tv Government Access Programming SFGTV June 7, 2018 12:00am-12:55am PDT
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>> it's tuesday, may 15th, 2018. can you read the roll? ll call ] >> you have a cm. >> the ringing and use of cell ic des are prohibitundng p the. any person responsible for one going off may be asked to leave the room. we request they be turned. for approval of minutes of the may 1 regular meeting. >> do i have any public comment on the minutes?
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no. seeing none, do i have a first or sec al favor? any opposed. minutes are approved. >> item five, communications. i know of none. introduction of new business by board members. i would like to welcome director borden myself back on the board. i'm sure we were missed. director heinicke had a fantastic job. i was on a student rush hour bust yesterday and it was fascinating. it's not a line i usually ride during the week. it's usually a weekend line for me. the number of students using that bus going to san francisco state and various public and private high schools along the way was truly impressive. there were kids doing their homework on the bus. i know not a recommended study habit practice, but parents getting kid to day care, students getting themselves to school.
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it was a good reminder of how important the service that we provide s i wanted to take the opportunity to tell everybody we're doing a good the bus certainly could probably shorten its time with some muni forward help, but it was hea tening to see.othe new or unfinished business? >> i did want to -- i would love it get an update with the cybersecurity threats happening more and more and last year we had that issue where sne asked for bit coin for us, i would lo t g procedun what we're doing to protect data and things like that. >> i don't have a cheat sheet on the director's report, but if this is not on there, i will say in my capacity as a rider, i havenhat next train signs are not as accurate as they usually are, at least for the past 10 days.
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i don't know if that's bad luck on my part or there's something systemic going on. i don't need a full report on it. it's just isolated and bad luck for me, so be it. but if it's not, we do have that new system and it would be great if they workederfectly. >> if that's it, we'll move on. >> i'm sorry. do i have any public comment on new or unfinished business by board members? looks like i do. >> just wanted to say to follow up, yes, the two of you are th we have a bettering forward interaction at these board meetings. my comments from the rules committee stand. i look forward to working with both of you going forward as we need to for your upcoming term for the next four years. thanks. >> thank you. now we will move on,di
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reiskin. >> i look forward to working with you both for the next four years. i have -- >> you're on the hook for four years. you just said it. >> board willing. i wanted to start with some vision 0 update and then just a few other items. first as i'm sure you already know and have been celebrating for wee may is motorcycle safety month. and as part of that, in addition to physical advertisements, such as business ads, patching for motorcycle jackets, and in-person outreach around the city, our social media will b focused on safety issues facg motorcyclists. i didn't bring the data with me, and we have not had any motorcycle related fatalities th have bee disproportionally tapresented among our s
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ve tti thef n trips we have in tity taken my motorcycles. it's apt we're focusing on motorcycle safety. we will be sha motorcycle safety video and shareable snippets this monthn twitter and facebook and this to remind you ohird project. various city agencies are working to make our streets safer and are continuing to desire to make this reportor interesting, we're going to show you a video to make this a multimedia presentation. give you a pew ofhe .nip if we go to the ltop, please. ♪ [ music ] >> motorcycle riders 22% of the total road users, but they account for 20% of traffic fatalities. we need to change that number to 0. why are riders crashes?
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speed. some feel safe. there's plenty o room. sometimes cars can't see you and pull out too fast. nearly 60% of rider at fault crashes are because of unsafe speed. let's try that again. now it's a lot easier stop and fully control your bike. francisco, let's make every ride a safe ride. get for vision 0sf. >> mayelcome back to more videos. just tantalizing you a little bit. nowou're going to have to wait. so moving on, welcome back if we can get them back up. i wanted to give you an update on howard street, i think. we had some commentary on howard stre. i wanted to give you a little bit of an update.
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you'll recall it was two yrs ago in 2016 that kate was killed at the intersection of howard and 7th when a driver ran a red light. since then, we've taken a number of actions to improve safety at that intersection and along the entire corridor. on 7th street,ve removed a lane of traffic to create a traffic protected bike lanend install traffic signals that are 50% larger and more visible. the streetscape project on folsom is the next project. it's part of a larger project. we have installed improvements to enhance safety along the corridor which are having an impact. forle, we've completed changes on folsom including a protected way and a light at 8th and folsom. daylighting along the corridor and the aio of transit boarding islands. howard street has unique
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challenges because of the existence of the muni overhead lines, although there's not any regular muni service on howard. it's part of how the trolleybuses get back to the yard. so it is regularly used for non revenue muni travel. there's also a lot of diffuses it's where masconi center is. you can picture it between 3rd and 4th. it's not only right in front of eth convention center, but it's right in the heart of the construction for the convention center expansion. so because of those reasons, we have not beeble to put in near term improvements on howard as we did on folsom. nevertheless, we are actively working with the centernd the fire department and other stakeholders to fantastic out how we can address -- figure how how we can address those while improving bike safety on howard. a couple weeks ago or maybe it ahut 15 cyclists participat
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and members of the san francisco bicycle coalition to look athe facilitin fols and get edbackn how they becan incorporated into the permanent project and that will inform our work on howd as well. when it does move forward and it's currentlyeing cleared environmentally as part of the central soma plan, the streetscape project will be one of the largest streetscape projects in the city. we're hoping to be able to bring you legislation later this year assuming the central soma plan construction scheduleurrenve that willave hork t d by023. that's an update on howard. one addl bitiona of good news with regard to vision 0 -- and you might have already read or heard about this -- last wednesday, we joined with
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members of our senior disability unitieto announce a new s stand pedtrian counsel down signals. eime we give pedestrians to cross the street. so from this pointward, wherever we're touching a traffic signal, we will implement a new standard of 3 feet per second during the pedestrian count down. the current standard is 3.5 feet per second. this is the speed for which we set at the crossing speed. it used to be back about ten years ago, 4.5 feet per second. we've been accommodating slower walking speeds or maybe we've been bringing our trance its -- traffic signal timing in line with realistic crossing speeds for pedestrians. thisl play to the 1200
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signalized intersections that we have around the city where we can't throw a switch and make this happen. we'll it as we do signaling timing upgrades or other signal upgrades across the city. so it's a couple ofdson sectns. tods at larger intersections, but it was a good partnership with a number of advocates, and i think it will be a good change for cit did we have our video ready again? or do we give up on the video? to round out t visio 0 report. ♪ [ music ] motorcyclists have special situations to deal with. we get fog that's almost rain, oil build-up on streets with fog or rain make the road really slick especially roadway paint. motorcycles lose traction in the rain, much more easily than
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cars. slow down to be safe. we also have muni tracks and metal plates just about. e a rasily at a 90 degree angle. hit your cruising speed withoutaking or accelerating. if you need to slow down, break your enjoin befe you apply the brakes. we have steep hills that you have to go up and down and up and down in stop-and-go traffic. not like that. you'll have a better ride when you're able to brake gently. san francisco, let's make every ride a safe right. get more tips from vision 0 sf. >> do one more? ♪ [ music ] hello, san francisco. it's april 2018 and are our
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mission 0 sf monthly highlights. our roundup of projects to help san francisco reach our goal of tenderloin welcomes the firs protected bike line. constructionegan on the new protected bike lane connecting impot paths along san francisco's bike routes. the kids size replica of a city namedteat will teach children mayor ed lee. ais can beeassembl eusols teachtudents around city. the somewhere vehicle enforcement unit conducted a high visibility operation in fisherman's wharf, the marina, and the produce market area. they cited two dozen commercial vees for unsafe practices. there was ope an and library meetings to engage with
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residents about the traffic projected. they provided feedback on near long-term locations for safer neighborhood streets. on apr 5th, as 10,000 donned their kicks and lebrated the 6th annual wal to workday, crossing was turned on. for more information on whas hag ippeninsan francisco, go to vision 0sf. >> that onecyclot ty generalized one. that's all available on the youtube channel. a couple other misceaneous items. one, with regard to the central subway, i know you've been reading or hearing quite a about that, so j want to give you a brief update which is -- so you can hear it from me, which might be different than what you hear from some of the media.
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, factually speaking, it came to our attention that the ra subs have laid down 17,000ineal feet of steel rails which call for high stngth steel rails. the area where they've bee installed so far runs from just p tth of the 4th a toue union squ market street station. upon learning of this, we did send them a letter directing them to replace that rail with rail that meets the standards that are specified in our cont. the stad steel does not pose a safety issue. it just won last as long as the higher strengtail, wch is why we tend to speck the higher graail. so we akihe e bestgtor to figure out what rwarfo as well as any schedule
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impact, which if there is any, weec be faiy minim will providew ks a comete analysis of what happened, why it happened, what we're doing about it, and what the impacts are. just wanted to clarify for you where we areh that. thiseek is san francisco small business w we are the s fm ta is a sponsor post for this 14th annual san francisco small business w which runsrday through the 19th, small business week celebrates contributions of more than 4,000 members of our small business community. the small businessonor ceremony will be held at:30 to recognize an exceptional small business from each of thepe isor d th event throughout week. i think i will be at one tomorrow. you can see and learn about all
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of t at sf sus saturdill b shop and dine in the 49. eing a program of the vironment to encourageeopleforce to shop and dine here locally. t finally, on sunday, the sfmta will host the beta breakers. we expect more than 100,000cerse on the streets. is really just is the beginning of what tends to be a very long and robust special ent season here throughout the su a in san w support ofve be operating early rail service with aitionales toet top and the racnd minimize disruption to going fmheace in the city who is
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we willavdditiolking control officers throughout the race corridor to safely move traffic and we'll worilice a pur tsop as quickly as possible a taf the race passes. will our deptment operations centervate so that we can manage the event and stay inontact with all the other city agencies and as always, each year, we take the lessons learned apply them to the next year. we should get better and better at this as the years go on. that completes my report. >> thank you, director. theio motorcycle ty mont the 21hayes had a lower and safer sign on it we cme all especially now that e have electric assisted means of zipping around the city and we can go faster than, perhaps, we're used to and might be safe will lo hearing more a central subway.
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learkgome of that you're right. i think it'seen a little confusing the way it's been discussed out in tssrend in public. so thank you for that. director'sdoes anyone have report? no? seeing none, thank you very much. do we have any public comment on the report. >> you do. >> 2 minutes, please. >> on the director' report, first today i'm wearing a dpw t-shirt. formally operated by director reiskin. i did note the announcement last week, i'm not clear on what the pactill b long-term on muni operating speed and c a for that matter, the impact o other modes of transportation. seems to me like this could be a ceqa issue, and so i don't know
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exactly how this was decided, if this is just a policy call, if this is actually somethingthat'a jurisdiction or ifecto the can simply change the crossing speed withte impacts that has and whether this constitutes a project for ceqa. i would love to get an answer from staff on that. and then the lasttem, since last time director unveiled the new logo, wch i expressed leur about durinhe first two weeks under the new logo, by my count, there was a majorechnology glitch in the first week, which resulted in systems being down for a significant part of that thursday involving employees, affecting passengers and a lot of people. there was the rail issue that was in the pressch whi just discussed. and there was a minor earthquake that resulted in having check
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tracks for safety purposes. in my view, not a good first two weeks under the new logo. thanks. >> thank you. mr. mcguire, can someone reach out the pedestrian count downing? thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> herbar winer, one thing about the vision 0 videos, i think they're very good, but i challenge vision 0 to do one thing and i challenge this board to do one thing. have a videouticyclists riding on the sidewalk and the red light. this should be also a video i challenge you tut that one out, especially since n are appeari of the bicyclealit me as i testify. the second thing, about the central subway,as assorted
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history. reerhe cooking of the oks that was exposed by lavonda atkinson in? [indiscernible] has been in court i don't know how many times. so therefore, it's delay upon delay, et cetera. this really is a weather vane of mta. >> kathy is the last person to turn in a speaker card on the director's report items. >> good afternoon, chair and directors. i'm t policy and pgram director at walk san francisco, issiheha to comp t increasedssin cro times for pedestrians. th is a huge change, a huge improvement in our city. i have other cities calling me up, saying, what's going on? how did you do this? this is amazing. te at walk sfndr fellow
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these -- i'm not talking about that at glare means. if we have the resources to make these helpful things as chair brickman points out, put things on the buses and other things that educate our fellow citizens, i think this is a problem that does exist and it's not just a pet complai that we hear from one or two but people are riding their booikes on the sidewalks, particularly downtown and ridi their scooters on the sidewalks for sure. if we can educate people that's not the appropriate way to e oel us trying tolp and itwo discourage that behavior try to communicate that message better as wel that's something i would favor. i suspect that the pedestrian advocates and bike advocates agree and certainly we would take any feed back they have. >> thank you. i think that's a good idea.
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just to c clarify, i believe tht children under the age of 16 can ride on the sidewalk. >> non-motorizescooters on the sidewalk. what we are seeing no you -- now is a lot of motorized. >> that's a great idea and can help get the word out. thank you ve much. >> madame chair, item 8. we are joined by frank who is the vice chairman of the cac. >> good the see you. thank you so much for your work on the cac. welcome. >> good afternoon, madame chair, board of directors. so i'm representing from our last meetin we had two recommendations that i would like to present to the board right now. first one is on the eastermhat passed last time into recess. csc supports the proposed plan for these scooters. it's
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recommended that sfmt provide the guidelines on how and where the scooters are placed and w encoe sfpd to enforce the state law against sidewalk riding. it's recommending that sfmta with the scooter companies -- work with the scooter companies to share data travel information, user travel information so the analysis can be done to update a comprehensive plan, transit plan, which can ultimately reduce congestion. so in other words you want to have -- get this incorporated sgoo a plan. -- into a plan. the second motion we passed has to do with today's topic, which is business of streetcars. that one reads as, recommends that complete cars in and then in parens slated to be scrapped, not be scrapped or rather retained for the plan or a
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planned expansion of or rail line service in the future, may not be just the e line but any new line that may come ther cars are bei moved t anotherrag area these cars can also be moved at the same cost of the cars. the cost of those storage and stripping cars is offset by moving the car -- by the moving costs of the cars thus keeping the cars in tact is far more beneficial. this is also because i have the potential for selling or trading with other transit properties. the argument places the cars that are kept and stored outside for the past 15 years to an outside observer it makes no sense to scrap a complete car instead of a completely stripped car. therefore it is that if necessary already complete stpped cars be scrapped in exchange for the three of the
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complete cars t you are planning to scrap. >> thank you. i willhate the disposal of the streetcars iss in is -- severed so we'll be able to do that. >> thank you. >> public comment? >> no one has turned in a speaker card on that, madame chair. >> any public comment? seeing none public comment closed and we will move on. >> nine, general public comment. this is an opportunity for the members of the public to address the board on items not on today's agenda. >> thank you, director. i thank you.
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some people had to come back, some peoeverpl not the paperwork. that's another issue but thank you so much for doing it. going forward and to this one, the report, you paid $225,000 and i a surge report. they are totlly ble,1c that it should be given to one company. all the people came to the first meeting, second meeting, now we are done in the third meeting. nobody supported it. that shows how bad the report is, not single person in favor of this report. going to item 2, about reducing the number of medalian, nobody supported it. both items failed miserably in these meetings so far. so it's aaste of our money.
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you don't have one person saying there's anything to do in it going further about this one, t eder credit union, it's zero fr the government. they are collected at the height of the market, too much money they never said we will charge you instead of six o p two person. they made the money. they should not be paid anything. it was a business deal. fair, fair. they should not be paid anny from the mta. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> on the way to the meeting i saw shooters on the sidewalk over and over and over again. u shod have never given them a like that. this is to be
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honored with safety standards. they violated it immediately. the companies oh -- of the scooters have to be cant account. either you comply with the law or we run you out of town. it's as simple as that. i really don't like the idea of people's safety on the sidewalk being endangered. i'll say onehing for the motorcyclists, they never ride on the sidewalk, they never go through the red light. so anyway, please enforce your standards and start arresting them and citing them. you only have to do this randomly and will go out. the public safety is endangered. you are mandated with protecting that. i say that in bold italic letters. please do so. >> thank you. next speaker, please.
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>> david pillpail continuing with the item for rail back the twin peaks project which i've spoke b about several times, 50i7 wondering if the rail meets the specifications in the contract? was that high strength rail, regular strength rail, is t ail along the boulevard for the last two, two and a half years rusting? th going t nd to be ground in the tunnel after being laid. is thaoi reduc life pa less to what was projected by staff? the issue raise these questions for you in which we are planning a three-day shut down for memorial day weekend and a
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60-day shut down that wil inconvenience passengers, especially those of us on the west side directors who have to sit on the west side of the room. that's very nice. so i have those concerns. in addition, themorial weekend closure has not been largely broadcast to passengers. that's supposed to be a week and a hf from now. that's a three-day shut down which will inconvenience lots of people. the larger 60 day closure that's now planned in july and august has was discussed earlier as it relates to special, it will impact other special events, for example, the sunday concerts at stern grove and lots of other things that happen over the summer for which people normally take the subway and for which if bus substitution is aable will delay their trips significantly and t may not know that and may not plan accordingly and will be further unhappy with the new agency with
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the new logo. thanks. >> chairman brinkman: thank you. next speaker, please. >> the last two people to turn if a speaker card on this topic. >> chairman brinkman: mr mr. gilberte. >> thank you. apologize for getting here late and missing the director's report. scooter on the ground reminds me of people laid out on the ground. it's just bad. he departmen efcation rontof and that's a narrow -- with the trees and planting there, that's naow walkway now. you throw a scooter in and it's bad. on saturday i was boarding the e-line at the 30 building and at the bottom of the ramp two scooter people were just leaving their scooters at the bottom of the ramp for the wheel tochr go up. i said i hope you're not leaving them here. yes, they did.
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it's a tough play. sidewalk walk, we don't require helmets to walk on the sidewalk, especially if you're in a wheelchair or a low but people who we are aowing on the idewalk require a he. so there's a mismash of danger here. civic center, i want to thank you for trying something with people in the elevators. i came out of civic center last wednesday. the person inside greeted me and outside the doors on the walkway not knowing very much about your -- urine, i'm wondering if urine can create a bomb. they don't pee inside the elevator anre rs close and they pee right outside the elevator on the platform
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from the civic center. i had never smelled it so bad. i understand we have steam clean machines. we don't have the cause to u so we need to hire more. thank you. >> chairman brinkman: thank you. next speaker. >> mark gruberg is the last speaker to turn in a speaker card on this topic. >> thank you directors, mark gruberg. i also want to say a few words about the shallow report. i really feel it was a missed opportunity. prime reason as i understood it forhis port s the broken medallion situation. there's nothing in this report that is going to help our change that. certainly nothing directly. the only, you know, indirect
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help would be some vague proposals that theoretically, you know, could i the management o and t somehow improve ridership. it's really nothing. there's no help for the building of ridership. reducing the number of medallions is only going to hurt at those type that is are fairly rare. there are times that you need these cabs out on the street. the report is going to benefit maybe just two very large companies and small companies are going to have to go banging at their doorstep because those companies are going to be put in
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charge of airport dispatch. so, you know, that's not right and not fair. so i don't think that there is much of anything if anything in this report to recommend it. just to say a last word about the scooters e -- the behavior is or rent duhs. >> chairman brinkman: anything else? >> moving onto your consent calendar. they are considered to be routine unless a member of the public or board wish to have an it item severed. you've had request for 10.2pii, 10.4 and 10.5 be
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severd. do i have a motion to approve content minus 10.2pii, 10.4 and 10.5. >> so moved. >> ll call] consent calendar approved except for those item that is start with 10.2p. it was severed by a request of the member of the public on kirkham street. >> david pill pail. i oppose this intersection. it's not need. it's an intersection that gets more traffic on kirkham and less on 16th avenue. i heard it was not a strong concern. if it waspproved i would ask that staff monitor its implementation and consider
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revoking it in the future if it turns out it was not strongly needed. once again, i note for all of 10.2 that there's no sec in the write up about stakeholder engagement that's present in all the other staff reports but none for 10.2. i would be interested in knowing for each of these proposed change ifs there was public comment or no comment so it's just recogni as a routine staff item. that's what we normally see but it isn't there for 10.2 thank you. >> chairman brinkman: thank you mr. pillpail. mr. mcguire cou speak on 10.2p o kirkham street. >> good afternoon, directors. tom mcguire. director of the sustainable
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streets division. this location 16th and kirkham is at the base of the hidden garden steps. we had a question on the -- request onhe 22nd saying that pedestrians with -- were hard to see and requests a stop sign be installed. it was taken to a public hearing on march 22nd at which there were no objections and that's why we are recogniz recommending it. >> chairman brinkman: thank you. any directors or a motion to approve. n the 10.2 item social security it typical that hearing those things constitutes public out reach and they got some sort of notice for people in the area? >> that's right. the audience that we brought to you on the 10.2 consent calendar are items that went through the public hear and there was objection or minimal disagreement. >> chairman brinkman: thank you. do i have a motion? a secnd?
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>> [roll call] >> chairman brinkman: thank you very much. as noted by the publicmmentperc that one and ie ar any e mprevisit. 10.2ii. >> chair, that item has to do with establishing tow way, no stopping any time on fell street ious locations. can brinkman: all right. i have public comment. >> yes. tim hickey. >> chairman brinkman: welcome. >> thank you. my name is tim hickey. i'm a resident of the north panhandle and with the north panhandle neighborhood association a board member. rhb the neig association would like to request you approve this. this is a high iury corridor had an already had a fatality last year. we don't want more. the small step is something we think is necey that you consider this. >> chairman brinkman: thank you very much mr. hickey and thank or the work t youn
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the neighborhood for safety and other issues. i have another public comment? >> we have several. kristen lucky, kathy deluca, les stepeni. is kristenucky and'm here fm tan be ca i'm here to support the lighting on the street, a tha s a hgh number oftal collisions. pedestrian safety improvements are paramount. last year daviger killkingaln his way from the senior home to the park. this is inexcusable. we c afford msife torossing the is many others hit interti fell street along the panhandle. daylighting makes crosswalks safer allowing drivers to see pedestrianscrsing. necessar crea safe nteri eveonone on the street. the closest spo t
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intersections, a small price to pay people's safe insd ywh i may seem small this is a dangerous intersection. i urge the board to approve daylighting to ms rgero stretf ad ser everyone. thank you for >> cmanrrinkmtha you. ea please >>he people to turnn speaker cards. >> good afternoon, ci'm kky s cisco i'm here to the the daylighting on fell street. it's just such a ridiculous term. it's something that was adopts a part o quick effective vision zero pace as just a rdstda treatment. is just it's really easy to stude savwn that decreases crashes by 30%. so if we have something that's inexpensive that we know works
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and communi neds then i urge you to pass this. thank you. >> chairman brinkman: thank you. next speakerplse. >> csey those are the laspeoo e to turn in a speaker card. >> thank you. i' the president of the north asnhe i'm h to s -- i'mo support the daylhting f street. all now fell street i located right next to a park. it's surrou beni living, surrounded by families, surrounded byne t et e round panhandle neighborhood. we beeve by adding daylighting wille with pedestrian visibi c dver visility. k
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thankforuoming down. >> david pillpail is the last personeak tr card n o this item did pillpail. i have heard from p inhe neighborhood who support and those who oppose these removals. jhose who oppose thes removals. this is already an impacted parking had s sifemols as relatet the bicycle plannd e lero in addition, the area is currently undertrction jee sonic it's n clear from t calendar item whhe total amo o parkingov psehere really this is exactly the kind edsto haot at's a corridor st the specific changes bu ive imcts from this a.
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poposed parking reduce along ious parking eardnd hbout the individual who was hit but i'm not clear on why s is neeed. t aents questions in pcuhathe total parking removal is and, ag, going forwa ior coror projects if not the agenda but thert sff should total up the parking othe . thanks. >> chairman brinkman: thank you. mr. mcguire, i believeha engsot e sin ilso therdt's being removed and that's down from an original higherirst take at this? >> that's correct. there are eight blocks bet bakndstanion. be p
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em toesechanges. >> chairman brinkman: this is a sion zero proct done as the result ofhointersections. m looking at the little chart and it loks like there'stal of idor ors aco so we think based on what was said about this reducing it by a significant number that we are ?go to take thwn >> t right. it's 1 and pedestrian collisions 30 few auto as well. there's quite s sht irman brink make it safe ussectn at keand fell on foot and on a bicycle. the daylighting das sigan difference. it gives pedestrians a lot more space to see carsnd pedestrians. do a thing.s is going to be wille be marking them redr
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th paint? age on .eague is the i'm going to askim to .n,od dir. sour plajus red curbs at this point. in the future we could consider painted safety zones is what we call them. we have implemented themn the rman , the fell and bakinrsecti. brinkman: i am supporti thif aly worried that we are t a me originally ke if we approve this today with the nine parking spaces removed forward w whaare wg thatouldgo doing to do when we have another car or pedestrian or bike crash we going to ba a r? look at those that we decided not to do at this poi part of nyrerash -- i mean, hopefully it wouldn't be a fatal
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crash. it does weigh on tt we no mu as we originally wanted to do. >> oe i yes that if -- hopefully there won't be but ifre a serious crash in this corridor we will make sure owniengineers go out there see what we can't done to make it fer. with thataipletion of the ma sonic intersection will help. wenk t impvements where th hazstds are the treatments of each intersec bet bnernd e think it should make a signature difference. >> chairman brinkman: diretoqu s, concerns? i h nr aotion to approve? thank you both. >> approve. >> second. >> chairman brinkman: thank you. all in favor? all opposed? we approve that one with
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the understanding that this is a corridor that we might need to look at again in the future. so thank you for the work of this mr. lucky and mr. mcguire and thank yo commenters who came down for this. 10.4. >> authorizing changes to rental ftreets ection 301 and 305 failure to timely pay or w income boot removal fee and ake first time eligibrfo first toe and revilo towing fees. >> chairman brinkma public comme. >> chairman brinkman: welcome. > direct the financial justice project in the office oe
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jose sisneros. we've been collaborating through our fines and task force. i want tonk tmta sa francisco people struggling. that will help them as they find mselve in a desperate sittion. people for example like who is a disabled senior g her car towedhe first time or her 49 year driveing e it wasable to pay her rent andhe citation and ed ssld bu e wen project homs ct w i wasbl citation to prevent her eviction. the reforms thatre be todayl fference for people living poverty have a hard time coming up with the
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couple hundred dollars all at once. ignificantly lower tow fees and boot fees unde 200% of pty line and allow people to pay off their citations that led to the tow or boot over time through a payment plan or by doing community ert's i my understanding the these reforms wouldhave been in place pamela would have needed to come up with half of what she did and she would have been able to pay off her citation over time making ea for her to do o. with these er few peopl like pamela will make the decision, d r ptr my car back. our joint work on these challenges is not done. the ated these reform to the stakeholder group as a step to this process. we are still in a discussion of how to help people struggling with homelessness lin i
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their cars and towing cars. we look forward touin c to work with you and thank you much. >> chairman brinkmaou.n:th jaiusti by ase. david pillpail. those are the last twopele. >> ood afternoon, directors. tipping point is non-profit tributed mth $200 2005 we rd million t areay non-profits. applaud the changes tha you're considering to citatio towings and tootboots. tipping point worked wpcosre tor e impact of ation on lowncome drivers.we analyzed 4.5 million citas coveing a 5-year period and 1.3 million unie cart mo likely than drivers who are
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not low income to be assessed late fees. hat low income iverdr received more expense e. low income drivers were less r fix it option thanotion drivers not low income. we presentedo mta's leadership and the mayor's getudffice. tipping point supporting t changes to th towing and boot fees that the board is considering today and encourages mta to consider other reforms that would have an impact on those who are low income or ly vhnerable. we seee asmpor ant tt and w lokforward to fther pol cs i this area. than you. >> chairman brinkman: thank you muchve r. austin. next speaker please. >> david pillpail is thelas pe to tn in a speaker card on this matter. >> david pillpail. i was goi to make a joke about cern n about the car rl fees
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modification. i ise an seissue. proposes to revise fees that were just adopted in budget but this is a separate action, the may 1st deadlior the budget has passed. this is sepe theudget approval. it's a stand alone item and this was actuallypose as i unders a was adopted. so the seqa review that was associated with this item was back from february in connectio with the over all budg did not detail out the fees, include the specific set of proposals. i don't think that the prior approoverss item and i wouldkely ctest this via an appeal to the board of of supervisors. the february seqareiew was not a blanketova
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ncan at just say any to fees and fares is covered under 15273. the planning dtment h to conquer in that and actually needs to review the proposed fee y can, you know, approve this if you want. council can go discuss it with staff. i've already made my points. i would likely conteshis unless this is an urgency item. i would suggest resolving this or putting it off. happy to talk toeopl p about it. yom : ha noels your opinion on this? are we tay go ahead on this e? >> i do sara jones in the audience so if you want to take the next item i could confer with her briefly and just make sure that everything is set before you move forward. b> chair thals good. we will move onto. >> 10.5, authorizing the d
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disposal of streetcars. single speaker, david pillpail. >> staff is going to want to ar this as well because this rmanlso an seqa u wan ? rinkman: yes, please. >> so is seqa issue here, you already heard from t cac they disagree with the staff tio the i is i in any opinion not a minor change to a structure applicable to class one exception. these vehicles are 45 -- are more than 45 years old and the checklist does not so indicate. it marked the other box. the agency just leased space for vintage streetcars to be moved from morin. these are streetcars that could be so moved. i thought that in order to dispose of such strees the agency first had to declare them surplus under the
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administrative code. the calendar item doesn't say declaring them surplus. i'm not suron iha hadescribedr i was also assured that any disposal of such cars would be consistent with a vinta c policy that would be preve pres to the andca i understand has not been. theenda item does reference something related toicle policy, i have not seen that document and so i'm making a request right here right now for that document that was referenced in the staff report. again, i note that this is an seqa issue and i would likely appeal this to the board of supervisors. i havtionent
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