tv Government Access Programming SFGTV June 10, 2018 7:00am-8:00am PDT
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down, the other is up, and hopefully we just keep going. but definitely, we're going in the right direction. so i just want to thank you for putting this together. congratulatis to the finance team for our a rating. that is absolutely phenomenal. yes, so thank you. it's been a long night. thank you, thank you. >> item ten, new business -- 14, new business. >> is there any new business? is there any public comment on new business? >> no worries. >> yes, yes, they're up. commissioners, any new business? no? the only thing i think i asked for an update to our crane cove park. >> yes, that's correct. >> funding. what are we doing with our $36 million and our funding sources? okay. can i have a motion to adjourn?
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welcome to members of the public. madam secretary, can you please call the first item. >> clerk: thank you. madam chair. the first item of business is it, rol call. commissioners, please respond when i call your name. [roll call] >> clerk: the next order of business is item 2, announcements. the next regularly scheduled meeting will be held at june 19 at 1:00 p.m. in room 116. the. please be advised that the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound producing electronic devices are prohibited from this meeting. c, announcement of time allotment for public comments. please be advised a member of
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the public has up to three minutes to make pertinent public comments on each agenda item, unless the commission adopts a shorter period on any item. it is strongly recommended that members of the public who wish to address the commission fill out a speaker card and submit that completed card to the commission secretary. the next order of business is item three, report on actions taken at a previous closed session meeting, if any. there are no reportable actions. the next order of business is item four, matters of unfinished business. there are no matters of unfinished business. the next order of business is item five, matters of new business consisting of consent and regular agenda. first, the consent agenda. 5-a, approval of minutes. regular meeting of april 1, 2018 and me 3, 2018. third -- [inaudible]
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>> -- acting through the san francisco planning department to extend the term from fiscal year 2018 to fiscal year 2020, and to increase the budget by an amount not to exceed $450,000 for a total aggregate amount not to exceed 1,57 $1,575,000. resolution 24-18. madam chair. >> do we have any speaker cards, madam secretary? >> we have one. >> this is on consent agenda, mr. washington. [inaudible] >> yeah, there you go. >> there we go. commissioners, how's everybody here today, june 5, election day, supervisors, and i'm here
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in front of you all. but i'm so distraughted. i know you're talking about whatever it is, go ahead and pass it. but a meeting with some of your top officials, and sure you don't know nothing about it. i'm here to toot my horn. i was treated like i was some kind of peeon. morales was there, all he could do was keep his head down. i'm going to sit down, and we're just beginning, but i'm appalled, i'm appalled, your staff had a meeting with me, ace, a-c-e, five against one, and i was treated like i was some peeon.
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i'll tell you about that later, commissioners. my name is ace, and i'm on the case. probably some people that are back here, don't stay in the city. bottom line, whoever stays in the city, makes the decision, not no big money man. my name is ace, and i'm on the case. >> clerk: thank you. no speaker cards, madam chair. >> hearing no further request to speak on the item, i'll close public comment. i'll turn to commissioners for questions and comments on the consent agenda. if not, i need a motion. >> moved. >> second. >> moved by commissioner singh and seconded by commissioner rosales. madam secretary, please take a roll call. >> clerk: commission members, please announce your votes for the consent items when i call your name. [roll call] >> clerk: madam chair, the vote is three ayes and one
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absent. >> motion carries, so madam secretary, call the next item. >> the next regular agenda item is 5-c, adopting review findings pursuant to the california environmental quality act and approving amendments to the mission bay south and mixed use developments on blocks 29 through 32 in mission bay south and approving specific displace pursuant to such comprehensive sign program, including general advertising. mission bay south redevelopment project area, discussion and action, resolution 25-2018. madam chair -- or madam director. >> thank you. thank you, madam secretary, through the chair, this item is before you because back in 2015, you had approved this
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item and approving this event center project, the agency also approved by resolution amendments to the design development, recognizing that some signs and displaced that would otherwise be prohibited would be beneficial due to the unique aspects of the operation and marketing of the event center as an arena for professional sports and other entertainment uses, and that general advertising, fines, video boards, electronic and other signs should be permitted at the event center and on the event center premises in accordance with the comprehensive sign program. what's before you is a proposal that we've been working on for the past year with a development partner and other city agencies, specifically, the planning department. and today, we will have a presentation on this item, as well as a development partner, and he will lead the presentation. >> good afternoon, madam chair,
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commissioners, director. project manager for mission bay. the item before you is the approval of the mission bay south design for development and signage master plan amendments for the establishment of a comprehensive sign program, the golden state warriors event center. the actions we'll be asking you to take will be approving amendments to the mission bay south development, mission bay south master plan, and approving specific signage. they did go through site locations, previous event center approvals -- [inaudible] >> -- ceqa, and next steps. here, blocks 29 through 32 is where the event center project is located. the director said back in
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november 2015, the commission conditionally approved the condition concept and schematic design application for the golden state warriors event center and mixed use development. because it is a unique development, one of the conditions of approval was to submit a signage plan which included amendmenting the sign for development and the signage master plan. the design for development amendments, we're changing the signage section that allows for a comprehensive signage plan in the mission bay signage master plan for the event center. the event center will include certain types of sponsorship and entertainment related signage consistent with other arena and event centers. for the signager pten amendments, we've created a separate section for the event center sign program as it is unique. it'll include a roof sign, a video board that'll be 68 feet long by 38 feet tall, located
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on the west side of the arena facing the plaza and third street. there will be six event center facade signs, three on the east side and three on the west. there will be a gate house ticker which will be facing third street, a full led ribber located above the south entrance. there'll be 15 informational pylon signs located throughout the project area -- event center project. district signs, there'll be two of those located on the west side, displaying the slogan, tag line or information of an event related sponsor. the business signs, which dealing with a lot of the retail will follow the mixed
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use retail signage of the master signage plan, so there'll be consistency there. the office towers, we're limiting it to two signs with no one sign greater than 81 square feet, door signs located at the entrance doors of the event center, and temporary signage and additional signage, we recommend it'll be subject to review and approval of the agency director as those signs are presented to us. the illumination and operations, the ticker will operate later to one hour after the event. the event center roof sign may be illuminated by halo lighting from 10:00 a.m. to midnight every day day, and the informational signs and pylons may be illuminated from 10:00
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a.m. to one hour after the end of the event. amplified sounds is regulated by the entertainment commission. [inaudible] >> -- in a 12 month period, we'll be asking for additional permits. for general advertising, the video board, the gate house ticker, and the theater ticker may display the advertising for up to 20 event center sponsors for no more than 30% of the time from two hours prior to a posted start time of an event until one hour after the event: specific signage will be requesting and recommending approval for is the event center roof sign, event center
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facade signs, gate house ticker, the threater ticker, and the video board. also for the district and pylon signs, we recommend approval of the general size and location with a final design and location to be approved at a later date by the executive di with us here today, we have the project sponsor of the golden state warriors with rick welts, david kelley, stephen collins, peter kelly, and yoyo chan, and they'll be presenting the signage program. >> good afternoon, commissioners. it's an honor to be before you today. we've waited for this day for quite a while. i'm here with you, instead of with our basketball team in cleveland. i don't know if you've heard. we have a little tournament
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going on right now, but frankly, this is the most important thing that affects us today. itffec a our schedule, affects our ability to be successful in our project so that's why i'm here with you. so the last several months, we've entered into good faith negotiations with ocii. special thanks to the executive director. we've been guided by the mayor's office, by the planning department, and i think what we present to you today and ask for your approval is a result of the terrific process. so special thanks to the director and ocii staff for their efforts. certainly not the only ones involved. ucsf has been involved from the beginning. actually been great partners with us. certainly our residential and commercial neighbors have all had the opportunity to see and weigh in on this plan. i see corinne woods here from
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the mission bay citizens advisory commission, we thank their 11-0 vote to support this plan. sometimes it feels there are more people involved in this process than a warriors championship parade, but we think we're at a point now where we think this is worthy of your consideration. i will say we are at a point today that is the most basic tool box we need to be successful. and i define success on this project as providing the right fan amenities, the right opportunity for the project to be successful. maybe most importantly, the right opportunity to be able to draw the type of events to this arena. i understand why it's referred to as the warriors arena, but three-quarters of the events that take place here will not be warriors games, and in my mind is the real benefit of this project. we do things differently in san francisco as from the
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beginning, is completely privately financed construction project on privately purchased land, but we do feel that what's being presented to you today is a great representation of how this should be done in san francisco and gives us the tools we need to -- to nominate the next president of the united states, hopefully, soon, at the new chase center, family shows, and create memories for generations to come. so thank you very much for the time you've already devoted and for your consideration today. i'd like to introduce our vice president of construction and development, peter brock. peter? >> thank you, mr. welts. thank you, especially to the ocii staff with whom we've been working so diligently with over the past several months,
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again, back towards the event center. and what we're showing here is a lot of the things that we've talked about as to the content and how we're activating this content. so it'll have time and weather information, transportation information. it'll have content that shows about upcoming events, highlight of past events. one of the things that we hope to do obviously is not just activate chase center on the development 260 days a year, but on the other 165. you've seen a farmer's market that we'd like to host here on a weekly basis, ice rink with a live feed, so people could
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watch themselves, having a live video or instagram moment so they could see what happens on the arena. we're in discussons about looking at content about not only bay area history but also san francisco history that we can show here. we also would host events such as movie nights, so what you see here is really the start of one of those, an evening shot, giving you a context of the crowd that's assembled there in attendance to enjoy the movie night, and then, obviously, when it's over, providing for people again the transportation information for them to return home safely. if you jump back now to this is a future crosswalk that would be at the end of campus way, this is mart of mta's part of
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the pedestrian project, that's if you're standing there, looking back again, you get the context of the illuminated sign at night on the halo lit sign on the metal panels along with the gate house l.e.d. ticker, and a day shot of the same. so one of the things that we did in putting together this program was we went around to some of the key sensitive receptors in the area to understand what the view impact might be from those locations. and so what you have in your packets and what we'll run through here is just a quick view studies that we did have hearst tower, which is the graduate student housing at ucsf campus. this is a view from the roof just slightly set back from third street on gene friend way. we couldn't get into a unit that was one floor down because they're all occupied, but we asked our engineers and model
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here to sort of render the concept as if you were 10 feet lower from the roof to give you a context of what it's like when you were in a unit? we went around to third street and did the same thing from the roof there? we then took a view from campus way, looking through the, you know, various sort of glassy transparent gate house structure, looking towards the plaza? we went to mission hall, to the chancellor's conference room, and took view studies from there. this is one of the vantage points where there is a direct view into our plaza and we reviewed this extensively with ucsf? from the heliport, making sure heliport operations remain as is. from the top patient floor of the existing hospital.
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we even went up to the potrero hill rec center and took images from the tennis courts looking back towards chase center and the development. i don't have a pointer with you, but you would find it's hard to see the rooftop of chase towers and one of the office buildings adjacent to it. with you went over to u -- [inaudible] >>nd then, also to, 1600 owens to the kaiser permanente building. we did a very similar effort at night to understand the effects of illumination, most of which will be wrapped up in our event center light plan, which is one of our continuing mitigation measures that we still need to
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have approved by ocii. but you can see here, we went to several of those same locations, but we added on studies from the madrone penthouse, from the potrero hill, the neighborhood house, and also midhill at potrero hill at 20th and i-20. what we were looking for in this is trying to understand what the modelling is showing. a large engineering firm performed these studies for us. the illuminating engineering society has what we call the lighting handbook which provides guidelines for lighting engineers on the illumination levels that you want to wheeedesigning not only within spaces and outside spaces. and from what this tells is on an ex-year application if you're designing egress ramps, safety for people to walk
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safely away from a facility, that you typically want an average foot candle of 1.0, and they recommend the range to be .5 to 2.5. specifically if you're designing a parking lot in aburban setting, again, 1.5 food candles is what you're hoping to achieve, with a.of .75 to three. and lastly, if you're looking at crosswalks, so pedestrian safety next to roads, there's all different classifications on the size of roads. we're showing a fairly conservative assumption here showing a local road and a collector, but even then, you want a 1.6 in your crosswalks with a range of 1.1 to 2.1. the effects of the proposed sign i can't imagine program in front of you is what you see in front of you. in fact, the highest
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contribution of illumination is from campus way, which was that view down at the pedestrian scale, standing in the middle of the street, and that's a .711 food candle increase. at the ucsf helipad, it was .097 food candles, and from mission hall, .232. so the context, again, going back to here, was the average that you look to achieve from a design standpoint is 1 to basically 1.6, depending on the locations, and the impact of this signage program, the highest one is .7. so beneath those averages. and that was all i had to run you through the program. thank you. >> thank you. thank you. do we have any speaker cards?
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oh, you're going to go back. sorry. >> so to wrap things up, the mission bay cac held a special meeting on june 1 to review the event center special sign program, and they approveds that at the meeting. there was public feedback. they thought it was thoughtful, and they are hopeful -- looking forward to it help activate the area. two of the 12 cac members did feel that one of the facade signs, one on the glass facing
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east should have been raised higher above the glass, up at the roof line, but ocii, and the planning department, the mayor's office and the warriors have all collectively worked together and feel that the signage as currently located is the appropriate design location. ucsf has been involved with a lot of feedback, and they approved the signage, and they will continue to work with the warriors and ocii to ensure that the placed sign i can't imagine will not affect the residents and more importantly, the helicopter pilots on their way to the helicopter pads. for ceqa, the proposed amendments are implementing being as within the scope of the event center project analyzed in the supplemental environmental impact report for the event center and mixed use development at mission bay, and the commission certified the feir on november 3, 2015 and
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feels there's no further action -- [inaudible] >> -- is required. the next steps, as we discussed, the entertainment commission will be amending the place of entertainment for the amplified sound. the exterior lighting plan will need to be -- [inaudible] >> -- by the staff and executive director to ensure walking on third street, trees will block the video boards. and then finally, most importantly, the event center, we will be having the temporary certificate of occupancy on august 1 of 2019, so we definitely look forward to that. now, as -- [inaudible] >> -- with gretchen nicky for a lot of hard work to get this done. >> thank you, mark. >> thanks. >> okay. now for the speaker cards, madam secretary? >> members of the public, can you please come to the podium
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in this order? bruce agee, corinne woods, ace washington. >> good afternoon, chair mondejar, commissioners, my name is bruce agatt. i'm speaking today in support of the chase center signage plan. i had the opportunity to review the plan, and as a board member of the south beach rincon neighborhood association i'm aware of many of the potential concerns of our residents and neighbors. it provides me with the insight to ask a comprehensive list of questions. i listened through the presentation and started through my list of questions, including potential illumination impacts. some of the questions were which constituent groups have you already spoken with? what was their feedback? what are the impacts on ucsf, your other neighborhos?
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what can you see from this residential building, this location and that location, what are the hours, and questions of that nature. and what i've learned over the past few years is the warriors are truly committed to being good neighbors. they take the time to get to know us as individuals and constituent groups, and it's no surprise they have the answers. she shared some of their initial proposals and some of changes in adjustment that they made. i was impressed with the usefulness and thoughtfulness utilized to advance the objectives in this plan, while addressing and mitigating potential concerns and needs of our neighborhoods. now focusing on the benefits of the signage plan, including the proposed video board, in addition to providing benefits for those attending events at the center, it will activate both plaza and provide programming opportunity -- programming activities for our surrounding neighborhoods, including mission bay and
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dogpatch. it will enable activities helping to transform our neighborhoods into complete and vibrant communities. i'm pleased to support this signage plan, and thank you for the opportunity to provide this public comment. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, director, commissioners. i'm corinne woods. i chair the mission bay citizens advisory committee. we had a special meeting with very good attendance last week to review the signage plan. and this was kind of the culmination of what i've heard from many of my neighbors, was an ongoing discussion with different neighborhood groups all around, dog pat, potrero --
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dogpatch, potrero, where each individual neighborhood was allowed to ask questions about the plan. i have not heard anything about the signage plan from those groups. they don't bother telling me when they support something. i wanted more neon, but that's just me. i think the signage plan is very restrained. i think your staff did a very good job of kind of tamping down sports arena glitz but still being able to activate mission bay, which we desperately need. i do hope those trees grow up so that we do have a screen between third street and the big video board, but i think in general, it's a good plan. there will be ongoing review and consultation, not just on
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lights, but on sound, on obviously, traffic, all those things as the plan moves forward, but i recommend that you approve this plan. thank you. >> thank you, miss woods. ace, followed by oscar james and michael freeman. >> well, thank you. let me just start off by saying, my name is ace, i'm not going to go through the songs, but it's directed to the warriors, to the city and county and to the next governor, and to the republicans, what's his name, chump? trump. i was here when the warriors came, asking for this then. that's why i'm here, documenting. i told mission bay and all those projects back down there, see, i'm a historian, i go to the origin of the situation.
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you all know what i'm getting ready to say, right? i ask you all to at least consider putting jim jefferson down there at the mission bay, warriors, before you all came there was katellasis. i've been here through the history of the redevelopment, and we're going to talk about that later because i'm very disappointed, not at you all, but at your executive staff. but let me tell you to the warriors, and all those others with buildings leaning with left, my name is ace, and i'm on the case. let me tell you what ace stands for, as chase, c assistants for community.
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a. stands for -- stands for community. a stands for ace. this thing is so serious. i didn't come here to impress nobody, but i came to impress on you all here at city hall, where i call it silly hall. you might want me to write a jingle for you someday. right now, i can't understand your position, mr. morales. you know, i know, you know i know that you know that i know. and now, the world gonna know. any way, let me get back to this. a month ago, i told i came here and asked for a request. you've got to stop everything with the west addition, that's everything that's over things. check your history, google it.
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mary richardson, she did it then, we going to do it now, because this is totally unacceptable with the city and county is doing to people that look like me, and i ain't going to use my race card right now, i'm not going to use it. >> thank you, mr. washington. >> oscar chang. >> good afternoon, everyone, commissioners. my name's oscar james. i'm a native resident of bayview hunters point. one thing i want to say, i'm glad the warriors is coming back. the last time i seen the warriors was at the pavilion, and that's been a long, long time ago, and they were trying to fight then to have the warriors build a new stadium at that particular time before
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they went to oakland, so i'm glad they're coming back home. i support the warriors 100%. the warriors organization to me is one of the best sports teams in the whole country or the whole world, to me. they do community work, they go -- and do outreach to the communities to let them young people see them. they don't just make a salary, they go out and help people in the various communities, and i love that, you know, 'cause that's one of the things we should do as adults, go back and reach your hand to the young people. so i support them 100%. i'm glad they're in my community, okay, because that was a model cities area that i supported as a commissioner at that particular time before they came up and broke everything. that's still a part of our model cities project.
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i'm just glad the warriors are coming, and keep continue on doing what you're doing, and i'm glad that working with ucsf, because they were opposing them coming into the area before, and i'm glad they're working together, you know, 'cause both projects, we need -- both projects are important to our community. so thank you very much, warriors, and keep up the good work. >> thank you, mr. james. >> clerk: michael freeman? >> great, commissioners, indeed, a pleasure. happy to speak to you here this afternoon. i was raised here in san francisco, know the community very well. i -- my first house was on geneva avenue, not too far from the cow palace, where the warriors spent several seasons. my dad worked for southern
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pacific. amazing to see the transformation of mission bay, how it's evolved, and my sincere compliments to the redevelopment agency and the successor agency that's taken over here too and done a fantastic job. i've seen the mission bay community evolve under the leadership initially with mayor willie brown, at&t park, the 6500 residential units, and all the commercial office and life science. just an amazing redevelopment here of a great part of our san francisco. i've been on the mission bay citizens advisory committee for 14 years, and i attended here this past week the detailed arena presentation that the warriors team presented, and i was initially quite concerned. i thought we were going to have another oracle arena sign, huge red glow in the sign, well, not
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red for the warriors, of course, but a red glow from oracle that you could see from a half a mile away. i was vry impressed with the attention that was given to the community, to the neighbors, and also representatives from ucsf that were in our meeting last week that chimed right in and said they have looked at it, they've studied it, they've looked at the level of illumination, there was serious consideration given to the impacts, to the hospital and the surrounding area, and it doesn't overwhelm the community. it's done in good taste. so my compliments to the warriors team for giving careful account to the neighbors. in fact, the helipad on top of the hospital can function properly and without conflict from the signage from the arena, too, which was very good news. i know that was a highly sensitive issue with people with seconds to live coming in. so ucsf has approved the
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design, and the light level, again, does not conflict. so again, i was very pleased in our c.a.c. committee, ov overwhelmingly approved the arena design. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> no further speaker cards, madam chair. >> hearing no further requests to speak, i will close public comment and turn to my fellow commissioners for comments and questions. commissioner rosales? >> i don't have any questions. i just want to commend not only the respective teams, our team, and the warriors, and their extended staff, but i think the presentation was very well done. i think all the highlights that i had or the concerns that i had as a commissioner, you know, the neighborhood impacts, the -- the visual impact, if you will, from and '15.
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labor agreements. on february 3, 2015, and again on june 16, 2015, this body, the successor agency commission, approved these increases in the memoranda of agreements or m.o.a.'s, and in the classifications of positions and compensation schedules. again, on june 20, 2017, the commission approved the extensions of the m.o.a.'s that codified these employee cost shares through the 2017-2019 agreements and also through a revised salary resolution. the m.o.a.'s -- the m.o.a.'s required that employee contributions shall be on a pretax basis, upon the effective date of the new calpers contract, authorizing such treatment, and established the implementation dates below. i'll note that to date, ocii
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has treated all of the employee contributions on a pretax basis perthe m.o.a. agreement. so there was a first contribution level of 1%. that was effective february 25 -- february 14, 2015; a second that was effective october 2015, 125. and the third for your consideration is effective july 2016 of an additional 1.25%. so as currently, all the employees are contributing 3 -- 3.5% toward employee cost shares. that has been in effect for sometime. in 2015 and through 2016, ocii approved at calpers insistence, a new contract because the thin existing calpers contract had originally been approved by the dissolved redevelopment agency of the city and county of san francisco. the existing contract, calpers
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retirement contract implements the first two employees cost share position but not the third of 1.25 that went into effect july 2016. i will note part of the reason that went into effect is part of the administration of doing the new contract and then a subsequent health contract were somewhat burdensome, so we wanted to make sure the current contract was in full effect and was all resolved before we started this third, so that's the reason there. so for your consideration today -- thank you. thank you. for your consideration today is the first step to begin this process, which is called the resolution of intention. it's the first step to -- to
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begin this process for the contract amendment. should this body approve the contract, the resolution of intention, we will then begin hog eleions toinla to our staff the impact of this, what a yes or no no -- what a yes would mean, what a no would mean, and then we would go through an additional step and bring a final resolution for your consideration. so amending the calpers contract will ensure that the pretax treatment of this additional 1.25 remains pretax. also, it allows the employees who request a refund of their retirement contribution to receive the funds associated with that third contribution. so that -- so that is all of the information i have for you today in relation to this item. happy to answer any questions, and i hope that i've explained it to your full knowledge and intent. thank you. >> thank you.
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madam secretary, do we have any speaker cards? sk >> yes, madam chair. can i get oscar james? >> oscar james again. as many of you know, i'm retired redevelopment agency employee with a health care plan. our employees plan is setup like the city's health plan is setup. this is something new that's been brought to the staff at ocii. i don't know if they're going to be in favor of this. you know, at one while, then, with the redevelopment agency,
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we were also under 261 labor's union that had a health plan, which was much better than the city's health plan, okay? so what -- what i'm -- what i'm thinking, they went from the best to the second best. now, with the new employees that they have now with the ocii, are they going to go less than best? i'm looking for them to have just as -- just as good or better than the redevelopment agencies that have retired versus what they're saying now. i don't know if it's going to be better than ours, you know, and the employees, with my understanding, is going to have to vote on what's going to be best for them. but, you know, a health plan, the only reason i stay with the agency, as long as i stay with the agency, is to have a health
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plan once i retire. now i have that health plan. i think the majority of people stay on a job because when they retire, they'll have a nice retirement, also, a nice health benefit, you know what i mean? you don't want to be in no job a long time, and you quit your job, and you don't have no health plan. so i think the majority of employees stay for that particular reason. i'm asking for this commission to make sure that their health plan be just as good as mine's or better. they deserve it, you know? if you work for an agency, and peoples who work for the ocii like they done with the redevelopment agency, put their best into their services to make sure these programs that the agency do is the best for the city and county of san francisco as a whole. so i'm saying for this commission and for whoever is over the health benefit make sure they have a better plan,
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if not the same plan as we have, as the redevelopment agency employees, but a better plan. you guys understand what i'm saying? you know, 'cause that's the important thing for the re -- to retired from this agency and to have a health plan that takes care of you and your family, so thank you very much. >> thank you, mr. james. >> ace washington. >> he's stepped out. >> okay. i have no more speaker cards. thank you, madam secretary. so hearing no further requests to speak, i now turn to my fellow commissioners for questions and speakers. yes, commissioner singh? >> is it all the department in the city has the same kind of benefits and everything? >> well, we have our -- the city has their own retirement
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