tv Government Access Programming SFGTV June 16, 2018 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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skelly hearings was about civil rights. i was put through a skelly hearing on march 23, 2018. i'm certain that the people involved in it knew that the -- that this was not up to code, and they proceeded any ways. again, i ask that you take civil rights seriously and look into this. my own union refuses to deal with it. they have acknowledged that it was not a skelly hearing. they have acknowledged in writing to me and on audio that the procedures were not followed, but they are not holding the district accountable for not following skelly procedure. again, on may 11, 2018, i was put through another hearing that was not up to california code. labor relations is now calling that hearing a skelly hearing.
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they are putting it on writing that on may 11, 2018, a skelly hearing happened. that is not true. i'm certain of it, and again, i ask that you investigate this. i respectfully request that the san francisco school board take civil rights seriously. i can conduct a full investigation in human resources labor relations and uesf. thank you for your time. >> thank you. the next item is proposition a, appendix f. two minutes on this, too, miss casco. >> all right. thank you, again. my -- to the school board and dr. matthews for staying so late. my name is margaret reyes, and
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i'm here to officially request that you investigate and publish all about proposition a/appendix f 2018. i was employed at that time. i actually volunteered on proposition a. i have searched high and low. i cannot see that the voters or board members who voted in 2018 had any idea about appendix f. if the voters were given an opportunity to know about this, i ask that you please publish it. also, i ask that the amount of times that proposition -- or excuse me, appendix f has been used be published. i'd like a detailed explanation as to why ten years after appendix f was voted on or was put in it remains buried in the contract. you have not baked in into the
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main part of the contract. several parts of appendix f actually contradict the main part of contract. both uesf and sfusd continue to bury is in the contract. so i'd ask for a detailed explanation as to why. again, proposition a, appendix f can lead to the union having no power to veto who gets put into par. we know par is a punitive program. we know that it is discriminatory, and proposition a, appendix f did force the union to give up all their power. again, if you could give us some history, publish the history as to how that happened back in 2008, i think the public deserves to now. again, thank you for your time, and i request all information regarding the history of proposition a/appendix f. thank you.
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>> thank you. section m is our memorial adjournment. i'm going to be adjourning this in memory of violeona howard w passed away at the age of 98 on may 22, 2018. she earned the distinction of having a district public school, the leola m.havard early education school named after her in her lifetime. born april 3, 1920 in ethyl, louisiana, she was the second child of oliver and lieu morgan. she received her early education in the public schools of baton rouge, louisiana. she completed her early education at university of
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louisiana and earned a master of arts at san francisco state university. her childhood dream was always to become a teacher. she began her career at an educator in the sfusd on the faculty of patrick henry elementary school. later, she taught at gar eye and mckinley elementary schools. unsurprisingly, she was a consummate educator. for example, it was important to her that fourth graders begin to appreciate the communities in which they reside. accordingly as a fourth grade teacher, she began taking children on community visits to create an interest in and familiarize them with neighborhoods. it was during her tenure at mckinley that she was appointed the assistant principal of marshall annex elementary school. a newspaper article written during the time described her as the first negro woman administrator in the san francisco school system. she also served as an
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assistance praent at starky elementary school again earning the distinction as the first african american woman to hold such a position in the sfusd. under her leadership, test scores improved significantly. she retired from the school district in 1981, after 31 years of service. the superintendent robert alioto, in honor of her status in the district was the first black woman administrator, as the first black woman administrator, escorted her to her retirement dinner. it was a most joyous occasion. she was both astonished and elated -- in 2011 under the leadership of dr. amos brown, president of the san francisco branch of the naacp, the san francisco unified school district board of education recognized her dedication and service to students, parents
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and the community by unanimously voting to change the name of the burnet child development agency to the leona m.havard early education school. the sfusd has bestowed this honor on only two other living persons. she was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, charles, brothers and sister-in-laws lawrence and gladys morgan, clarence and evelyn morgan, and her sister, jean simms. her love, generosity, graciousness, tenacity will be missed by many. her nephews and nieces include debra simms, a former
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administrator in our district, and a loving church family. the board of education and superintendent of schools extends sincere condolences to the havard and morgan families. commissioner walton? >> thank you, president mendoza-mcdonnell. this is in memory, honest aring the work, advocacy and life of barbara brown with the san francisco unified school district, the mission district and the community at large, and her daughter is here, along with her grandson, and i know her other grandchildren were here earlier, as well as her son-in-law, and thank you all for staying this late as we honor your grandmother and your mother. whereas on sunday, may 20, 2018, barbara brown left in world to be with her family members who have preceded her in death, and whereas barbara brown worked for the san francisco unified school district for 30 years. and whereas barbara brown took pride in her career, particularly her work for almost 20 years at cesar chavez
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elementary school, on formerly named hawthorne in san francisco's mission district. and whereas barbara brown also enjoyed working in the san francisco unified school district drop out prevention unit, helping many families in keeping their students in school, and whereas bash la brown took pride in her loving family, two children. and whereas barbara brown was broern in guatemala, and whereas barbara brown considered both guatemala and you the states her two homes and raised her children to be proud of who they are, and belonging to both. barbara brown left this world a better place. therefore be it resolved that
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the board of education of the san francisco unified school district here by honors barbara brown's commitment to the children and families of this district -- of this district and her contributions to san francisco's community at large. and this was also read and presented to the brown family on may 25th at her memorial service. [applause] >> our thoughts are with you and your family. so at this time, we will take public comment for those who have submitted speaker cards, and i do not have any this evening. the section o is closed session. the board will now go into closed session. thus, i
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the section p, we are resuming the regular board meeting. we need a vote on an interim chief. i move to approve the contract for the interim chief of fund development with a salary set at grade 6, step 1 for one year. can i hear a second, please. >> second. >> thank you. roll call, miss casco. >> clerk: thank you. [roll call] >> clerk: six ayes. >> thank you. vote on student expulsions. i move approval of the stipulated expulsion agreement with the parties agreeing to waive the hearing of one middle school hearing 18-16 from the district for the remainder of spring 2018 semester and the fall 2018 semester. can i hear a second. >> thank you. roll call please, miss casco. >> clerk: thank you. [roll call]
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>> clerk: six ayes. >> thank you. i move approval for a stipulated expulsion agreement where the parties agree to waive the hearing of one high school student case number 2018-17 from the district for the remainder of spring 2018 semester and thel fal 2018 semester. can i get a second, please. >> second. >> thank you. roll call, miss casco. >> clerk: thank you. [roll call] >> clerk: six ayes. >> thank you. i move approval of a stipulated expulsion agreement where the parties agree to waive the hearing of one middle school student, case number 2018-18 and suspend the enforcement of the student's expulsion. should the student fail to comply with the terms andtion cans of the stipulated agreement, student will be expelled from the district for the remainor of the spring 2018 semester and the fall 2018 semester. can i get a second? >> second. >> thank you. roll call, miss casco.
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>> clerk: thank you. [roll call] >> six ayes. >> thank you. i move the approval the expulsion of one high school student case number 2018-19 for the remain erof the spring 2018 semester and the fall 2018 semester. can i get a second? >> second. >> thank you. roll call, miss casco. >> clerk: thank you. [roll call] >> clerk: six ayes. >> thank you. i move the expulsion of one high school student case number 2018-20 for the remainder of the spring 2018 semester and the fall 2018 semester. can i get a second, please. >> second. >> thank you. roll call, please. >> thank you. [roll call] >> clerk: six ayes. >> thank you. i move the approval for the expulsion of one high school
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student, case number 2018-21, from the district for the remainder of the spring 2018 semester and the fall 2018 semester. can i get a second, please. >> second. >> thank you. miss casco, roll call. [roll call] >> clerk: that's six ayes. >> thank you. this is the readout for the june 12, 2018 closed session. the board by a vote of six ayes, one absent, norton, approved the contract for one droor, the board by a vote of six ayes, one absent approved the contract for four program administrators. the board, by a vote of six ayes, one absent, approved the contract for principals. the board, by a vote of six ayes, one absent approved the contract for six assistant principals. the vote by a vote of six ayes,
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one absent, approved the release of six teachers and one paraprofessional. -- in the matter of sfusd versus oah, case number 20180850562 the board by a vote of six ayes one absent gives the district the authority to pay up to the stipulated amount. on two matters of anticipated litigation, the board gave direction to general counsel. section q is adjournment. this meeting is adjourned. thank you.
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>> so good morning, everyone. i want to welcome everyone and thank you all for coming here today: you know, as mayor of the city, it is one of our core responsibilities as a government to provide public safety to our residents and preparedness for any emergencies that come about. both these issues have and always will be a top priority
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of mine. anyone in calling 911 in our city needs to make sure there's a live person on the other end of the line when they make that phone call. it is sometimes a matter between life and death. and our 911 dispatch center has seen an increased call volume of 44% since 2011. that is a dramatic increase here in the city of san francisco. it equates to dispatchers answering approximately 1,000 more calls perday. that's 1,000 more calls perday since seven years ago. with a growing population in the city of san francisco, we have to anticipate that this call volume will not decrease but will only increase here in the city of san francisco. and last year, our 911 dispatch center, despite many efforts, was falling short on response times. recognizing the importance of this, mayor lee created a task
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force to look at the issue, along with many of the people standing behind me here today. along with increased hiring strategies, the task force came up with a number of innovative approaches to help our dispatch center, tapping 311 to handle non-emergency calls. welcoming back recently retired veteran dispatchers to duty, and hiring, training and retaining more dispatchers than ever before. as mayor it has been a top priority of mine to continue to improve our 911 dispatch times. we have put a number of policies in place over the last year to improve our response times, but we cannot rest on our laurels and we have to do more here in the city of san francisco if we want to continue to emphasize san francisco safety for -- public safety for our san francisco residents. and since these strategies have been implemented, we have seen
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an increase in our response times by 22 is. which is good but we have nor work to do. we have to continue to bolster our dispatch here here at our department of emergency management. so today, i'm introducing new funding to tackle exactly that issue. we are investing $8.9 million over the next two years to train 90 new dispatchers here at the department of emergency management to continue to improve our response time, to make sure that our 911 response times are over the 90% national standard that exists today. we want to make sure our dispatchers have the resources they need to respond to calls quickly. in addition, we are giving them the tools and the technology that they need to do their job appropriately. so the budget also includes technology upgrades that will shorten the time it takes to dispatch fire and medical assistance on our streets. it also includes power loss
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prevention tech 23408g to ensure utility disruption will not interfere with our center right here. in short, this funding over the next two years will make sure we have a world class dispatch center here in san francisco. our residents deserve nothing less. meeting the national standard of 90% call times within ten seconds demands a fully staffed department and dispatch center, and i am thrilled as mayor to be making these investments for the public safety of our residents. in addition, i want to talk about vst investments that we are making for our fire department through this budget. the men and women of our fire department save lives every single day here in the city of san francisco. we have some of the best men and women firefighters here in
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the city of san francisco. we need to continue to give them the tools they need to continue to do this beers. this package will include $15 million for new firefighter apparatus, fire trucks, engines, ambulances and command vehicles. the new ambulances are outfitted with cameras to make sure drivers have better sight lines so they're better able to navigate our very tight and congested streets here in the city of san francisco. our men and women in the fire department are also responding to increased medical calls here in the city of san francisco, so today i'm announcing we're investing $1.5 million for the fire department to add an additional quick response vehicle. this team and the budget to support them will build upon the success of the ms-6 program that responds to high frequency
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emergency service users. the team will provide 24/7 medical response to call services and ambulances that are needed in our streets where we need an ambulance or a fire engine. this team will also alleviate the appreciate on the larger fire vehicles to come to the scene. combined with the additional investments we've made over the past few weeks and that we have announced, i want to make sure that san francisco residents know that we are investing in the future of the city, that we are investing to make sure the streets of san francisco are as safe as can be, and those that are on our streets can get the help that they need and off the streets as quickly as possible. since day one as being mayor, i've always states that public safety has been my top priority. these investments and the funding we're making reflect exactly that.
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as mayor of the city of san francisco, i want to make sure that i leave our city in a safer place than when i took office, and i believe these investments will do exactly that. so i want to thank everyone for being here today, and with that, i want to turn it over to our director of the department of emergency management, ann croneberg. >> thank you, may or farrell. thank you so much for your unwaivering support of public safety here in san francisco, first as a member of the board of supervisors and now as mayor of san francisco. as the mayor stated over the last six months we've implemented strategies here at d.e.m. that have allowed us to maintain our goal of answering 90 is pfrs of our 911 calls within ten seconds or less. the first part of our strategy focused on hiring and training new dispatchers. it takes about nine months to a
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year to fully train a dispatcher, so it's a long process, it's a huge commitment. the fact that the mayor is giving us the funding in the next two years to hire additional 90 dispatchers will make a huge difference for us here at d.e.m. last year we added almost 40 new dispatchers and we're seeing the results of that right now with our 90% call answering time. the second part of our strategy was to make sure that the public knew which calls should be going to 911 and which calls should be going to 311. as the mayor stated, 40% of our calls that come into the call center really are not emergencies, so here we are, trying to address that issue and let the residents and the visitors to san francisco know that we have a highly functional 311 center that also operates 24-7 that people can call for non-emergency kind of
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issues. we also had an ad campaign this last year, which i think really helped us in educating the public who could call. at the department of emergency management, we reach more than 25 million people through our ad campaign last year, through social media, bus ads. you probably saw the ads on bus shelters, as well, be it the 311 or # 11. our strategies have increased our hiring, redirected calls, and allowed the public to be better educated. the announcement today of the additional $8 million to hire and train 90 new public safety dispatchers over the next two years is critical to maintain san francisco's ability to meet and exceed our call standards. for our residents, businesses, and visitors, this is an investment in our ability to quickly receive help when you
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have an emergency when you call 911. for our dedicated and hard working 911 dispatchers, this is also an investment in you. you've worked long hours over the last few years, oftentimes working mandatory over time, being away from your family, being away from your loved ones. with the continued investment in 911, we are hoping that we have the appropriate staffing level and that people will be able to have a life outside of work, as well. so thank you, mayor farrell, again for your vision and for your investment in san francisco's 911 system. the collaboration and coordination that we have here in san francisco between our public safety departments is something that we think is quite wonderful. we work very closely with the fire department and the police department. none of us could do it by ourselves. really, it is this investment in the entire public safety
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system that's going to make a difference. so at this point, i'm going to turn it over to my friend and colleague, chief hayes-white, to say a few remarks. >> good morning, everyone. thanks for coming out. first and foremost, i'd like to acknowledge and applaud mayor farrell for his efforts not only as surprise but as our mayor. as he said, he has always prioritized public safety and for that we are grateful. he has always been a champion about keeping our community safe. with all of the challenges that we see in an ever growing city that we want to keep safe. also, like to thank mayor farrell for his investment in the department of emergency management. it's all about partnerships and collaboration, and the funding is much needed at the department of emergency management. that is the first agency that's call when someone is in need of help, and you need to have a high functioning department in
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department of emergency management to be able to get the appropriate resources out to the streets of san francisco via the san francisco fire department and san francisco police department so thank you for that investment. that's where it all starts. we're very proud to say that it was a privilege working for mayor lee, just as it's a privilege working for mayor farrell, and mayor farrell has expanded upon some of the initiatives of the lee administration. as he mentioned, over $13 million for new equipment to keep our members safe and our community safe. it's very important that we have state of the art equipment. it does a few things. not only does it add to the safety of our members, but it achieves goals such as vision zero goals. all of our specifications now for apparatus, talked about the importance of vision zero. making sure we have environmentally responsible vehicles to the highest he
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mission standards as well as moragile vehicles to navigate through our windy and narrow streets here in san francisco. so making that investment and bringing on a new you are fleet will achieve a whole lot of different things that we really appreciate. just as the department of emergency management has experienced a boost in their call volume. we have, as well. it kind of makes sense, right? 25% increase in call volume since 2013. we're one of the busiest fire departments in the nation. we run over 150,000 calls a year, and we pride ourselves in getting to the scene within about a five minute time period. if it's a medical call and someone needs transport, our response times are back where they should be in that we get an ambulance to the scene within ten minutes 90% of the time and that's because again, the great investment that we've started making in the lee administration and has continued in the farrell administration. we appreciate the continued support of mayor farrell and look forward to continuing to serve the residents and
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>> i lived in the mission neighborhood for seven years and before that the excel see your district. 20 years a resident of the city and county of san francisco. i am the executive director of a local art space nonprofit that showcases work that relate to the latino community and i have been in this building for seven years and some of my neighbors have been here 30 year. we were notified from the landlord he was going to sell the building. when we realized it was happening it was no longer a thought for the landlord and i sort of had a moment of panic.
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i heard about the small sites program through my work with the mission economic agency and at met with folks from the mayor's housing program because they wanted to utilize the program. we are dealing with families with different needs and capacities. conversations were had early in the morning because that is the only time that all the tenants were in the building and finally when we realized that meda did have the resources to buy the building we went on a letter writing campaign to the landlord and said to him we understand you want to sell your building, we understand what you are asking for and you are entitled to it, it's your land, but please work with us.
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what i love about ber nell height it represents the diversity that made me fall in love with san francisco. we have a lot of mom and pop shops and you can get all your resources within walking distance. my favorite air area of my homes my little small patio where i can start my morning and have my coffee an is a sweet spot for me and i welcome, everybody here and thank you for joining us today as we swear in 24 commissioners today. representing 16 different commissions and boards here in the city of san francisco. it really gives me great confidence to present these individuals and i want to thank
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you in advance for your service and in many cases your continued service to the city of san francisco here today. we renew the terms of a number of existing serving commissioners. we are going to be swearing in some new commissioners here today which i'm also very, very excited about. i do want to say thank you to all of you here for your willingness to serve the residents of our city. i know in many instances it's a thankless task. i know it's longer hours than people ever know. as mayor i want to say thank you and really this is paying it forward. it's thank you for years of service ahead to the city of san francisco. it means the world to our residents and it means a ton to all those of us who serve inside of city hall that we have amazing commissioners to serve us and board members so thank you for your service. i want to say also that i'm actually very, very proud and i want to thank francis and i want to thank jason for all the
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appointments. please give them a round of applause. >> [applause] >> of the appointments i've been able to make as the mayor of the city of san francisco, i've done a lot of work on women's rights issues, spear headed a lot by the two amazing women that work for me in my office and now back in the slope -- envelope about 60% are women. i'm proud of our group. we want to thank you. we need to make sure our boards reflect the diversity of san francisco. you do that here today. i want to say thank you to every one of you today that you are sitting here because i have the confidence in you to make our city the bright future that it has in store for all of us here in san francisco and i just want
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to say thank you personally. i also want to say that i know that it's a lot of responsibility and i know you will not take it lightly, that you will serve well with dedication for years to come. so you can't get out of it now after getting sworn in right here. so with that we are going to administer the oath of office here. what i'm going to do is if you would stand up and in the beginning here we are going to -- i'm going to say i and then i'd like you to state your name and the commission. we'll do that and then we'll do the rest of the oath altogether here and you can just repeat after me. i'll promise to go as soon as i can. so with that i and then we are going to pass the mic and and you're going to state your name and commission. >> frank lee, building mission. >> sam moss building inspection commission. >> yvonne lee, ethics commission. >> mike sullivan, commission on the environment.
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>> francis covington, fire commission. >> edward chow, health commission. >> tesie, health commission. >> preservation commission. >> maya human rights commission. >> you can clap that's okay. >> jason pelagrimi, human rights commission. >> joel arreano, juvenile probation commission. >> taley moses, juvenile probation. >> alison johnson, planning commission. >> fey, treasure island development authority. >> treasure island development authority. >> paul gisty, treasure island development authority. >> mia harris, commission on the status of women.
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>> cheryl brinkman, sf board of directors. >> transportation agency. >> mayor wardell, the library commission. >> zoe dunning, library commission. >> cheryl jones. >> and dj brooker, the southeast community facility commission as welch >> hold your applause because we have to finish this off to make it official. just repeat after me. do so lemly swear that i support and defend the constitutionf the united states of america and the constitution of the state of california. against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the constitution of the united
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states and the constitution of the state of california. i take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion and that i will welcome faithfully to discharge the duties upon which i'm about to enter. during such time as i hold the office a member of the, now individually state your own commissions, for the city and county of san francisco. congratulations, everybody.
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