tv Government Access Programming SFGTV June 19, 2018 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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secondly an especially vulnerable socio economic population. third the school campuses and playgrounds are diectly adjacent to the project site. and fourth, i wanted to point out that there is a speech and learning center right next to the site. these children are already delayed. so can we say with a degree of certainty that the mitigations in the eastern neighborhood plan e.i.r. are sufficient?
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has the city done all it can to make sure the city is safe to put all precautions in place. am i sure these mitigations will actually work? i have to ask those questions because otherwise i would feel i was a bad parent. after all, we want the best for our children and i do not believe that what we have now is -- [buzzer] >> president breed: thank you very much. now we will open it up to public comment for those who are here to speak in support of the appeal only. so if you support the appeal,
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please come forward, you will have up to two minutes. if you are opposed to the appeal, there will be a time for you to speak later on during this hearing. >> if you talk about it, i support it, they should have all the support in the mission district. i've seen what they have done in my district. no thought of queen bee because she could only do so much, now she is the queen bee, [buzzing] she could go all over the city doing whatever she wants. i'm here to talk about my
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district. now that queen bee is stepping up in the game i could speak what i want to say about london, not london but the western addition. i'm here to say dog gone it if you could do it, do it for them because our ace is on the case make sure they are going to reset, rewind and come back to the community i've been born and raised in. and it's called bilmo but i call it the fill no more. we are talking about the feds, and the state. where the black folks at hunter's point. they lie to us about toxic, billions of dollar and took our black businesses away from us, i am only 63 i have seen them revitalize and tuck it away. we are here in 2018, what does that mean? we got queen bee y'all and we will make sure it happens but i want to tell all y'all in city
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hall, i'm here protecting queen bee. i will be looking out for anybody who will seize the queen now. our black folks aren't but that many p but dog gone it you better not do anything to the queen while she is in that seat because she will be looking after us, and my kids and my grand kids. my great granddaughter said daddy, is she the mayor of the city now? i'm about to introduce her to the queen. >> president breed: thank you, mr. washington. >> clerk: next speaker. if you are here to speak in support of the appellant that is the topic of the hearing. proceed. >> i'm here for that. good afternoon, supervisors. researchers at the harvard center on the developing child found early experiences environments which children develop in their earliest years could have a lasting impact on successes in school and life. the more adversity a child faces the greater the odds of
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developmental delay and later health problems. the children attending the rodriguez school are 3-5 and in their most formative years. the project sponsor has chosen to have their own study conducted. it found to cover one quarter of the mission playground prior to 9:00 a.m. and bartering would cover almost the entire playground between the hours of 9-11 a.m. i work at mission neighborhood centers. at m.n.c. they are rotated to play outside exactly between the hours of 9-11 a.m. we know the children will be forced to play in the shadows at the bartlett street location. while study may show no impact on the mission side we need to be sure. whatever damage is done by the project while the permanent irreversible and detrimental impact not only on growth and development but on future opportunities as well.
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they are relying on you to be their voice and protectors. supervisors if this was your child attending your school what would you want done to protect your child? what i'm asking you to do is to measure twice and cut once. when the choice between expedited development and the health and safety of a child's life the answer should be a no-brainer. we need another study subjective by the planning department so we can confirm these children can live and play and develop in the sunlight and in a healthy productive manner. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please? >> hi, i'm allison hayes. with transportation impacts, pedestrian and bike safety and air quality, it should be
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obvious that the thing that needs to be analyzed is what will happen after this and related projects are built rather than what is already there. planning and the developer rely on a fair memo that compare traffic to earlier baselines somehow concluded there will be no future impacts. done on a week day afternoon. the three intersections they chose make no sense. there's no baseline in the plan e.i.r. you could throw out mission and 24th analysis since the baseline was before red lines went in and traffic was diverted to other streets. that leaves the trail and 23rd which recently went on a road diet and is nearly three quarters of a mile away. notice also the plan e.i.r. measured congestion while the memo looked at volume, that's
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two different metrics. under v.m.t. conclusion that mission development won't cause significant transportation impacts is based on an old 2002 and 2010-2012 modeling that ignores new realities. for example, there's zero indication t.m.c.'s were considered or e-commerce is fueling the dramatic rise in the number of delivery vehicles. public transit studies in the memo are equally flawed showing speeds either increased or decreased depending on study date and direction traveled and no analysis of this projects direct or cumulative impacts in the future. simply put these studies are worthless and claims the eastern neighborhood's plan e.i.r. is still relevant are a flimsy fantasy. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please.
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>> walking, biking and other modes of transportation, while affluent residents prefer the convenience of having everything brought to their door including their transportation. they prefer privatized t.n.c.'s and shuttles while their less affluent neighbors who can't afford these services rely on public transit and added private vehicle congestion and double parked cars will slow vital traffic. groceries, toilet paper, meals, even a single cup of coffee or a single smoothie and i've seen both of those. deliveries arrive in trucks and private vehicles at all times
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of the day and into the evening. the impacts of traffic growth lead to greater impacts on pedestrians, increasing the likelihood of pedestrian injury in an area where parents walk and bike on smaller side streets. in a city attempting the goal of vision 0 this has insufficient mitigation to the potential harms on the pedestrian population. imagine the tnc's and shuttle 67 of 75 units dropping off and picking up there everyday. imagine the vehicles circling the block, idling and queuing further patrons from warning. know we have insufficient data request readily observe these impacts and further study as necessary. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, board. my name is rafael, i'm a member
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of the calle cuatro district. we strive to ensure our children and early child education centers have the right to develop appropriately. to have access to their development and access to safety and help. this construction being built on 25th and mission will critically hurt the development of these children in the preschool this is a very critical point in their development and as they grow, this can affect their long life learning abilities. further adding construction that causes further health hazards will continue to put our children and community behind.
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how could we do that putting their health safety and development at risk? so part of what we are asking here today is to really take thought in this process of what's really more important. we also look into how this study was done. and that we need to have a third independent study of the shadow and the wind study. because i think funded through the developer as well as through the planning department. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hi, my name is susan, i'm a public school parent, member of plaza 16 coalition and former
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pediatric nurse and i want to comment about three things. the physiological needs children have for sunshine, the need for an independent shadow study and the effect of construction on an elementary school. i know from experience with the developers near the marshal elementary school that their shadow study and the shadow study that one of our parents who is an environmental engineer did showed a different result. what 'surprise. they claimed by elevating the playground one story it was going to eliminate the shadow on the school playground, that was not true. it's impossible to have one's need for vitamin d met completely through dietary intake.
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kids need sunshine. otherwise they develop ricketts which has a long list of negative impacts for children. they need sunshine. it's not just something that makes them happier. the third thing i want to say is to comment on my experience with construction near an elementary school. outside of the marshal elementary school they were putting in one streetlight. one streetlight. for the entire four hours they were working on that, absolutely no teaching or learning went on in the school. there was so much noise. that was one streetlight. imagine the disruption that is going to occur during the construction of this building. so those are my three points and i hope you will take those into consideration, i'm not going to use my whole two minutes. thank you for your time. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please.
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>> my name is mary mendoza, a teacher with sfusd and member of calle cuatro. i want to talk about two points, the need for children to have recess. i'm teaching children with severe autism and it is absolutely essential the children be able to go outside and play as part of their curriculum. their ability to interact socially is encouraged by their time outside and their exploratory sensory development, especially in the sunshine when it is a sunny day, makes for a really special day for them and it's necessary for them to be able to develop,
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as an individual. they are already so challenged with their needs and abilities. and so, you think, oh recess, you know, big deal, it's fun time, but it's really a necessary part of the day. so that's one thing i wanted to speak on. the other thing i wanted to speak on, it's come to my attention that reds cafe, that their rent has nearly tripled and when you think about the businesses, you know, in the community that you live and work in, that currently live about a block away, this is a restaurant where the servers know your order when you come in. when they greet you with sincerity that they know, you know, how long it's been since you have come into the restaurant. that's a rarity to have people who really care about you when you come into a business and have that neighborhood feel and that's something that the
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mission is losing, same as minute by minute. [buzzer] >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> [inaudible] i own a small business in the mission, we do design fabcation and work in the construction industry, the construction of this proposed building time with large quantities of concrete require drilling, blasting and release harmful particles in the air. chrystalline silica is found and can travel into the lungs causing an incurable lung disease caused by even small exposure. also causes lung cancer, c.o.p.d. kidney disease and could trigger asthma in young children.
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in september last year after years of known risk and thousands of fatalities due to exposure, osha enacted new regulations to make work sites safer for its workers with the goal of preventing 600 deaths every year. i'm concerned we don't have proper protections for secondary adjacent exposure. they are at greater risk of
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harm. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hello, i'm karen cliff, i'm a retired social worker and so for -- >> [off mic] could you use the microphone? >> sorry, karen cliff. karen cliff. >> clerk: ma'am, i'm resetting your time, so please begin. >> sorry, i'm a retired social worker, so for more than 50 years have been concerned with providing and protecting basic human needs such as housing. this project does not provide sufficient affordable housing. i have been in district 9 for 34 years and have been lucky and don't have to move, i hope you could provide and protect affordable housing for those not so lucky in district 9. >> clerk: thank you for your comments.
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next speaker, please. >> hi there, my name is vicki. i'm born and raised in the mission district san francisco. from calle cuatro as well, former non-profit worker. one thing that hits me the most are things disappearing in the mission. from sunlight to working families to school children, it's really sad when i walk around, i don't see them any more. i wish people could see the mission i grew up in. also, i just am amazed that people don't know the impact of children, when you are doing a lot of luxury development, let's look at the neighborhoods even if you are saying you are exempt from a community evaluation plan, let's look at the children nonetheless. we have to protect them. and the fact they are special needs children they need more protection, right?
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i would think that alone, just the fact we have children involved here, it warrants considering this appeal, approving this appeal. the businesses are suffering. i think about everything that's disappeared and i think of red cafe. i agree with ms. mary here who red cafe is one of the last institutions been there a long time. so i walk by there occasionally waiting for the day that i will see those signs before they disappear. i'm sorry, i get emotional but it's my hood where i grew up and it's no longer that. also i'm part of the alex memorial committee and something not considered is the sight line, one thing more and more people from the mission could see the memorial and the one sight line that is a perfect site is the 26 mission site right in front of red cafe, we put up this building the memorial won't be seen by the community that fought for it. so considering all these factors we need to make sure that community is involved. we have to make sure that
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>> i urge you to defeat this. we don't need more empty units that will be error b. and b. or affordable by people who can afford to have their latte delivered on an electric scooter. that is what it's going on here. you will build another big thing that will be half empty in the market will take a hit. >> thank you. >> thank you for your comment. >> my name is richard becker. i'm a local coordinator. it should be a national holiday. i would hope that the board, today is not going to pass a
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resolution declining the treatment of children along the border, and then vote in favor of this building. [applause] you know, if you travelled down -- i lived in the mission for 37 years. we are very close. i live a couple blocks away. when you travel down mission street now, there are scores, at least 60 or 70 shut down businesses, interspersed with the expensive restaurants. that's what this form of development has brought about. and is not only that, the soaring rents, the number of people who are homeless, you know, we hear that we are supposed to combat the blue wave to rescue us from this despicable administration in washington. but the blue wave swept over san francisco many, many years ago. it swept over the state of california too. and yet we have soaring rents, and more and more
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homeless people every week. people are being driven out of their homes. you know, robert tillman says he will see you if you vote in favor of this appeal. you have a whole battery of attorneys here, and they can defend you. but you need to defend the people of san francisco and the people of the mission, the children in that center and the people of the city in general. i am a union member. i'm a long-time union support your. i would appeal to our brothers and sisters here from the construction trades not to go on record in support of this building. we need more housing, but we don't need this project. it is a terrible project. >> supervisor breed: thank you for your comments. before the next speaker i will remind the audience that we recommend -- we welcome your presence here. if you like to show your support, you can use your support of hands. next speaker, please. thank you, manager you can provide your public comment when it is your opportunity. next speaker, please.
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>> good afternoon. i am a mission resident. i moved to san francisco in 1971 from a small town in california. we moved to san francisco, and my parents worked at my aunt's bakery on 24th street. unit 1977, my parents opened up a bakery on 24th and full sen send, and it is my obligation here, my obligatory sense of community to come here today and asked -- ask you guys to stop this building, because a community of san francisco's mission district is unique, just ask chinatown and just as fillmore it wasn't just as a hunters point was at one point. and what we are doing, as we are just breaking apart fabric of the city, and in the end, as
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many have already mentioned, it is going to become homogenized and we will just be another ivory town on the hill. again, san francisco, for me has been a place of culture. we moved here in 71 and we were best to chinatown school. we were late your best to hunter process point. i got to meet a lot of -- a lot of people in those years of my upbringing. they were black, white, chinese, filipino, korean, city college. i'm a product of city college. i see 24th street in the mission district in general as being whitewashed and gentrified. i don't even have to see -- go further than just gentrification and you understand what's happening to the mission district. please stop this building from being billed and raised, as well as protect the children who are not just in that school, but all schools in the mission. there is the 16th monster,
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there's a 23rd street and false and building going. it will be over casting the school. there is a lot of stuff that is happening. >> supervisor breed: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hello everyone. my name is marcella. i am a citizen. i am an african-american and i want to say that my opinion is to build this building, i don't support it because i see more buildings like this and other parts of the city, and in the mission district, it's better to not build it, because for one thing, it is a shadow, like it was mentioned. it will disturb the children. it is an opportunity for the kids to have that fun life and it is important for them for their growth. and also in the air.
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that way we will prevent dust and the shadow. and if it is a building to be kept, to be built, it is better more like a low income building for housing for people who really need it. and also it is best to keep it more as a mission the way it is. i member at those back then they used to be a mission theatre and it is not there anymore. it is good to keep it the way it could be capped throughout these years, you know. it is remembering the hispanic, more hispanic, and it is good memories. i grew up here so i know how it is. i grew up in this area and it has changed. i see mission changing, but it is good to keep those memories the way the city was built, you know? that is how i see it. and also, it is very important to keep the culture, and also to seek buildings that are more needed.
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that's what i think. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hello. my name is wendy. i am a long-term resident of the mission area. i wanted to speak to the psychological impact of the displacement in the mission and the cause and effect that we see when these market rate buildings are built on our businesses, on our community anchors, i know i moved to the mission because it was affordable when i moved there. i raise my family there. i buried my mom there. you know, there is so many people, and so many places that i have had to say goodbye to advance the cause and effect is just so clear, and it's like, people were moving out of the neighborhood, and then they were
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moving to oakland, and then they started building more luxury housing in oakland, and then they had to move to richmond, and then same thing happens they are. i mean we've been seeing dennis cause and effect over and over. i got evicted early on. i was one of the lucky ones. my neighbor who is a teacher got evicted. we both moved down the street, and then she got evicted again. replace is an -- rental unit now. it is just a relentless. this project does sit in the middle of many of our community anchors. it is beside the school which is really important. there is the cultural center, the library, we really need -- none of the people who have lived here are going to move into that building. the density, let's look to who we are serving. let's look at amr and, like,
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what that is taking into -- what kind of incomes that is taking into consideration because it has not serving the people that we are displacing. it is so sad. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hello. i'm the executive director of. [speaking foreign language] it is right across the street. one of the things i believe it is a board needs to take a stand on making sure that this area has health protections. there are children right next door. we just heard a couple of people speak to, not only the potential, but research, understanding about the impact and their health. and it is our responsibility as public institutions and, you know, people who are doing this work in the city, to ensure that the public is safe. i also think -- the independent
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third-party study, in my mind becomes essential. that would be required of anything that is done there. my preference is affordable housing. i expressed that to the gentleman who owns that building quite a while ago. and he has his plans, and his ideas, and i have my ideas. in any case, make sure that these children are protected. the other thing i want to speak to is the gentrification. one thing that we often underestimate is the whole environment is impacted by gentrification. i have seen neighborhood over neighborhood where what used to be joyful music, food, cultural events, suddenly becomes a police incident. suddenly we get calls about how those people make so much noise. their children make so much noise. and that is damaging to us, in a psychological and spiritual level. it is also unacceptable.
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it is a violation of our rights. i'm asking the board to be bold, and, you know, move forward on this appeal so we can all go back to really creating a setting in san francisco that is about families first. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. >> first of all, this building is supposed to be demolished. it is 5,200 square feet. you have it listed here is one story. it is a historical building that is supposedly called chase bank. it was built during that timeframe that united states -- it is located on fifth between mission and market street. if any kind of construction that should be done in that area, for hispanic, mexican or latino dispensed -- dissent, it should
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be the renovation on the inside of that building to keep that historical building living in that area, and by the same response, and side of that building should be converted to family units for people who originate in the mission district. and about the additional 6,400 square feet of the land that is considered to be a parking lot, i move -- i moved that it should be incorporated as an extension of the school that is right next to it. the classrooms, the school that is in question is overcrowded, and i just got that input from the people who are standing in line who have kids that go there and to have friends who attend the school. moreover, as far as the gentrification, it is not the true and correct word that should be used when this type of activity is performed. it is discrimination based on geographical location and you are always targeting minorities with this type of situation.
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never takes place in an area that is predominantly white. we fit it into the area where i grew up in the fillmore and it is not fair. [applause] about another example, when you do convert it to a family unit, you take the income of the people that is in the area, and make the income requirements at the income rates of the people that's working and living in the area so you won't outpace them. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hello, i'm a community member. i live on the cusp of burnell and mission. i live five blocks away from this development. i see my community change before my eyes every time i walk through the mission. there's something different about my community. this is more than just children having to play in the sun. this is about who we are building for, and where do we
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see the future of san francisco? who are we building for? we are over here and fighting for century city is, against luxury housing. we are fighting for the very thing that made san francisco san francisco. and to get these newcomers come, newcomer comes and they have everything at their reach. they have bars, fancy gems, direct transportation to downtown, they have their nightlife. who are rebuilding for? i think children should be our priority. the future of the city should be our priority and we should take their education and development into account. their health into account. what is the repercussions of these buildings for our children and for our future? i ask that these third-party study should be considered independently from the planning department, and i also think that the health risks should also be considered when approving these developments.
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thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hello. i'm a retired family practice medical doctor. had my practice evolved into holistic medicines. i have the privilege of living in the mission with my daughter, and being a live in grandfather to my five and a half year old grandson. he has attended school in this past year in transitional kindergarten. his first experience in a san francisco school system. it was a very fine experience. most of the mornings, i was taking him to school and often picking him up after and going by public transit to get there. and it was a wonderful year at the school. i am concerned about the
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physical shadow of this new construction propose. i'm even more concerned about the psychological, psychospiritual shadow of this building. putting a huge eight story structure next to a preschool, and transitional kindergarten is inappropriate in my regard for the wonderful experience that my grandson had this past year. and looking into the future, i don't expect san francisco to stay without change. i don't expect this particular subject understudy to stay without change. rather, i would like to see change that would bring truly affordable housing into the region, and would bring a sense
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of open environment and an enhancement of the experience of the children going to that school. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. i am born and raised in san francisco. i'm a family service specialist for the mission neighborhood centres. and i'm a member of. [speaking foreign language] whatever damage is done to these children will be irreversible. the need to get this done right is mandatory. while technically not covered by the ce qa, they deserved at the same opportunities to grow and develop. more than that, is acknowledged by planning, that schoolyard project is working to enrolled all of the public schools so every child and family can have a clean and safe place to play and gather on weekends. already, nearly every third of public schools are in this
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program. us -- the sight is part of s.f. usd. it is not a question of if, but one. if no action is taken, forcing not only these children, but all s.f. children, we will be relying on the school's playground during the weekends and evenings. the mission is not just a place. it is a people. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hello. my name is gary. and i am the president of the redstone labor temple association. we are the tenants of their building at 16th and cap. a lot of arts organizations and nonprofits are in that building. i am also an s.i.u. member. and, you know, neither of these organizations have explicitly stated that they want, you know, the board to vote in favor of
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this appeal but i can say, in general, both organizations support the plaza 16 coalition and they understand the concept that there is overbuilding of market rate and luxury housing in the mission. so, you know, someone else mentioned that there's been a blue wave in the city. it is more like a green wave. it has been in this hard for quite some time with, you know, the money. and just the idea, you know, that there is enough market rate and luxury housing in the city, and when they build these projects, you know, you can picture how many times a day people will be calling the cops. whether it is 16th and mission or 25th and mission. they will be calling the cops all day long because that is the way it goes. i live in the tenderloin and i see that all the time too. you know, i agreed that it would be, you know, environmentally and psychologically a big impact on the kids in the school.
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they could be calling the cops on the little kids, because they are dangerous. please vote and -- voted in favor. >> thank you for your comments. >> hello everybody. i am calling... we have a report in here from the san francisco taxi m.t.a. center. >> server, i'm pausing your time. this is not general public comment yet. that happens later in the evening. this is about... >> i'm sorry, i asked him to say the public. >> can you come back? >> sure. we are four or five people. >> we are looking forward to hearing your public comment during general comment. next speaker, please.
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>> good afternoon supervisors. i am standing here in solidarity with all those standing up to the continued glut of luxury housing being pushed into the mission. i want to you all to take a few seconds to think about being a kid in school. think about what parts you love to the most, think about running around in a sunlit prick -- playground. the way you use in which recess and access to safe and open play helps you develop. that sunshine and safety to play and learn is now becoming a privilege for the school children of this city. there are so many things that children should have the right to, and sunshine is one of them. our city should not be a city with the profits of a millionaire are more important than a child's access to the sun. supervisors, i am uncomfortable as it is, these development proposals must be judged in the context of thousands of neighbours in the street.
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we are facing evictions. because whether you want to acknowledge or not, the continued reckless and irresponsible building of housing for the rich is leaving every day working people on the streets. we know this through study, whether it is the recent study that states the high cost of housing is driving up homelessness throughout the state, or through lived experience of living in the city during the recent housing production while it is happening alongside unconscionable increases in indexing and homelessness. regardless of how attractive and simple at the arguments maybe, building housing for rich people that too often stays vacant and which we have overbilled at 50% of what the eastern neighbor has planned estimated does not lessen the plan for finding and keeping housing that is affordable for the rest of us. developer should not be asking for exceptions. they should be the first in line for a public hearing and a major study of their project to be able to see their impact. please support the appeal.
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>> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is david. i'm a long-time resident of this city. i'm a graduate of the university of san francisco. some of you may know me as a former director of the mexican museum. where i helped peter rodriguez found to the museum on folsom street in the early days. and i come here this afternoon in the spirit of the passing of my friends who many of you know. and so i ask you, leaders of the city to think, what would renee have to say about the subject of gentrification? what would be the proper solutions with particular issue, which as you can see, there is a huge outpouring of public opinion. we must preserve the integrity and the identity of the mission
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district, and those of you who are informed will know what i mean by that. it talks about the roots of our culture that go beyond the period, which i knew and which i saw in the early 1970s were community arts organization sprang up in this country, and our city has been a leader in those efforts of creating a great public space for people to live and work. so your challenge is to do the right thing. the right thing means thinking about it gentrification and the displacement of people in our community because of the economic factors which make this place great, but it comes with a cost. so you have to exercise your leadership now, and show us, as a group what you can do to solve this issue on this project. thank you very much.
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>> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. [speaking foreign language] to. >> my name is francisco. our children are sacred. [speaking foreign language] ♪ our children are beautiful [speaking foreign language] ♪ our children are a gift [speaking foreign language] ♪ our children are sacred [speaking foreign language] since the 1980s, i remember we've been fighting in the mission. the most dense community it used to be, density was a bad word back then and we've been fighting for a space to live. all of a sudden, here you the corporations comment all of a sudden there is space to live because it is causing our displacement.
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sisters, and brothers, you have the ability, each of you, as a supervisor is, as representatives, to defend our need to stay in the nation to flourish in the mission and we all need shadows. san francisco does not want to be manhattan. how many times do we have to say it? we will continue to say it. we don't need eight story or a ten story, nothing of these towers. we don't need the shadows. we need this son that gives us help for our children and our families. we need you to do the process that is very needed. to do the right studies and to stop this displacement. >> grassi is francisco. next speaker, please. >> hello my name is marie. i have a question. why is it okay to block, to put
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shadows in schoolyards, but it is illegal in parks? it makes no sense. and another question is, how do we know the light study that was done was done by a company that was reputable and not one that was on suspension? oh,, like the project in hunter's point, and the shipyard, and treasure island. i think that the planning department needs to do their own due diligence and have another study, but it also, when companies come before you and they'd turn in their own studies, you need to check with engineering to make sure the companies that are doing these studies are not on suspension, because unfortunately, it is not uncommon to hire a company that is on suspension, and turn --
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have him do a study that is in your favor, and who he is turning it into, doesn't bother to look. when this project came before the planning commission, there was a planning commissioner, thank god he is not on the commission anymore, who said that, perhaps, what we were talking about displacement, and he said, perhaps all the little people should just moved to oakland. maybe san francisco is just too expensive. they are not a good fit here. the last thing i would like to say is everybody is really wringing their hands over this whole -- over the children that are being put in cages and being housed at the border. it is unbelievable, i want to say, put up or shut up. this is your turn to do something for kids. thank you. >> thank you for your comments.
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neck speaker, please. [applause] >> the political season is over and i guess we will forget about the new directions. we are all going to go to. we have a monoculture that we are building for, just like mcdonald's potatoes. community favourite, or is this development favourite, development includes city taxes. we will get wealthy on taxes. as a construction, it will be a disaster. moths, rats will fly all over the place. when they pour concrete, it curious, and the cure is a dust. if you, you can get it very easy and it can go into your lungs and it is a disaster. how many local residents are
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going to be involved or moving into this? will there be any seniors? will there be any homeless, any graduates of gap -- navigation centres? dignity homes i can help our community ameliorate, which is a big word. i don't think i've ever used that. i mean, we can help our community table a healthy equilibrium that invites newcomers and keeps our cultures together. i'm running out of time. i'm running out of words to say. i have plenty of time. the clock must be going slow. thank you. again, it is a new direction. at this is a time to establish it. we need a healthy community. thank you. and the healthy community needs to take part of our local people that are less fortunate than us.
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section eight, as i said before. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. supervisors, these are the times that each of us must arise encourage, resourcefulness and excellence, to counteract the terror of a rising facet -- fascism. we are horrified about how people seeking asylum i being treated as criminals and separated from their children. the people speaking today recognize that the mission is historically a latino cultural district like the people coming across our borders today. now you have listened to our community give clear evidence that this project will harm our children right here in san francisco. we cannot tolerate the same pathetic, logically explained the rhetoric about reasonable mitigations.
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when you respond, we want to hear you reply specifically to what you have heard. and respect for the intense research and heartfelt emotions expressed by the people who live and work here and love this city. supervisors, today you have said you feel helpless and appalled by what is happening on the federal level. you are not helpless in this situation. if you fail to support the community in their honourable plea to prevent harm to our children, your hypocrisy will be glaringly obvious, and the words you spoke earlier will ring hollow and meaningless. act with integrity. do what is it within your reach, and do it now. >> thank you for your comments. neck speaker, please. >> good afternoon supervisors. i have been living in the mission with my family since 1928.
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this development is going to cause hazards for the children at the school during construction and should be mitigated. ignores -- noise, vibrations and poor air quality. these children have special needs and they need to be protected. their ability to learn will be diminished. public school should be including valid shadow studies. children spend more time in schoolyards in public parks and should require higher student -- scrutiny. the study should be done by an independent third party and not be tied to get a nonbiased report. the school is right next door to this huge development and will have a negative effect on the kids. if these were your kids, you would need to make sure these studies are done properly and openly to make sure these young children will not be affected now or in the future. this could affect enrolment of the school in the future. please do the right thing. they are our future. >> thank you. comments. neck speaker, please.
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>> i am speaking generally in favor of the appellant. i think they are on at -- in a time of dramatic change. the world is changing. that which we value is changing right as we sit here. we are going through a change that is every bit as amazing and significant as that that happened on june 19th, 1865, you know, we had one side of our political spectrum that is, you know, going off the rails. and so, you know, it is not going to be easy. events will be painful. like the ones we are experiencing now. i think for all of you, doing this job that you are doing here is as important as any other thing you could be doing. may be we don't have enough people right now to completely, you know, carried the day, that has always been -- i'm from the tenderloin, and that's how it
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has always been there. we never have enough. someone says may come in and we need a new twitter community. where will you get the people from? we are all already on committe committees. there are two words that have been murdered, twisted and malevolent on this board the whole time i've been watching. those words are growth and development. i think it's wonderful we have people here today who understand the meaning of the words growth and development. i hope this whole board comes to understand how we should really be using these words. >> thank you for your comments. before the neck speaker, are there any other members of the public you would like to speak on behalf of the appellant? [please standby for captioner switch]
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the children are right there at that schoolyard every day. and out there in the sun which in san francisco we don't have much of with the fog and our inclement wind and stuff. so let's keep the kids in the sun and the mission the mission. awe thank you for your comments. next speaker please. >> good afternoon, members of the board of supervisors. given that we have -- we are throughout the city we're overproducing above moderate rate housing, and we, in fact, have in the first two years since between 2015 and 2027 we have either produced or entitled over twice as much of the moderate housing as -- the moderate rate housing as the -- as as laid out in the articles, there is no reason whatsoever t
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