tv Government Access Programming SFGTV June 29, 2018 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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>> good afternoon. thank you for coming i'm happy to be joined this afternoon by sfmta director ed russ kin and howard -- as you know powered scooters appeared on our streets overnight in march. they pose some really challenge. emissions free transportation and makes it easy to connect with public transit is a good thing and something that we welcome but we cannot sacrifice
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public safety. these ridden on sidewalks pose danger. there are reports of broken bones and near misses. the city has received nearly 1800 complaints about scooters including them blocks public space. it can hurt local businesses and affect the ability of all of us to navigate our city. the city supports scooter scaring to the point it makes our transportation system safer, more equitable. we are here today to announce the launch of san francisco powered scooter permit and pilot program. this permit program represents a
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thoughtful, coordinated and effective approach to make sure that san francisco strikes the right balance. the program incorporates the importance of my earlier cease and desist letter, and state and local laws, that prohibit riding on sidewalks and it includes new component. we have have innovation but it must keep your sidewalks safe and accessible for all pedestrians. the program provides the framework though make sure that the companies operateing in the public right of way of doing so lawfully and accountable for
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their business and tools for the city to issue enforcement as needed. permits are available today on the sfmtv website and ed russ kin will provide more information about them in a moment. i would like to note that this has been a collaborative effort that has included the board of supervisors, my office, public works and other. began in legislation passed at the board of supervisors and signed by mark farrell. i would like to thank aaron peskin who has a leader on this legislation. under that legislation any company operating shared powered scooters in san francisco must have a permit from the sfmta as of june 4 to have their scooters parked on sidewalks or any
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public space. that means any scooter company operating is required to mover e it's scooters by june 4. only those issued permits may be able to continue. san francisco supports transportation innovation but it can't come at the price of privacy, accessible, and safety. this permit program strikes the right balance. i would like to introduce ed russ kin to talk more about the new permit program. >> thank you. i want to thank the city attorney for his leadership and the great support of his staff as we have been developing the legislation that required the permits the legislation by the board of directors to establish
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the permit program and their support for us in developing the application itself. as the city's transportation department we are excited about the prospect that these powered scooters could bring. their zero emission and compact and i haven't ridden one, but i hear their pretty fun. this is something that we certainly want to be supportive of, but it's the if that is really at question here in tomorrows of why we are putting a regulatory process in place. last year the sfmts board of directors and san francisco board of supervisors, and transportation authority adopted a set of principles set to govern emerging technologies and
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services on our streets and these principals embody san francisco policies as relate to equity and affordable and environment and transparency and consumer protection and worker right. we have taken those principles and embedded them in a permit program that we have established and you will see in the permit aapplication. just become something is innovative doesn't mean it's good for our city. we are using this to put in place the regulatory for example work that makes sure that we can get the best of the transportation benefits for the people of san francisco without some of the detriments such as we have seen on the streets
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already. the city attorney made reference to safety and that is our number one concern. we want to make sure that the use of the scooters is being donecephaly and appropriately when used and when stored and not using them to ride on sidewalks or block sidewalks and there are the two main concerns we have seen and we share, so the permit will require a robust plan to show how they will ensure the proper use and storage of their scooters. there are provisions that speak to the people. who support the scooter share programs whether employees or contractors, there are privacy protection. we are in the business of
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transportation and mobility but not in the business of permitting harvesting of personal data, so one of our requirements is making it clear that any permitee would have to make apparent to them what data would be collected and how it would be used and give them the opportunity to take out of sharing that data and still be able to take the service. there are numerous other aspects of the permits we are establishing as part of this one year pilot where we will be able to work with a successful perm permitee to make sure this service can be manifested in our streets that works for san francisco. we will issue up to five permits for a total of 2500 scooters, 1250 in the first six months and if things are going well expand up to 2500.
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during this period we will require the submission of data and gathering data from external sources and 311 complaints and others so that we can evaluate how well these scooters are working whether meeting their promises and addressing some of the issues that we have seen to date. at that point we would be at a decision point of whether to terminate the program, continue the program, discontinue the program, expand the program. we expect to learn a lot f enforcement is part of the program and we want to make sure to the extent that we grant a permit and we have appropriate mechanisms in place whether confiscating scooters or taking the permit.
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we don't want to get there, but we need to be able to give the public assurance that in granting access that we are going to enforce the conditions of the permits that we established. one of our great partners and enforcement in the public right-of-way and really in the management is san francisco public works and we worked with them in the permit program and application and will continue to work with them as this plays out. i would like to pass the mic. to our director of public work. >> i am excited that we are putting a pilot permit program in place as many of you know when these scooters handed in our secretos in fran, we have been working really hard to try and make sure that at least they are following some kind or order and since they handed we have
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had to pick up over 500 scooters on the streets that have been parked inappropriately, means not put in a safe place and created trip and falls or not been parked in the right place, so this permit process that will be in place is one that will help the city understand if these actually belong on our streets in san francisco. starting june 4, we will then be picking up scooters anywhere because the good lines have been set forth as we have heard. we will pick them up and not an easily retrievable process. they will be held as evidence until this permit process is in place. work with us here in the city and most importantly we want to see if there is a place for them in san francisco so, this pilot will encourage the corporations
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to apply and go through the process and we will select the right people and see how it work. thank you. >> thank you ed and mohammed. with that we will take questions and they will be dealt with appropriately by one of us up here. >> how will the scooter companies be held accountable? >> under the law if someone is helping abet a public nuisance and they have notice, they can be held liable, so the scooter companies are responsible for conduct that they know is occurring once they have been put on notice. if you look at the cease and desist letter that i have sent, we have put them on notice as to things that we would expect from them, so certainly they can be
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held responsible for conduct of people that they are encouraging to ride. >> fines? >> if i was to bring an action against mass balance for public nuisance certainly, but that is not what the nature of the enforcement action has been so far and not what is contemplated under the permit program but we always reserve the right if there is a public nuisance to bring an action if so nolteed. i think that what you have seen so far is the city in a cordnated way has been operating to try and mitigate any potential public nuisance so far. in terms of a letter to cease
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and desist and the director of public works dedicated the resources needed to ensure that we minimize the possibility that there were scooter nuisances on the street and i think what you see from the three of us collectively standing here in terms of resources already dedicated and the quickness with which the pilot program has been made available that the city is willing to dedicate the resources that we need to make sure that we strike that right balance between promotions transportation invasion and not sacsacrifiesing con screen conv. >> will you address helmets in any way . >> the current state laws
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requires person using scooters to have a driver's license, we are a helmet and ride in the street. our permits say that they have to comply with state and local law. >> does it require they offer helmets? >> it does not. we are not being too prescriptive but telling them how to be client with the specific permit of what they are applying for. >> what steps are you going to take into account when deciding who gets these permits? >> we will absolutely be
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accounting for their past performance. it's not meant to be in a punitive way, but i think their past performance will be a good indicator of future performance and they ability to be client with the existing state and local laws as well as potential permit conditions, so we were directed to factor that in and we will absolutely do so. >> the scooter permits are available effective today and what is the soonest one might get one? >> the applications are available today so any scooter company will be able to go to the website and pull down application. we are establishing a deadline or june 7 for the submission so this is a fixed one year pilot program, so we will likely wait
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until june 7 until we have collected any and all applications at which point we will endeavor to review them as quickly as possible. applications will be working with companies to get them complete as soon as possible. the city attorney said we are hoping to issue permits by the end of june, so as soon as the end of june given our experience with past permit programs it probably will take some time to get complete applications and complete the review but we are shooting for the end of june to have these permitted. as quickly after that as they can get them out on the street will be up to them. >> look at how quickly this has been developing the fact that in less than a couple of months that we have a program that has been designed by the mta and we are taking applications today
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and you have such a tight turn around i think is a measure of the degree to which the city collectively uses this as important both in terms of fostering transportation invasion, but also protecting the health and safety of people on our streets the ans and i wao applaud the mta for how quickly they have designed this program and the enforcement assistance of the department of public work. this is where you saw the city coming together to recognize that this is important for our city. one more question. >> how many -- [indiscernible] >> three. we have had heard rumors of more that will be applying so you have heard the three that are out there. >> will you be likely to not get
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a permit based on behavior so far? >> i don't want to speak for the msa director and we don't know who is going to apply yet. >> is there past behavior that would preclude them from getting a permit. >> i don't want to prejudice the application and review process. we have some information about the three that we don't have about th the others but we want this to be fair and we will give a fair review of their application. >> is the city charging? >> yes, our intent is to recover our cost. the state law restricts us to cost recovery only and i don't have permit fee. there is few different fees that apply including reserve we would
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require them to submit to address any others that the city has. this is designed to keep the city whole in terms of expenditure. i sent out my cease and desist letter and as of june 4 until such time as the permits have been granted, they should not be operating on public rights of way or parking on public streets, that is correct. we have made it clear that as of june 4 they have to be off of city streets and i think the mta director has made it quite clear that past behavior will be taken into account in terms of the application process, so i think it will behoove everybody to
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it was fast-paced, stressful, but the good kind of stressful, high energy. there was a crowd to entertain, it was overwhelming in a good way, and i really, really enjoyed it. i continued working for the grizzlies for the 2012-2013 season, and out of happenstance, the same job opened up for the san francisco giants. i applied, not knowing if i would get it, but i would kick myself if i didn't apply. i was so nervous, i never lived anywhere outside of fridays know, andfridays -- fresno, and i got an interview. and then, i got a second interview, and i got more nervous because know the thought of leaving fresno and my family and friends was
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scary, but this opportunity was on the other side. but i had to try, and lo and behold, i got the job, and my first day was january 14, 2014. every game day was a puzzle, and i have to figure out how to put the pieces together. i have two features that are 30 seconds long or a minute and a 30 feature. it's fun to put that altogetl r together and then lay that out in a way that is entertaining for the fans. a lucky seat there and there, and then, some lucky games that include players. and then i'll talk to lucille, can you take the shirt gun to the bleachers. i just organize it from top to bottom, and it's just fun for me. something, we don't know how it's going to go, and it can be a huge hit, but you've got to
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try it. or if it fails, you just won't do it again. or you tweak it. when that all pans out, you go oh, we did that. we did that as a team. i have a great team. we all gel well together. it keeps the show going. the fans are here to see the teams, but also to be entertained, and that's our job. i have wonderful female role models that i look up to here at the giants, and they've been great mentors for me, so i aspire to be like them one day. renelle is the best. she's all about women in the workforce, she's always in our corner. [applause] >> i enjoy how progressive the giants are. we have had the longer running
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until they secure day. we've been doing lgbt night longer than most teams. i enjoy that i work for an organization who supports that and is all inclusive. that means a lot to me, and i wouldn't have it any other way. i wasn't sure i was going to get this job, but i went for it, and i got it, and my first season, we won a world series even if we hadn't have won or gone all the way, i still would have learned. i've grown more in the past four years professionally than i think i've grown in my entire adult life, so it's been eye opening and a wonderful learning.
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to order. roll call, please, miss casco. >> clerk: thank you. [roll call] >> clerk: thank you. >> please join us for the pledge of allegiance. thank you. >> clerk: hi. section a is accessibility information for the public. section b are opening items. we have the approval of our board minutes of the regular board meeting from june 9, 2018 and june 12, 2018. i need a motion and a second, please. >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. any corrections? hearing none, roll call vote,
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please. [roll call] >> clerk: six ayes. >> thank you. so speaker cards for the regular agenda and for closed session are necessary if you wish to address the board of education. members are reminded that an individual can complete a speaker card prior to the item being called. we will not accept cards after the item is already in motion, and please present those cards to our executive assistant, miss casco. importantly, according to board rules and procedures, speaker cards will not be accepted for an item already before the board. so i would ask you please also, when you give your board -- when you give your cards, to be as explicit as possible about what you a're going to be speaking on, and if it's a for or against, if you could add
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that on there, as well. and if you are speaking on more than one item, i need a card for every item that you're speaking on. so instead of getting the 100 cards i got last board meeting and trying to sort them out, i would really appreciate it if you could help us identify what items you're speaking on and what it is that you're speaking on, and if -- and if you're speaking on more than one item, to please fill out more than one card. item 2 is our superintendent's report. dr. matthews. >> thank you, president mendoza. good evening, everyone. >> good evening. >> this past sunday, the san francisco unified school district for the second straight year had a large and enthusiastic contingent in the pride parade. [applause] >> our district has been a national leader in providing lgbtq support services and
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inclusive curriculum for nearly 30 years and about 175 san francisco unified san francisco marchers, including students, families, alumni, teachers, other central based office staff, board of education commissioners and i were excited and proud to celebrate and represent our core values of social justice, diversity, and inclusion. thank you to everyone who participated in this fun and positive event. we are in the process of hiring great people. if you're interested in becoming part of the san francisco unified school district team, please go to out website, http/
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openings for a list of our current postings and join our team. all of our district offices will be closed next wednesday, july 4, for independance day, and school will be back in session from summer recess on august 20, 2018. finally, later this evening, i'll be giving my 90 day progress update report, and that is my report for this evening. >> wonderful. thank you, dr. matthews. tonight, our student delegates are not with us. hopefully, they're doing something fun for their summer before they're off to college. item 4 is recognitions and resolutions of commendation. we do not have any tonight, but item 5 is our recognition of all valuable employee awards. dr. matthews, you have someone for this award. >> yes. this evening, our chief academic officer, brent stevens, will be coming forward to give this award.
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rocky. there's many more comments here that i could read, but in the interest of brevity, i'm not going to. i just want to personally extend my congratulations to you rob for your many years of service, and like the employee, i personally thank you for all you do for our students. so with that, i'd like to welcome you up here. the mic is live, and it's all yours. [applause] >> thank you, dr. stevens, thank you, dr. matthews, thank you board, thank you friends and people here, and especially the students of our school district and especially the ones that revel in the arts and arts education. good evening. i'm rob daniels and i'm humbled to be the recipient of this award. it's a long way from the farm in lake odessa, michigan, where
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i grew up. my dream and my career became a reality because of the arts and arts education which include all the amazing people and experiences that an artist encounters on their journey. it is my firm belief that all of us and especially all of our students can also reach for and achieve their dreams through the arts and the amazing opportunities that arts, the creativity and artistic expression offer them. i have been very lucky my whole life to have been surrounded by artists, staff, family and friends who share the dreams of what the arts can offer. i'd like to thank my arts staff colleagues. i couldn't begin to name you all. my fellow teachers, the administration, and of course the board of education, six superintendents, yes six, our amazing students and especially the voters of san francisco for their continued support of the public education enrichment fund which is the major funding
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for the vapa department. thank you to my sons and my husband of 35 years together whom i met in poland of course while teaching arts and education at the american school of warsaw for ten years. [speaking foreign language] >> and translating from polish, thank you, leshig for all your support. thank you for all of your hours and hours of support, hand holding and listening of how crazy artists can be. thank you. thank you.
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i have a daughter in transition, currently approaching her third year in transition at thurgood marshall. >> good evening. my name is aleta fisher, and i'm the chierm of the advisory committee, and i -- chairman of the advisory committee, and i'm a parent of three children. first of all, we'd like to thank you very much for hearing us tonight. dr. matthews, president
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mendoza-mcdonnell, and commissioners, thank you all for your time. we'd like to start with a bit of an overview of special education just as a reminder. i think we've presented this before, but students receiving special education services makeup 12% of sfusd's total population. that's over 7,000 students, and the majority of those students, actually 75% actually receive their services in a general education setting rather than a special day class. so by supporting special education students, we're supporting all students? special education is actually by law a service, not a placement. and the supreme court decided the andrew s. case last march. i'm sure you're all well
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verse -- endrewf. case last march. i'm sure you're all well versed in that, but we provided you some documentation of that that the fact that the new court decision confirms that students should have goals in their i.e.p.'s that are appropriately ambitious? and what the previous deminimus standard of barely moving forward is no longer acceptable. one of the things that's new here that we're highlighting is some of the performance indicators from our lcap that were presented at the data forum in november november. we wanted to highlight our high school indicators in particular because some of these are actually quite alarming. a couple that stood out to us, when you look at our sbac math scores, if you look at all of
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the 11th graders who took the sbac, only 12% of students with i.e.p.'s were able to score proficient, only 12%. and while it's not an official lcap indicator, something that sfusd monitors is our readiness for high school graduates? only 30% of our students with i.e.p.'s graduate ready for u.c. and state schools. a >> and now onto our accomplishments. for the 2017-18 accomplishments by the c.a.c., i want to point out that we're made up of parent volunteers. we take time off our work to go to legislative visits up in sacramento, to attend sfusd meetings. we realize that without doing that, it would be hard pressed
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for us to really be participatory and collaborate with the district, so we take that time off because we're committed to our children's education. also to the point with he have significantly increased our attendance at c.a.c. meetings this year? i specifically want to point out that back in february we had a family empowerment assignment summit where other families came together and we worked together in regard to our concerns that we have for our children in special education. other advocacy workshops at school sites, we've done -- we've had presentations at the information resource conference presented by support for families of children with disabilities. it's an all day saturday event where multiple workshops are done, and with our workshop, we've provided information to both professionals and families about the c.a.c. and what we're doing in special education. in addition, we've been
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involved with outreach at what used to be called edrev, but it's e.h.c., education revolution. on a state level, we've had participants attend the government's ad row casey, and also the board for advocacy for special education back in april where our chair, lee fisher has participated and learned about a lot of information covering the budget and its impact to our students' education and special education and how we recognize the fact that there is an inefficient amount of budget that supports the needs of our children in special ed. our 2018-19 priorities for the c.a.c., some of these may sound familiar because we've referenced them before in other
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reports. in addition, other advisory committees, the joint advisory committee has also reported on the two items that we point out -- the first two items we point out, which is the reading inventions. we would like to implement consistent reading interventions at all tiers for all students who are struggling with their reading. in addition we would like to see social and emotional supports for all students to ensure that students are feeling safe in their school environment. we also would like to point out as a priority that we would like to create a staffing stability with high quality professionals. we do realize that there is a lot of professionals leaving the district, and there are impacts to not just our students but also to the budget -- special education budget when we have such instability. >> surrounding the priority of reading intervention, one of the big issues that we found is the inequity in intervention at
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various school sites. we've got many school sites who can fund literacy specialists on their own, others who are short staffed or staffed by teachers on emergency credential. and so we're exceptionally grateful for the curriculum and instruction department this year and their phonological processing program that supported ten schools in reading interventions? and dr. stevens has been supportive of us, very patient with our questions/pestering and was kind enough to meet with us and explain how the program will move forward in the 2018-19 year? we're excited that the program will be rolled out beyond the ten pilot schools but one of the things that we wanted to point out is rolling this out, this is a -- this is a pilot program that will provide
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reading interventions to all students, whether or not they've been identified for special education but make sure that all of our readers are -- are getting intervention services to come to grade level, which there's no more critical thing that we can do for our students to prepare them for success in the 21st century than to teach them to read. and if you look at studies of prison literacy rates, for example, there's a study done in huntsville, texas, of inmates. 80% of inmates at the state pen that were studied, 80% were functionally illiterate, and of those, 40% had the rapid naming haulmark signs of dyslexia. this is a critically important
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issue for us to address. however, rolling this out to all elementary schools, means training 2700 elementary schoolteachers. it also means providing additional specialists who have higher level of credentialing, particularly a reading certificate, and another program that's being rolled out is a great start. at dr. stevens mentioned, it gets us to 70% of the stayed guidelines, the dyslexia guidelines, but that's not going to be enough to support all students. we need evidence-based researched programs that support interventions like -- like dyslexia. these are expensive programs, though. they're not easy. so one of the things that the c.a.c. recommends is that rather than reinvent a program from scratch, look at what our schools are doing that are
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doing this well. we've already got some teachers who have gone out on their own and gotten trained with linda mode bell, and make sure that we're using the existing expertise at school sites and expanding upon it and making sure that everyone at all levels of the district buy into this as an equity issue, and that administrators at all sites are also trained so that they're able to help with the implementation and the support and the additional hours of training that are going to be required to implement a program like this. >> we'd also like to address some of the social and emotional challenges that our students are facing. in specific, social acceptance, bullying and inclusion issues are a consistent challenge for
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our students and their families. when we looked at school climate surveys, we saw that one in four students in general don't feel safe at their schools right now in san francisco unified, but that number jumps to one in three students for students who have an i.e.p. and these aren't acceptable numbers for our children. and there's also not a clear path of action around student safety and belonging when families have concerns, so we'd like to see more specific training on things like specific practices, social skills, deescalation, specifically to special education teachers and general education staff because all of them are supporting our students with i.e.p.'s, and all of our students, not just students with i.e.p.'s, need these kinds of support. we have to ensure that social interaction is facilitated in the classroom and not just
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expected. we need to increase professional development for all educators around restoreative practices because it's something that's mandated in a board resolution that we passed i believe more than four years ago and we'd like to see it implemented with fidelity at all of our school sites? this also includes including a study and act cycle? which means we look back to see how we're doing with implementation of these programs. we need to make sure that board resolutions are followed through with systematically and not just as an expectation. we need to increase communication, action and support for children with i.e.p.'s and their families who are reporting bullying? we have to consider a process that supports the ongoing communication between families and district staff when an incident is reported.
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we have to provide training for all educators and cultural competency and implicit bias so that these teachers feel prepared to educate all students that they come in contact with in their classrooms and anywhere in their schools, and we have to use existing structures in our school district. things like the middle school redesign or a beacon expansion or our office of family empowerment to make sure these are addressed effectively so we don't have to reinvent the wheel when we're addressing these issues. and we also have to address the staffing stability for our students. we have to make sure that we prepare our educators to stay and be successful in the district that they choose to come and teach in or to support students in. we have to make sure that all of our educators, special
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educators, general educators, administration, paraprofessionals are trained in awareness, special education and practices, another board resolution we have to see implemented with fidelity? positive behavior interventions and supports and restoreative practices, again going back to our safe and supportive goals resolution, everybody needs to be trained to the point they can implement these in the way they're expected to be implemented at our school sites so that they're prepared to support our students because our students' success means our teachers' success which means they'll stay in this district for a long period of time. we have to look at the staffing guidelines that are leaving many schools challenged to support student effectively? and this includes this service
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codes for paraeducators in our i.e.p.'s which have recently changed leaving huge gaps of support in the measured minutes of services that our students receive from their paraeducators. we have to address that, and we're going to talk about how. so beyond increasing the professional development for things like universal design for learning, making sure that our general educators have the same level of understanding of support that our special educators have, we have to fully fund coteaching in the middle and high schools? because at the secondary level, coteaching is absolutely necessary to ensure that our students with i.e.p.'s graduate with all of their 8 through g requirements. we have to provide the staffing allocations for that teaching as well as schedule a school day so that those coteachers are allowed to coplan lessons. we have to ensure that our
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school site councils include special education in their planning process 'cause when parents and staff connected to special education have a seat at the table for the school planning, inclusion becomes a school wide priority. and finally, we have to address the service codes. the 900 codes, if you guys like to talk about service codes, which i do, have impaired paraprofessionals in our district. we were asked to stop using it because that's not the purpose of it, and instead of finding another code to appropriately specify the service that our paraeducators were offering to these students during that time, it was put in as a supplementary aids and services which means we don't accurately capture how much time these paraeducators need to be spending with these students to appropriately support their success. so we recommend looking at the codes that already exist, and you'll see some of the codes that we f
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