tv Government Access Programming SFGTV June 29, 2018 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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corner. you can come on back over here. it's just general comments. i think the commissioners have asked their questions, which are excellent. nate, you came from the midwest? >> that's correct. >> what part of the midwest? >> born and raised in the city of milwaukee. >> okay. and in milwaukee, do they have such a body at nert in milwaukee? >> they do not have a standing core of civilian volunteers as such. >> okay. in terms of the years of origin, i'm assuming it's from '89 or loma prieta. and again, i'm not a real good arithmetic person, but how long now? [inaudible] >> and being at candlestick park at that day, i still can easily remember that any time there's a shake. and as i grabbed my little son, and i looked at the crowd, and i saw a minute of pause, i grabbed him, and i ran the heck out of there. and what was amazing was
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watching the mayor and all the city officials trying to leave candlestick and go into the city. and if i didn't have the help of individuals like yourself, i think i did my arithmetic over it, but it's over like 50 something years of experience that's standing in front of us. and out of the 55 neighborhoods, there's quite a bit of neighborhoods that are covered here. but without you and folks like you in this city and county of san francisco, commissioner nakajo would never have gotten home that night. it's interesting -- i was just going to ask you a question about the spike of interest, how a little shaker can do that. for us, presently, you can't help in san francisco in the bay area, just a commentary, that every time there's a wildfire, like the other weekend, you kind of go -- and here we are. my friends in hawaii, big island, this is something we've never seen before in the sense
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that there's lava flows and such, but to the extent, i used to be a senior citizen director. and at one point a year ago, i sat on the mayor's friendly task force for seniors and disabled community. and we ran this whole gamut of workshops on resiliences, and the first name that popped in my head was nert. because i don't know any other model that we can be this hands on that this commission goes to drills, can be graduates of the program. but for myself -- and it comes with every piece of information. still embarrassed that i'm not as ready as i should be. i need a constant reminder, but with all of your titles, all of your accomplishments, when you came up and introduced yourself, i sensed this great sense of pride, and i just got jazzed. you're exciting, and this concept is exciting, but basically what i'm saying is in
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that resilience workshop, if there isn't some preparation by us in terms of beyond the earthquake, we're really going to have a tough time at it, and it makes so much sense. and so the lofty goals of coordinating the neighborhood to the department and such. so i hear you clearly about the technology and what's the resources about that. i hear you clearly about the marketing and the resources about that, but also commissioner covington, the interns that are out there, as well, or the programs that we can tie in. i think after all this time it's a perfect scenario for a strategic concept perhaps, or make it go a little bit beyond. i'm just so grateful for this presentation, chief hayes-white, and to the commissioners and to yourselves for this particular presentation. we will be paying attention, and we hope to see you quite often, but thank you very much for all of your ded indication
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a -- dedication and services to this city. thank you. >> thank you, vice president. commissioner hardeman? >> commissioner hardeman: thank you. do you want them to stand, mr. president or do you want them to have a seat? mr. president, do you want them to continue to stand? >>commissioner cleaveland: yes. you've got questions for them. >> commissioner hardeman: no. i don't have questions for them. i think they can sit down. >>commissioner cleaveland: they can sit down, but i think captain, you should stay. captain, you should stay at the podium. >> commissioner hardeman: my wife is the nert of the family. she runs the household, and she runs the nert, and so i just take orders from here. interestingly, we were speaking about what i can comment on that hasn't been said, one thing, we don't have as many children to worry about in san francisco.
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they're all leaving. especially after that report yesterday about what it costs to live here, it's insane for a person -- one person to try to support a family. it's very, very difficult, and that's really too bad that all the children are leaving because before this report, you can't have a parent stay home and raise children is a tragedy in my opinion. in my age group, everybody's mom was home -- in those days, it was mom. so -- and your grandmother was always nearby, it seemed like, and grandparents. and that is a real rarity now, so -- but we have a lot of dogs to worry about in the earthquake, that's for sure. but thank you for all you do. it's -- somebody has to do it, and i've seen you in action
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last year with the dog presentation over in the mission district, and you did a great job, so i appreciate you. thank you. thank all of you. >> thank you, commissioner hardeman. >>commissioner cleaveland: thank you, commissioner hardeman, and i'd like to thank you, captain for all of the work that your advisory members do to be prepared for the big one. it's not an easy task, it's an ongoing task. i had a couple of questions. one is would you put the slide back on where you're missing coordinators for the neighborhood. you don't have complete coverage. i think it would be instructive to put that back on the slide so that people who may be watching this and are in those particular pink parts of the city that aren't covered, maybe they'll step forward. so i wanted to have that put back up on the television
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screen. i think it's like a -- there you go. that's the one, yeah. i think those are important areas of the city, obviously. they're not covered with nert volunteers, at this point, so i hope that those that are watching at home or who will see this in a rerun will note these areas of the city and hopefully step forward and contact you. is there a number that they should contact -- if there's somebody out there watching, and they see that they live in one of these pink areas that's not covered, if you will, by a volunteer nert committee, and wishes to volunteer, how would they contact you? >> yes. i'll first give the e-mail, which is preferred. >> okay. >> it is
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and if you are not able to access e-mail, our phone number is 415-970-2022. for those watching at home, the entry point to become a coordinator is to get the base training, and that is visible on our website. we are on that's where you'll find the training dates and times, and once you graduate from our program, we would encourage those who live in that area or if you're already a nert graduate that's sitting on the fence, and you're watching this, do contact the office. we are asking for more support in terms of retention, but we don't have no support. the volunteers that you saw up here all lend support, and you're not alone when you decide to coordinate in your neighborhood. >> how much additional training classes are scheduled for the
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rest of the year? >> we will have about five classes in the rest of the year. we've already had 17 training classes, so we'll spread out five training classes from now till the end of the year. >>commissioner cleaveland: we have a lot of generous people that live in san francisco. you mentioned that you needed some tech upgrades for the nert program, which is unique in the country, and certainly it's been something that's been a model, if you will, for the rest of the country for emergency preparedness. what specifically do you need in the way of tech upgrades to help expand our program and make it more efficient? >> all right. so i appreciate your question, and i hope i don't sound too much like the senators that were trying to ask questions of mark zuckerberg because i am not techie, but i need an
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intake system for the people that register for our program that feeds directly into a record for each person so that they have a profile of the base training they've completed through each of the successtions, any advanced training, any role that they take on, and one that i can easily query and make reports from about the number of hours our volunteers are donating to our program and that sort of thing. >> kind of sounds like the software packages that we also use to track our e.m.s. and our pickups via the paramedics and who not. so probably a similar software package would be just what you need. >> very good. and that way, when 80 people sit down, they can get their information in. i don't know what it is. that's why, so i'm just going to keep talking about function.
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>>commissioner cleaveland: you mentioned earlier about an indepth study that was done on nert and how it can be expanded, how it can be made better. can you share that indepth study with the commission? >> yes, i will. so through the mayor's office, we partnered with ster, and did kind of a start-up where we are, and where we could go. that tech solution was pointed out. but also, we have trained less of the current people, we have less than 1% of san francisco residents trained in nert. and so what they kind of deemed if we could get to 5%, we would have an actual significant number, but the model that we're using of training and losing, of training and losing people will not get us to 5% trained. so they did look at a couple of
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things, closing a leaky bucket, when someone completes training, in two years, they get reminded to come back, because this may not be in their day-to-day. but also, a training model that does some blended learning, where some of the information can be done in an on-line capacity by people and then submitted to us, and they come to us for of course the hands on because no responder has ever become a responder in an on-line training, but there are some -- there is some information that even to become a surgeon, you do some blended learning, so i'm not so -- you know, on so much hubris that i don't think it can be done here. but those products would have to be developed, as well, to upgrade our curriculum. >>commissioner cleaveland: you mentioned earlier that you could use more tire department volunteers or -- fire department volunteers or firefighters as instructors. one of the audiences we have on
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fire commission is fire departments are generally tuned in on fire commission meetings. so let's get the word out -- >> so i'll see all of you in august for our train the trainer. thank you for tuning in. >>commissioner cleaveland: exactly. and finally, you had -- in your ask and issues, better coordination with the city and county to increase awareness and marketing and participation of nert. do you have some ideas on that, and if you do, can you share them with jonathan baxter and perhaps through our p.i.o., we can also put out more vigorously the word about the nert program. >> yeah. i think the p.i.o. might be a good place to start because they coordinate with so many other departments. one thing as you can imagine, the function of a nert responder is a volunteer who can respond in disaster. and so there are other departments that are like hey, a work pool. but they're not dwael involved
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and engag and -- actually involved and engaged with the work pool, so again, when animal care and control says oh, we need some of those volunteers to help us with the animal rescue and processing, or we need some of those volunteers with the health department because we're going to be distributing medication for a flu out break, those are the types of things that if -- if we can -- if we can coordinate with those departments that they're a host for the training program, that they're doing outreach to fill the class of 80 people in the year, that they're engaged in the building of the project and not just the using of the resource, that's what i have in mind to be a tool. >>commissioner cleaveland: but to be an instructor, you don't have to be a city resident. >> to be an instructor, you have to be a graduate of the program. >> but you don't have to be a
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city resident. the fire department engage our graduates with 5 inch hose drills. at every april and october drill, they're the lead volunteers to give us more parts for the extinguisher pan and that sort of thing. i've worked with commander buckley. yeah. >>commissioner cleaveland: well, thank you very much. amazing program. i think everyone that's involved with it and all the volunteers out there should be proud of themselves, helping not only to protect themselves and the city but others, so that's a greater calling. so thank you very much for your presentation, and we'll want to hear from you again. >> thank you, commissioners, and the president. thank you. thank you, chief. >>commissioner cleaveland: madam secretary, may we have the next item? >> clerk: public comment. >>commissioner cleaveland: oh,
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do we have any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. madam secretary, next item. >> clerk: item five, current department report, chief hayes-white, on current activities in the department since the commission meeting on june 13, 2018 including budget, academies, special events, upcoming retiermt -- no, communications -- tirement, communications and outreach to other agencies in the public, and administration, report on the administrative division, fleet and facility status, finance and support services, homeland security and training within the department. >> good evening, chief. >> good evening, president cleaveland, members of the fire commission. this is my report since our last meeting of june 13. welcome back, president cleaveland. getting right to the budget item, the budget remains in flux and ongoing, however, our
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hearings have concluded. we reported to the budget and finance committee on the 13, and then last week on the 21st. we were in agreement with all but one recommendation made by the budget and legislative analyst, and that had to do with the funding in this coming fiscal year and the one after that for equipment, specifically ambulances, and it was funding earmarked 700,000 for the two years for a total of $1.4 million. the committee, as they do often, did some additional trimming and did not fund all 1.4 million. they removed $825,000 over the course of the two years for that specific purchase of those ambulances, so it remains a work in progress. we're looking at ways to supplement that. part of that has to do with they saw a budget that still had funding in it, and the
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reason that the funding remained was because we are in a situation where we are piloting a new type of ambulance. the sprinter ambulance, a smaller, more agile ambulance, and we want to do our due diligence in making sure that the members that work diligently from station 49 it's compatible with their workload and their work schedule. so we had held off on some purchases of ambulances to make sure sure if we endeavored to change models of ambulance that we're doing the right thing. so we're going to continue to press our point, and we definitely -- and i think that the committee was very open to us reappearing next year. it is a two-year budget, but we will definitely be back next year once we have greater data about the direction we're moving with our ambulances and the need to constantly replace because there's a lot of wear and tear on these ambulances,
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and there's 23 that we identified that have an average of about 165,000 miles. that's 23 in a fleet of 58 that hit the streets every day. so we'll probably -- the best resources we've been since we've inherited the department since 1997, but we're looking to maintain that. our response times, as you know, are much improved. we've been the beneficiary over the last few years of a lot of great funding, but we don't want to rest on our laurels. we want to be able to continue to respond to our increasing call volume and again be able to navigate through our really busy city streets in a safe manner. so more to follow on that. we also have mr. corso here if you want a greater level of detail. with regards to our level of training, our class is in the
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49th week. there are 49 members that remain in the academy, and we're looking to have a graduation hopefully with all 49. there is a person that has sustained an injury that we're monitoring to make sure if he'll be able to catch up on some of what he's missed. but they've completed all their testing, and right now they're doing some wild land training, some hazardous material training and other state protocols that they need to pass through. so once again, great thanks to the training staff division for their hard work. the graduation will be on august 10 at reardon high school. with regards to the 125th class, we do have a list that was refreshed in the middle of may, and that was for people that have tested on the national testing network through the end of april of this year. we're going to take a look and
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see where exactly we're at and i'll get into it a little bit later in the administration report, but we always try to match our new hires with retirements, and we want to make sure that that's working very well. right now, our staffing is good. it's, again, at the highest level it's been since i've been the chief, and so we will -- we are committed to having 125th and 126th class as well as a 12th class in mayor lee's hiring plan, but it looks as though the 125th class may get pushed back a few months based on our -- what our needs are -- staffing needs are, but it will be a class of 54, and more to follow on that. activities, since the last meeting, on the 13th, we did have our meeting in the morning, and then afterwards a few of us went over to the bill
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graham civic auditoryium, just for people to avail themselves of a lot of free services that the city offers, and free information to be up to speed and to be a real contributing member of your community in the event of a large scale emergency, or any emergency for that matter. that evening, on the 13th, i attended with deputy chief nicholson a district of merchants at the olympic club, and at that dinner, they honor public safety members, so there was a police department member honored, and captain rob municher received the honor at that particular meeting. commissioner cleaveland, i know you were there -- or were you out of town? >>commissioner cleaveland: no.
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>> commissioner hayes-white: it's small businesses within the various city neighborhood does, so that was great. congratulations to the captain. as i stated on the 15th, we went to the budget and finance. on the 20th, there was a very well attended and beautiful ceremony of terry smurdell who passed away on duty last september 10. we've added his name to the very special memorial wall, and it was really appreciated by his family and friends, and i'd like to personally acknowledge president cleaveland, commissioner alioto veronese and commissioner hardeman for attending and representing the commission. later that afternoon myself and the command staff met with as
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well as the two deputies and deputy chief cochran met with two relatively new members of our stress unit, daniel azureta and daniel mahoney. spent time talking about stress unit john christie, who was for many years very dedicated and who retired in may. i think they're off to a good start. i think they both bring different aspects to the team and they're doing a very good job. they're very dedicated, and we have a very open level of communication to the extent it is a confidential unit, but offered their support and wanted to see if they were in need of any resources, so we welcome them to that unit. as i mentioned on the 21 hst, recommended a second time to the budget and finance committee. because i was there, deputy gonzales represented at the san
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francisco travel. they had an event and luncheon where they selected some public servants. i know that that's appreciated by sf travel because they welcome all the conventions in, and john baxter puts out twitter messages, so he received that award. we'd like to congratulate lieutenant baxter. then, on the 24th, last sunday, a number of us participated in the pride parade. thank you, commissioner covington and president cleaveland for participating with us. it was a fun day, beautiful weather, well attended by many of our members and also some members of the audience, aspiring firefighters e.m.t.'s and paramedics. last night at the ballpark was sf giants firefighter appreciation evening. i know there was a number of people with the nonprofit that commissioner alioto veronese started handing out information
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on ptsd for first responders. we had christopher moore from our department who sang beautifully the national anthem. i might let commissioner hardeman chime in. i was able to lead the pledge for fire safety for a number of youth and also was able to throw out the first pitch. >> she aced it. no bouncing. over the plate. >> it was a strike. so it was great. it was pressure. two of my three boys was there but i wanted to make sure i did okay. >> it was in there, chief. >> thank you. thank you. it was a tie block. they called it a complete road strike on the ball, so i'll take that. and then, today you'll see that the front row's a little -- a little thin without a couple assistant deputy chiefs. they're on vacation. deputy assistant chief nicholson is on vacation.
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i was able to still have the meeting. we had our monthly labor management meeting. olivia attended with me, but we got a tot of topics covered. i think less people, probably not a bad idea. since one of the deputy chiefs is on vacation, i am going to cover her report, the administration report starting with investigative services bureau. she's indicated that since the last reporting period, i think she gave her report on may 23, there were 101 drug and alcohol tests conducts, all negative. assignment office, we are monitoring and we talked a little bit about at the last meeting, retirements. there's ten so far just in this month, and we have between now and july 1 another 25 anticipated. whether or not that will exactly happen, we're not sure. so we'll do a lot of calculating and recalculating last week. we wish everyone well in their
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retirements. we have a lot of people coming into headquarters when they relinquish their items. we're happy, but it's bitter sweet in terms of people reflecting on their years in the department. we wish everyone well in their retirement, but what it means is great opportunity for promotions, and i was going to actually talk to him at the end of the meeting, but he's here today, acting in division, and i'd like to -- i've never done this before on mic, batallion chief brookbaker, why don't you standup. chief kevin burke retired last friday, so i'd like to permanently offer you the assistant chief's position.
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[applause] >>commissioner cleaveland: you can sit in the front row now. >> did you accept? >> commissioner hayes-white: he did accept. i usually make phone calls, but i thought he was here tonight, and i was in the mood to have everyone celebrate, so congratulations. >>commissioner cleaveland: well deserved. >> commissioner hayes-white: so next month, we'll have kind of an update, but it's an exciting time. lots of retirements, so what that does is bring lots of opportunities for promotion, and there will be a number in the coming month. regarding support services, chief rivera's taking a week off. continuing to work with department of public works on
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streamlining communications. gotten a lot better in terms of filling and completing the work orders. as you know, we have a lot of ageing facilities, and so we're keeping on top of things. i know chief rivera, olivia scanlon has helped to. there's better communications, and we're keeping on top of things and making sure they stay on top of things, so that's working out well. bureau equipment, we ordered, i believe, is it two trucks, i believe, and six engines? three trucks and six engines. we've also received, and i know they're grateful because they're old, two new passenger vans for training. they've arrived, and they're just getting outfitted. we're taking note that central shop has moved to a new location in the city, 555 selby street, so those are where our rigs will bow when they need repair and maintenance.
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station 35, i reported at the last meeting, we attended -- it was a huge hurdle really with bcdc. commissioner hardeman was there, and they approved a permit which was a big step in the process, and so we're moving forward on that project. we're looking at final completion. new station very late part of 2020, and there's artwork that goes along with that, too, so we're in the process of assisting in selecting the artwork for that station. regarding the a.d.f., ambulance deployment facility, the demoand abatement have been completed behind station 9. this is where the future ambulance deployment facility will be. all construction permits have been pulled. i believe chief zanoff with d.p.w. took a wall through of the site and construction companies will soon be participating in the bidding process which we're hoping to have complete by the end of this summer. and we're also working on
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artwork for that facility. station 16, again, has been behind schedule, moving a little slower than we'd like. tentatively, it's scheduled to open in september. i'm a little skeptical of that date. there's a very hiccups, including the fuel system, so we're monitoring that closely and it's a priority for us to get that job done, and d.p.w.'s also helping us in moving the contractor on that. station 5 is definitely on track, looking very good at turk and webster, and looking for a final completion date end of the year, december 28. i mentioned about the 124th class. currently, the -- they are continuing the state fire marshal classes and other training, including wildfire, hazmat and confined spaces. that is what some of us in the
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90's, we did not have that training. it's between a nine and 14-week academy. now, it's a 24-week academy. the members are much more well trained when they come out to their assignments. in service suppression training, we have a lot going on. there is 232 members through over 1300 hours of training, both wild land and live fire training, and we installed a vent pro, which is a prop, i'm assuming, is that correct? >> yes. >> commissioner hayes-white: okay. did you want to talk a little bit about it? >> we installed several different vent propops. what it is, it's a large wooden frame covered with diamond plate surface, and then along the sides, along the perimeter of it is wooden strips that we saw through to simulate vending a roof or -- of a building on
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fire. so what we used to do was actually use half sheets of plywood for that same operation, but now we're able to cut down costs a great deal because we're just using strips of wood rather than half sheets of play wood -- plywood. >> great. thank you, chief sato. it'll include one day of on-line training and four days of classroom training. we did -- with the retirement of actioning section chief melanie brandon, we did bring on and named as the new e.m.s. section -- training section chief nick payne. he began earlier this month, and i know he met with deputy chief nicholson to talk about different training opportunities. nert, it says 22 events,
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classes and outreach presentations in october, as stated, a combined disaster and training preparations with the nert drill, and i'm sure st. ignatius will be a rival school for me. i did want to mention that deputy chief cochran and zanoff did a great job. you guys do a great job on keeping us safe, putting together event action plans. last weekend was no different. they coordinated really well and had made sure the coordination centers were staffed, and i know they're talking about fleet week as we get closer to october and coordinating again with f.b.i., military, and other city agencies. and that concludes the report from administration at this time. thank you. >>commissioner cleaveland:
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thank you, chief. is there any public comment on the chief's report. seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner covington? >> commissioner covington: thank you, mr. president. thank you for your report, chief hayes-white. and please pass along my compliments to one young man, sean white, for helping you with your pitching. i'm sure he did since he is a pitcher of sacred heart. >>commissioner cleaveland: how'd you know that? i thought i was the only one that knew that. >> commissioner covington: oh, no. word gets around. and so thank you, chief, for the report. i was able to watch the board of supervisors budget committee meeting, the one that took place on the 21st, and i ran into the chairman -- excuse me, chair cohen, who heads that
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committee. i ran into her on friday evening at an event, and she was very excited, so she shared the news with me about the -- the moneys that were being allocated for the new ambulances. so today, i watched the whole proceedings, and i must compliment you on being steadfast in your ad voe -- advocation of the department, you know, saying over and over again, this was puffing, the figures you were putting out was figures that were needed, and that in the past, you had been accused of not pushing enough. so i was very pleased to see you push for the resources that are needed, and some of the figures that came out were just
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very -- very, very interesting. that we have 58 ambulances in the fleet, and that 23 of them, which equals 40%, 23 out of the 58 are over ten years old, they average 165,000 miles on the odometer, and that last year, the department spent spent 160,000 on repairs because they're so old and decrepit. and the answer how hard they're pushed, i thought the chief gave a very good explanation. she said for most vehicles, people get in the car, and they
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go to work, and they sit for eight hours, and they get in the car, and they go home. but for these rescue vehicles, it's constant in and out. people moving the seats so that they're more comfortable for them. people breaking constantly, so for the entire shift, the vehicles are in use. there is no downtime for the vehicle, and then, a new crew comes in, so it's very important for people, i think, to have heard the chief and to know that this is the nuts and bolts and fly, that there is such wear and tear on the equipment in the department. there was also some hesitancy on the part of committee members to give the full extent that was needed because we have -- the department has
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$700,000 that was leftover from a prior year to be used for ambulances, but it really appears that this budget committee fully understood what the chief was saying and will do whatever is necessary during the next budget cycle to make sure that we can get all 23 vehicles that need to be replaced replaced. so again, kudos to the chief for really laying out the difference between what was referred to as the big box ambulances that we have been using and the new ambulances, which are the sprinter models. so i was really going to hear
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that the office of central administration and other entities are working very well with the department now, and there isn't that lag time that we had previously after having to explain to people that, you know, there is no walmart for fire apparatus. you just can't go in and say i'll take two of those. no, they have to be ordered, and they take a year -- at least a year to arrive. i just want to say that i think we're going to be in better shape than we have been in many a year, so i want to appreciate everyone in the department who has worked so hard to get us to this point. >>commissioner cleaveland: thank you, commissioner covington. commissioner veronese? >> commissioner veronese: chief, i was at the baseball game last night, and i wanted to say that you did an amazing job representing the
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department. it made me proud to see you out there. you actually pitched from the mound which not many people actually do. so not only was it a great pitch, but you really do a great job representing the city, and i know you made all the firefighters proud that were there, and there were firefighters all over the state i saw that were at this game, so it was a really cool event to shine a light on the department. you did a great job. i had a quick question in regards to the wild land fires that are happening up in the north bay right now. it seems that they seem to be picking up, and i'm just wondering if you are getting any notice from cal fire. i know that the department always stands ready to assist, but is there anything that's being done -- these fires seem to be getting bigger and they're more frequent. is the department getting any notice from cal fire about the severity of what's going on or what they anticipate in this
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season? >> commissioner hayes-white: yes. thanks for your comment earlier. it was fun last night. i had a good time. regarding wild land fires, yeah, we receive regular notice through region two, which is the region that we belong to. we did get an inquiry over the weekend. it was not a request, it was an inquiry related to available resources. we do have a number and the number is going up of wild land trained individuals. where we're finding some challenges is with strike team leader. so this weekend, we did not have adequate strike team leaders to be able to send a crew if we were actually requested. and so i do have some information -- you know, we have an up coming retirement. we're trying to build up our strike team leaders. i know we have one, two, three, four, five, we have five that
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are in the trainee mode we means they need to go -- which means they need to go and did he tell deployed another time or two before they are deployed as a strike team leader. it's something that we want to make more robust, the strike team leader position. but we get regular updates, and i get something in the e-mail every day where the resources are throughout the state and we fully anticipate being called upon in the near future to -- to get deployed. we were deployed 11 times last year in the wild land season, and as you know, it ran late into october and even no -- into november , so we're gearing up. >> is it typical the fire season started this early -- or is this early or is this typical? >> it is -- i believe it's slightly earlier than last season, but no, june, is definitely right in the zone. it's -- it's already summer, so
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it kind of fluctuates, but i wouldn't say it's that early. slightly earlier, i think than our last deployment -- than our deployment last year, but we've certainly been deployed in june. >> commissioner veronese: okay. i think that's it -- oh, one other thing, chief. i notice on the nert team, there was a member from s st. ignatius, the wild cats. there was a school over by where your grandfather went be careful now. >>commissioner cleaveland: what was the name, that, chief? don't worry about it. >> commissioner veronese: i used to watch patrick alioto play football there with your grandfather there a few years back. >>commissioner cleaveland: commissioner nakajo. >> commissioner nakajo: point of clarification.
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notre dame class of '65. >>commissioner cleaveland: wow. double team, triple team. >> commissioner nakajo: i just wanted to say i appreciate your comments and your insight, commissioner covington. i truly appreciate the veteran grasp that you have of the budget process as well as with the city process with the new recent election with the board of supervisors and in terms of flux and in waiting things to settle, we still have to go about our business. i think it's importantor me to hear the members of the board of supervisors understand and comprehend the need of our ambulance services. i think that's utmost. i have no problem as commissioner with this commission to chief hayes-white to do any advocacy that we need to do in terms of education. we know that there's some new "players" that are going to be now members of the board of supervisors within the administration as well. i just think it's really
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important for us to stand fast, know what we're doing in terms of performance, our obligations and responsibility. i think we, in this transition, really need to display a leadership but also a conshen shs responsibility, given the responsibility -- con -- conscientious argument. >>commissioner cleaveland: commissioner hardeman? >> commissioner hardeman: thank you for your extensive reports as usual, chief. thank you. commissioner covington reported on the june 21st budget, and i watched the june 15th, where you really were very -- very good on your feet. didn't stumble. you represented yourself and
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the fire department very well. and you gave a little tip to director corso. he got to get up and make a couple words. you both have done a great job on the budget. i think from the time i got on this commission where we all had to sort of keep our mouth shut, i felt sorry for the chief because it was so difficult times of -- you had to be careful about criticizing the mayor or the board of supervisors for not allotting the funds because the money just wasn't there. and the chief had to take it on the chin for a number of years because the department was so underfunded, but now, it's nice to see it's doing well. chief baker and i were just talking. we were talking about kids and having to work, the parents, and i was complimenting him on the way he has very young
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children, and i have very young grandchildren, and here i talk about how bad it is to work. both my daughter-in-law and my son work, and they have a seven month old and a -- one that just turned three, and they have careers that are -- they have to work. and so anybody that can do what you're doing, chief -- chief baker, congratulations. it makes your life a little more difficult in some respects financially, but being able to have a mom home for her children is wonderful. so i didn't know you were getting appointed chief tonight, so congratulations. [inaudible] >> commissioner hardeman: so any way, so after the chief did her great job, and it seemed like a love fest with the supervisors, they really respected her and thought it was wonderful, and then, poor chief scott from the police department came up and boy, he got beat to death.
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it was -- that poor guy. i just turned it off. i couldn't watch anymore. he was getting hammered. but -- so and it proves in the recent election, the fire department, how popular in the -- in the selection as often that the fire department is. and then, the mayor elect just appointed sean ellsburn, as we all know, who i think is a -- i know to me, the involvement in stuff for 40 years or more was a remarkable coup. she really picked a person that i think not only is going to be good for this department, but the whole city. that was just amazing. and olivia scanlon, i think she's close with sean, too. there's olivia.
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i think -- i could go on with the stuff, but i'll stop. thanks, chief. >>commissioner cleaveland: thank you, commissioner hardeman. i'd also like to thank the chief for her advocacy on behalf of the department. i'd like to thank commissioner hardeman for delving into the budget and describing some of the things that we deal with in particular, the ambulances. ambulances are always on the road. they're always moving around, they're not standing still at all, and so they put a lot of miles on every vehicle very quickly. so keeping our fleet up to date is a high priority and should be a high priority for our city and for each of our citizens. so i commend the -- commend the budget committee for pushing forward on that and hopefully we'll continue to get funding for our commitment, in particular our ambulances. so thank you for that. i had a question on the search
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for a new training facility. any update on that, chief? do we have any idea where we're going to be moving our training facility at this point? >> commissioner hayes-white: i'd like to see if mr. corso would give us the latest information? i know we're working closely with the department of public works, and i believe there is -- there was money set aside to have someone assist with the search, is that correct? >> yes. good evening, commissioners. mark corso. as the chief mentioned, we are working closely with the department of public works. they've brought on another consultant to do a formal assessment who has past expertise in training centers, so they've put together a report outlining some of the needs after a needs assessment of the department. as the chief mentioned also in our budget going forward next year, there's a $500,000 allocation for funds for planning for the training facility. that covers both the facility itself and some probably fore
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the allocation for planning for an actual site. we're working -- we don't have anything specifically identified. that's one of the kind of -- there's a number of options that are on the table that we'll be working with the mayor's office on as well as d.p.w. and the department of real estate. those discussions are continuing. there's a number of -- not complications, but pros and cons of all the sites that are being discussed, and those are being worked out in conjunction with our city partners. >>commissioner cleaveland: but at this point, those potential locations are confidential, is that correct? >> correct. i'd rather not discuss them. >>commissioner cleaveland: they are confidential, but you are looking for a new site -- [inaudible] >> yes, and there's a lot going on behind the scenes. >> commissioner hayes-white: and just to be complete, we are looking at exactly what we need to be looking at in terms of space, different props and so forth, classroom size and all of that. so it's definitely a work in
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progress. it's one of the bigger priorities right now for the department. >>commissioner cleaveland: one last question doesn't really involve you, mark. dealing with the 911 call operators, i know that mayor farrell was very instrumental in getting additional funding to add more 911 operators. how is that coming along? >> commissioner hayes-white: it's coming along well. that's also a work in progress but they've shown great improvement. similar to when we were experiencing the response time challenges of four years ago, it was basically a resource and funding problem. i would echo that a little bit more complicated but similar. they have mandates to pick up the phone in the 90th percentile, a 911 call within ten seconds, and they were slipping over time, and a lot of that had to do with the staffing shortage. so within the last year or so, a lot of effort has been placed on beefing up that staff, and
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as you have said, even reinforcing that more so with some additional positions that have been approved in the mayor's budget. so it's going a lot better than it had been in the recent past. >>commissioner cleaveland: thank you very much. and i'd also like to echo commissioner hardeman's comments on sean ellsburn being selected. he is a two term former supervisor and has worked for senator dianne feinstein for the last, what, six years perhaps and is imminently qualified. so i think our new mayor will have an imminently qualified chief of staff with sean ellsburn so congratulations to him. madam secretary, would you call the next item. >> commission report. report on activities since last meeting on june 13, 2018. >>commissioner cleaveland: is there any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. vice president nakajo?
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>> commissioner nakajo: thank you. >>commissioner cleaveland: i should look at my monitor. >> commissioner nakajo: thank you very much, president cleaveland. just a short comment on this item number 6, commissioners' report. i just personally want to congratulate you, chief baker, in your appointment this evening. looking forward to working with you, as well. thank you, mr. president. >>commissioner cleaveland: thank you. commissioners, any other commissioners would like to report on anything. >> i just personally -- oh, there it went. >>commissioner cleaveland: commissioner hardeman? >> commissioner hardeman: thank you, mr. president. just getting back to the ceremony, well done. huge crowd just so happy that i got to be there. very moving, very sad, but again, very upbeat. his family did a good job, his brother did a good job, and i thought the chief did a great
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job. so very, very moving. great tribute. a huge crowd. i was so happy to see so many people turn out for him. and then i saw, talking to the maintenance guy, janitor, we used to call them, the maintenance person that works at headquarters, and he was telling me i notice the floor, i notice the floor. he was so proud because they have -- they just have a new system about polishing the floor where they don't use wax. it's two tone now, so even the maintenance guy was all jacked up about making sure it definitely looked good -- everything looked good for the ceremony, so that was all i wanted to comment. thank you. >>commissioner cleaveland: thank you, commissioner hardeman. seeing no further comment from our commissioners, madam secretary, would you call the next item? >> clerk: item 7, agenda for future and next fire commission meeting? discussion. >>commissioner cleaveland: any discussion on this item?
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seeing nothing, commissioners? commissioner veronese? >> commissioner veronese: -- as we have discussed, president, the peer support that was presented to the commission i would like to have that on the meeting as an action item. >>commissioner cleaveland: shall be done. any other commissioners, any additional items? do we have anything already on the docket for next meeting? >> clerk: well, potentially a chief's residence update after the two more commissioners take the tour. >>commissioner cleaveland: okay. i'll need to schedule a visit. all right. thanks very much. call for the next item. >> clerk: item 8, adjournment. >>commissioner cleaveland: any public comment on that? hopefully not. >> so moved -- >>commissioner cleaveland: all right. we have a motion. do i have a second? >> second.
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