tv Government Access Programming SFGTV July 3, 2018 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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commissioner tang present. ye absent we have quorum. >> good morning colleagues, so with your support and the support of the voters we were able to pass regional member three with two-thirds of the san francisco voters passing bridge tools thatolls and passed with l benefit the city and entire region. this will benefit safe rail improvements, studies for a
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second transbay rail tube. we need these regional funds to match what federal dollars are out there along with state and local dollar for state and local improvements. not everyone agrees with investing infrastructure as we have seen in the effort to repeal sb1 the gas tax passed last year and the recall of that has qualified for the november ballot. it was a 12-cent per gallon increase that generates $5 million annually statewide and $6 million per year for road funds through san francisco. [reading] i think you all know that we won one of those recently and we
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have seen sb awards go to bart, caltran, transbay buses. on ja knee va avenue and -- [indiscernible] lothrough the city. prop 69 passed that ensures that sb1 funds can only be spent on transportation. we know from transportation task force that our funding gap is $22 million and will require multiple funding sources to close that gap. every state dollar counts, so we must protect sb1 from those that are willing to sacrifice the safety of our road an transit systems. you may have seen that governor brown called out republicans for
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using this measure to turn out their base. we will do our best to to educate -- i want to congratulations the sfmta on opening of the new motor coach facility this month. the ta was happen to provide $9 million in matching funds. the new facility will keep the 60-foot or take latin tick latis working and let's keep this partnership goin going and witht i conclude my characters. is there any public comment on the chair's report? seeing none on public comment is
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closed. ms. lom bar do is the acting director today. >> good morning. you should have the executive director's report on your desk. i will keep this brief. we elated that regional measure three has passed and it has been officially certified but it looks safe to call it. now we get to the other fun part applying for fund and directing them to projects. funds will start to flow to projects in early 2019. in the meantime we will be working with them on guidelines and if you are invested in the full list of projects and programs that will benefit san francisco there is a table listed to the report or you can look u.we have been very busy ae
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are pleased that last month they approved a pilot regional means based fair program. what they pilot will do is allow a 20% discount on single. [indiscernible] on bart, caltran, and golden gate. folks wanted it to be a bigger discount and we are limited by funding and questions like how many will avail themselves of this if it works. the next steps are the four transit agencies i mentioned that the boards need to approve participation in the pilot and we need to wait until november. the goal is on the november pal lot to pentially to be repealed if that happens if the program will be canceled if sb1 funds remain in place in regional fair
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discount program will launch in the summer of 2019. it was quite a fight to get hear at the regional level. i have want to thank commissioner kim for helping to push this forward. another program, the state funded assistance program has been newly arranged in how funds will be distributed and they have directed a bunch of money that used to go to the region to different programs, paratransit, regional transit and lifelong grants and now about 25% of the fund will go to agencies to district, so san francisco is expecting about 8% of the region's share of what we used to get that translates to 3.8 million in this coming fiscal year. under our deputy director we are proposing to put about 40% or
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1.5 million towards paratransit program which is similar to what they would have received if the structure remained i intact. we will bring guidelines to you in the fall. if sb1 is repealed, funding will be significantly reduced. the last state level item i wanted to report is we now have a number of pilots authorized to test autonomous vehicles with and without a human driver, so in april the california department of motor vehicles is testing av's without a human driver behind the vehicle. at the end of may the california public utility's commission adopted two private programs
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again one with or without a driver behind the wheel and they are looking to learn from it and be able to inform future how avs will be used in the tranc transportation companies like uber and lyft. during the pilot the companies will not be able to accept payments from customers and secondly and this will be near and dear to vision zero folks hear they will have to report on the safety metrics during the pilot. shifting to local issues we have a lot of open houses. we are working on improving the safety of intersections where the freeway ramps -- they spent
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a few months and got 800 surveys of things to work on so the team is working hard. they will be released at an open house for public comment on tuesday, july 31 at 1010 mission street and you can check the website for more information on that. another opportunity related to neighborhood transportation improvement effort the district 10 mobilit10 mobility study is a transportation design lab. [reading] to improve sustainable options for residents in district 10 will be hosting collaborative workshops in the next two months. the first is saturday june 30 at bay view hunters point ymca and
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there is more information on our website if you look up design-labs. your chance to way in a lot more funding is we are i in the procs of updating our prioritization programs and we conducted a wenb based survey on what people would like to see their taxes go to. we reached out to 30 community based organizations throughout the city and your offices will helpful with social media, newsletters and we received over 1,000 responses from a broad range of groups and individuals across the city. we are working on finalizing, cleaning up and categorizing the agenda in july and we have shared early drafts with
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sponsors and they are supposed to consider the public output. during july board directo boarde will be sharing. three more quick updates. this one i want to say haul we now have the record of decision on the gary corner bus rapid transit project and this is the last milestone for clearance of the project so now the smfta can proceed for the project as well as thinking funds to fund the second phase. since we have reached that major milestone we can direct any comments, questions or requests for information towards the sfmta's website and that is at
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sfmta/garyrapid. the last update i will make is we are in the process of giving a much-needed long overview oversauoverhaul of our website. there is a survey at tiny indiscernible. our fiscal audit is underway and it's a little bit early and under the guidance of deputy director, we will have a clean audit. happy to answer any questions. >> supervisor peskin: any questions?
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seeing one is there any public comment. seeing none public comment is close. mr. clerk please read the next item. >> clerk: items 4-10 are consent agent. the remaining items are considered routine. staff is not planning to present on these items. [reading] >> supervisor peskin: is there any public comment on item 4, the minutes from the june 12 meeting? seen none public comment is closed. is there a motion to approve the consent agenda made by vice chair tang and spended by commissioner fewer. rule call please. [roll call] >> >> supervisor breed: [roll call]
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>> clerk: we have final approv approval. >> supervisor peskin: so those items are finally approved and the minutes adopted. next item. >> clerk: item 11. [reading] >> supervisor peskin: annette williams welcome. >> thank you. annette williams manager for manageable services at sfmta. at an earlier meeting you had questions abstained our shop around program and i wanted to give you a pick overview on paratransit and answer any questions you might have.
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>> supervisor peskin: it's on the website so we can also see it. >> yes. our three main modes of service are sf access, group van like people going to adult day center in taxi then the two additional services are shop around and van go and both of those are available to seniors or people with disabilities, so not just those ada eligible which are people unable to use our fixed route system. in the last period we had 85% on time and we completed 235,000 trips. 71,000 of those were wheelchair
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users and group van we did 189,000 trips. one of the things that's always important is vehicles in the van program and we want to get to the point where all of our vehicles are in the procure process. right now 89 of those are in that process and it's very easy to replace them. we are getting 10 new sedans lou ththrough the transportation fu, when we go to replace those, we will be able to with funds. we are getting eight new expansion vehicles and one of our group van agency provider is getting 11 vehicles through the program. we want to identify one time fund to get 32 additional vehicles, so moving forward we
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can replace them all in this five year cycle. in the past there we there weres with bay med. it would be better to have them all under a five year age. the next slide is taxi services. our customers use it just like you or i would but they pay with a debit card, we have 40 accessible cabs part of that system and later i will talk about the intensives that we are doing to improve that program and continue it for the long time. 290,000 trips for taxi customers and 9100 for wheelchair users. our ramp taxi program started in
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'94. we currently have 40 active ramp medallions and they completed over 9,000 trips. the way the customer uses those they call the -- the driver directly or the flywheel app. we are trying to help the driver and companies running these vehicles pay for the difference in cost between this type of vehicle and a sedan, so we have in place a $10 incentive for every trip and a program for airport short passes, so ramp drivers that pick up people in outlying areas they are able to go to the front of the line at the airport to pick up. what we are implementing now is intensive for vehicles where
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they can get up to $300 per month towards the cost of the vehicle and the maintenance and operateoperations of those vehi. there are conditions they must convert wheelchair accessible vehicle and complete 20 paratransit trips and we want these out in the community available for any wheelchair user who is in san francisco and needs a cab, so they will have to cog all of those trips as well. , and have at least 80 hours on the flywheel app as well. we will measure success in increase in wheelchair trips and getting high marks on the annual survey for that service.
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the system works great for seniors and those with disnts in most cases but it's difficult to go shopping if you have a number of bags and have to bring them back on the bus. we started shopping services which we heard from people was the most difficult one to take. we started back in 2010 with a shop around gearing it to certain neighborhoods where there were less grocery stores. last year we provided 4200 trips on the shop around service. the van gogh shutting d shuttleu like the name? the thing we heard is that many people are isolated and not able to get out to an event or play
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and this provides the ability for people if they organize the group they can get a van to pick them up and take them to recreational event. it's not a large program, but it has a big impact on people's trip-making potential, one of the really important parts of our program is that we are very customer driven and work closely with the community and we have a community advisory committee, and many of you have come to our annual meeting which happens in november and they have been in place since the late '70s and have had a huge impact on why we have the service we do because it's been customers driven. one of the other things i want to mention is that we are also working on mobility management
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and that is a big because word rehear all the time. someone might not have a disability today or tomorrow or next week or their mother or someone else, how do they find out information and what is available to them, so we are working with a strong steering committee throughout the city on how do we get this information to people in a way that works best for them and what we hear is word of mouth is one of the biggest and most important and it can be difficult, but that takes having people in the communities that are knowledgeable and know where to look on the website and get information so we are working to have a mobility management function that works for everybody no matter the way they get information. that is something we are working on currently. the end there is my contact information and my co-worker jonathan chang's and i'm
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available to answer questions now or in the few which are. thinthank you for your time. >> supervisor peskin: thank you for your years of service to this programs. are there questions. commissioner ye. >> supervisor yee: could you back up to the taxi incentives? there is a requirement that they complete 20 paratransit per month and what happens when they don't? >> we would not pay them the incentive that month, that $300 for that vehicle. we have a good track record and we know that the drivers doing a good job are able to make them
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trips. they would not get the incentive that particular month. >> >> julie: can one taxi receive both incentives at the same time? >> yes, nay always get the $10 per track for every paratransit wheelchair trip and the other is for maintenance of the vehicle, so they can get both. >> supervisor yee: so one can get $600? >> correct. >> >> julie: my office was working on the issue of the west side that people stopped using the paratransit because it took so long to get to senior services, has that improved? >> yes. believe me you would hear. that was about adult day health care services in the group van
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program and transis now doing some of that service and we are tracking carel carefully the rie and hearing good things. >> supervisor yee: can i get an updated report -- from a few years. >> absolutely. >> supervisor yee: the new vehicles is that also part of the program? >> yes. those vans are used in that program as well as in the sf access, the individual van program. >> supervisor yee: when we h had that discussion over a short period of time a lot was about the nonprofits, is this different? >> there are nonprofits. i mentioned we have 11 that are coming in that nonprofits have purchased through the fell 5310
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program, so it's subsidized through that program anted just taking a very long time through the caltrans process to get them and they have not yet received them. >> eight of them are being built right now and the other five have been delivered to sacramento. >> but not quite to san francisco. they are coming soon. it's not as quick as we would like and the agencies would like but they do make a big impact having those vehicles in the program. >> supervisor yee: if funding you are seeking to buy additional vans are separate from that? >> correct. >> supervisor yee: thank you. >> supervisor fewer: thank you i have a question about page 8 conditions of new ramp taxi incentives since this is part of the taxi horriblenes horriblened
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mta said they are trying to make taxis more valuable, they have mentioned this and my question is do you give assistance for the taxi drivers to purchase a wheelchair vehicle? >> that is what the incentive program is for. we have four drivers that hey applied and getting new vehicles through the program and they are excited about it. we are giving them the $300 per month for the week and for a $3r the mint nans, and this helps them to be able to afford those vehicles .
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>> supervisor fewer: if they convert that means they can't hold as such luggage is that correct? >> these are minivans and they do well in terms of accessibility and holding luggage and other items so affords that taxi driver more. >> supervisor fewer: when you measure success i will ask that you also pass part of your measures ask is this happening the taxi drivers in their horrible situation and has it been successful, and how many have been helped by this and what are taxi drivers also saying about this? >> absolutely. >> supervisor peskin: is there any questions from commissioners seeing none, is there any public
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comment in seeing none public comment is closed. thank you for your commitment. nexia teem please. [reading] ing item 12. >> supervisor peskin: sara b. jones. >> good morning commissioners, sara jones from san francisco municipal planning agency to talk about schools and making the trip to school safer and easier is a way that that sfmta supports schools in san francisco and it's a necessary
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part of our climate and equity goal. as part of the founding the bay area grant for safe routes to schools for fy20, this commission asked that sfmta takeover the administration of the program to enhance the coordination of these efforts with the other work that is done to support kids and families getting to school. i want to thank particularly commissioner tang for catalyzing us toward an approach toward this key work. have been working to revamp the education, edg, and encouragemed to design a full an comprehensive framework to
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address transportation. [reading] up to this point we have had vinyls working with single tools and now we have moved to all of us working together with a full tool kit. i will pass this on to john and he will present on the changes we are recommending. he is also going to talk our over all framework that we have designed and how that work under that grant fits in. >> thank you. almost everybody in the audience today is someone actively working on transportation either as a safe route member or -- and
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thank them for the work they have done meeting almost weekly to develop this framework to ask them how we can successfully enhance the for examples that we have and meet the goals this board challenged us to meet. very quickly we heard there was a need to define very clear goals for this program and we have identified two. the first is a mode shift goal so helping people get to school and not traveling in single family vehicles. in looking at this we wanted to make sure we were in sin sync wh the school and the board developed a goal of 30% of single trips to school and that would be a redubbing of what is
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currently seen. we mapped it out to one in three percent per year. safety in san francisco is important and we started our safety gold looking at vision zero. realizing that in a typical year we have zero fatalities. we also are setting a goal to reduce the number of collisions in san francisco during school hours to people 18 and older by 50%. currently we have about two severe injuries a year and about 32 overall injuries a year and our goal to be to reduce that by 30%. we are also making the commitment to greating evaluation using national best
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standards for school evaluation related to mode shift. we have the data we need from the department o department of h and the school district. we will send your staff as the program administrators and this board. we are committed to making sure that evaluation is available publicly for all people to see. what i learned through this process is we are doing a lot of work around the schools and there is some need to increase the communication around the work that we are doing and also working with our staff we have
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identified new areas that we are going to -- [indiscernible] by the beginning of next school year, that will be 103 schools when a call comes in talking to us about safety concerns we will already have a snapshot of where that is so we can work to address those issues immediately. we are starting a walk audit program that will come back to this board via prop a in the next few months where we will be actively working with schools to identify engineering, safety improvements and then funding some of those quick and effective solutions through that program. lastly, we have a new program that is part of that funding request that is looking at
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bringing the school - humping proactively to schools and not waiting for us. we will of course continue our neighborhood traffic calming program, traffic operations, and traffic engineering -- indiscernible. we have an environmental safety program that we are starting so one of the things that came out of these discussions is we realize that we have a lot of disparate aspects of school safety that are happening but these areas were not coordinated or talking to each other, everything from crossing guards to enforcement.
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we want to make sure that the paths are safe and clear and that parents feel comfortable with their children walking or walking with their children and the safe drop off programs that ensure how kids being driven to school are dropped off to be sure that the areas around the schools have a safe operations plan and that incorporates the student crossing guard and assistance program. na will be under moving bard thr -- and making sure that we are putting the right resources with the schools that need them. lastly, what has been called the
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noninfrastructure program but not all the noninfrastructure work that we do -- [indiscernible] we have spent a lot of time working with our partners who are funded through that grant to identify goals for expanding this program from 36-103 schools bringing on new partners to help us be able to provide a meaningful program to two or three types as many schools and that includes the police cart or their school resource officers and going out to elementary schools and making sure our messaging is on point, bringing in the fire department who are increasing their activity in schools they have a program where they are trying to make
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sure every firehouse has a -- and make sure that the firement is talking to kids about safety and about street safety and bringing the san francisco transit writer's group. we really wanted to make sure that as mode shift is a key goal of the obeg funding that is funding this program we are working on biking and transit use as we expand to 103 schools means we will expand into the middle school and high school program. with that, i think i will close. i want to thank every hear, i think 13 cit 13 different city departments and -- have worked on this. >> supervisor peskin: thank you. i do want to acknowledge the work of vice chair tang and her
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staff as well as my staff sonny and g urninulo and thank you fol the school districts to come together to revamp safe routes to school. why don't we go to commissioner tang. >> supervisor tang: thank you. i echo my staff for all involved in the series of meetings to hash out how we should re format this program. i have read through the report and think you have listened to all of our concerns so i thank you for that. priefsly. we were only serving 30 out of 103 out of our sfds schools and i think it should incorporate all of your public schools.
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i like that we have clearly defined goals, single family vehicle trips and -- i think that is good. when i looked at previous reports i couldn't tell exactly what the goals were. i want to thank sfmta for the baseline assessment you will do for all schools. there might be some things that we can do off the bat proactively to address safety without having the schools come to us before its done and of course the provision around crossing guards and that increase in funding to go from 105 to 215 is a good thing and we will have to continue our conversations around how these individuals are stationed throughout all the schools in our city given their high demand. i am pleased with the new shape
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of this program and look forward to seeing the results of this restructure. >> supervisor peskin: commissi. >> supervisor fewer: thank you very much for this plan. i just want to say of school age children 33% attend private schools also and they also actually could be included in some of this safe routes to schools programming if you want to really keep our neighborhoods safe and if the goal is really keep all children safe, it's not just public school children as we know one-thirded of our children go to private schools. the crossing guard program
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i think this is aspirational and i think it's not going to work. to say we will recruit more is a little ridiculous because we can't recruit right now. we are seeing people running red lights. kids think if you cross on a red light you are safe, not true in my district. if you cross at a stop line there is a level of safety that is not true in my district.
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should look at giving attendance to preference areas because they are all over the city and i just want to say that the san francisco unified school district i don't believe has hired a new transportation director which actually should be in charge of all of this. i have understand that nick castner who is in charge of sustainability, i think he is very talented, but this is a different issue. this issue of combining transportation with safe routes and all those other things, i think actually they need to hire a transportation director because it is so actually related to each other, and then you know, i mean i love that -- has its goal for 2030, but also
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i don't see anything that really ayadieseses the increase of traffic mean aggressor lot of tncs is that what they are called, that are all over our streets now and i worry about the students in my district actually crossing these intersections in a neighborhood which doesn't have a lot of traffic and actually people in my own neighborhood are grappling with how they change streets because of the increased traffic, so i would just say yeah, i think it's a good start and i feel like i am happy to help work on this and i see some holes it in, but thank you
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supervisor tang for your work on this. >> supervisor safai: thank you supervisor tang for your effort and work on this. somehow the safe routes to school ambassador that works in our distribute because i know there is three in the district and ours was only funded half the year and we serve some of the most under served schools in the entire city based on demographics and test scores, longfellow, cleveland, monroe, caesar chavez and these are doing language support and the staffer is a bilingual staff person plays a critical role. she was important in starting
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efforts at betsy carmichael, so she has a significant amount of experience and somehow in these conversations her funding was dropped to half. in my point it is not fair to add another to pick it up. i'm not prepared to do that. it's important that sfmta and -- figure this out. we are asked to many different shortfallst but a staffing position funded in the following year but not this year, i hope that you would find a way to make this transition smoother and this person is very important in providing safety in our community. >> the cut of the funding for this position as i understand it came from the caltran side of
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things and through the department of public health so not something that sfmta was able to address at the same time we are in agreement with the role. >> supervisor safai: are the other commissions fully funded? don't you have other ambassadors and i see your colleague nodding his head, so how is it that this was only half funded? >> i will try to answer it, it's my understanding that caltrans as they do and i have had this open that caltrans refused to fund a staffer at the school district and this position was at the school district level
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they were not willing to provide funding to this person. ing.>> the others were funded h? >> through nonprofit partners. it doesn't make sense to me. >> supervisor safai: we are left holding the bag and i would appreciate if you would go back and try to sharpen your pencil a little bit. >> we are committed to do that at sfmta to try to find a way to fill this grape. >> supervisor peskin: thank you for those comments commissioner sheehy. >> supervisor sheehy: i want to echo my colleague's comments about private schools left out. it's hard to see how this can be
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a comprehensive program if you don't include private schools. one of my constituents i went to meet her at 25 and fair oaks where her and her 5-year-old daughter had been run over didn't -- limits its intake to allow-income folks and then st. james. almost run over again a couple of weeks ago and nothing that mta is interested in doing. the crosswalk is lit and the signs are not visible because they are blocked by trees, so you have the flashing rights but nobody can see them. you have the shuttle buses
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coming down the street and feels like if you don't include the private schools you are declaring open season on those kids, so it would be good to see. i also share my colleague's frustration with the crossing guard issue. i think we have a props but not sure if it's a props that will fly. that wil would do with the crosg guard there was watching the trc which was total chaos. my daughter goes to a school in my colleague's district and i can tell you the people who are not dropping off kids make that a dangerous situation get frustrated and weave their way in traffic and they are
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oblivious to children being let off at school. i would hope you if do enforcement there is a way to distinguish between parents developing off their kids and people trying to make it through those routes. a lot of times the tmcs who have no regard for the kids or those dropping them off. >> thank you if i could address one point. all the pieces of the program whether it's the engineering, traffic operations, enforcement, crossing guard program, etc., all those work with private schools as well. i am hearing there is a concern about a specific school and when we go back we will look at the trees and what not, but our engineering staff would tell you they work with 250 schools not just the usd schools. >> supervisor sheehy: i talked to you guys when i first went
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out with mom it's class acces ci talk to you guys and nothing happens. >> i am sorry to hear that. there are some parts of the program especially around the education and outreach because we can work with the school district to expand this from 36-103 schools that is the near-term proposal but our goal would be what we are offering to all schools. we agree that all schools are important and also just to reflect that we have the traffic commander hear and we hear allowedly the need to enforce around the schools and why we brought them into this partnership.
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>> supervisor yee: can you talk a little bit about what are some of the plans for traffic calming around these schools? how are you going to be approaching this? >> with that i will ask patrick who can better address that. >> i am patrick gollier and i manage the city's traffic calming program. the proposed program around school to complement our current application based traffic calming program but it will be done more proactively. our current program is reactive where we react to applications that come into us from constituents and principles of f
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schools. we accommodate schools more efficiently than we do with residents. we have policies that we allow principles to apply without getting signatures on the street. john's program will be more proactive working with john and his new group will be able to identify schools and proactive will uh citlycite speed bumps ac caulking. >> supervisor yee: how much funding is set aside for this? >> we are asking for $850,000 a year for speed humps around schools and operational signs and marking and paint work.
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>> supervisor yee: thank you. >> supervisor yee: i noticed that in the presentation the list of things or some other programs that would be supportive and one of the pieces, and i don't want to take away from, i don't want to get confused with the adult crossing guards. i am just curious has there been thoughts around -- there is i think about 16 schools presently in elementary schools that have student crossing guards and for a few of the places i observed it's been effective. some more than others, but has there been any thought that would be part of the comprehensive approach?
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i think that is part of the environmental safety program about crossing guards and something that i didn't mention for those schools that don't qualify for paid sfmta we are going to roll out some trainings are deployed to each school. it's part of the conversation around crossing guards at large and the safer drop off area. >> supervisor yee: i was glad to see that in your slide included ed's neighborhood and i'm just curious like what role is this program playing to help ed's neighborhood because up to now,
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the program. [indiscernible] so who are you getting to the table to discuss that piece? >> sure, so that program as you know for the rest of the commission is being overseen by the rest of the school district, who is ha at the table -- the by area children resources who will be providing the educational work next year is actually coming to our next partnership meeting to meet with the partners to ensure that the curriculums they are offering is consistent with the rest, so working one message and we see this as a key part of safe routes to school offerings for the k-2 grades,
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