tv Government Access Programming SFGTV May 14, 2018 7:00am-8:01am PDT
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thank you. >> supervisor tang: i will call a few more speaker cards, then. jonathan delong, eileen boken. hunter cutting, sonny allen. drain eaton, rebecca evans, paul manning, and hans wu. >> hi. my name's connie chanon. i'm here to support a much smaller configuration of the marina that's proposed. i've been a boat holder, a slip owner-holder at t.i. marina for the last eight years, and we sale on a 36 foot boat. every weekend, there are boats coming in, anchoring out from other parts of the bay. we typically have to come in and out of the cove, maneuvering around the t. -- the sailing center's boats, and we have a small boat
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configured -- you know, comparatively. right now, the marina's proposed -- there's eight slips in the last iteration i saw of it, at 30 feet, and the rest are 40, 50, 60, 70 foot megayachts, coming into the small cove, sharing the cove, depending on the time they come in with the sailing center's boating situations, when they're running races or doing their programs. so -- which seems to me presents a very dangerous situation just because of the size of the boats that are coming in. so please, please don't give away this gem of a cove to -- to big developers or megayachts in the middle of the day. thank you. >> hi. i'm jonathan delong. born and raised in san francisco, and i learned to sale in clipper cove. i've also i would thousands of
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miles in california, and i live on a 50 foot clipper in oakland. a thought of points brought up with the danger of ingress and egress of large boats, alongside the sailing school boats, is that the clipper cove is a resource for protected anchorages that you don't have anywhere else in san francisco. so the cove isn't just the area where the footprint is going to be of the marina. i'm here in support of the resolution and a much smaller footprint because the ramean aas it's proposed now is one of the only places that boats can anchor in the cove. if we look at protected anchorages, it's one of the only places that boats can anchor, and once it's gone, it'll never come back, so i'm here to support your resolution. thank you. >> hello. i'm daniel franco. i am a boater, i am in a union,
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and i vote. i see there are members of the building trades here, and they're going to say it creates jobs. i have sort of a counter point. i want to be clear, i'm speaking only for myself. so please note that the building trades don't speak for all unions, and their short-term job bump will cause long-term harm to members of my union. please don't let this project happen. just because it took a long time to craft. w well, it was dumb in the past, it's dumb today. a dote on the dredging issue, i believe the number that was thrown out was $250,000, and from my basic math, that would dredge the harbor maybe once. i think you should question them on that issue. i know we did an event on alcatraz about 11 years ago. it cost us $11,000 an hour to rent a barge and a crane. i'm going to say that again because i want to make sure you
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hear me, $11,000 an hour, and they're saying $250,000 will help them dredge into the future. i don't believe that. i think their math is faulty. and sadly, while i'm sad that only two representatives are in the room to hear that, this is one of those votes is a career ender. if you vote to let these proposals to go forward, you should update your resume gauze t -- because the city's not going to stand for that. thank you. >> hi. my name is sunny allen, and i'm here representing public recreation and the raft up community in the bay in support of the proposal to protect clipper cove. and i just want to start out by explaining a little bit more about what -- what it really means, like, what raft ups are in clipper cove, by describing the first raft up i ever went to five years ago.
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i got dropped off on treasure island, and then, you have to hike up this hill. and as you're hiking up this bill, you look off to your left, and i saw this circle of 20 boats all tied together. you make your way up this path, and then there's a staircase that leads down to the beach, and once you go down to the rickety staircase, you go down to the beach. i saw this guy, and he said which boat are you supposed to be on? i said i don't even know which boat my friend is on, and he said objection, and he put me on one boat. the boat i was supposed to be on was 12 boats across from the where i was supposed to be on. by the time i got to my friend's boat. i had made, like six or seven
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new friends that i consider family to this day. and through that community in clipper cove, like, i took my very first sailing lessons. i had never been on a boat before then, and it's specifically because of the way that clipper cove has protected calm waters that enables beginning sailors to figure out what is going on there. since then, i have over a month straight of time in open ocean outside the sight of land. i've been so far out from the coast of hawaii outside of land that the closest people to our boat were -- were people passing over our heads on the -- [ inaudible ] >> thank you. >> hi. my name's brian schrayer. i'm one of the original members
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of washed up yacht club that started with about six members and has now about 10,000 members. these boats are also our homes, and we open our homes to people that want to join us. we do this every month, and clipper cove is -- aside from a spot in the oakland estuary, the only spot we can safely tie our boats up to create a raft up. we, as a community, what we do with our group, we reduce the barrier to entry for every day residents, people that are interested in boating. boating really looks like it's an out of reach thing, for the elite. it doesn't have to be, and we make it available for people. much like the sailing center does for kids, we create it for people our age and younger. we've had four marriages out there, we've built floating platforms in order to hold ceremonies. we had a band play out there
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once. we -- during our june raft up, which is our biggest raft up of the year, we had 68 boats actually tide up together in a circle with floating walkways connecting the boats. clipper cove is the delores park of the bay. and you wouldn't let somebody mow that over for a parking lot, and that's what this new marina will be, it'll be a parking lot. the size of the boats that are going to be moored in this marina don't get used, and we ask you to please preserve our water park in clipper cove for us, and for the kids, and for the community. thank you. [applause]. >> hi. i i am avery when i -- whitmarsh for the friends of the sailing center. the sailing center has been
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there for years. we've been involved since the beginning, basically. so i wanted to correct one thing. the sailing center and the friends of the sailing center were not aware of the development plan until 2015, not 2011, so since that came about, there's been a bit of a scramble of what are we going to do about this because honestly, it will really impact the programs as everyone has said so far. the regattas need more space, the kids' programs will be more impacted. so to reiterate again, treasure island sailing center had their hands tide, had to support this proposal because otherwise they would be out of a sailing center, out of their building to do any of their programs. so they had no choice but to say yep, we agree with this because this is the best we can get right now. the rest of us as the friends of the sailing center and people here understand they don't have to support this proposal, and we don't think it's the best use of the space.
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so treasure island sailing center has proposed a few different options that would be acceptable. and i don't think anyone's -- or at least most of us are not saying we don't want the marina to be redeveloped, we don't want it to be as giant of a thing as shown here. so we urge you to accept this resolution and work with the team to come up with some better options. thank you. >> my name's jeffrey weisner. i spend a lot of time at clipper cove. i can attest as many people have said that it's a unique area, that it's a safe sailing area, and that the events that go on there don't happen anywhere else. i don't think that we could replicate what we do with the raft ups, and i believe what i've heard about the sailing school that they will be negatively impacted. i think it's a question of who we're going to serve -- not just the number of people, but
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the types of people. and we are talking about youth, and we're also talking about, you know, an enormous amount of people who will be impacted who use it regularly. i also do believe that the large boats will be used less and that because of their size, they represent less number of people. thank you. >> good afternoon. my name's dwayne newton. i'm a san francisco resident, retired san francisco fire department lieutenant, and i've been at clipper cove since 1992. i've been sailing since i was 15 and it's made a huge impact on who i am, what i do and why i'm standing here, and i think i want to protect that for future generations. there's so many resources for kids in this town that have been -- how would you say? compressed, codified and
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getting them to use -- getting them outdoors and getting them to use the things that i did when i was a kid in a safe place. in and regard to the amount of time this has been in development, they're saying 20 years, well, there's the genesis of bad ideas. and there was a time that they were going to put a freeway over the golden gate park, and it -- some people will remember the embarcadero freeway. that seemed like a good idea at that time, and it lasted a long time. and the people who put that there, we don't remember their names, but we remember their legacy. i would think that just because it's been a long time, doesn't mean it should go forward. consider the impact if they had built the freeway over golden gate park. so i urge you to take the route of thinking about the kids, thinking about the future generations. thank you.
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>> supervisor tang: thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. for the record, my name is karen knowles-pierce, and i am currently and have been since its inception the chair of the treasure island yerba buena island citizens' advisory board. thank you for this hearing. i urge you to consider passage of this -- of this item before you today. i've heard the people who are against it, and we are certainly, all of us who sit on the c.a.b. and have been since 2001, have always been big supporters of sailing center and want to be sure that there is not only space but sufficient space for them to have these important and exciting times in their lives, learning how to sale and learniand -- sail and learning how to be a
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team member when you sail. i'm a sailor, and when i wrote my letter for consideration for the c.a.b., the state of clipper cove was what urged me to do this. when i first saw the original 400 slip, it was large. when it was reconfigured, i was very unhappy with the untenuator because it stuck way out to the south and impeded process -- progress into the cove where people can have a good time. as you've heard, the slips have been reduced by a third over time. also, another misconception that every boat owner is a millionaire. all boats don't cost a million, all boats don't cost a million by any stretch of the imagination. there's also a years-long waiting list in san francisco for boat owners who are looking
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for slips, so there's that aspect to consider. thank you for the opportunity for us to give you our opinions. >> supervisor tang: thank you, miss knowles-pierce, and could you remind us how long you've served on the citizens advisory board. >> 2001 was the first year of its meetings. >> supervisor tang: yes. and thanks. i remember you also speaking in the 2011 d.d.a. presentation. i really appreciate all of your work on this. >> thank you. >> hi. my name is david korman. clipper cove is super important to my friends, as you've heard, the washed up yacht club and the raft up community. it's a place where on a chilly day on the bay when the sun is out, it's so protected that you can find people swimming because the air is warm and the water's warm and shallow there, and so much community is built
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there recreationally. and they just improved the beach access and added bathrooms and a parking lot, and it's just such a rich, beautiful place for -- for people to enjoy, and it would be a shame to see it lose a lot of that character. thank you. >> supervisor tang: thank you. >> good afternoon. my name is arnie thompson from san francisco, and i'm here personally on behalf of my daughter rebecca who went through the treasure island sailing school program. she's in school in santa cruz and couldn't be here today. but she had a wonderful experience with her coaches and the students at the sailing center. she wanted me to put in a good word for the center for all of its programs from the expert down to the beginner. it would be a shame to see any of that diminished.
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i'm also here kazz a recreational boater, and it's been pointed out that the west end of clipper cove is warmer and it's haul owe. it provides a wonderful recreational opportunity for any number of boaters and swimmers, kayakers and so forth in the area where participants recreational sailors on the bay make looking to fix a piece of broken equipment or take in the calm it just go into clipper cove, drop anchor for a little bit and be on their way. unfortunately, the marina that's listed here would greatly diminish that recreational opportunity. so thank you very much. >> supervisor tang: thank you. thank you mr. thompson. >> hi. i'm hunter cutting. i'm a parent here in san francisco, and my two boys were both born and raised in the mission district, and both of
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them learned to sail out of clipper cove. my older boy went onto become a sailing instructor there, and he started a sailing team at mission high, and he got into college because of that, and he sales f sails for a public school back east. clipper cove is by far the largest and best protected cove on the bay that we have in the city. it's one of our most valuable public resources. it's protected on three sides from the winds and the currents, and the winds are moderated by the special geography there. we would never give away a third of a regional park to a private luxury resort, and it just makes common sense, we wouldn't give up a third, and we shouldn't give up a third of a private cove to a luxury marina. there are a lot of inaccuracies in earlier testimony today. i don't want to look backwards, but i'm going to submit
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documentation so that we can, if we have to, look backwards and discuss those. i want to look forwards, and i think that's one of the great things about the resolution today proposed by supervisor kim. it's forward looking. it establishes guidelines and principles for the cove for getting it back on the right track. it doesn't prohibit or discourage marina development, it just sort of sets out guidelines for that development so that we can protect one of the most valuable places that we have in san francisco. thank you. i urge your adoption of the resolution. >> thank you, mr. cutting. i'm just going to call the rest of the speaker cards that i have on my list. linda chan, dan roulette, ron cusera, and john vontesmar. these are all the speaker cards that i have, so if i didn't call your name, please lineup. >> thank you. my name is paul manning, and
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i'm here because i'm concerned largely about the statement that was made earlier that they don't believe this would have an impact. and i can say it's a sailor, i've actually grownup here in the bay area, learned to sail at cal berkeley, and i'm actually volunteering my time as an assistant coach three days a week while school is in session. i've seen a lot of really good programs being done in this facility. i don't think the question is do you need to sort of revamp the marina. it's there. it's exitsin it's existing. what i object to, you approve that, you're multiplying the footprint of that by 300%. that is the problem that i think we have here in terms of
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the ability to make use of that space, a number of speakers have already made the point that in order to do a cl collegeate sailing, you need windward west. this will have a significant amount of impact on not just the school kids going to practice, learning, it has an impact on the sport. i'd like to point out this weekend, the cal team actually hassa state club school with very very little funds from the university qualified to go to the nationals. they did well in the pacific coast championships, and this is a self-run team that has limited resources, and i think it's important to really put in a voice on their behalf. you know, please think sensibly about the overall balance you've heard from all of these people today. thank you.
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>> supervisors. my name is hans wu. i'm the director for the california dragon boat festival, and we have the honor and privilege of running our festival at clipper cove from 2005 to 2015. and i choose those words carefully, honor and privilege, because i think it is truly a gem. as i consider these things, you shouldn't just be asking what is it used for today, but what is its future uses? we run the largest youth program in the nation, and while our festival was there, it grew to become the largest dragon boat vest val dragon fest -- festival in the u.s. us being the bay area, i think
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we ought to protect the bay. you know, i think this idea that there was a comprehensive process over the past 20 years is truly, as my fellow cal bearer said, asymmetric. we were there for ten years. we were never reached out to on this proposal. we were there one day, we found out there's a lot of land development, and it's a done deal. we had to go look for a new site. to tell you how unique this site is, we could not find another site in san francisco that offers the protections that this gem does. so when i step back and boil down, hey, you've had so many people that this benefits, if you expand it by what, 100 or two, that's the maximum number of people or constituents that can benefit, whereas you've got way more than that in terms of speakers, calls, and people that are here today. so thank you so much for your
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consideration and support. >> supervisor tang: mr. wu, before you go, where are you doing the dragon race now? >> we have moved over to lake marin? >> supervisor tang: and why did you move after 2015? >> well, we moved because we have no choice. the development on the land side of this project was going to take away our festival area. >> supervisor tang: on the land side. >> on the land side. but you know we did hear some r rumblings of the construction of the marina. you know, once we heard that, we hoped there was such a way that we could come back to this wonderful cove. >> supervisor tang: thank you. perhaps between now and when the lease agreement was up, i would love to see that this might continue with the dragon boat and the project sponsors. i myself novice competed in
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dragon boat many times, and i understand how it is a safe place for dragon boats to compete. i would love to see you come back to treasure island, as well. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i'm linda wu, and i'm the former director for the dragon boat races. california dragon boat races, we were he in our 23rd year. in addition to the dragon boat festival, we run a program with high school kids. there are many students that participate, they have a waiting list to get into the program. right now they practice at lake merced, which is a great home for practicing, but in order to get more competitive, they need more race opportunities, and lake merced, it is not sort of
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the best venue for a rapidly growing race. so we'd like to keep the option of clipper cove open. we can see many events there in the future. our high school program started as a very simple sort of just scrimmage between lincoln high school and washington, when two high school teachers challenged each other. since that date it's grown into this very large program, and it's grown competitively too, where lincoln high school is going to hungary to represent the united states in the world race championships. as hans said, we did sort of a region wide search, and we looked at every single site in san francisco, and we could not find another site for our international festival. so we did move to oakland which has proven to be a good home, but we've run many, many races. aside from that, i'm the president elect of the mira
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loma schools p.t.a., we are the parents of a middle schooler who will hopefully participate in this program next year. we intend to send the entire fourth grade next year. i know the teachers wanted to voice their tremendous support of this program. thank you. >> supervisor tang: thank you, and i'm so sorry i mispronounced your name based on how i read it. >> my name is rebecca evans, and i'm here on behalf of the sierra club, and i regret that i'm not a sailor. sounds like a wonderful community of parents and kids on the bay. clipper cove is a really important natural resource for the city and for the bay. the proposal for the developers to take one-third of the cove for private luxury marina is an unacceptable sacrifice of public access to the bay. in addition, this plan also poses significant threat to the
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eel glass beds in the cove. as you know, eel grass is an incredibly important ecospecies in san francisco bay. earlier this year the california division of boating and water ways issued a troubling report on this expansion. the state revealed for the first time that the proposed marina and wave atenutaor may changed sentimentation cause the cove to fill in, necessitating annual dredging ex-pensions into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. you've heard other people testify about that. the sierra club notified tida about this, and we were also concerned that these factors were not included in the 2006 project report. the failure of the club -- we will be submitting some information from the leading
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biological expert on seal grass, keith merkel, in the very near future. thank you very much. >> supervisor tang: thank you. >> hello. my name is martin thomas. i'm a sailor on the bay. have been sailing since 1970 on the bay. i just want to emphasize how from a sailor's perspective, clipper cove is so unique. it's really the only fully protected cove from the dun barton bridge. there are other coves, but they lack protection to the agree that treasure island clipper cove offers. and having anchored there over night and for lunch many, many times, and it's a unique and wonderful place that we should preserve. the idea of giving one-third of it away to a for-profit marina does not appeal to me. i think it would be wonderful if the marina would locate to
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the east side of treasure island, but there's been no objection. you could build a seawall out there, make as big of a marina as you want. so that would be my proposal. leave the clipper cove aalone and move the marina island to the east. thank you very much. [applause]. >> committee members, thank you. i hope you take when notes -- notes on what i'm going to say. i'm a sailboat instructor, u.s. sailing instructor, currently a high school sailing coach, and i've been racing for about 40 years now. the clipper cove has dollar signs written all over it. please preserve clipper cove as you would yosemite. i would like to -- i like to go out, and when i throw out my tent, throw out my anchor for my boat, i throw it out at clipper cove. it's peaceful, quiet.
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i can spend the night and takeoff. i can go to ghirardelli square and throw out my anchor, but it's really noisy. angel island is another place, so please, think about clipper cove as a sanctuary for boaters. if you go to the ecosystems, clipper cove does not have current. it doesn't have a flow. it goes up and down, so there's no flow. if you start throwing in 300 and 400 boats, you're going to get gasoline, you're going to get oil, you're going to get pollution. the ecosystem will change in clipper cove over time. you also have over boards living there. as for racing, the wind comes from the golden gate straight over the little jetty, and it's fairly constant. you start throwing in buildings or boats, like i have learned how to sail lake merit, and the
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high-rises, they change the wind condition. it's very much like a very nice soccer fields. if you start playing soccer with kids on a soccer field, it's great. if you start playing with them on an open field, it's completely different. the same thing is going to happen with the boats if you start changing this. >> supervisors, my name is ron cusera, a lot of things that i wanted to say about the impact on people's person lives, the impact on education, on the environment has already been said, so i'll just speak a little bit about my personal presence here. i have a little boat at treasure island. a little boat named whisper. i have another boat that i have sald from half moon bay, san francisco to cape horn, and i've sald about every inch of the coast of north and south america. i've seen very few places like clipper cove.
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i have seen big yacht marinas in la paz and cabo. you know, i -- this has been reduced to 313 slips. i think currently at treasure island, there's 107. maximum boat size, i'm not sure what's there, 36 or 40 feet. we're talking a beginning of 40 feet all the way up to 80 feet. it would just clog that natural pearl of an anchorage there. that's about all of i have to say. i hope that you'll act on preserving clipper cove the way it is now. great place for students, great place for people to come to enjoy it. raft up is great. and speaking to that person's point that not all sailors are millionaires, i've been able to do this on much less than the median income. i enjoy do, this, and i enjoy places like clipper cove.
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thank you. >> good afternoon. kathrin howard, sierra club, we support the resolution. i'm going to talk a little bit about eel grass. our environment is made up with many small delicate building blocks that interact to create the natural world. one such building block is the sea grass with the somewhat unappealing name of eel grass. it's so important to the health of its ecosystem it is known as a keystone species. if it does not do well, then the lives that depend on it will do poory. that is system to what happened in the eastern united states when a disease wiped out the eel grass and wiped out one species and severely damaged other ones. in san francisco, eel grass for
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birds to lay their eggs. eel grass meadows catch minute partials floating in the water and deposit them on the bay floor, slowly building up the sandy and muddy bottom. large beds of eel grass can absorb shock waves, protecting adjacent shorelines, but eel grass is also sensitive to water clarity, to changes in currents, to increases or decreases in the sentiment it lives in and to changes in depth of water. the sierra club is very worried that the proposed development could damage the eel grass development now living in the cove. the proposed impact is not known. even in public documents, the developer said they were not sure of the impact, and therefore we support a study before the city commits to a
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marina project. thank you. [applause]. >> hello. my name is john vontesmar. i have been a birth holder at treasure island for nine years. i am certainly in favor of keeping the marina and the existing structure at -- in clipper cove the way it is. if there is to be some new development, i would not want to see anything enlarged. with my 21 foot boat, i use it to operate a kite surfing business, and it's been my sole business for five years out of the nine that i've kept the boat there. and kite surfing, as you may know, is a branch of sailing, and sailing is a very important part of the culture in the san francisco bay area. and if a large marina does go into place that has these
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minimal boat length restrictions or just if it's a new structure that's going to cost more, it's going to be difficult for me to keep running my kite surfing business. so thank you. >> supervisor tang: thank you. >> supervisors, michael terrio, san francisco construction and trades council. i'm not going to talk about jobs. i do understand something about asymmetric negotiations having sat down on them in the past. when you come out of those negotiations, you have a deal. and i realize you as the members of the board of supervisors were not involved in that deal, but the sailing center was. i would ask them to respect that deal. certainly we all thought there was one. certainly when we came to the treasure island development authority meetings a couple of years ago.
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with regard to the resolution itself, it is mom and apple pie, much of it. you know, respect for youth sailing and support for youth sailing, unarguable. preservation of eel grass beds, unarguable, and i do understand what that is having picnicked on that beach before the sailing center was already there. and yet, that resolution, there are items in it that will be viewed as binding even though they are not precisely binding. when you do negotiate the lease agreement for the -- for the marina, and i so think it's careful -- it's important to be very careful about what exactly is binding you in this thing, what provisions you feel you have to be obliged to honor when it comes to these leases. it seems the owner has rationally asked for a continuance so they can work with the community and with you on working out those items that will be viewed by some as binding. i'd like to get -- it's
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reasonable of you to grant them that continuance. thank you. >> hi there. my name's ashley wallace. i'm a sailor out of emory cove marina. i just want to say how important the cove is for us. it's a gathering place in the city. it's a really great place for people to be able to afford there for people to gather up, and for their kids to swim. also sailing is supporting a renewable energy sport. we might use fossil fuels to move in and out of the marina, but once we move out of the channel, we're hoisting our sails and using wind. i would second the guy that brought up the dredging. emory cove just had a big dredging project, and it was expensive.
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i think it was $10,000 an hour to rent the machinery. also, the soil if it doesn't test properly, you then have to take it outside of the golden gate bridge, and that will cost over $1 million, so i would just check into those numbers that they're talking about and make sure they're actually affordi afford -- reporting how much dredging would actually cost. i think that's about it. thank you. >> hi. i'm harvey morgan with engineering operators local three. operating engineers, we'd like to, you know, persuade you to support the continuance of the resolution. i know it's kind of tough on the sailors and everything. i don't want to get into that, but i'm sure they can, you know, probably reach a happy medium or work it out, you know? but we -- we're in favor of the continuance to do the -- you
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know, to do the resolution, so that's automatic i've g-- all i've got. thank you. >> good afternoon, members of the land use committee. my name is timothy reiff. i'm a field representative of the carpenters and a native san franciscan. i'd like to ask you to continue this so that this can be worked out between the developer and the community and some type of resolution can come up that benefits everybody. i'm here with a number of working carpenters who would like to go to work on this when this does get passed and it comes to fruition. thank you very much. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is michael kwo. you know, clipper cove is a very beautiful and special place. when i was in high school, i watched the dragon boat races
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for three years until they moved to oakland. not ochbl that -- only that, clipper cove is a place where a lot of people make great memories, and clipper cove is not a place for developers to make a quick buck. thank you. >> held hoe. my name is marina binsak. i am a resident of district 11. i'm not a sailor, but i grew up in the city, and i did not have this opportunity when i was growing up, and i usually get pretty emotional when i'm up here, just talking about equity issues, so i just decided to keep it pretty dry and discuss what would occur if this were to be taken to -- well, when it does go to bcdc, i just went ahead and jotted down a few policies in their bay plan. i urge you to look at the rec
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lati ration policies, specifically policy number one. i think a number of the speakers here have spoken to that, as well. in terms of the impacts on the eel grass, i urge you to look at the sections on title marshes and title flats, specifically policy one in the bay plan. it says that filling, diking and dredging projects that would substantially harm title mars that includes the eel grass should be allowed for purposes that provide substantial public benefits and only if there is no feasible alternative. and finally, i would urge you to look at the policies in the bay plan regarding access. there's an entire section on public access, an entire section on appearance, design and scenic views. i don't think we've discussed how this would impact the views. thank you.
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>> supervisor tang: thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. alex lansburg with the san francisco construction industry which is a partnership of ibew. just wanted to urge our support for a continuance on this thing. it's clear that the sailing community is concerned and it's equally clear that -- that the city's development partner is -- really wants to try to find a way to make this thing work. so i encourage a week long continuance so they can continue the dialogue. specifically to the sailing community, i'm a district ten resident. i live rite across the stre-- e street from the bay in india basin. i want to invite all the sailors down to india bay where we also have a sheltered cove and great weather.
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thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is jose villalobos, and i'm here to ask you on behalf of over 5,000 union members for your support in passing this resolution. thank you. >> i'm the president of sunset park side education and action committee, also known as speak. speak has been an active voice in the community for almost half a century. speak is here to support these set sale learn stem programs. as it is consistent with the city's stated goal of keeping families here in san francisco. the set sail learn stem program benefits the students of feinstein, law ton, ulloa, jefferson and francis scott key elementary schools. speak would like to thank the legislation sponsors and cosponsors for their continued commitment to keeping families here in san francisco.
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thank you. >> supervisors, it's jay wallace again, if i may have one more minute just to wrap up. i want to just say to the audience and to the supervisors that we hear your concerns. we respectfully would request a week or so continuance so that we can continue to work with our colleagues in the community to hopefully come up with a solution that satisfies everybody's needs. as you know, we've always had an open door policy. we will continue to do so, and we continue to look forward to working with all of the members of the board and the community on a solution that will work for clipper cove, so thank you for the indulgence here. >> supervisor tang: through the chair, mr. wallace, while you're here, because i finally took an opportunity to read the letter that you submitted on friday. i just wanted to go to your second paragraph where you ended with the life, the 400
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slip marina approved by the board of supervisors has been in place for more than a decade. could you explain that sentence? >> yes. i was referring to the 2006 eir where the board of supervisors approved the project. >> supervisor tang: a study. we've nefrd approved a 400 slip marina plan. >> there's never been a lease approval, that's correct. i just -- i can't express my immense dismay at a complete lie being written to the board. there are members of this board who have not been on this board as long as i have, and they will get this letter, and they will be incredibly confused as to why we approved a 400 slip marina plan, and then i am submitting this resolution. i just -- it just -- it boggles my mind that a project sponsor sophisticated as a treasure island enterprise would submit a blatant lie to the 11 members of the board of supervisors. we never approved a 400 slip marina plan, and it has not
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been in place over a decade. we studied it. there's a big difference between an approval and a study, is that correct. >> there's a big difference between an approval and a study, and the study was approved 11-0 by the board of supervisors. >> supervisor tang: 1k to say there was no complaints as to its size or location, it's because there was a stud ey. there was nothing for them to complain about. >> supervisor, i'm not going to argue with you from the dais, but i think you would know that to be the case. [applause]. >> supervisor tang: sorry. to members of the audience, please refrain from applause. let's keep to that. >> hi. my name is lotus fong, and i moved from a land locked state,
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new mexico and did not have a chance to learn to swim, much less learn to sail. but i have three grandchildren who i hope will learn to sail. my grandson stands at pier 39 and y and he looks at those boats. for other parents and grandparents, up in the back of pier 39, there's a store called think outside the box, and it's got wonderful little creative puzzles and you know games for kids to learn to think, and you can see the boats from their -- from their wall window. my concern after 35 years of being in this city and watching the kind of money that has been coming in the last decade is --
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there's a movie called, "if you build it, they will come." it's that baseball movie. i'm not sure that's true here, because if you look at the out of state developer that was brought in for the hunters point shipyard and the toxicity shipyard and fraestreasure isl and the megayacht shipyard, as someone else said, they're a berthing, marinaing in other locations. the best suggestion was about locating it on the west side or somewhere else. it doesn't need to be clipper cove. i think the other developer, his other business at the ferry building, also failed, and we
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shouldn't -- [ inaudible ] tappi >> supervisor tang: thank you. >> hello. my name is janet reuds, and my son learned to sail at treasure island, and he became a sailing instructor, and his livelihood is probably going to be on the water, and we're very, very grateful for that opportunity for him. i wanted to just mention that it's very poorn thimportant th passes today, and also mention that this proposal is supported by save the bay, the national sailing club, the sierra club, and the national bay keeper. thank you. >> supervisor tang: thank you. seeing no other members of the public, i'd like to ask the chair to close public item on this comment. >> all right. thank you. we'll know close public comment.
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supervisor kim. >> supervisor kim: so colleagues, i just want to thank you for your time and i want to thank all of the members of the public for coming out to speak today. i have to tell you this is a very complex issue that took me and my staff quite a bit of time to study and come up to speed on. it's certainly not my area of expertise, nor have i ever sailed on the bay or clipper cove, but i just want to say that in the past 2.5 years, i've heard stories of particularly our youth and families using the clipper cove, and certainly supervisor avalos himself and his family, and just how unique this cove is to san francisco and to our public recreation and our public education opportunities. and a couple of things that i'll just say about the resolution that's before us today, we don't actually mandate the number of berths or the size that will finally come
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before the board of supervisors for approval, but that we put forward a series of principles that we would like to be a part of the proposal before it comes to the board. certain elements such as ensuring that we don't diminish existing public youth and public education on clipper cove, that we study and not harm critical important eel grass beds, which i've certainly learned a lot about over the last year or diminish the water depth, that these are the principles and analysis that the board of supervisors would like to see before a final project plan comes before the board of supervisors for a final approval. so this does not set what is going to be at clipper cove, and so i don't see a need to continue this for a week. i just also have to say as the office that has been mediating this conversation for 2.5 years, i'm really not quite sure what an additional seven days will do for this resolution.
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i had really been undetermined on my position on this issue for close to two years because i was hoping the stakeholders would work this out without our office having to intervene and take a position. but after three years at a certain point, you have to make a call, and you have to move forward with what you think is goes to be the best set of principles and moving forward at clipper cove. i don't see a conen issues coming forward in the next seven days, so what i'm putting forward is a series of principles and analysis what i'd like to see in the proposed clipper cove project plan that will come before the board of supervisors. again, this is just a floor. it is not the details, so that will get worked out between the stakeholders before the proposed lease comes before the board of supervisors. so i don't think that we are tieing our hands in any way. that being says, there is another seven days before this resolution comes before the full board of supervisors, so if the project sponsor and tida would like to meet with
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stakeholders of the next seven days, please do so. if there are amendments that the stakeholders agree to, i will certainly consider them for amendment at the final board. a couple of things that i just want to say. i have been a little -- well, i will say that i understand and i am sympathetic to the project sponsor in their concerns about allowing interim use before development because of their concern of being able to fully idealize or raeltz realize the plan that they had proposed 15 or 20 years ago. but the treasure island sailing center should not rely on its own continuance and future just purely based on the success of your program because we have never agreed to in some ways a permanent program here at clipper cove. neither should the project sponsor have relied on any conversations or studies as to
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what this board of supervisors would finally agree to 10, 15, 20 years later. in many ways, that is the nature of the business of this work. neither party could have relied on either their existing use or on any existing conversations or study to say that this is the final project that should come before and is the best use of this site. so that being said, i -- i think, you know, i ask my colleagues to support this resolution as is. i do always encourage continued dialogue over the next seven days. finally, i just have to express my deep and utter dismay and disappointment with the letter that was submitted by the project sponsor to the board of supervisors. i just think it is completely unacceptable to lie to this board. this board has never approved a 400 slip marina in 2006, and it did not approve it in 2011. and to say that this has been in place for over a decade, it -- it just boggles the mind
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and is a bit insulting to -- to the intelligence of the members of this board. so thank you, colleagues for hearing this issue. thank you again for members of the public. i have learned a tremendous amount about sailing and eel grass beds and many other things, and i just appreciate your advocacy and passion. i look forward to seeing a final resolution on this issue, but i do -- really do support the set of principles that we have put forward in this resolution, and so colleagues, i ask for your support, and so i'd like to move this forward with recommendation to the full board. >> thank you, and can we do that without objection? all right. we'll do that without objection. thank you. [applause]. >> all right. now we have another long item before us. madam clerk, item 3. >> supervisor safai: allegedly long. [agenda item read].
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>> thank you. and i did want to announce that we are also now joined by supervisor peskin, and i'm going to turn it over to sponsor of this legislation, supervisor safai. >> supervisor safai: thank you, chair tang. just to give a little background on this item, just to talk a little bit about what this is all about -- i'll just wait a minute for folks to clear out. but essentially, we started a conversation, supervisor peskin and i, about a year ago, with some general parameters. one was some frustration with the level at which the request to come into members of the board of supervisors about issues with regard to the sf mta and the mta in general. and then, the understanding and the way that the city charter is setup and the way that the -- the current structure is
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that we essentially have no authority over the mta, and the voters made that decision. we went through a series of legislative moves and charter amendments in '99 and 2007. but embedded in the charter was also the ability -- and as supervisor peskin pointed out when we also started this conversation is that we'd never exercised certain aspects that -- of the charter that the voters gave us, and that's the piece of legislation that you see in front of us today. i'm going to let supervisor peskin talk about some of the points that he made, but i think in its inception about separation of powers and the way of removing politics from the sf mta, the intent was never to create one final authorizing area, it was more about trying to remove politics but in effect, we ended up putting one elected official in charge of by appointment power for the commissioners, as well as the recommendation of the
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executive director and otherwise. so what we had attempted to do in our conversation was essentially begin a conversation about how -- at least from my perspective, some of the microissues -- how some of the neighborhood affecting issues, the smaller, more micro-hassissues in terms whether it's a stop sign, whether it's a traffic calming, whether it's pedestrian safety, whether it's vision zero or under all of those principles, whether it's permit parking, meter parking, some of the bike stations, residential permit parking. these are the things that i have heard about the most more frequently than any other issue that comes up as an elected member of the board of supervisors, but the frustration lied in the fact that we ultimately had no say or authority over any of those decisions. some would say that's good, some would say that there needed to be some reforms. so supervisor
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