tv Government Access Programming SFGTV June 2, 2018 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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including david chu and many others. they host five gun shows and each show is two days, 10 days a year, where guns are made more easily available to people in the bay area. these gun shows are vehemently opposed by surrounding counties, san matao and san jose, because they're opposite our values. as public officials in san francisco, we should be doing everything to reduce guns on our streets. and this is one easy way it do that. it's insulting that these gun shows take place next to communities that are grappling with gun issues. because it straddles more than one county, they cannot be banned. this bill, 221, closes that loophole it.
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would ban ammunition, 2020, not to violate any contracts that they currely have. it does exempt gun buyback programs. our goal should not be to take away guns off the street and chip away at the anti-gun violence epidemic. i also want to thank supervisor stefani for co-sponsoring this with me today. i could not ask for a better ally, who has dedicated so much of her professional career to ending gun violence and this epidemic in our society. i will hand it over to supervisor stefani. >> supervisor stefani: thank you, i am very happy to co-sponsor. i was sitting in rules committee on valentine's day when we heard about the shooting at parkland high school, where 17 people were shot and killed, 14 students and three administrators and several others were injured. i just happened to be sitting in rules committee on friday,
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where, again, we heard about a mass shooting at a high school, where this time 10 were shot and killed, 8 students, 2 teachers. our culture in this country make it commonplace. after every shooting, you will hear, we say things like, never thought it could happen here, and yet it happens over and over again. what breaks my heart is that our students say, we always knew this would eventually happen. it just was a matter of when. since columbine alone, 150,000 students in at least 170 elementary, middle and high schools have experienced school shootings. 91% of children in high-income countries that are killed with firearms live in the united states. 60% of high school students report fears of a shooting or fears of shooting in their community. no child in any community should live in fear of a shooting at their school or in their
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neighborhood. no child should live with the memory of their classmates' deaths or death of their friends and siblings. children who survive shootings develop ptsd, anxiety, fearfulness and can experience long-term decreases in academic achievement. 2/3 of school districts require schools to conduct active shooter drills with kids as young as the age of 2 participating. these drills, where we have our children hide in closets, and other costly security measures due to our gun violence epidemic, divert funds and time needed for education and they create a culture of anxiety. this gun violence epidemic is not going to change in one act, but in several, as we push for society free from this terror. and until congress can find the courage to pass laws that protect our children and stop dangerous and ir responsible children from accessing guns, we must continue to act on a local level and must demand the change
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to our children deserve. senate bill 221 will do just that and stop gun shows at cow palace, something that san francisco and san matao counties and our communities have been asking for for years. every little push helps to change the gun culture and i think this is a step in the right direction. i want to thank senator scott weiner and assembly member tang for taking the lead on this issue. i promise and i will continue to do everything i can to keep all of our children safe from gun violence in their schools and in their communities and i hope that the entire board will join me and supervisor safai in support of this bill. thank you. >> supervisor breed: thank you, supervisor. supervisor safai. >> supervisor safai: i submit. >> supervisor breed: thank you. first of all, supervisors safai, please add me as a co-sponsor to the resolution. growing up in this city, we -- i grew up in a community, sadly,
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where gun violence was normal. hearing the gunshots on a regular basis, attending the funerals on a regular basis. and it's sad that this continues and it's really elevated to a place in our schools where this is sadly becoming what is normal for our young people and it's completely not normal and we have to do more in order to address this issue and i hope this time around that the governor signs this very important piece of legislation so that we can ensure that these particular gun shows don't continue to happen at the cow palace. i know that sean richards of brothers against guns, he is always out there with a group of people protesting these gun shows any time they come to the cow palace. sean lost his brother, tracy, who i went to school with, to gun violence in san francisco
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and he's been doing this for many, many years and i hope we can get a victory from this particular legislation, so thank you so much for leading the way on the board. colleagues, i'm introducing an ordinance expanding and strengthening the harassment and prevention and training requirements. in the last year, many courageous women have spoken out about their personal experiences of harassment, particularly sexual harassment in the workplace. the metoo, timesup and wesaidenough movements have placed the national spotlight on work force sexual harassment and opened up conversations all over this country, but we still have so much more work to do. the data is stunning and paints a stark picture of harassment in the workplace. a 2016 report from the equal employment opportunity commission concluded that workplace harassment remains a persistent problem, particularly
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sex-based harassment, despite requirements for training and eeoc policies, the vast majority, as much as 70% of individuals who experience workplace harassment, never discussed it with a supervisor. and even fewer file a formal complaint. and almost all of us in this room today maybe have had our own experiences with harassment in the workplace, whether it's happening to us directly or we've seen it happen to a friend or someone that we know or a co-worker. it's something that touches too many in our city and in our society. under our current city policy, only managers, commissioners, and employees in supervisor roles are required to complete training on a biannual basis. while the training is
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comprehensive, it's covering just 1/3 of our city's work force. all of our employees, whether they are bus drivers, administrative staff, social workers, elected officials or department heads, need to be trained in how to recognize, address, and prevent harassment in the workplace. the legislation i'm introducing today will require all city employees -- not just supervisors and managers -- to complete harassment prevention training on an annual basis. this will facilitate the training of an additional 22,000 employees that work for the city. additionally, it will require the department of human resources to produce and make public annual audits of each department's compliance with this department and quarterly reports on the number of harassment and discrimination cases filed. this legislation also expands the timeline employees will have
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to file discrimination and harassment complaints from 180 days to one year, providing more time for employees to come forward. i want to thank the department of the status of women and the commission on the status of women, particularly executive director emily morase and commission president debi mezlo, that put forward the recommendations to the board of supervisors. i also want to thank my co-sponsors, cohen, stefani and tang, early supporters of this legislation. the city is one of the largest employers here in san francisco and we have long been at the fore front of advancing employment protections, which is why it's so important that we continue to lead by example. it is our collective responsibility to prevent, recognize, report and root out harassment in the workplace. my increasing training and ensuring more transparency in reporting incidents of workplace
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harassment, we're making it clear, no city employee should ever be subjected to harassment or retaliation for speaking up. colleagues, i have today two in memoriams. my first in memoriam is for mrs. barbara brown lopez. the mother of an incredible community leader in the mission and in our city, ms. tracy brown. barbara passed away on sunday, born in guatemala, barbara considered guatemala and the united states her homes. she proudly acknowledged her cultural heritage and taught her students to do the same. she worked for the san francisco unified school district for over 30 years. 20 of which she spent at cesar chavez elementary school in the mission. she took great pride in her
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career and work with young people and she made a difference for countless students and families throughout our city. her deep commitmentork and school district dropout prevention unit helped numerous families keep their kids in school. she also took pride in her loving family, her two children, including tracy, her six grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. it's my honor to adjourn today's meeting in her honor, ms. barbara brown lopez was loved, a woman that gave everything to her family and our public schools and she will be truly missed. the second in people other -- memoriam i have is eileen o'sullivan, that passed away peacefully on march 16. originally from ireland, eileen trained as a registered nurse and midwife and during her time
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working as a nurse and midwife, she met her future husband, patrick. after emigrating to the united states from cork city, ireland, in 1957, eileen raised two beautiful children and later resumed her career as a nurse, caring for patients at laguna honda hospital. she remained deeply committed to laguna honda hospital even after she retired. she continued to go back time and time again and volunteer. she was very involved in the irish community, including festivities held throughout the city and at the united irish cultural center. she will forever be remembered by all for her love of family and her friends, her charismatic, loving smile, and mostly how she made everyone feel special with her loving and warm personality. thank you and the rest i submit. >> clerk: thank you, madam
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president. supervisor ronen. >> supervisor ronen: thank you. i wanted to thank president breed for doing a in memorial for barbara brown and ask to be added as co-sponsor. >> clerk: that concludes the introduction of new business. >> supervisor breed: thank you, madam clerk, can we please go back to our items 34 and 33 -- 33 and 34? mr. davidson, you have a new report for us? >> clerk: it's 34 and 35. >> supervisor breed: thank you. supervisor peskin. >> supervisor peskin: i want to bring to the board's attention an email that we all received yesterday at 7:40 a.m. with regard to 933 dartmouth. i don't know if mr. davidson has received that. i can give it to you, but it comes from an individual who
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indicates that she is in a skilled nursing facility and unable to address this issue at this time so i can -- >> let me take a look at it, supervisor. >> supervisor breed: i thank you for that particular matter, mr. davidson, is it possible that we could continue that particular item as we go through the rest of the items that you will make changes to. >> 633 dartmouth? >> supervisor breed: uh-huh. >> we can take it off the list if the board approves. >> supervisor breed: do you want to give us an update? >> yes. >> supervisor breed: we'll add it to the list now and remove there and that will be a part of our amendment for the record. okay? >> correct. following properties have been removed, 49 oliver street. 718 16th avenue. >> supervisor breed: can you call the numbers on the document
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we have so that we can follow your lead? >> we have 49 oliver, which is number -- >> supervisor breed: i'm sorry. i thought you were using the same document we were. >> i am. >> clerk: page 8, madam president. >> supervisor breed: for both items? >> we have item 327 and 328. >> supervisor breed: strike those? >> 718 16th avenue.
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line item 24 for 205 14th avenue. line items 15, 16 and 17. 2368 vallejo street. we have line item 425 for 2072 mission street. we have line titem -- line item 289. and for 633 dartmouth. 933 dartmouth. we have line item 123. >> supervisor breed: okay. >> clerk: madam president, we have three addresses for vallejo
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street, 425, 426, 427. mr. davidson only mentioned 425. >> supervisor breed: okay. >> correct. i believe the -- oh, correct. that would be line item 425, 426, and 427. >> clerk: thank you. >> supervisor breed: thank you, madam clerk, for that collar -- clarification. is there a moment to remove all the items that were removed previously to the additional items that we just received as well for a complete list of removed items? moved by supervisor safai. seconded by supervisor peskin. colleagues, can we take that without objection? without objection, the amendment passes. and on the item as amended, madam clerk, can i take that same house, same call? without objection, the item as amended passes unanimously. >> thank you very much.
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>> supervisor breed: thank you. let's go to public comment. >> clerk: now is the opportunity for the members of the public to address the entire board of supervisors for up to 2 minutes on items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board to include the april 17 board meeting minutes and april 19 special meeting minutes at the budget and finance committee, items 41-45, without reference to committee calendar. public comment will not be allowed when there's been previous public comment. please direct your remarks to the board as a whole and not an individual. if you are using interpretation assistance, you will be allowed twice the time to testify. if you would like to display a document on the overhead projector, please state such to sfgov tv, move it on the projector and then remove the document when you would like the screen to return to live coverage of the meeting. first speaker, please.
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>> interpretor: in 2016, we passed sb1015 to make that bill of rights permanent. [speaking foreign language] >> interpretor: now we want to see those rights a reality in our lives. [speaking foreign language] >> interpretor: at the women's collective, we've been accompanying several cases of wage theft and exploitation of domestic workers. [speaking foreign language] >> interpretor: many women are still not receiving their
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overtime, nor minimum wage and many suffer retaliation even here in the city of san francisco. [speaking foreign language] >> interpretor: there's a lot of fear in our community of asserting our rights because of the fear of losing our jobs and fear as immigrants. [speaken foreign language] >> interpretor: the majority of the workers here in san francisco and the state are women immigrant workers and many are the primary breadwinners in their families.
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[speaking foreign language] >> interpretor: we feel that san francisco is leading the way to protect the immigrant community and defining what it means to be a sanctuary city. [speaking foreign language] >> interpretor: for us at the california domestic workers coalition, we believe that sanctuary also means that the rights of immigrant workers are not be respected. [speaking foreign language]
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>> interpretor: and that means that immigrant workers receive fair and dignified pay and that our work is valued here in san francisco. [speaking foreign language] >> supervisor breed: gracias. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, board of supervisors and thank you, supervisor ronen and all the co-sponsors for the resolution in support of 802314. i'm lindsay mihong. and i'm here today both as the california lead organizer for hand in hand, which is a national network of employers of nannies, house cleaners and home care workers working for dignified work conditions.
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and i'm a mother of two, who when i became a new mom had no plans on employing someone in my home, but when i was invited by my co-worker to join in a nanny share became someone's boss and didn't know what i was getting myself into and didn't know what to look for or information or guidance on how to be a good employer. i'm not alone. we talk to hundreds of new parents and other employers both here in san francisco but also across the bay area and across the state who plan on employing someone, a nanny often in their homes, but don't know where to start. what's a fair wage? what should benefits look like? how do i put together a working agreement? and we know that this is true because there's a real lack of guidance in the industry and there's a lack of available information for employment
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standards for domestic workers. lack of guidance leads, both, to very positive and generous practices but also very exploitive ones. so guidance on domestic employment benefits employers and workers alike. thank you so much. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. [speaking foreign language] >> interpretor: good afternoon, to the honorable supervisors and thank you so much to supervisor hillary ronen for your leadership in submitting this resolution. my name is erica chavez and i'm a domestic worker and
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member/leader with the san francisco women's collective and the california domestic workers coalition. [speaking foreign language] >> interpretor: i am very happy to be here to talk to you about our new campaign our work, our dignity and our legislative proposal ab2314. [speaking foreign language] >> interpretor: before arriving at the san francisco women's collective, i worked with a woman cleaning houses for one year. i worked from monday to sunday and my schedule varied but more
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or less i worked from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. at night. ingak foreign language] >> interpretor: she only paid me $100 a week and sometimes only $50. when do you this calculation, i was making about $2 an hour. [speaking foreign language] >> interpretor: i was recently arrived to this country and had a strong need to work. and even though there were protections in california against this type of exploitation, i didn't know my rights. and less than that, i didn't know what i needed to be paid. [speaking foreign language]
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>> interpretor: i now have information thanks to the san francisco women's collective and california workers domestic coalition. i know how to negotiate with my employers and they should respect my rights and i should have fair pay and dignified work. [speaking foreign language] >> interpretor: ab2314 would create a program when the department of labor enforcement standards in california to see changes at the statewide level. [speaking foreign language]
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>> interpretor: i think with the local support of you all, we can transform the domestic work industry. as always, you are the supervisors that can make changes and set up precedent here in san francisco and in california. [speaking foreign language] >> interpretor: i am a leader with -- >> clerk: gracias. >> good afternoon. i'm maria guillen and i want to thank supervisor ronen for bringing forward the importance of supporting ab2314. i stand today in full support of the leadership of the california
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domestic workers coalition. their movement is exhilerating and the momentum and respect they've garnered is breathtaking. as i call out leadership, i would be remiss if i did not credit san francisco for its role in the transformation of the home care industry by recognizing the value of long-term care. you heard the call from the community and provided funding for the support at home pilot that expands access to in-home support services, to seniors, and people with disabilities by providing financial support. it goes without saying that we must take continued and consistent steps forward to ensure a comprehensive, seamless, and forward-thinking, long-term care program. for that reason, we call on your leadership and vision to take further actions. we, as san francisco, must push the california legislature to pass ab2314 to ensure that
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alongside the elders, the rights of domestic workers and caregivers are being upheld and domestic employers know their responsibilities as employers. as an employer of a very competent house cleaner, i knew that i wanted to be a good, fair, and just employer. after all, what good is a clean and orderly home if dignity and justice doesn't live there. please support ab2314. support this good work and dignity for the work. thank you. >> clerk: thank you, ms. guillen. next speaker, please. >> hello. i'm brenda baros, i work at san francisco general and labor council delegate. i want to turn in this
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proclamation that was unanimously voted on to take action against all the discrimination that's happening in the workplace, within the department of public health, and throughout other departments in the city. we have people here from other departments. i have a presentation from somebody that doesn't make it. she had to be at work, so there are copies of that that can be shared with all of you guys. but other people are lined up to speak and one of the reasons that we're here is we're very serious about this. that this cannot continue. that we're not going to be quiet and shut up and just keep going back to the way it was. we can't, can't. so the hiring needs to be fixed. they're working on it in public health, but they're not working on it anywhere else. we know that, from talking to our membership. other places need to step up and do more. >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please. >> steve zeltzer, united public
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workers for action. i'm glad there is a resolution around harassment, discrimination and bullying, but all the supervisors here, most of them know that this has been going on for many years in san francisco. in fact, most of you have voted for tens of millions of dollars for compensation for people who have been bullied and illegally discriminated against. and none of you have said, why are the supervisors that are doing this, still on the payroll in san francisco. frankly, you have cost the city not only inaction in terms of the bullying and racial discrimination, but you've allowed the city to spend tens of millions of dollars in settlements without making the managers responsible for what they've done. they're continuiing to work in san francisco. and removal of cheryl thornton at the health center illegally. trying to privatize it.
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it's used by people at hunters point that have been harmed by the poisons in the air. a letter has been sent to all of you, including the candidates, about taking a position. and there's been silence from the candidates. here we have an election and the racial discrimination and complete candidates, the supervisors. enough is enough. it has to be addressed. workers that have been harmed by this are not going away. there was a racist attack in the department of public health against this. robert gar -- barbara garcia hao be held against this. there's been bullying and complete silence by this board. i support the legislation, but you have to take action against these managers that be continuing the discrimination and the harassment and attack on african-american workers in the city and county of san francisco. that has to be taken and you have to hold the managers
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accountable, which you have refused to do. why are they still working for the city? >> clerk: thank you for your comments, sir. next speaker, please. >> i promise my speech won't be as fiery as the last. my name is john wadsworth, pharmacy tech. i'm assigned to a quality assurance function in the department. and the reason -- i want to thank this council for allowing me to come here and have an avenue to speak out about quality of services at the hospital. unfortunately, i've been to this council before, one time before, to speak on this matter, but, again, on here, i am here to speak about staffing shortages within the pharmacy department.
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they're severe, especially with the subordinate class 2409. it's affecting scheduling and practices and in all areas of services to the hospital. we're a level 1, in-patient trauma facility and it's not uncommon to be in the department and have nobody there to man the window or have nobody there to answer the phones. i believe this is a -- i believe this is below standard and i don't think that it's something that can continue. i think that it puts the patients at risk in a lot of different capacities. and i'm hoping that the council will hear what i'm asking in regards to the staffing shortages and please, somebody, investigate this matter. thank you. >> clerk: thank you, sir. next speaker, please.
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>> hello. my name is madeleine. and i work for the san francisco police department. i have been working at the police department for 11 years and in 2015, unfortunately, i fell and broke my leg. prior to the fall, i had never had a bad review. i had never had any bad words about my work ethic, but there was a new captain that came into the office and when i returned, she had taken all my duties and gave it to an officer. when i requested that i be given my duties back, i was not given my duties back. i asked and asked. i felt like i was being discriminated against because
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there was no need for the officer to have my duties. i am a civilian, secretary of my unit. and i asked and i asked. i wrote letters. i made complaints. and because i spoke up and, i guess, complained, then i was retaliated against and never given my job back. and so now i am basically put in the back of the office and have nothing to do with the department. i worked there for 11 years, like i said, and was a very good employee. i don't think this was fair. and i think something should be done within the san francisco police department. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please.
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>> my name is roxy blue harrison. i'm here on behalf of the committee from trail hills. to whom it may concern, i'm writing on behalf of cheryl thornton, who has been employed at the health center for 28 years. during her time there, she has been a valuable member of the trail hill community. beyond her positive work, were clients and the members of the patients advisory board. she has supported trail hill residents in numerous ways. at the core of groups in san francisco, residents experience deep poverty. the building of trust, the building of trust and relationship and changes for these residents. it's the most valuable
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population. for her work in the clinic, ms. thornton has an understanding of how to support change in the community and has been in the fore front of the change using her many connections to city agencies to provide services beyond her health center duties. for example, she has worked through the mayor's office to mentor and employ our youth and have used her connections with the san francisco professional business women's program and naacp to host workshops on building and getting student into college. in addition to her general work, she has supported students and patients, candidates. last year, she was instrumental in connecting up with the library. the patients are healthy, to parents, about health, school,
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patience and about summer programs for children. she is a dedicated and organized person. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. i'm cheryl thornton. i'm sorry. i'm nervous. and i'm here with my son. and i've been a victim of discrimination, retaliation, bullying, by the department of public health. and i'm here today because i was removed from my job unlawfully. i continue to work and fight for the community so that we can try
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-- i try to help marginalized people in our community. i'm sorry. my son is here. and what i've taught him is to pay it forward. he's currently in college and he's going to become a civil rights attorney and he's worked every summer tirelessly in this community to help and he's done that based on what i've taught him. and i think it's incumbent on all of you guys to look into why there is so much discrimination in the department of public health against african-american workers. thank you. and i have a copy of a letter that i want to submit to you guys. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> madam president, board of supervisors, community members,
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my name is chanette steiger. i'm an african-american woman, comprehensive, clinical and public health nurse for over 27 years and i'm a product of san francisco. i earned my associates degree from city college of san francisco, my bachelor's in science and nursing from san francisco state university, my masters in science while working as a single mother of three children. i am a maternal child adolescent health advocate labor and delivery nurse for san francisco general hospital, public health nurse for ambulatory care and school nurse and international traveler. [speaking foreign language] i speak spanish. in spite of my professional experiences and effective community advocacy, i was told i
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was not the right fit as a nurse for sunnydale neighborhoods district 10. i've suffered trauma, racial discrimination. racial discrimination regarding my physical disability, arbitrary reassignment without objective rationale without due process by san francisco department of public health and hope . my experience of discrimination is very similar to ms. cheryl thornton at portrero hill clinic. this experience has been devastating, exhausting, challenging, and has forced my resignation for fear of continued discrimination marked as reassignment. many african-american employees decline reporting discrimination due to fear of retaliation.
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>> clerk: thank you for your comments. thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is liam montera and i'm here in support of ab2314. as our organization has been for the last three to four years, we've been providing the domestic employer workshops, where we find out that a lot of employers, they don't really know what their rights are for domestic employees. and so if they don't even know what their rights are, it's hard for them to really follow that. so it would be important for
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everybody to support ab2314 and i wanted to thank supervisor ronen for bringing that up. and also all the co-sponsors and to please ask city, you know, city officials to be progressive staff that you call yourself. a and support ab2314, again, ab2314, and that will be to enforce the rights that they want. they fight for it and they won. so, please, do that. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please. >> correct me if i'm wrong, but i've never seen none of you give condolences to the father of mr. peskin. his father passed recently. he took time off and i've never
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seen nobody give condolence to him pertaining to the death of his father. if i'm wrong, correct me. but i would like to have you address that, too. now also i want to credit mr. peskin for being the only person that gives credibility and recognition to my demonstration pertaining to a minimum of $217 billion in uncollected tax money, given to twitter. it used to be five. now it's nine high-tech companies getting the billions of dollars of tax-free money. when you have tax money, negative cash flow, you want people that want nothing to do with the money deficit to pay for it. for example,, would you please, in the year 2017, uncollecting payroll taxes and breaks given to twitter is $873,923,000. okay? in the year 2016, there's
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approximately $1,357,216,777 worth of tax-free money given to twitter and high-tech companies. for the past two years, it's the total of $2,231,141,349 worth of tax-free money that's called money laundering and tax evasion and bank fraud. in the case law matter of the u.s. versus shrimp boy and mr. jackson, employa for the human rights commission, busted and convicted and had to serve several years in a federal penitentiary. i submit to you, twitter and the nine other high-tech companies. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. thank you. next speaker, please.
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>> thank you. good afternoon, supervisors. i'm abdela aveda, taxi driver in san francisco. i've been driving 22 years in the city. i bought my medallion, permit, from the city of san francisco for $250,000 in 2011. since uber and lyft came into the city, they're affecting our living and we struggle to make a living, so we need the city to buy the medallion back. the medallion caused a lot of damage in my city. i got kicked out from my apartment because uber and lyft took my money away because i failed to pay my credit card. and i went to the company and i -- to give them the medallion and they offered my $500 and the interest on my loan, $800.
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so $500, the company give me, and the interest, $800. doesn't sound right. i need a lot to repay my loan. i pay $73,000 for the medallion. $45,000 interest. so you are talking about $115,000. and i owe $180,000. so it will end up me being $500,000 and i'm really -- it's damaged me and hurt me and my family. we have faith in you to help us. and, still, i will be coming and presenting all of my friends, my friends, they didn't give up. they sent me and said, okay, i will pay for the parking and i will give sometime, you know. and we have faith in you. i hope it will be the last time.
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i really can't continue to do that. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> tom gilberti, it was a vote against gavin newsom and his government filing suit against the vote to restrict financial development. i wonder what the mayor wannabes are thinking about that? sba27, scott weiner's blanket answer to a housing crisis, again, letting developers have an upper hand in claiming a stake in our neighborhoods, across the country. the right of a community to
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>> now, we've got three legislatures right he that are leaning that way. i would like to know that the other candidates, the other wannabes think of this. thank you kindly. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> i'll be requesting to show something during part of my presentation. >> sfgtv. >> they hear quite a bit about the importance of the value and freedom to read. if folks are afraid they'll be tracked as to where they go with their materials or tracked as to what they are reading, i think that's a very serious issue, and the library wants to install a privacy threatening
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technology called rfid, radio frequently identification. very briefly, and i want to provide some materials to the members of the board. briefly, rfid is very privacy threatening. the tags can be read without the consent or knowledge of the person carrying the material, and they can be read right through clothing or a closed container. rfid has a huge security hole and that's because the signal can be blocked by inexpensive and readily available materials that are available in every home and supermarket. that means the library would be open to -- would be open to massive and undetected losses. rfid poses potential health risks from radio frequency radiation. we're not talking about atomic radiation but radio frequency radiation whose effects are
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cumulative. claims have been made for years with respect to the old technology have not been established and rfid is opposed by aclu in northern california and electric frontier organization. here's a book, spy chips. here is a paper that i'd like to give out about privacy and security by akd mistakes and here is the aclu letter that i have been referring to and i have copies for each one of you to give you. please do not fund it this time around again, thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please.
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>> good afternoon, president and board of supervisors. i would like to introduce myself. my name is kristin. i am a san francisco native as well as a resident, a voter, and a county worker. i am here, i work for zuckerberg san francisco general, san francisco general d. d.p.h. like you have heard from my previous speakers, we are here for help from the board of supervisors, elected officials in regards to the harassment, abuse we have taken not only from management but also h.r. in labor relations protecting the management. there have been a lot of things going on within d.p.h., workplace nepotism. miss cheryl that is with us today who has been with the
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city and county for 27, 28 years and was plucked out of her permanent position, it has been a lack of accountability, it has been numerous complaints regarding the treatment of us city and county employees, line staff, line workers. every time we try and address issues, we get put to a brick wall. so we're here, asking you, begging you, pleading you to give us some type of support as we try and work to help out the residents and the patients of the city and county. and we would also like to see if the d.p.h. could also be added to open hearings so we could also officially tell our stories without being on the end of closing. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon.
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my name is ellen lee zhou. for purpose of record, my name is e-l-l-e-n l-e-e z-h-o-u. i am here to ask you to have policies that protecting our own access. we waste so much on lawsuits for employment and related lawsuits. we, t department of public health have so corrupted, and i have fought many of the cases to court, to labor relation, but it's not addressed. and you as a supervisor sitting in here can think about how you can do some more effective regulations to protect the workers. just not long ago we had a protest in front of 101 grove
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because our policy failed to protect people of color. many of our workers are people of color. they are african american and they are asian employees, and they have been taken advantage of because of their color. now is the time for you to think about if you want to protect our city and use the lawsuit to build for houses for affordable housing for teachers and protect our children and give them the access that they're supposed to have when they're young. again, my name is ellen lee zhou, and i am a union bargaining team member, and i want you guys to respect -- i can't believe. i'm talking to the air right now. you guys are focused to your phone. i'm sorry to see. this is public hearings. this is like court. you are in public office and you are responsible for the time you get paid to be in here, just like us. we are public servants for public hearings. thank you. [applause] >> thank you for your comments.
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next speaker, please -- please. >> thank you, madam assistant clerk, president breed, ladies and gentlemen of the board. my name is winship hillier. i am an involuntary psychiatric outpatient here in san francisco and have been now for over a decade. let me just go through the logic with you. if there be no property without -- if there be no injury without property, and there be no property without labor, and you, through your funding of citywide case management have taken away from me the ability to labor, because that is what citywide case management community focus does, it dablz peopisables peo permanently, how is that not theft of the property that i would h
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