tv Government Access Programming SFGTV July 16, 2018 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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joining us is director chiang. [roll call] spee 12 your next item is item number 3, communications. we will be postponing item 17 to a future meeting. item four, the role of business. >> chair nuru: none. good morning directors. on june 19th, i visited the san francisco delegation for the continued support of the transbay program and for the
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record for regional measure three. i also took the opportunity to brief on the status of the program including the need for senate bill one funding and phase two energy in the d. tx. i had the opportunity to meet with the senator and staff members form of the office as well as the assembly transportation staff. i also met with the secretary of transportation and discussed with him at senate bill will -- senate bill one funding and the next round of funding to position our project in better shape than we did last time in the program. in regards to the status of the program and to the documents for phase to watch while, the office of the federal transit administration provided us with their comments on the draft and supplemented it last month. their comments included the results of the recently completed option study.
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and the final document that was submitted for review was done before we contemplated the study. so we will be doing that and submitting it to them later this month and hope to bring the items to board in september. we are in the process of securing funding from the san francisco transportation authority to fund the 30% designed completion of phase two. on july 10th, the board approved the proposition k. allocation in the amount of $9.7 million for the dt x. there allocation is expected to be ratified by the board july -- of the july 24th meeting. i would like to especially thank to -- the executive director for their supports. the 9.7 million only covers a portion to complete the phase two, 30%. we will be asking ntc for the
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rest of the money once the money becomes available later this month. we have had some discussions with them on that. at this time i would like to ask our senior construction manager to present the project leadership agreement quarterly reports. >> good morning directors. i'm here to report the quarter 22018 project labour agreement report. our progress to date on the various elements and labour statistics and how we are doing on our apprentice reporting trends, considering we are at the very end of construction. i'll be identity -- identifying where we are at with our goals. we did have our meeting number 25 on june 21st and went through various updates to
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the administrative committee, including a phase two update, facility readiness and grand opening element. labor, as of now, we had harvest -- we have had no work stoppages or labor incidents through this entire period. there were no recordable's or lost times in q2 for the project. that was very good considering how much larry there was at the end. regarding progress to date, you'll be meeting our interns individually. i won't, i can't wait for them to come up and tell you about themselves. progress to date with the veterans. the committee did report on many events that were happening throughout the bay area. four veterans -- for veterans job fairs at career fairs. the electricians are saying they will start up another apprentice training program in which they will give veterans the factors free pass into interviews. that was what was similar to many of the other unions as well. other adult progress items is the electricians will have three more apprentice training programs and the building and
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construction trades council will be working with the county and sheriff and city for a new partnership with the academy through the jails. our person hours, has continued to grow at this point. we have 41 cent-mac from the east bay. but we are about to cross over probably, by now, since the numbers are through the end of june 30th are at $5.4 million -- 5.4 million labor hours on the project. they reported on their apprenticeship. the aspirational goals, to remind everyone is 16.67%. right now they are carrying eight-point -- 18.7% on their apprentices and they will make it. we are pretty much at the ends. the other good news item is that the construction for the best storage facility has a similar aspirational goal and they currently at 20.5. they are just about substantially complete and they will hit it to retreat. that is all good news on the
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project labor agreement front for q2. if there's any questions, i will be more than happy to answer, otherwise, thank you very much. >> chair nuru: questions from board members? >> thank you. >> i would like christina to provide a brief update on our efforts as we prepare for the opening of the salesforce transit centre on august 12th. >> good morning. i reported to you a couple of times about our plans and i will give you a quick update. we are on schedule for making an announcement today about the grand opening date and we have been talking about it at community meetings and elsewhere. we are very excited, as is the community. we are on schedule with very limited resources. we have engaged our transit partners, our neighbours and others to make sure we open the facility in a way that is
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befitting it's importance to the region. we have a series of a week and a half events and public tours that we will make public today. we expect them to fill up very quickly. the goal of the tours is to create awareness and excitement about the opening. we have certain hashtags we will use and encourage people to post photos and create statements that way that will lead into a weekend of activities on august 11th. the neighbourhood block party will be free and open to the public. as we reported last month, we have engaged our p.r. firm to activate the grand hall. our transit partners to activate the bus deck and others to activate the park. our neighbors will be helping us push the word out and we will be using a variety of methods of social media to also do that. so i am happy to take questions at this time. i think i provided a lot of info on it in the past. i do not want to take up too much time. >> chair nuru: it is exciting. thank you and the team for your great work. trying to make this happen.
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>> thank you very much. >> chair nuru: i usually provide updates as part of my reports, however since we have several items, the updates we provided would be provided during that item. lastly, but not least, we are very pleased to have our 2018 class of summer interns here today. we are excited to be on our tenth year of this program. we have seven interns and one clerk spending the summer with the tjpa and its contractors. every year we make a strong effort to reach out to students through the san francisco unified school district and our union partners, community organizations at the mere's a youth and employment and education program. additionally, we work with n.t.c. to make sure we are enclosing their program and have an intern assigned to our project. i would like to acknowledge our clerk and invite our interns
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from high school to come to the podium and to introduce themselves. everybody. come on up. you know yourself. [laughter] >> hi. my name is austin. i am going to be a senior studying environmental engineering at uc berkeley. i am working with web court today. i'm glad to be part of this project because i think a stronger centralized transportation system will make the city a lot cleaner and more efficient towards people. it is a privilege to contribute to that future. thank you. >> chair nuru: thank you and welcome. >> hello my name is jesus.
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i'm about to be a senior at chico state university. i'm currently interning at web court as a project engineer. what i really enjoy, is i am never bored. there's always something different to do. there is always a different issue to solve. and most importantly, my coworkers are all awesome. it is my home away from home. thank you. >> chair nuru: thank you. >> hello. my name is sarah. i'm going to be a senior at colorado state university and i am majoring in construction management. i'm working with web core this summer. it's been an awesome experience to work on the transit terminal because i am on site every day and seeing how it is progressing. it has been a lot of fun. >> chair nuru: welcome. >> hello my name is madeleine. i will be a junior at cathedral. i am interning with the tjpa. my favourite part about the project is getting to work on the grand opening and seeing everything happening is really exciting. in the future, i hope to go premed and i would like to thank neela for this opportunity to learn so much. >> chair nuru: but you are still thinking about civil engineering, that's right? [laughter] >> at double major. >> chair nuru: if you will not be in engineering, you will have to explain why. [laughter] >> hello. my name is spencer. i will be a rising senior next
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year at george washington high school. i'm interested in civil engineering. what is interesting in this project so far, as they have -- is having to be able to go up to the park. that has been a pretty nice thing. i would like to thank ed and n.t.c. for choosing me this year. i would like to thank all the board members for making this all happen. thank you. >> chair nuru: thank you. [applause] >> hello. my name is eduardo. i'm going to be a senior at leadership public school in richmond. i am an intern for tjpa and my mentor is a will spark her. i really enjoy being part of the program and being on sight and being part of the meetings and learning how people with different specialties can come together and create something incredible. thank you.
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>> good morning everyone. my name is teresa. i am going to be a junior at lowell high school. i work for tjpa under will, with eduardo. i learned a lot in this program. from learning how to understand and read architectural drawings, to learning all the process that the transit center went through to become what it is today. i have learned a lot. i just want to thank everyone at the tjpa for allowing me to have this opportunity and immerse myself at a young age in such a welcoming and professional environment. thank you. >> chair nuru: thank you. >> thank you. this concludes my reports. >> chair nuru: thank you. next item's b1 b12 item six is a construction update. >> good morning directors. we will begin the construction
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update along with jess peterson and we will be here for any questions as needed as we go through the rest of the schedule as we enter into this final phase of the project. we have this picture. i will have to put a time lapse to it because this picture has grown over the years. it is most green right now. b12 i will go through why that is with this graphic. you will see this graphic because i will be retiring this. i want to point out a thank you two will who has put together this graphic for all these years now. it has been a help to understand where the work has been and where it is progressing in what has been completed at the time. when you look at the park, the great -- the grand lawn area at the upper left shows it brown even as of the last few days. that is green and now. the sod went in a couple days ago. so the rest of the entire park except for the commissioning of the pylons is all that is left up there.
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the pathway is done. i will get pictures up to show that. the gondola will not be done. there are elements in the plaza. remember the gondola is part of the property's scope. it is purely there is to get done and they are delayed on schedule. i want to note that come mid august. as he worked out to the bus deck, there are elements of the ceiling that will be installed in the final stages. the second level is pending improvements continuing with greyhound and amtrak. and needs to be operational here. they are working in the left-hand area of the second level. on the ground level, there is one little pink piece left on this entire thing, which means a work in progress. that is in elements that pg and e. will complete a cut over and some work this weekend. it leaves very little left on
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this particular graphic that needs to get done. a lot of punchlist items, understandably, and ron will go into that. if you go below, i want to note that there is no pink. and pretty much under all that is gone. i have good photos of what has happened furniture wise. it is motoring at this point. in the excitement in our operations, the maintenance team has moved in in the last day. that is where the faith -- that is the phase we are in at this point around these operation centres and beyond. it's been very positive in that area. it is all cleaned up in that area. and then this is similar to what i just said. these are those words that i put in place in case you ever do you want to go back and read to them at your leisure. here are some of the photos. the many bus plaza where this activation. we do identify things such as the vending machines. they have been in place for about a week. that is a good picture of them.
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the kiosks are getting activated. right now you see paper elements on that, but they have power and internet, programming is happening right now with content and those will be activated shortly. and then the rest of it, just the general many -- munimobile bus plaza has been operational very successfully. virtually no issues. and normal operational things are being worked out moving forward. it has been going well in the bus plaza. moving up to the bus deck, you can see how clean it is on the bus deck at this point. so, you know, appreciation to the web core team, especially on the bus deck. they have been working extremely hard around the clock to get this area cleaned up. that shows a couple people working on those kiosks that will be activated. they are probably getting powered up there. most of them were all powered up now. they have internet and they're going around with content and programming so they can get those screens up and running
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here shortly. moving down to the grand hall, this is our column that we have been watching grow over the years. now it is in its complete state. this is the glass floor that allows the natural light all the way down. those around things are benches. they are lit up benches. it is a neat feature that has not see been seen before. all the up lighting is done all and around the light comments. it is coming together beautifully. the main work that is now in the grand hall is really the installation of the l.e.d. art display. it will be continuing for the next week or to watch while. it completes the major work within the grand hall. here is -- it gives you a vision from the bus deck that you will be able to see the art piece, not only from the grand hall looking up, but the bus deck. you can see it from the park looking down as well. you can see it from many, many different angles. this is what i was talking about in the lower concourse and in
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the excitement of our team moving in. the benches, the lockers, the normal activities starting to buzz. the regular work is happening now at the lower concourse level. the sod is all completed. that was a nice milestone to hit up on the park. and with the resin paving, it just came out of cure. you can walk anywhere you can now. there was a point where you couldn't. so that is -- having the resin paving has helped. that will allow the crews to walk wherever they need to do to get those need to pylons commissions and get the cameras and all the various elements that are on those things, all completed and get the park substantially completed. it is on a separate -- separate path. that will be done in the next couple weeks. and then, you know, the last room, the grand picture escalator. that is going through its final certifications, state
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certifications for all the state that comes down and does for all of the elevators and escalators. moving over to the best storage facility, that is at a 99 cents mac complete at this point. there are a few items here like the come -- like the concrete pavement. storage building is at 99%. the reason we are at that is mainly, at this point, it is permanent power. permanent power, we are waiting on pg and need to do their final cut over so we can do the final testing. we are waiting on them over by second street. once we do that, there is a week of final testing and at that point, it would be ready for the admin building to turn the keys over to a.c. transit. we did one walk through a couple days ago and by tomorrow there will be a tremendous amount of cleanup and a final push to have all the bays completely done,
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and then next week, a.c. transit will be running a few buses during midweek and then they have a very large bus run on the 21st to finalize all the striping. there will be about 17 or 18 buses to test out all the parking. once a test out how the parking works, we will strike it accordingly. that will be that. the next item to track on the best storage is the third street signal. third street signal, which really affects munimobile and not a.c. transit is out our third street. that will be beyond into august, but it doesn't affect operations at this point. there are workarounds for all of that for the munimobile buses that will be utilizing that particular ingress and egress. labor statistics, as a note in my previous report, there were no recordable's and no lost time. we are almost at 5.4 million draft hours on the project. so with that, i will turn it over to the -- to run for the
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rest. i appreciate your interest and thanks for all your attention for all these updates. >> i have one question. it has been my perception, but i may be wrong, that a.c. transit is not assuming that the best storage facility will be fully operational on the 14th when we begin service. but, looking at your slide, it looks like it just may be. is there a disconnect sterically. >> i see there is no reason -- the admin building will be ready as soon as the permanent power is in place, which we anticipate will come next week and then a week after that. by the end of july, the admin building will be ready for occupation. and then after the striping that will happen between july 25th and 27th, then that essentially completes everything that i see for a.c. transit's movement. >> ok. thanks. i will make sure --
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>> we have been working directly with the field team. on a daily basis. there are lists of items of striping, signage, and there are things that we are working through, but it feels that it is all coming together very nicely at this point. there has been a lot of cooperation between the groups out there. >> thank you dennis. as usual, i enjoy your narrative and we are almost there. the operative word is almost. we have to get through the final push to close that gap. i will start with budget as i usually do. over the last month, we have expended about $15.6 million. we are just north of $2 billion both in committed and expenditures. the eac remains steady as we have been carrying.
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for the most part, the anticipated issues are incorporated in the e.a.c. for construction. the drawdown in terms of contingency, we are at -- we have a remaining balance for $6 million for construction contingency as well as 16.34 that see ngc contingency. i feel like we are in the shallows a little bit but we are almost done and we will navigate through the issues towards closeout. that is also leaving a program reserve of 83.3 million dollars. relatively comfortable with that. and we -- moving onto the all-important schedule, where are we with schedule?
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we have had a number of milestones go by and met, for the most part. i think the question at the forefront, again, is did we meet the most recent milestone? that is substantial completion on july 9th. again, the answer is yes, and no. we are working through some of the nuances as late as today. we are trying to recognize and be true to the definition of which is ready for its intended use. i am recognizing that intended use, free public use and post public use is a distinction. i see today, reaching a substantial completion will support the standup of operations and loosen up the constraints on being able to get the operational personnel onboard. as is noted last month, we did
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get tco for the bus stock. we have had afforded a good measure of freedom and time slots for training with a.c. transit, as well as is, you know, we opened up the plaza and started to initiate some operations around empty a. that is all good. again, is a big final push towards the public event and open up for operations on augus. we are locked in. we are at a point of no return. we had a number of things to complete on the work to complete list that needs to be done by the end of the month. mostly around the voltage and fire and life safety. kind of at a higher level, i would describe that there is a lot of nervous energy around web
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core's desire to get done. a lot of nervous energy around to the san francisco fire department realizing that we are locked into a operational date and we have a number of inspections to perfect. so we will have a little bit of relationship repair to do next week to navigate through that. and last, but not least, we are navigating through some nervous energy around a.c. transit and operations. as dennis had mentioned, there's a number of items that have come up that are either safety concerns, or a general operation concerns. i affectionately call them the list of 14. i think now we are on the second list of 14. but we are navigating through that. recognizing that safety is at the forefront. we will get there and we are dedicating the resources to resolve those issues about where signs are. visibility and lines, and the
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activation and operation of the signals. as well as the best storage. you will notice on the schedule, the best storage schedule is laid out a bit. it was a first. was always the star. but with pg and leaping a bit of a lag or on arrival for permanent power, it has drag us down a bit but we are wrapping up and as dennis mentioned this week and next week. and part of the synchronization with a.c. transit expectations is to have what they called the bus rodeo where they want to perfect how to enter the site with a volume of buses and staged them and parked them and get the striping just perfected and that is coming up shortly on the 26th i if i remember correctly. so again, just navigating
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through narrow straits with all parties concerned. but we will get there. i will not speak to this side too much in terms of standing up operations. and martha and others will be addressing that in more detail. nothing to point out here. the notable risk remains the same as last month. that is standing up and teasing through the issues around building systems. in particular, fire and life safety. everything has been pretested and now it is the fishy asian with the san francisco fire department, as well as the state agency that oversees conveyance systems. elevators and escalators. so that is a big, tightly wound rollout of inspections that are
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occurring beginning next week, all the way through the end of july. as to the a-t pylons, i'm happy to say they are all installed. there is a couple of errant pieces that are playing catch up, but all in all, that risk is going -- is getting behind us. so lastly, what is on the horizon now that we are coming up to -- and now i have to talk about construction progress. the next thing on the horizon is project closeout. and i have enumerated a number of things on the forefront. many of which we have been actively engaged in an advancing and having discussions with both web core as well as the design team and others in terms of ensuring that we have a clear and complete work to complete
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list and that it is perfected within the time period between substantial and final, which is by contract of a 90 day time period. as well as ensuring we have a clear and complete punchlist, final completion, and also doug and improvement coordination is starting to ramp up. particularly with amtrak and greyhound. again, closeout documentation. fairly routine things. as to be expected, we need to do final reconciliation of the trade contractors as well as with web core. there are issues out there in the e.a.c. some potential claims and actual claims and what might be some issues with web core in terms of claims as well.
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and later on in the agenda, in closed session, we will be addressing some of the things that are at the forefront. for the most part, i think we've got a handle on it. collectively with web core, as well, in terms of how best to streamline closeout of trades and close out or resolve issues using the tools in the contract. with that, i will take any questions. >> i'm trying to resolve your closeout risk and your claims resolutions with your budget. and i know that your budget is realtime expenditures. i don't know if you are saying that you will close out all the claims and have them resolved by the end of 2018 or not. >> that remains to be seen dependent on how -- which ones
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are sticklers. the vast majority will get resolved fairly rapidly and part of the constraint that we have been up against -- because there has been a few contractors that have been able to close it out. some of some of the relationships that are relating to delays and schedules belong to everybody together we have to navigate through that get past that. we will see a lot of the subcontractors. there will be a handful we will anticipate that will be going to dispute resolution. hopefully we will avoid litigation altogether. in particular, with electrical that may be aspirational. >> that $40 million that you have in their four, essentially,
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by the end of the year, you may or may not, for tentative improvements and legal, i mean, i don't know what it is, but let's a few it is a few million dollars, which means, you know, 30-$35 million would be for legal. so are you saying that that should take care of all the legal claims, or not we. >> our anticipation is yes. if what has been put in front of us -- >> the tenant improvements are further retail leasing parts that we are using from the program reserves speak during the i know. >> and the legal is the 31 mission. >> commissioner harper: but it is not claims legal? it is not claims legal? just 301, mission? >> i'm sorry. >> and the ti improvements where
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we need to spend the $35 million -- >> commissioner harper: by the claims resolution is something that also will need to be estimated, at some point, if it will cost us any money. >> it has been ongoing. we've got the team on board. >> commissioner harper: ok. >> any other questions we. >> do you have a preselected d.r. beat members? how is the process working with them? >> we are working through that historically. we had a db rb for the initial batch of claims prior to my engagement here. and then since then, right at the cusp of my engagement here, there were some issues that were addressed to the dra and an advisor. i think either, particularly the
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dra was a little more experience in able to schedule and not bounce -- balance out three expert schedules. so our preference is to go with the dra who have you -- who we have used before and has been quite knowledgeable. of their findings are very factual and technically based. which i embrace that approach. they tend to fill up a big number to split amongst all parties. and we still need to make sure that. we are in discussions with web core as well to advance those strategies to close out. >> commissioner harper: what's a d.r.a.?
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>> dispute resolution advisory. it is one at a -- individual opposed to three. >> commissioner harper: that is the option? we can go either or a. >> yes both are yes both are supported by the contract. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> all right. >> clerk: item seven is a facility readiness update. >> good morning directors. i am the tjpa facility manager. i will start with our update and sydney will follow with this security update. the primary update today on the tentative improvements lied, is -- as will be reported later this morning, the leasing
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activity is such that preparations will start for the first tenant buildout. so when we come back in september, we will start to provide updates on progress of that construction. on the path of travel, now that the first watch releases are being solidified, we will be able to come back to you with additional details, and with regard to the vacant storefront glass artwork, installation is on target for mid august by opening day. in general, operational key components are in place for opening mid august to include service contracts, staffing and dennis mentioned this earlier, by the operations team started to move in this week. the chief engineer, and also sydney's security team. so that is exciting. because it is feeling real.
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they are on-site they are starting their work. the other primary update today that i have on the link and facility maintenance up is that over the next 6-8 weeks, the website will be transitioning to its permanent configuration, starting with information about the grand opening. that will become the basis for the website to moving forward. it went live last night. i encourage you to go online and please take a look. it is amazing. our team who is here today did a really good job. with prv, not any particular update other than they are ready to go. the grand opening weekends they will start their regular programming. which you will see. pearl digital media, that is the focus of the information on the transit screen.
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at this point, pearl is working closely with web core on commissioning and testing. ron and dennis mentioned the low-voltage work. if all goes well, the bus plaza will be live by the end of next week. they are also completing their work on the bus deck next week. it will be a critical week next week for that coordination between web core and pearl. the schedule is tight at this point to be ready by mid august. but we are working diligently to make that happen. the general update on the pop up program, it is on track for opening. i will quickly go through this section. you saw these pictures earlier. these are the vending machines on the bus plaza which we are excited to have. the other update i have with regard to pri is that apart from getting ready to open the transit centre, we have asked them to propose activation of blocks three and four are the
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temporary terminal. the pictures that you see here are conceptual and they were provided to us by our partners at the east coast cbd. we will be coming back to the board in september with additional information and we will be seeking approval of a plan. >> it is great to see that. >> with regard to transit, that the primary update today is that agreements between a.c. transit and greyhound and a.c. transit and amtrak are still in a negotiation. our director stepped in to facilitate and had spoken with greyhound yesterday. their senior director of real estate. they had a good call yesterday. they are moving forward similarly with amtrak and the negotiations that are primarily root -- primarily focused on one aspect of their share of expenses. those are all moving forward. sydney?
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>> good morning directors. a side note, i will not be showing the schedule slide for security. it is very duplicative of what we are talking about here. to start off, the standard operating procedures in the post orders have been reviewed and being used in -- by the security team. on-site training for staff began on the 18th and will continue until the start of revenue service. the access control system video management system and cctv and mass transportation system came online july 9th. the systems integration is ongoing. training on these systems will begin july 16th for the operators and supervisors. the emergency communication system portion needs to be integrated with pro- media's a digital platform. that would be the nylons and p.d. ones. in the interim, existing
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building pa systems will be used to provide information to visitors in the event of an emergency. the security contractor and i laid universe adult -- and everett -- universal took over the bus plaza on june 14th. a contractor will take over security of the remaining areas at substantial completion. as of tomorrow, the security officers will have full security responsibility for the transit centre and the general contractor security officers will maintain security on the gates into the site. investigators will be training with the hot teams as well as with the east c.b.d. ambassadors. we will have a lot of integration between those different teams and learn the area before the center actually opens. finally, as dennis said, we are moving into the security spaces as i speak. the building is really coming alive.
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>> the last two slides are the scheduled slides. there are no particular updates because we are on track and we are opening in mid august. so any questions at this point? >> chair nuru: thank you. great work. >> all right. >> clerk: item eight is the advisory committee update. we have bruce with us. he is the chair. >> good morning directors. my name is bruce and i am the chair of the tjpa citizens advisory committee. my comments today are focused on the following areas. first, to continue to follow up on the preparations to address the potential quality-of-life issues in the vicinity and to the neighbourhoods surrounding the salesforce transit centre once opened to the public. although i was not able to attend our fourth meeting which
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was held on june 30th, our vice chair along with our district six residents see a.c. member attended as representatives of the see a.c. i am pleased to report that good progress is being made. quality-of-life data has been collected and integrated between what is collected through 311 and through this c.b.d. at although there are still some final touches that are required, it appears we have the information needed to establish a baseline in the areas of the east cut c.b.d. additional efforts are in progress to ensure the same data is available to establish baselines for quality-of-life issues in the areas adjacent to the c.b.d. as you know, this is important. we want to ensure the services
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and the assistance -- of the systems are being provided to those in need in these areas and versus just moving those individuals to adjacent neighborhoods. in addition, the team wanted to thank the district six supervisor kim's office for their assistance in -- and engagement with various city agencies. of processes and procedures that have been reinforced including handoffs, a department representative being identified as primary points of contact, and has been agreed that the team will meet weekly once the center opens. the next meeting is scheduled for july 27th. i will report out again in september after the center's opening. moving on to the staff report, the see a.c. was pleased to hear the c.d.a. commission was asked to approve the 9.7 million to continue working on that 30% design of the gtx. that reports -- supports and encourages the commission to approve this request at their next meeting on july 24th. wwe were excited to hear about
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moving on -- we are excited to hear about the grand openings of the center including their community tours the neighbourhood party and of course, the ribbon-cutting ceremony. we again have provided some feedback as we did last month that consideration be given to how to incorporate some visual of caltrain at high speed rail as part of the experience of the transit centre. the objective of this visual is for visitors and passengers to have a window into the future of the transit centre. that they understand and get a feel, and can envision the grand central station of the west. whether this is done through some kind of physical model, or visually, this would be something we would continue to encourage the project team to explore. with all the excitement of the upcoming opening of the center, i am sad to report i will not be able to attend the facilities. -- of the facet -- festivities, excuse me. i will be on a three week
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vacation in europe. don't feel so bad for me. [laughter] don't feel sad for me. it is ok. i will be on a three week vacation in europe visiting croatia and northern italy. rest assured, my wife and i will raise a glass and toast this great accomplishment on friday august 10th, and again on august 12th. there is so much to celebrate and we will be celebrating with you. with that said, you always want to take time to celebrate a significant milestone. so as similar to our unofficial ribbon-cutting ceremony, yes, mohammed, here it comes. similar to our unofficial ribbon-cutting on december 26, 2017, we did it again on june 16th, 2018 with the start of munimobile bus operations at the munimobile plaza. so many smiling faces on the transit operators, the inspectors, security, transit ambassadors and others.
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i would just like to take a moment and show you a little picture here. that was a june 16th. very impromptu and not planned. i woke up that morning and said, while it is opening. the buses will be running through. let's go down and say hello and take a few pictures. that is the ribbon before it was cut. yes, we did have a pair of scissors. no expenses barred. [laughter] and you can see the ribbon was actually cut. [laughter] ok. moving on from the see a.c. meeting, the under ramp park, we had a presentation by oci i and it was -- the feedback from the
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see a.c. was very complementary on the thoughtfulness and the design by the team. by reviewing the timeline we were very encouraged by the amount of community input and the engagement of our sister, the transbay district see a.c. we did have a few comments and concerns on lighting, roof graffiti, preparation for graffiti and security. the team was aware of all the things issues and will take them consideratioin consideration asy continue to move forward. moving onto the transbay program phase two, they appreciated
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communication is what happens at the assessed, and you have the best c.a.c. in the nine-bay area as far as i'm concerned and they made it very clear they wanted to hear more about the 7th street alignment. not ready to go ahead and make an approval. in closing, summarize briefly in my letters, the reason it was not looked at is because it's a single bore, 44-foot wide, with two tracks, it was not going to happen because it's 30 feet wide. if you go back to twin bore, the last thing that needs to be resolved is whether we need three tracks into the transbay center and absolutely guarantee you and prove it to you you do not. the reason they ended up with this, road at 90° that basically
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clogs up the entire system. thank you. >> all right. that concludes 1 and 2 comment under that item w. that, move into the can sent calendar. all matters listed are considered to be routine, single vote, no separate discussion of the items unless a member of the board or the public requests to have an item severed. at this time i have not received any indication a member of the board or the public wishes to have it severed. 10.1, meeting, 10.2, wireless voice and data, two-way radio system services and item 10.3, authorizing the executive director to amend the professional services agreement for financial consulting services. your motion? secretary?
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moving to the regular calendar, items 11-14 would be most appropriate w. that, item one # one, authorizing the e.r. partners, eddie rickenbackers, new transit center, item 12, complete negotiations and less agreement with onsite dental, commercial retail space in the second landfall of the new transit center. and item three, philz coffee, space in the new transit center, and item 14, with the trans pay
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fitness, also known as fitness s.f. trans pay, 34,508 commercial retail space on the second level of the new transit center. >> director, eric elliot will present this item. >> i'm here to present this month's retail activity, and present the four deals requiring your approval. this month being summer, fewer new inquiries but more progress with the current deals in the pipeline as you can see from this slide. we are moving more of the letters of intent to lease, more of the inquiries to letters of intent, more tours, the deals and summaries, the deals that are in progress are getting pushed forward and moving. pipeline to date we have 20 plus l.o.i. and nine leases in negotiation. by the end of this month, we are on target to have reached our
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goal of 13 and lease. 13 in lease by the end of this month, and substantial amount of the l.o.i.s headed towards lease, we are on target to open stores per projections as seen in the slide. activity touring over 19 interested parties. daily meetings with lincoln and turner to price out tenant construction. 20 or more active l.o.i.s and nine lease negotiations in progress. and we are continuously working with lincoln and turner on tenants constructions and meeting perform with rent and term as you will see in the deals i present to you. and working with tenants to prepare the pop-up activation. so. financial summary of the deals that you are about to see. of the nine leases, four meet the criteria requiring your
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approval. as you can see here, they all exceed proforma in term, rent, expenses and net proceeds. the four deals being presented to you today equate 43% of the total leaseable retail square footage of the center, and 40% of the annual rent. i would like to acknowledge representatives of fitness s.f. here today. so in summary, consistent with board approving merchandising plan for personal services on the second level, n food services on the ground level, they are locally and owned and operated, material items and conditions agreed to through letters of intent in each case
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are above proforma. onsite dental are leasing five, for 63%. fitness s.f. is 35% of the retail center providing an anchor that will draw foot traffic from planned 4,000 members. and all of these tenants have successfully been in business in the bay area for ten plus years, providing stability throughout the years of their term. recommendation is you approve these four deals for continued lease execution and negotiation. >> wondering if fitness s.f. wanted to elaborate a bit more what they think is going to be happening there, a huge portion of the transit center. excited that you guys have brought this trop sal in. maybe you wnt
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