supervisors. so it's now been established. we've also tracking the bayview african-american cultural district. that name is still in the works. there have been several community meetings, and oewd is working with the community to organize cultural district there. the castro lgbt cultural district. legislation is pending, but we expect to see legislation probably in the next month. and the community is working directly with our supervisor's office. and then there are no updates on transgender cultural district or japan town. i believe last month or at the last report, we did note the
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community business development district has been approved. the staff at planning continues to work on the lgbtq citywide cultural heritage strategy. we had anticipated a hearing at the board of supervisors committee in may. however, we're going to delay that until either late june or july. we wanted the opportunity to do more outreach with the community and also give our peer advisory group a chance to review the draft document. and there's been -- the last quarter, there was no work on the soma cultural heritage district. concerning grant activities, staff did have a kickoff meeting with grant, the lead weather or of the chinese-american experience in san francisco historic context statement n march, he submitted a 50% draft,
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and we provided comments back in april. concerning historic preservation committee projects, we did submit a proposal and were approved just in the last week for a $30,000 grant to support the lgbtq cultural heritage strategy report. then concerning some and other cultural heritage work program items, we are developing a legacy business assistance project. i'm going to work with usf students in june that will be going out and interviewing several potential legacy business applicants and helping them prepare the narrative for their applications. rick and the office of small business will be assisting me with that. hopefully this will be a successful program that and we can repeat it with some other usf classes. the legacy business branding
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project is also still in the works. we're selecting a logo and the marketing strategy will be developed in the next month or two. we should have, by the next quarterly report, some final products to share with you. concerning our performance measures, we spent about 50 hours working on legacy business registry applications. that's about an average of 5.42. that average is down slightly from our previous report. we did not spend any staff time on the cultural heritage district as i noted before, but we have been spending quite a bit of staff time on the lgbtq cultural heritage strategy. then concerning the survey methodology, we're currently reviewing a proposal by place economics to assist staff with preparation of survey methodology that would include
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documentation and evaluation of intangible cultural heritage. i'll conclude my presentation and i'm available for questions. >> thank you. commissioners any question for staff? commissioner matsuda. >> i had a quick question for shelly about the chinese-american experience, the historical context statement. is grant still the executive? >> i don't know the answer to that, but i can check. >> no. that was just a quick question, but i thought if he was, we could make sure that some of the angel island history is definitely included in the historical context statement. i know that the state had a grant with that organization quite some time ago, but there have been several books published, and i just thought of some that should be included in this if he hasn't already included it. i'm glad to see that usf
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students are going to participate. is this with the -- when we first started talking about legacy businesses, there was a specific family within the school of business. there was a specific family center that focused on small businesses. is this with that -- desiree, you were at that meeting many, many decades ago. are they with the same department? >> no, it is not, i believe you're referring to the gellards. she is with nicole jackson. she teaches a class on business culture and philosophies. so it's a short class. i think it's six weeks for the summer semester. but we may be able to repeat it in the fall or in the string semesters as well. >> mamaybe she could present at
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our cultural heritage assets. >> okay. i can contact her about that. >> what do you think? >> absolutely. yeah. >> i think that would be great. >> okay. >> then i had a question for desiree -- is it okay to move on to you -- about the landmark. the windmill reminded me of golden gate park. then i was looking on our designation page 39 and it shows that the case report is almost complete or -- like the green line is getting closer, but then i also remember when they came before us and we decided to put it on hold and then rec and park does not support this designation. i'm just wondering -- >> march 2011 is had it -- >> yeah, yeah. yeah. i remember that. >> we probably have to put those questions to tim probably since he was -- >> right. right. i'm just wondering. we've had this on the list for quite some time, and there are a
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lot of great resources in that park. >> there certainly are, and we -- i mean, i'm sorry to say we haven't worked on it, but proposed nomination in quite some time mainly because of rec and parks is reluctant to move forward with the designation. we still have the pending boat house designation you could recognize as a property within golden gate, but it's certainly your prerogative if you would like us to elevate it or reopen those conversations with rec and parks. i would say that in the last few years, we have been moving more quickly on districts. we have funding from the committee for the ash bury district, which will be the district we begin after russo. if we were to prioritize it, i guess the long answer is, it will just -- it's t. still may
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not happen within the next -- >> right. right. >> but we certainly agree. it's listed on the national register. we're hoping we can -- hope one day we can reach a resolution that makes everybody comfortable with a local designation. >> being on the national register for at least 20, 30 years. >> yeah. >> and then got a lot of state bond money. >> uh-huh. >> and then here we are in the city and county of san francisco. okay. i'm just saying. >> yes. >> commissioner pearlman. >> ms. smith, i just had a quick question. could you tell us about the diamond heights safety wall? what was the issue that it got sent back. >> sure. it went to land use committee initially and they decided to move it forward but didn't have a recommendation either way. i think one of the concerns is about the funding, it being a
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sculpture and whose responsibility is it to maintain it. it has implication that's need to be preserved, maintained. who is responsible for doing that? how is it going to be paid for? so some of the issues hadn't been resolved. so we're -- designation helped to get some of those answers from other city agencies. so we've been able to determine that yes, it is city owned. we got that confirmation from the department of real estate. then as i mentioned t has since been added to dpw's maintenance list prior to this process -- to initiation. it was not on their radar. then i guess the most recent update is arts commission. they've agreed to assume management of it as well. we still need to do tightening up around, i guess, the
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specifics of that and how it will all work together and we're trying to figure out, does the ordinance need to be amended? does it need to come back to hpc? yeah. i guess that's kind of the update. >> commissioners, if i could follow up a little bit on that. the dpw prepared their own sort of structural assessment of the safety wall, and they did concur with the arts commission's evaluation of at least the physical, visual condition. they looked at the site primarily and agreed there should be some remediation of the site in terms of some buckling of the sidewalk and a tree that's leaning on the structure, et cetera. so i think the main concern was who is responsible for the esthetic qualities of maintenance and who is responsible for like standard site maintenance under city jurisdiction.
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so just to further what ms. smith was talking about, we're trying to figure out what we can put in the ordinance or somewhere where there's an understanding that dpw naturally is responsible for some aspects just because it's city property, but then a conservator somebody brought online for consolidation of the redwood features to prolong their life. everyone seemed amendable to the approach. we haven't taken it to that next step. >> it would seem like this is not uncommon where there's a sculpture and a sidewalk around it. >> yeah. >> and the arts commission and the dpw would be working in concert. it seems like that should be resolvable. >> i want to follow up on ms. smith's comments and just remind you that the civil rights grant we received from the parks service did expire and western e
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able to fill the objectives. the three most important are the national registrations where the city will be the sponsor with the property owners. we had consultants prepare each of these nominations. the parks service has reviewed them. we've responded to all of their comments and so we hope to bring those before you shortly and then we will submit them to the state so we can move on those. the recognition of those properties. finally, while the three pending local schools are at the board, we haven't made any action to move them forward given that we were sort of at a standstill the last time we talked to the facilities committee and the full board and their concerns about local designations. so we're still hoping that maybe after we've dealt with central soma and a few other bending things on your -- pending
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things,ing we can delve back in and see if there's a middle ground here so we can move those two at the full board. >> great. thank you. any other questions? this was just an informational presentation. so there are no further items, we can adjourn the hearing. >> thank you. in this san francisco office, there are about 1400 employees. and they're working in roughly
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400,000 square feet. we were especially pleased that cleanpowersf offers the super green 100% clean energy, not only for commercial entities like ours, but also for residents of the city of san francisco. we were pleased with the package of services they offered and we're now encouraging our employees who have residence in san francisco to sign on as well. we didn't have any interruption of service or any problems with the switch over to cleanpowersf. this clean power opportunity reflects that. i would encourage any large business in san francisco to seriously consider converting and upgrading to the cleanpowersf service. it's good for the environment, it's good for business and it's good for the community.
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transportation authority meeting for today, tuesday, april 24, our clerk, if you could please call the roll. roll call, commissioner breed absent. cohen present. fewer present. kim absent. peskin present. ronen present. safai present. sheehy absent. stefani present. tang present. yee absent. we have quorum. >> last week, schools and families celebrated bike and roll to school week, thousands of youth and adults rode in bike trains, rode with parents and teachers and used their own pedal power to get to school.
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on april 17, our director joined supervisor ronen's office to celebrate with students as they biked and rolled to school. bike and roll to school week is sponsored by safe routes partnership and organized by the san francisco bicycle coalition and we are a proud sponsors. to keep things rolling, it will be held may 10th and we're pleased to help sponsor the bike to work day. in addition to biking, participants can volunteer or join a convoy to bike to work with their neighbors. these events stand in marked contrast to the challenges we've had with e-scooters on our sidewalks in the past several weeks. i called for the three major companies to work with the city, as you all know, they chose to flat our process.
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i appreciate the efforts of public works and the city attorney's office to help manage these devices when left inappropriately in the public right-of-way and continue to be concerned about people operating these devices on sidewalk which is not legal and has led to injuries for pedestrians. our staff is tracking a new bill that has been introduced in the legislature seeking to enable these devices to operate legally on sidewalks and we will pose any provision that -- oppose any provision that hinders our ability to regulate this activity in san francisco. finally, on a more positive note, i'd like this ask staff to arrange a briefing at our meeting in may for the body by the planning department on the newly renamed rail yard alignment and benefit study that is nearing completion. the study which for the past three years has been analyzing alternative lines for the
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downtown and look at removing the caltrain yard is now in the final stages with recommendation for the pennsylvania alignment for downtown caltrain extension south of the current terminus. this will pass below 16th street, preserving access into mission bay which will be a huge improvement for the city. i look forward to hearing about the analysis and for this body to move forward in confirming the alignment and finally advancing design of this project in the coming months. of course, at our last meeting announced that at your request we will return to our committee structure and i am working with staff on those changes to our rules and regulations. and with that, is there any public comment on the chair's report? seeing none, public comment is closed. we'll going to the executive director report. >> our condolences on your loss.
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>> supervisor peskin: thank you. >> members, we're happy to bring the rail yard alignment and benefit study to the board with our partners at planning department and other agencies next month. that's a really big development. i look forward to further conversations there advancing the works to deliver dtx. meanwhile, at the state level as you heard a few times, april 2, the state department began a process that allowed permits to be issued for driverless vehicles. we continue to track that. mayor farrell held a safety briefing last month. and we continue to weigh in at the state level through the rule-making that is happen, even the public utilities commission which regulates tnc, they're now proposing that autonomous vehicles be allowed to be tncs. it's a very fast moving landscape where they're seeking
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the public utilities commission to involve autonomous vehicle technology in the next generation of that technology. we're working with sfmta to comment on the decision, we're working on the rule-making at the federal level as well with numerous cities in california. we thank senator feinstein for pressing our issues in the ab start act. in terms of regional planning, the good news, we were pleased to see metropolitan transportation commission recommending approval of four priority grants that will difficulty san francisco. the first is to the planning department, $500,000 for a study, 500,000 for the market street hub environmental impact report to advance planning in the south van ness mission corridor and then two grants to
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planning department for the pda housing feasibility analysis. congratulations to all the applicants. we are appreciative of the support. regarding regional topic of interest, the means based transit fare program was held and commissioner kim along with our reps have also weighed in. pressing for further work to develop the path program, pass program version, the staff recommendation had been for 20% discount for qualified riders to be funded with $11 million and one to one match by operators. bart is concerned about going beyond the 20% discount and our contingent would like them to consider a pass base discount, not just per ticket. we'll continue to track that work and try to bring back another version of the staff recommendation next month. commissioner kim in particular
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had expressed frustration that the staff had not considered integrating the program with clipper, we'll continue to follow up on those concerns as well. our horizon work, this is mtc planning work and it sets up the next bay area, continues at the regional level. the region is doing what we had done in the connectsf program, looking at scenarios. demographic shifts and making sure that the future projects that we invest in can perform under any of those given the uncertainty we face. there will be a series of policy papers and we'll keep you posted on those. we've been collaborating with mta and planning department on connectsf work that will feed into the horizon work in the plan bay area. we'll keep you posted on the transit pieces and the streets
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and freeway planning we're doing for future planned areas investment strategies. the staff also have been preventing at various conferences, pricing and demand management. this is becoming a much greater topic nationally as well given that the infrastructure is mature, in our state, built in the 50s and we're in the management mode, maintenance mode and others are looking at demand management, given that technology and policies are enabling many more strategies to be realized. so rachel highet and camille are presenting on treasure island and bart perks, demonstrating that incentives can encourage people to shift their time or mode. again, the treasure island has met, they met in april and heard an information item. anyone interested, we can provide more information. this is an idea that merged from
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public outreach for future residents of treasure island to be able to use a pass that enables muni, the ferry and the ac transit service in the future. in addition, we are working on the vision zero ramp study, there is an online and paper survey that is available for residents and travelers in the soma neighborhood, where we have a lot of freeway touching down onto the city streets. we're asking neighborhoods, residents and stakeholders to identify the worst intersections, the places we need intervention to improve safety. these are in multilingual format online and on paper. so please contact colin post our staff at our front desk can direct to you the survey. we want to thank commissioner ronen's office of a walk-through of the hair ball.
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the staff and public works, bike coalition, district 9 and 10, cac all toured the area, looking at the lighting in the freeways, the underpass. it was striking to see how many lighting fixtures were there, not working. it's a mixture of jurisdictions, san francisco public utilities and caltrain have lighting facility, so we'll be looking to retro fit the existing lights and adding more. the fleet replacement and expansion is continuing a pace 47 new buses hit the street in the third quarter. this is exciting. the prop k tax is being used to help replace the expanding fleet. we saw 28 more diesel coaches and 19 trolley coaches under the contract with new flyer and several of them have been rolli rolling onto the streets.
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finally, on management administration, i want to thank cynthia fong, she has been joining us about 20 bay area agencies with a common goal to assist small and disadvantaged local firms doing business with transportation agencies. they meet on a monthly basis to establish ways to better increase participation from the local and disadvantaged businesses, in fact, we'll be hosting a meeting in educational workshop on may 15, 1-3 p.m., it's on bonding and insurance. it's for small and emerging businesses to learn more about insurance and bonding requirements related to transportation and learn how to obtain sewerty bonds -- surety bonds to increase their capacity. thank you, with that, happy to take questions. >> supervisor peskin: any questions? any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. thank you, director.
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if you could read the next item. >> item 4-11, compromise consent agenda. 5-11 were approved and are being considered for final approval. they're considered routine. prepared to present if desired. if a member objects, we can move to consider separately. >> supervisor peskin: any public comment on the minutes of the april 10 meeting? seeing none, public comment is closed. on the consent agenda, a motion? made by commissioner tang, seconded by commissioner sheehy. >> on the consent agenda. cohen aye. fewer aye. kim aye. peskin aye. ronen aye. safai aye. sheehy aye. stefani aye. tang aye. yee aye.
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the consent agenda is approved. >> supervisor peskin: nexttime. >> item 12 on the update of the valencia street bike plan, information item. >> good morning, commissioners, my name is kimberley and i'm the project manager for the valencia street bikeway improvement project. thank you for having us here today to share our updates on the project. so the project began in february of this year, and for this project we'll be taking a look
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at safety, curb management and enforcement along the valencia corridor. we're setting the structure from market to mission street. the project will result in a phased implementation plan we'll be bringing forward in the fall and with that plan, we'll have recommendations for the corridor. i wanted to share about the outreach we've been doing so far and the data collection effort we're starting now and touch on the near term improvements you may have seen and the next steps between now and next fall. for our outreach, we've been calling this the early listening phases of the project, we conducted door to door and stakeholder. so far, we've gone out along the entire two-mile stretch of valencia speaking to the businesses, we've made contact with 15 business -- 215
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businesses and shared with them a survey, which is meant to find out more information about the needs of the businesses when it comes to commercial and passenger loading. from those surveys, we've received 80 responses from a 40% response rate. we're defining outreach as handing a vey to someone. we've reached out to 45 different stakeholders and those stakeholders are covering community groups, neighborhood associations, places of worship, schools and even tncs. so some of the conversations we've noticed that people recognize the number of compromises, tradeoffs and challenges with valencia street. some of the feedback we've heard from the conversations include the need for loading. as your going down the street,
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you see folks are stopped in the centre turn lane. that's one of the things we're encouraged to look at. we've been reminded of the number of schools and we've reached out to the schools and have conversations with dhem about their needs. we've heard feedback whether the enforcement group is taking a look at the bike lane or emphasis on parking meters. through all the conversations we've been encouraged to have a flexible design. we just wrapped up all of this rh about a week or so ago, so we're going through and conducting analysis of the data gathered and will be bringing that forward in a few months. most recently, we've engaged with a consultant to begin data collection along the corridor. right now, we're collecting bidirectional volumes, there are three locations where we're
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getting a feel of the overall traffic volume. we're taking a look at the parking occupancy and turnover and collecting bike lane activity. that will be happening next week. with the data collection, we're hoping to get a better feel for the overall interaction and behaviors in the bike lane, whether it between commercial loading vehicles, tncs and bikes. we've conducted a customer survey that was conducted the first week of april. it is to help get a better feel for shopping patterns along the corridor and that has resulted in 200 responses. most recently, in mid march, a number of improvements were made between 15 and 19th street n. the photo, you can see the one that buffer that was installed. in that one-foot buffer, a number of delineators were
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installed. they encourage further separation between vehicles and bicycles and they were only installed in the areas where the bike lane was adjacent to a park and there were no impacts to parking. with the improvements, we're trying to encourage changes along the corridor while working on the overall planning for the project. the next step of the project includes a series of community workshops in the spring, we'll be bringing back all the information we've gathered from our stakeholder interviews and door-to-door outreach. later this summer we'll have a project open house. we'll be working on a number of near-term improvements. so as you saw with the safe hits we installed from 15th to 19th, we're making additional improvements, including slot improvements, intersections that have high number of collisions, we'll be taking a look at color
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curb improvements along the core do. with that, i'll be happy to take questions. >> supervisor peskin: any questions? commissioner ronen -- sheehy. >> supervisor sheehy: the time line for the project is -- when do you -- this seems like this is going on pretty long. you're talking about the end of the summer? >> so what we're working toward right now is have a series of community workshops. we're aiming for mid june. the workshops is going to bring back the data analysis and outreach and then later this summer we'll have open house where it will be the culmination of everything we've seen and heard in the work shops and later this fall, we'll be back to the board with the near and long-term recommendations to the implementation plan. >> supervisor sheehy: so really
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the fall of this year, maybe a year from now we might see those go in? >> with those recommendations we have to see where we have funding as well as public support. one of the things that we're working on that we called out in the initial scope when we got the funding for the project was that we're taking a look at market to 15th. market to 15th was a stretch of valencia called out in the pine apartment public plan for parking protected bike lanes. we have an engineer working on a fees nlt of that stretch. if it looks like it will work, we'll get the protected bike lanes. >> supervisor sheehy: less than a year from now? >> we're trying to work on it as quickly as we can, so he's working on those, while we're working on near-term improvements in the corridor. >> supervisor sheehy: what are your conversations -- i mean i see a lot with the people who have businesses there, but what
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were your conversations with people who actually use the lanes. the people who actually use the bike lanes. because i've been down there, the traffic is constant. >> there is a lot of public support for the parking protected or some sort of separation between the cars and the bikes. so we've heard comments ranging from let's have a two-way cycle track, with parking protected bike lanes. it's been quite a range, but there is a lot of support from folks that do bike there. we've also made a point to reach out to businesses and those who need to use the parking on the curb to get a better feel of what their thoughts are. >> supervisor sheehy: you talked about a lot of collisions. it is not safe right now. so, i guess i'm not capturing a sense of urgency when i see families that bike up and down valencia and i bike on valencia and i've taken part in people-protected bike lanes and observed the traffic in the
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evening and the tncs that just basically pull over and don't really care if there is somebody biking in the lane. so i just -- i'm not getting -- i mean this sounds like something that might happen two or three years from now. in that interim, people will be injured. i get loading zones and all that, but at the end of the day is what more important, human life or other interests? and just the sheer lack of safety on that street. i find that concerning. and then the -- so that's just a comment i guess. the question is, what are you looking at between san jose and going all the way up san jose to randall. we have protected lanes on san jose to randall, we have this huge stretch over to valencia that could be, you know, you
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could put parking protected ba bike lanes in tomorrow. >> yes, so the cross section of the roadway is similar to the cross section between market and 15th, so some of the designs we'll take a look at for one of both could be very similar. >> supervisor sheehy: so, i guess is there any way to accelerate this process? >> i can take a look at it and discuss with our management what could be done to fast-track this project. >> supervisor sheehy: great. thank you. >> supervisor ronen: thank you. i do want to -- appreciate that you tried to take some interim quicker steps with the protected bike lanes at certain points that don't affect parking. just wondering what your feedback has been about the half measure? i've gotten mixed feedback and has it made the situation
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better, or in some cases i've heard that it's a little worse. >> we've heard mixed feedback as well. there was a lot of excitement initially and then a few weeks later we did hear some concerns about how it was operating. there are still vehicles that are choosing to pull into that bike lane, sometimes even squeezing in between the curb and the safe hits. so we're taking a look at that and monitoring it. as we continue moving forward on that. >> supervisor ronen: if it is making matters worse, then we should be making sure that we're taking them out until we have the full study. i want evaluation in the interim on that. i will say that is not the only measure. i was thrilled they responded to the letter, both lyft and über asking them to drop off on side
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streets. lyft is doing a pilot project between 16 and 19th. i haven't seen data on how that project is working. i'm looking forward to seeing that. i wish über had done the same, they didn't and we're continuing to push them to look at alternatives, drop off and pickup places. and then we did advocate for the mta to increase enforcement, which they have quadrupled, but i don't know if that improved to the double parking yet. it would be nice to see interim evaluations with the three strategies working in tandem and see if they're working while we're conducting the study and hopefully, installing a full protected bike lane on valencia. >> our team is receiving that same data you received from enforcement, so we're going to take a look to see what patterns
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in terms of what citations have been upped. and we've made the effort to reach out to lyft, we've met with them with twice now. we have asked about their pilot and we're hoping to get a little more information once that pilot concludes and they have data to share with us. so we're making that effort with them as well. >> supervisor ronen: i do think as we're waiting for what we know will ultimately improve the situation greatly, that we should use every tactic we can to improve the safety issues on valencia which are serious and evaluate what is working and what is not. let's not make the situation worse, i want to make sure we're evaluating that closely in the interim. thanks. >> supervisor peskin: thank you. any public comment on the item? please come forward. thank you. >> hi, my name is mark, i have a
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thing called designer, the reason that i'm responding is that couple decades ago i did a design for elevated bicycle guideway that would go from downtown across from north to south santa cruz and i worked for ten years with the inventor of a structural system. and i found, i was astounded by how light this structure could be and how inexpensive it could be and recently there has been breakthrough in materials and some opportunities to bring this structure forward. and so, i elevated bicycle guideway could be a solution to the problem you're talking about. please stand by.
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the real test will be the upcoming public workshops where the community will be able to voice their opinions on the proposed improvement. we are confident through the m.t.a.'s thorough outreach process the team will be able to insure that the project serves all the people who bike. i have received a lot of emails from members who are excited to see safety and traffic improvements coming to a major north-south bike corridor. i can say that our members are excited to see the m.t.a. imagining and creating a better valencia street. we look forward to further work done on the project. thank you for your time. >> thank you. are there any other members of the public who would like to testify on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. this is information item. so we will go on to the next item. >> item 13, progress report for the van ness avenue bus rapid transit project. this is an information item. >> how are we doing there? >> ms. mccarthy. we made up for lost time yet?
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