tv Government Access Programming SFGTV June 24, 2018 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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i want to thank mayor farrell for his leadership in expanding this important program. so thank you again for being here today and we'll take questions over at the side. thank you. [applause] >> president buell: recrea craigsation and park commission meeting. please call roll. [roll call taken] >> president buell: with that, let us proceed. >> a couple of announcements. just reminder.
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so, could we please ask everyone to turn off any sound producing devices that could go off during the meeting. this is our june 21st recreation and park commission meeting. we, each person will have three minutes, commissioner. >> three minutes. >> three minutes per public comment per item. if you would like to comment on an item that is not on the agenda, that falls under the jurisdiction of the recreation and park commission you may speak on item number 4. if you don't have time to speak on 4, it will be continued again on item 10. we would ask that you please address your comments to the commission during public comment on items in order to allow equal time for all. neither the commission nor staff will respond to any questions during public comment. the commission may ask questions of staff after public comment is closed. last, if the fire alarms activate you must evacuate the building in an orderly fashion.
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using any exit. please note that elevators will immediately return to the first floor and they are not available for use. if you are in need of assistance getting out of the building, please make your way to the closest area of refuge which is across the hall in the men's restroom inside the restroom. a speaker box, press it and city hall security will answer, let them know where you are and they will assist you. with that, we are now on item 2, the president's report. >> president buell: thank you. let me make a couple of announcements. in july the committee meetings are canceled because they fall on july 4th and july 5th. usually low attendance. so, we will note that. let me make another announcement, which is bittersweet, but there must be something in the water we are drinking. we have lost three senior staff
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people, bob plosiso, with the department 25 years. don comealanaythan for 12 years, going to the san francisco unified school district. we'll take note of that in our dealings with the school district in the future. and connie chan, deputy director of communications public affairs with the department for six years, and she is going to city college of san francisco. clearly congratulations are in order for these two excellent young women. they have given great service to the department and i'm going to ask them if they want to make comments. but first, i want to thank commissioner low for acting in my absence on a brief vacation and if you would like to say anything about our departing staff. >> just want to acknowledge dawn, she helped guide us on
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probably a difficult construction under the 2012 bond and delivered those projects almost on budget. and was also successful in finding additional dollars to make these projects happen. we are really going to miss you. we hope to have you come back at the ground breaking for portsmouth square. also want to say a quick note to connie chan. connie, who put me out in the chinese newspapers, a great resource and i've enjoyed her tenure here and she, too, will be sorely missed and hopefully you will also come back for the ground breaking of portsmouth square. >> president buell: dawn and connie come forward.
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>> thank you very much, commissioners. i wanted to have an opportunity to come and say farewell after all this time working together. some of us have been working together actually longer than 12 years when i started in the mayor's budget office as the analyst for the recreation and park department and recruited by the deputy director at that time, katy, and this job has been an amazing experience. it is the job i never knew i always wanted and that as a policy person who had been reading design magazines since she was 15 to finally have an opportunity to do both things in one job, and has really been amazing, and i really, we worked on hundreds of projects at this point and i wanted to say my favorite project is my team that i built, and please take good care of them, keep, you will not find a harder working, better
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sense of humor in city government and i also wanted to thank all of you. i've had the opportunity to work with a lot of different commissions in the city and i think you guys are the best. >> president buell: would you repeat that? >> when i think of sharp park and beach chalet and some epic conversations and probably portsmouth square, go on for 5 to 10 years, and the commission's ability to really own, to last and to build consensus and to own the positions that they have taken over the years through these very difficult projects has made the difference for staff, and our ability to prevail and do the good work we have been able to do. thank for that, and especially thank to denny and sarah, who both have been important partners in crime in my time here, and really could not have done it without you. >> we wish you the very best. thank you. connie. [applause]
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>> commissioner, thank you for having me here. speaking to you today and as some of you know i have had the good fortune to work for some great people in this city. supervisor maxwell, senator harris when she was a d.a. and supervisor peskin. my experience working for this recreation and park department was very different for me. it was, i can talk about a lot of great things that we have accomplished together, but what really is for me is the personal growth i have experienced during my time working for the department here and if you could indulge me i would love to give a shout out for the people that really allow me to do the work i
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love but also to be able to be a mom, a partner, a sister and a friend to the people that i love. and first start with stacy white, who has been my rock on the bad days. and the good days and alton has been there for me, and alex randolph, not at the department anymore but the best partner in politicking. and never tire, always driven general manager. last but not least, and if not for some of my old bosses could be watching this meeting broadcast, i would say the best boss ever, sarah mattlin. thank you. and commissioners and thank you, the last time i was here speaking before you i was asking for additional funding for willie woo woo clubhouse on behalf of supervisor aaron
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peskin and the chinatown community. you granted the funding. it's amazing how you dedicated your time and energy to serving the city. it's an honor serving the best park system with you. >> president buell: thank you very much. [applause] that concludes my report. >> is there anyone who would like to make public comment on this item? if so, come up. >> good morning, commissioners. richard rothman, first vice chair of the park and open space advisory committee, and on behalf of our members we like to wish dawn the best of luck in her future endeavors and thank her for staffing our meetings and for coming and having the patience to listen to us and a to bring her insight into our
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deliberations and sometimes meetings lasted quite lately, but her broad range of knowledge on the issues and willing to listen and getting back with us and willing to meet individually and trying to meet our particular district needs was most helpful. and i'm sure we'll miss her, but we wish her good luck in her new endeavors. >> president buell: thank you very much. >> anyone else like to comment on this item? ok. being none, public comment is closed. commissioners, now item 3, the general manager's report. >> good morning. i will start with a wrap-up on the summer solstice, might seem like a strange thing to do,
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since today is. but last night thousands of people with flowers in their hair, at least some of them did, gathered at conservatory valley, golden gate park, a groovy light show and concert. we did it last year in 50th anniversary of the summer of love and this year we celebrated the 51 anniversary with music from the year 1968. and the light show returned, so it will be going on all summer. feel free to stop by and take a look. we want to thank don holiday for putting together the lovely free concert, over 5,000 people enjoyed. our staff at the conservatory of flower, the san francisco parks alliance, and rec and park staff, and operations and park rangers for making it a safe and fun event for all.
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this past tuesday we were pleased to join supervisor cohen and bayview neighbors for a very small but mighty ground breaking certainly for the ralph d. house community park. formally known as the cont mini park. this was a community opportunity fund project under the 2008 bond. and the renovation includes a new terrace for a public gathering space, a pathway, entry upgrades for improved accessibility. on the scale of projects that our capital team manages, this is a relatively small project. it's a really small parcel. but has an enormous impact on this part of town where there is an active community group that participates in taking pair of the landscape and planting there, and we want to extend a sincere thank you to supervisor cohen for her support of all of her parks, but for really pushing us on this one to make
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it a lovely place for her constituents. july is right around the corner and it is national recreation and park month. with that comes celebration when cities across the country celebrate and highlight the important role of our parks in their communities. next month we will highlight a wide range of events and activities in the parks from volunteer work parties, include a board of supervisors commendation and many family friendly activities. a full calendar of celebration events on our website, flower piano. if you have not seen this, make time. it is pretty cool. this summer music community and nature joined forces in the heart of the city during the 12-day outdoor ex stravaganza. each day from 9:00 a.m. to
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6:00 p.m., july 5th through 16, visitors will find 12 pianos tucked among the many flower filled gardens in the gardens 55 acres. and they are encouraged to play what they like. this is a really lovely and definitely worth the visit. also worth a visit is stern grove. the 81st season of stern grove festival kicked off this past weekend with promises of another fantastic season of free sunday afternoon concerts in the park. ziggy marley headlines, with eclectic performers for july, alt rock singer m. ward, mexican institute of sound, and san francisco symphony. play day coming up on july 18th, rec and park will host the
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annual summer play day at bayview park and m.l.k. pool, a new location for us this year for this event. each summer we host this family event in our parks to encourage kids to get out and play. and this summer's event will include games, sports, a climbing wall, free swimming and canoe lessons. for those of you that are early risers, you have maybe been able to catch a few of the world cup games that start at 5:00 in the morning. and we will be showing some of those world cup games on the big screen, both here in civic center plaza and sue berman park. the free viewing parties held on july 10th and 11 and july 15th is the final, which will be here at civic center plaza. and for more information on schedule,
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and ryan is going to que up the video, celebration at the casting pools. ♪ >> today we are celebrating a double anniversary. built back in 1938, the golden gate club founded in 1933. core mission to offer fly casting instruction and fly fishing education to both the members and the public. we are the largest fly fishing club in the world. extremely powerful to be able to celebrate a tradition and activity of sport, a community that's been going on for generations right here. >> i am so proud that we have this here in san francisco. world class casting pool and also lodge that really reflects
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our commitment to the outdoors and to parks and recreation in san francisco, being accessible to everyone, regardless of age or income level. ♪ >> thank you, ryan. and finally, richard rothman stepped up. he was going to give a quick report, but -- i guess not. right. we'll invite him back another time. that includes the general manager report. >> he could do it under public comment if he wants. thank you. >> is there anyone who would like to make public comment under this item? ok. seeing none, public comment is closed. we are now on item 4, general public comment up to 15 minutes. this item will be continued to
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item 10. members of the public may address the commission on items of interest in the subject jurisdiction and do not appear on the agenda. with respect to agenda items you will have that opportunity to address the commission when the item is reached in the meeting. is there anyone who would like to make general public comment? ok. seeing none, this item is closed. we are now on item 5, consent calendar and i do have three cards. joe, richard, and anita, please. >> good morning, commissioner. joe lighthighser. a member of the board of friends of camp mather, and i just wanted to take a few moments here to thank the commission and encourage you to accept our donation of $15,000 toward the
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sports court to be built up at camp mather. beginning this fall, i believe. so, i'm really most important really is i'm the husband of linda, and she's delegated this to me in recognition of my obvious eloquence. thank you again, and we look forward to the work this fall, and i promise you will not dunk basketballs but trying to shoot a few hoops by 2019. thank you. >> president buell: thank you. i know commissioner mazolla wants to comment. on the director's report? >> i was going to ask to pull one item before we vote on them. >> president buell: make the request. >> pull item c before we vote on the rest of them. >> thank you.
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>> richard and anita. and any order. >> good morning, commissioners. thank you for the opportunity to be here. >> i need you to speak into the mic. >> yes, there you go. my name is anita dens, i represent the friends of alta plaza park. happy to be here today when we offer a donation to complete several aspects and enhancements of the construction project, the water conservation and irrigation project that's going on and with that is the completion of a donor circle honoring the generous contributors who underwrote the playground and sports courts in 2004 and 5. and it will be a beautiful circle with pavers and surrounding bench overlooking the south side of alta plaza park. it will be quite lovely. we are also putting in some bike
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racks and some other enhancements, and this winds up the construction project. so, looking ahead, first of all, i would like to thank you dawn and tokes and abigail about their help to us in shepherding this project to this point. but looking forward, we need to implement the master plan that was approved by the commissioners in 2016. in respect to that, i have formed a new board of directors drawing upon community activists among our board members are greg scott, president of the pacific height residents association, harry showning, community activist, worked closely with mayor farrell on the america's cup. so, we have very committed energized board. we have had two meetings so far. we have elected officers.
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developing a mission statement. a logo development, branding, community outreach, with he have a marketing plan and we are just hoping again to bring awareness and we were seeking resources for funding, including the 2019 parks bond, and perhaps another community opportunity fund application to see that this plan is implemented which you so graciously approved. it will restore alta plaza park to the jewel and the crown which it is in the park system. and sarah was involve in that from the get-go during her days serving with supervisor peer, so has a history and now we have kathryn stephanie on our side, she also was involved in it. thank you, i want you to know we are making progress onward. >> president buell: thank you very much. >> any one else who wants to
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speak on the consent calendar at the exception of item c? ok. being none, public comment is closed. >> president buell: entertain a motion -- >> is this your park -- >> it is my park. i live within 50 feet of it. i have to abstain from voting. >> if i could, please. we could remove it from calendar and everyone else, or have the vote. >> why don't i abstain. >> commissioner buell requested he be recused. voting on the consent calendar with the exception of item c. all in favor? thank you. now on 5c, willie woo woo playground, award of contract. if we could have staff please
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come up. >> president buell: a presentation and then we'll ask commissioner if his comments -- >> hello, commissioners. commissioner i am reuben schwartz, the newest project manager with the capital division, pleasure to meet you all and project manager on willie woo woo wong. a san francisco resident, parent and resident of bernel heights. two-fold agenda item, discussion and possible action to, one, award a contract for the construction of willie woo woo wong playground to c.l.w., to
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not go over $800,883,600, and increase it by 64,700,000, not to exceed $1,300,000. inspire public space, specifically 1.2, to strengthen the quality of parks and facilities. strategy number two, inspire play, objective 2.2, strengthen and promote healthy, safety and well-being of youth and seniors. and this is a very heavily used park. the site is being completely renovated. scope of work for the project includes the renovation of all existing park features, including athletic courts, children's play areas, and the existing clubhouse and rooftop athletic court.
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concerning the construction bid. with the assistance of the department of public works, we advertise the project and received two bid proposals, which were opened on april 18th of this year. the bid tabulation sheet is included in the packet. one bid was determined by the contract management division to be nonresponsive, it failed to meet the 14% l.b.e. participation requirement. the responsive bid was committed by c.l.w. builder, $8,883,600. it was welcome news for us. the department has confidence working with c.l.w. builders, contracting with them on bodecker and hayes valley projects and wrapping up work on balboa pool. we are eager to proceed, obviously. and if approved today, we anticipate starting construction
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by early august. concerning the design services contract. the project is fully funded. this is not a request for additional funds. as noted above, the project was originally conceived as a playground renovation, but as you heard in the recognition for connie's service today, the project was significantly expanded to include renovation of the clubhouse as a result of her efforts and community input. the expand led to three contract addendum. because it exceeded 10%, all subsequent request must receive your approval. $17,000 in additional work resulting from unexpected plan check comments, to reclassify from type 5b to type 1 or 2. the project team has since come to an agreement with d.b.i.,
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acknowledged the lack of code-based justification for this change. changes to the bid drawings, however, reflecting d.b.i. instructions had to be made to keep the bid on schedule. so, in other words, we had to pay our consultants to comply with the request that was given to us. also a reserve of $47,700 with on-site conditions. site is on a slope in one of the most densely developed areas of the city. it is likely that once demolition and excavation begins, unknown conditions or remnants of previous site activity will be discovered and could necessitate project changes. a modest reserve to cover such needs. we are only seeking authority to spend the reserve if needed, but it will not be spent if additional services are not needed or performed. if the reserve is unused, it will be returned to the project
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budget. we expect to start construction in august and take 14 months. our staff recommendation is to approve the item on the agenda. i can read the agenda item if you want or we can -- >> president buell: that's all right. very good presentation. commissioner mazolla. >> commissioner mazzola: a few questions. i have asked this before, are we able to see the subcontractors list? >> yes, it should be in your packet, i believe. >> commissioner mazzola: i didn't see it. maybe i -- ok. wait, i think i found it here. >> attachment d. >> ok. thank you. and secondly, m.l.b.e., is that
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micro, or is that -- what does the m. stand for? >> we do l.b.e. where are you referring to, commissioner? >> it's on the -- page 70, but i don't know what attachment it is. but -- anyhow. that's not as important as the other questions, so, the -- you said deemed nonresponsive. can you reexplain why again? >> the contract management division looked at the bid and determined that they did not meet the l.b.e. requirement for 14% of the construction work. >> so the bid was basically thrown out? >> they were deemed nonresponsive. >> this had nothing to do -- they did not get a 10% reduction, the bid was thrown out so it did not matter. >> no, that was not a factor. >> ok, all right. that's the only question i had
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then. >> public comment, richard. >> good morning, commissioners. richard fong. i want to address the playground, chinese playground from anthropology kal, cultural approach. i have talked to different people in the community and i have gotten very negative responses over the changing of the play structure to park and it's more park than it is activities for play, they were taken away the volleyball court, taking away moving basketball court, taking away tennis, and a lot of these sports already, are pretty well established at
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chinese playground and have been there even before the name change. so in this anthropology, what i have in mind is relatively simple. i'm trying to see if there can be brought in the multiple court use on the plans to it, and basketball, taken out the tennis. so, i look at that, i'm trying to figure out, what can i do to make it more multi-purpose. so, that same for the tennis racquet, tennis game, they kind of have to be there when they have the volleyball tournaments. they do have their annual volleyball tournaments. so, all these things happening i myself talk to a few people in the community, they are very
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distraught, kind of disturbed. and they even want to hack at me saying that it's worthless for you to go speak before the commission. and i would say it's -- i'm going to try to see if i can retain some of the activities such as volleyball. so that's recreation more than it is in planning. so, if the planning could coordinate with earlier activities that were ongoing at such location, i'm trying to salvage the use where there will be multiple use. the tennis court, the poles, you can't run across that in the basketball game. can be pulled out and sleeves put into the ground, the rest of it put into it. and the same poles will be used for the volleyball courts. so i'm trying to see mitigation that would be initial to the
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particular proposal where it would be multiple court uses. thank you. >> president buell: thank you. commissioner low. >> vice president low: just wanted to respond to richard's comments. there is a basketball court in the design and a multi-sports court, which is, which was intended to be both volleyball, tennis, pickleball when available. but i would encourage your comments, if you feel it's inadequate, to talk to our project team so long as any proposed changes don't increase the budget. but i do want to point out, there was quite a robust community number of workshops where those uses were considered and resulted in the design that is before us>> president buell: thank you. >> any other public comment on this item?
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being none, public comment is closed. >> president buell: entertain a vote. >> so moved. >> second. >> president buell: all in favor? so moved. >> now on item 6, the san francisco zoo. discussion only portion. >> good morning commission, general manager, nice to see you. tanya peterson, director of the san francisco zoo and first let us express our sympathy and thoughts with the gorilla foundation. we just learned that coco, she was born in san francisco, she just passed. spent most of her life at the gorilla foundation, and dr. patterson is devastated with the loss. summer at the zoo, i'll turn to our power point here. wells fargo wildlife theater,
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wellness and conservation programs, and two teen programs, nature trail and they talk about the animals this they have to take care of over the summer, as well as our talk on the wild. also teen interns go around the zoo with carts and educate the public. great way for teens to learn about animals and public speaking. today is the longest day of the year, so we celebrate the longest animal, the giraffe, of course. and it's world giraffe day. actually, i was just saying zoo, giraffes are suffering silent extinction. we will participate in jeans for giraffe, bring in the old jeans. i realize the ripped jeans are going for hundreds of dollars. hard to give them up but it will go for conservation programs in africa and giraffe feeding as long as they are willing to.
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and connect wildlife with the visitors, come to the zoo early on bicycles, a great wellness for the families. so we have done this off and on. so popular, now offer it every second saturday through october as long as the weather supports it. you can register online, and this is free for members and a small fee for nonmembers. great way to see the zoo. recently the pleasure of supporting families with disabilities. families who have children with, who are on autistic spectrum, sensory disorders, etc. our sculpture garden, raised with braille signs and the playground, built in construction with ucsf, specifically for children on the spectrum, were great hits with the families. we opened the zoo early so it would be quiet. we kept everything as quiet as possible, special sensor maps, etc. a great way to support
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families with barriers and other cultural institutions for them. we have some exciting births. we just gave birth to a young mandrel, there he is with his surrogate mother. his father is big joe, named after the infamous joe, and pandora mother. a threatened species. you may know it's the one with the colorful nose and the colorful back side as well. they are threatened due to the bush meat trade in africa. we also had twins, i'm a mother of twins, so i was excited about this. this is our snow leopards, still off exhibit. the snow leopard is an endangered big cat. the parents are jimmy g and dala, jimmy g is the name of the 49 quarterback and he came out on father's day to meet his
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namesake and cubs, and they will be off exhibit until they will be calm. she's a first time mother. we'll keep you posted. and lastly, bragging rights, 4.4 stars on goggle map, i hear it's the new yelp. and over 3600 reviews, so the social media experts say that getting almost five stars with that many reviews is a good thing. it's a new type of rating and new metric for us at the zoo. with that, i finish my report. >> president buell: thank you. >> is there any public -- richard, come on up. >> that was a very nice presentation, tanya peterson. i heard her talking about the giraffes. first thing that popped in my mind would be the earlier
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problems with incest, male giraffe breeding with daughter and that type of thing, put over to, across the bay, maybe at marine world. so, that sounds pretty good, that they have a genetic pool going. but i don't know how it's going to work. so they'll have to be cautious of incest. and almost like a taboo word before civilized people, father-daughter relationships. so when i look at that, i say hey, you know, are they going to have a good genetic pool, i'm all for what she's trying to do. develop and keep the giraffes going. so talk about the zoo, had to do with the price increase they are trying to get, i don't know that -- >> that's on the next item. >> oh, ok. >> a separate item. >> thank you, ma'am. i stand corrected. all right. yeah. on that, it's terrific that you
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got baby kittens out there, and i guess they are going to have the same naming rights. and the mandrel, i could not figure out what the behind was all about, it's real bright red and passionate, i still don't know. and i'm glad they actually were able to feed the surrogate mother. >> any other public comment? public comment is closed. discussion only. item 7, the san francisco zoo increase of admission fees. >> thank you, vince grub, c.f.o. with the san francisco zoo. and here today to request a price increase for the zoo.
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requesting an increase in admission fees by $3 across the board with the exception of seniors and $2 increase. and with this increase, we are retaining free admission for all children three and under. free days for san francisco residents throughout the year. muni rider discounts, free access for children, for the department of children and youth and families, school groups. also s.f. united school district school groups throughout the year, during the school year, free access. additionally, we also provide several other opportunities for free access to the zoo during the year. for instance, this last january all children were admitted for free. s.f. and nons.f. residents, generated 12,000 visitors to the zoo. also during the napa cinema fires, we also admitted residents for free for several days, that was 4,000 visitors
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that came through during the crisis. and also throughout the year, various one-off day, people are admitted for free. the criteria for the basis for a fee increase is from section 15.6 of the lease and management agreement. the first one being, we considered admission fees of comparable zoos in other locations. considered admission fees of other city facilities open to the public. we considered the level of operating expenses at the zoo, changes of c.p.i., and factors affecting labor costs at the zoo. rationale for the increase, the last fee increase in april of 2016. and should this proposal be approved, it wouldn't take effect for another 90 days, october 1st before it happened, so two and a half year interval since the last increase. prior to that, our increase
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previous was september 2013, and prior to that, 2008, 5 years. we don't come often for fee increases. proposed pricing is similar to other zoos. we are still below other zoos and attractions. our zoo operating expenses have increased, c.p.i. has increased, 9.7% since the last increase. labor rates have gone up 5.5% over the last increase. capital investments of over $5 million since the last increase. and as you know, we have a two-tiered system at the zoo. s.f. residents pay less than nonresidents, and nonresidents is $20, and we are asking for up to $23.
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s.f. residents, $17, proposing $20. seniors, proposing an increase on nonresidents from 17 to 19, just $2. and $2 on s.f. residents as well. and $3 increases, children three and under are still free. the next slide is our group rates. group rates are less than individual rates, the same concept. $3 increase on all levels except senior pricing. this is slide on the c.p.i. index, the last increase, gone up 9.7% cumulatively. increase in operating expenses, health insurance, 12 to 30%. what that means, our kaiser rates have gone up 12%, health net rates gone up 30% since the last price increase and this year alone, kaiser went up 10%,
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health net up 14.5%. like a quarter million dollars in additional health care costs in just one year. animal food increased 20%. comes with a price increases and mix of animals, we have wolves and bears and snow leopards, carnivores eat more. labor, 5.5%. current contract through 2020. next slide. this is comparison of local admission fees, notice at the top again, two-tiered system. this is our current pricing, by raising $3 on san francisco residents still way below by the bay, below the academy sciences, and still below.
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and other entertainment venues, great american, six flags, comparison. you can see that even with the price increase we are still the best bargain in town for entertainment value and educational value. and i wanted to compare to other zoos as well. our pricing, current pricing at the top even with the $3 increase on san francisco residents, we are still below the oakland zoo. still below the los angeles zoo. obviously way below san diego zoo. and the large zoos, the bronx zoo in new york, philadelphia zoo, brookfield in chicago and the cincinnati zoo are well below their pricing and we can expect price increases as well. even with that, we are still well below other zoos and i know oakland zoo will be raising the price with the expansion in the summer. so that's my presentation. i ask that openfully you will
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pass the price increase for us. >> we have public comment. richard. this is your admission fee. >> good morning again. i'm not going to say too much on it. but i'm surprised that the zoo price and all the costs and everything else keeps skyrocketing up and up, and all you do is just lay it back on to the public. if you want to come in, you can do it. but they have also, the zoo have brought up different attractions, different views for public to draw out the people to the zoo. in general, i, after seeing the presentation on the political economics of it, i'm in favor of such. i agree with the committee. and other than that, when you get to my age and look at it, i
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don't know about, i got, i'm close to mark, i think, i got one on you, something. >> you blew my cover, richard. >> i think this is very good that we are, we are at this point in time where we have a commission who is supportive of our lives and presentations available through various exhibits at our zoo, but if we are going to continue it as our zoo, we have to try to help the zoo more and try to get things such as grant monies and other available fundings. no mention of what possibility there would be in the state bond, parks, and the water as well as the natural resource that would have been passed by
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our constituency here at california. so, if they would try for something like that, and another point to bring up was that if there is available such funding according to our mayor, mark farrell, i like to say oh, farrell, but his interest, we can gain advance from such fundings that's before, going to be a change of mayors in room 200. so, what's presented, if we can get some of that money in advance so they can get a head start on it, maybe there will be so much better for them instead of just trying to wait until the ticket could money comes in. thank you. >> is there anyone else who would like to make comment public on this item? being none, public comment is closed. >> commissioner anderson: thank you. i just wanted to publicly thank the committee and staff because i made a request in our joint
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zoo committee last month to consider maybe not increasing the senior rate quite as much. you know, we had pointed out that it was not a very large line item and that we wanted to sho shows deference and respect to our elders and they listened to what i said and they made a change. i wanted to thank them for their thoughtfulness on that. >> president buell: motion, moved and seconded. all those in favor. thank you very much. >> item 8, 858 stanyan shadow on golden gate park. >> good morning, commissioners. yael golan, a planner with the
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planning division. joined by laura with the planning department. item before you is 858 stanyan street shadow on golden gate park. review of the shadow supports objective 1.2 in the strategic plan. strengthen the quality of existing parks and facilities. planning code section 295 adopted in 1985. in 1989, creation and park commission and planning commission jointly adopted a memorandum which identified quantitative and qualitative criteria for significant shadows and parks under the jurisdiction of the park department. proposed project is located at 858 stanyan street and the haight ashbury neighborhood. golden gate park, most parcels and the park have a height limit
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of 45 to 55 feet, and 2 to 3 stories tall, a few 4 to 5 story buildings on stanyan and frederick street. this is a single story commercial retail building. proposed project is five stories tall, here are some images of the project west and south elevations and laura from the planning department will now tell you more about the proposed project, public benefits and environmental review. >> good morning, commissioner, as you know the proposal is a four-story vertical addition on one-story commercial building in a commercial zoning district. it has a 50-foot height limit.
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existing rectangular building has a flat roof and covers the entire lot. it's not considered a historic resource. the existing ground floor commercial store front will be modified and three residential units added above. the proposed addition will result in a five-story building, measuring 50 feet high at the flat roof. the planning code allows for height exemptions, planning code requirements, no variances or conditional uses are being sought. working with the urban design advisory team on design refinements. all very minor modifications and limited to window changes, deck guardrail styles, deck setbacks from property lines, so forth. none of these revisions will increase the height of the building nor affect the shadow.
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the only planning required so the adoption of the shadow findings by the planning commission. hearing date for that will be set after today's hearing is decided. this project will add three family size dwelling units to the city's existing housing stock and preserve the ground floor retail space. environmental application was reviewed by the planning department and resulted in the approval of an extension determination. this concludes my presentation. i will be available if you have any questions and the project architect is also here should you have any questions for him. thank you very much. >> president buell: thank you. >> thank you, laura. golden gate park is over 1,000 acres and includes a wide variety of natural, cultural and historic features in places, including gardens, playgrounds,
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picnic groves, water bodies, trails, monuments and cultural venues. the nausew sh shadow would fall the parking lot and stadium. new shadow 7:00 a.m. and gone by 10:00 a.m.. present two hours throughout the year, average duration of about an hour and a half. the size of the new shadow 4,423 square feet, on the southeast corner of golden gate park and the keyzar parking lot. even though the image shows it falling on a green area, it's just because it is park plan but it's actually a parking lot. the largest new shadow february 15th, and october 25th at the same time, and cover .0099% of golden gate
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park. this is a map of the full year shadow impact. darker blue frequent shadow, lighter blue occasional shadow. and this is an animation showing the shadow enter and leave the park on october 25th, the day of maximum shading. and this is another animation of the shadow on june 21st, today. the summer solstice, showing project shadow entering en in the morning and leaving the park by 10:00 a.m. now i will discuss the quantitative aspects of the shadow. golden gate park, around 1,000 acres in size and approximated existing shadow --.130%.
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existing shadow loads smaller than 20%, 1% increase and shadow load. finding on a shadow impact on a park from a proposed development project is a policy decision for the commission. as such, staff does not have recommendation. this concludes my presentation on the 858 stanyan street shadow impact on golden gate park. available for questions as are laura from the planning department and adam phillips from three vision design would performed the shadow analysis. >> anyone who would like to make public comment on that item? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> vice president low: these comments don't really relate to
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this particular project but just how we approach projects that cast shadows on parks. when we look at the public good of the shadow caster, i don't think we should refer as one of the elements of a public good as being permits being paid. that's just something that has to be done regardless of whether you are hitting a park with shadow, plus i think that that runs afoul of the city attorney's opinion that can't pay cash for shadow. i think we should start to eliminate that as an element of a public good. i think it would be helpful also when we get to the qualitative analysis to actually talk about what activities are being interfered with the shadow that's being cast. in this case, i don't really
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care about a car being parked in shadow during the worst time of the shadow, but i think we should start to talk about more of a qualitative of how the shadow cast by the project impacts activities. and also i really would like to have staff start making a recommendation. you go through the great analysis, but then you get to the end of the staff report and there's no recommendation and i personally would like to see some sort of guidance of whether staff supports this, staff doesn't support this, we may disagree, but when you read through the staff report and get to the conclusion, we make no conclusion. how are we supposed to interpret that? >> president buell: thank you, commissioner. all good comments. no other comments, we would entertain a motion. >> so move. >> moved and
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