tv Government Access Programming SFGTV July 5, 2018 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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in this case, i don't really care about a car being parked in shadow during the worst time of the shadow, but i think we should start to talk about more of a qualitative of how the shadow cast by the project impacts activities. and also i really would like to have staff start making a recommendation. you go through the great analysis, but then you get to the end of the staff report and there's no recommendation and i personally would like to see some sort of guidance of whether staff supports this, staff doesn't support this, we may disagree, but when you read through the staff report and get to the conclusion, we make no conclusion. how are we supposed to interpret that? >> president buell: thank you, commissioner. all good comments. no other comments, we would entertain a motion. >> so move.
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>> moved and seconded. >> are we moving there is no significance? >> correct. >> president buell: that's correct. moved and seconded. all those in favor? thank you very much. >> now on item 9, the open space fund contingency reserve for deferred maintenance. >> good morning, commissioners. item before you is our f.y.17-18 deferred maintenance funding and what it is is discussion and possible actions to approve two things. one, allocation of $1,155,000 from the open space fund contingency reserve, from the deferred maintenance reserve subfund, to fund infrastructure deferred maintenance projects, and 400,000 from the contingency reserve, this time undesignated reserve subfund to fund wildlife
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proof waste receptacles and stabilize a build on marina green. as background, in 2010, the commission acted to divide the open space fund contingency reserve into three subfunds. the subfunds are comprised, 50% of the fund balance of the entire fund for deferred maintenance, 25% of the annual to go into contingency reserve, and lastly, a subfund comprised of the other 25%. the fund balances of the subfunds are depicted in a, your attachment a. for the 17-18 deferred maintenance project, the department proposes to undertake a range of water, heat, sewer and air handling repairs that have impacted our building
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infrastructure and specifically you see the list in the package there, a long variety of boiler replacements and air handler replacements at a variety of recreation centers and facilities. at the palace of fine arts, we have two sewer lift stations which need upgrades so they stop malfunctioning. golden gate park, a central pump station replacement of pump variable frequency drives, and in support of the 20-21 recycled water project in golden gate park. and lastly, music concourse fountains system needs some repair and upgrade, variable frequency drives as well. on the list there, all of those projects total the $1,155,000 we are requesting from the deferred maintenance contingency reserve. secondly, for the undesignated
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reserve subfund, we are proposing two distinct infrastructure projects. the first one is the continuation of the acquisition and installation of wildlife proof waste receptacles. in 2014, i was before you requesting the money from the undesignated reserve subfund to start this replacement of waste receptacles using the two stream, bear saver waste systems you may see in a variety of parks already. the first phase was very successful, and we are now ready to continue that effort with the bear saver two stream receptacles in a variety of other parks. if the $200,000 funding request is approved, this installation of new receptacles would include crocker amazon, mclaren park, golden gate park, india basin and other parks. secondly in the request is the
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degaussing building on marina green. 1943, and once transferred to the city it has been in a steady state of deterioration since that time. that said, it is the ideal location for the harbor master's office to oversee the operations of both the west harbor and the east harbor. for that, and due to the location and size, the building assessments from the department of public works and a second assessment from a private engineering firm has found that although it is structurally unstable, it can be stabilized, repaired and restored for $200,000 and then at that point it can be successfully repurposed into the internal renovation for the harbor master's office. it's 200,000 for each of these two projects, which totals the 400,000 in our reserve. in our request. back to attachment a, the
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balances of attachment -- of the three subfunds demonstrate that there is sufficient money to fund this request. in the fund balances in the deferred maintenance subfund, $1,150,449, and in the undesignated, 1,000,041 # thousand $609. with that, our recommendtation to you is that the two requests from the open space fund contingency reserve be approved. >> president buell: thank you. >> any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners. >> commissioner mazzola: thank you. a couple questions, thanks for your report. so the deferred maintenance subfund, is that something separate than our maintenance department? >> yes. >> commissioner mazzola: it's not impacting our maintenance department whatsoever?
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>> the structural maintenance yards, their m. and s. funds and labor funding for salaries is separate from this, this is a request we bring to the commission every year to have additional funds to the m. and s. budget to undertake the infrastructure repairs. >> commissioner mazzola: second question would be, who would be performing this new work? not our maintenance people, this would be contracted out, or -- >> this would be -- who is going to be, how is that going to work? >> combination of both. maintenance yard is prepared with these funds to undertake a number of the boiler replacement projects, and then other like the lift station and a couple others would be handled by the operations project managers, and that would be a bid and contract out. to -- specifically your question, we sit down with the maintenance yard and give them first choice, which ones do you want, and then the ones that
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they recommend be contracted out, we turn those over to the operations project manager. >> commissioner mazzola: maintenance yard will be involved in the decision making or offered to do some of this work. >> they have the right of first refusal. >> commissioner mazzola: thanks. >> commissioner anderson: on the degaussing station, is this the first time it has come before the commission for consideration? >> the first time this particular stablization project has come. years ago we were considering the degaussing station to build it out for a restaurant, since that did not come to fruition, we have been looking at it as the harbor master station and that is further along now in analysis, we are discovering that it's going to need of stablization before the construction can undertake to build it out. i can't tell you which one is the chicken and which one was the egg. because a couple years ago at
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least conceptually it was considered to be stable, and we have done the engineering am sis and appears it is built on the seawall, the original wood timber piers and they can no longer hold the building the way it is right now. and so we do need to do the stablization first before we can undertake any construction for whatever purpose. >> commissioner anderson: the question i have is there's an understanding that our seawall generally needs attention, so can you fit strengthening or reinforcing the degaussing building in context with the wall as a whole, like -- you know, are we basically kind of band aiding a portion of the wall for this structure while there's a bigger problem that's going to come down the pike? >> we believe that the building
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itself, you know, on its piers, once engineered and stablized will be ok. i don't really have the details where the seawall bond to pass and whatever their construction measures would be. i don't think it entails a full tear-down of the seawall, maybe some internal strengthening, which should not impact any structures, but that's conjecture on my point. >> commissioner anderson: yeah, that's my concern, that, would those -- would the two projects be completely separate in any event? would you have to reinforce the degaussing building itself, separate and apart from any seawall repair that might happen down the pike? i'm just concerned about sort of spending money now needlessly when it might be able to dovetail with a future project. i'm not trying to throw a monkey wrench in the works, obviously i would like our harbor master to have a good office, but i'm just
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kind of thinking about priority here. >> the only thing i would say on that is that i am not familiar what phasing the seawall is going to take, and whether the harbor will be part of that phase or deal with the ones downtown or other higher priority sections of the seawall first. but sarah, i think you might have some detail on this. >> my understanding is the seawall along the marina is not part of the proposed port bond. it is for areas under their jurisdiction. >> commissioner anderson: well, i just want to put that question mark out here. i wonder about the reasonableness or the sensibility of putting aside that kind of money now when we don't really know what's happening with the seawall. but let me ask another question. i've been in the harbor master's office where it is now, so if that port, if that office ports
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office to the degaussing station, what happens to the space the harbor master is in now. >> the current office, since you've been in it. >> tiny. >> very small. very tiny. it has no privacy for meeting with berth holders or anything. and so that would be immediately handed off to the assistant, or the dock attendants, and the main maintenance function for the west and the east harbor will be conducted from. current by borrow space from yacht road, i don't know to say it's abandoned, but unused building from the p.u.c. and they are making noise, they want it back, anyway. so a much better division of labor and use of space to manage the large marina we have down there. and we have looked at whatever the seawall eventual engineering
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and reconstruction will be, but so far as i said, we don't believe that the seawall is actually going to be destroyed. it's actually going to be strengthened from within. and if we do not do anything about the degaussing station now, it will continue to deteriorate and will then require eventually demolition. >> commissioner anderson: ok. thank you. that was very helpful. >> commissioner mcdonnell: on the deferred maintenance, probably a future request because what it, what the report doesn't represent is i'm assuming a billion dollars in deferred maintenance and you pull the opportunities to invest the dollars, i completely support but i don't have what that context is, because you chose these and not those, helpful to see those and maybe why context these, if it was purely financial we could squeeze this. i don't know. that would be helpful. >> we are getting there,
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commissioner. from all of our work and the life cycle project, with i we have been involved, the third year, and contracted with the firm, called v.f.a., and they are delivering to us a very robust and database that they have inspected, all of our facilities and infrastructure with detailed condition assessments can show us the remaining expected life cycle, where the most critical need is, and we'll be able to rank order with a very comprehensive view what, where the most critical need is. we'll be getting that, we are meeting tomorrow. we'll be getting our first look at what the first phase of the condition assessments are tomorrow. they anticipate having all of their work done later this year, probably in the september,
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october time frame, to give operations a good look at making a database and grounded determination of where our most deferred, most critical deferred maintenance is. we don't have that yet, but we are very helpful and very excited to get this coming to us. but in the meantime we have done when we have come before you in past years. maintenance yard in particular have looked at where the most critical repairs are. where the infrastructure components are, beyond repair. air handlers on m.l.k. pool have totally failed. they have the institutional knowledge when they try to fix things that they are beyond fixing. so we have relied on that institutional knowledge to help us get here. and next fiscal year when i come before you, we will have been able to base that on the v.f.a. condition assessment database.
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>> thank you. >> on that note, denny, seems we are always referring to the massive backlog of infrastructure repair needs and so on. when that report is done, 1 of 2 things might occur. individual commissioners could be briefed by staff, and get some sense of that, or it could be a presentation to the full commission. >> we are looking forward to that, actually. we actually, one of our goals to provide you with that information. >> thank you, i'm going to ask, sarah, did you want to weigh in? >> to provide some context for commissioner mcdonnell's question, and i'm sure you are aware of this. as reminder, there are multiple ways we address the infrastructure issues, right? this is one smaller pot of funds that frankly there's a match-up between what the maintenance yard identifies as their most significant challenges not funded through whether it's general fund capital, m. and s.
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budget and it's a matchmaking that's really about the size of the pot of money essentially. as well. so, there are -- there are, just to reassure you that there are multiple sources that are doing this type of work from, this is one area that denny controls but we absolutely, we can, going forward, include more information on the tradeoff decisions. >> the deferred maintenance is worked off 1 of 2 ways. when we have a full blown capital project, completely resets the baseline. and then secondly is either project management funds or the ongoing work of the structural maintenance department. >> president buell: commissioner low. >> vice president low: i'm dwelling on the degaussing station and hungry for some fish at the woodhouse fish.
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would the harbor fund be a source of contribution for costs or sharing of costs for, since it's going to be the harbor master quarters? >> we have looked at that and the marina fund does not have the capacity for this. when we, once we have done the stablization and are ready for the interior design, we will then look for the harbor, the marina fund to perhaps be able to fund that part. because once we are done with the stablization and we have the building ready for internal renovation to compartmentalize it, we will see if we can share through the marina fund. >> will that matter come back to the commission for you? >> interior renovation? >> we can certainly do that. >> i think it's important to do that. commissioner anderson. >> commissioner anderson: thank you for your patience.
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back to the degaussing station. harbor master office. did you consider expanding the existing building where the harbor master is now as opposed to taking over the degaussing station? >> we have looked at that, commissioner. it's very limited footprint down there on what we call the mole there at the west harbor, and the difficulty with the existing harbor master station is it just doesn't have the feel -- doesn't have the field of view to -- the east harbor is completely out of sight over there. and so when we look at positioning at the existing degaussing station, they can see the channel, the west harbor, east harbor, monitor all the activity, and attention to the
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berth holders, they have to drive over to be expected to the master operations. >> we have a certified e.i.r. for the west harbor project, permits, army corps of engineers and other regulatory agencies that did not contemplate an expansion of the current harbor master's office beyond what it is. however, in that e.i.r., appealed to the board of supervisors and the board was sued over, if you recall, it does contemplate using this as an office. i think the regulatory, in addition to the physical constraints, the regulatory hoops would essentially be a nonstarter. >> thank you, there is the more germane point, thank you. than any of this stuff. >> does contemplate using the degaussing station as an office? >> yes. >> president buell: seeing no other comments. >> moved, seconded.
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>> commissioner harrison. >> moved and seconded. all those in favor? thank you, denny. >> now on item 10, general public comment. anyone who wishes to make general public comment who did not under item 4? richard. >> i guess entertained by me, i hope i don't bring it down too much. i'm going to make -- the commission over fishing at lake merced. the state of california allows issuance of fishing license to veterans here in california. san francisco does not match of such. they have different stamps that are required and so forth on the fishing license. so, my request would be very
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simple, and some type of compensation, no longer a concession, of some people running the place. so, is there any way that veterans could get a chance to cast their lines, catch a few fish, enjoy what we fought for, our country. so myself, disabled veteran, in the china-vietnam time, navy corpman, bang bang, corpman up, that was me. a lot of my shipmates have passed away, agent orange, those things. we are not getting hardly any of the benefits that should be be stowed upon us and i don't think too many of us are interested in -- in this case, myself, i sure would like to cast a few
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plugs at the east lake and see if i could get some bass. thank you. >> thank you. >> ok. >> is there anyone else who would like to make general public comment? seeing none, this item is closed. now on item 11, closed session. conference with legal counsel pending litigation. anyone who would like to make public comment on this item? public comment is closed. commissioners, a vote, a motion and a vote to go into closed session, please. >> so moved. >> moved and seconded. all those in favor? aye. >> now in closed session. i need to ask all members of the public and staff to leave. >> many questions are raised by this, who are they -- i think we should just have a general discussion in july on what's
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happening at the palace of fine arts. so, i would like that calendared for july. second matter was an article on june 1st. it was a public announcement of the 2019 bond, $545 million, and there were several projects that were listed as part of that bond. i think there should have been a discussion before that public announcement, so i would like staff to also give us a status report of how did these numbers come about, what's the status of these projects, particularly trying to avoid some of the mistakes we did with the 2012 bond, where costs were escalating, perhaps we did not have enough money. we went through entitlement battles, let's have a discussion about this $545 million bond, is it one shot for ten years, is it
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two bonds over ten years, let's have more of a discussion about this now that this is public. i would like to have that also on the july commission hearing. >> any other commissioners? ok. any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. item 12, new business agenda setting. commissioners. public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. item 13, communications, discussion only. commissioners? any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. item 14, adjournment. >> entertain a motion. all in favor? aye, so adjourned. >> thank you, commissioners.
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years. my name is shirley jackson, and i am a retirement teacher for san francisco unified school district, and i work with early childhood education and after school programs. i have light upstairs and down stairs. it's been remodelled and i like it. some of my floors upstairs was there from the time i built the place, so they were very horrible and dark. but we've got lighting. the room seems lighter. they painted the place, they cemented my back yard, so i won't be worried about landscaping too much. we have central heating, and i like the new countertops they put in. up to date -- oh, and we have venetian blinds. we never had venetian blinds before, and it's just cozy for
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me. it meant a lot to me because i didn't drive, and i wanted to be in the area where i can do my shopping, go to work, take the kids to school. i like the way they introduced the move-in. i went to quite a bit of the meetings. they showed us blueprints of the materials that they were going to use in here, and they gave us the opportunity to choose where we would like to stay while they was renovating. it means a lot. it's just that i've been here so long. most people that enjoyed their life would love to always retain that life and keep that lifestyle, so it was a peaceful neighborhood.
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the park was always peaceful, and -- i don't know. i just loved it. i wanted to be here, and i stayed. >> first of all, welcome everybody. we will make this routine. i'm very glad that everyone here has partnered to end s.f. gun violence. all over the world, it is a phenomenon that is going on. we are playing our part that we end this gun violence. we live in a country that has villains everywhere. but one thought -- gone off the streets, potentially packed could save one person's life. you could save the planet. what i mean by that, you do not know who will be the person that you might save. i will give you a prime example.
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we have a mayor in san francisco who is born and raised. she is a native from san francisco, born and raised in the o.c. projects. if anyone knows san francisco, it is one of the hardest projects in san francisco. to come out at the o.c. projects and fillmore as a negative, you tell me that? [laughter] come on. so look at her. she is the mayor now. give it up for the mayor of san francisco. [applause] you never know who is going to be affected, and who is going to be saved by doing the work that we do together as partnerships. we will have four speakers. i will have the current mayor right here and then the elected mayor come speak. and then i will have, where is captain redmond? i went to school with him. we go back like a hot bowl of menudo. and then i will have my sister
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right here, patty, who lost her son to gun violence. i just want to welcome you all here. i want to welcome everyone here. and all of our partners pick without further ado, i will bring up mark farrell, our current mayor. [applause] >> mayor farrell: thank you. first of all, i want to thank you at the united players for holding this event, as well as the gun buyback program. i want to thank mayor elect reed who has been a champion for a long long time. this is not something new to her. kudos to her. [applause] i want to thank our police department for being here. to the captions that are here. give them a round of applause, please. [applause] and i also want to give a shout out to our late mayor ed lee, he was a huge supporter of this program as well. for all of his support over the years. we are here to talk about gun violence in san francisco. this is an issue that affects our entire country.
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it affects us in our streets. ever.every year, in our countr whoa. >> it was ed lee exco. [laughter] >> every year in our country we have 12,000 people killed by gun violence. 106,000 people -- 106 people every day. for everyone killed by guns, and other two are injured. 24,000 are injured on the streets of our country. and that has to stop. we are going to continue to push in san francisco. and mayor elect breed will push in san francisco for policies and commonsense policies to get guns off our streets. we are here today that san francisco is going to continue to lead the effort to get them off of our streets. [applause] >> i'm so excited to be here today. san francisco is doing something different, once again. we are leading the charge.
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when our country and our congress and our presidents continue to do everything that flies in the face of san francisco values, san francisco is stepping up. we're doing things different. doing things a san francisco way. we are here to protect the youth of san francisco and here to protect the generation of san francisco leaders. i'm proud to be here today and proud to join everyone behind me. thank you for being here. [applause] >> i want to acknowledge a lot of our partners who made this happen. mothers in charge right there, mattie skye. [applause] her son is actually on the wall right here. she has been tremendously fighting throughout many, many years to end this gun violence. you have sfpd, the mayor's department. a whole array of community-based organizations that are here. project level, the brothers against guns, rate? we have the suicide prevention
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organization. we have the brady campaign. who else have we got up in here? the foundation. john did what we you all heard that. that is the honey on my tongue. sometimes i can't spit it right. you heard that. does a lot of other organizations. i want to thank our business partners who actually funded this event. that you all see them out there. [applause] all my homeboys who wanted -- to run the dispensaries. [applause] elevated, green boy, grassroots. am i missing anymore? we need to get some more because they have a lot of weed stories in san francisco too. i'm sure there's plenty more. i want to acknowledge salesforce, boston property,
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kilroy, clients, all partners. there are so many different dimensions that are coming together as one to end gun violence. i want to thank all the leadership from everybody who has been a part of making this happen. without further ado. i will bring up the amazing and intelligent and beautiful london breed. our mayor chair applause -- [applause] speed you -- >> it is so exciting to be here for something that i know, for certain is going to save lives. last year, when we did this in december, 280 guns were collected through that last buyback. that is 280 lives saved. i have to tell you, rudy said that i come out of the concrete. o.c. projects, out-of-control projects. let me tell you a story about ocp. i was about 12 years old, one night, and i know sean richards
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will remember this. we were all hanging out and purging in a place called the tunnel. some of you will remember the tunnel if you grew up in the western addition. most people did not come to the projects that i grew up in. but the people who lived there and were welcomed there would hang out in the tunnel. at night, we were playing music and having a good time. we were just hanging out and enjoy ourselves. and sadly someone came through the tunnel and started shooting. that person was after somebody. there were a lot of people out there. that is where we hang out at. when all the dust settled, there was one person who was dead. do you all remember when stacy died? stacy, if you know -- if you knew stacy, all the mothers loved stacy. all the kids loved stacy. everybody loved stacy. and he wasn't, again, even the
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person that this shooter was targeting. he is not here with us today. that could have been me. that could have been anybody else in the tunnel that night that could have died because of a gun. because of senseless violence. this is why, what we do here today, is so important. our goal is to save lives. our goal is to help people who are out there with guns understand the tragedy that they are inflicting on the lives of the people that have to suffer the consequences because of their mistakes. we want a safe city. we don't want to see our young people continued to die to gun violence. we do not want our kids to feel like every time they hear a loud noise, they have to get on the ground. where they are learning and they are learning environment and in our schools.
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we not only have work to do in the city and county of san francisco, we have work to do around getting guidance out of our communities all over the country. and as your future mayor, this will continue to be at the forefront of my advocacy efforts, as long as i am a part of the city can't get as long as i am living and breathing, i will always be an advocate for getting rid of guns on our streets on a regular basis. [applause] so here is an opportunity. we need to change our lives. for those folks who feel they have to have a gun, no questions asked. no questions asked. no judgement. turned them in. we are asking you to help be a part of the solution and make our city safe. thank you so much and i hope to see you here on saturday. thank you. >> right on. [applause] spoken like a right -- a real mayor.
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i just want to -- i apologize, i didn't acknowledge who does the outreach for the gun buyback. you have to catch this. they did it by you, and ten gentlemen who did a life sentence in prison. come on up here. you all have to be up here. you are part of it. all these brothers right here did a life sentence in prison and are now back advocating to stop gun violence. [applause] we have over 300 years of prison time up here. instead of taking lives, they are saving lives. [applause] i have to make sure i acknowledge glenn holden, our reentry leader there he did 45 years in prison, straight and is out now leading the charge to end gun violence. forty-five years. longer than probably -- you probably didn't have cameras
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back then. [laughter] this brother right here, in these brothers right here are miracles that are walking legends. let's not neglect and forget these gentlemen right here. theories are the gentlemen that are pushing the line to get the guns off the streets. with that said, from convicts to the police -- police, my brother there, thank you. i want to bring up one of his fellow brothers who i went to school with at mission high school. brother tony chapman. [applause] >> first of all, it is hard to follow our current mayor and our mayor elect. both are detailed. they are faced -- they have detailed what we are facing and how we are facing it as a team. i want to, before i say anything, i want to give a shout out to the mayor, and everything that he has done and the mayor elect for everything she has
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done and will do. think both of them. thank you. [applause] secondly i did go to school with rudy and he has been passionate about everything. and stories about me taking his lunch money are all false. [laughter] let me start off with the good news. let me start off with the good news. the good news is the homicide rate in san francisco is down 43%. [applause] another piece of good news, the shootings are down double digits, but in the teens. we want to get that a lot better. now the bad news, last night and early this morning we had two shootings and two different neighborhoods in the bayview hunter's points that illustrates the point we need more guns off the street. the thing that this country has to wrap his mind around and the city and county of san francisco, we get it here. the rest of the country, we need to drag them along. a study came out and it was a national study. there are more guns in this country than there are people in
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this country. anyone who thinks we don't have to do this gun buyback, they are mistaken. if you have a gun that is sitting at home and you are not using any think is there for protection, and it has been sitting there for a long time packed think about the potential of your house been broken into and that gun being used and consider bringing it down and turning it into the gun buyback program. what we aim to do, and pardon the bad pun,'s ge is get as manf these weapons off the street as possible. again seized as a life saved. the reason our numbers have been dropping every year, is we have been doing these gun buybacks every year. were getting more and more of these weapons off the street. i implore anybody out there with a gun to come and turn it in. there are no questions asked. we will not call you later and talk to about the weapon. turn it in and we will take it from you. my last shout out has to go to the united players. they are right. this partnership is necessary. it takes a hood to save the hood. thank you. [applause]
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>> me and him went to school and he had a jerry curl back then. [laughter] yeah. [laughter] before we bring on our last speaker, there's a lot of people who also have been in the background. they are sometimes, sometimes they don't get acknowledged, but they do all the major work that makes it happen. i have to give a shout out to my brother damien posey with paradise. where are you at? you see that hampso hamsun brotr right there? [laughter] and sean richardson. my brother right there. big rich. project level. these are people that you can't forget about behind-the-scenes. we have a lot of women who did this. this world is ran by women. how about that. are supervisor president? and a sister. come on, now. so i want to acknowledge carolyn and misha who are often behind
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the background who don't like to get acknowledged. you know, add to my beautiful daughter right there. she has all of her teeth. [laughter] i want to bring on a mother who i met to his amazing and incredible. she is doing big things. i will bring her on up. her name is patty. her son passed away, we will dedicate this gun buyback on saturday, june 30th, from 8-12 to her son, robbie. come on up, patty. [applause] >> good afternoon. i want to thank you rudy for inviting me to come here and think united players for the great work they do in the city and beyond. my name is patty. on the founder of the robbie pub d. foundation. i have a very unique perspecti perspective. for almost a decade, i was working at the chronicle just down the street as a metro editor. at a columnist and an editorial writer. for years, i ran headlines about
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gun violence. when my son was shot and killed in 2014, i understood what it meant to have that headline me about your family. all we know is that headline. we don't know the aftermath. there aren't stories about what happens to the family and the life sentence that is imposed on the family. within seconds of pulling that trigger. i gained a lot of appreciation. i didn't understand it when i was writing the stories what it meant to those families to have that last story about their loved one. and my son was just on the verge of getting hired full time. he was learning how to weld. he had set his suit out for his interview on his bed. that was a suit that we buried him in. so, you know, for two years, i had a really bad ptsd. i couldn't even return to the place where i called home for 30 years because of that ptsd. one day, i looked at my daughter and said she had lost her
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brother and she will not lose her mom. i created the foundation. we do gun buyback just like rudy. that is why we are so proud to partner on this one. we get that metal and we redistributed to artists throughout the country. they create art out of them. alameda county has adopted that there. there are two exhibits made out of guns that were confiscated in homicides and gun violence throughout the country. i hope to bring that way the rudy to san francisco. the other thing we do, as we provide paid vocational scholarships for exoffenders and at-risk young adults because there's no better challenge to crime then a good paying job. i wish, i wish someone gave the four men who killed my son that opportunity. we can take the guns away, but that does not address the desperation and hopelessness that causes them to pull the trigger. i applaud rudy. i applaud everyone here. all the partners that support him. it takes all of us.
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i can't do this alone and he can't do it alone. it takes all of us. thank you so much for supporting all of this. [applause] >> before we close out, i want to thank our mayor, mark farrell, for coming. our mayor, london breach. the real deal seal. [laughter] >> don't forget about your brother. come on, now. my brother tony chapman. i know right now they have a bad rap. but you can see there's a lot of good cops, you know what i mean? we have to build relationships with the police to.
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we want to make sure they holds the bad police accountable. what is fair is fair. if we all commit a crime, we should all go to jail. so, thank you to everyone coming out. it takes all of us to make this happen. all of us. i want to say this last. you wonder why i am carrying this shovel? there's an organization that's called lead to life that me and patty match. they are in oakland. they flew us out there. the guns we took off the street, 280 guns that was given to us by sfpd, 5, 50 of them were melted down and we made shovels. [applause] this is made out of a gun. we planted 50 trees in atlanta where martin luther king's granddaughter was there to help plant 50 trees, right? the soil be used came from young men who were lynched back from mississippi mississippi alabama. they were lynched and the dirt was thrown in the chattahoochee river which they preserved, and they gave it to me. we use that soil and to be shovels, and the trees that martin luther king, he likes
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them cherry trees, cherry blossom trees. we planted 50 of those trees in commemoration of the 50 year anniversary of his assassination. way that these shovels. the mothers through and th in ts that we had got from the buyback. so they are melted and people say, you give them to the police. no, look. this is living proof. , this out. feel that, brother. [laughter] as we decompose a violence, made the earth, again be free. i want to thank everybody for coming out. this saturday, june 30th, 8-12, we are doing the gun buyback. one hundred dollars for a handgun, $200 for assault rifles. [applause] let's get these guns off the streets, you guys. one life can save the whole planet. thank you. where is your players club aptly
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the heart and soul. make sure we get those starts for the ladies. that is right. last year we got a rocket launcher. a cannonball. we destroyed them all. and we think the police thank te department. we can't do it. we might go and sell them if we got them. [laughter] i am lying. [laughter] that was 87 rudy. [laughter] but we are here. it is about saving lives now. and preserving the future for our youth. and so let's do this together, everybody. we have all of our community-based organizations. we have our developers. we have our tech people and we have all our foundations kick all of us together, when the bullet fires out of that chamber, they don't care if you are black, white, straight or striped. i am a gun violence survivor.
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