tv Government Access Programming SFGTV June 22, 2018 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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what you do pay attention to is when you get a phone call from dianne feinstein. today, we will listen to dianne feinstein when she says that our water should go south. and y'all don't pay attention to the pristine water that you get. you heard somebody from communications come here and talk about what's going on in washington dc.
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well you know, let me tell you. this commission has bended to the democrats when they were in power. and this commission should stop even mentioning what is going on in washington dc today because we are the fifth largest economy in the world. but you commissioners haven't paid attention about water. do you know that every single drop of water that comes from the heavens belongs to all of us citizens. unlike what happens on the east coast. now, the gentlemen who are fighting for the fishing produce and resources, they
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make a point. but missing in this equation is the voice of the indigenous people. what do they have to say? so that together you can report to washington dc in a holistic way. so commissioners, wake up. thank you. any other public comment on item 10? moving forward, madam secretary, the consent calendar summary, please. item 11 is the consent calendar. all matters listed here are considered to be retained by the san francisco public utilities commission and will be acted upon by a single vote of the commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission or the public shall request. in which event, the matter will be removed from calendar and considered as a separate item. okay. any requests to remove items
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from the consent calendar. i'll move approval. second. any public comment before we take the vote? okay. all in favor? aye. opposed? approved. next item, please. item 12 was removed from calendar and will be heard on june 26th. and item 13, grant agreement with the san francisco unified school district and authorized the general manager to execute this amendment, increasing the current amount by 180,000 with no change in the agreement duration. any discussion, commissioners? i'll move it. second. before we vote, any public comment on 13? all in favor?
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aye. opposed? okay, approved. aye, i'm sorry. item 14, please. approve the selection and award of china town community development center and authorize the general manager to negotiate and execute the grant agreement with the center for an amount not to exceed $180,000 and with the duration of two years. i'll move it. i would like to recuse myself from this item because i'm an employee of the san francisco foundation that provided a grant to this project. thank you. i'll move it. i'll second.
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any discussion, commissioners? any public comment? second. any public comment on 16? all in favor? opposed? approved. 17, please. resource adequacy contracts, approve three resource adequacy contracts for clean power sf executed by the general manager between the san francisco puc and the pacific gas and electric company with a combined term of two years and five months in the total cost of $13.7 million. any discussion? so moved. second. any public comment on 17? all in favor? aye. opposed. approved.
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item 19 is existing litigati litigation. existing litigation -- 21, isabelle rodriguez versus the city and county of san francisco. item 22, existing litigation. 23, existing litigation pacific gas and electric. 24, existing litigation pacific gas and electric. item 26, existing litigation pacific gas and electric. 27, existing litigation pacific gas and electric. 28, existing litigation city and county of san francisco versus pacific gas and electric. do i have a motion on whether to assert the attorney-client privilege. motion to assert the
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privilege. second. any public comment? any public comment on our closed session items? okay. >> so we're back. okay. do we have a motion not to discuss the items during closed session? >> move not to disclose. >> second. >> all in favor? [voting] >> okay. commissioners, any new business? any public comment on -- there is no new business. >> there is no new business. >> i have a new business. >> i do, too. >> i would like to, through the chair, agendaize this question that's been raised around opposing the validale meeting,
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the validale rider next meeting. >> and let's avoid any agendaized discussions. that's next meeting. >> yes. i did caution you there's not much more information than what i've presented today. >> the -- i understand. i don't know if we need more information. i mean, i've heard enough information at least to have a robust conversation, and we can take it offline as we're talking about how to agendaize it, but i this to take some action as a commission would be interesting, even if we have to debate it as such. >> clerk: to clarify, commissioner viator, that is an action or discussion? >> to take action.
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>> twice today -- it caught me a little off guard today. twice staff was kind of indicted. first on community benefits and lack of transparency, and then, on the federal question, honesty and whatever. and normally, i'll be the first one to rise to their defense. as i've sitting here right now, given some of the things that i have pending that are important to us, i -- i'm reluctant to do that. there's times that i talk to harlan about it but i want to let my colleagues know where i feel i'm just going to be totally played. one of the things is this janus decision. it's going to be huge. i've been doing my best to articulate -- and that's why i didn't -- i've been doing my best to articulate the very clear difference between some of the folks that work for us that have computers and college degrees and everything else and
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some of the folks that work for us that don't have access to those things. and when i'm talking to staff about the most progressive mechanism for on boarding people, they really seem to be coming from a place of no. i feel like there's a point in time of where they should be coming from a place of yes given how we promote them. and i'm worried because i'm kind of getting tired of being told wake up all the time, because i'm wide awake. you guys know me. i'm wide awake. i think we need to start calling balls and strikes when it comes to that stuff. but during the budget, i sent don an e-mail this week. two years ago i was talking about the lack of us having a workforce development policy, which is very important to me and us in anticipation of a bit of a downturn. we still haven't made much progress at all there. during the budget, i asked for
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parcels of our land and what our land management plan was because they just don't want to find out that we have to give it away to some organization that may or may not be involved in political activity. and then, finally, this on boarding piece. but even the other day, there is -- and we're not taking credit, there is a preapprenticeship program that we're doing that i'm told we weren't doing with certain classifications, that we are doing, and i asked for a presentation to all of us because i think it's going to kind of dovetail into best practices, and that can's getting kicked down the road. i think i'm getting a little bit played by staff, but when it comes to delivery -- and i'll just keep going. we both have talked to members of the board of supervisors about this, we'll talk to the mayor about this, but i'll be sincere to my colleagues about
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this. i'm trying to make sure that this commission and this director can be something proud of as the most progressive approach to the workforce, rather than needing laws that tell us we have to do more, which is what ab 119 is doing, it tells us we've got to do more than what we have been doing. i feel like we've got to work with staff that we don't want to be legislated because we're good policy makers. so i'll leave it at that, but i think we're ready for some of these things. i think the attacks on staff is something we should take seriously, and they're either with or without merit, so we should know that up front. >> thank you. >> any other public comment on new business raised by the commissioner? i think you can. >> the commissioner has a
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question of staff. >> no, it's public comment. >> right. >> i mean, emilio got up and spoke. >> yeah. >> i mean, my -- >> i have a question for him, and i want to just remind you, we're only talking about new business, new agenda items. we can't get into a discussion of something substantive since it wasn't agendaized. >> well, there were allegations made today that i took really seriously that i'm not true if they are or not. we are basically called liars twice. i'd like to hear from michael, yeah, because that's important. like -- >> we probably can't have a discussion. >> yeah, we can't get into a substantive discussion. >> when it gets leveed, and we just get it go, i'm just sitting here, saying oh, we're just going to let it go. >> i think sometimes that's the
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>> when i open up the paper every day i'm just amazed at how many different environmental issues keep popping up. when i think about the planet i want to leave for my children and other generation, i think of what contribution i can make on a personal level to the environment. ♪ clean power sf is san francisco's key way of fighting climate change by renewable energy and offering it to san francisco customers. i'm from the san francisco public utilities commission. the program came about with state wide legislation in 2002 to enable people to take more
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control over supplies. i first heard of the program when the organization was advocating to launch clean power sf. what i'm most excited about, it's going to bring 100% renewable energy to my home and reinvest into renewable energy infrastructure and jobs. i had gone to a lot of street fairs and heard from the staff at the san francisco public utilities commission to sign up for clean power sf even before it launched. >> we learned about clean power sf because our sustainability team is always looking for clean operations. linkedin is the largest online network. there are about 530 million members using our site.
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in this san francisco office there's about 1400 employees working in roughly 400,000 square feet. >> after signing up for the program we heard about the san francisco program and learned they had commercial rates and signed up for that. i'm the co-owner of the new wheel electric bike shop. we opened this store in 2012 and the new wheel sells and services electric bikes. 11 people work here in san francisco and our store is about 2,000 square feet. electric bikes are fantastic for transportation in the city, they're clean and green and you get places faster than any other form of transportation. it amplifies the power, it doesn't replace it. it makes it easier to get places by bicycle and it's so enjoyable and environmentally friendly way to go and more convenient in san francisco. >> clean power sf requires two
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products, green, 40% renewable and competitively priced with pg and e. for those who want to fight climate change more, 100% renewable at $0.02 per kilawatt. >> i decided to go with the super greens, after finding it only to cost about $5 more a month to have super green, that's a no-brainer, i can do that. >> we were pleased that clean power sf offers the super green 100% for commercial entities like ours and residents for the city of san francisco. we were pleased with the package of services for linkedin and now encouraging our employees who have a residence in san francisco to sign on as well.
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>> clean power sf buys its power from renewable plants that feed the energy directly into the grid. >> there's a commitment to sustainability throughout the entire organization and this clean power opportunity reflects that. >> one of the wind farms we use is the shilo wind farm and that is large enough to be able to provide energy for up to 200,000 homes. >> our mission is sustainability, even though our bikes are minimal energy use, it still matters where the energy comes from and part of our mission in sustainability is how we run everything -- run our business. having the lights come on with clean energy is very important. >> the sunset reservoir has solar panels that take up about four city blocks covering the reservoir and the solar power
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generates energy for city resources and clean power sf for residents participating in the program. >> it was easy to sign up for the program, i went online to and i started getting pieces in the mail letting me know i was going to be switched over and it just happened. when i pay my bill, i still go to pg and e and i don't see any difference between now and a year ago. >> sign up online, just have your account number ready and it takes about two minutes and there's nothing to install. no lines are getting connected to your home. all the power goes through the existed power grid. >> we haven't had any problems with the switch over to clean power. >> it's super easy to sign up. our book keeper signed up online, it took about 15 minutes.
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nothing changed but now we have cleaner energy. >> we see clean power sf as a key strategy to meet renewable energy goal, we have a goal of 50% renewable energy by 2020. currently we have enrolled about 86,000 customers across the city. about 20% of what we hope to serve in the future and in the next two years we'll offer service to all san francisco electricity customers. >> an easy way to align your environmental responsibilities and goals around climate change and it's so easy that it's hard to not want to do it and it doesn't really add anything to the bill. >> joining clean power sf is one of the easiest ways to fight climate change, receiving cleaner energy at low and stable rates, you're helping to support a not for profit that helps influence the energy grid and
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produce more production. >> i would encourage any business to seriously convert to the clean sf service. it's good for environment, business and the community. >> you can sign up online our call and the great thing is, you'll have the peace of mind that you're doing your part in your household to help the environment. ♪ ♪
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>> san francisco parks, golden gate park transforms into one of the greatest music festivals of all time, let's journey, inside, outside land. ♪ >> to this, our 6th year doing the outside lands and our relationship with san francisco, rec and park. and we work very closely with them in the planning and working very closely with the neighborhood organizations and with the city supervisors and with the city organizations and with the local police department, and i think that the outside lands is one of the unique festivals in the world and we have san francisco and we have golden gate park and we have the greatest oasis, in the world. and it has the people hiking up hills and down hills and a lot of people between stages. >> i love that it is all
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outside, the fresh air is great. >> they have the providers out here that are 72 local restaurants out here. >> celebrating, and that is really hot. >> 36 local winerries in northern california and 16 brewers out here. >> and you have seen a lot of people out here having a good time and we have no idea, how much work and planning has gone into this to make it the most sustainable festival in the united states. >> and literally, in the force, and yeah, unlike any other concept. and come and follow, and the field make-up the blueprint of
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the outside land here in golden gate park and in the future events and please visit sffresh >> welcome to our 2018 mayor's teacher paraeducator and principal of the year awards. this is our 11th year of honoring our public schoolteacher and ninth year of honoring our principals and first year of honoring our paraeducator. [applause] this honor awards five of our city's most accomplished teachers, principals and a paraeducator. all candidates nominated by members of their community throughout the year and the finalists selected by the mayor in april.
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they received awards on behalf of the their tireless work and i wanted to just highlight a couple of things you all will be getting so it teases you a little bit. [applause] >> we already had the teachers on norred a honored at the giane on monday and you will get a beautiful tiffany apple. you will also get an award from the mayor and from the mason foundation for $1,000. [cheers and applause] we have some really great gifts from our championship basketball team the golden state warriors and and we still love them, they are not here with us any more but our san francisco 49ers.
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you will also get amazing tickets to outside land, beach blanket and elle k elcatraz ande final arts museum. so al we are super excited. gift certificates for dirty water, the mall, and his tor hic john's grill. we also had personal gift bags, messenger bags made by rickshaw which is a local company and mark has been incredibly wonderful donating every year and he puts the logo on the bag and it's an incredibly high quality bag and for when you go away on the long weekend we have
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a great tumi bag donated by alaska airlines one of our newest partner. thank you anna belle for all that. iqan is here and always gives you a bag of goodies, so you will see a quad and octopus and a membership and he is rolling out his k-5 academy for all, so all of your students will be able to come to the academy throughout the year because of a generous endowment, so we are really, really happy about that. [cheers and applause] all of these partnerships and gifts and prizes are aregarded and fully reflect the great love that san francisco holds for its educators and we wouldn't have been able to do this without
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many of our partners and i wanted to call out the ceo, to thank the teacher for teacher appreciation month. recognizing our educators for their work promotes prestige within the profession and dem states appreciation for those dedicating themselves to providing our students with an excellent education. i want to highlight once again the public school paraeducator that we are honoring tonight and for those of you who didn't know, our late mayor was a paraeducator and this award is to honor him and it's in his name. we are really happy to be able to do that. [applause] some of this would not happen if we did not have a leader in our city that continues to appreciate all of our educators and i am really happy to stand
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next to our mayor. please join me in welcomes mayor mark ferrell. [applause] >> thank you. i have to say after all those goodies that have been announced i don't know anyone that won't be striving for these awards. what i understand is it's $35,000 worth of goodies that we are going to be giving out today so that or the giant's game is a pretty cool few days. congratulations everybody. i want to welcome everybody to our award's ceremony as we honor our teachers, paraeducator and principals of the year award. this is an incredible time here in san francisco. you are the glue that makes our families work so thank you for all that you do. hydra mentioned mayor lee, i
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know this is one of his favorite things to do every year and to stand as his successor for now is awesome and reminds me of him quite a bit. this is named after mayor lee, so you are the inaugural honoreehonhohonorees. i have want to thank the school district, dr. matthew is here and hydra, please a round of applause for her. [applause] i say this very sincerely as a parent of three young children, teachers and principals you are the glue that makes everything
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work for families in our city and i mentioned that. you are providing the foundation and you are really leading the path for the next generation of san francisco children. i know many in the room are born and raised san francisco people and to be setting foundation for our city is powerful and you are here and awarded tonight because you have been nominated by so many people for all your hard work, but let's never forget what we are doing and the power behind that is incredible. i would like to recognize supervisor sandy fewer who is here. [applause] i want to thank the blue ribbon panel for helping select these nominees and obviously a difficult decision-making process for doing that. you know the four principal winners were selected because of their dedicate and leadership
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just like the teachers and our paraeducator. congratulations to you all. this is a fun thing to be here and a fun thing to go to the giant's games and beon the field. we don't get to do that every single day, but thank you for all that you do for our children on behalf of san francisco. we can't do it without you. please know how important you do is to all of us. i know it's one of the most challenging jobs in the world, but i want to say thank you on behalf of a grateful city. [applause] >> thank you mr. maryou. maryour. mayor. a wonderful partner of you are ours the president of the leaders of san francisco, lit
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lita blonk. >> thank you for being chosen for this award. not a single person goes into the field of education for honor or glory, but it is still extremely well appreciated to have one's commitment and hard work acknowledged. thank you mayor ferrell and hydra and thank you to your families without your support they would not have the fortitude to continue what you do and thank you to the community because a good teacher or educator can only thrive when supported by their community. you all are receiving educator
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of the year awards but you deserve much more. i remember my first year as a reading recovery teacher i had a student who was a cute little 6-year-old but he was clinically depressed. he came from a traumatized background and i remember telling my supervisor i don't think i can teach this child to read. she said you are a reading teacher, teach him to read and see what happen. i was able to teach him to read and write and he reached proficiency and somewhere his self-esteem shifted and it was part of him turning the corner. dition to receiving the award that you are receiving, i would like to nominate you all for psychologist of the year, social worker of the year. [laughter] life coach of the year. [applause] event planner of the year. at vadvocate of the year and the
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list goes on because any educator knows you are wearing some of those hats all the time and many of those hats all the time. appreciation comes in many form. today it is expressed in kind words and many generous gift. i want to thank the donor to made that possible. there are gift bags and there is beautiful posters and you will see what's in there, some surprise. we also give, we don't have millions of dollars but we do have thousands of members who stand together for your every day of the year and we are proud of that. appreciation can also come through the gift of making sure that you have time to do your job properly and each of you knows what that means in your own job. i have a particular angle i want to share with you. it also means in this world of
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2018 making sure that educators are not spending time giving assessment that is are not useful for their teaching and sharing with you the information that the board of education received recommendations from a joint district family union assessment community which includes i limb natio eliminatie assessment, so brought we forward and that means less teaching and more learning. that is a gift to you of time. i know that is really stretching it, but i had to put it in. [laughter] one last form of appreciation which you are all aware, appreciation can and should mean a living wage, so i'm shameless. [applause] i'm shameless and determined that educators in the city will have a living wage from here on
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in and so on june 5 san francisco ha has the opportunito vote yes on prop g. thank you very much and enjoy the rest of the reception. [applause] >> thank you is there anything else you would like to share with us? [laughter] lita is leaving and retiring after 33 amazing years with us, so thank you for your service. as we shared earlier, this next speaker is recognized for the work that she does to represent our peer educator. she is the vice president of our paraeducators with u esf and i know carolyn fought hard for this award. carroll, why don't you come on
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up. [applause] thank you and good afternoon everybody. this is really exciting for me because i have been pushing for about nine years to get a paraeducator of the year. i have talked to the mast mayors and hydra so it's really aye maizing. amazing. i want to give a shout-out to our first paraeducator to receive achievement. [applause] she is an incredible para and i'm so honored she is the first one to get it. mary knows i don't like to speak in front of a mic., but i said i will do this just for you. stewart and katie was a
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paraeducator and jolene, so a lot are now admi administratorse and teacher. it's hard for me what happened last year in mayor lee and we had the paraeducator housing last june and we were talking hydra and -- and me. i said this is great, but are we going to do a paraeducator of the year, and he said carolyn, yes, we are this year. i know you have been pushing for it and then he proceeded to tell me i was a bilingual para and i went oh, wow, i never knew that. we talked about paris for ten
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minutes and how he had been and how important they are. this is very special and so glad it's mary avalade that's getting it. congratulations to everyone and thank you. >> thank you carolyn. i did want to highlight the housing that carolyn was eluding to because of the partnership with the school district and educators we are breaking ground on 100 affordable units for our educators in the next couple years and we have just selected a developer through the mayor's process and we are really excited to do that for our educator. [applause] so our last speaker is a representative of our united administrators, so these are the folks that make sure our
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principals are well supported and getting what it is they need in order to be amazing principal, so join me in compels jolene washington. >> good afternoon everyone. caro line was spoked to be here this afternoon but was able to come so at our last meeting she asked who was interested in speaking and so i did not raise my hand. [laughter] i said who is going to be receiving awards. she said lina, i said i love lina, and then she said sam, and i said i love sam and then she said emmanuel and we have the same principals an and then he .
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eli horn. and with that i had to be here. i just want to say that again my james jolin washington and i am here on behalf of united administrators of san francisco and thank you for allowing us to speak at this important event. it gives us the opportunity to brag about our amazing, hardworking administrators like sam, lina, emmanuel, and eli. they are courageous leaders and put student's needs and interests first. we are proud to honor them today and recognize them for everything they do every day every month every year to benefit their students, families, staff, and school community.
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on a personal note, i remember the experience of receiving the honor of principal of the year from mayor lee in 2011 and this honor allows you school community and your families to see that the enduring long days the sleepless nights, the ongoing dedication to teachers, families and students in your school communities is not done in vain, so lina, sam, emmanuel and eli, enjoy this recognize and celebrate with the ones you love. congratulations. [applause] >> thank you so much jolin. before we bring up all of our award winners, let me tell you about how this is going to work. we are going to call out the award recipient's name and i will have maker yo ferrell, supervisor matthews and
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supervisor fewer and we will take a picture and then have leadership take a picture of all the recipients with all of our sponsor. that is how it will work. i want to give a shout-out and recognize our blue ribbon panel because these are the folks that made the difficult decision. if you are part of the blue ribbon panel, if you would please stand up so we can recognize you. camille, owen hit. hoyt, and simone who is working u upstairs and we had cara tweed and annie sang from pinterest, so we also had a
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community that read with us. thank you for being part of the blue ribbon panel. without further adieu our first award recipient is kitty lock, a teacher at comm stockton elemeny school. she joined 31 years ago as a paraeducator and has been at comma dore stockton for the last 31 year. in addition to all of the goodies they are getting, they are getting certificates from mayor ferrell, u.s. representative nancy pelosi, state senator wiener -- and
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there is lots of goodies over there. our next award recipient is jack lively. third grade teacher at star king elementary school. thank you jack. he grew up speaking mandarin an canton knees in china. he wanted to be a high school teacher but when he got to job to teach he fell in love with the school, the staff and the kids, so he decided to stay. thank you jack. [applause] because we have so many elementary schools we honor two elementary schoolteachers and our second is jennifer partika, 5th grade teacher at argone
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elementary school. she is dedicated to growing the number of females in science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematic. she recently led the argon robotics take too a victory at the lego robotics competition. excellent. your middle grades teacher of the year is erin wise, 6th grade teacher at middleton middle school. aaron is spending his 11th year where he teaches sixth grade math and science. he runs parent groups, sits on committee, and most importantly
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he is the dj for middle school dance. [applause] thank you aaron. our high school teacher of the year is christian castillo, a 10th and 11th grade teacher albalboa high school. she has worked within the school district for 11 years now in different capacities. , pulse pathway and a special shout-out to my fellow philippinea. all right, give it up for our teachers of the year. [applause]
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our next award is this very special mayor lee's award for our paraeducator of the year and it goes to mary lavalane. since 1970, 1970, i was five, mary has worked in early childhood development at several different organization. in 1986 mary joined the sfusd as student advisor at fairmont elementary school and been at san francisco community for the last 18 year. thank you mary. [cheers and applause] our next award recipients are our principal.
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please join me in welcoming our principal for early education because that is education by the way. mr. eli horn. [applause] [cheering] and ally's fan club. i have known eli for about 20 year. before eli became an early education administrator he served as director for th thevis valley beacon where he worked to provide partnerships for the school. he joins the school district in 2011 as early education administrator. ally, thank you.
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[cheers and applause] our elementary school principal of the year is one of mayor ferrell's favorites because they have a blooming, wonderful bromance because they did some amazing, amazing work through the shared schoolyards partnership and that take as lot of work to open a school to the city. principal of the year for elementary, emmanuel stewart, george washington carveer. he has worked in public education for 27 year. he now leads the school where he taught for 14 years and committed to the bay view
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hunter's community and he does that with excitement, passion and dedication. super happy for him. >> go stewie! >> our middle school principal of the year is a dynamic leader, lina va vanherran and her daugh. oh, not anymore. lina is in her 8th year of leading middle school unified and her 5th year aspirins pal. she has worked passionately alongside passionate teaches and
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leaders to turn around everett middle school from one of the lowest performs to a thriving place that now has a wait list of students wanting to go to everett middle school. [applause] congratulations. last but not least samuel bass our high school principal of the year. [applause] he is with burton high school. he received the axa middle school of the year award in 2016. he is driven to provide as many opportunities and possibilities to traditionally under served students in san francisco as
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possible. we will have to give you guys a little basket next time to put all your goodies. congratulations sam. give it up for our principal of the year awards recipient. [cheers and applause] congratulations to our teachers, our paraeducator and our principal. all of this is not possible without the incredible staff that put this together. a big shout-out to rebecca mcdowell. we have snacks in the back and we would love for you to stay and continue and mingle and mayor ferrell thank you for your support and leadership and ensuring that our teachers, principals and paraedge kay kays continue to get recognized in
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