tv Government Access Programming SFGTV June 13, 2018 11:00pm-11:59pm PDT
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think that, first, we should also look at sfufd. and the violence aga women at a very early level even in where improvements can areg be. i know that you serve on the board of education and so this is a real opportunity i think to really address this at sfufc, and also doing an in-depth study about how --w awe men girls really feeling. and to look at lawsuits that the school district has lost around sexual harassment or sexual assault. and find out what are some of those things that can be done. so it's not just college, actually. i think that it starts much earlier. so, thank you, colleagues. any other questions or comments? >> if i could respond to that. we would welcome partnering with your office on getting you the
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data that you need. we have put a very high priority on violence against women. it takes considerable time to staff the family violence council and the mayor's task force on anti-human trafficking and domestic violence has been a priority of ours for many years. but we, of course, would love to partner with you and other supervisors to get you the data that you're looking for. >> supervisor fewer: thank you, because i have not received or seen any data and i have asked for past reports also from the clerk's office and i actually don't see the data in those reports that i need. so thank you very much. >> thank you and my apologies that i missed your presentation. so i have a cuple questions that i will ask and if you already stated it in your presentation i apologize but if you could answer for my own edification i'd be grateful. we had a number of requstsfor programming for women who have experienced domestic violence,
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particularly in the workforce -- in the forc and in the work development area. and asyo and i know, we have worked together in other budget cycles where we have been able to allocate dollars to add for different analyst positions so that we can really get down to the crux of the numbers and where the impacts are and how we can as a city to be supportive of not onlyhe women in the community but also our male allies. my question is, if you had additional funding to spend on programming to support women and families who have experienced domestic violence, where would you spend it? >> i think that there is really desperate need to sustain our services. so we are funding through our violence against women prevention and intervention grants 27 dfft community-based agencies who are having a hard time staying in san francisco. they're having a hard time finding staff. so i know that debbie uplan with
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the violence consortium has made an ask of over a million dollar investment to help with the sustainability strategies. but also in terms of the staffing that you had stepped out, our department has identified a real gap in prevention and long-tepicy reform work in sexual assault. and so we can't do that work with the current staffing levels and i know that you have asked other departments what that would cost and our estimate is $140,000 for dedicated staff on sexual assault response. >> supervisor cohen: sexual assault response. do you know the classification chnce? is thalike a manager position? >> no, it's a coordinator position. >> supervisor cohen: okay. >> there's a classification called 2998, which is within the commission of the status of women only. but it does a variety of tasks.
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>> supervisor cohen: all right. thank you. 40,000 sexual assa coordinator 2998. thank you, any other information to present to us that we should know about? >> no, again, i encourage supervisors to contact me, contact the department, for any data needs or things that you feel that we could be improving. we can always improve and happy to have that conversation. >> supervisor cohen: thank you very much, i appreciate it. d w are going to hear next from the ethics commission. we've got miss leann pelham, the executive director. this commission has a budget of $6.5 million. there's a request for $1.7 million increase. and then a $ $99.9 million -- i guess -- yeah, $9.9 million increase, is that right? i'll leave it to you to talk
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about it. so there's 23 positions and there's no change and i just want to welcome you. yeah, it's about a 53% increase to the budget oveet two years driven by the election campaign fund which i have been instrumental in and i love to hear your presentation. welcome. >> thank you, thank you, chair, and thank you commission -- supervisors for your time to hear about our department budget. i have copies of our brief presentation here and i'll leave it with the clerk for you and as i leave today. and the commission's budget this year is i think a modest one.ita significant growth because of the election campaign fund. there's -- thank you -- there's a requirement in the charter as you know that based on a formula, general funds are appropriated to the election campaign fund when there is -- every year on an annual basis. and additional funds that are required when there's tordinary election related
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instances as we saw this year with the unprecedented mayor's race in the june election. so i'll just come back to that in a brief moment. as a very brief overview you may recall that over the last couple years the ethics commission has very much focusedwith laser intensity on three or four key priorities. one is to make sure that we are really revamping and u our compliance outreach. we know that we have a number of complicated laws within our jurisdiction. weake wantsure that the people have information about those laws so they ca mply and understand them and that the public can understand them and also to engage in the process of holding us all accountable as public officials. so we've been really focused on enhancing our compliance and guidance and tools. we have asked for additional resources in past budgets and we have been grateful to receive support from is office and the mayor's office to accomplish that. we have a strengthened policy role to help as leaderers with u
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to make sure that the ethics and the lobbying laws are as strong and workable and effective as possible, to make sure they have an impact as the voters had hoped in creating a number of the laws and in creating the ethics commission t administer and enforce them. we have also focused in the last couple years on our operational efficiencies. we have really taken strides to move our filing systems and processes to help people comply by moving them from paper-based systems over to electronic filing systems. and we really want to have -- and have been working on improved service delivery with that goal in mind. i wanted to also show you a particular slide t indicates another area where we have been focusing on the l two years and making progress. and this is, again, in response to having additional resources that this body and the mayor's office has suppedover the last couple years and that's for resources to help to ensure that we're meeting our mandate for timely and fair and thorough
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investigations. and to have enforcement when that is warranted. this brief slide shows two lines. one is matters under preliminary review. those matters that come to us and we have to seeether we need to launch a full investigation. that's the top line in gray. and the bottom line is the number of open formal complaints that we're actively investigating. what's relevant about this slide that it shows over the last fiscal year both the number of cases that we are working, but also the average age of cases in months. we have historically had a very significant backlog. we have made progress over the last couple years really whittling down the review with 6.9 months now down to 2. that's still room to grow and improve but it's a notable change. it's because le to have the resources to really work the cases. and the avera ge of months for enforcement or open investigative cases, the ood
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news there, though the cases are increasing those cases are not becoming more stale, that's happening at the same time that re grngth preliminary revie matters. so this is one of those areas that we have been able to have resources that this body and the mayor has supported over the last couple years we have been seeing progress. and our budget request for this queer iqueeris something that wn pleased to see giving us resources to sun the progress that we have been initiating. so this last slide to highlight for you, with the budget that is contained in the mayor's proposal this yearniludes the request that the commission made. and it includes for the authorized positions that we have. coun and we work to continue with the d.h., the department of human resource s,o fulfill our hir planway so that we have all of tes in our chairs working constructively and efficiently to make an impact in our program and in our operations.
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and we've also been improving -- we'll improve our investigative tools with some new resources to enhance our databases and the tools that our investigators use so training money to retain and to strengthen the support for the development of our staff as we have grown over the last couple years. i mentioned working with the umrtn resources to assist uswith our expanded personnel services. and also they're in support to increase the costs for -- to support the costs that have increased over time for our software licensing and maintenance and so forth, that are tools that help us to do our job in a much more effective way. and, lastly, again, this budget for the coming fiscal year adds about a million dollars for the election campaign fund. it's capped at $7 million. during elections as we just had for the june board of supervisors and mayoral races there's a draw down. there was another election, of course, coming up in ve o
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2018, and then there's another election in november 2019. so in the second fiscal year for this budget cycle ielve itbout $4.5 million infusion of general fund moneys into the election campaign fund to ensure that there's sufficient funding there for candidates who opt to take advantage of that program. and we did just learn yesterday, for example, that there are tennis of the 11 candidates who have now been qualified to be on the ballot for november who have indicated an interest in participating in that program. so we know that it will be a busy time for us over the coming months. it'sbeenan extraordinarily busy year for us as it has for most of the city i recognize. and we are looking forward to continuing to focus with very intense energy ando timism about working to expand our policy work and reach out to the community and we have additional funding for translation services which is, again, a modest apound but it's a start -- amount but it's a start. and with new staff in positions
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in the coming year we're optimistic about continued strides twe can make in the program areas and the mandate that we have been given with the voters. with that i'm happy to answer anquestions that you might have for me or provide you with information. >> i want to pivot and go back to the services that the ethic commission proides, one of o i audits. how many audits do you perform a year? >> this year i believe that we had 17 -- i w to say 17 audits, i can confirm with you. >> what is the average length of time that the audit lasts? >> in the past from the beginning to the end it could take up to three years. thatseland that's not ouroal. we last year asked under the law as we are permitted to do for support from the comptrollers office and they were very gracious in providing that of all of the candidates that receive public funding and they're required to be audited under the law and the comptrollers office assisted with tose audits. we're in conversation to make sure that happens again this
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year because we want to be very current se wan continue audiof non-publicly funded candidates and the comptrollers office can assist with publicly funded candidates so when the 2018-2019 lection rolls around our goal is to be current so we can initiate the audits quickly after that election. >> supervisor cohen: and i don't know if this policy was put in place prrto your leadership, but how did the comptroller become theuthority to audit the publicly financed candidates and then the ethics commission auditing everyone else? >> there's that language -- i believe that it was created with proposition "o" around 2000 or 2002 that created the -- the authority for the ethics commission to seek assistance on publicly financed audits from the controller's office. >> supervisor cohen: so that partnership wasn't one just out of convenience it was established in proposition "o"? >> that's myunderstanding. >> supervisor cohen: i think we're getting agreement from the
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comptroller's office. and another question about... -- abopolicy and advice. you provide informal aice with the ethics andampaign finance and lobbyist laws and requirements and all of that really, really fun stuff. >> fascinating. >> supervisor cohen: do you -- do you see that this -- this department expanding or cractinj st kind of staying where it is? i'm just asking for your futre projections? >> i have my -- my gut is telling me and my experience tell thatthere's much mor that can be done if we had more hands on dk.c we're focused on getting those seats filled now. and we know that there's been a large number of policy initiatives over the last couple years and it's really important to us to be able to explain that and to provide tools and information. so we're sort of struggling this
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year with an unusual election in june but we really are focsed on wanting to get information to peoplesothat everybody understandsnd ca stay on the right side of an inadvertent violation of the law. i'm sure that's a growtah ea in years to come. >> supervisor cohen: so i want to get your thoughts on open source, open source data. there's been a conversation within the elections commsion an ask on this budget body for $4 million allocation. i don' know and i don't believe that you have been as the ethics commission engaged on this particular policy matter. but overall i would imagine this pport transparency and that would support the highest ethical behavior when it comes toour technology and counting votes. are youok g at this at all? >> no, you're correct, we have neenot bengaged in those conversations with the election commission about open source technology and open source issues. to the extent that we have a mandate for transparency, it is
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something that we ry seriously and enthusiastically embrace. we have done a lot of work with open data so that the voters can look directly on our website and to see the campaign information and expenditures and fundraising activity by candidates and ballot measures as well asby third parties that attoempt t influence the races. we have information available on what the tech people call a.p.i.s that enable the folks to decide what they want to do with the data and search it and to build their own information around it. so we're trying to make the information available in a variety of ways so that it's accessible and understandable. we had a great -- i think that it's a great resource for individuals covering elections in the city. that's really been our focus in that area of providing public disclosure and really an effective and in a meaningful way. campaign finance lobbying and conflict of interest. >> supervisor cohen: supervisor fewer has a few questions. >> supervisor fewer: i wanted to say that your department is so helpful, that every time that
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i go into the office, your office, they are helpful and really nice. i want to just compliment your staff. having said that i know that in recent years we have passed a lot of new legislation that really has an impact on your staffing. and so -- and this latest one was kind of a big one too. so i than wealk about increasing to staffing and what other kind of research you would need. so i will just encourage you actually to bring up those issues because, you know, we just pass things. and we don't relize the impact that i has on your departments. i think that the more transparency that he we have around our ethics is so important and the more -- all of the questions that are be asked and allo t other filings and everything else. and so i just want to encourage you actually to think about what type of resources you might need to really to keep them above water. because right now i feel that we
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are passing all of these things and has an impact on your staff and we don't realize that we're passing it because we want more transparency and more accountability. i think that the public does too. irder to do it we as what supervisor cohen said is that it's really important that we also look first to our city resources and family and how to serve the public better with our funds. so i just encourage you to look at what kind of resources that you might need to actually to ser the citizens of san francisco well. >> great, thank you very much for that comment. >> supervisor cohen: any other questions, supervisors? seeing none, thank you for your presentation and we will move on. the next department that we will hear -- , i do -- actually, i'm sorry, leann, i have one question for you. it has to do with the campaign fund. i'm sorry. i'm visiting my notes again. how frequently will we refresh or refill this campaign fund?
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>> it's annual appropriation requiredunder the charter. so there's i believe a $1 million roughly appropriion that is art of fiscal year 2019 and $4.5 million forsfial year 2020. again, designed to make sure that the fund is fully coe the mandatory language in the charter as well as providing resources for candidates running in those elections. >> supervisor cohen: so what reason are we funding just $1 million and why not make it up even for $2 million for 2019 and $2 million for fiscal year 2020? >> it's set up when the voters set up the program. there's a $7 million cap and as candidates draw down and as they qualify and they receive funds for their matching claims, that draws down that $7 million. there's a requirement to put in the imum of $7 million and so t it's driven by specific language in the charter that drives that
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formula. >> supervisor cohen: if we saw more people running for office and more candidates qualifying for public financing, would be we required to go back to voters to increase that cap or is that thing at the board of supervisors can handle gislively? >> i don't know the answer as i stand here and i think that i's an excellent question and we should know thewer to. >> supeor coh: mr. rosenfield, do you know the answer? >> yes. if you wanted to have a mandatory requirement you would need to go back to the voters. but nothing prevenths t mayor and the board through the aua budget process to provide additional funds through the budget process if it was required. >> supervisor cohen: i see. so the less says there's a $7 million cap but we have the authority to go above? >> ithink that the legislation as it exists today sets up a regiment that contributes a certain amount to the fund every hange of those rel -- it.a >> supervisor cohen: a cap on the amount -- >> the total amount in the fund. >> supervisor cohen: so this says is ly able to hold
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$7 min. >> it caps at that amount if we itreh to change those rules would involve amending those ordinances. nothing would prevent the board ough -- to your question of whatif we found that we needed additional funds for additional funding and nothing is preventing the board outside of those charter mandated ervisor cohen: i see, okay, thank you for that clarification. >> it's very nice to hear. we are launching our public financing review and one of the questions in our mind says to make sure that the program a a voluntary program is compelling for candidates, that it functional and strong and impactful for the candidates and the voters of san francisco. so knowing that is an option is good to be clear on. i appreciate that. >> supervisor cohen: i appreciate your time in coming back to the mike. next is mr. jonathan foley from the academy of science. the academy of sciences, jonathan foley. this is a budget of $6.4 million with 12 positions total.
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>> thank you, madam chair. i'm with the academy of sciences and i have the privilege to represent the academy and dr. foley today. the academy is a very proud member of the city. we're happy to be a science and sustainability leader for the city and for the world. today i'm glad to say that we are in agreement with the budget and the stfing allocations for the aquarium and our f.t.e.s will remain consistent with this year. sooup bedudget for f.y.2018-2019 is $8.4 million and 30% for salary and benefits for our 12 stationary engineers. and 21 21% for capital and maintenance. and in 2019-20, we have a budget of $5.illi, very iila spending plan except we have a
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smaller capital and maintenance allocation. there's some really exciting things happening at the the acay right now and i'm proud to announce that we are the first organization in the u.s. to have successfully spawned coral i a lab. and we're only the second in the world to do this. now spawning corals in a lab is a big deal because it is a major first step in being able to ultimately to restore coral re reefs in the wild. >> supervisor cohen: do we own that equipment? or do we borrow or lease it? >> we purchased it. >> supervisor cohen: so we can make more coral and populate the world? >> yes, message. >> supervisor cohen: can we use that as a revenue generator? no, serious. budget committee. >> i hadn't thought about that. >> supervisor cohen: think about that next time. >> all right, we're on it.
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so to create the environment necessary to allow corals to spawn this equipment, of course, is state-of-the-art and washington analysis machin i ofhethe screen there and it does everything. it tells us the exact chemical composition and p.h. and temperature etc. and using this equipment we can recreate the exact natural environment for these corals to spawn. and so we're very excited about that. sogm dn,wwe continue to grow our academy for all initiatives. it's an initiative that focuses on removing accessibility and affordability barriers to the museum to about 330,000 guests per year. also at our recent second annual museums for inclusion job fair, over 200 job srs whocameidentih fellow museum, city agencies, to discuss future employment.
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and a quick shoutout to supervisor fewer who joined us for that job fair and who also is a strong supporter of our youth programs focused on stem education. so thank you, supervisor fewer. and we also have had over 60 arc clients come through our workforce development programs. we're also growing and redesigning our core accessibility programs. one of which is the expansion of our rock amily program. this is a big deal. our rock family program is the first of its kind in the u.s. because it provides free field trips to every single child in san francisco, kindergarten through fifth grade, every year in perpetuity. this is an endowed program and it will live on. so the program provides general admission, bus transportation to and from their shol, and i also gives the youth additional tickets so they can bring their families back to the acae free of charge on a later date. very excited about that.
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and so we also care about the impact that we have on the local economy. and we recognize that we're a major attraction and employer for the city, paticularly on the west side. over 60% of our employees are san francisco residents and represent our city's diverse population. we also consistently welcome ov 1.3 miion visitors to the museum and golden gate park. those visitors do not impact just the academy. we had a recent economic impact study done by deloitte and the study found that our 1.3 million visitors amount to $122 million annual economic impact to the city. and we focus on being a good neighbor and we have been very enga wh hnner sunset merchants' association and the inner sunset park neighbors and supporting initiatives like the formation of an inner sunset green benefit district. all right, last sli.
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so s you all know a major facet of our mission is to help the public to make informed decisions about the environment and human impact on our natural resources. our staff walk the walk every day. over 70% of our staff commute sustainable a caousee the breakdown of that, almost a third take public transit and about a third carpool. and the academy is a champion for access, and the museum and the golden gate park, regardless of socioeconomic status or mobility challenges. looking forward our newest exhibit which opens this week and i just saw it last night and it's beautiful "giants of land and sea," drives home the commitment to california and our ecosystem. and it's also our first ever exhibit presented in four languages. english and spanish and chinese and filipino. so come see us, it's really neat. in closing i want to say troh all of our efforts the city support is crucial and our work together is making a big difference in the world ae greatly appreciate your support.
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and we will take questions. >> supervisor cohen: thank you. i have a question quickly. one thing that i did not see in here is -- maybe you could point out for me is your revenue. i see the budget issues and the the amount of visitors but how much do you spend to make this operation work? >> california academy of sciences has a $70 million nual budget and the city supports about $6.5 million of that and the revenues are made up of 55% ticket sales,ou salesm the city and the rest from the fundraising and our endowment. estiupervisor cohen: i have a qu and i hae attended many events and i understand that you rent out certain parts of the facility, is that right? >> that is correct. >> supervisor cohen: how much of your revenue is from this renting of the venue? >> about a million dollars a year. >> supervisor cohen: it's not that much. i thought that it would be more.
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>> we have to be careful that every event that we do is mission focused. >> supervisor cohen: that makes sense. that definitely makes sense. and one thing toggest ts you have partnership that you have in order to expand your outreach program, stategic partnerships with the department of the environment and the department of children and youth and family. i want you to add h.r.c. i don't know if you heard their presentation today and they're rooted in particularly in the communities of color and in the southeast and i know tht just from my work with the commissioner and the members of the executive leadership staff. just making shature twe're able to reach all neighborhoods. i know thahe effort is there but i want to make sure that the returns are there and that we're not just trying but that we're actually succeeding with that effort. i think that h.r.c. might be a good strategic partner to get you connected to help to open up the world. i grew up here in san francisco and i grew up attending -- obviously, not this version,
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because this is updated, but attending the aquarium, and as well as just the entire science museum. so it's a real resource. and i want to make sure that able to offer it to everyone and in every corner of san francisco. so i hope that you will heed my advice to reach out to cheryl davis with h.r.c. when you have -- whatdo you call it -- when you have different districts coming into -- ito the park for free or a discounted rate. >> the neighborhood free days. >> supsor cohen: do you provide transportation to the neighborhood free days? >> no, not yet. >> supervisor cohen: that might be something else. just as an f.y.i. supervisor fewer? >> supervisor fewer: thank you very much, supervisor cohen. i thought that you provided school transportation, is that correct? >> that is correct. >> supervisor fewer: i know that having been on the school
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board it started with the schools in the bayview that you had brought every student out to the academy. and so thank you for that. now i'm so glad to hear that it's extending to all of the e ihothi tha every, you k, the san francisco unified school district, they serve students of color plus a majority that meet pover.ral guidelines for so now i have a question, and maybe this is for the controll controller... sorry. so the acemyad iencesn y district, they have a very close relationship with them and i also know that if brings in a lot of revenue for the rec and park and the whole area around the fine arts museum. but it was my understanding that under the charter that we as a city and county would pay for operating expenses. all of t operating expenses. is that correct? >> and the academy can correct
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my understanding here if it's not correct, but i believe that the city charter establishes the responsibility for the academy of the sciences to be the operations of the aquarium. >> supervisor fewer: oh, the aquarium. >> and then the provision of facilities for the overall institution. so we pay for the maintenance of the overall building i believe is what the charter says, but theoperations of only the acare yum. that dates back to the original trust that created the city's relationship. >> supervisor fewer: so i have a question for the academy. does this proposed budget encompass all of the operating expenses for the aquarium and the building? because i just wanted to make sure that we're abiding b or city charter. >> i appreciate the question. actually the costs to operate the aquarium and to maintain the building is closer to $10 million a year. >> supervisor fewer: so we are under. so we -- the budget is really about the actual budget is
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$10 million and we have a proposed budget here of $6 $6.4 million. >> correct. >> supervisor fewer: in the charter it says as the controller has just explained to us that the city and the county is responsible for theeopating budget of the aquarium and also the maintenance of the building which would be about $10 million. >> roughly $10 million. >> supervisor fewer: so it looks like we're a couple million short of fulfilling our charter amendment responsibility. is that correct? >> i would say that's correct, yes. >> supervisor fewer: oh, okay, thank you. and then i would guess that i would look to the mayor's budget office also. so is there a way to correct this actually because this is by maybter and what are we bound the city attorney can answer that question. if mr. city attorney -- i'm so
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sorry. a quick question. so we just heard from the controller that under the charter amendment that the city and the county is responsible for the operating expenses of just the aquarium and also the maintenance of the building. we see that this is $6.4 million and the gentleman is saying for the academy of science that the budget is actually 10 million. so are we legally obligated to th at obligation under our city chrt? >> supervisor, we can refer and report back to you because you're raising interesting questions. but this is a long-standing historical practice where the city is paying for -- we're legally required to pay for the maintenance of the building and required to maintain it. the academy itself has historiovyided funds to maintain it and the city h paid for whatever is left is the way that it's worked. i don't know that if the academy itself is providing direct funding as an institutio
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maintenancdon't think that anyt- the charter doetn'prevent them from doing that nor does it require us to then appropriate it again. >> supervisor fewer: so we der the charter to tuallthough so if you could get back to me on that, i think it'svery imt pannt considering the charter -- as the charter was passed by the people of san francisco and when the people of san francisco have spoken then we actually have a legal obligation to our residents of san francisco. wh as it's been defined as we are responsible financially for the maintenance of the building and also of the aare aquarium as the costs go up and the aquarium itself needs have expande we arne hear imated amount of $10 million and not meeting our charter obligation. so i think that is a consideration for the mayor's budget folks also to consider.
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consideringthat is a legal obligation. and then to hear from the controller about a deeper analysis and follow-up. thank you very much. and that's all i wanted to sy. thank you very much. >> okay. thank you. >> supervisor cohen: supervisor yee? >> supervisor yee: thank you, supervisor fewer for that question but can i also add to this mix or at least do you have -- you do have revenues from ticket sales? >> that's correct. >> supervisor yee: so is that counted into helping with the $10 million or how does that work? >> that's correct. so $70 million of revenue from various sources and we have $70 million in expenses and they all balance out. >> supervisor yee: so i guess that the question for the controller, it's not a question but for the controller, does it matter whether we consider or
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not consider the ticket prices as part of the gap i guess between the $10 million and the $6 million? >> you're right that it's part of the review. t have talked with supervisor t is pthet analysis that we'll have to work through. >> supervisor yee: thank you. >> supervisor fewer: i want to say if there's extra moneys would you be able to expand some of the educational opportunities for our population in san francisco that actually are below the poverty level? and also expand the opportunities for them and their families actually to have access to the aquarium or perhaps even more three days at the aquarium -- free days at the quarm if you had the money to do o? >> yes, supervisor fewer, one of our core ideasays our academy for all program, that with
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additional funding we'd focus on underserved communities, yes. >> supervisor fewer: thank you very much. >> supervisor cohen: real quick before you go, one of the d that we ardigestin that isblis has to do with the intern program, the number of careers and science program interns. where do you advertise that opportunity for young peo to apply for thisrogram? >> oh, gosh. >> supervisor cohen: i realize gu yy an may not know the answer. >> i'd love to channel my inner education chief but she's not here today. i don't know the answer but we will get back to you. >> supervisor cohen: i appreciate if you would and i would like to offer feedback to how to bring more diversity into that pool as well. >> supervisor feweabe demographic information is helpful. >> so we have homework. h.r.c., andonit d interns, on it.
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ji. >> i did attend the work day for disabled adults and to get the employers there and looking to bjoeewabaloused people there as .nk nkha you. >> supervisor cohen: thank you very much for your presentation and we appreciate your thoughtful answers and next we'll hear from the health service system followed by he -- well, actually that will be the end of tem 5na 6. and then we'll hear from the board of supeisors angela iso ealth services system, this is abbey yant. this has an $11.7 million budget, a total of positions. miss yant, did i pronounce that correctly? >> that's correct. >> supervisor cohen: great, thank you. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> supervisor cohen: we are
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ready when you are. >> great. well, good afternoon, chairman cohen and the members of the budget and the finance committee. i'm the new executive die of the health services system and i began in february of this year. and i will present you today our plan for our budget this year. we are esponsible administering es for 127,598 peoandh t member membership continues to increase. we serve active and retirees of the city and county and the unified school distri collgi and san francisco spirit court. our membership has increased over 5,000 in the last five years which is equivalent to almost a 12% increase. ankthyou.get this projected? over the last fie years the health premiums have been consistently been lower than the national trends dspite an aging,tivea and retiree rkforce. and the most expensive health
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care marketple in california. health service continues to develop creative and cost-saving efforts while ovingpp to a growing number of active edrees without nancrease in staff. in fiscal year 2018-2019, the staff worked to save the city $5.56 million in projected increases, compared to the city's five-year financial plan. i wo ur new initiatives include -- well, we're kicking off our strategic planning process in the next two week yews thiswil uide our work d while our staffnd myself and the board have a lot of big ideas, i really wasn't prepared to present them today because it reallywould circumvent the process. and it was ver informative to hear some of the prior departments, especially o on the equity discussion and such, these are issues that will be part of our strategic plan going forward. on the other hand we have had a
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successful pilot of our online self-service benefit enentrollm in 2017 where it was limited. so we plan toand that opportunity to offer an online enrollment to over 12,000 membe clg 5 yh, retirees this fall. thank you. we are rebuilding our website to facilitate easier access to th information on our benefits and well-being program. we're scheduled to launch that in january 2019. and we are in the queue to update our outdated telephone and call mangement program as part of the city-wide voip project that would be helpful for our operations team. last year we eat eal of success with the rollout of voluntary benefits for all city and county employees. this was buidinon the high level of interest in172. and the enrollment and the voluntary increases were 27%. and we are exploring long-term
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care and tuition sivngs and looking for ways that we can do without adding costs to the employers that we serve. offering these benefits is really important to help the city as employers to recruit an thpically offered in ch of the private sectr as you are aware, slide three, the healthi semss ts e health service board to meet its fiduciary obligations to manage the health trusts that is now running at about $843 million per year. so it's a heavy lift for the staff that primarily works in thefour areas of the negotiating, purchasing, and the health plans, and servicing the members directly by assisting in enrollment and ngoing activities and their health and well-being and hat improves their health and primarily one of the primary determinants of
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health acceseah care so, of course, that isrpmary to our services b also increasingly through well-being health promotion activities. and then the receiving and the the funds andtheims through ths premiums that we pay and the claims that we have on behalf of the p processing the claim. the city contribution is running at about $711 million at this time. slide four, saffing and work distribution, we're staffed by 54 f.t.e.s, 51 of which are funded by the general fund. 24 with six divisions in the operations division is 24 employees that really manage the enrollment and the eligibility ctivits for nine team benefit plans. and handling the 51,000 interactions annually. including phone calls and visits. we have recently remodeled our lobby to accommodate the large number of people who still
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arrive in person to get counselling. nine financial -- finance f.t.e.s process those claims that i referenced earlier and administer the budget. eight well-become f.t.e.s, including one funded through the trust, work with now 66 departments that are actively engaged in the well-being programs which is terrific. they provide trainings and materials and guidance -- we now have 202 volunteer well-being champions spread throughout the city. they coordinated 320 work site activities in 2017, which is an uptick of 64% from the prior year and they also are actively working with retirees where we're serving their needs and we also continue to employ three employee assistance counsellors who do crisis intervention for both personnel and work related issues and consult and work with various city departments to help them as well.
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our analytics team has six f.t.e.s and ensuringtht all files are accurate, over 75,000 confirmation letters to our members each --nthe last year. tabe which is really a greatims and terrific data pool that we have yet i think to fully actualize how well we can use that data. >> supervisor cohen: i want to ne more minute.ttention that yoe >> okay. >> supervisor cohen: let's jump to the slide five. >> where we see the charts. and the salaries and the benefits are 68% of the budget. ane the largest expenditure beyond that is work orders with rent and other city department services and our non-personnel services represent almost 15% and the bulk of that is services that are core to our business. and with -- >> supervisor cohen: i'm sorry, what is the actuary
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portion of the budget? >> 760,000. >> supervisor cohen: and on this chart it is materials -- non-personnel services? >> non-personnel services -- yeah, actuary services fall under that. >> supervisor cohen: okay, thank you. >> so then we'll just jump to slide six a he budget spread sheet. you will see that there's a sala and benefit increases to 2.2%, due to colas and there's reductions in non-personnel services and the material services, and a decrease of 1%. and work orders less than 1% of change, primarily due to some changes in our lease. so that is all i have to present today. i'm happy to take questions. >> supervisor cohen: i have a question for you. when is the next cola increase scheduled? we've got one coming up in fiscal year -- i guess 2018-2019?
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when is the next cola increase scheduled? thank you. >> kelly kirkpatrick, acting budgediector. for most of the city's unions we had a two-year agreement for cola of 3% and so ehnext one that is negotiated is for fiscal year 2018-2019, starting on july 1st for all of those represented employees. >> supervisor cohen: okay. so i guess that the one that begins on 2018-2019 has already been negotiated. >> correct that. is agreed to and 2019-2020 we are renegotiating with the 26 unions this coming spring and fiscal 2018-2019 for fiscal year 2019-2020. >> supervisor cohen: you do this every two or three years? >> depends on the terms of the agreement so we have had a two-year agreement last time with the 26 unions and the contracts that we did just did with police and fire are three years. so it depends on the terms of the agreement. but this last one for most of
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the city employees ort e staff majority was for two years. >> supervisor cohen: is t largely the d.h.r. bargaining unit that governs pportion of the -- governs this potion of the increases and the timeline? they did for police and fire and sticking with the example that yougave, that's how it works? >> there's a lead department in consultation with the mayor's office and the controllers office helps to support on technical assistance. >> supervisor cohen: i appreciate that, thank you so much. and miss yant, another question for you, you guys pay rent and you don't own your building? >> we do. at 1145 market. >> supervisor cohen: have you ever looked at or hd eal estate ever done a sourcing for a building? >> we moved in thre -- when -- i hasn't been that long? a couple years? >> i believe that we have been there for a at 15 or 16 years. and the lease that we're on is a 10-year lease that will expire on 2023. although there is an exit after
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7 1/2 years. >> supervisor cohen: excuse me for cutting in. didn't you work at d.b.i.? >> yes, i did. >> wow, good memory. >> supervisor cohen: okay. >> i travel a lot of places. >> supervisor cohen: good for you. i like that haircut too, it looks good on you. have we explored the conversation on purchasing the building. the retirement board as an example -- >> they're in our building. >> supervisor cohen: yes. aney prchased a new building and they'll be moving out? >> yeah. >> supervisor cohen: so my question is, in terms of the city, it is most frugal, and in our best interest to own every anset as opposed to paying rent being beholden to landlords. so i don't know if the department of real estate if you are relatively new and so maybe you have not been part of the conversation and maybe i shoud pivot to the mayor's budget office to hear more thoughts around this? >> i think is a great question and i think that a good -- the city administrators office has a
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overview of that the ity leases for departments and we work on those together. so it's a great qstn for real estate to help us to kind of assess on what the options are for all of our kind of rentals and building ownership across the departments. >> supervisor cohen: fantastic. how faine 0 le two yers? >> didn't you say 2023. >> supervisor cohen: by 203 2023 we're out. okay. so, you might want to start to think about approaching that conversation to see and think about what is most feasible. the health service department is going to be around and why not own our own future. now the real estate eprtent has just hired a new director and i don't know if there's a new direction and we have a new mayor so this is just my two cents. so i will pivot to see if
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there's colleagues with any other questions of anything? how about youdown there, supervisor sheehy? >> supervisor sheehy: just one comment. i have served on the health services board and this is really an outstanding agency. and the way in which they've been able to deliver high quality health care to both current employees and across a range of agencies andeirees and to hold the costs down is a real model for the city. they do it with less than 55 employees. so i have justben trmendously impressed by this particular agency of the city. they take care of us. >> supervisor cohen: i toe echo that, it's a fantastically well run department and i sit on the retirement board so i studied the actuarial projections and i understand the forecasts that people are living longer and the costs of health insurance is going up exponentially. something that i always think about in the back of my mind is
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>> members of the committee, madam chair cohen, angela calvillo. i represent the 33 passionate employees whose diligence, traits and skills binds our team together and has led to a v strong organization in the office of the clerk of the board. the work underlies the proposed budget iniscalar 2018-19 and 2019-20 budgets that i'm honored for your congratulations. thank you for the maintenance and organization of the information before you. marissa perzitelli, and deborah newman. thank you for your review of our budget. i'm joined by various members of
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the leadership team in the clerk's office. at the outset, i will state that we expect to be in agreement with the budget analyst recommendations as of next week, as of today, to be honest with you. in february, the committee approved our proposed budget and there's been no changes between today and then. madam clerk, did you call item 7? >> cle: we haven't called item 7. >> okay. as department 1, we're considered a small department, but it's not about being small. it's about doing more with less. our small factory, we have an objective, which is the legislative process. we produce the public notices. we assure the legal text is ready for the committee and the board and produce the meetings with agendas and accompanying
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information. the other item is to ensure that the public has access. our interaction with the public is equivalent it a hitter getting on base. the reliable driver, answering questions efficiently. you can see our gold standard on slide two. it shows the vari way we're fear public. we have the youth commission, as you saw through their presentation last month. they've been hard at work around civic engagement,sing and employment. the clers office has undergone a quiet restructuring. we've reviewed and reset our positions and i'm happy to report that we've position the the organization to grow more effectively and take on more projects within the existing, full-time employees envelope, through efficiency and
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diligence. we're taking on complex processes such as the permit appeals, autonomous delivery service appeals. e wees affect thuaed year. the chart on the right depicts our f.t.e. count. we have the same f.t.e. count for the last 20 years, despite the growth in economy. we're not asking for any new f.t.e.s this year. slide three depicts th department's proposed budget. our revenues and expenditures by category for the current year, the budget year and the out year and the changes fro t prior year. on the revenue side, we expect the assessment appeals board to remain at a low level. this is the impact of a strong real estate market in san francisco, which is expected over the next two years. the department's proposed expeditures will increase by
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$352,000 or 2.2% in fiscalrs 2018/19 and 0.3% in '19/'20. these increases in salaries are due to the base wage growth in the m.o.u.s. there are no changes in f.t.e. positions, as stated earlier. we've made every effort to give back what we could to assist the city over the years the department's budget includes only what we need and no significant discretionary spending. going forward, i will be incredibly cautious about making any deep cuts. slide four, you have seen this before, so i will not good over this in depth. it's the constituent management system and cost of living adjustment for the budget and analyst contract, which is item 7 before you to
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>> supervisor cohen: i'd like the cle to call number 7. >> clerk: enacting a 3% cost of living adjustment to the 2018-2019 for approximately $2.2 million for legislative and ana services to be effective july 1, 2018, and tomend contract accordingly. >> supervisor cohen: thank you. >> this motion affectuates a 3% cost of living. it may be enacted at a rate no more than for city employees. they've requested a cola to for 3%. it will add $67,000 bringing the contract amount to $2.3 million in 2018/'19, and 2019/'20.
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it's in the proposed budget. i've been the clerk for 11 years. when i became the clerk, the board of supervisors wanted to competitive i bid analyst services. at that time it, was a $2.6 million contract. with this cola, it will bring it, 11 years later to, $2.3. i wanted to give you that historical reference as to where we are at in the cola. and just getting back to the last two sl .we also provided you an update in february on some of the current projects, legislative management project, digitization. we're moving forward on both of those projects. and, finally, redoubling our efforts on strengthening the emergency department planning and continuity of operations. you'veeen our outreach to offices and pursuant to the charter well
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