tv Government Access Programming SFGTV June 13, 2018 7:00am-8:00am PDT
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moragile vehicles to navigate through our windy and narrow streets here in san francisco. so making that investment and bringing on a new you are fleet will achieve a whole lot of different things that we really appreciate. just as the department of emergency management has experienced a boost in their call volume. we have, as well. it kind of makes sense, right? 25% increase in call volume since 2013. we're one of the busiest fire departments in the nation. we run over 150,000 calls a year, and we pride ourselves in getting to the scene within about a five minute time period. if it's a medical call and someone needs transport, our response times are back where they should be in that we get an ambulance to the scene within ten minutes 90% of the time and that's because again, the great investment that we've started making in the lee administration and has continued in the farrell administration. we appreciate the continued support of mayor farrell and look forward to continuing to serve the residents and visitors to our beautiful city.
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thank you. any comments from committee members. seeing none, can i have a motion? supervisor yee? >> no, i don't have one. do you remember contacting my office? what is she doing. so i would like to make a motion to reappoint supervisor sandy fewer. >> and we can do thatt w objen. great. please call item number two.
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administrative code to require disclosure of candidate and third-party spending in vitirement board, healthce board and retiree health care trust fund board elections; set late filing fees and penalties for violations; specify that the department of elections shall conduct these elections; and clarify the confidity ential adesses. v nams's and >> great. thank you. unless we have any comments from committee members, we're joined by sofia kitler from supervisor cohen's office to present and to answer any questions. >> thank you for hearing this item today. my name is sophia kitler. the item before you today is an update to the administrative code governing the process for representatives elected to the retirement board, retiree health care board. these boards, which include elected representatives from the
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fire department, the police department, and other, quote, miscellaneous representatives, are meant to ensure that the best interests are represented in theuc making. the retirement board take up issues such as fossil if you will investment and proxy voting for diver- dive pay. in constructing these amendments, the goal was to not become so burdensome that grass roots candidates are penalized from running.
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supervisor cohen respectfully asks that you accept the to the call of the and continue chair. members of the ethics staff are available to answer any questions. thank you. >> okay. great. maybe you or kyle can just talk about the different amendments here because there are quite a few. you can walk us through them, so kind of in concept so they can be accepted. that efficient, deputy city attorney. >> yes, that is sufficient. ink a brief overview will trigger a continuance. >> do you want a copy? yes, i can briefly provide that
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summary. as sofia already highlighted, this is to bring in the candidates with more in line with what's expected for candidates for city offices. candidates for these offices will have to file the campaign statements that you would normally see of typical candidates a. lot of their campaign communications would include disclaimers. late f penalties and associated sort ofonsequences fo any violations are to take a similar approach as well. not only does this sort of meet the expectations of a lot of people in terms of what candidates normally have to provide in terms of candidacy. hopefully it will not only be b that which is readily seeing available to the public. >> i have a question. what the current practi i weknowe changing it to bring it in line with what we have to do as elected officials,
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but what is the -- what is allowed under the rules now. so under existing law -- >> are there any filing requirements? >> they have to file sort of initial candidate statements or disclosures, but they don't have to file anything like campaign disclosure. they may need to include on their form 700, but this is a more robust scheme. >> the only people that can vote for these, is it any voter? >> it's different than regular elections. only city employees and retirees can participate, as opposed to any resident of san francisco. >> right. i wanted to get that on the
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record. supervisor yee? >> whatever i here as amendments, you know, it's logical. i'm just curious. i've reived these ballots or whatever in the past. i've never actually received any literature or any campaign, anybody contacting or trying to get my vote for retirement board. is this a problem or something? i don't really know. i'm just curious. >> yes. so this is actually from before my time on the board, but my understanding is in the last retirement board election, there as significant campaign by specific union. a specific union, there's a seat that has historically been open o anydy running. there's a seat on the retirement board. there's a seat for the fire department, seat specifically for the police department, and
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then a seat that is open to everyone a has historically been represented by miscellaneous people, kind of -- you know, people like us. >> regular people. >> regular people. my uerstang in he last board election, there was a significant amount of money nt by a union to outst the seated member. >> i just wasn't aware of it. the other question i have, currently, does the department of electi actually send out these ballots? i thought it came from hr or something. >> yeah, it's largely run through the department of elections. although they receive assistance from human resources or the retirement system to provide addresses and such. >> so the hr would share who would be current employee and
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also retirees. right. so the department of elections currently has to coordinate to find out who the eligible voters are for this kind of election, which are largely city employees or retirees. >> that remains the same. >> yes. there is an option under existing law that remains unchanged. it could conceivably in the future be contracted out. hiic it been done by the department of elections. >> that's no problem. >> any other questions from committee members? >>g o can we have a motion to accept the amendments as proposed? >> all right. public comment first. any members of the public wish to comment on this item, please come forward. seeing none, public comment is closed. i would like to entertain a motion to accep themendments as proposed.
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>> yes, i move the amendment as proposed. >> okay. can we do that without ction >> without objection, the amendments are accepted. and then a motion to continue this item to the call of the chair. >> continuance? >> that's what she askor? >> my understanding is it's required since they were substantive amendments. >> please call the next item. 3. motion approving/rejecting the mayor's nomination for appointment of christine carr to the treasure island development authority board of directors, for a term ending april 28, 2022. >> please come forward, ms.
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carr. >> good morning. supervisor yee, supervisor is a -- safai. thank you for having me come in to discuss my potential qualifications for the title of board of directors. i know you have a copy of my resume. what i wanted to talk to you a libitor was a. i started my career at a very young age, in my early 20s with two young children and the need to provide for tm. those first years were quite a struggle, both with long hours, long work weeks, shortage of money, and apartments i would soon like to forget. i have always had inside of me the nd for success, the driver to never quit, and along with that, i endeavored to grasp the core competencies that i would need for home building business, land development, working with
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government agencies as well as all the entitlement processes. but what my resume doesn't say is that also along the way, i never forgot that struggling family. i worked -- whether it was within my office or within that community to always feel the need to bring people forward. through my work on various boards such as family house with ucsf as well as during my career. i worked with habitat for humanity. very recently, one of the executive directors for the schoolyard program here san francisco. i feel that the combination of both my core competencies and the skill sets i've honed in the business andan l development as well as my core values bring a great combination of my best skill sets that i can provide to the board for tida. thank you. i am available for any questions you might have.
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>> supervisor yee? >> yeah. again, can you -- maybe you stated it, but what is the major reason why you actually want to do this? >> i'm sorry? >> what's the major reason why you would want to be serving on this board? >> sure. what i feel is this is community within san francisco that we have a rare opportunity of building from the ground. the programs that e in place for the treasure island give us an opportunity to work with our community to build the housing, the transportation, and all of the systems from its inception through to watching that community grow and house families for our community. i'm very excited about that. it brings both my skills for building my love of my coyit to that e. >> how oten are you with
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treasure island? have you made frequent visits? >> i've been on the island i'm about to take a tour with robert beck, and i've become familiar in reang all the ments, t s, and the progress so far. i've spoken with bob becker and getting at least tundro work, establishing ground work e.r my know >> currently, there are some residents on treasure island. what are some of the issues they're dealing with? >> from what i understand, there are the residents on the island, and there's both market rate housing that's available to them as well as affordable housing. it looks as the board of
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supervisors has put into place how they would be financially compensated as well as where they would live and the moving expenses as well as future relocation onto the island. it seems that what the building plan calls for, in my arch, is they would be staying in their units until the new uts would be built for them to occupy. >> okay. one last question. what do you think of the olympic -- what is it called? what do you call those people? that ride the boats? >> sailboats? >> yeah. >> marcuscup? >> i don't know. >> olympic team for sailing or something. what is it? i think it's in treasure island, right? >> the yacht club? i don't know. >> this is out of my world. >> are you talking about the people that do the sailing competitions? >> yeah.
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they can put an olympic team there. >> the clipper cove issue you're addressing? >> yes. >> from my understanding -- and, again,his is research i've done and it was based on the presentations brought t you as the board of supervisors. there's also an environmental issue with the sea grass. so it seems le they're striking a balance with that and the new developers as to a good mix and what the right number would be for that. i know that that's in front of you. i know you had a meeting in may about. the agenda does not indicate what you're findings were or what your decision was, but i know those to be the issues in front of you.
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i stand behind finding that balance forsure. i support that balance. again, it's an opportunity for us to create that. >> okay. >> supervisor stefani. >> just one question. as you're aware, this seat was filled by the director of mission housing. he had a nonprofit angle to this and brought that experience. i'm just wondering how you would add value to the commission and what experience do you have with building affordable housing, and how you see being able to fill that seat. >> of course. yes. i understand that that seat was occupied pslyreviouy a nonprofit builder. what i blame from both of my experience and my personal experience, as a builder, i have
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built all levels of affordable housing during my career. inclusionary housing: i'm very much an advocate of the program they have at treasure island. i know of the 8,000 homes, there are 2,100 affordable homes that will be built. what i find and what i support is in that affordable number, those are all varying degrees of income. those are also built mixed in neighborhoods. this is not a specific site or a building. this is mixed in income neighborhoods, which i think is an excellent model and one i support thoroughly. >> and can you expand on your experience with habitatr humanity and how you think that work might apply in this situation? >> sure. i find always a private public
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partnership worksyllell when you bring in partners that are committed to the same goals. i feel i have great success. we contributed -- my company contributed both materials, workers. it was also a collaboration in the community. it gave the people in my compa an opportunity to work hands on with people of need in our community. after -- even after some of the programs that we got involved in, they continued that. i believe that's the bigger message, is that you built something that will, on its own, continue. >> supervisor yee? >> treasure isle -- island, as you know, is in supervisor kim's district. >> yes. >> have you reached out to her and spoken to her and her staff?
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i have not heard from them. >> i did send supervisor kim an email telling her i would be before you today and offering, to the availability of my hedule to meet with her. i reived a generic message back, saying she would respond as soon as she could, and i sent it to her staff person. i have not received a response to that from either one. >> when did you send that email? >> on thursday when i found out about this meeting. >>to go back to the affordable housing component, how many units are going to be planned for treasure island? >> 8,000 total of residential. >> and how many are going to be affordable? >> approximately 2,100. about 25%. >> do you know what income levels they're targeting?
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>> i don't know the various. i know it is a wide range of income from homeless through varying degrees of percentage of incomes in san francisco. i do not have the specifics on the program. >> and how many of them are affordable? >> approximately0.10 >>that's a little over 25%? >> correct? o yo dthink that's the right number in today's san francisco? >> i do. for a couple of reasons. i believe that 25% is a balanced number. i also know that they're building -- some of the ho will be smaller units, much more on the entry level. you're meeting a need therewell. even though not included in that safrancisco price tag would be of an entry level. i believe we're going to, you know, cover a lot of the levels
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of need in o community >> this is not a criticism of the commission. we have one of our esteemed members in the audience right now, but t hunter's point shipyard in candlestick, that's going to be 33%. mission rock that was just negotiated with the giants the port, this board approved with 40% inclusionary. that's pushing more moderate and middle income. so there's higher numbers. this probably was negotiated at an earlier date, but one of the things that's happening -- and i know that supervisor kim as well as many otherember of this board, it's about money. what would be a creative way you could think about or what would be a strategy that you would say would be able to get us to a higher percentage than 25%? >> that is a wonderful question. i know that it is also a very
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complex one. i'm not sure standing for you right now. i could certainly give that some serious thought. i understand the need for affordable housing being such a critical part of what we develop and those numbers need to align with what we have in the community. what that exact percentage is, i know that people who do a lot morein-depth analysis would ave ways to achieve that. i dont to go on the record as stated that i do support the affordable housing, and if there were, you know, opportunities that is definitely something i support. the current numbers and anything in the future. >> okay. any other questions from committee members?
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supervisor yee? >> no. >> okay. so what is the will of this body? >> ms. carr has some qualifications i like. one of the things i'm a little hesitant to move forward with at this -- today is i really haven't heard from supervisor kim's office, and just respecting that it's in her district, i like to check off with supervisors in which it impacts most. so i'm a little hesitant to actually want to move this forward. maybe just continue this. we'll listen to the arguments. >> that would be supervisor
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stefani. >> i had to cancel meets just to put this on my schedule. i understand supervisor kim was not able to meet with ms. carr. she did try. i think if it's important, continuing it and allowing that meeting to take place is fine. i'm very impressed with ms. carr. i think she would make an excellent addition to tida. i want to give her that chance if it's important. i would support a continuance so that meeting can take place. >> i agree with that. again, just for ms. carr as well as the other committee members and those of the public, we're in budget season. this committee has had to adjust. thank you for being flexible. norm normally, we meet at a different time.
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ecause of the aggressive schedule of this budget this year, we had tove it. we're having to move things quickly to make sure we keep the legislative process going. i would move for a continuance for one week -- i think it's 27th >> two weeks from this wednesday. i believe you have a regular meeting come this wednesday. >> it's too late for that. >> the 27th would be the next one after that. >> yeah. okay. soe will continue it to the 27th. that would be fine. >> great. >> that would give you time to reach out. that's something we talked about as well. >> absolutely. >> also given the election -- and that was also something that's been upon us that caused a bit of a schedule adjustment for everyone, including supervisor kim. i would image it would be difficult to meet with her right
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now. why don't we continue this item -- do we have a motion to continue this item -- >> i would also like to suggest -- when are you going on your tour? >> on the 22nd. >> perfect. >> what was the question? >> june 22nd. >> she's going on a tour of treasure island. >> just because of the uncertainty of a committee meeting -- i don't want to say a date certain and we don't have a meeting on that date because of the budget. why don't we continue this to the call of the ai and we'll get it on the next meeting. it will be sometime the following week. i just don't want to say the 27th and we don't get it. we have a number of special meets as well. we'll just say continue to the call of the chair. is that okay? okay. we'll do that without objection. thank you, ms. carr. >> i assume there's no public comment on that item. >> we didn't call public comment? i thought we did. >> any members of the public wish toomme on this item?
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please come forward. i think our esteemed commissioner is going to come forward to say a few words. >> surprise, linda. yes, treasure island commission, we're working very closely with supervisor kim. even with 25%, we're spending a lot of money to build the infrastructure at treasure island. i do, i agree with you. i'm housing the committee and even at that 25%, we're going to be coming back here to you all to help us find the funds to build what we have right now. so i think ms. carr has the credentials. after meeting with ms. jenkins, we'll let her know what we're doing to up the 25%. so it's a daunting task.
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right now, i think we're very cognizant of that. right now, i justanted to lend that in. it's on your side, we're going to be needing all of your leadership and support to build affordable housing. we don't have the funds now, even at 25%. i just want you to know that. >> thank you. >> thank u.yo >> okay. any other members of the public wish to comment on this item. please come forward? >> public comment is closed. i would just say again for the record, ms. carr, given the condend schedule, i think it was unfair to you as well. i think this gives us more time. as i said before, i think it's very important for you to meet with the district supervisor where the majority of the work is going to be happening. so i think this is an appropriate thing. please don't walk away discouraged in any way. i think you do have a significant amount of credentials that are very impressive, but i think it's important to have that conversation. okay? so then we made the motion to
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continue to the call of the chair. we'll most likely be next week. we have to find the date where we're going to meet. gre. please call the next item. >> class: item number four, motion approving/rejecting the mayor's appointment of carolyn ransom-scott to the successor agency commission (commonly known as the commission on community investment and infrastructure), for a term ending november 3, 2020. >> good morning. i want to thank you, supervisor asha, safai. >> i'm not just correcting you. i'm correcting our deputy city attorney and other folks that have spoken this morning because they know me. i tease them a lot. >> t safa nk you. there you go.
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supervisor stefani. >> it's actually stephanie [phonetic]. [laughter] >> i want to thank you for this time to come forward and answer any questions about me be positioned as a commissioner for ocii. and i want to start with just getting to the point regarding myself. i'm a volunteer liaison with the san francisco foundation faith-based initiative council for the churches. i'm familiar with a lot of churches here in san francisco as a result of that. about myself, related to ocii, i want to share a little bit regarding what i to and what i've done in the city. i'm a long-time native of san
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francisco. i've lived in bayview hunters point over 35 years. my dad worked the shipyard for years, and the shipyard was the economic engine for bayview hunters point until that ended. i was featured on various paposi on ads for the the recently passed initiative to further economic opportunities for hunter's point and candlestick point development. and especially the affordable housing and all that would afford. people of san francisco that really need this help. ouof city hall listening and d watchi
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watching. i've been appointed to the hunter's cac committee. commis commissioner richardson and others, comingafford, i am serving n on the subcommittee for the business and employment and housing. i sit in on the planning and development meetings, finance, environmental, and reuse. with the sng in and being a part of the business and employment, i go out into the community. i meet with pastors, faith-based organizations and outreach and keeping them informed and whup'sngoin a what the possibilities are for them. thecac connects with ocii.
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we listen to developers, city agencies, our community, and our stakeholders. the work of ocii is approved by the hunter's point cac, which has helped me understand how the departments operate. if approved by the supervisors, i will still be communicating with huer's point cac due to the fact most of the matters concerning ocii come before the hunter's cac committee. regarding our shipyard, we deal with parks and open space, land use, business and employment with cac. housing, affordable housing, environmental planning and reuse, finance, recreation, workforce development, and commity benefits. workforce deel -- and i
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know it's a passionate area for spice sore safai. and he has worked hard to get that into his district 11. it would be such a help to this city with workforce development moving and developing our committees, including our as-risk youth. the shipyard will bring in job opportunities with workforce development throughout this whole city. wh i would like to do if appointed and put on this commission, i would like to honestly, as clergy and a person of faith, come in with redemtive love, listening, reconciling and bringing in hope where, as dr. king said, out of a mountain of
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despair, there's a stone of hope. and this development and hunter's point becoming once again the economic engine for hunter's point and the city of san francisco. i would like to be a part, joining in with this committee to see that happen and to see our city strong and thriving again. thank you so much for the opportunity, and if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please ask. >> thank you, ms. scott. >> supervisor yee usually has questions. >> i know supervisor cohen has communicated to me she supports you. >> as well as she has to me. i think the work you've done -- as we've talked about -- on the
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hunter's point shipyard cac will represent the work you're doing. the director of your department and i met the other day. i know she's meeting with a lot of supervisors to talk with them, or allhepervisors, to talk with them about the upcoming plan that will be presented on the shipyard and candlestick point. we just went tribbo cutting the other day down for the sales force tower and that transportation hub. a lot of exciting things are happening under the purview of ou could just talk about what that m yos as someone who grew up a life long bayview, hunter's point shipyard. what does that mean to you to see the redevelopment in terms of your vision f the city? >> you really bring tears to my heart. i hope they don't flow and stop me, but what that means to me is the city communities that were
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under surged, overlooked, not given many chances throughout the years, live, stay throughout city. be a part of the city that we've all loved so much. it means that we're reviving.wer building. we're bringing forth great opportunities for great growth and development for all cultures. all people. and we're opening the door for a brighter future. >> your presentation is music to my ears. th power of redemtive love and everything you said.
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can i entertain a motion? oh, any other members wishing to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. entertain a motion on this item, please supervisor stephanie? >> i'd like to make a motion approving the mayor's appointment of carolyn scott to the successor agency commission and deleting the rejecting language from that motion and move it to the full board with positivcotio >> and can we do that without objection? without objection, that item is moved in order.
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congratulations, ms. scott. ?todthere any other items >> item number five is a motion or approving the mayor's reappointment of john ramm to the oversight board of the sister agency to the redevelopment agency of the city and county of san francisco for a term ending january 24, 2022. >> great. can you come speak to this -- this is also on your agency, correct? >> good morning. this is the oversight board. th was instituted as a result of dissolution and there's a seat -- the mor has three appointed seats as well as a member from the community college, from scl strict and -- and john ramm will a
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reappointment because he already holds the seat. >> oh, ok. >> and has served in that capacity because of his experience as planning director and some of the planning -- the approvals that will be coming in front of that board. >> so, this is an oversight. so you have your seven commissioners. >> i have five commissioners. >> sorry. five economisingers and there is an oversight board meant to be interdepartmental -- >> it's meant to be the taxing entities. of the taxing -- the entities that receive taxes. so, which would include the city and county which receives approximately 65% and the remaining -- >> of the taxs that are generated in your redevelopment areas? >> generated city-wide. because they get a pass through of whatever is not pledged to the development that would be transmited to the other entity including the city and county of san francisco. >> from your redevelopment areas?
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>> correct. >> former redevelopment areas. >> from a redevelopment. my existing redevelopment areas. i should have some. so as part of that role as the state in dissolving development felt that they needed to have a body that represented the taxing entities. so, he represents the city's share -- >> this was created as a result of the dissolution of the redevelopment agency. >> correct. >> ok. got it. as a way to oversee the taxes that would have -- >> the tax and approved the recogniezed the payment schedule. >> so, the mayor has three of the seven. >> yes. >> say it again. >> there is one from the school district. one from community college. one from bart. and then three of the members from the city and county and
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one from labor. >> labor. oh, ok. great. so, this is a reappointment. >> yes. >> thank you. i think it's important not just for committee members here but also for the public. i always try to get thing on threcord and it always amazes me and makes me very happy many citizens come up to us and say i was tching channel 26, i learned a lot, blah blah blah. so, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> ok. any other questions from committee members? seeing none, any members of the public wish to comments on the items? seeing none, public comment is closed. i think we can send this reappointment to the full board with -- someone want to make a motion? >> sure. i'll make a motion to delete and rejecting and move -- and approve this -- there is a reappointment of john ramm to the oversight committee board of the redevelopment agency in
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[laughter] >> get in there. >> mayor farrell: all right. there we go. [cheers and applause] >> mayor farrell: let us started here. first of all, i want to welcome everyone to city hall to kick off san francisco's are judy -- lgbtq pride 2018. let's give a round of applause, everyone. [cheers and applause] >> mayor farrell: i want to thank, first of all, the incredible people that made this happen here today. not only outside of city hall, but thank you to the volunteers who are making this nth exactly what it is for the city of san francisco. special thanks to our own san francisco pride team and i want
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to acknowledge teddy witherington who is scheduled to be here. teddy, if you are here, or he will be here soon enough. i want to acknowledge him as well for being here. i want to acknowledge, there are a number of people up here as well. acknowledge the elected officials, alice randolph from art city officials board, carmen two, our assessor recorder, the woman of the hour, for sure. [cheers and applause] clair farley from our office of transgender services. e][a london breed, our president of the board of supervisors. our treasured tax collector and our share of. [applause] so today, in san francisco, and throughout the month, we honour both individuals that have made a significant difference in the
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past that are doing it now in the present and will in the future, for our lgbtq community. we also acknowledge all the organizations that work with our community of san francisco on lgbtq issues that make san francisco who we are as a city. you know, as civil rights are under attack throughout our country, it is so important that san francisco stands tall ove every other place in america. that we, as a city, recommit ourselves to reject the ideologies of bigotry and hatred that come out of the trump administration and others throughout our country, throughout the world, at times. san francisco needs to remain a beacon of hope for everybody. i am proud to be the mayor at the city and county of san franciscothat stands exactly for those principles.
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[cheers and applause] in san francisco, we stand up for our principles of diversity. we stand up for equality for every single person in our city, and we make sure that our city continues to be an example for the rest of our country to follow. you know, as mayor, and before then as member of the board of supervisors, i've been able to witness the strength of our lgbtq community here in san francisco. we have fought many battles over the years. today, with what was a very narrow ruling out of the u.s. supreme court, but the rhetoric that comes with that, and what our lgbtq community must do to combat that and stand proud and stand tall. it is so important at the rest
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of us, as a city stand with our lgbtq community. that is who we are as san francisco. along those lines, i want to make sure i let everyone know today, and announce officially, san francisco is joining with the rca of california and banning all business practices with the state of oklahoma. [cheers and applause] we will not -- we will not, as a city, continue to tolerate other jurisdictions that discriminate upon our civil rights, and certainly th her lgbtq community. we will continue to stand tall as a city, and ston -- stand foll exactly who we are as people and residents in our city. you know, i want to acknowledge the contributions of our late mayor ed lee and the things he did for the lgbtq community as well.
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he founded the federal mayors against lgbtq discrimination organization. but he did so at the national level. he started the player. firs ands client in our entire country. and it has been a great source of pride as mayor to continue this legacy. last week, the supervisors and i announced that the city of san francisco and i will be backfilling the four-point $2 million for hiv and aids funding that a federal government cut. [appla together with claire farley, we have created a transgender advisory committee here in san francisco. and legislation that our board of supervisors was proud to pass through and i was proud to sign. creating all gender bathrooms in
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our sros across a city of san francisco. and also signing legislation naming terminal one for harvey milk at our san francisco airport. [applause] it is with great pride i stand here as your mayor to kick off this month. and to be part of some amazing celebrations yet to come. i would like to say a few comments about the next person who is going to be speaking. she is going to be the recipient of the teddy witherington award, which recognizes individuals for their long-standing, and lasting contributions to o lgbtq community in san francisco. kate kendall has served the executive director of the nationcentre for lesbian rights for 22 years. [applause] she has placed the ncl are at
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the centre of the civil rights movement in our countrder uida t the landmark equality case in 2,008 and was later part of the team that secured national equali 201in [applause] they have done problematic work around asylum, immigration, around lgbtq people in prisons an transgender rty, issues for those that are part of our lgbtq community, and es that matter for lgbtq people of colour. just last year, and clr -- nclr joinedrt people to file sgender military band.ump'str it secured a nationwide injunction. that is what we do when stand together for our principles. [applause]
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i've gone to meet kate a number of ti to getto know little bit, but she is a symbol of standing for social justice in our city, it is with great pride that i welcome up kate kendall to the microphone and pronounced today, kate kendall day in the city of san francisco. [cheers and applause] the stage is yours. >> thank you. i was not prepared for that. i really thought i was just coming, just like all of you to a flag raising. i didn't realize that i was ng to be acknowledged in this way. what i want to say is that when i came to san francisco, 24 years ago, to start as a legal director for the national centre
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for lesbian rights, i thought i was coming to be the legal director at the national centre for lesbian rights. i never thought i would be the executive director, and i never imagined that a city could so transform a person and make them feel so embraced and so loved and so welcome to, so supported that they could, y,an that is me i am speaking of, have my reach exceed my grasp in what i thought i was capable of. this city, on the support of many people who are here, and ny people who came before and who are no longer here launched me in so many ws, and i have often said, but it is so true, i get so much more than i gave and i am so grateful for this. grateful for the work i'm able to do. the fight will continue and someone else will lead nclr and they will be a bigger badass than me. that is what we know we need to. it is time to know when to lead
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and time to know when to step aside and let someone else lead and i'm excited for the next chapter for nclr and for this city, and for where we go as a country and taking our countckrs can live fully and freely and feel supported for who we are and and hate and discrimination an supremacy andism. thank you so much for this and for your support. [cheers and applause] >> mayor farrell: thank you kate. up next, i have the pleasure of introducing someone who is really a part of living history for lgbtq community in san francisco. someone who has be the forefront of this fight for civil rights, for decades in our city. someone who has had the opportunity to be a leader outside of c hall and inside of city hall.
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and at this point, it is the only person on the board of supervisors that is part of the lgbtq community. please join me in welcoming up the great lady -- leader for our city of san francisco supervisor jeff sheehy. >> thank you kate i have a certificate from the board of supervisors for you as well. [applause] just a note, under her leadership, nclr has led on these national court battles, but one of the most moving things i experienced was i was with my husband in a small town in florida, a lesbian couple, the woman who had been previously married to a man was having trouble getting rights clr.her child and washere?
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