tv Government Access Programming SFGTV June 16, 2018 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT
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that presentation was about 30 seconds. you're going to get a gold star for that. next we a're going to hear fro the civil service commission, mr. michael brown. they are focused on providing fair and equitiable opportunities for all current and prospective employees for the city of san francisco. it's particularly focused on implicit bias in hiring. the total budget if i'm not mistaken is $1.3 million. let's see: of that 1.3 million, 1 million is for salary and benefits. the floor is yours. welcome. >> so good morning, supervisors, and malia, and also, the controller's office, and it's been a pleasure to serve with the civil service commission. this may be my last year.
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i'm not sure, but i enjoy what i'm doing, so there's a possibility i may stay longer. so it is before -- let's see... >> supervisor cohen: just a second. we've got it up, sir. your powerpoint is live. are you having some trouble? do you want me to get a clerk to help you? >> my name is michael brown, and i was the director of the
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civil service division. i only have five slides to go through. the purpose perthe charter for the civil service commission is to provide qualified persons for appointment to the civil service for the city and county and san francisco. our mission is to establish, ensure and maintain an equitiable and incredible system for employment for the san francisco. [inaudible] >> it is the goal also that our policy for the commission to provide fair treatment of applicants in it all aspects of employment without regard to membership in a protected category and to prohibit
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nepotism and favoritism. our authority we find under the charter and also the administrative code where we work under -- [inaudible] >> estabshe the policies and procedures gomping the are merit system, gomp the conduct and actions of employees in merit system matters. we conduct hearings over peals on merit system matters -- [inaudible] >> we review requests for proposed personal service contracts for the feasibility of public employees hired through the merit system to perform services to the public as a priority. we have wage setting and benefit setting
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responsibilities for elected city officials and prevailing wage certification. we also administer the employee relations ordinance. we coordinate and administrate unfair labor charges for peace officers and repeals of bargaining -- naubl -- elections for labor organizations and certifications, decertification, afilliation of labor organizations. so here's the crux of what we're presenting today is what our budget, and you've already heard what the numbers are. currently in our current year, we have 1,250,582. and mainly our increases are
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perincreases in particular employee salaries, and projected increases in fringe benefited. we have no expected changes in the commission's fixed f.t.e., which is a small but mighty department over the next two fiscal years, and no projected over time costs over the next two fiscal years. some of the projects that we've been working on, i think the last time i was here, there was a question about what kind of projects the civil service commission are working on. we are in collaborative mode working with department of human resources working on some things that are priorities. they have come forward with a need to look at civil service rules as it's going to improve in the hiring process and the whole feel for outside employee -- outside individuals trying to come into the city as a network, and what it looks like, what it feels like. and so there has been the -- the job apps system that the
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d.h.r. has is coming to an end, and they have to renew the contract. but at the same time we're looking at new systems and how we're going to design it. and so some of that has to do with changing the civil service rules. so one of the important things that came before you as the board of supervisors was initiative to talk about deidentification which would reduce imp reply sit and explicit bias in the hiring process. it necessarily -- it does not necessarily mean that we're changing something in the exam process because this has been the interviews for when the manager's hiring someone. that's outside of the mayor's system, but there is a need to look at how we treat our eligible list. that is within the mayor's system, so there is some civil service rule changes that we are looking at. one of the things that we recognize especly whe you're talking about deidentification, it is based on a private industry setting, and we are a public entity, and so we have to look at our charter, our rules and you know what we're doing with the public and our voters in san
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francisco, or constituents, and how this is going to work. so there is a massaging going on right now. we have posted rules, we have worked on posted rules that we're looking at. we're now engaged with stakeholders in you can at thatti thatting -- in talking about how it's going to be implemented. it doesn't stall the issue, but it does give you the first step. so there are also other four -- i think there's four other things that d.h.r. has come forward with. i'm using my committee, which is c.o.p.a.r., which is a committee on policy rules and revisions, and we meet once a month and we talk about issues. i'm now using this vehicle with d.h.r., department of human resources to put forward their recommendations and we're discussing those things, such as referral resolution. referral resolution talks about in the rules, departments are supposed to resolve their
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referral within 60 days when they get a request for hire. there's a pattern of some departments that takes longer than that, and we have to look at how this is going to work. and so this is a way we can filter out what is the issue? is it a time constraints or is it something systematic? default certification and also omotional points. promotional points has been around a long time. we're looking at a different way, a system of doing something for employees when you're looking to promote that also levels the playing field for people who are not in the system and coming in. so do we still need 60 points? can it be something different? so d.h.r. is looking at different ways we can do that. those are open discussions we are having with the departments, and first it goes before the commission and then we have a discussion, open forum. these are some of the things that we're working on. engagement, this is some of the goals that i have in my goals.
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i'm always giving training and discussing things with people that are trying to do things in the community and how we can get people to come into the city. [inaudible] >> excuse me for a second. my ears just went out. i have hearing aids. sorry. and so when we talk about these conversations with d.h.r., who -- whatever entity, the mayor's system has always been a transparent, open system, and so we have to try to maintain those things, and there's sometimes a balance that we have to have and a discussion on how things are going to work. it's not easy to just change the rules and post them and say that's it. we have to remain transparpt in the process, so that's -- transparent in the process. so that's my job.
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>> supervisor cohen: mr. brown -- >> i want to stress that last one, it is not necessary on the staff of the civil service commission to do the timeliness, because we rely on the departments to do -- i'm finished. >> supervisor cohen: to do -- >> can i finish the sentence? >> supervisor cohen: yes. >> we rely on the staff to do the information report. >> supervisor cohen: all right. thank you very much. i have one question, and i think it's a pretty simple, straightforward question. what's the division of labor between the civil service commission and the department of human resources? >> what's the division? >> supervisor cohen: half. >> -- yeah. >> in 1994, there was not a
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deputy of human resources. the voters of san francisco created the department of human resources, and it took the personnel function and created a completely different department, so that at that point, civil service commission became an appellate body that we would review most of the things that were being done under the personnel department, so it becomes an appellate body to review things like e.e.o. complaints, exam complaints or appeals, those things can be brought up to the commission for final determination. >> supervisor cohen: great. supervisor fewer? >> supervisor fewer: thank you. i just have a question. have you seen an increase in the number of complaints over the past few years? >> yes. different times and for different reasons? i think last year, we came up with family relationship policy. they don't go to the
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commission. those complaints become inspection services, so we will look into what is going on in the department, how we can help them to eliminate or avoid issues where it looks like there's a conflict of interest where we move the supervision or something like that. we're working with d.h.r. in trying to resolve those. but yes, depending on what comes out, there's an increase. >> supervisor fewer: and then has there been an elimination of classifications in an office and are you adding classifications? >> limiting a number. we are adding. we are also consolidating, most recently, we have determined, for instance, in the department of public health, there's two classifications which are used interchangeably, and they are now combining them into one classification, so that's still an ongoing process as we look at that. >> so your entry level service positions, you haven't eliminated any of the entry level positions. >> any what positions? >> supervisor fewer: entry
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level. >> not that i'm aware of. there's some occasions where we're combining and extending the range, so the entry level class is still there, but it's combining the entry level and upper levels, and broadening the range that happens. >> supervisor fewer: okay. and then how often are civil service tests updated? >> how often are they updated? it depends. it depends on the need, and you would have to talk more with the department of human resources on the scheduling of exams. they do produce a report on what's scheduled for the year. >> supervisor fewer: okay. thank you very much. >> supervisor cohen: colleagues, are there any other questions? just to wrap this up, i just want to make sure there's no expects changes to the commission's six f.t.e.'s. >> i wish there were. there's no expected change, but i did want to, i guess, put out that at some point, we need to think about the structure and, you know, giving us a little more support in terms of having advisability. we like to be part of the
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sfgov, so our commission meetings are publicized and you can see them. we don't have funding for that. new technology in terms of how we deal with information, documents, we don't have funding to change that as technology is changing. we're still using old school stuff. >> supervisor cohen: when you sat down with the mayor and the mayor's office, for what reason did you not make the case. >> well, not sitting down from the mayor, but the directive from the mayor is usually to cut, so we're trying to keep what we have and don't cut because there's nothing to cut basically. we are skin and bones, but we're doing what we can with what we have. there's going to be a point that we will have to look at other ways of doing businesses. >> supervisor cohen: have you costed out what your i.t. upgrades would be? >> we have. in terms of the big city, i
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wouldn't just focus on the civil commissions, it may be a citywide effort to look at other commissions as well so that they are visible. >> supervisor cohen: can you plan and tell me which other commissions find themselves in a similar situation in that's the purpose of these hearings is to understand where the shortfalls are and if you had -- >> your druthers? >> yeah, your druthers and what you would like to see. >> well, maintaining documents and how they're housed and how they're organized, when we're sending documents to be archived in the library, there's no ways of doing that. there's cloud technology, and all kinds of ways that are out there. >> supervisor cohen: how do you currently do that. >> it's scanned. we have a document scanner -- what is the company's name?
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why don't you -- you want to explain? >> so currently, how we make our materials available is just by scanning material and posting it onto the city's website. but what we are working -- we're working with the other executive secretaries of the other commissions, including the clerk of the board in finding ways that we can make our meetings much more accessible to the public, and that with being able for the public comment if they are not physically able to attend our meeting to be able to speak, and we have worked with sfgov and the media systems to find different ways, and we have put that in the budget before, but it has before removed because they were looking at the bigger picture, realizing there are other departments other than ours that will need help. to be able to do filming and the video becomes much more
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costly for a small department such as ours. >> supervisor cohen: okay. do you happen to know -- mr. brown mentioned a possible citywide effort amongst commissions to upgrade. this is a technologies -- it's interesting. another point in this budget process, there's a discussion of several million dollar investment for fiber for -- across the entire city, and i think it's a little short sighted to not feed our city departments first before we start being ambitious and rolling out other lofty projects. so i'm wondering if you have numbers available that you can e-mail to me that we can begin to look at your technology needs. and let me give you an example. the assessor's fund was woefully under funded, had
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technology back to the 70's. 70's were great years, but technologically put us behind. when we allowed the assess sor's office to upgrade their technology, it allowed them to bring in more revenue. i am interested, and i do recognize that technology has the ability to bring people who cannot physically come to a meeting, people who cannot hear, people who are visually impaired, people who would normally be excluded from this democratic process, bringing them to the table in a different way, in a meaningful way, and i think that our job is to make sure that we are not excluding anyone just because we're being cheap and not making the technology investment. now, technology's expensive. i would love to hear what your ideas are on what that would be. maybe you can give me some baseline figures that you can
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present. are you going to be coming back next week? i don't know. i'm not sure. i don't think you'll be coming back. if you would send that over to us, it would be helpful for us to begin to understand what your needs are. don't get overzealous. don't put a pony and a unicorn on there, and everything else that you want. maybe we can begin to have a different kind of a conversation, all right? it's an $11 billion budget, so let's keep that in mind and make sure we're feeding our city resources. are there any other questions, colleagues? seeing no names, i appreciate it, mr. brown. next we're going to hear from miss sheryl davis who's representing -- she's the executive director of the human
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rights commission. human rights commission has a total budget. after we hear from the human rights commission, we'll hear from the department on the status of women. thank you. this is fancy, director davis. >> hello. thank you. >> supervisor cohen: hello. >> thank you for this opportunity. i've given you a bunch of stuff. you know, it's the teacher in me, i guess. thank you for this time. i'm going to try and go quickly, and i know if i don't that chair cohen will remind me. so i'm going to hit the strategic goals up top and then kind of roll through where we
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are. i did try to follow the template that was sent to us. ultimately, the focus has been on disrupting systems of inequity and amplifying community voice. since i am going into my second year at the h.r.c., that's really been what we've tried to focus on. for those who know me, you know my background is with young people and community, so that's really important to me and the one thing that i wanted to add to that. so i do want to acknowledge that some of the young people from doing internships around the city are here who are leading groups. i ask them to be here because they are features in that books. that's an evaluation of the program from last summer from stanford on some of the work that we're doing. so new programming, i just want to raise and identify the equity fellowships that we're going to launch this year in partnership with oewd.
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they'll be based out of the western addition initially working with some of the community around the impact of redevelopment agency and how do we empower community to address systems and polishes. there is the data ---policies. there is the data collection that the h.r.c. issued that is also in your folders which is modelled after the work in seattle and other places and focused on how do we do a better job of collecting data and understanding the impact that data plays in -- in the system of oppression. [please stand by for captioner switch]
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be misunderstood and so there's some issues around how they're engaged with law enforcement or what's happening to them in other city spaces. you can see here by a great deal of the funding that we have going specifically for lgbt transgender issues. we'll be rolling out the equity fellowship next year as well as continuing to do more work around my brother and sisters' keeper initiative and the youth community development. we had an increase actually in our employees last year but because we didn't have temporary salaries, those positions sat in another department and they'll come to our department next year and then we're adding one manager position. and then just the major initiatives, discrimination will continue and inside of the folder is the continuum and we are working with the comptrollers office to do an
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inventory with each department and trying to work on doing a better job of that. and the workforce landscape. i have a couple i.p.o. folks here with us and we're really trying to have the point around the points with employment, and where do they go and what does that look like, being intentional around that as well. and so that's the equity continuum that we have been doing both in the community and with the city -- with the city agencies. we've done some workshops throughout the city. this is just the workforce landscape and, again, trying to build out what it looks like and to be very intentional about the work that we're doing and understanding the difficulty around minimum qualifications or the misunderstandings around that, and we're doing -- one of the positions that we were given last year was specifically around workforce. and so that person will have a report at the end of this month that really looks at where the barriers are. we have talked with both job
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seekers, employers and service providers. and the unfortunate truth is that there is not one shared language about what these entry level opportunities are or what job training looks like. mbsk, there's the booklet in your folders that highlights that, but very excited. there's some folks here from the youth council as well. and lastly, just moving into the capacity building, we have been really been fortunate to share the work that we've done doing both in schools locally here, and i was going to ask skye who is from rooftop, she's interning with us, and she can share with you the poster thats the students have done around gender equality and anti-bias opportunities in their schools. and just the community engagement side and, again, these things are just some of the work that we've done to do community engagement over the
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last year or so and what that looks like. and that is my last slide. i don't know if there are questions. again, there's a bunch of stuff in your folders. there's just a lot of work that we've been doing and most importantly to me is how we elevate the community voice and hold the city accountable in the way at the city wants to hold the agencies they fund accountable. >> thank you very much for your timely presentation. it's perfect, seven minutes, perfect. colleagues, supervisor fewer? before supervisor fewer begins do you have any young people that want to say a few words? >> does anybody want to say anything? >> like thank you. >> chloe, do you want to come up? and then i also want to recognize that we have some interns working with us to help with the discrimination division that are college students so we're running the gamut to better understand how to do the pipeline for employment
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opportunities. >> thank you. >> hello. >> hello. my name is chloe young. and i'm with more magic and project level and i want to say thank you, on miss davis on behalf of all of the work that she does and you guys on the board. i really enjoy working with mo messagic and all of the internships that we've had so far. it's been -- how do i want to say it -- it's been helpful and useful. and i'm glad that i could be here today to sit in and to listen and be part of it. so thank you. >> thank you. thank you, miss davis. supervisor fewer. >> supervisor fewer: thank you, miss davis. i realize that a lot of the work that you're doing is related to racial equity through your engineering equity program. can you share more of the work that you're doing with the departments on a larger scale? >> so there's a couple of ways that we're working with the departments. first the government alliance for racial equity and we have
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two cohorts this year and those cohorts are filled with people from 15 different departments and 40 people and they meet twice a month and they do trainings in oakland as well one here each month and then they're supposed to go back and to develop equity action plans for their departments on how to consider the impact of their policies and their programs on the spectrum. and the office is doing department-wide training and we met with the police department and we'll do trainings around that. one of the issues is that the challenges is that people get the language and they talk about bias and they don't really get how to work with each other without calling each other racist. so we're trying to get in the room and say what does it look like to be in the room and call out the lack of diversity without attacking individuals. and then how do we actually work together.
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and how do we see each other. so we're doing those trainings with different departments as well as working specifically with oewd, dcyf, and -- oh, somebody else. something that left my mind, unfortunately. but to do trainings with their service providers. so what does that look like to support them, to be able to serve their clients and to understand the role that -- where they live or what they look like might play in terms of how they receive services. >> supervisor fewer: okay, thank you very much. >> i have a question for you, what are your revenue streams? are there grants and federal dollars, state dollars? can you talk a little bit about that? >> yeah, we get general fund dollars for our department but outside of that and in terms of a lot of the work that we are doing in community, this year we'll have funding from the event that we hosted at cornell west and we raised money from
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that. and we get money from the san francisco foundation and from the silicon valley foundation this year. and i'm working with about 10 other foundations to see about them supporting some of the work. the programs that these young people are participating in that we've been working with stanford on was actually -- we have been funded to actually help to think about that in our regional approach. so that will launch a small pilot in oakland and san jose, working with their police departments, to engage with the communities. so that will all be subsidized by private funding. >> so under your leadership, this department has actually taken quite a turn from the direction that it used to go in. what do you see -- what is in store for the future of the h.r.c.? >> so i'm really hoping that the resolution that's in your folder that we'll share with the
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supervisors will get wings and move forward. right now we actually are a -- although not necessarily highlighted here locally, we have been taking young people to hong kong to talk about the work we're doing around community engagement. and we'll take a group to africa at the end of the summer. so what's next is to actually to be more embedded in the different city departments in terms of training and capacity building and doing more within community. and i think that the one thing that i have been really talking to the staff about is the fact that if somebody comes in for a complaint and it doesn't fit into the box or it's not a protected class, what does it look like. because if people feel that their rights of humanity are being violated then we shouldn't just be like, sorry, we can't help you. so the next thing for us is to really try to figure out how do we make people feel welcome in this city and what does that look like, what is that investment, and how do we actually support people who feel like they don't belong.
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>> thank you. supervisor fewer? >> supervisor fewer: yes, miss davis. so the work that you're doing around the departments is probably the most interesting to me because i actually think that we do not create a safe space to talk about race and because we have not cite created a safe spo talk about race that people are very uneasy about it and just feel that they're not open to really absorbing the information that we could be giving to them. so i have reviewed your resolution and i actually think that we could add stronger measures in there, quite frankly. we don't know racial outcomes for certain groups. i think that we have to call it out racially. and that we have to set an overall arching goal for the city and county of san francisco. quite frankly, as we lose our
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diversity and we are projected to lose more of our diversity, what does that mean actually for the city and the county of san francisco? and should we be actually working i think together around how do we prevent the outmigration of african americans in san francisco. and what is needed actually to build a stronger economic base for african americans in san francisco. and when we look at policies to look at it through a racial, social justice, economic justice lens which, quite frankly, is missing here at city hall. at the school districts that is all we spoke about, it was our big measure. we defined our gap as a racial gap. and not as a poverty gap. but as a racial gap. and i think that at city hall this is one of those things that have been the most surprising and disappointing things coming
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here and serving in this position, that there is not a racial, social justice lens at all. meaning that our departments do not collect data on race. they do not collect -- or they'll say that i can't do it, but other departments are. and so should we collect this data to see where we are and, actually, if we're serving certain populations well and meeting their needs. i think that when we have such a small population, quite frankly let's just say african americans in san francisco, that the general overall culture is not actually addressing their needs. so the dominant culture takes over and, therefore, we are not addressing the needs specifically of the people that we really need to be looking at. because, you know, san francisco professes to be the most progressive city in the united states and yet look at the outmigration of our african americans. so, anyway, i would love to work
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with you on this and thank you for your work. >> great. and i'll add two things to that. one, is that we're working with duke university social equity lab and derek hamilton who has been doing work around the federal jobs guarantee and baby bonds. so he'll be here, derek hamilton is here june 29th and july 26th, really having these conversations about how race still matters more than income. and how are we building wealth versus income. and so just wanted to kind of highlight that. and then the second is the jobs thing. like, that's really where we're seeing some of the disconnect. if we only move people into 9910s that are only three years there's no plan for them afterwards. and then it's a problem. so those are the two places, back to chair cohen's first question, or one of her questions, is that if we're not doing more to be intentional about the pipeline than people will get pushed out and we need to think of the regional
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approach because so many people have been pushed to other countries. >> supervisor cohen: supervisor stefani. >> supervisor stefani: thank you, chair, cohen, and thank you miss davis for being here today and i agree with supervisor fewer around the comments with racial equity. when i was a department head we had that department head retreat where we spent the entire day on the racial equity and the racial equity program. and just before i was appointed as the county clerk i was working with h.r.c. to develop the plans on how to bring racial equity into our department. and i was just starting to do the work with the county clerk and i can't thank you enough. and i know that a lot of the county heads were doing that as well and i hope that the county clerk's office is continuing to do that. i see that as extremely important work and i definitely support that resolution. i wanted to follow up with you and i was looking through the brochure about how you work on police and community relations. i think that is extremely
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important work. i mean, just in the five months that i have been here as supervisor, i have seen how it is vital that we improve those relations for public safety. i'm wondering how you interact with the police department to improve policing practices? and, up you know, here to treat people better and i'm interested to see what h.r.c. can do in that regard. >> right, so one of the things that we asked of the police department this year, part of the 100 plus young people that are in this cohort, three groups of them, 30 of them, work specifically with police. and they are charged with upon hadding us to think -- with helping us to think about how to report out. what came from the report last year -- two things -- one that we need to get more feedback from the police officers. so how do we incorporate that into our analysis and assessment. two is to do more hands on training or workshops with the police because we do more with
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the young people than we do with the police department. and so this year the police department has agreed to do more trainings with us but the other thing which i know is of interest to you is this public safety piece and how do we actually include the young people in developing plans for public safety or doing the community engagement to talk about what's happening and to get to the root of why it's happening. so that's the third thing that we have been talking with the police department around is how do we actually have monthly convenings with the community and the officers to address what the public safety issues are and to be in partnership to develop those strategies. >> supervisor stefani: so i want to talk more about budget. we spent a lot of time i think about the output, about what the department is doing and let's dive in more closely if you could talk more about your budget. i mean, it sounds like it's pretty simple. you have the general fund
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dollars, revenue, from different and various foundations and potentially 10 other foundations around the entire bay area. is there -- do you actually do any kind of fundraising, outside fundraising, from other individuals? or do you largely rely on just funding and grant opportunities from foundations? >> so i have been trying for two years to find the person who was running the friends of h.r.c. and have not been able to. so we do do outside fundraising and we have a fiscal that does that. so we try to leverage some of those dollars to be able to support our community partners as they engage with us. and then we do try to raise additional funds with partners. sometimes we don't get money for ourselves. like, programs that are not ours but that we benefit from, for instance, this youth internship program is actually funded through dcyf through a series of partners, we just help with the training. and there's some things -- the
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one thing that we're trying to get funding through with the outside partners is the partnership with stanford to actually do the evaluation of our city departments and the process of incorporating a racial equity lens. >> supervisor stefani: is stanford going to absorb that cost or the general fund is to absorb it? >> there's no funding for it right now and i have been seeking funding. >> supervisor stefani: what's the amount that you are seeking? >> so they are looking at $100,000 for like a two-year study. >> supervisor stefani: a second question, you mentioned that you have two more positions than last year but they're coming from other departments? >> in the city administrator's office. >> supervisor stefani: in your question to this body it's for one manager? >> that's what is in the -- what was presented by the mayor's office. >> supervisor stefani: right. can you tell me how much that
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one manager, what is the budget allocation for that? if you can't, i can go to the budget office. >> so i believe that it was about 150 -- do you remember? >> salary plus benefits it's supposed to be about 150. >> supervisor stefani: $150,000 and that includes benefits? >> yes. and there's some leveraging with -- we'll get into other things but there's some leveraging and it may be more depending on who the person is. >> supervisor stefani: i understand. and you said that figure was written into the mayor's proposal? >> yeah. >> i want to give kelly kirkpatrick an opportunity if she want -- are we correct with the 150. >> kelly kirkpatrick, budget director or acting budget director. the included in their budget, the 0922, and it's approximately
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$150,000 per year but we'd have to get back on the exact dollar amount but it's in the bark. >> is there the flexibility to increase that if the person is high leveled and very skilled? >> there's various e-term mechanisms that it can be addressed through the budget and the department would have to work with h.r. to do that. >> what are those mechanisms? i'm not familiar with them. >> the mmcp as well as various -- >> for the folks mmcp is? >> management, compensation, classification plan. which is for managers of the 0922 is part of that. >> that's the classification? >> yes, that applies there. and it depends at which steps the person is brought on and there's various steps for all of the positions as well that has a room for growth. >> we have been talking with our budget analysts just about cost savings so we may be able to, if we need to, to pull from other places. >> i thank you very much and i
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appreciate your presentation. supervisor yee? >> supervisor yee: just listening to the comments from the colleagues here and also the importance of your work. it's great for you to find outside funding to look at that evaluation and it seems that evaluation that you're suggesting is something that would be supported by this body and with other departments, when we go out and we do evaluations many times it's supported by our budget or the funding that comes from the city. and i'm more than willing to support increased budget of
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$100,000 to do this evaluation because, number one, it's important that it should be done. and, number two, the more time that you spend trying to get funding, you know, it doesn't come automatically from the outside. so that means fewer hours for you to do some important work that needs to be done with these particular departments. so that's just a comment. i don't know if i'm reflecting on my colleagues' thoughts here but certainly that's my thought. >> supervisor cohen: thank you very much, supervisor yee. i appreciate your presentation and we'll move on. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> supervisor cohen: next we will hear from the department on the status of women, dr. emily mor will present. and you are not questioning any more position changes.
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the floor is yours, welcome. >> good morning, chair cohen and the members of the finance committee, the comptroller and the budget director, i'm joined today by the fiscal analyst natalie alvarez. >> hello. >> of the roughly 850,000 residents, 49% are female. we are proud that we have the strongest commission on the status of women in the country and the only local department on the status of women in the country. and i just want to acknowledge supervisor's aid, the early director of the commission on the status of women. and the commission has been around for 40 years. the mission of the commission and the department is to foster equitable treatment in the advancement of all women and girls throughout san francisco through policies and programs. we have three primary service
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areas, and prevention and response, women in the workplace and the human rights of women and girls. and, actually, this year marks the 20th anniversary of the u.n. convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women ordinance that puts san francisco on the map. it was the first time that a local jurisdiction took a u.n. instrument and made a local ordinance out of it. and several years ago the late mayor ed lee launched the city's campaign encouraging other mayors to embrace this international bill of rights for women. i'm very proud to report that over 70 cities and counties across the country have joined this campaign, including louisville, salt lake city and in rapid city, south dakota, the women there organized and elected five women to the city council so that they can pass
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the ordinance. and flag two summarizes the three-year budget comparison of fiscal year 2017-2018, and 2018-2019, and 2019-2020. 84% of our budget is dedicated to our violence against women prevention and intervention grant program. and i'll have another slide that breaks that down. about 16 percent for everything else and salaries and other addendums. and in terms of the current year we have 6.5 equip f.t.e. but our federal grant with the department of justice to promote the assessment on the domestic violence victims is ending at the end of this -- the federal fiscal year. so that is reduced to 6.0. and next slide... it gives you details about our single largest
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budget item which is the violence against women prevention and intervention grant. 50% of which goes to fund crisis lines, legal services, intervention and advocacy. about 29% funds the domestic violence shelters and transitional housing programs. and approximately 21% of the funds go to prevention efforts. and the brown box on the side reflects five-year totals. so we have increased this investment from 5.64 in 2015 to 6.71 in 2018, but in the budget proposal there's not a substantial increase, only a 5% cost of doing business over two years. and i did provide to you the list of 27 c.b.o.s that are providing 39 different programs
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in the neighborhood. the organizations will be familiar to you, asian women shelter and the riley center, glide, etc. so next slide... i do want to spend a moment on sexual assault response. on april 25th, supervisor sheehy and the public safety committee heard some really horrific testimony and i want to acknowledge that supervisors fewer and supervisor cohen and supervisor stefani were there at that hearing. clearly, san francisco is doing a poor job of responding to sexual assault. and with supervisor jane kim we had the campus sexual assault task force all of last year. we've distributed that report to the board of supervisors. it contained 47 recommendations.
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we collected data from 23 colleges and universities all located here in san francisco. and that report estimated that over four years 15,000 sexual assaults occurred on these campuses and so it's really a dire sort of situation. we want to have a safe place for women, particularly young women, and want to acknowledge that we have been working with human rights commission director cheryl davis and the department of public health director barbara garcia and supervisor hillary ronhan on improving sexual assault response. and the district attorney gaston has had a series of meeting with the police department and the community-based agencies on how to have a better response as a result of the april 25th hearing. which if the folks have not seen that hearing i really encourage you to view it. it's really just surfaces a lot
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of different issues. san francisco women against rape reported 524 cases in fiscal year 2016-2017. the and the rape treatment center handled sexual assault kits in fiscal year 2016-2017. and the police department had 429 incidents of rape in 2016, so this is a real issue. so in working with different agencies and supervisor ronan, one of the big gaps in this area is prevention. prevention and long-term policy reforms. so i just wanted to flag that. we had a proposal for one additional staff person. it was not accepted in the budget proposal. we do feel strongly that there needs to be dedicated staffing to move this forward at the
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department on the status of women. the final slide just briefly touching on some of our key initiatives. we produce an annual report on the mayor's task force on anti-human trafficking. last year we logged 529 cases of human trafficking. one in four of which involved minors. we also staff a family violence council and have a representative from supervisor sheehy's office who has been very supportive. we will be going to bid with our single largest program, the violence against women prevention and education program. so we are doing needs assessment this year to flag where the needs are. we are also partnered with the police chief scott on a gender analysis of senior women in the police department. we just concluded gender
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inclusion training with the rec and park department. we trained 200 gardeners and staff on gender inclusion. i am very proud to be a member of thgarrett cohort, and i wanto give kudos for the leadership for putting that together. and i invite supervisor fewer to any of the meetings. i think that you will find that it's very much in line with your priority. and then finally i want the folks to save the date of december 4, 2018, for the bay area women's summit. it's being co-chaired by our city administrator naomi kelly and our commissioner president debbie meslow. i thank jilly johnson for working with us on developing this year's budget. i'm happy to answer your questions. >> supervisor cohen: colleagues, any questions or comments? seeing none i have a couple questions for the director.
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i am looking on the mayor's budget book and this is page c-26 if the colleagues want to follow along with me and i'm looking at performance measures. the performance measures listed for ending violence against women don't necessarily specify that women are being served. some of them seem to be just pulled from the homeless shelter data. can you clarify where these numbers are coming from and what is the analysis around women concerning the hours of supportive services, to the department funded shelters? and the number of calls to crisis lines annually? how does all of these measures actually pertain to women? >> yes. so we require quarterly reports of our grantees and so they submit their numbers along the performance measure lines on a quarterly basis. we put that together in an annual report. we do serve men as well and we
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have same gender incidents of internet partner violence and our service providers also serve transgender individuals. but we have roughly -- we touch roughly 14,000 individuals through our violence against women prevention and prevention grants program. >> supervisor fewer: when i look at these numbers it doesn't tell me how women are faring. so my next question, do you have an annual report with the status of women on economic, and safety and other issues with women in san francisco, in the affordability crisis, in tech jobs? those types of things. i received a report about your department but i have not seen a report that actually tells us how are women specifically faring in this economy and in san francisco now. >> so we have a somewhat dated
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report of three years ago on the economic status of women and i'm happy to share that with you. we have found that with our very small staff that the women's foundation of california does a much better job of measuring across counties how women are faring. it's called the "women's well-being index" and they have worked with the california budget project to be able to compare statistics across regions. so we rely on those statistics to help us to assess the status of women. >> supervisor fewer: well, for example, supervisor stefani and i are looking around at how women feel around safety in parking lots, waiting for buses, those type of things. but we couldn't find any data, actually, any data about any assessments that have been done specifically for women. when i look at these performance measures i see nothing that actually tells me about how --
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it'about how to end violence against women and the number of calls to crisis lines annually and the number of individuals served in shelters and the number of individuals turned away from shelters. it doesn't tell me how many women are turned away from shelters. how has the homeless crisis -- has it disproportionately affected women or has it not? and this is sort of the crux of what i actually believe that the commission of the status of women should be doing. it should be a snapshot -- and i understand that you might look regionally for other people collecting that data but for legislators here in san francisco, for us to really know what is a snapshot of really what is the status of women in san francisco, how are they faring? are they accessing higher education? are there opportunities of advancement in the tech industry? are they hiring in the tech industry? are they at an economic disadvantage because they're women? and how big is that disadvantage?
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and what can we do as legislators actually to help women in what to access greater employment opportunities, and also to actually to live more viable, healthy lives in san francisco. and i think that as a legislator when i look pat what i at what d i rely on the commission of the status of women to tell us what is the status of women. and from this report and from these other reports i don't actually see that. and i think that this is something that in this upcoming year that i'd love to see is really an in-depth report because then we can actually target strategies if we see the deficit, if we see the gap. but when you don't actually explicitly tell us what the gaps are in san francisco then we can't do it as legislators. and i just wanted to call out they think that is a big gap. and then i want to say just about the violence in schools
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and school campuses, that i think that, first, we should also look at sfufd. and the violence against women at a very early level even in high school and what we are doing and where improvements can be. i know that you serve on the board of education and so this is a real opportunity i think to really address this at sfufc, and also doing an in-depth study about how -- how are women and girls really feeling. and to look at lawsuits that the school district has lost around sexual harassment or sexual assault. and find out what are some of those things that can be done. so it's not just college, actually. i think that it starts much earlier. so, thank you, colleagues. any other questions or comments? >> if i could respond to tha
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