tv Government Access Programming SFGTV July 11, 2018 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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report. additionally, we are beginning to do seismic assessment in the city clinic. with that i'm going to pass the baton to joe chen from dpw. >> thank you, terry. good afternoon, commissioners. joe chen, public works program manager. i would be providing updates on the upcoming milestone, the activities on the zuckerberg building five component as well as the community health center component. so let's focus first on slide number 10, that will be on zuckerberg building five. we are currently tracking two projects in construction. this is well into construction. contract had some -- had a slow start to get all their infection control submittals in place but
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we are into demolation that will continue for the next month or two with our target date to finish is towards the end of the year. another project we just launched is the rehabilitation department relocation, recreate for construction was granted yesterday. we've been working closely with the contractor to get all their subm submittals in place to give us a good head start. we are currently tracking to start construction. we'll hopefully get abatement controls, procedures approved and have construction start in july, end of july is what we are targeting. that project is a 14-month duration project. so that's our second project. not too far behind we have the retrofit project. we just got the approval that allows us to start construction.
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we are using a phased approach now to kind of slowly work through the various locations in the sizing retrofit. the first phase is the south side so we can stay ahead of the uscf research building. that's what we are working toward to hopefully have a third project in construction by the quarter three of this year. then the other nine projects are just in various phases of design and planning. so i won't go into detail in those projects. then our other component is southeast health center. it's currently in the design phase. we've reached various design milestones and working towards finishing design towards the end of the year. i think currently we also working through two activity with the arts commission, one of which is to move towards our phase two review and civic
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design review which is currently targeted for the third quarter of 2018. yesterday we also had a kind of a round one review with the various -- our selection panel in the selection of the public art for this new facility. so that's -- currently construction is targeting for q3 of 2019. then moving on to the other community health center. we are primarily focused on two health centers in this component that includes maxine hall and commission health center. both projects are very similar in scope. we are proceeding with retrofit as well as an interior renovation to improve the work flow for the clinical staff. so maxine is currently going through the plan review and we are working towards starting construction early q1 of next
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year of 2019. okay. the next three slides, this is a different format. we took the feed back and created this more detailed break down of the schedule. the way you look at it is that it's broken up into three phases. that's represented by the green bar. the green represents either construction, we have design and planning. so currently in construction we are showing three projects, six day surge, recently completed urgent care phase one and the department which we just started. then design and planning is on
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the next page. we also included the ucsf research building here as well because it's on the same campus. then the last slide is also very similar. this is focused on the ambulatory care projects. those are all the community health centers and also references four clip i wanti --s but we are analyzing those. so at this point that concludes my piece of the presentation. i'll turn it back to mark to go through the ucsf research building. >> thank you, joe. the first three bullets are the things that beestablished over the last two years.
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we are now in the fear of satisfying all legal requirements for the closing ofs owe -- of escrow. these are some of the things that we are doing now. we had to do a report against the property that uc is taking a ground lease, which it did on the first of june we are in the process of clearing the title, making sure there's no glitches in the title, they have a clean title and transfer during the ground lease. there's a whole series of other document that is are spelled out that together we are going to meet agreement and receive aproouchlts and reviewing. we also -- approvements and reviews. we also meet every three weeks.
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>> there we go. okay. so just to remind you of where this project is going to land is on the bc lot out on 23rd and vermont streets. the calendar is basically unchanged in the end point which is moving in q2 of 2022, four years from now. we had a lengthy internal approval process to our institution. we are about two months -- we used two months of our float,
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which i would rather have not used but it did get our leadership aligned behind the project and now we are moving forward and i'm happy to report that we have released the procurement package to our contractor, the four contractors who are competing for it. our procurement process assembles a full design team. so the contractors first, the engineers and then we'll start design. so we'll start design later in the summer, maybe in the latter part of july. i'm hopeful. my team is figuring out how to accelerate the process. we do do a kind of concurrent process so each time we procure we then partner with the folks that we just brought on board to procure the next step. so we have three steps to go through. the assembly of a design build
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team will allow us to move quickly though and the team is responsible to deliver the project on time and on budget. so we feel like we will get good risk mitigation and we'll also be able to work with mark and terry and really know what we are doing and know how we are going to do it. the project has two components. one is the building itself and the other is the road and site improvements between building five and in and around the new building. the latter project is one that we will deed to the city once it's done. it will be done on city property, permitted by the city and the city will take it over when it's finished. the building will be ours through the term and ground lease and then at the end of the
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ground lease it becomes city property 75 to 100 years from now. that's where we are at this point. does anybody have any questions? >> president chow: well, we'll take all the questions in regards to the two presentations. so i guess from what you are saying you felt that even though you took a little extra time you're feeling confident that you can make up that time and still hit your target for the q2 2022. >> we do. we do. we are confident that we can do that. >> president chow: and at the moment in regards to the coordination with what the city is doing in terms of its buildings, then we feel confident that those actually will be coordinated and be done
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so that it doesn't interfere with the uc building? i guess that's part of this coordination, right? >> yes. good question. doctor chow, that's one of the reasons we are moving so quickly on the seismic improvements that primarily go around the exterior perimeter of the existing building five. so the first component that we are going to tackle months before they even break ground will be that south elevation that is adjacent to their building. in fact, terry and joe came up with a very cleaver way to begin that even faster by taking a portion of that south elevation where there's no occupancy on the inside so that we can actually do that work a lot fast ere. so we are constantly looking at ways to speed through some of the work so we don't get into a conflicted situation.
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>> president chow: so we have the governing bodies approvals. how many are we talking about? >> we are talking about the regents of the university and the board of supervisors. >> okay. good. just the two. okay. >> president chow: it will come back here first or just go to the board? these are just documents? >> as far as this presentation when we get closer we can probably expand the dialogue around the ground lease but part of the signing of the lease disposition and development agreement incorporated by reference to ground lease so if you -- the public has access to that document. you will see both documents together when they were signed off by the mayor and the departments. >> as you know, we do these quarterly so you will be able to
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see before. we will make sure there's not a timing issue. we come here first. >> president chow: this is more to a question of our work charts right now because understand you haven't actually created your work charts yet. in the past it was actually put down where we had anticipated in the beginning of a project that we were going to be at and then we would see where we are today, so perhaps the legend is a little misleading or maybe that's what you mean. i'm not sure the greens for example in your project lines is where you feel you are but is the yellow where we said we were thinking of going? because that's described as a previous milestone or is that
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really sort of the original intended time line. >> can we pull up the slide please for the public in case they can show that? >> president chow: so you can take any of the summaries. >> doctor chow, the yellow is what we reported the last time in march and then we are measuring in there are any changes in the green currently. i think part of the issue is -- michael eluded to it as they obtain their procure their building, once they get a buildingbuild builder they are going to have a firm sed. we are almost in the same situation where we have a few projects in construction with the contractor and then we have a real firm timeline because it's attached to money and time and it's a contract that has liquidated damages to it. so you'll see some fluctuation son on -- on some of the projects and some contractors
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can go faster and some will take a little bit longer. >> president chow: i guess i'm still thinking of where we were following for all those years. so i think what you're telling me is that was after the contracts were signed, you then had a firm timeline. so we don't have that yet. >> yeah, i think the difference in the rebuild -- that was an integrated design. we actually had the contractor on board early and we did incremen increments, the utility relocation and were able to get into the ground five months of the bond passed in november with an actual contract for that work. so we had a pretty good idea as well as a contractor about how long it was going to take. this is going through a traditional bid build system which takes a little bit longer and you don't get that contract commitment and agreement with the contractor until later on.
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>> president chow: all right. so when we do get the agreement with the contractor then it will be another line that says this is the contractor line and we could then follow where that's going? >> we could do that or we could modify the green and just explain that this is now a firm contract and we have x number of days to execute the work. >> joe may have some other requested are -- other ideas. . -- >> commissioner, the bar graphs show a green, a yellow and a different color bar that would show what we call the baseline. what we'll do is once a project has reached -- has been awarded to a contractor we'll then rebaseline or align all three lines to be fully aligned and then in the green it will show the progress of the project. so you will then have kind of
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the baseline of where we started, the yellow will then show what was reported previously and then the green will show status. so i think that's what you're looking for. >> president chow: yeah, i'm just looking for a way that we can all follow where we are going. commissioner guillermo? >> commissioner guillermo: thank you. at this point with either building five or with the research construction -- actually, even with the clinic, what are any anticipated delays or barriers that might come up that we might anticipate effecting the timeline? >> well, i think think on campus the big wild card is oshpod, being able to get the project through there and then they go through back checks. if it goes back three times
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that's a couple of months. that's the biggest risk. the other thing that's a challenging for the team is to do some of these projects there may be to do dialysis or the public health lab there might be eight to ten other small projects that you move people around just to be able to do that primary project. so i think that challenge is internal and then the external challenge for zuckerberg is oshpod. on the clinic side what we are finding is we lost a little bit of time with city planning who construed that maxine hall and castro mission were historic. so we had to do the whole series of reports and get consultants on board to satisfy some of their requirements. the other issue we ran into and this is happening, director garcia, across the city as usgs who regulates some of the seismic codes has increased the
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threshold for earthquakes, the proximity to the actual fault line as well as some other aspects to it are creating buildings to become more resistant to greater forces. so we are seeing a lot of our clinics that 10 years ago seismically were okay are not. that's the same thing for libraries and rec park. all those small buildings that were built, you know, pre60s and pre50s are going to run into the same thing. so those are our challenges on the clinics. >> commissioner guillermo: and are those built into the timelines or are they not? >> both the cost and the time are built in now. >> commissioner guillermo: okay. >> i think that we are always watching the cost and we know throughout the stay and throughout the region that there is a lot of construction going
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on and so there could be -- that's what we watch and that's why you are getting quarterly reports and then we have twice a month meetings to really look at the capital projects. but cost is also that we always look at and that could be something that we could anticipate. >> president chow: let me just add something to this. i'm particularly worried about the research building because it's a larger scale project. the smaller scale projects, our experience are small scale portfolio doesn't have difficult getting construction resources but our large scale portfolio does because it's harder to get large crews. so we are worried about the ability of us to attract the crews we need in this market. that's something that we work on carefully with our contractors. also as mark said, i've just been discussing this with
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specialists who advised our capital program the next iteration of the california building code is going to increase the force that the -- the earthquake force that buildings have to resist by 27%, which is a very large amount. so this is going to have major ramifications for all building owners. those are good questions. i also actually appreciate the understanding of trying to help us understand where we are in the projects and understand we don't have those contracts here too. so we'll look forward to your next report. was there any public comment? >> no public comment request for these items. >> president chow: thank you very much. we'll see you next quarter with good news i hope. >> thank you. >> do you mind closing out the presentation too, please? thank you. the next item is item 9 -- i'm sorry. 9 and 10 are going to be presented separately.
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commissioners are going to vote separate by but they are similar and related and one packet for them. ion temperature 9 is laguna hospital gift fund expenditure budget for fiscal year 2018 and 19. >> hi. good afternoon, commissioners. i'm here filling in for laguna -- >> president chow: anuannounce your name please. >> cha ma. i'm filling in for mike, the hospital executive -- administrator. couldn't be here today. so i would like to help her to present the gift fund budget for the fiscal year 2018/19 for you and your approval. i have my colleague here, mr. william frazier. he's the
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gift fund program manager for laguna hospital. in the package you're see the one page of the gift form proposal. the gift fund budget was discussed and then proposed by the gift fund management committee, this consists of different areas at laguna honda. so i believe this is like the fourth year we are here in front of the health commission to is for your approval of the budget. so currently the total balance of the gift fund budget is about $2.7 million. this number is from our third quarter presented to jcc a couple of months ago. so just to give you some idea that the total balance and how much we are asking for you to approve. so there are three different columns in your budget proposal. the first column was the current
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year budget. we have requested $382,000 and then year to date we spent about $152,000. a little bit under spent because of the delay of some of the contracts due to the city nearly implementing. so we'll catch up. we still have some pending expenses. based on this information we'd like to is for your approve for next year to increase our gift fund budget to $474,000. the increase is mainly due to the change of our nonprofit charity -- basically, like a work fun foundation but it's friends of laguna honda. majority the donation to our gift fund is from honda. they used to be able to give
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through the e -- reimbursement process or respond to the activity or programs that we have. going forward they want a more centralized approach. they just want to give us a one lump sum donation based on our proposal of the budget. so usually if we look back the last three years their donation is about $50,000 but actually going next year they will give us $100,000 total lump sum donation. that will include -- if you look at the list, the bottom two items, you see the new items that were donated, especially the last item, the wish list. this is something that has been supporting throughout years, i don't know how many years, before i even started at laguna
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honda, but this year and going forward they would like to just give us the money for us to procure. usually the program is for like minor or defensive supplies and then they purchase for our residents. going forward they just want to give it to the give fund and then laguna honda will do the programs for our resideour resi. do you have any other questions? >> president chow: commissioner bernal. >> commissioner bernal: thank you. with the total increase in the budget that's significant increases in here but there's two lines with significant decreases of about one-third each. the first is the active therapy program and then the second the end of life programs. can you explain why the reduction? >> sure. so the first one, the activity, really there was one program so
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this is something that the friends of laguna honda use to support directly and then through the process. it's a program that we get $200 per neighborhood per month for small sending for -- spending for residents. that program will no longer continue. the service will continue but then we are not going to be limited only to $200 per month per neighborhood. so that's one thing that is a major decrease from prior year. that's the first one. the second one is for the end of life program. can you? >> yes. that budget was a result of a large donation from years ago. our first year i believe we shot way too high, we were two ambitious, we didn't have the infrastructure in place to support some of these.
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so we scaled it back a little bit and we will develop infrastructure in kind of a slower pace. definitely that's a weigh benefit and a blessing to have and we will be spending it. >> commissioner bernal: thank you. >> president chow: any other questions? i'm not sure -- your three quarters of the year through and you think you are going to spend the rest of this money by the end of the year? >> probably not fully all 100% of it. we definitely will. >> president chow: you are not deliberately doing that? >> we continue -- the service is not interrupted. we are just being slow on the payments and the contract side. >> president chow: commissioners, the request is before us and a motion is in order. >> there's no public comment requested for this item.
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>> president chow: thank you. so we need to mission to accept the proposed budget. >> so moved. >> president chow: is that a second? >> second. >> president chow: further discussion? if not all those in favor? opposed? the budget has been adopted. thank you so much for your work. >> the next item is the revised laguna hospital gift fund management policy. >> yes. so we started this policy back in 2001 and then the last major haul of the policy was in 2010. so most of the items are the same as the last major haul of the policy in 2010 but with minor changes. the changes mainly because of the newly implemented city wide financial system. people saw a lot of accounting, financial terms change. so basically you will see the terminology changed from the grant. we no longer use the grant code
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for each different part of money. we changed the project, project code, the number changed. that was the majority of the update for the policy. there's no other major changes. >> president chow: okay. commissioners, we have before us this -- any questions in regards to the changes that are highlighted here? if not a motion is in order to. commissioner bernal? >> commissioner bernal: just quickly, i think this requires a correction on page 6, the second to the last item. the aids fund, and then then it should be fully capitalized. >> i'll do >> commissioner bernal: thank you. >> president chow: oh, under -- i see. under description. >> commissioner bernal: correct. >> attachment a. >> president chow: thank >> commissioner bernal: thank
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you. >> president chow: with that correction, is there a motion to accept the proposed revisions? >> so moved. >> second. >> president chow: any further discussion? if not all those in favor? all those opposed? and this has been approved. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thank you. i'll note there was no public comment arequest. item 11, other business. commissioners on your calendar just to remind you that august 7th is your community meeting and september 6th is the meeting with the -- the joint meeting with the planning commission to discussion the development agreement. >> we will have the report ahead of time? >> yes, yes. i believe it's in process now and i will keep you updated on when the timeline will >> vice chair heinicke >> president chow: thank you. >> any other comments? >> president chow: any other comments?
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to not we'll proceed on. >> report back from the june 12th, 2018, laguna honda hospital jcc meeting. >> president chow: commissioner sanchez headed the meeting and it was a closed session for quality reports. thank you. >> great. so item 13 is a consideration of the closed session and there's no public comment for that item. >> president chow: a motion a closed session is in order? >> so moved. >> and a second. >> second. >> president chow: all those in favor of a closed session? all those -- we shall n[music]
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we are here to provide easy access to conference of low-cost culturally sensitive sexual health services and to everyone who walks through our door. so we providestd checkups, diagnosis and treatment. we also provide hiv screening we provide hiv treatment for people living with hiv and are uninsured and then we hope them health benefits and rage into conference of primary care. we also provide both pre-nd post exposure prophylactics for hiv prevention we also provide a range of women's reproductive health services including contraception, emergency contraception. sometimes known as plan b. pap smears and [inaudible]. we are was entirely [inaudible]people will come as soon as were open even a little before opening. weight buries a lip it could be the
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first person here at your in and out within a few minutes. there are some days we do have a pretty considerable weight. in general, people can just walk right in and register with her front desk seen that day. >> my name is yvonne piper on the nurse practitioner here at sf city clinic. he was the first time i came to city clinic was a little intimidated. the first time i got treated for [inaudible]. i walked up to the redline and was greeted with a warm welcome i'm chad redden and anna client of city clinic >> even has had an std clinic since all the way back to 1911. at that time, the clinic was founded to provide std diagnosis treatment for sex workers. there's been a big increase in std rates after the earthquake and the fire a lot of people were homeless and there were more sex work and were homeless sex workers. there were some public health experts who are pretty progressive for their time thought that by providing std diagnosis and treatmentsex workers that we might be able
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to get a handle on std rates in san francisco. >> when you're at the clinic you're going to wait with whoever else is able to register at the front desk first. after you register your seat in the waiting room and wait to be seen. after you are called you come to the back and meet with a healthcare provider can we determine what kind of testing to do, what samples to collect what medication somebody might need. plus prophylactics is an hiv prevention method highly effective it involves folks taking a daily pill to prevent hiv. recommended both by the cdc, center for disease control and prevention, as well as fight sf dph, two individuals clients were elevated risk for hiv. >> i actually was in the project here when i first started here it was in trials. i'm currently on prep. i do prep through city clinic. you know i get my tests read here regularly and i highly
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recommend prep >> a lot of patients inclined to think that there's no way they could afford to pay for prep. we really encourage people to come in and talk to one of our prep navigators. we find that we can help almost everyone find a way to access prep so it's affordable for them. >> if you times we do have opponents would be on thursday morning. we have two different clinics going on at that time. when is women's health services. people can make an appointment either by calling them a dropping in or emailing us for that. we also have an hiv care clinic that happens on that morning as well also by appointment only. he was city clinic has been like home to me. i been coming here since 2011. my name iskim troy, client of city clinic. when i first learned i was hiv positive i do not know what it was. i felt my life would be just ending there but all the support they gave me and all
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the information i need to know was very helpful. so i [inaudible] hiv care with their health >> about a quarter of our patients are women. the rest, 75% are men and about half of the men who come here are gay men or other men who have sex with men. a small percent about 1% of our clients, identify as transgender. >> we ask at the front for $25 fee for services but we don't turn anyone away for funds. we also work with outside it's going out so any amount people can pay we will be happy to accept. >> i get casted for a pap smear and i also informed the contraceptive method. accessibility to the clinic was very easy. you can just walk in and talk to a registration staff. i feel i'm taken care of and i'm been supportive.
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>> all the information were collecting here is kept confidential. so this means we can't release your information without your explicit permission get a lot of folks are concerned especially come to a sexual health clinic unless you have signed a document that told us exactly who can receive your information, we can give it to anybody outside of our clinic. >> trance men and women face really significant levels of discrimination and stigma in their daily lives. and in healthcare. hiv and std rates in san francisco are particularly and strikingly high were trans women. so we really try to make city clinic a place that strands-friendly trance competent and trans-welcoming >> everyone from the front desk to behind our amazement there are completely knowledgeable. they are friendly good for me being a sex worker, i've gone through a lot of difficult different different medical practice and sometimes they weren't competent and were not friendly good they kind of made me feel
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like they slapped me on the hands but living the sex life that i do. i have been coming here for seven years. when i come here i know they my services are going to be met. to be confidential but i don't have to worry about anyone looking at me or making me feel less >> a visit with a clinician come take anywhere from 10 minutes if you have a straightforward concern, to over an hour if something goes on that needs a little bit more help. we have some testing with you on site. so all of our samples we collect here. including blood draws. we sent to the lab from here so people will need to go elsewhere to get their specimens collect. then we have a few test we do run on site. so those would be pregnancy test, hiv rapid test, and hepatitis b rapid test. people get those results the same day of their visit. >> i think it's important for transgender, gender neutral people to understand this is the most confidence, the most comfortable and the most
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knowledgeable place that you can come to. >> on-site we have condoms as well as depo-provera which is also known as [inaudible] shot. we can prescribe other forms of contraception. pills, a patch and rain. we provide pap smears to women who are uninsured in san francisco residents or, to women who are enrolled in a state-funded program called family pack. pap smears are the recommendation-recommended screening test for monitoring for early signs of cervical cancer. we do have a fair amount of our own stuff the day of his we can try to get answers for folks while they are here. whenever we have that as an option we like to do that obviously to get some diagnosed and treated on the same day as we can. >> in terms of how many people were able to see in a day, we say roughly 100 people.if people are very brief and straightforward visits, we can sternly see 100, maybe a little
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more. we might be understaffed that they would have a little complicated visits we might not see as many folks. so if we reach our target number of 100 patients early in the day we may close our doors early for droppings. to my best advice to be senior is get here early.we do have a website but it's sf city clinic.working there's a wealth of information on the website but our hours and our location. as well as a kind of kind of information about stds, hiv,there's a lot of information for providers on our list as well. >> patients are always welcome to call the clinic for there's a lot of information for providers on our list as well. >> patients are always welcome to call the clinic for 15, 40 75500. the phones answered during hours for clients to questions. >> >> -
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>> tenderloin is unique neighborhood where geographically place in downtown san francisco and on every street corner have liquor store in the corner it stores pretty much every single block has a liquor store but there are impoverishes grocery stores i'm the co-coordinated of the healthy corner store collaboration close to 35 hundred residents 4 thousand are children the medium is about $23,000 a year so a low income neighborhood many new immigrants and many people on fixed incomes residents have it travel outside
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of their neighborhood to assess fruits and vegetables it can be come senator for seniors and hard to travel get on a bus to get an apple or a pear or like tomatoes to fit into their meals my my name is ryan the co-coordinate for the tenderloin healthy store he coalition we work in the neighborhood trying to support small businesses and improving access to healthy produce in the tenderloin that is one of the most neighborhoods that didn't have access to a full service grocery store and we california together out of the meeting held in 2012 through the major development center the
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survey with the corners stores many stores do have access and some are bad quality and an overwhelming support from community members wanting to utilities the service spas we decided to work with the small businesses as their role within the community and bringing more fresh produce produce cerebrothe neighborhood their compassionate about creating a healthy environment when we get into the work they rise up to leadership. >> the different stores and assessment and trying to get them to understand the value of having healthy foods at a reasonable price you can offer people fruits and vegetables and healthy produce they can't afford it not going to be able to allow it so that's why i want to get
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involved and we just make sure that there are alternatives to people can come into a store and not just see cookies and candies and potting chips and that kind of thing hi, i'm cindy the director of the a preif you believe program it is so important about healthy retail in the low income community is how it brings that health and hope to the communities i worked in the tenderloin for 20 years the difference you walk out the door and there is a bright new list of fresh fruits and vegetables some place you know is safe and welcoming it makes. >> huge difference to the whole environment of the community
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what so important about retail environments in those neighborhoods it that sense of dignity and community safe way. >> this is why it is important for the neighborhood we have families that needs healthy have a lot of families that live up here most of them fruits and vegetables so that's good as far been doing good. >> now that i had this this is really great for me, i, go and get fresh fruits and vegetables it is healthy being a diabetic you're not supposed to get carbons but getting extra food a all carbons not eating a lot of vegetables
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was bringing up my whether or not pressure once i got on the program everybody o everything i lost weight and my blood pressure came down helped in so many different ways the most important piece to me when we start seeing the business owners engagement and their participation in the program but how proud to speak that is the most moving piece of this program yes economic and social benefits and so forth but the personal pride business owners talk about in the program is interesting and regarding starting to understand how they're part of the larger fabric of the community and this
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is just not the corner store they have influence over their community. >> it is an owner of this in the department of interior i see the great impact usually that is like people having especially with a small family think liquor store sells alcohol traditional alcohol but when they see this their vision is changed it is a small grocery store for them so they more options not just beer and wine but healthy options good for the business and good for the community i wish to have mo
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>> my name is holly i'm been in enterprise software training for 10 years that expired film and art and voice-over week work and all kinds of work. >> i'm jane a program director for the state of california i have the privilege of working on special technology projects for the depth of the technology a passion for helping people and a passion for doing work that makes a difference and makes me
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feel good at night and i think about what i did today and helping every single person in the city as. >> a technology professional a need for more women and more women in leadership roles the diversity and the leadership pipeline is an area that needs a little bit of love. >> a lot of love. >> a whole lost love. >> i'll contribute for the change for women's equality by showing up and demonstrating that the face of success schizophrenia came come in a variety of corresponds. >> they're a lot of roadblocks for san francisco when it comes to our proposition and finding a play for information that has how to start and grow management
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so we started to build the san francisco business portal not just consults or the taxpayers and voters they're actually customers we are the government serving the consumers in our neighborhood i point to at least one best that i personally touched with one way or another and makes me feel good about the projects like the business portal and in embarking on this new exciting journey of finding better and efficient ways to deliver services to san franciscans i sit through a lot of senior management meetings i'm the only woman in the room i know that our c i o is tried to recruit for women and a male dominated
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environment. >> i've felt unbounded and inspired to pursue a lot of things over time i recognize to be cricked in ways i didn't anticipate you know i've followed the calling but now put me in a position to spend most of my time doing things i love this is the whole point; right? you ought to feel inspired in our work and found opportunities to have you're work put you in service for others and happy doing what you're spending so much time. >> my father was a journalist lift and my mom a teacher when we finally decided to give up their lives because of me and now i actually get to serve the
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city and county of san francisco it makes me feel really, really good not this didn't happen overnight i've worked my entire life to get to this point and much more to learn and i have a lot of changes ahead. >> really think about what moves you what you're pat's about and trust that you are sufficient and enough where you are to begin and then is her that you are being tenacious about getting to the next place in the evolution but by all means start with you are and know that's enough
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